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Trump martyred because we want to live free

President Donald J. Trump has been withstanding unbelievably corrupt lawfare for the simple “crime” of wanting to run for office. All of the various lawsuits brought against him involve the most creative, novel, and unsubstantiated accusations probably ever seen in American courts.

What has worked for the lawless DAs and AGs has been simple venue: Get enough people who hate President Trump’s politics in one room and use them to accuse him, indict him, and hold a trial with him in the accused’s seat, and they get an automatic conviction before the case is even heard or argued in court.

All of the cases against Trump have involved brazen lawlessness by DAs, AGs, special prosecutors, and politically extreme judges, all of whom use their official jobs to unfairly attack their political opponents and egregiously abuse the procedural rules against their victim. In this case that opponent, really a martyr, is President Trump.

Anyone bothering to pay attention to the proceedings of each of these cases has to be incredulous. In New York, Trump was never accused of a crime, and everyone in the court room said he had not really committed fraud. His own bankers said they liked doing business with him and would do business with him again. Trump adhered scrupulously to industry standard business practices, and yet was found guilty by a corrupt judge Engoron, who refused to allow Trump to bring witnesses or to even testify in his own defense.

The same lawlessness occurred in Democrat Party plantation Fulton County, Georgia, until evidence emerged that DA Fani Willis has committed far greater crimes (bribery, perjury, misuse of official funds, retaliation the list goes on) than any of her victims (Trump) could even arguably have done. Moreover, DA Fanny Willis’ case against Trump is overtly political, not factual. Again, get enough Democrats in the court process, from grand jury to judge, and they will get an automatic conviction. Not because justice is being served, but because for Democrats, success in politics is more important than having justice.

I can go on with great numbers of examples, but the lawless lawfare against Trump has turned him into an even bigger political martyr than he was four years ago. Now it’s not just DC Swamp Rats using the process to attack a president they are insubordinate to, but leftist jurisdictions in New York, New York City, and DC-based special prosecutors operating in Florida, where the rule of law has ceased to exist.

Like I have said before, if Republicans simply did the same thing to their political opponents, this crap would end in a second. There are many, many more conservative jurisdictions and venues across America than there are communist (Democrat) ones, and if only a small percentage of the DAs and judges in these places decided to give leftists a taste of their own medicine, the Left’s lawless lawfare war on President Trump would end immediately.

But it seems Republicans are a bunch of emasculated sissies.

Why is President Trump going to the mat? Why is allowing himself to be put through this horrible lawlessness? Because he loves America, he loves us American citizens, and he loves freedom. And as many of us already know, far too many Americans take their freedom for granted. And so what is really happening in all of these outrageous sham prosecutions of Trump is an open attack on freedom. Your freedom and mine.

So quit standing there doing your own thing for your own benefit, and help return all of America to a rule-of-law country, where everyone is treated equally, and where individual people like Trump are not treated unequally simply because they want everyone to have freedom instead of succumbing to the tyrannical juggernaut in DC.

President Trump is way too much like America’s first president, freedom fighter George Washington, and the 2024 election is about America surviving as founded, or destroyed from within by evil tyrants. Your freedom is on the line

Middle East perspective, please

Around the planet there are 1.2 BILLION Muslims and about 400,000,000 (Four Hundred Million) Arabs, living in 44 Muslim countries and 23 Arab countries.

Probably 95% of these people vehemently oppose the total of 15 MILLION Jews living on Planet Earth, about half of whom live in the solitary Jewish country named Israel.

Numerically, this is not even a close contest. The Muslims and the Arabs greatly, vastly, completely outnumber the Jews in terms of people and nations. Practically speaking, there is no way the Jews can even come close to hurting the Muslims or the Arabs in any meaningful way.

So, what the bloody hell is all the screeching about in Gaza? Genocide? Occupation? Refugees?

If Gaza had been experiencing genocide, it would not and could not have gone from a few hundred thousand people to now over two million people in number. Contrast this empty claim with the charter of Hamas, which calls for the genocide of all Jews everywhere around the world. This puts Hamas and all of its supporters, including Greta Thunberg, squarely in the Nazi camp.

If Gaza were occupied, then the occupier would be physically present. But Israel left Gaza unilaterally in 2005, and has had nothing to show for it except constant unprovoked rocket attacks by Hamas on Jewish civilians for 16 years.

And the whole refugee thing? Really? No, no you can’t, no you won’t. This is more fake BS. Once you settle down and start living in one place, with permanent buildings, you are no longer a refugee. Refugee status among real humans usually lasts a few weeks, months, maybe a few years. But only the so-called “palestinians” have maintained the fake refugee role for decades out of the tens of millions of real refugees around the world since 1947, including Chinese, Africans, and Europeans, and not the least of which the One Million Jewish refugees ethnically cleansed out of Muslim and Arab countries from roughly 1947 to 1954.

That is the real “Apartheid” in the Middle East: The one million Jewish refugees from across the region and the lack of Jews remaining in any meaningful numbers anywhere there except in Israel.

Finally, not one Muslim or Arab nation is a true democracy, and not one has the rule of law and equal rights for minorities. When Muslims live in Western nations, they demand minority rights far exceeding their huge numbers, but in their own Muslim nations, there are no minority rights. None.

Sure seems like Muslims living in Western nations are using the democratic process to achieve non-democratic results.

In sum, it is impossible for Muslims or Arabs to be victims in this conflict. No way. Yes, there are individuals here and there who were not treated right over the years in Israel and in the West Bank. But that is the nature of warfare and armed conflict, and we all know that if the Muslims and Arabs put away their weapons, there would be peace, and that if Israel put away her weapons there would be the genocide of Jews. Those instances of occasional Arab victimhood are absolutely washed away by the overwhelming amount of pro-Nazi Jew hatred by the 1.2 BILLION Muslims and the 400 MILLION Arabs constantly attacking and hurting and murdering the 15 million Jews everywhere across the world.

This is not even close to a fair fight. Using a basic Third Grade mathematics perspective reveals that basic fact.

Now, the truly alarming thing in this simple equation is that while Muslims are populating rapidly everywhere, Christians are de-populating, due to their nations’ incredible material wealth and physical comforts. Apparently Western Christians have little room for God amidst all the material success in their lives. As a result, Christians will find out eventually that as the Jews go, so go they, the Christians.

This dispute in Gaza is simply Western Civilization vs. barbarism. No other way to put it, and Westerners must wake up to the fact that none of the Hamas fuzzy math makes any sense, and that if Westerners don’t start factoring themselves into the survival equation, they will soon find their own heads on the barbarians’ chopping block.

GOP Resolution in support of J6 political prisoners

I drafted the resolution below last summer, and submitted it twice. I suggest that every county Republican Committee pass a similar resolution standing in solidarity with the January 6th political prisoners illegally held in Washington, DC, and elsewhere. An article published today about badly tortured political prisoner Ryan Samsel demonstrates how dire the situation is.

If politically active Republicans cannot publicly stand up for and in solidarity with fellow Republican political prisoners who are being held without trial for over two years, then what does being a Republican mean?

Dauphin County GOP Committee Resolution

DRAFT 7/7/22

DRAFT #2 Resubmitted 8/8/22

Whereas, the US Department of Justice has become an unabashedly politically partisan weapon in the hands of the Biden Administration, and

Whereas, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become an unabashedly politically partisan weapon in the hands of the Biden Administration, and

Whereas, many DOJ and FBI public employees are using their government positions to further their own personal political views by illegally targeting and officially oppressing their political opponents, and

Whereas, a great deal of illegal politically-motivated injustice against innocent American citizens has resulted and continues to result from the aggressive politicization of the DOJ and FBI, such as Ryan Samsel, and

Whereas, on August 8, 2022, the lawless DOJ and the rogue FBI have illegally attacked and invaded the home and person of President Donald J. Trump in Florida, and

Whereas, the Dauphin County Republican Committee stands for the rule of law, the equal application of the law, and the upholding of the US Constitution, therefore

Be it resolved that the Dauphin County Republican Committee hereby formally stands with and calls for the immediate release of the innocent-until-proven-guilty American citizen January 6th political prisoners now being held in jail, some without formal charges, some with only misdemeanor charges, some with improbable and non-violent felony charges, all without bail, all without trial, all without a speedy trial, all without a speedy trial in front of a jury of their peers, and often in inhumane conditions that violate the US Constitution and basic international human rights, and

Be it resolved that the Dauphin County Republican Committee calls on the Governor of Florida to use the Florida State Police to block lawless federal agents from operating there.

Respectfully submitted by Josh First,

Committeeman for Harrisburg City 14th Ward

Fight fire with fire, or lose everything

It seems that the inhabitants of places like New York City and Washington, DC, have seen the political legal memo, and they are following it. No matter what the legal case against you looks like, hole-ridden Swiss cheese or stinky Limberger, if a civil lawsuit or a criminal prosecution can be brought against a conservative in these far left venues, the jury will not be of your peers, or impartial, but will instead be filled up with strongly partisan activists who hate every fiber in your conservative body.

You, the conservative, will not get your day in court in these places. You won’t get a fair hearing. You won’t get justice. You will be dragged through the mud, the judge will toss the rule of law out the window and instead use his or her office to artificially hamstring your defense, gag you without reason (First Amendment rights are the first thing the left goes after), and the District Attorney or plaintiff’s attorney will be allowed every thing they want, every bit of crazy evidence. And the jury will sit and consider your case for maybe a few hours.

And you will lose.

Look at the ridiculous lawsuit against Trump in NYC, by this EJ Carroll lady. She vaguely alleged that some time in 1995 or 1996, which is year unknown, and also month unknown, day unknown, hour unknown, that President Trump had raped her in a dressing room in a department store. Mind you this is nearly thirty years ago, and she never filed a police complaint or told a friend. Only when Donald Trump became President Trump and was surrounded by a leftist shark feeding frenzy did this partisan Democrat lady make her accusation. In other words, her complaint should not even have made it into court. There is no evidence and she looks like a complete partisan fake.

But New York City is not a normal place with equal justice for everyone. We see NYC’s DA Alvin Bragg turning the city into a zombie apocalypse by turning violent criminals free and criminally charging those people who merely defend themselves against deadly force from the zombie felons. So the ridiculous case against President Trump was allowed to continue by politically partisan judges, and today a jury actually found him civilly guilty of somehow molesting this strange lady, despite there being no evidence at all. Plus, the jury also agreed that President Trump’s denial of her allegations was a form of defamation.

By disagreeing with a leftist, by refuting a leftist’s vague accusation, you are guilty of defamation…got it?

And in Washington, DC, non-violent January 6th protestors are being found guilty of all kinds of crazy made-up crimes for which there is zero evidence, and they are being sentenced to decades in prison, by politically partisan juries who hate everything about the defendants and who will use their position on the jury to attack and hurt the defendant, no matter how little evidence there is to support the criminal charges against him.

All the prosecutors have to do is get the defendant into court in Washington, DC, and the partisan judge and partisan jury will take care of everything else. Doesn’t matter that you could not possibly have done the things you are accused of, the Democrat jury got that memo about the need to be partisan, and pow, you, an innocent man, are going to jail for decades.

Are Republican elected officials across America paying attention to this? They should.

Because if your goal is to win the power game by any means possible, what the Democrats are doing is how you win. They don’t follow the law or the Constitution, they don’t treat people fairly, they are lawless and ruthless and merciless. They will not allow anything to get in their way from destroying their political enemies. They use bogus lawfare and crooked courts and partial juries to hurt people who should not be hurt, but who are of the wrong skin color…excuse me…they have the “wrong ideas.”

Most of America is conservative and dominated by Republicans. For every New York City or Washington, DC, there are a hundred or two hundred small towns and rural counties where Republican DAs and Republican sheriffs and Republican judges live and work. If these Republican officials wanted to play by the same rules the Democrats play by in New York, Washington, Austin, and Seattle, they could. They could easily turn 90% of America into no-go zones for leftists, activists, registered Democrats, etc.

Oh, but Josh, that would not be right, you say.

Right? What is right in this situation? We have one political party using the same exact lawfare tactics the communists used in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Romania after World War II, to destroy their political opponents and impose one party rule. End of democracy, by using semi-democratic processes. It is where America is headed right now, especially if there is no resistance.

So if one side is playing by their own set of rules, and setting everyone opposing them on fire, then why the hell wouldn’t the other side do the same thing? Fight fire with fire. That is how you win a fight, a war, a dispute. Rolling over and playing dead means you lose. Waiting for the next election to be stolen so you can have your hopes dashed again is also a losing method.

Here is one way this can work out:

Sheriff’s Deputy in East Succotash: “Ma’am I see your tail light is out, can I see your driver’s license and vehicle registration, please?”

Registered Democrat Activist or Politician: “My tail light is not out.”

Sheriff’s Deputy: “Ma’am, I need you to step out of the car.”

Registered Democrat Activist or Politician: “I don’t know why you are doing this, what have I done?”

Sheriff’s Deputy: [sounds of a violent struggle as he forcefully pulls the Democrat activist or politician out through her car door] “Stop resisting! Stop resisting!”

Four Hours Later

Sheriff’s Deputy: “Book her for assault on a law enforcement officer, DUI, failure to obey commands, resisting arrest…”

Republican Judge: “Sorry, no bail for you, Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician. You have committed terribly grievous crimes here in this jurisdiction, and we will not tolerate it. Go to jail and stay there until we get this sorted out.”

Republican DA: “Daggone, look at this crazy lady, all hopped up on her self importance. We need to make an example of her felonious lawlessness.”

Four Months Later

Jury Forewoman: “Your honor, we have deliberated for a long and difficult three minutes, and we find Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician here guilty of all charges.”

Republican Judge: “Miss Arrogant Democrat Politician, you of all people should know better than to have behaved this way. I am going to hold you accountable to the maximum allowed by law, so I am sentencing you to thirty years…no, make that sixty years in prison without parole, to begin immediately.”

And that is how you fight fire with fire across 90% of America. The entire country would turn into a no-go zone for the same exact people who are right now uproariously joyous at the lawlessness “their side” is inflicting on hundreds of innocent people, including President Donald Trump.

Dear elected Republicans across America: Do it, or get out of office and let a fighter in who will. Because if you won’t fight back and fight now, eventually these sadistic leftist people will catch up to you, and then you won’t be able to fight back at all. You will lose everything.

Lot more conservative jurisdictions than leftist ones. Each red place here is an opportunity to give lawless Democrats a taste of their own medicine. Call it “Saving American democracy” and you’ll feel better about doing it.

Mastriano is the normal guy, Shapiro not

Doug Mastriano is the most normal person you can possibly meet. In 2021 I met and briefly spoke with him, and he was direct, cheerful, serious, confident. He is a former 30-year military career guy, and most men like him are like him in mannerisms and personality. He has been tested in battle, and in the world’s largest bureaucracy (the American military). He has taken dangerous risks, made dangerous sacrifices, for the public. He is a refreshing political outsider, and his political views are normal for his demographic. While I do not agree with Mastriano on everything, I also do not need to agree with him or any other candidate on everything in order to support him.

Yes, there is a TON of negative advertising about Mastriano, and some of it is accurate, and most of it is completely false. The thing I care about is that Mastriano is normal and he stands openly on what he believes. He stands by his views because he has views, and because he is a guy with integrity, he says his views in public and is therefore open to criticism about them. Whatever his views are, Mastriano’s political policies and views are almost unimportant if he wins. I have seen it over and over again: A governor gets elected and within weeks discovers that no one on Capitol Hill in Harrisburg gives two figs about his views. He will have to work within the system in which the governor is just one cog out of three, or four cogs. Maybe it’s five cogs, if we count the state bureaucracy…

Now, let’s consider Josh Shapiro, the candidate running for governor against Mastriano. Shapiro is the definitive political hack, a person with very few real honest to goodness views of his own and very little integrity. Very little real life experience. Certainly no risks or sacrifices for the betterment of society. He has been hiding inside air conditioned offices his entire career. Shapiro is hoping to get elected to the governorship by virtue of committing little to public knowledge, and also criticizing his opponent intensely.

(Incidentally, the phrase political hack comes from the hack horses used in mining and public transportation from about 1750 to 1920. A hack horse is trained to mindlessly follow the familiar horse in front of it, carrying or towing its burden without independent thought or motivation. The same is said of political hacks, who are led by the nose by political bosses and big political donors, and whose sole motivation is self-enrichment)

I have never met Josh Shapiro, but he did something corrupt that affected people near me, including a murder victim I knew personally, and he caused a lot of pain. Here is what I have seen of Shapiro: In 2011, Ellen Greenberg was brutally murdered in her Philadelphia apartment. From the moment after she was murdered, a lot of big political strings were pulled in plain public view to blatantly protect the one person who appears to have probably done the deed, her former fiance.

All kinds of personal favors were done for her fiance’s family, including letting his family members enter her crime scene apartment and removing and tampering with evidence. The Philly Police Department may never have been a bastion of integrity, but its senior personnel managed to hit a real low spot with the sloppy coverups of their officers’ mishandling of the bloody crime scene.

Then there was the coroner who called Ellen’s death like everyone saw it, a murder, and who was then summarily fired. Subsequent scientific and forensic analysis supporting the belief that Ellen was murdered was provided to the Philly Police Department, only to have them sit on it, hide it, ignore it.

It seemed that every official person involved in investigating Ellen Greenberg’s bloody murder was doing everything possible to protect the murderer and to shut up everyone who tried to get answers or obtain justice for this beautiful, sweet young woman.

Literally everyone involved in the obvious coverup is a member of one political party.

All of this came to a head last year and again this year when powerful new evidence about the murder was handed to AG Josh Shapiro. What did Shapiro do with the new evidence? He refused to act on it, sat on it, and then he handed it off to the very same political people who had already engaged in a years-long coverup of the murder of a beautiful, innocent Ellen. Shapiro enabled the coverup to continue, thereby protecting his political buddies and obstructing justice from being done.

AG Josh Shapiro is loyal to his political donors, I will say that much. He is also loyal to his political party, which as he is a political hack is understandable. But Josh Shapiro is not loyal to the rule of law, or to the Pennsylvania citizenry, or to solving crimes when they involve high profile members of his political party. And that makes Josh Shapiro a corrupt person, and really a lawless person. Not a normal person.

Who the hell works hard to cover up a murder and to protect “important people” in a political party who were involved in the murder? A dirtball is who does this stuff, and Shapiro is at the very least a dirtball. Shapiro’s entire career has been spent in politics, and politics is all he knows. He is a political animal, for whom there are no absolute truths or morals, just opportunities to move ahead and get more power, at any cost. Including protecting a politically connected murderer.

Yuck. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.

I know Doug Mastriano has been portrayed as some sort of “right wing” loon, and of course that is BS. The same crap was done to Judge Roy Moore several years ago in an Alabama senate race, and now that Moore is stacking up court wins the truth is finally coming out about him. Roy Moore is innocent of the ridiculous accusations the media and its one political party ally made against him, and Doug Mastriano is likewise innocent of the ridiculous accusations being made against him. Yes, he believes that life begins in the mother’s womb, and so he believes the body of the living child deserves protection. Reasonable people can argue and disagree about this and other issues, but there is no argument about this:

Doug Mastriano has integrity and honesty, and Josh Shapiro has none, zero, nada.

Doug Mastriano deserves our votes for the simple reason that he is a good guy fighting the good fight against a corrupt bipartisan political system that benefits when bad people like Josh Shapiro are in power.

Vote for normal guy, political outsider Doug Mastriano, you will not regret it. If you vote for Josh Shapiro, we will all regret it.

Doug Mastriano praying at the Western Wall. Doug is more pro-Israel, pro-Jewish, pro-Judaism than Josh Shapiro could ever be.

The civic benefits of Biden’s war on America

The comments section of just about any article or online discussion video has a surprisingly large number of insightful comments. YouTube has become heavily censorious, so the usefulness of their comments sections are diminishing, but consequently the comments over at Rumble are improving.

Below is one mid-June 2022 comment on a Dan Bongino video that really caught my attention, and while this blog here is intended for original analysis and commentary, it is also a platform for sharing ideas that others may find helpful. Especially as rule-of-law America is under all-out lawless assault by the federal government bureaucrats. So read the comment by “Bullwinkle” who I suppose is of the Bull Moose Party, Theodore Roosevelt’s response to being unable to run for a third term as a successful and popular Republican president. That is a political party I can relate to!

Post-Primary Pennsylvania GOP Status

Six weeks after Primary Election Day, we have some intriguing things to consider.

First and foremost, two of the worst, most corrupt, most self serving careerist Republican state senators lost elections bids and will be gone from the PA State Senate after this November’s general election.

PA state senator Pat Browne lost his primary bid for a FIFTH four-year term in office to a political newcomer, Jarett Coleman, who was quoted “It’s pretty amazing….For so long, Republican voters have not had another choice. So I think this shows the displeasure that people have with their government. Being able to be part of that change is phenomenal, going against the Republican machine.”

Coleman won by THIRTY (30) votes, which is as close an election as one can have pretty much anywhere. Lessons learned: Every vote matters, your single vote matters, We The People matter, career politicians are vulnerable to challenge, career politicians should be challenged, would be challengers should not be afraid of the PAGOP, but rather should simply stick to their principles and reach out to the voters as best as they can.

Another state senator, Jake Corman, president pro tem of the senate no less, both lost his bid for governor and also his state senate seat, which was re-districted out of his control. Having spent a year and a half trying to find someone in the old district to challenge Corman in what would have been his primary race last month, I am not surprised he lost his senate seat. It was clear to me that Corman was widely hated by his own voters. Corman’s infamous double speak on so many issues, his imperious way with people who dared to question him in public, his dedication to self-serving actions instead of taking care of The People, it all came home to roost when Corman decided to roll the dice and run for governor as a way to step out of a seat he was likely to lose in the primary.

I recall that about ten years ago at the Pennsylvania Society, Corman announced that he was going to run for governor, and was rewarded with a room full of silence, then titters, then very light polite applause. Corman stormed out of the room in fury and embarrassment. But a silver spoon daddy’s boy like Corman can never accurately gauge public sentiment; his self-focused horse blinders are pulled in just way too tight. So he decided to run for governor anyhow, and received about 1% (one percent) of the vote…

Long and short of it, a Pennsylvania state senate minus Browne and Corman is moving in the right direction. Less careerism, less corruption, less obedience to party bosses…all good.

Now about that PA governor’s race. Isn’t it intriguing that neither Republican candidate Lou Barletta nor anyone else in PAGOP leadership has endorsed and come out in support of PA governor candidate Doug Mastriano?

Recall that Mastriano absolutely crushed the primary election with about 45% of the vote in a crowded field of roughly eight candidates (some were on the ballot but did not appear to actively campaign), decisively defeating a whole bunch of PAGOP favorites, because the Republican voters have been sick unto death of the empty suits and the fake promises and the do-nothing attitude of so many Republican wannabes.

Matt Brouillette of Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Inc., raised a boatload of money for his own chosen RINO candidate, Bill McSwain, then dumped McSwain two weeks out from Election Day, and threw his support to Barletta. To no avail.

No one supporting Mastriano has heard a word from Brouillette, or from McSwain.

The point being here that RINOism seems to die hard, even when two careerist state senators lose their seats because the voters have had enough of RINOism, and even when a relative political newcomer like Mastriano whoops ass all over the political establishment. The people who represent a principle-less life, who pose and preen for cameras but who then put no skin in the game, just do not take the hint. They really don’t seem to care about the overall philosophical battle between good and evil, darkness and light, America and a borderless oblivion, right and wrong, law and lawlessness, etc. And that is what Mastriano’s campaign and election is all about: America as a constitutional republic based on the rule of law, or a lawless, corrupt state led by Bolshevik candidate Josh Shapiro.

If you care about the rule of law and good government, then you have to vote for Doug Mastriano.

It seems that the Brouillettes, Barlettas, McSwains, and PAGOPs of the world really just care about their own selves. And when they lose an election, they just pick up their toys and go home. They have nothing to contribute towards saving America, because they were always in politics just to serve themselves.

I think the patriotic pro-America voters have taken notice. If Mastriano wins the November election without the PAGOP et al, then it is the end of the PAGOP as a meaningful political force. And if Mastriano loses because the PAGOP and its array of RINOs would not support him, it is the end of the PAGOP as a meaningful political force, because they stood for nothing except their own power. Instead of Power to the People.

Twitter purchase proves the Left is weak

Most political observers know that the Left has been up to no good for a long time, what with suppressing important news that sheds negative light on leftists and the Democrat Party, and creating and amplifying 100% fake news about the political opponents of the Left. Because the Left captured Big Media, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Education, Academia, Wall Street, and most of Corporate America, leftists have lived unchallenged inside a rigged but cheery bubble and have thus been lulled into intellectual torpor.

From which they now awaken to find that with the cracking open of Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk’s purchase, free speech actually means free speech. And the Left is not at all in favor of actual free speech.

Based on my reading of countless online comments from a variety of sources (yes, I read left and right and in between), including the published comments and digital discussions among current Twitter employees, here is what we have learned about not just Twitter’s corporate culture, but about all of Big Tech’s culture:

  • A majority of Big Tech employees hold extreme political and cultural views far outside the American mainstream that are antithetical to individual liberty and freedom, except for themselves;
  • Hypocrisy, lawlessness, and double standards that favor leftists are viewed as unquestionably meritorious by a majority of Big Tech employees;
  • A majority of Big Tech employees viscerally hate and wish a painful death on people with whom they disagree philosophically/ politically/ culturally;
  • A majority of Big Tech employees viscerally hate and wish annihilation upon the United States of America, “white people,” Christians, and the rule of law;
  • A surprising number of Asian Indians hold these Big Tech jobs, and a surprising number of them hold these same extremist, racist views above. A few of note are Parag Agrawal (Twitter CEO) and Vijaya Gadde (Twitter’s top in-house attorney).
  • All of the above except the Asian Indian part applies to probably most liberals/ leftists in America today. That is, today’s partisan Democrat Party stalwart holds strong personal views that are at complete odds with America’s founding documents, America’s first principles, America’s Constitutional limits on government and safeguards for individual citizen rights. This won’t prevent these same Democrat partisans from invoking these rights when they feel the need, but it also means they see nothing wrong with withholding these rights from their political opponents.

The reason I do not infest my essays here with hyperlinks that support my claims is that there are a surprising number of readers here who are not conservatives. Instead of spoon feeding them, I want them to actually type in these above search terms in non-Google search engines like Qwant, Mojeek, Yandex, Swisscows, so they train themselves to stray away from the self-reinforcing tech and fake news bubble they really enjoy inhabiting. Only by taking these small steps outside the artificial comfort zone Big Tech and Big Media have created for liberals/ leftists, will these same people come to understand that there is in fact a happy, intelligent, well informed, and fully functioning mask-less world out there.

It is a world that Big Tech and Big Media have worked very hard to keep their followers from encountering on their own personal terms. Because you know, people might change their minds if they are exposed to real information and healthy ideas…

Which means that the Left is actually very weak. As single-minded and indoctrinated as the average leftist and partisan Democrat Partier is right now, they are also fragile. They all lack the intellectual muscle needed to engage in reasoned debate. This is why leftists become enraged, defensive, sulky, and dismissive about other points of view. It is why Liar In Chief Obama is going all-out to promote more lies, fake news, censorship of conservatives, and narrative control. It is why so many Twitter employees are openly stating their intention to leave Twitter if and when Elon Musk becomes its owner.

These folks cannot think their way out of a wet paper bag to save their lives. They cannot speak without someone spoon feeding them false narratives and fake talking points every day, just like The Matrix movie and the Borg in Star Trek. And if the sun’s light begins to shine into their artificial world, as is happening at Twitter, they must either scurry away like nasty little cockroaches, die and turn to dust like a vampire, or blossom into a pretty new flower getting water and sunshine for the first time.

I hope all leftists turn into a huge sea of pretty flowers, as they encounter truthful facts, healthy and good ideas, and accurate information for the first time in their lives.

Twitter’s soon-to-be ex-lawyer Vijaya Gadde, whose fascist behavior at Twitter would have impressed even the Nazis, from whom she learned much. Her totalitarian drive made her forget that by destroying her own company with bad decisions, she devalued it to the point where someone who loves freedom could buy it on the open market. Leftists may be evil and cruel, but they are weak and can be defeated.



Dear GOP, it’s not about the economy, stupid

If you want to determine a person’s mindset, ask them tough questions. If they dodge those questions, or avoid them altogether, it is a clear signal where their mind is, and is not.

And thus we find the GOPe (Republican Party establishment) folks talking very loudly about the economy. As if that matters when a free America is being burnt to the ground, economy and all, by the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party’s anarchic friends like BLM, the anti-Republican so-called Lincoln Project, RINOs, and Antifa.

America’s most defining characteristic, the rule of law/ equal protection under the law/ equal accountability under the law regardless of station in life, has been utterly blown to smithereens in the past three months by the Biden Administration in coordination with the Washington, DC, administrative state like the FBI, DOJ, BATFE, etc.

Totally innocent Americans across the nation are having their front doors kicked in at 4:00am by heavily armed SWAT teams of FBI agents on made-up charges, brandishing search and seizure warrants out of a Cracker Jack box. These so-called “law enforcement agents” then steal everything of value or of necessity to the family in their home, lock down their bank accounts, and whisk these innocent people away to solitary confinement in jails without access to attorneys or prompt judicial hearings. These people are law-abiding patriots who had the temerity to lawfully assemble and petition their government for one main grievance: The Democrat Party’s theft of the 2020 election, and well, then about the two stolen senate seats in Georgia.

In doing these ultra-violent, over-gunned, unnecessary arrests, the corrupt, un-American, totalitarian message the corrupt Biden Administration and their corrupt administrative state allies at the FBI are sending is Don’t mess with us. We will destroy you. And they mean it, because while none of these innocent political prisoners the FBI is taking away and locking up in darkness have been accused of financial crimes, their bank accounts are being frozen. Which renders the family unable to pay bills, pay their mortgage, pay an attorney to defend them.

And while rifling through these people’s personal things inside their homes, the FBI agents are also taking family computers and tablets used for their small businesses and managing health medications that have zero to do with someone protesting at the US Capitol (The People’s House) on January 6th. The FBI is simply acting in a punitive way, using its huge law enforcement powers to abuse and hurt people because of basic political differences.

I don’t know why it is so hard for the GOP/GOPe to say this, but this FBI & DOJ detonation of the rule of law is the issue in America today. Everything else pales in comparison. Nothing else matters if your own government is using its huge police powers (given to it by We, The People to protect We, The People) to round up innocent citizen We, The People political prisoners, deprive them of their liberties, deprive them of due process, steal their personal property and never return it, and destroy their lives out of a vindictive political difference. Which should never matter to an impartial law enforcement agency, which of course the FBI and DOJ have shown themselves to no longer be; these two rogue agencies are strictly a domestic terror arm of the Democratic Party, used to punish its political enemies.

So hello, earth calling to GOPe, please stop sending out emails about how Joe Biden’s crappy economy is going to cause inflation. Of course Biden’s economy is going to be a disaster. How else do you think the Democrat Party will put as many Americans on the government dole as possible, if not by depriving us of an honest day’s living? Dependency on government handouts is a cornerstone of all tyrannies, as is the dependence on government leniency in law enforcement areas. The Democrat Party and its Washington, DC, minions want us all groveling on our knees, begging for bread and to not be beaten again.

America as we knew it since 1787 ended on January 20th 2021, and now it is up to Americans to re-assert their ownership of the government apparatus that is quickly making a mockery of the most basic tenets of democratic self-rule. We would like some help from the Republican Party in this undertaking. The people who work at the FBI and DOJ are paid by us, the US taxpayers, and they are supposed to work for us, not against us; not as some hired gun meant to terrorize the countryside and bring the population to heel, to get into line and do as we are told by our masters in DC. The FBI’s blatantly unconstitutional behavior does require some political pushback, by someone.

Dear GOPe, it is not about the economy, stupids. Rather, our present situation is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the very core of being an American, all of which constitutional rights are under direct violent assault by the Biden administration and its taxpayer-paid henchmen at the FBI/DOJ/ US Postal Service/ BATFE etc. Could you Republicans please lend a hand, and help us citizens out of this un-American situation? Or are you guys all in such serious avoidance about the giant alligator that is not yet eating you, but which Sir Winston Churchill once warned will eventually get to you, too?

Months later the actual facts with this FBI-inspired violence remain unknown. Given that the Biden Administration is aggressively facilitating border crossing by criminals and child traffickers, why would the Biden FBI suddenly go after them inside America? This victim was probably a pro America patriot, defending himself against a lawless, politicized FBI assault.

America is beautiful, Vote for Trump

America is beautiful. It is a Garden of Eden.

America remains the best nation in the entire world by every single measure, as its immigration pattern shows: The entire world wants to move here, to live in this peaceful Garden of Eden, and no one leaves. Whatever your skin color, religion, language, clothing, you can move here, become part of our peaceful culture, work hard, and live many times better than you were living in your nation of birth.

America is not “systemically racist” or any of the other ridiculous accusations its enemies and native spoiled children say. America is the opposite of racist. America presents more opportunity to more people than any other place on the planet.

Only Donald J. Trump is able to preserve the American union that is the Eden so many people aspire to move to from around the globe. The man is a font of positivity, happiness, and old fashioned American humor and vigor.

I understand that some people do not agree with Trump’s policy preferences, and that could be the only reason to vote against him. Because no intelligent person believes the dishonest caricatures of Trump portrayed by CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, Associated Press, the Washington Post, New York Times and a bunch of other partisan political “news” outlets. And even if you disagree with Trump on some policies, think about what is most important to you: A few policies, balanced against a lifetime of stable, successful America. That is what the choice is tomorrow.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent only negativity, unhappiness, conflict, catastrophe, lies, and failure for all Americans, especially Blacks.

If you love America, if you love her peacefulness, her beauty, liberty and harmony, and her long time equal application of the rule of law to everyone who preserves that peace, then you can only vote for Donald J. Trump. He is who I am voting for tomorrow, and you should, too. Help God bless America by keeping America peaceful.

Because America is still beautiful and worth keeping beautiful.