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Insurrectionist Democrat Party part 2

In 1865 the Republican Party ended the first Democrat Party insurrection by taking away the Democrats’ African slaves and defeating the Democrats in the Civil War. But instead of putting a stake through the vampire’s heart, and ending the Democrat Party’s culture of lawlessness and insurrection, the GOP got all soft and sad faced for the po widdle Democwats. And despite a hundred subsequent years of Democrat Party Jim Crow, KKK, lynchings, beatings, and voter suppression, the GOP looked the other way.

And the Democrat Party never forgave the Republicans, and so now here we are again, Democrat Party Insurrection Part Two. Not only a stolen election in 2020, and not only the weaponization of the entire federal government against Democrat Party political opponents, and not only opening the American borders wide so that the American people can be replaced by illegals who will vote for more lawlessness, but now we have the first time ever in American history that a sitting president is trying to jail his opponent.

Yes, yesterday’s fake conviction of President Trump was 360 degrees of fake crimes, fake evidence, fake process, a fake and deeply corrupt judge who screamed at the defense counsel, threatened to jail the defense witnesses, and who allowed all kinds of illegal behavior by the prosecution. But the conviction is still very real, because if they can, the Democrats will indeed put Preisdent Donald Trump in jail. These are lawless people who engage in lawlessness for a concrete purpose. They are not half heartedly fooling around.

So what happens if the insurrectionist Democrat Party is successful in jailing their political opponent Donald Trump? Do you really believe they will stop at that person? If the GOP fails to mount a vigorous offense in response, then the entire method and purpose of the Democrat Party will be focused on fake accusations against Republicans everywhere, and then jailing them in kangaroo courts. After that, the Democrat Party gets what it was after in 1861, when they started the first American Civil War – full control.

If you are a normal American and are shocked at the lawlessness you are witnessing, then the real simple response is a) stop voting for Democrat candidates, b) stop donating to the Democrat Party and its many subsidiaries, and c) get involved and fight back any way you can, whether it is running for school board or dog catcher. This has to be a bottom-up response to the attempted elimination of Trump, because you cannot look to elected Republicans for answers. The GOP culture is weak and wussy and timid. So YOU need to succeed, or we will watch this Democrat Party Insurrection Part Two succeed where they failed in the past.

And if you think Republicans are all mean and wacist n stuff, nonsense, just wait until these fascist Democrats have their hands around your family’s throat… then you will understand MAGA and Tea Party and NRA etc.

Get crackin’, ‘Merica..




Trump groupie or devoted admirer?

President Donald Trump inspires tens of millions of loyal Americans, no doubt about it.  When he is able to publicly campaign and is not being artificially held in some kangaroo courtroom by some tyrannical petty judge or bureaucrat bent on illegally interfering with the ongoing election, Trump’s public events draw record numbers of fired up participants.

Americans sleep out overnight to get into a Trump rally.

People stand for hours in the rain to get into a Trump event.

People take off from work to stand along a road or highway for hours to cheer on Trump’s motorcade as it passes by for five seconds.

No two ways about it, President Donald Trump inspires a lot of devoted people, most of whom were never involved in politics before, including many who had never even voted, until the 2016 election.

And so this almost rock star quality surrounding Trump has of course inspired his political opponents to deride said followers and supporters as “groupies” and “zombies” etc, to the point where even some of Trump’s own supporters hesitate to show the full measure of their true devotion to the guy. No one wants to be thought of as a mindless devotee, or a “cultist.”

I understand a person’s resistance to becoming a political groupie or acting excited enough to be labeled as one. But the reason so many of us Americans and even people I know in foreign countries are so emotionally devoted to Trump is because he is not just some politician, or a candidate. Rather, Trump is a symbol. To both his supporters and his opponents, Trump is a powerful symbol, either powerful medicine or bad ju-ju, depending on one’s fealty to the American founding documents and our founding first principles.

So as this powerful symbol, Trump has taken on the shape and aura of a true martyr, a hero, willing to risk everything for his holy cause. The man has taken so much unwarranted, unjust personal damage, and has taken so much risk just to do what is right for America, that he rises far above just being a vessel or a tool for us voters.

Have you seen any other political candidate defy anywhere near the same level and length of abuse and serious threats as Trump has? I haven’t.

Trump has become in some ways on a par with America’s founders, who also pledged and staked their reputations, their wealth, their homes, their families, their futures on the outcome of their inspired rebellion against Britain in 1776. And many of them lost everything, or lost so much that they were never the same person. A handful of America’s founders lost their lives. At this point right now, in addition to all of the fake legal jeopardy being thrown at him, and on top of all of the personal cost and financial cost he has had to bear, Trump is certainly also in the crosshairs of an actual assassin or two, including the Biden FBI, which crazily charged into Mar-a-Lago with actual written shoot-to-kill orders from the corrupt DOJ.

So yeah, I am not a groupie so much as I am simply in awe of Trump, an impressed admirer of his resilience and his selfless devotion to us Americans and to our country, regardless of how many unjust and serious wounds he receives. And therefore I am devoted to him and to his cause. Trump is my cause. He is the cause of and a one-man movement for a constitutional and free America, which right now hangs by a fraying thread.

Yes, I will say it, President Donald Trump is America.

Nonstop martyring of Trump makes Americans vote for him

The nonstop legal bullying and lawless martyring of President Trump is not hurting him, it is making him stronger and more popular. Because Americans are fair-minded and don’t like a bully, and they recognize sadistic cruelty when it is put on parade over and over as the illegal election interference it is intended to be.

The people (our own lawless DOJ, the lawless Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the lawless Fulton County DA  Fani Willis) who are constantly attacking President Trump with fake accusations don’t care how they are perceived, and all they care about is how they want their victim to be perceived. The beauty of this rigged approach is that it is failing. The polls show that the American People are seeing right through it, and they are rejecting it. The more Trump is bullied and mistreated and victimized, the more the American People are rallying to him.

One of the mysterious mindsets in the Torture Trump group is that the government only belongs to them, and no one else can make any changes to it. They have forced the situation so badly and so badly misused the federal government apparatus that they have left the next president no choice but to burn the entire thing down in order to save America from this Frankenstein monster.

The delicious irony of all this faked legal drama is that it is backfiring, and President Trump will have the personal sympathy of the American People and a full throated mandate when in February 2025 he drives a huge wooden stake through the heart of the lawless vampire bureaucracy that is sucking the life blood of our democracy, freedom, and even basic economic well being out of the American body politic.

Don’t bite the flag that feeds ya

Tomorrow is Memorial Day, dedicated to remembering the many many sacrifices of military service personnel who from the beginning of America to right now have protected you, me, our kids, our lifestyle, and enabled us to pursue the American dream.
Because we American citizens are not required to serve our fellow Americans in any way, it seems that a great many Americans have forgotten about what it takes to keep this huge country going, or maybe they don’t even care about it.
Extreme examples of Americans showing their purposeful disrespect to America used to be limited to smelly hippies from successful families, who could afford to pose and posture and virtue signal. Today, huge swaths of Americans outright trash their own country and actually call for its destruction. Across America we have daily reports of teachers banning the American flag from their classroom, American school administrators banning the American flag from school sports events and uniforms. We even have a report this week about Brooke Merrell, director of Denali National Park in Alaska, ordering a road construction crew to remove American flags from their vehicles.
This disrespect and bizarre virtue signaling is a sign of a deep sickness taking over America. You cannot possibly hate yourself and also simultaneously succeed. You cannot bite the flag that feeds you, and also expect to have plenty more to eat any time you want it. Americans hating America is suicidal.
A request: Young people who consider the American flag to be all bad and everything, racist and other nonsense, try giving your flag respect today and tomorrow. Take a 24 hour break from being careless with such a powerful and meaningful symbol, full of sacrifice for you, and instead show it appreciation. I guarantee doing this will change some things inside of you. Some good things. Some needed things. The people who died for your comfort would appreciate it, just as you would had you been the one to die in battle for America.


Monument to unknown soldiers at Valley Forge Military Park, 1777-1778. Photo by Author

“Peace” protestors don’t want peace

All of the so-called “peace” protestor people don’t actually want peace, they want endless conflict that gives them something to live for. They thrive on conflict, and so they actually work to promote conflict, even while they say the opposite.

The so-called “peace” protestor people started out back in World War I, as a mix of anti-America communists and socialists trying to hurt America, along with well meaning Mennonite non-violent resistors who nonetheless did their duty as medics and orderlies when called upon. But by World War II, the so-called “peace movement” had swelled to include pacifist Quakers (who were being taken over by leftists by the 1950s and then fully by anti-America hippies in the 1970s), communists, socialists, and generally disaffected liberals who said nothing about communist Russia’s misdeeds, but rather heaped increasing scorn upon the capitalist United States. The so-called “peace” people are really just America haters, not lovers of peace.

Today’s so-called “peaceniks” argue for “conflict resolution” conditions that, contrary to stated aims, are guaranteed to cause conflicts to fester and continue, not end decisively. And that is because these people are not interested in actual peace, which means the absence of conflict.

Rather, they want outcomes that are consistently against the interests of democratically run countries and against people there living in peace. And that is a hard thing to sell, the national suicide-by-peace thing. They know it, but they absolutely live for it, because the adrenaline rush of living for something so impossibly majestic and messianic is positively hypnotic.

Despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which really started in 2014 when Ukraine declared full soverignty from Russia and claimed eastern regions that have overwhelming Russian citizenry, and which has resulted in catatstrophic environmental and human death and physical damage beyond belief, note that the so-called “peace” people are really nowhere to be seen. No campus riots, no shutting down bridges or highways. Pretty quiet. Same goes for China’s many brutal militaristic adventures, and Cuba+Venezuela+Nicaragua non-democratic authoritarianism.

Same goes for the UN and its anti democracy allies lowering flags to half-mast out of respect to Iran’s Butcher of Tehran, Ebrahim Raisi, who without due process or rule of law was personally responsible for thousands of political dissidents being tortured to death or executed by slow hanging for many years. Actual Iranians living in Iran have been partying since Raisi’s chopper went down and burst into flames.

But when it comes to ten million underdog Jews (worldwide) defending themselves against two BILLION bullying Muslims (worldwide) attacking them everywhere across the planet, why…  stop the press, turn college campuses and streets and bridges upside down, and call out the law on those troublesome Jews.

So now, the so-called International Criminal Court and the so-called International Court of Justice are issuing their own anti peace demands and ridiculous arrest warrants for Israeli leaders who are in the middle of defending the sole democracy in the entire region from hordes of very non-democratic and very Medieval barbarians at every corner of the New Jersey-sized country.

Never mind that Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Convention (neither is America), and thus not subject to these self-appointed kangaroo courts’ purported jurisdiction. What is important here is that the so-called “peace” people have been trying to dislodge Benjamin Netanyahu by any means possible for years, and thereby greatly diminish Israel’s ability to defend itself. Like him or not, Netanyahu has proven to be a very tough and reliable defender of Jewish survival in a hostile world, while most of his would-be opponents are desperate to be international media darlings and… people of “peace” at any cost.

The so-called “peace” people want to force on Israel, and on the world, a so-called “palestinian” country beyond the one that already exists in the nation called Jordan (80% of the original Palestine Mandate, 75% of the population identifies as “palestinian”), which they say will bring utopian peace and happiness and an absence of suffering and conflict to the region. It’s always for some mystical “peace” or “for the children” with these people.

By pushing this idea of another “palestinian” state, the peace people are incentivizing Hamas and the other Islamic terror groups to keep on committing attacks on Israeli civilians and holding out for everything, instead of accepting what is reasonable. The “peace” people’s intervention and resulting continuation of this conflict, and their constant encouragement of so-called palestinians to remain defiant and demand everything, as opposed to settling for something, has left the Abraham Accords in tatters. So much for peace from the peaceniks!

If there is one thing we have all learned since October 7th, 2023, it is that the decades of genocidal indoctrination have turned the Muslims living in Gaza and nearby areas into gleeful bloodthirsty murderers. So if Hamas’ October 7th child raping and baby burning massacre were indeed bizarrely rewarded with a formal state from which Hamas could continue to launch more massacres and random rocket attacks, they would do so.

In other words, the so-called “peace” people will get their desired conflict continuation, so that they can continue to wring their hands and write sanctimonious op-eds and pass endless judgment upon people and situations they themselves would never find themselves in (because brave men guard them day and night), and basically feel all mission-driven and holier-than-thou.

And we know that all of the Islamic actors in control of the ICJ, ICC and UN are using these institutions to try to damage Israel. After all, there is no actual Muslim pro-Israel/ pro Jewish/ pro peace peace movement; because that would be actual peace, which we know the self proclaimed peace people both Muslim and non do not really want.

The adrenaline rush and personal meaning high that “peace loving” enabling white liberals get from conflict continuation must be a lot stronger than heroin. Heroin users are satisfied to shoot up and then fall down in a corner somewhere and sleep off their haze, whereas the so-called “peaceful” white liberals keep pouring gasoline on the conflict fire that threatens to consume the entire world.

Self-anointed peaceniks and judgmental hypocrites, the AFSC never misses an opportunity to lie about Israel. What is the alternative to a ground invasion of Gaza by Israel? Should Israeli citizens shoot random bombs onto the heads of random Gazans in retaliation for the October 7th massacre? Note that AFSC makes zero mention of the massacre. Because the AFSC does not believe in peace, it hates Jews

Notice how AFSC fails to mention that Hamas is the sole cause of all of Gaza’s problems, including the theft of daily international aid deliveries. No mention of Israeli hostages, no mention of daily Israeli victims of Gaza rockets. AFSC is just “Israel is bad Israel is bad” all the time. The AFSC people do not want peace, they want dead Jews

Lawfare, lawfare shalt thou pursue …?

Lawfare is everywhere this week. It is being used so much by so many people in so many places around the world you would think it must be a Biblical commandment. But we know lawfare is wrong, it is evil, it is unjust. Lawfare is the height of corruption, because it grossly misuses the justice system to achieve grossly unjust results.

Lawfare is a conjunction of law and warfare. It is the use of law and the criminal justice legal system to make war on a political opponent. Lawfare is the purposeful mis-use of the criminal justice and legal system to achieve political outcomes that the voters will not provide and that are not actually warranted.

Until the two sham  “impeachment” hoaxes against President Trump (the second attempt wasn’t even close to a real impeachment, especially because the Chief Justice did not preside over the process), I don’t think America had ever really seen lawfare. The original model for using lawfare was established back in the old Soviet Union (“Show me the man and I will give you the crime“) and then in post-World War II Eastern Europe, when the communists of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia falsely accused their political opponents of all kinds of nonsense crimes and then jailed or executed them. Russia has used lawfare continuously up until recent days when political opposition leader Navalny was jailed, and died in jail.

This model is what the current crop of lawfare is based on.

As rare as it was in Western Civilization, political lawfare is now all the rage in America and Europe. It is a reflection of how little political leaders respect the law, how little they fear the voters, how sleepy the voters are, and how focused the leaders are on concentrating their power, at any cost to society. Think about how horrible it is to see a good person political candidate or an already elected leader locked up in jail just so they pose no threat to the power of the current strongman or corrupt political system. Well, that is not just happening in some third-rate country at the end of the world, like Venezuela, it is happening in Brazil, and it is actually happening here in the land of the free, America.

President Trump is the one being unfairly dumped on the most, like Neo in The Matrix movie, where the endless Agent Smiths endlessly attack him and try to overwhelm him. Trump is being hounded by endless ridiculous civil suits and totally fake criminal persecutions on made-up nonsense charges using unprecedented novel interpretations of rarely used laws. No fair minded person can look at these unprecedented lawsuits against Trump and say “Yeah, this has happened before, and this is normal, right and just.”

Phony and corrupt lawfare cases are under way against Republicans (people guilty of simply engaging in political activity the Democrat Party does not like, or politicking while Republican) in key swing states Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc. Some of this lawfare is so bad, so evil, like where the FBI created the fake militia group they used to falsely threaten a governor, that at least one case has spawned its own movie.

So successful and easy is the lawfare model that other countries and even the United Nations are starting to use it. Now, a radical Muslim (Kamil Khan of the ICC) and the son of Nazis (German leader Olaf Scholz) have ganged up to arrest the elected leader of Israel. Yes, the International Criminal  Court is issuing warrants for the arrest of Israeli leaders (Jews) for the “crime” of resisting Muslim genocide of the Jewish People, and for the crime of self defense while Jewish.

Spain is also now openly advocating for the destruction of Israel, 468 years after expelling all of its Jews.

You think Gaza is a killing field? OK, maybe it is. But if Hamas stops shooting rockets into Israel from schools, and stops shooting guns from hospitals, and stops using family homes as military bases, then there will be very, very little collateral damage. But Hamas is causing civilian casualties, and blaming it on Israel. That is not an Israeli crime, that is a Hamas crime, and it is a fiercely evil corruption of law to turn these facts upside down.

Not to mention that all of the Muslim nations have continued to rack up huge human rights violations with no accountability, no ICC, no arrest warrants, no protests anywhere for that matter. Kurdistan is huge, and the Kurds deserve their sovereignty, and Kurdistan is a real issue, but not one Gaza protestor knows or cares where Kurdistan is or what the plight of the Kurds is.

You can’t make this stuff up if you tried. Sadly, this isn’t imaginary fiction, it is fact, it is actually happening right now. And it tracks right with the past, where in the 1930s and 1940s Muslim leaders worked closely with Germany’s Adolf Hitler to murder as many Jewish civilians as possible, including Jews living in Muslim countries. We are talking about civilians, not combatants, just regular people with the “wrong” religion.

Their crime was breathing while Jewish. And so is Netanyahu’s “crime” this week the same thing. Very similar to President Trump’s “crime” of campaigning to Make America Great Again.

Kurdistan is a real political place, with a long history, and a unique Kurdish People who live there and speak Kurdish. They have been fighting Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey militarily and through lawfare for their independence since 1920. Where are the ICC warrants for the Turkish leaders committing war crimes against the Kurds? Where are the American student protests?

Two Israeli soldiers hold the Kurdistan flag, because they know that just eighty years ago the Jews were in the same vulnerable position the Kurds are in today. Natural friends. Turkey and Syria use lawfare to artificially steal Kurdish homeland, while Iran and Iraq just keep trying to genocide them all

Kurds and Jews are natural allies in their defense against Muslim Arabs who want to genocide both groups using lawfare as the justification




Christians are finding out what it’s like to be “The Jew” etc.

Don’t know why I was surprised at the audacious or incredibly uneducated female “reporter” on MSNBC a couple months ago. Because MSNBC in particular is an outlet that nonstop traffics in toxic disinformation, misinformation, outright lies, crazy conspiracy theories, and partisan propaganda, as well as nonstop personal invective and racist hatemongering from its staff (Joy Reid is their chief KKK Grand Dragon). Extremist MSNBC is not a credible source for factual information, but I guess they have their audience dialed in and feeling very high on the hate juice, and so they just keep producing it and serving it up.

What surprised me was how this MSNBC/Politico “reporter,” named Heidi Przybyla, evinced genuine surprise over how so many Americans, especially Christian Americans, somehow, golly it’s so confusing why, believe that their rights come from God and not from the government.

Any American child should have been taught about America’s founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and subsequent amendments. Because American school children do live in America, and do go to school in America, and real basic American history starting in fifth grade does include school room introductions to our founding documents.

But Heidi Przybyla’s wide-eyed appearance on TV is probably real evidence that she honestly has no idea about America’s founding documents. Heidi Przybyla is probably representative of two generations of Americans who have absolutely zero understanding of what America is (e.g. so many young people refer to America as a democracy, when we are in fact a constitutional republic, a big difference), or what America is actually founded on, and how we got to where we are right now. This means that people like Heidi Przybyla have opinions and views that are not just uninformed, they are terribly malformed and pretzel-shaped misinformed. Hence the resulting pretzel-shaped misinformation Heidi Przybyla et al serve up to their Politico/MSNBC listeners and watchers.

Liberty, freedom, choice, small government and big citizen are all overt ideas translated into your personal rights in America’s founding documents. In fact, note to Heidi Przybyla, America is based on the idea that our own individual rights do not come from government, or from bureaucrats, or from judges, or from popular moods, but from God. This is not some “Christian nationalist” idea, but rather it comes right from America’s Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… goes its preamble.

All people are created equal and get their rights from God, the Creator. This is not some novel idea, or even a Christian nationalist idea. It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence, from the beginning of America.

But mainstream corporate media outlet staffs either don’t know this, or they don’t want their readers and viewers to know this. And why would that be? Other than being misinformed or mal-educated when young by Marxist teachers who hate America, corporate curators of culture and information like Heidi P. are on a warpath.

Mainstream outlets and their talking heads like Heidi P. are Godless Marxists (i.e. evil people) trying to stamp out both American nationalism, which roughly translates as love of homeland and appreciation of capitalist America as the uniquely free and opportunity-driven place it is, and Christianity. And that is because Christianity is the founding religion, ethos, and source of all of America’s bedrock values and identity. Traditional Christianity undergirds and enervates all of America’s institutions. Without it, the institutions become empty shells, ready to be filled with something else, some other driving force and raison d’etre.

When Marxist Manchurian Candidate and then Jihadi-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama declared his “fundamental transformation of America,” he really meant he intended to tear down our national foundations, our national identity, our national values, our national uniqueness, and replace it with a communist bureaucracy with no regard for personal rights. He has spent all of his years in office as a senator and as president and now as ex-president doing just that – destroying America from inside America – like a parasitic worm.

And chief among his targets was the target that the Marxist teacher’s unions and Marxist college professors had long targeted, traditional Christianity. What a great institution that would be to infest and hollow out and turn!

So here we are, a national war being made against traditional Christians and the traditional Christian values that permeate, undergird, invest, and support a free and tolerant America. The young people like Heidi P. either don’t know about Christianity’s central role in creating the America they enjoy, or they don’t care, or they are outright opposed to it and they are trying to destroy it.

If you listen to Heidi P. and the rest of the MSM assault on Christianity and Christian nationalists, you will notice that they are waging a real war on both. A war meant to destroy and eliminate both. Yes, there are Marxist Jews in the MSM, and in government like Merrick Garland, and Marxist funders like George Soros, and tons of Marxist Jews in academia, but they are a tiny percentage of this war effort, which is really dominated by and populated by ex-Christians, former Christians, sons and daughters of Christians, and funded by our arch-enemy communist China.

And so, dear Christian reader, you are now The Jew.

You the traditional and America-loving Christian are the hunted, the pursued, the irrationally hated, the ridiculously envied, the unreasonably feared Jew. And you are in real danger.

It is a terrible thing, to be hated and targeted for ridiculous reasons, but we see a silver lining here, an important opportunity. We see an enormous opportunity for the Christian community to respond to these dangerous attacks in strength, with a love more powerful than the Marxist’s hate, to reclaim what it has lost, to bring its lost sheep like Heidi P. back into the fold, and to thereby stop the destruction of America and help the suffering American People once again proclaim liberty across their land.

America does need a Great Awakening, and only loving Christians can make it happen.


PA Game Commission changing leadership

Kind of a wildlife management wild ride here in the Keystone State, though it is tough to tell if anyone really noticed or if anyone really cared. I care. People who care about animals should care.

In just a few weeks the Pennsylvania Game Commission has gone from from a very traditional conservation leadership style and background to a new style and background we have not seen in over a hundred years. I think this is a good thing, though I am sad about how it happened.

Recall that several months ago, attorney Steve Smith was promoted from director of the PGC’s Bureau of Information to deputy director of the agency, second in command to executive director Bryan Burhans. A good choice, as Smith is the very image of the dutiful, honest, earnest, hard working, straight shooting, unemotional, careful, procedurally diligent government employee. While PGC is a long way from the colorful Wild West frontier culture it once had, it still has a shadow of a bunker mentality and insular culture that do not serve the agency, its employees, or the public, and Steve is not representative of that.

Where Bryan Burhans had worked at the American Chestnut Foundation and other iconic conservation and wildlife management groups, with direct personal contacts in the nonprofit and foundation world, Steve Smith is an attorney who just happens to hunt, fish, and trap, and of course share the wildlife and habitat conservation ethos that animates hunters, trappers, and “fisherpeople” everywhere.

A devoted family man, Smith worked in private legal practice before joining PGC’s legal staff about 16 years ago. Where Burhans carried the mail for nonprofit advocacy groups both out of PGC and in it, which is the traditional model for wildlife management agency leaders across America, Smith has been long focused on public agency nuts and bolts. Dotting I’s and crossing T’s in the shadow of big speeches and public policy debates.

There is a gigantic world of difference between these two men, Bryan and Steve; their backgrounds, personalities, and outlooks could not be more different. Again, we are going from strength to strength with the change.

Bryan Burhans gets tons and tons of credit for gently, sometimes assertively molding the PGC into a more publicly accessible, publicly responsive public agency. Unlike most of his predecessors, Bryan was not a former Game Warden. And so from his own get-go seven years ago he was less insular, less committed to the law enforcement view of all things wildlife.

Yes, if you read some news reports about Bryan’s departure a couple weeks ago, you will then read about some state lawmakers griping that the agency is still not as accessible or responsive as the PA Fish & Boat Commission. I am sure that is true, and for good reasons. But compared to where the once insular and bunker-mentality PGC was, say, ten years ago, or especially twenty-five years ago, it is light years better now. Much improved. And, gasp if you must, the PGC actually now employs women in senior positions. This may be not big news to most people, but it is a fact that wildlife agencies are notoriously hide-bound and ultra traditional, the PGC having rung the bell in this regard for a long time. Celebrated wildlife biologists like Mary Jo Casalena may work for PGC, but it is as rare as hen turkey teeth that they also then get into senior management positions.

What is interesting about Steve Smith’s elevation to executive director upon Bryan’s departure is that we are actually seeing Pennsylvania wildlife management style return back to the days of Kolbfus and Pinchot – Americans without the supposedly key wildlife science “credentials” who simply care very much about wildlife, environmental quality, and habitat, and who have the intellectual capacity and personal management skills to implement the necessary policies.

PGC’s executive director is going from an outspoken advocate (albeit occasionally for things unrelated to wildlife management) to a quiet, humble, careful, almost reticent thinker. I am lamenting Bryan’s good-bye, because he did an outsanding job, and I am also really welcoming Steve’s hello. I believe that the many passionate watchers and stakeholders of PGC will be happy with Steve’s leadership there. Of course, those hunters who demand more deer than the landscape or society can sustain will never be satisfied, and I feel sorry for those people.

Update: Long and interesting interview with new ED Steve Smith is here.

“Fall Guy” movie review

I did it, I went and saw a movie at a theater. Notify the media.

Partly out of a commitment to celebrate Mother’s Day in whatever way the Princess of Patience-Mother wanted on her special day, and yes, she wanted to see a movie, and in particular this one. And partly out of an almost morbid fascination with the ever more gruesome demise of Hollywood, its actors, its writers, its physical space (I know it well and have hiked from poopy-needly-trashy West Hollywood up to and through Runyon Canyon and back, many times), its culture, its leaders, etc. In general, Hollywood and its dreck movies, people, and physical space is something I avoid on principle.

But what the heck, for ten bucks I could go see the freak show, and also make my Princess of Patience aka Mother happy.

However, I was pleasantly surprised on this now rare trip to Regal Theaters in Harrisburg. Not only were the theaters clean, the employees friendly and easy, and the fellow movie guests well behaved, the movie itself was actually worth seeing.

Fall Guy” is one of the rare funny, wholesome, entertaining movies to come out of un-natural disaster Hollywood in a long time. If you want to simply be entertained by a movie, without being hectored, lectured, propagandized, indoctrinated, lied to, talked down to, then Fall Guy is for you.

If my rusty memory serves me now, making entertaining movies was really at the core of Hollywood’s business model. Once upon a time. Like fifty years ago or more. With Hollywood both captured/ owned by China now, and also going broke because its actors, writers, et al are at war with America, it was reassuring to see some evidence of sanity there. Someone made this movie to actually appeal to Americans, and make some money along the way.

Fall Guy is done tongue in cheek, deliberately mocking Hollywood and movies in every way, and in one especially (Spoiler Alert) pleasing way: The movie’s two villains are truly villainous, bad, evil people: The silver tongued movie producer, and the secretly dull witted, incompetent high paid big name actor. Ah ha, we knew it already after listening to Robert DeNiro incoherently blab away about politicians and political and cultural issues he doesn’t understand last week, despite the now annual Oscars debacle. But it is nice to see that some people in Hollywood are willing to admit to their sins, in the form of a movie, if not in person.

Fall Guy is about a stunt man who loves a woman on set. He screws up, they get separated, and they end up back together on another movie set. The movie plot deliberately zigs and zags between serving up touchy feely girl feeling scenes that left my head uncontrollably lolling about like my spine had been snatched away from my neck, and death defying action and fight scenes, outstanding stunt scenes, and physical comedy that had me sitting erect in my seat, alert and happy enough to forget all about the sappy girl stuff that had been putting a wooden stake through my heart just moments before.

It is two hours long, which worked fine for me. An evening out should be worth it.

When we left the theater with the other couple also watching Fall Guy, it was well after midnight. The entire Regal Cinemas Theater building was shut down, the lights were out, no other movies were playing, no staff were visible or heard, and we were completely alone. We had the entire place to ourselves. For a moment I had this instinctive impulse to run amok in there, in personally gratifying ways that are not destructive. But alas, I am almost a responsible old guy, and was reminded of this by Mother, bless her matronly always responsible way, who gently led me by the elbow out the front door and into the dark and rainy night on my sudden discontent.

My heart sank when I heard the theater door lock shut behind me. No more fun for you here, the klatch locking sound said. I don’t recall having experienced that feeling at a movie theater in many years.

Congratulations, Hollywood and Fall Guy makers.

“Higher Education” is dead

What was over-generously called “higher education” since the 1950s, when a college degree became the American standard and cultural norm for most coastal kids and the middle-America elites, has died. Also known as “the academy” and “academia” and the “ivory tower,” colleges and universities across America have just collectively rolled over, died, and begun to stink badly like the unburied rotting corpses they are.

How did this entire nation-wide network of institutions suddenly give up the ghost? Because of a known but unanswered, unaddressed, uncured cancerous rot inside of it that began in the 1920s, and hit its zenith in the past few weeks. The cancerous rot metastesized, spread throughout the body of each college and university, and finally killed the host. We who are reading this essay now have with our own eyes just witnessed the mass die-off of the species once known as higher education. We have seen it happen on the news, in first-hand documentary reports by participants and observers alike, on social media, and in the first-hand experiences college kids have relayed back to their friends and families.

What happened?

To start with, “higher education” became neither higher, nor education. Instead of having quantifiably elite thinkers spending time carefully training students measurable skills, especially critical thinking skills designed to have well-trained students capable of unemotionally resolving complex problems, colleges long ago began indoctrinating students with toxic cultural slogans and bullsh*t political narratives.

Such indoctrination strips away the thin veneer of Western Civilization, and appeals to the most base animal instincts all humans have, and which Westerners have long since buried deep and far away from our daily lives. This indoctrination taps into the most raw feelings of hate, anger, and a sadistic desire for personal retribution that people can have. We saw the full results of this indoctrination in the Nazi gas chambers and concentration camps, the Socialist Soviet gulags, the killing fields of Cambodian communist Pol Pot. Nazis and Communists alike enjoyed the help of children denouncing their own parents, because the toxic indoctrination was so deep.

This indoctrination in America began in the 1920s with the penetration of Marxists and communists into education at all levels, as they appealed to normal people’s acceptance of strange versions of “fairness” and “compassion.” And after that, the cancer simply metastesized and spread. Sure, we had some heroes like Senator Joseph McCarthy who tried to warn Americans about what was happening. But McCarthy and other patriots like him who tried to diagnose and treat the cancer were shouted down and shamed by the mass media and entertainment industries, which before the academy had already been penetrated and quietly occupied by Marxists and Communists. Who spread the indoctrination in their own way.

So over the past few months and weeks, Americans have watched the result of all the indoctrination in every single academic field, to the point where even math is said to be “racist.” The premier, most elite, “best” examples of so-called higher education literally emerged in the past weeks from decades of politicized hiring and indoctrination as living examples of Lord of the Flies. Amid hysterical shreiks of young women and mooing noises of young men, civilization is tossed overboard while students, faculty, and administrators alike contort into a frenzied violent orgy of racist hate and anti-American slogans.

These schools are not institutions of higher thinking, high principles, or anything else rooted in Western Civilization. They are now hives of terrorist training. And the shreiks and moos of bratty, spoiled children.

Best representative examples include former Harvard president, Claudine Gay, engaging in pathetic moral relativism in Congress, only to then get outed as a serial plagiarist and lose her president job, but then keep her $900,000 a year job “teaching” utter garbage and subjective nonsense at Harvard. To save her feelings, if not her students. Everything that happened around and after the Claudine Gay Incident revealed Harvard to be the exact opposite of an elite institution. Claudine Gay’s humiliation was months ago, before the nationwide college campus hatefest and orgy of violence began.

Another example is the nationwide college campus hatefest and orgy of violence we all get to see every day now. It’s not just that a few radicalized young people are doing this destructive assault on our civilization. It is that large portions of the students are enabled by their faculty and administrators alike to act like savage wild beasts. That is, those adults (the college professors and administrators) who are supposedly the best embodiment of elite education and higher values are themselves actual Nazis and communist Stalinists, all rolled into one angry, bizarre, gobbledigook speaking and acting person.

(To say nothing of the daily neo-Nazi Islamofascist violence visited upon major capitol cities worldwide. Especially on bridges and major city streets, and often filled with the same students, faculty, and administrators that are seen and felt on campus.)

Instead of using their leadership roles to diffuse the illegal and policy-breaking violence and racism, the college professors and administrators enable and promote it, usually joining the overgrown children themselves. And often repeating or teaching the overgrown children the indoctrination’s disinformation, lies, and fake political narratives at the core of the “protest” activities. And so, we see a total vertical breakdown of almost all “higher education” institutions, from the highest overpaid and underworked administrator to the untenured part time adjunct faculty to the first year middle income spoiled brat: Everyone involved in college today is a useless windbag with no discernable skills or value to larger society, but full of disinformation coming out of their ears.

But boy, do those “higher education” institutions sure charge a lot of money! What a scam!

Now that the mask is off, and we Americans see what a load of horse crap a college “education” is, here is what we can learn and apply:

  1. Parents: Don’t send your children or your hard-earned money to college, unless your child has a high aptitude for math, science, or technology, and will only study those subjects.
  2. Parents: Don’t expect your college graduate children to be able to do much for themselves or for society or for you, but to actually be a liability.
  3. Parents: Explore trade school for your kid. And if your kid does not have an aptitude for math, science, or technology, then teach them yourself how to work hard, save money, forego immediate gratification, and to plan ahead. Help them find a job where they can be themselves and succeed.
  4. College-age kids: Question authority and motive, especially of your teachers and their administrators, and always respect and appreciate your parents. And whatever you do, don’t go to college, because your brain will end up as dead and useless as those “higher education” institutions have become, and you will end up as a dumb loser with high debt for something that did not benefit you. Yes, you might feel that being throw-away cannon fodder for the anti-America movement is exciting, but this is only a flash of a moment. After this is over, your reputation will be in tatters and your future will be a big question mark. Your future will be as dead as the college that made it.