Archive → May, 2022
May 29th, 2022
In the spirit of this Memorial Day weekend, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the 19 child students and two teachers sacrificed in a school in Uvalde, Texas, last week, to advance the Democrat Party’s pursuit of absolute and total control over every American.
No deaths are ever too many in the Democrat Party’s pursuit of the latest bloody crisis they can leverage into illgotten political gains. From late-term abortions where the living child is literally euthanized after having been born, to innocent school children gunned down in defunded police-free schools, the Democrat Party stands proudly for one thing: Death to children every day. Because God knows, the Democrat Party must always have a crisis to exploit to help them move otherwise unpopular and poorly considered legislation, and no sacrifice for that is too big or too sad.
We must also acknowledge the importance here of the Child Molesting and Pedophile Groomers’ Lobby, aka the National Education Association and its many state and local affiliate teachers’ unions. They, too, wish to exert unchallenged control over all taxpayer-funded government schools, where they exploit small children in psychopathic social experiments pitting the kids against their loving, devoted parents. Nothing happens in public schools without the teachers’ unions lobby say-so, and so their well considered decision to leave public schools as vulnerable soft targets is implemented everywhere across America. They can’t have their bloody crises without the soft targets inviting them.
The teachers’ unions are A-OK with sacrificing children and even some teachers to move their political football down the field. Recall that a great many of the teachers and politicians and basketball coaches demanding gun confiscation today are the very same people who demanded that local police forces be defunded and also stay the hell out of schools yesterday.
Yes, it is true that these teachers’ unions and their political allies speak out of both sides of their mouths, but what is the point of being logical and reasonable when your end goal is the total collapse of American civilization?
We have learned some disturbing facts about the Uvalde massacre over the past few days: A teacher propped open a door that cross-dressing murderer Salvador Ramos then walked through unopposed, after he had spent TWELVE MINUTES shooting his guns at the school building with no apparent return fire or police response. He must have realized that the school was undefended and also welcoming to mass murderers, and so he literally waltzed in.
And apparently the law enforcement officials who did eventually respond milled about outside for an hour like a bunch of scared school girls, and not like the trained burly men with firearms they actually are. What a bunch of cowards. And then these same cowardly law enforcement officials turned their violent attention onto the terrified parents they were blocking from the school, tasing one father and handcuffing a mother.
In other words, the police at Uvalde were too busy “saving” the parents outside to go inside the school to actually intervene and save the kids from Ramos.
You can’t make this stuff up, but a lot of this failure has to be associated with the Democrat Party’s efforts to defund and defang the police across America. As a result, a lot of police everywhere these days feel confused and uncertain about what they are supposed to do, and how much trouble they will get into with angry Democrats if they actually shoot a child murderer dripping blood from his hands. Because a heroic police officer to you and me is always a cold blooded murderer to the Democrat Party….
Gun confiscation from law abiding citizens is the Democrat Party’s goal here, for the simple reason that an armed populace is impossible to rule over the way that the Democrat Party intends. So, what’s a few sacrifices here and there in the pursuit of absolute and total control of all 350 million Americans?
Those of us inclined to think of and memorialize bloody American sacrifice differently than this cynical Democrat ploy can recall that our Memorial Day tomorrow is not just about those military personnel who gave their lives abroad for our freedom here at home. We also recall that in our own War for Independence, many unarmed heroes gave their lives right here on American soil so that future generations might live in freedom from government.
And this is how I prefer to think of the Uvalde kids and teachers now, as domestic heroes whose sacrifice will not have been in vain. Because so many Americans are catching on now to the Democrat Party’s anarchic lawlessness, and they see through their calls for more government control over our law-abiding lives.
May 27th, 2022
The mass shooting in yet another school, this time in Uvalde, Texas, is like all the others: It was preventable and is 100% the result of the Democrat Party and its subsidiary, the teacher’s unions, who control government schools with an iron fist.
As we have seen over the past year, the Biden Administration’s DOJ and FBI have been treating justifiably angry parents of school children as “domestic terrorists.” Relying on the First Amendment, these parents formally object through long established democratic processes to the hijacking of their taxpayer-owned schools by anti-America indoctrinators posing as teachers and school administrators.
But because the Democrat Party is using the power of government to try to silence its political critics, and to protect the government school system from being taken back by the taxpayer citizens, they have teamed up with various private anti-America groups like the National School Board Association and the National Education Association to “inform” the DOJ and FBI on who to illegally target. While this behavior is obviously un-democratic and a grotesque misuse of government power and authority, it is in and of itself not the focus of today’s essay.
What the forgoing means is that government-run “public schools” are just another captured outpost of the Democrat Party and its anti-America, bizarro sexual and cultural groomers who must be defended at all costs from the peaceful citizens who actually own the schools and underwrite them via hard-paid taxes out of their pockets. It means that public schools are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party and its primary educational arm, the National Education Association teacher’s union and its affiliates. And what this means is that pretty much everything that happens inside public school grounds is either OK’d or enabled by the teacher’s unions and the Democrat Party.
Including school shootings.
Believe me, if the Democrat Party and its teacher’s unions did not want racist Critical Race Theory taught in public schools, it wouldn’t be. If they didn’t want school shootings, there would not be any. Teachers’ unions have an absolute lock on public schools, and so whatever happens in these schools happens because of careful decisions the Democrat Party and the teacher’s unions have made. They own all of these things.
One conscious decision they have made over and over is to leave public schools as purposefully soft targets, easily accessed by murderous criminals who wreak mayhem and bloodshed in school buildings almost at will. In the wake of previous school shootings, Democrats in Congress have voted to prevent armed police from being in schools. Just the other day, Democrat Party US Senator Chuck Schumer blocked legislation that would make public schools a thousand times safer by allowing administrators and teachers to be armed.
Why would there be a constant effort by the Democrat Party to keep public schools as soft targets, their school children, staff and employees disarmed and sitting ducks? Because the Democrat Party is addicted to bloodshed and crises, at any cost. Nothing moves the political ball down the field like a scary crisis with tons of innocent blood spilled, and so the Democrat Party and its teachers’ unions have cultivated the kinds of circumstances that allow these shootings to easily occur. Such is the Left’s desire for full control over America that no sacrifice is too big, there are never enough dead children and blood soaked headlines. Anything to gain control.
The Uvalde massacre shows once again that the Democrat Party is both arsonist and then fireman.
I know this might sound nuts, but given how much official skullduggery we have already seen aimed at illegally expanding the federal surveillance state against law abiding American citizens, I would not be surprised if we learn that some of these school shooters were paid to commit their crimes.
In the Uvalde massacre, the shooter (possibly an illegal alien) Salvador Ramos, 18, posted direct online threats that no one acted on, murdered his grandmother, then drove to the school and easily overcame an armed but untrained School Resource Officer. The police on scene did not enter the school to stop the shooting out of fear for their own safety, and a mother on the scene who did try to enter the school to help was arrested and handcuffed by one of the useless cowards carrying a gun and a badge there.
There are a lot of failures at Uvalde, and not one of them has to do with lawful, law-abiding gun owners anywhere in America. But as we have seen, the Democrat Party and its media establishment is hijacking this latest massacre that they created in order to generate the next crisis that can be leveraged into more anti-constitutional behavior by the federal government, namely gun-grabbing from law-abiding Americans who form the only real bulwark against federal government lawlessness and control. And we see that the Biden Administration is 100% all-out for full control of all of us through online media, controlling our bank accounts, etc.
And so we just have to ask this logical question: If the FBI, DOJ, National Association of School Boards, and the teachers’ unions are willing to repeatedly sacrifice innocent school children on their altar of disarming and completely controlling America, then what do they really have planned for the rest of us after they take our guns?
Probably a lot more bloodshed, and all for the Leftist cause.
May 23rd, 2022
Within 36 hours of last Tuesday’s Primary Election I was hearing that Pennsylvania‘s Republican state Senators would not be supporting Doug Mastriano, who gigantically won the gubernatorial nomination over a sea of establishment and retail Republicans. Additionally, despite reaching out to well placed people in the Lou Barletta campaign, it’s not clear to me that he will endorse Mastriano, either. Other, actually important Republicans are calling and getting the same vibe, too.
This means that the same exact Republican Party people freaking out last week and scolding US Senate candidate Kathy Barnette for not unequivocally stating that Yes, she would automatically support and endorse whoever whichever ball-less RINO won her race, if she lost, are now doing exactly what they said Barnette was not permitted to do: Withholding support from the winning candidate for the November election.
Aside from casting a bright light on a huge bunch of petty minded, shallow, duplicitous, un-serious Republican establishment political hacks and letting the public see exactly how useless they are and how useless the Republican Party is, this withholding of support demonstrates that the PAGOP does not stand with the Republican voters. These empty suit politicians don’t give a fig about what We, The People think, need, or want in a political candidate. They only know and care about what they want. And that is just power.
To demonstrate how unhappy these petulant babies are, they will happily detonate their own political base, and their own party, to try to prevent an independent minded Mastriano from taking the Governor’s Office.
If the PAGOP establishment does not soon rally around Mastriano for governor, then the PAGOP will cease to exist as a real political force in Pennsylvania. The same goes for Dr. Oz for senate, as well, who as of now leads RINO favorite Dave McCormick. This is because the Republican voter base on which the PAGOP is built will hate their rotten guts forever after. Especially if Mastriano and Oz lose their races in November. What a betrayal it will be!
If the PAGOP is willing to give up the PA governorship and a PA US Senate seat because their own chosen RINO candidates didn’t win the nomination, then what’s the real difference between a weak PAGOP and an initially weak start-up new political party? Not much, but the new political party has more promise.
What’s the difference here between the PAGOP and the Democrat Party? If the PAGOP is willing to hand the communists these two seats, then Not much difference between them, at all.
Nothing screams out for a strong, focused, principled new political party to take the place of the hollow PAGOP like this sad state of affairs in Pennsylvania. What a bunch of party pooper sore losers. They really don’t care about us voters or about America.
May 19th, 2022

With the Kerwin men, quality people

Primary elections are more important than the general election every November, because voters choose who is going to be representing them at the November election. And in the case of Republican Party voters, if you don’t vote for constitutional America-First candidates, you are guaranteed to have a Republican In Name Only (RINO) liberal running against the Democrat Party liberal in the November election. There’s not a whole lot of philosophical difference between the Republican liberal and the Democrat liberal, and after that November election between a RINO and a Democrat it’s just a question of how rapidly America is destroyed under your feet, slowly or quickly.
On Tuesday I volunteered at four different election polls, handing out brochures for Kathy Barnette, and I spoke with a lot of voters. Here are some take-aways from my experience during and after Tuesday’s Primary Election here in PA:
- Unsurprisingly, voters make both simple and complicated choices in voting for candidates. Simple choices can be lazy or principled, and complicated choices can be bizarre or carefully thought out. Candidate selection is as complex as any other choice in life, and I think that is a good thing.
- Party establishment endorsement is a negative among Republican/ conservative voters, who appear to increasingly view the GOP as a force for bad and not for good. For example, Lou Barletta’s campaign unleashed a tidal wave of Republican establishment career politician endorsements in the days before Tuesday’s election, and if anything these endorsements seemed to hurt Barletta at the polls, not help him; Doug Mastriano crushed Barletta.
- On the other hand, Democrat voters seem highly attuned to and in synch with their establishment, as witnessed by political newcomer Justin Fleming’s trouncing of long time Democrat Party activist Eric Epstein in the newly created 105th Legislative District (PA House). For at least ten years, and probably closer to twenty years, independent-minded liberal Epstein has run for everything from dog catcher to school board to state senate, almost always unsuccessfully but always with close-call results. Not this time. Apparently ten unions and the House Democrat Campaign Committee aggressively weighed in to stop Epstein from finally capitalizing on his well-known household name in southcentral PA. Fleming the unprincipled “electoral pragmatist” won with 61% of the vote.
- Money is not all that it used to be, but it can still matter in elections, no surprise. Case in point is a very small amount of money (like $157,000 total), old fashioned shoe leather, and reasonable social media networking got conservative grass roots favorite Kathy Barnette up to 25% of the vote in an eight-candidate race. This is a huge statement about the lack of importance of money. However, when the wildly false negative attacks against Barnette started pouring in during the last week from McCormick and Oz and their supporters, like Sean Hannity, Barnette lacked sufficient funds to get out her last-minute rebuttals on TV and radio that could have gotten her over the finish line to win. Enough confusion and obfuscation was created by the attacks to blunt Barnette’s position at the top, and allowed both Oz and McCormick to grow their own voter returns at her expense. Had Barnette possessed a million dollars to do last-minute TV and radio ads, she probably would have won the election.
- Negative advertising does work, and it also greatly suppresses voter turnout. At all of the five polls I was at yesterday, voting was down between 10% and 20%, and I believe many voters were just fed up and confused by all of the negative advertising. SO they stayed home and said “I will just vote in November for whoever wins this primary race.”
- Conservative voters are much more oriented toward ideology and principles than political party.
- Almost every primary election has one winner and some losers, and almost always the losers say they will take their ball and go home if they don’t win, and they won’t back the winner of their race. For weeks before and even after the election was over, I heard unceasing complaints from Republicans about how Mastriano is “too conservative” for Pennsylvania, and that his win will automatically hand the governorship to Komrade Josh Shapiro. I also heard unceasing complaints from Republican voters that Lou Barletta was too milquetoast to appeal to anyone in November, except for blue haired suburban GOPe Republicans. Folks, get used to these competitive races. They are good for us. This competition is just the nature of real and healthy primary races, something that Republicans really need, and something that the GOPe HATES. The Republican Country Club Party hates hates hates sharing decision making with the unwashed dirty masses, who keep gumming up GOPe dreams of easy ill gotten wealth and posh fundraisers. Sorry not sorry, GOPe, get used to ceding more and more decision making to the actual people you claim to represent. It is a good thing, and it is why Mastriano won by an enormous margin.
- For the most part, the GOPe got its ass kicked in PA and elsewhere in America. RINOs like Jake Corman (the sitting President Pro Tem of the PA Senate!!), Jeff Bartos, et al either dropped out or finished below 5%, while underdog candidates like Kathy Barnette and Dr. Oz scored big time vote returns against the establishment’s wishes. We are witnessing a power shift away from GOP party bosses, which is a good thing, because party bosses are corrupt and self-serving people.
- Charlie Gerow is still a good guy, and still not a catchy candidate. Once again, voters enjoy Charlie as an articulate proponent of conservative values, but not as a representative in government for their needs. Charlie is a salon intellectual in the mold of William F. Buckley, one of the 20th century’s great conservative crusaders. Not winning elections doesn’t mean Gerow isn’t relevant, it just means his strength is in policy debates and in the conservative salon of ideas. Nothing wrong with that.
- Finally, yard signs and road signs do not mean anything close to what they used to represent even ten years ago. At one time yard signs and roadside signs were a big part of electoral public outreach, but in this digital age, they are becoming less important. I would not say they are unimportant, because in some ways they can be used to get a sense of voter engagement. Like, lots of signs for Candidate X in a county or in a region probably means that Candidate X is well known there. But it does not mean that Candidate X is necessarily going to convert that name recognition into an Election Day win. Information is now moving so fast and so far across the political landscape, that just one gaffe or one slip-up by an otherwise reasonable candidate can mean the end of their lead or presumptive win. No amount of yard signs can counter a fifteen second video of a candidate doing or saying something ridiculous.
Thank you to all the voters who spent time talking with me on Tuesday. I promote candidates at polls on Election Day every year because these are people I believe in, and I believe in sharing the why and how I have arrived at my decision on whom to vote for. One thing that has not changed among voters at polls since I was a teenager is this: Liberal voters at polls are always surly, grumpy, dismissive, or disrespectful. Do not ask me why this is, but it does hint at how some people think.
May 16th, 2022
Most voters think the November election is important, because citizens are choosing between one political party and another. But the truth is, primary elections are the most important, because it is here that we resolve Who is going to be voted on in November. More than political party affiliation, the individual candidate really determines the values and policy commitments. Especially when we consider that every day there is less and less difference between the two main political parties, and that they have more in common with one another than they do with The People whom they are supposed to serve through government service.
And so we are witnessing a wonderfully, refreshingly messy primary season right now, across America, as grass roots candidates bare knuckle battle a uniparty establishment whose candidates are championed by both leftwing and conservative media outlets. Establishments of both Democrat and Republican parties are experiencing serious battering rams of angry citizens, determined to pull down the artificially chosen and often weak-willed establishment candidates from their war horses.
Those put off by this political and cultural bloodletting, bemoaning its ‘divisiveness’ and hard-edged words, apparently forget that this democratic process is a substitute for resolving differences through real bloodletting. Historically, humans have resolved their differences and power struggles via battle axe, knife, club, and mace.
Let us welcome tough words.
If you are reading this blog, then you are here for the Everyman perspective, whether you agree with it or are working hard to block it. Happily, I say you are not going to be disappointed:
- Doug Mastriano should be the Republican choice for Pennsylvania governor. Doug is pretty new to politics, and yet has shown real leadership, taken risks and made sacrifices. He made a mistake as a new state senator when he joined fellow Republicans in supporting Act 77, a Democrat Party Trojan horse eagerly gobbled up by the gullible GOPe. Act 77 allowed all of the cheating in November 2020, resulting in a stolen election here in PA. Mastriano is a military Veteran, as pro-America and pro-citizen as possible, and he is electable in November this year. He deserves your vote.
- Rick Saccone should be the Republican choice for PA Lieutenant Governor. Saccone has a long history of serving America in the military and in the Pennsylvania legislature as a fearless advocate for good government. He has taken enough of a break from government over the past six years to not be a careerist, and he is as pro-America and as pro-citizen as possible. He deserves your vote.
- Kathy Barnette should be the Republican nominee for the open US Senate seat here in PA. She is a true grass roots candidate, the real embodiment of an America-loving citizen who risks and sacrifices much for the benefit of her fellow citizens. She offers a real “Mister Smith Goes to Washington” opportunity that so many Americans of all philosophical leanings are hungry for (she has spent less than $200,000 on her campaign and yet is poised to win in a three-way race where the other two candidates have each spent over THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS). Barnette served in the National Guard and has been the best, most plain-spoken advocate for basic American values and rights that anyone has seen anywhere across our fruited plains for a very long time. She is VERY electable in November. That Barnette is being attacked from all angles of both Democrat and Republican establishments and the media means that she is scaring the hell out of them all. Good. That means Barnette definitely deserves your vote.
The 103rd PA House District now includes not just Harrisburg, but a detached, distant, disembodied borough across a westward mile of Susquehanna River. Truly a miraculous piece of gerrymandering, the new district is well designed to protect Democrat careerists in Harrisburg City and blunt Republicans everywhere around. Except that many Hispanics and Blacks are understandably leaving the abusive Democrat Party, and this exodus can make this seat truly competitive. Two Republicans are vying tomorrow for the opportunity to challenge long-time utter zero state representative Patty Kim. Sorry, Patty, I feel badly saying this, but you are a leftist rubber stamp and an intellectual lightweight. Whichever candidate prevails tomorrow has a real opportunity to harness disaffected minority Democrat voters in November.
Don’t just vote tomorrow, but also volunteer for a candidate. I will be working a couple polling places for Kathy Barnette’s campaign. Hope to see you out there.
May 13th, 2022
US Senate candidate Kathy Barnette is one of my fellow America First conservative activists who GOPe scum sneer at because we run impossible political campaigns at great personal expense, just to move the ball down the field a foot or two. And like a lot of other grass roots voters, among other reasons I like her for her risk taking and sacrifice on our behalf.
In 2009 I ran in a congressional primary in a four-pack of candidates. This was at the very beginning of the Tea Party movement. I was politely asked to not run by a Republican state senator who ended up running and barely winning the primary race himself (then he was crushed in November by the incumbent Democrat), as well as by a significant Pennsylvania GOPe donor and by the PAGOP chairman. I burned some bridges by staying in the race, and I did very OK in the end.
In 2012 I ran for PA state senate, and at the last minute the PAGOP gerrymandered me out of my own 15th state senate district. The then-Republican-led PA Supreme Court threw out the gerrymander plan, citing my situation (the justices called it an “iron cross designed to keep someone in particular from running for this senate seat”), and so I was back in the race with just days to get on the ballot. Then the PAGOP ran another candidate in addition to me and their chosen one, in order to dilute the vote. Their second candidate was a long-time sitting elected official. The PAGOP plan worked, and the “very moderate” chosen candidate won with 43% of the vote, while I had a very respectable second place. I think we spent about ten thousand dollars, while the GOPe candidate spent $300,000 and the GOPe candidate #2 spent $34,000.
The PAGOP “very moderate” candidate who won that Republican primary nomination went on to be utterly crushed by a liberal Democrat in a Republican +10% district. So much for the PAGOP and GOPe regular RINO program working out. This is why so many grass roots conservatives no longer trust the GOPe or PAGOP to find good candidates.
I ran for that state senate seat again in 2015, and again it was me versus the moderate PAGOP candidate. So a third candidate was selected to dilute the vote and help the moderate win. That race ended in November 2015 when I fell during a bear hunt high up on a northcentral Pennsylvania mountaintop and wrecked my knee, requiring two back-to-back surgeries so I could walk again. The moderate Republican won that primary and beat the liberal Democrat the following November, and has been a mostly do-nothing, know-nothing bench warmer ever since. It depresses me to think of what might have been, might have been achieved, had we gotten a conservative in this seat…
…anyhow, I can relate to Kathy Barnette, because I, too, have personally risked and sacrificed a great deal to do my own best to steer political outcomes in the right direction. She has my total respect and support.
Fast forward to today, and warrior princess Kathy Barnette is being criticized for having lost her congressional race in liberal Montgomery County several years ago. In a district that is Democrat +25%, conservative Barnette ran anyhow, just to stir things up. How many of the anti-Barnette sneering weenies in the PAGOP have ever risked anything, or sacrificed anything, like she did, for the good of the cause?
Someone GOPe just did a laughably dishonest and fake video about Barnette that was shown on TV, where one-second snippets of her various speeches were sloppily combined to make her sound like she supports Black Lives Matter (she doesn’t), hates police (she doesn’t), and hates white people (she doesn’t).
In every case Barnette was actually saying exactly the opposite of what is claimed in the fake video: That she does not support BLM, which she called “parasitic,” and she does support the police and does not support defunding the police, and that she opposes anti-white racism. Etc.
A reporter named Jack Posobiec has posted a video on Rumble where he exposes each of these lies about Barnette. Posobiec also posted a video about how he has combed through over 1,300 of Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Oz’s TV appearances over decades, and has found ZERO pro-America or even conservative content of any sort, cultural or political.
Dr. Oz:
- served in the Turkish armed forces, while Barnette served in the US Army Reserve
- voted in Turkey in 2018, while Barnette votes in her home nation of America
- holds dual citizenship with Turkey and America… a huge conflict of interest; Barnette is just a plain ol’ American citizen
- is a long-time Hollywood liberal who suddenly discovered the GOP when he decided to buy a senate seat in a state he does not live in
- lives in New Jersey, not PA, unlike Barnette, who actually lives in PA
- supports hormone blockers for little boys and transexualism/ transgenderism for little children
- supports anti-gun rights “red flag” laws, whereas Barnette is endorsed by Gun Owners of America
- Barnette is endorsed by US Senator Joni Ernst, General Mike Flynn, Susan B. Anthony List, and a long laundry list of other conservative organizations and individuals
Two other criticisms of Barnette do have a smidgeon of relevance, but are easily dismissed.
One is that she is “anti gay,” which is a dishonest way to characterize Barnette’s support for a Christian baker who did not want the government to force him to bake a cake for a gay wedding. And Barnette correctly points out that what began as an understandable cry for fair treatment by the gay community has turned into a relentless demand for absolute endorsement of homosexual behavior, with heavy punishment for dissenters. Americans and humans everywhere have a right to their own beliefs, and a right to be left alone, and a right to say they are uncomfortable with other people’s sex lives. Barnette was correct in her position on this.
The other claim is that Barnette is “anti Islam,” which is yet again a dishonest way of reporting that Barnette wants the same kind of public debate about public policy issues surrounding Islam in America as Islamic groups demand about Christians, Jews, and pro-Israel groups in America. Barnette correctly points out that if it’s OK for Islam and Muslims to criticize people for their religious views, then it is fair for those same people to similarly criticize and question Islam and Muslims for their religious views. Fair is fair, equal is equal. This is not difficult to understand or to support. Every fair-minded person should support Barnette on these issues.
In short, Kathy Barnette is right over the target, she is poised to win and upset many years of RINO planning, and the bullcrap flak is coming in heavy, from the GOPe and the PAGOP and the RINOs. I have no way of knowing if Barnette will win next week, but if she does, it will probably be by a couple thousand votes. And if she loses, it will probably be by a few hundred votes.
Everyone who loves a free constitutional America must absolutely vote for Kathy Barnette, an American icon of bravery and selfless sacrifice.
p.s. Candidate Dave McCormick is a World Economic Forum member and a serial RINO from Connecticut. I keep getting emails from him claiming he is pro-2A, but then why did Barnette get endorsed by GOA? Turns out McCormick did not even bother to answer the GOA candidate survey… what an arrogant man.
May 3rd, 2022
Today’s Republican Party may have a lazy corporate culture, a bunch of do-nothings leading it who are there for the easy money, a nice pension, insider trading, early golf games and lavish fundraisers, and it might not really stand for much at all, but at least it’s not the anti-America, anti-human, pro-pedophile Democrat Party.
This is the thinking of a lot of American voters these days, who feel compelled to see the electoral trade-offs offered to them by these two political parties as necessarily choosing the lesser of two evils. This is no great endorsement of the Republican Party, and it is worth noting that a lot of conservatives revile the GOP. I do. Because it is a pathetic excuse for a political party, which is supposed to embody a philosophy of government implemented through legislation and policy.
Originally founded in 1854 by Americans both Caucasian and ex-African to oppose the westward expansion of Democrat Party slavery, by 1860 the Republican Party had become the de facto political party of anti-slavery abolitionists. The Republican Party leader became Abraham Lincoln (inspired by Frederick Douglass), who fought the Democrats in the First Civil War, and the rest is well known history, unless your school teaches CRT: The Democrat Party lost the Civil War, Democrats everywhere never forgave the Republicans for taking away their slaves, and fast forward the Democrat Party stole the 2020 election so they can enslave an entire nation, not just black people.
After defeating the Democrat Party again and again on voting rights and civil rights for American blacks in the 1950s and 1960s, somewhere around the late 1960s the Republican Party became a big White Guys country club and ceased to stand for much at all beyond making scads of money and wearing penny loafers. The GOP has not improved since then, and today it is really the headquarters for every spineless jellyfish American walking on two legs.
But there is hope, big hope, that the GOP might once again stand for something important and meaningful. This is because American blacks are waking up to the realization that the Democrat Party has de facto enslaved them for the past sixty years, taking their votes and never delivering on their promises. For the taxpayer-funded welfare equivalent of thirty pieces of silver, beginning in the 1960s the Democrat Party turned American blacks into sharecroppers and hopeless drug addicts on the Democrat Plantation. And now American blacks are in growing revolt against their would-be white liberal Democrat slave masters. They see how bad their lives are, and they know who is responsible.
While depriving the evil Democrat Party of a big swath of their voters is a good thing, even better is that American blacks are registering as Republicans and running for office as Republicans. They are almost singlehandedly redeeming the GOP and restoring it to its former purpose and focus. Between black conservatives and “white” conservatives, the GOP country club mentality is beginning to change. It is true that the GOPe (GOP establishment) fights against Republican conservatives harder than it fights against the Democrat Party, but this is a losing fight. Since 2008, seat by seat, primary election by election, conservatives (patriotic constitutionalists devoted to American First Principles and the principle of America First) are capturing former RINO territory, and planting the flag of freedom.
Of especial note in this rising tide are the increasing number of black conservatives. These candidates/ elected officials (Kathy Barnette here in PA, Herschel Walker, Byron Donalds, Winsome Sears, Harriet Hallman, Tim Scott, Tamika Hamilton, Wesley Hunt, Mark Robinson, Kristina Karamo, and Dr. Leslyn Lewis in Canada) news pundits (Candace Owens), philosophical leaders (Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, Colion Noir), and just plain-old fed up working people, are freakin’ ROCK STARS among rural white conservatives.
Why? Because there is nothing more powerfully symbolic and inspiring in a representative government owned by every citizen than a freed slave standing up, shaking off the shackles of injustice, and proclaiming Liberty throughout the land.
The Republican Party has not had this much relevance, meaning, and usefulness since 1864 and again in 1964, and so may it continue in this vein for decades to come. I hope and pray that black conservatives will increasingly run for office, because there are few white Americans who represent a restoration of government of, by and for The People as much as a black American.