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Only ballots matter, not candidates, not votes, not polls or surveys

With Dementia Joe Bribem dropping out of the election today, the scramble is on to replace him with a credible candidate. Apparently the fur is flying within Democrat Party circles, as people jockey and push to get their preferred candidate nominated.

It doesn’t matter who they choose- Kamala, Hillary, Gavin Newsom. Absolutely none of the potential Democrat candidates make any difference. Puppetmaster Barack Hussein Obama can literally choose Mickey Mouse and still have a good shot at “winning” the November election.

This is due to the fact that the Democrat Party with its RINO enablers perfected voter fraud in 2020, and with even just half of their fraudulent methods enabled again this November, they have a good chance of declaring their candidate, anyone, the winner.

Literal ballot stuffing and voting machine “glitches” in 2020 and 2022 are probably sufficient in 2024 to spam Election Day counting so that regardless of questions raised, the corrupt Democrat establishment media can rush to declare a winner and force it through.

Ballots are all that matter now. Not polls and surveys, not votes, not even voters really matter. Cartloads of fake ballots will still be counted in favor of whomever the Democrat candidate is, just as we watched on video in 2020 in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

Here in Pennsylvania, Governor Shapiro is rushing to enable a lot of disqualified illegal aliens to vote, by issuing them driver’s licenses and then having automatic motor-voter registration. Get a driver’s license, automatically get registered to vote for more Democrat Party largesse. And it’s actually more diabolical than this. Up in Williamsport a new illegal alien processing center has been set up. These new and very illegal Democrat voters will then be shipped off to conservative political districts, where they will dilute and replace the actual citizens there.
The Democrat Party and its RINO Uniparty “deep state” allies cannot afford to lose this election. Because their mask is off, we all see who they are and what Marxist totalitarian evil they are intent on committing, and if they lose the election, we know exactly what to do to neuter their ill-gotten gains. So everything is on the line for the administrative state, and for We, The People.

Never before has this blog called for American patriots to “ammo up,” at least that I can recall. But now I will say it: Prepare fully for the very worst effort to steal the election and thereby to steal America in the next few months. Talk with your trusted friends and faith community about sticking together in the event of a catastrophic emergency. Be like the original Minute Men; be ready. You have probably lost your vote, and now all you have is your one finger and something to pull with it. That’s the only thing totalitarians respect.

If you doubt me on how bad these people are, look at Joe Biden now: Stepping out of the campaign because he’s got dementia, but staying in the presidency because he wants to. Even though he has dementia and is not qualified to stay there. This is all about Democrat Party power over America, not about what is best for our nation.

Independence Day 2024: Last free July 4th?

You would have to be living in a cave with no contact with the outside world to not know about the incredible effort being put into turning America into a cruel Marxist tyranny. One of the most blatant steps has been the Biden Administration calling Christians, traditional American patriots, constitutionalists, parents engaged in their local school district, American military veterans, political conservatives and independents, and free speech advocates “domestic terrorists.”

Domestic terrorists obviously have no rights and no legitimacy. This is the same kind of delegitimizing attack that Adolf Hitler did against the Jews living in Germany throughout the 1930s, which led to them having no friends, no defense, no power, and no barriers to being eliminated. This is some dangerous crap, and yet, the Biden Administration is doing it quite openly.

Much has already been said and written about the effort to turn America’s most normal, kind, and law-abiding people into official enemies of the Biden state. Needless to say, this effort is concrete evidence of the 2020 election being stolen by the Democrat Party/ Political Left, who have now used their official political role to turn the entire federal government into a weapon aimed at their political opponents. Again, a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s play book in the 1920s and 1930s.

One of the phrases I read/ hear often in the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets is “anti government extremists,” yet another slur against freedom loving peaceful  Americans meant to dignify Biden’s official/ illegal mistreatment of his political opponents. Jailed political opponents Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Allen Weisselberg, and many attempts at jailing Trump say it all.

From my perspective, Americans and all lovers of individual freedom everywhere around the world should naturally abhor government of any sort, and should see it as a necessary evil, at best. If you are an American Indepedence Day enthusiast, you cannot possibly be a domestic terrorist or anti government extremist. You are simply pro freedom.

Contrary to the pro government extremists / tyrants, whose belief in and loyalty to government overreach + unquestioned government power results in their political opponents being jailed for minor or even made up infractions while big time violators in government itself are never held accountable, being skeptical of government is in keeping with America’s founding and our founding documents.

To be skeptical of government, and even anti government, is wholly American. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all strong statements against and brakes against government power. July 4th is unique among national holidays the world around, because it really is the Freedom From Government Day, because America is the un-government nation that celebrates our individual rights at the expense of government efficiency.

To believe in government as an all-surrounding, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-controlling, all-advising source of all that is good and benevolent (as virtually all Democrats do simply by continuously voting for elected Democrats who continuously implement Big Government) is at the heart of books like 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, and other dystopian stories of government gone wild. It is a totally un-American view.

So one cannot help but wonder if tomorrow, America’s Independence Day, will be America’s last free July 4th celebration, or will it mark an especially poignant and important turning point in American politics.

It will be the latter if enough Americans recognize that political parties do not deserve our loyalty, but rather We, The People and our innate FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT do deserve our loyalty, and our vote this November. If you value your freedom, then you should vote for your freedom this November. And naturally, I see Trump as the beacon of individual freedom that he was in his first term. Unlike Joe Biden, Trump did not jail his political opponents or label them as domestic terrorists or other undesireables. Rather, Trump tried to work together with everyone, because he saw then and still sees America as a big happy melting pot where everyone of good will can do well and live their life to the fullest.

Happy Independence Day, America. Relish that freedom and vote for more of it in November. Be an extremist for your own personal rights. There is absolutely nothing “extreme” about American citizens pursuing, advocating for, working for, shouting for, writing for their personal liberty and independence from government intrusion.


Trump groupie or devoted admirer?

President Donald Trump inspires tens of millions of loyal Americans, no doubt about it.  When he is able to publicly campaign and is not being artificially held in some kangaroo courtroom by some tyrannical petty judge or bureaucrat bent on illegally interfering with the ongoing election, Trump’s public events draw record numbers of fired up participants.

Americans sleep out overnight to get into a Trump rally.

People stand for hours in the rain to get into a Trump event.

People take off from work to stand along a road or highway for hours to cheer on Trump’s motorcade as it passes by for five seconds.

No two ways about it, President Donald Trump inspires a lot of devoted people, most of whom were never involved in politics before, including many who had never even voted, until the 2016 election.

And so this almost rock star quality surrounding Trump has of course inspired his political opponents to deride said followers and supporters as “groupies” and “zombies” etc, to the point where even some of Trump’s own supporters hesitate to show the full measure of their true devotion to the guy. No one wants to be thought of as a mindless devotee, or a “cultist.”

I understand a person’s resistance to becoming a political groupie or acting excited enough to be labeled as one. But the reason so many of us Americans and even people I know in foreign countries are so emotionally devoted to Trump is because he is not just some politician, or a candidate. Rather, Trump is a symbol. To both his supporters and his opponents, Trump is a powerful symbol, either powerful medicine or bad ju-ju, depending on one’s fealty to the American founding documents and our founding first principles.

So as this powerful symbol, Trump has taken on the shape and aura of a true martyr, a hero, willing to risk everything for his holy cause. The man has taken so much unwarranted, unjust personal damage, and has taken so much risk just to do what is right for America, that he rises far above just being a vessel or a tool for us voters.

Have you seen any other political candidate defy anywhere near the same level and length of abuse and serious threats as Trump has? I haven’t.

Trump has become in some ways on a par with America’s founders, who also pledged and staked their reputations, their wealth, their homes, their families, their futures on the outcome of their inspired rebellion against Britain in 1776. And many of them lost everything, or lost so much that they were never the same person. A handful of America’s founders lost their lives. At this point right now, in addition to all of the fake legal jeopardy being thrown at him, and on top of all of the personal cost and financial cost he has had to bear, Trump is certainly also in the crosshairs of an actual assassin or two, including the Biden FBI, which crazily charged into Mar-a-Lago with actual written shoot-to-kill orders from the corrupt DOJ.

So yeah, I am not a groupie so much as I am simply in awe of Trump, an impressed admirer of his resilience and his selfless devotion to us Americans and to our country, regardless of how many unjust and serious wounds he receives. And therefore I am devoted to him and to his cause. Trump is my cause. He is the cause of and a one-man movement for a constitutional and free America, which right now hangs by a fraying thread.

Yes, I will say it, President Donald Trump is America.

Summer 2020 all over again

Recall that the George Floyd riots in 2020 were not spontaneous. Burn-Loot-Murder (BLM), ANTIFA, and every other violent anarchist group possible were heavily organized in the spring and summer of 2020 to “mostfully peacefully” burn down Democrat-run cities nationwide, with the ostensible reason being George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose sold as police brutality. The actual purpose of the 2020 Summer of Love mostly peaceful violent riots was to create chaos and fear ahead of the November 2020 election.

Recall then-chief Democrat Rahm Emmanuel’s admonition to “never let a crisis go to waste,” meaning, have government leaders create crises and then exploit them for political gain. That was the purpose of the 2020 riots that cost billions of dollars in property damages, thousands of family owned businesses destroyed, and dozens of lives lost across America. Anything at all was OK to the Bolsheviks, Stalinists, and their official Democrat Party enablers in order to muddy the waters around the re-election of Donald Trump.

Well, here we are again, only four years later, with uncontrolled riots starting out at college campuses nationwide, then breaking out into the streets of major cities, and now becoming daily fixtures in certain downtowns and bridges. At the University of California at Los Angeles yesterday, destructive, violent pro-Islamic terrorism “protestors” squared off against mostly Jewish and Christian college students on campus, and the blood flowed. Absolutely no police to be seen anywhere nearby, and no police intervention occurred. The videos I have seen show a wild raging brawl with lots of people being seriously injured….and zero police intervention.

It was a conscious decision by the UCLA administration to allow the violence to continue as long as the two sides were willing to keep it up. Why? Because like almost all college administrations across America, UCLA is run by open Bolsheviks, Stalinists, Maoists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists, all people who are happy to use destruction and violence to create crises that then create opportunities for martial law or similar types of heavy handed government intervention to force outcomes the voters would never give them at the ballot box.

Because Trump is on the 2024 ballot (despite aggressive and lawless attempts by the Democrats to keep him off of it), we are now taken back to 2020. We are probably going to have another spring and summer filled with UCLA-type brawls across America. Who knows where this pro-Islamic terrorism movement is going to go, now that it has the full backing of every elected Democrat in America. With the open southern border pouring in Islamic jihadis daily from around the world, as well as young Chinese men of military age, the Biden Administration is now openly an arm of Hamas and Iran, and they stand to benefit the most from continued violence and mayhem.

Anything is being allowed in order to muddy the water around the 2024 election, anything to create a crisis, anything to create political opportunities that the voters would not normally grant under normal voting circumstances.

Mister and Missus America, I really hope you are wide awake now, and not just watching America disintegrate. Remember the cost of sitting by and watching the riots of 2020 and the subsequent stolen election. This time, this year, if we all personally participate in ensuring only a legitimate election is held this November, we can ensure that America is pulled back from the precipice upon which we all now hang.

Easter & Passover = Time for American Renewal

America as a representative, constitutional republic run by The People is being purposefully killed by the Biden Administration. In case the horrible inflation and scary economy and ATF cold blooded murder-execution of Bryan Malinowski in his bedroom did not grab your attention recently, maybe today’s headlines will: Joe Biden declared today to be a “transgender day of visibility,” despite today actually being Easter.

A more grotesque and purposefully evil statement could not be imagined, but then again, what evil haven’t we seen with Joe Biden. Sorry to the transgender people out there, but today is a major Christian holiday, and to flaunt hypersexual nonsense at the expense of America’s founding belief system is a major slap in the face of all Americans.

If Biden’s bizarre effort to outright ignore Easter and flaunt hyper sexuality seems to you like a big political risk for very little political gain, you are correct. What you are forgetting is that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election and has not felt accountable to voters ever since. This first-ever bizarre day of trans whatever nonsense is what politicians do when they believe they are not going to experience electoral pushback. And if you steal elections, you don’t feel accountable, and you just do whatever crazy crap you want to do. Like tyrants everywhere else.

America is in huge trouble. Enormous trouble. Who the hell ever saw a president so deeply committed to destroying the foundations of America, as well as its national defense, the rights of its citizens, its economy, etc? Joe Biden is not some aberration, he is being inflicted on America in order to destroy us as a people and as a nation. Joe Biden’s constant assault on America is not sustainable, and you should not think that America is too big to fail. You are watching America be failed on purpose right in front of  your face.

Easter is based on Passover, which is right around the corner. Easter is more theological and Passover is more about national identity, and I think this year, these two holidays can, and must, together, mark an American spiritual, cultural, and political renewal that is borne out at the ballot box this November. Christians can pray that a free constitutional America rises again, and Jews can pray that a lawlessly brutal and sadistic federal government is defeated by The People, so that The People can go free and live their American lives as was envisioned from the beginning in 1776.

Hopefully enough Christians and Jews recognize that Easter and Passover of 2024 are uniquely placed to prompt them, you, us, to have a spiritual and national renewal, and that such a renewal allows us to throw off Joe Biden’s slave chains, so that we Americans can be a free people once more. This renewal must be implemented at the ballot box this November. The rejection of Joe Biden’s bizarre un-American/ anti-American values must be so overwhelming that there is no hope of his election cheating again this November.

Pitfalls and pratfalls of primary elections for candidates and volunteers alike

While digging through old stuff in my office recently, I encountered a bag in a corner with a bunch of campaign tee shirts made for volunteers who had helped me run in the 2010 primary race for congress here in central PA. Seeing the pinned-on names on each shirt, I felt embarrassed that somehow I had neglected to get these tokens of appreciation into the hands of those dedicated volunteers. They had donated their time to me, to a campaign they believed in, and it is absolutely incumbent upon all candidates to express appreciation, and show it if they can, to their volunteers, win or lose. Here was evidence that I had failed to do that fully with these several people whose names appeared on the tee shirts, and it made me feel badly.

Fast forward fourteen years, and I have just learned by doing an internet search that a political candidate I had contributed real time and effort to had dropped out of the race last Thursday. This person and I had exchanged many emails and texts for the past month, I had drafted a press release for her, and gotten her about forty ballot petition signatures to help get her on the April 23 ballot. Despite all my time and effort on her behalf, I did not qualify for the email the media says she sent to her supporters, announcing her bowing out of the race. I felt like all my time and effort dedicated to this person was not appreciated or valued, which makes one feel badly.

Dear political candidates, you have to express your appreciation to your volunteers! Volunteers are how every campaign runs, whether it succeeds or fails, and showing your appreciation to the people who make up the campaign is your duty to those people who take time away from their families, their businesses, jobs, etc to help you get ahead. Failing to express appreciation hurts not just your own reputation, but it also leaves your volunteers wondering if they should ever volunteer on a campaign again for anyone else.

I have seen other candidates cold-drop their volunteers when the campaign ends, and even drop their campaign staff. This is usually due to the exhaustion a candidate feels at the end of the race. Campaigns are all brutal exercises, all-out sprints over a relatively short amount of time, and at their end usually everyone involved is feeling tapped out and emotionally drained. It is tough to sustain that high energy after the race ends, but again, dear candidates, you absolutely owe it to your volunteers to say Thank You. An email, some text messages, some cards to the people who put in the most work and hours. Tee shirts if you made them.

What took out this latest candidate I was helping was Pennsylvania’s archaic ballot petition process. Depending upon the office sought (state house, dog catcher, US senate, congress etc) candidates for office in Pennsylvania are required to collect hundreds or even thousands of registered voter signatures on complicated forms where the slightest mistake, mis-spelling, or poorly written word can result in a disqualification. There is an entire arcane process surrounding the screening, challenging, and defending of the ballot petition signatures. The only people who benefit from this are the attorneys who specialize in this arcana, and the two main political parties.

If enough of the candidate’s ballot signatures get disqualified, then the candidate does not achieve the minimal threshold of signatures, and does not qualify to be on the ballot. A lot of hard work and volunteer hours can get flushed down the drain if insufficient signatures are obtained to keep the candidate on the ballot.

PA’s complicated ballot petition process is designed by and for the political parties, which have the experienced volunteers, lawyers, and updated voter lists necessary to get far more signatures than are needed. It is designed to keep political outsiders out of office, and political insiders in.

According to this now un-candidate’s statement in the news article, the attorney who challenged her ballot petition signatures had also threatened to bury her campaign in a pile of legal costs if she tried to fight her way through all the nit-picky challenges. All indications are that US Senate candidate David McCormick is behind this challenge and threat. This is really about a billionaire bully booting pesky candidates out of his way on his path to self-serving elected office.


Pennsylvania voters want choice, and we do not benefit from the current ballot petition process, which was once described to me by a Dauphin County Republican Committee Woman as a necessary precaution to prevent “unqualified people” from running for office.

Said I, “Why don’t we just let anyone run who wants to run? Shouldn’t all citizens have a right to run, aren’t we all qualified?  Isn’t that the heart and soul of the democratic process, to keep it as open and accessible to The People as possible?

Said she, “That sounds like too much democracy to me.

And so we see yet another victim of this ridiculous gatekeeper process, which both political parties can agree must be kept intact so they can retain maximum control of who gets to run, and who does not. It is really about control, not democracy.


These are some of the pitfalls of running for political office here in Pennsylvania, and while some are unavoidable, it is best to work hard to avoid the pratfalls: Campaign volunteers and supporters will always appreciate and fondly remember a kind word, a nice email or text message saying thanks. And also will they remember that their hard work went unnoticed and unremarked in the end, and so they will feel used.

Double yuck.


Interesting PA 15th district state senate race

Now that the Super Tuesday primary election is over, which Our Lord and Savior President Donald Trump completely dominated in a historic crushing nationwide landslide,  Pennsylvania has only another six weeks of national irrelevance to go until our primary election on April 23rd. Which makes Pennsylvania less than unimportant in the grand scheme of national politics, but allows us to focus on some interesting local races.

The election race that grabs my interest the most is for the 15th state senate district here in central PA, centered on Harrisburg City. This is a senate district I ran in one-and-a-half times. First in 2012, which entailed a real head-butting with the GOPe, and in which I did well but did not win. The second time I ran was 2015-2016, and I was the first candidate out of the gate. Color me surprised when another candidate announced (John DiSanto), quite establishment with the charisma of an old shoe, and who was backed by the same acidly anti-establishment state senator I had worked hard to elect in York County (Scott Wagner).

Political races are often weird, and in Spring 2015 I was just getting with the weirdness of facing off against people whom I had worked hard to elect, and who had no explanation for why they were opposing me, when the race got more complicated.

Enter out of the clear blue yonder a very young and very ambitious guy (Andrew Lewis), just moved back to Pennsylvania and fresh from military intelligence work in Washington, DC (now that MAGA knows how corrupt and evil our own American intelligence establishment is, one must wonder if this connection will hurt Andrew Lewis in his future political ambitions). With no local work or volunteer history, other than his family lived in both Juniata and Perry counties, Andrew Lewis became the alternative conservative candidate to me. Good looking and bright, Andrew made a fine candidate. His presence in the race bit into my rural support, and the fact that he, too, was financially supported by Scott Wagner bit deeper into my feelings about Scott Wagner and the people working for and with him.

What the heck did Scott Wagner have against little old me?

My participation in the race came to an abrupt end in late November, 2015, as I stepped up onto a boulder high on a mountain while bear hunting, and awkwardly fell off. My left knee was the knee that had not been previously operated on, and I had babied it for thirty years. The two back-to-back surgeries required to fix its resulting bad tears in the cartilage and frayed ligaments meant I could barely walk. And if there was one advantage I had it was my good door-to-door effort that had paid off before.

Not being able to walk door to door, I had no way of really running a competitive three-way race, and so I bowed out in December. And never a sore loser, I endorsed the same monkey-wrenching Andrew Lewis as the superior of the two candidates.

John DiSanto won that springtime primary election and went on to defeat the incumbent Democrat in the Fall of 2016. After eight years of voting reliably Republican present, but with no distinguishing leadership on issues like election integrity or the state system of education, DiSanto is now giving way to the heavily gerrymandered new senate district.

Our new 15th district map was created by the PA Dems to favor forever incumbent PA House member Patty Kim, a terribly undistinguished, sleep-walking, cookie cutter Marxist Democrat who is tired of not having to run for re-election every two years and now desires to not have to run for re-election every four years.

So we know who the Democrat candidate will be: Patty Kim.

On the GOP side we have two candidates, and this is what I find so interesting about this race. One candidate is an outsider, a nice man named Ken Stambaugh.

Local politicos will recognize the Stambaugh name because so many people from this large and engaged family are involved in politics across three counties here. Having appreciated the opportunity to speak at length with Ken Stambaugh, and having read his near-daily campaign trail updates, I come away with the impression of a good guy with good intentions, and no policy experience or even a desire for good policy, and not a lot of charisma. That he was recruited by incumbent state senator John DiSanto for the Fall suicide run against Marxist Patty Kim seems doubly lost on Ken.

That Ken was endorsed by the Dauphin County GOP is not lost on me or other conservative grass roots activists who abhor party meddling in primary races. Candidates today who tout their party endorsement in a primary race have a tin ear, or just don’t care about the voters.

Sometimes not being “political” can work well to a person’s advantage, and in this case, I think Ken Stambaugh probably sleeps well each night not knowing what politicos know. Let’s keep this a secret, because Ken’s earnestness is refreshing. He means well, which is to his credit.

Out of the blue, longtime politico, former Dauphin County commissioner, and newly elected Dauphin County treasurer, Nick DiFrancesco, has also decided to run for this same state senate seat.

Two weeks ago, the Lower Paxton Township Republicans issued a statement, calling on Nick to drop out of the race.

I told everyone Nick would not take the treasurer position seriously,” said one frustrated politico.

You crazy man,” I wrote to Nick. After all, having worked so hard to re-ingratiate himself with the Dauphin County GOP and barely win the county treasurer seat last November, to now run against the party takes real Italian-style chutzpah. Or too much ambition. Or balls. Or leadership….

However Nick’s thumb-in-the-eye and kick-in-the-shins entry into this race is characterized, Nick is at the opposite end of the politico spectrum from nice guy candidate Ken Stambaugh.

Nick DiFrancesco is very experienced with running for office and all of the “retail politics” this includes, such as money grubbing and networking. He also has Dauphin County name recognition, which always goes a long way in a primary race. Nick may be as establishment as a Republican can get, but to run against the party establishment is about as anti-establishment as it gets. Intriguing!

Which raises the question of whether Nick DiFrancesco has a political suicide urge, is addicted to running for office, or does he think he can really win against Patty Kim? I think Nick believes he can win against Patty Kim in the Fall. He says so, and I believe him.

The entire 15th senate district R vs D race in the Fall comes down to the R candidate reaching deeply into the Harrisburg City black community, and getting their votes. Which with the right candidate can be done. After all, decades of Democrat Party rule has left Harrisburg City and its majority black citizens bankrupted and left behind. Like pretty much every other Democrat-run city in America, it should be noted.

American blacks are not stupid, they are incredibly loyal (why blacks identify with the party of Slavery, the Democrats, and not the party of Abolition, the Republicans is a case of effective marketing vs. no marketing at all). They are smart enough to begin asking what the hell have they been loyal to and loyal for. The American black community is beginning to wake up to the fact that white liberal Democrats like Patty Kim are the most racist people on Planet Earth, and that repeatedly voting for them and their guaranteed failure and intergenerational poverty is stupid. And no, I don’t think candidate Alvin Q. Taylor has what it takes to lead, sorry, buddy.

Nick DiFrancesco should play Malcolm X’s “Political Chump” speech all over Allison Hill and Uptown Harrisburg, and lead Dauphin County in a political revolution that all of America needs. If there is one candidate who can do this, who has the balls to try it, to show all the scared Whiteys huddled up in their country clubs that Black people are very engaging and very interested in what candidates have to say, it is Nick.

In this primary race, and in the Fall race, I think Nick DiFrancesco has all of the advantages.


Trump martyred because we want to live free

President Donald J. Trump has been withstanding unbelievably corrupt lawfare for the simple “crime” of wanting to run for office. All of the various lawsuits brought against him involve the most creative, novel, and unsubstantiated accusations probably ever seen in American courts.

What has worked for the lawless DAs and AGs has been simple venue: Get enough people who hate President Trump’s politics in one room and use them to accuse him, indict him, and hold a trial with him in the accused’s seat, and they get an automatic conviction before the case is even heard or argued in court.

All of the cases against Trump have involved brazen lawlessness by DAs, AGs, special prosecutors, and politically extreme judges, all of whom use their official jobs to unfairly attack their political opponents and egregiously abuse the procedural rules against their victim. In this case that opponent, really a martyr, is President Trump.

Anyone bothering to pay attention to the proceedings of each of these cases has to be incredulous. In New York, Trump was never accused of a crime, and everyone in the court room said he had not really committed fraud. His own bankers said they liked doing business with him and would do business with him again. Trump adhered scrupulously to industry standard business practices, and yet was found guilty by a corrupt judge Engoron, who refused to allow Trump to bring witnesses or to even testify in his own defense.

The same lawlessness occurred in Democrat Party plantation Fulton County, Georgia, until evidence emerged that DA Fani Willis has committed far greater crimes (bribery, perjury, misuse of official funds, retaliation the list goes on) than any of her victims (Trump) could even arguably have done. Moreover, DA Fanny Willis’ case against Trump is overtly political, not factual. Again, get enough Democrats in the court process, from grand jury to judge, and they will get an automatic conviction. Not because justice is being served, but because for Democrats, success in politics is more important than having justice.

I can go on with great numbers of examples, but the lawless lawfare against Trump has turned him into an even bigger political martyr than he was four years ago. Now it’s not just DC Swamp Rats using the process to attack a president they are insubordinate to, but leftist jurisdictions in New York, New York City, and DC-based special prosecutors operating in Florida, where the rule of law has ceased to exist.

Like I have said before, if Republicans simply did the same thing to their political opponents, this crap would end in a second. There are many, many more conservative jurisdictions and venues across America than there are communist (Democrat) ones, and if only a small percentage of the DAs and judges in these places decided to give leftists a taste of their own medicine, the Left’s lawless lawfare war on President Trump would end immediately.

But it seems Republicans are a bunch of emasculated sissies.

Why is President Trump going to the mat? Why is allowing himself to be put through this horrible lawlessness? Because he loves America, he loves us American citizens, and he loves freedom. And as many of us already know, far too many Americans take their freedom for granted. And so what is really happening in all of these outrageous sham prosecutions of Trump is an open attack on freedom. Your freedom and mine.

So quit standing there doing your own thing for your own benefit, and help return all of America to a rule-of-law country, where everyone is treated equally, and where individual people like Trump are not treated unequally simply because they want everyone to have freedom instead of succumbing to the tyrannical juggernaut in DC.

President Trump is way too much like America’s first president, freedom fighter George Washington, and the 2024 election is about America surviving as founded, or destroyed from within by evil tyrants. Your freedom is on the line

Lawless Democrat Party, Round 168

With (Democrat) Colorado’s supreme court election interference and subjective non-legal nonsense attack on American democratic norms (throwing President Donald Trump off the Colorado ballot for things he has never been accused of much less convicted of) (and of course the Democrat Party is waging a non-democratic war against RFK Jr and other Democrat Party candidates for president by booting them off the ballot, too), we see, yet again, that there is one American political party that will burn down America in order to rule over its ashes. Destroy democracy to save democracy. Or something nonsensical like this. Hint: If you love and value democracy, then you don’t destroy it. You let it work unimpeded. Only fascists impede democratic systems.

And what mystifies me is that tens of millions of Americans are yet still registered with this one political party. How? Why? Are you folks not paying attention to the dozens of illegal, rogue, un-American, cruel, unfair, and lawless things this political party is doing in your name?

Let’s see… two fake and lawless impeachment processes, of a sitting president and then a former president, without a shred of due process…a patently lawless and illegal raid on the president’s home…four fake indictments based on novel interpretations of un-used laws and laws that clearly require a lot more than has been gathered together to bring an indictment…dozens of lawfare civil suits meant to harass and wear down the victim and gag the victim from running for election…and now throwing Trump off various state ballots. Because you know, Americans can’t just choose their elected leaders, they must be chosen for them by people who just know better.

None of this assault on democracy is from a substantive or reasonable place, folks. All these faux legal attacks are based on creative nothing and are an abuse and mis-use of the American legal system to “get” political opponents, and one political opponent in particular. This is not normal behavior. This is lawlessness. This is fascism.

Now we know how the German Nazis rose to power. No matter how evil they were, how unfair they were, how cruel they were, how destructive of Germany itself they were, tens of millions of Germans yet still waved the Nazi flag and screamed in adulation of Adolf Hitler.

How on earth any normal adult American is still a registered Democrat and still proudly waving their Democrat Party registration in the air is beyond my comprehension, unless I finally admit to myself that my friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues are actually Nazis in fact or in waiting. I mean, you all know how bad your political party is behaving, and yet you remain loyal and active, helping it implement its evil, lawless agenda.

I just want to point out that in the end, things did not go well either for the 1860s Democrats nor for the German Nazis. In both instances, at enormous cost in human suffering, the world’s normal people ended up stopping the Democrats’ and the Nazis’ evil behavior, holding them accountable, and trying to ensure they did not come back and do it all again.

While Germany was de-Nazified after World War II, America was never de-Democratted. Because the anti-slavery abolitionist Republicans were too nice and believed too much in a national reconciliation after the Civil War, they allowed the defeated Democrat Party to persist and continue. And they put up statues in Arlington Cemetery that symbolized peace with the evil Democrat Party. And sure enough, like the killer cancer it is, the Democrat Party is now back in force, having infected and infested everything in America with its cancerous ideology and behavior, bent on destruction of the host body and everyone living on it.

We all know how this is going to end, folks. If the Democrat Party continues its war on democracy, and keeps on making We, The People‘s vote irrelevant or non-existent, then The People will go back to 1861 and 1941 methods, and clean up your lawless Democrat Party mess the hard way. Only this time, the normal people are going to demand a real accounting from those who enabled and implemented this disaster. It would not surprise me if in the end, the basic voter rolls resulted in a house-by-house resolution. Not necessarily French Revolution style, but given how disgusted so many Americans are, because they are so badly victimized by the Democrat Party, it would not surprise me one bit.

God prevent this from happening. Please God, open the eyes of the people who have the right hearts and who are only loyal to the old Democrat Party they once knew, and not to the evil thing it has once again become. Lift the fog from their eyes, God, and help them see the errors of their way, and change their hearts to do evil no more.



Harvard U is fake, no longer “Harvard”

The plagiarism scandal around Harvard University’s low quality, diversity-hire president Claudine Gay has now destroyed not just Gay’s personal and academic reputation, but Harvard’s as well. Harvard is no longer an academic institution based on rigorous intellectual debate and merit, it is a nakedly and proudly political activism site motivated by far left wing ideas and values.

In her PhD dissertation (the subject is useless nonsense and subjective fluff), Claudine Gay plagiarized material from a number of authors and academics, not the least of which was her own PhD dissertation advisor at Harvard. Her plagiarization has led to a lot of discussion across the Harvard University campus, some academic advisory boards, the Harvard University board of trustees, academics, racially-based groups, and American society. Understandably so, because Harvard University has been the flagship educational institution in America since its founding nearly four centuries ago.

Harvard’s reputation has always rested upon two simple things: 1) The highest intellectual rigor for its students and its educators, 2) the most exclusive and competitive screening of its students and its educators. For hundreds of years, to either teach or be taught at Harvard has been the gold standard for academic achievement in America and worldwide. The cold and uncaring application of logic, reason, proofs, and meritorious capability have winnowed the desirous from the truly stellar there for centuries. Well, no longer and not any more, as Inspector Clouseau said as he smashed the priceless Steinway piano into splinters.

The debate about whether or not Claudine Gay has the academic merit and the necessary high character to remain as the university’s president has torpedoed Harvard’s reputation. Simply because the widespread formal response by Harvard University to Gay’s failures of judgment and moral character, and to her academic cheating, has been to not only allow her to stay on as now a really, really blatantly incompetent diversity hire (no white man or white woman in that position would have ever made it beyond the first few minutes of this multifaceted crisis), but to also literally allow Gay to cheat even more, only this time in public.

Claudine Gay is now being allowed to retroactively amend her PhD dissertation with the necessary citations and quotation marks that were missing when her doctoral thesis was approved. This is like the judge allowing the robber to go back to the bank and put the money back in the vault, in order to avoid being charged and held accountable for the original crime of robbing the bank, now that the robber has been caught.

Gay is being allowed to do this re-crime so that her detractors are no longer empowered with the truth, so that they can no longer accurately accuse her of academic cheating. And for those who don’t know it, academic cheating is an automatic FAIL on every real academic report card, and it is usually the means for ejection from whatever school the cheater is enrolled at.

Harvard University’s board of trustees and the academics behind this brazen sleight of hand have basically told everyone in academia, in research and development, in the business of important ideas, and in the competitive world of merit that some animals are more equal than other animals, and that there are harsh rules for everyone, except for those few special people who some remote, self-anointed elite group has artificially determined should not be judged by the same standards as everyone else.

No society can sustain itself with this kind of fake justice system, or this kind of fake educational system. With this decision to both allow Claudine Gay to retroactively amend her already finalized dissertation, and to retain her as president, every single internal brake and decision-making system designed to ensure that all of Harvard University’s outputs are the best possible on Planet Earth have failed.

It has been determined by the powers that be at Harvard that the institution is now a (leftist) political activism center with no intellectual rudder, no universal standards for behavior or achievement, no universal code of conduct. Only subjective political decisions will be used henceforth to run the school, and we now see that certain skin colors and certain Marxist outlooks will be the preferred choices.

There are a lot of things I did not expect to see in my lifetime. I did not expect to see a presidential election fraught with so many wild irregularities across so many states and jurisdictions. I did not expect to see the entire media establishment and the entire political establishment not only fail to address those electoral irregularities, but to jointly sweep everything under the rug, declare a winner who had not even campaigned in public, and to accuse those who questioned the election results as “election deniers.” I did not expect to see the force of law be used against the “election deniers” for questioning the outcome and legitimacy of the questionable election, and who have since become persecuted political dissidents and outright political prisoners in their own “democratic” country. I did not expect to see the rule of law fail as widely and as quickly as it has, and I did not expect to see the rise of a totalitarian federal bureaucracy as fast as it has happened.

I also did not expect to see America’s flagship academic institution (the school now formerly known as Harvard University) gleefully burn down its own reputation in a public bonfire of vanities.

With all of these spectacular and unbelievable failures, Harvard’s just being the latest, we are seeing the severe cultural rot America has been experiencing since the 1960s finally come to fruition. All of the cultural safeguards, institutions, and legal infrastructure designed to keep America functioning as a constitutional republic are failing and being failed on purpose and in front of our faces. We are told by the agents of these failures that we must accept these outcomes not as failures, but as inevitable changes necessary to re-make America into the socialist utopia it was always meant to be.

It now seems possible not just that the Hamas loving racist academic fraudster Claudine Gay will be retained by Harvard as its president, but that she could be forcefully installed by the federal bureaucracy and its media wing (not elected by the people) as the next president of the United States “for our own good.”

Symbols have now officially become more important than facts in America. We all see that Harvard is fake, and we are told that it is still Harvard.