Fight fire with fire, or lose everything
It seems that the inhabitants of places like New York City and Washington, DC, have seen the political legal memo, and they are following it. No matter what the legal case against you looks like, hole-ridden Swiss cheese or stinky Limberger, if a civil lawsuit or a criminal prosecution can be brought against a conservative in these far left venues, the jury will not be of your peers, or impartial, but will instead be filled up with strongly partisan activists who hate every fiber in your conservative body.
You, the conservative, will not get your day in court in these places. You won’t get a fair hearing. You won’t get justice. You will be dragged through the mud, the judge will toss the rule of law out the window and instead use his or her office to artificially hamstring your defense, gag you without reason (First Amendment rights are the first thing the left goes after), and the District Attorney or plaintiff’s attorney will be allowed every thing they want, every bit of crazy evidence. And the jury will sit and consider your case for maybe a few hours.
And you will lose.
Look at the ridiculous lawsuit against Trump in NYC, by this EJ Carroll lady. She vaguely alleged that some time in 1995 or 1996, which is year unknown, and also month unknown, day unknown, hour unknown, that President Trump had raped her in a dressing room in a department store. Mind you this is nearly thirty years ago, and she never filed a police complaint or told a friend. Only when Donald Trump became President Trump and was surrounded by a leftist shark feeding frenzy did this partisan Democrat lady make her accusation. In other words, her complaint should not even have made it into court. There is no evidence and she looks like a complete partisan fake.
But New York City is not a normal place with equal justice for everyone. We see NYC’s DA Alvin Bragg turning the city into a zombie apocalypse by turning violent criminals free and criminally charging those people who merely defend themselves against deadly force from the zombie felons. So the ridiculous case against President Trump was allowed to continue by politically partisan judges, and today a jury actually found him civilly guilty of somehow molesting this strange lady, despite there being no evidence at all. Plus, the jury also agreed that President Trump’s denial of her allegations was a form of defamation.
By disagreeing with a leftist, by refuting a leftist’s vague accusation, you are guilty of defamation…got it?
And in Washington, DC, non-violent January 6th protestors are being found guilty of all kinds of crazy made-up crimes for which there is zero evidence, and they are being sentenced to decades in prison, by politically partisan juries who hate everything about the defendants and who will use their position on the jury to attack and hurt the defendant, no matter how little evidence there is to support the criminal charges against him.
All the prosecutors have to do is get the defendant into court in Washington, DC, and the partisan judge and partisan jury will take care of everything else. Doesn’t matter that you could not possibly have done the things you are accused of, the Democrat jury got that memo about the need to be partisan, and pow, you, an innocent man, are going to jail for decades.
Are Republican elected officials across America paying attention to this? They should.
Because if your goal is to win the power game by any means possible, what the Democrats are doing is how you win. They don’t follow the law or the Constitution, they don’t treat people fairly, they are lawless and ruthless and merciless. They will not allow anything to get in their way from destroying their political enemies. They use bogus lawfare and crooked courts and partial juries to hurt people who should not be hurt, but who are of the wrong skin color…excuse me…they have the “wrong ideas.”
Most of America is conservative and dominated by Republicans. For every New York City or Washington, DC, there are a hundred or two hundred small towns and rural counties where Republican DAs and Republican sheriffs and Republican judges live and work. If these Republican officials wanted to play by the same rules the Democrats play by in New York, Washington, Austin, and Seattle, they could. They could easily turn 90% of America into no-go zones for leftists, activists, registered Democrats, etc.
Oh, but Josh, that would not be right, you say.
Right? What is right in this situation? We have one political party using the same exact lawfare tactics the communists used in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Romania after World War II, to destroy their political opponents and impose one party rule. End of democracy, by using semi-democratic processes. It is where America is headed right now, especially if there is no resistance.
So if one side is playing by their own set of rules, and setting everyone opposing them on fire, then why the hell wouldn’t the other side do the same thing? Fight fire with fire. That is how you win a fight, a war, a dispute. Rolling over and playing dead means you lose. Waiting for the next election to be stolen so you can have your hopes dashed again is also a losing method.
Here is one way this can work out:
Sheriff’s Deputy in East Succotash: “Ma’am I see your tail light is out, can I see your driver’s license and vehicle registration, please?”
Registered Democrat Activist or Politician: “My tail light is not out.”
Sheriff’s Deputy: “Ma’am, I need you to step out of the car.”
Registered Democrat Activist or Politician: “I don’t know why you are doing this, what have I done?”
Sheriff’s Deputy: [sounds of a violent struggle as he forcefully pulls the Democrat activist or politician out through her car door] “Stop resisting! Stop resisting!”
Four Hours Later
Sheriff’s Deputy: “Book her for assault on a law enforcement officer, DUI, failure to obey commands, resisting arrest…”
Republican Judge: “Sorry, no bail for you, Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician. You have committed terribly grievous crimes here in this jurisdiction, and we will not tolerate it. Go to jail and stay there until we get this sorted out.”
Republican DA: “Daggone, look at this crazy lady, all hopped up on her self importance. We need to make an example of her felonious lawlessness.”
Four Months Later
Jury Forewoman: “Your honor, we have deliberated for a long and difficult three minutes, and we find Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician here guilty of all charges.”
Republican Judge: “Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician, you of all people should know better than to have behaved this way. I am going to hold you accountable to the maximum allowed by law, so I am sentencing you to thirty years…no, make that sixty years in prison without parole, to begin immediately.”
And that is how you fight fire with fire across 90% of America. The entire country would turn into a no-go zone for the same exact people who are right now uproariously joyous at the lawlessness “their side” is inflicting on hundreds of innocent people, including President Donald Trump.
Dear elected Republicans across America: Do it, or get out of office and let a fighter in who will. Because if you won’t fight back and fight now, eventually these sadistic leftist people will catch up to you, and then you won’t be able to fight back at all. You will lose everything.
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