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About this “Friendsgiving” nonsense

Why is it so difficult for a bunch of people living the good life in America to say thanks, show appreciation, and have gratitude for what America has provided to them?

Among extremists, America is built on “stolen land,” and observing Thanksgiving Day is honoring a wicked country built on lies. Sorry to use that word “extremist,” but it must be used here, because it is flung repeatedly at anyone who disagrees with the nihilist, racist, genocidal, secular anarchist movement now inhabiting the Democrat Party body and its stinking mouthpiece, the Mainstream Establishment Legacy Media (CNNlol, CBS, ABC, NPR, MSNBC, PBS, PennLive etc et al).

People who posted “Friendsgiving” pictures to their America-censoring social media outlets may be wallowing like pigs in stinking mire and absolutely loving it, but why don’t or can’t they stop and look back over their shoulder? These most ultra of shallow virtue signalers are wearing clothing made by capitalists, living in nice homes built by capitalists, driving cars designed and built by capitalists and that run on fuel (electricity or petroleum) extracted and refined and provided by capitalists, using smart phones and laptops designed and built by capitalists, etc.

This is to say, If America is really so damned evil, and if you all are so really sorry about how we all got here, and you all are feeling so deeply such shame for your benefits and lifestyle, then why don’t you show how you really feel and throw it all away. Put your money where your mouth is, shallowcrats.

Don’t sit here and post these gleeful family pictures while simultaneously lecturing and hectoring the rest of us on how bad we all are. Christ, people, you shallow virtue signalers are the worst hypocrites on Planet Earth, not just in America. You enjoy all the benefits of capitalist America, all its luxuries (oh how Liberals love them some luxuries and swag!), its freedoms to criticize everyone else who is not in your tribe of hypocrites, but then also eschew it all. You get to have it both ways, when in reality we all must make choices in life. To be honorable people, anyhow.

Thanksgiving Day was established early on in American history because people who fought and worked hard to create a free nation showed their true gratitude for it all. For all the opportunities. If there is one defining American characteristic, it is freedom of opportunity, for everyone.

Yes, the American Indians lost their fight to hold on to America, against a seemingly endless tide of human migration. And it is sad, to me at least. I do feel badly for American Indians, what they lost, and most important, how they lost it to people supposedly representing Judeo-Christian ethics, and yet who had no scruples about lying to and deceiving the Indians at every turn.

But let us ask, How much land does a single person need? American Indians probably enjoyed a ratio of 10,000 square miles to each person. Contrast that to the cramped conditions in Europe, where serfs, peasants, and landless native Celts were confined to slums or as de facto slaves on their tiny “freeholds.”

Why was it OK for Asians to migrate to America, set up shop as a hundred different warring, torturing, human-sacrificing Indian tribes, but it was not OK for poverty-stricken landless Celtic tribes (Irish, Scots) to migrate to America and set up shop, as well? Were the Indians really so greedy and selfish that they could not share their incredible land wealth with other needy humans?

Why is it OK for endless illegal migration into America right now (maskless, no vaccine), but we have people celebrating “Friendsgiving” and lamenting the Indians’ stolen Americas?

And about the African slaves…yes, we know that was wrong, because America fought a bloody civil war over the issue, and America made many large sacrifices since then to rectify an issue that affected a tiny percentage of the American population.

Why are people who are living in million dollar homes and driving nice cars prostituting their skin color on this false narrative altar that America never gave them anything? Jesus Christ, people, look at the underpants you are wearing right now! I will bet that just your underpants alone cost more than all the clothes combined in one African village in the Congo or Nigeria. Show some damned appreciation. Show some gratitude for what you have. Don’t engage in this shallow virtue signaling, because all it does is draw attention to what a weak non-thinker you choose to be.

None of this makes a damn bit of sense. But then, making logical, reasonable sense never is important to people on the Left. They live a daily orgy of silly virtue signaling and mea culpas while simultaneously reaping the very best that American capitalism has to offer them, us, the entire world.

Just show some gratitude, some thanks for what you have. If you feel badly about the condition of the American Indian reservations, go help them. They need help and will appreciate your help.

And if you feel badly about the obvious plight of so many descendants of African slaves living in America today, then stop supporting bad policies that lock them into this horrible condition. Stop voting for people and one single political party that makes modern-day slavery to its movement and sacrifice by communal catastrophe an absolute requirement.

Will anyone who should hear these words listen to them? Like the people posting about “Friendsgiving” and how bad America is. Probably not. The fast-happy endorphins released in brains by silly virtue signaling “I am so damned right” are an addictive drug. People are hallucinating and fantasizing while high on endorphins, and while it isn’t real, they don’t care. It just feels so damned good, and they don’t have a care or a thanks in the world.


While fortunately spending a great deal of time out of doors over the past two weeks, often with old friends, in beautiful natural environments, I found myself feeling thankful over and over. What an incredible nation we live in, this America, to have so much opportunity and food and cars and clothing and so much else that it is easy to take any and all of it for granted.

If there is one thing that this debacle of a presidential administration in Washington DC is showing us Americans, it is how fragile our lives and indulgences really are here. In just ten months, the election-stealing Biden Administration has managed to joyfully throw America’s economy into a whirlpool, with spokesthing Jen Psaki laughing out loud and mocking questions about rising food prices, inflation.

“Sorry the treadmill is slowing down,” Psaki mocks, as the administration does everything in its power to keep ships off our coasts from delivering their cargo to us, to turn America from energy-independent to energy-weak and energy-dependent, with soaring gasoline prices as a result.

And in a bizarre way Psaki has done working Americans a favor. She and her confused boss Biden have shown us how thankful we should be. It is a fact that we should not take any of this incredible lifestyle for granted. Not even toilet paper, right? Look at what evil people can so easily do to us, if we just give them the opportunity!

Here below is George Washington’s original proclamation, establishing Thanksgiving Day. Remember that George Washington was one of our leading Founding Fathers who risked everything he had 245 years ago to bring us the opportunities and freedoms we enjoy today. When I read this, I wonder if enough Americans today feel the same way General Washington felt then; do we deeply appreciate what we have. I hope you all enjoyed this day of Thanksgiving as much as I did.

“Thanksgiving Proclamation

New York, 3 October 1789

By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”

Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted—for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually—to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed—to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord—To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New-York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

Go: Washington”


Freedom Sunday

Aaaaahhhh, the swell feeling of freedom.

A few days ago, I sat up in a tree stand in Perry County with a loaded crossbow, waiting for a legal buck to walk by. A legal buck in this area of Pennsylvania has at least three points on one side of his antler rack.

The most distinguishing feature of this afternoon deer hunt was that it was occurring on a Sunday. Sunday hunting (beyond coyotes and foxes) is a new addition to Pennsylvania, and as of 2020 we have three Sundays to hunt deer or bear. People like me prevailed in obtaining these mere three Sundays to hunt only after a protracted 25-year battle with the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, whose nonagenarian board members constantly shook their canes at freedom lovers.

We lovers of freedom are also by nature opponents of government overreach, and yet while the PA Farm Bureau is against all kinds of government overreach, they were all fall-on-their-sword supportive of a government ban on Sunday hunting. Even on private property, where land owners could make their own personal choice about how to spend their weekend. The PA Farm Bureau would not, and still will not, budge one inch in their opposition to any sort of Sunday hunting. And incredibly, Pennsylvania’s laundry list of career elected officials went along with the PA Farm Bureau’s twenty nonagenarians, and against the wishes of just about everyone else.

So while we await the day when the Liberty Bell shall yet ring again and proclaim liberty throughout the land, granting Sunday hunting from October 1st through February 15th, we must enjoy what crumbs we may glean from the grips of the power and control obsessed.

This present gridlock situation made my three hours of Sunday afternoon archery hunting bittersweet. On the one hand, I was in fact experiencing one Freedom Sunday. Better than nothing, right? On the other hand, sometimes a taste of honey is worse than none at all, and while I sat there my mind kept involuntarily counting the number of Sundays we were being unfairly excluded from enjoying.

If you are curious, the number of Sundays we hunters are being deprived in Pennsylvania is nineteen (19). That may seem like very few days to the person who gets to do whatever they want to do seven days a week, 365 days a year, and without false moralists looking over their shoulder in hypocritical judgment of whatever their choice of entertainment may be on any particular day. But to us hunters, whose season runs from early October to mid February, and again the month of May’s turkey season, those nineteen days are a huge deal. We can’t make up for them in the summer months. We can’t get them back once they have passed.

This means that we Pennsylvania hunters are missing a significant percentage of freedom in our lives as otherwise free citizens. This freedom is being unfairly deprived to us, stripped out of our hands, out of the lives of our children. It is a bizarre situation, when we look at the states around us that have unlimited Sunday hunting.

For example, a week ago I began an annual wilderness hunt out of state on a Sunday morning. The trail head parking lot I started out from was packed with the pickup trucks and SUVs of fellow hunters, many of whom I learned later are tradesmen and contractors, whose work loads are heavy all week long, and whose weekends are their real opportunity to pursue their hobbies and pastimes. Our presence as free hunters, free citizens, in the Sunday woods bothered no one, impacted no one. Pennsylvania needs a lot more of this same Freedom Sunday.

Freedom Sunday: Me deer hunting on private land last Sunday. Hurting no one, bothering no one. Why not more of this Sunday freedom?

Veteran’s Day speech 2050

“Today is Veteran’s Day, in the year 2050, and I would like to acknowledge and thank our armed services veterans for their dedication and selfless loyalty.

This year of 2050 marks the thirtieth anniversary of our party’s glorious revolution against the old racist and capitalist United States of America. Our beautiful revolution that began with the party’s righteous overthrow of the corrupt old election system in 2020 could only have been made sure by the joining of the American military with the party. As I said, it is the military veterans of our many difficult but ultimately successful campaigns against domestic terrorists to rid America of racist capitalist oppression who made the party dominant and who brought peace and equity to our shores.

Without our glorious veterans today, we could never have re-made America into what it was meant to be: A unified, centralized, single party nation that serves all people equally. The antiquated and racist so-called Constitution of the old republic was made irrelevant by the dominant forcefulness and sacrifice of our party’s military forces and the many veterans of the several branches who gave their all to ensure that the party became the supreme source of all that is good in America today.

So I want to acknowledge and thank from the bottom of my heart on this Veteran’s Day all of you who have served the party and America so well.

Hakeem Jeffries, Secretary of Peace, Socialist Nation of America”

If we want to avoid some semblance of this speech from becoming actuality, then we Americans ALL must join together as the founders of America joined together in 1776 to fight the tyranny that daily threatens to dismantle America’s foundation. Witness the Biden DOJ and FBI committing an unconstitutional pre-dawn raid this week against journalist James O’Keefe’s home, where his personal computers and phones were stolen and whose contents were illegally downloaded. Nothing in them had anything to do with any crimes. In fact, just like the January 6th political prisoners rotting in DC jails solitary confinement who have not been officially charged, O’Keefe has not been charged with anything. This is just a political fishing expedition to uncover what O’Keefe knows about powerful people.

Apparently O’Keefe’s Project Veritas is so successful at outing Marxist hypocrisy and domestic threats to America that the full coercive weight of the federal government had to be brought down on him, illegally.

The DOJ and the FBI are now so crystal clearly just arms of the Democrat Party. A political party that is seeking sole dominance by any means necessary. By crushing all dissent that has always been constitutionally protected. But the Constitution is only a piece of paper, and if one party no longer respects it or agrees to abide by it….then it becomes meaningless.

America is in for a real fight to stay as a free nation. A fight against the Biden federal government. Thank you to all the real military veterans who have served, fought, been wounded, or died over the last 240 years, while in the pursuit of keeping the Constitution alive and our freedoms real.

My childhood friend John S. broke out and dusted off his service medals today. It is people like John who created the military deterrent to invasion of America. And it is veterans like John who Americans will probably need to call upon again to create a deterrent to the domestic terrorists and enemies now in control of the federal government. Thank you for your service, Johnny. You make us proud.

PA governor & senate races ahead

If politics makes odd bedfellows, Pennsylvania politics is making an odd assortment of fellows, period. And the only one who isn’t odd is also not a fellow, she’s a she.

Off the bat we can discount present PA AG Josh Shapiro, who hungers for the PA governorship. Shapiro proved a year ago and even as recently as a week ago that he is a power-hungry Bolshevik, willing to use his office for personal political gain. To be fair, almost all Attorneys General use their office to make a bunch of show trials that launch them into their particular state’s governor race. Shapiro is a partisan hack who cares little (I won’t say he cares nothing) for The People.

The Democrat Party candidate for US Senate most interesting to anyone with a pulse is John Fetterman, an unapologetic communist with the physique of an iron worker. Fetterman has the weirdest charisma and should not be discounted just because he lies constantly about his wife being attacked, or about voter fraud not happening, or whatever else this kookus mongus communist thinks he needs to lie about. The sad thing about Fetterman is that he would be truly dangerous if he was simply honest, and spoke honestly. That he has a degree from Harvard means only that he was heavily indoctrinated with communist dogma, not that he is necessarily smart.

The Republican side has the most action, and in some ways some of the least interesting people to offer themselves to the body politic in a while.

Former congressman and Trump Administration appointee Lou Barletta is running for PA governor. Two years ago he ran the ultimate Low-T, low energy, slow-walk race against incumbent US Senator Bob Casey Junior. It was not even a contest, and it appeared that Barletta had simply signed up his blindingly white teeth to be on the ballot, and then had not done a single campaign event. Casey blew Barletta’s doors off in the general election.

I am not picking on the guy, and I am not opposed to Barletta. He seems a good person, and as the GOPe goes, he is fairly conservative. He does not come across as a conservative street fighter, opposed to John Fetterman who is an aggressive leftist street fighter, and the greatest fear Barletta inspires in Republican grass roots is that he will install Part II of the Tom Corbett Administration. Recall that the spectacularly failed Corbett Administration appeared to have a religious test/requirement for senior employees/appointees, and that it was chaotically run by a slew of unaccountable arrogant young puppies who seemed to relish detonating the GOP at every turn. Please, no no no no, let’s not do that again.

Barletta is doing the hard work of racking up endorsements, and he is speaking publicly. He appears to be the GOPe guy.

However, now Jake Corman has announced his bid for PA governor. Corman is the PA senate “leader,” the recipient of tons of Democrat Party supporter money, the ultimate GOPe insider hack, and is widely hated in his own district. His announcement appears to be a political last hurrah before he faces a primary challenger next spring. www.jakethesnake.us has a run-down on Corman’s voluminous failings and weaknesses. He is the spoiled child of Pennsylvania politics and probably believes he has a good chance at winning the primary, but he has never faced the angry Republican voter. I believe that given a choice, Republican grass roots voters will happily vote for Barletta rather than unhappily vote for Corman.

Candidate Charlie Gerow has been written about previously. Charlie is a swell guy who runs a conservative salon. He is a convener of various points of the GOP and the GOPe, a consultant and lobbyist. He is a conservative intellectual in the model of William F. Buckley, a thinker, a debater. Charlie loves politics and policy, so he runs for office. I can’t blame him, but I don’t see him engaging the electorate the way Barletta’s gleaming teeth can.

PA senator Doug Mastriano just announced an exploratory committee for governor, which I think is a mistake. Mastriano just started making good waves in the PA senate, and he is needed there. If Corman leaves the senate, Mastriano could rise and take on a leadership role. He could do it even if Corman does not leave the senate. How sweet that would be, to see the guy whose entire senate office was defunded by Corman because Mastriano sought to audit the 2020 stolen election (there was that Democrat $$ speaking for Corman) become a or the senate leader.

Montgomery County commissioner Joe Gale is said to be a candidate for governor, but I have neither seen hide nor hair of the guy, and a request to interview him submitted on his campaign web page was not acknowledged. It is tough to tell if he is for real; if he is, then he seems to offer a lot. He is an unapologetic pro-America conservative and not afraid to fight for us. But again, has anyone seen or heard from Gale?

On the Republican side of the looming John Fetterman street fight for our US Senate seat thankfully being vacated by Patricia Toomey, we have Jeff Bartos, Sean Parnell, and Kathy Barnette.

Jeff Bartos is non-committal to either the GOPe or to the Trump voters, stands for maybe something or maybe nothing, and he comes across as yet one more moderate Philly Jew in the mold of Arlen Specter, who absolutely no one misses. Bartos tried to make political hay out of Sean Parnell’s recent divorce, which involves cute little kids, which is just a bullshit weak-ass move by a desperate, drowning man from Philly. Go away, Bartos, and do not come back. You offer nothing to politics or voters anywhere. Zero. Spare us your drama and ego; please just leave.

Sean Parnell is a handsome, confident, all-American former combat Soldier who stands for everything Pennsylvanians and Americans support and want again from our government. He just went through a divorce, which happens, and in almost every divorce I have witnessed, the two parties pretty much despise each other by the end. OK, it happens, and none of this divorce thing has anything to do with Parnell’s qualifications to be a hard-hitting US senator. Which he probably will be. He is a solid choice for US Senate.

Giving Parnell the real run for the money is candidate Kathy Barnette. Also an Army veteran, Barnette is as pretty a woman as Parnell is handsome a guy, and she is even more articulate and charismatic than he. Her politics are  clearly and unapologetically A+ on the pro-America money. That she is black holds a huge potential upside, because white conservatives are wildly supportive of Black conservatives. If Barnette can get out enough to get known among the voters, then she has a very good chance of facing Fetterman in the general election next year, and I think she would crush him in debates and in a state-wide vote.

Citizen wave arrests aggressive elites

If yesterday’s amazing election results show anything, it is that Mister and Missus America have had enough and are fed up with aggressive cultural elites. It also shows that stolen elections have consequences, because when election thieves actually believe that their un-just, unconstitutional, coerced, forced, aggressive policies are justified by the fake “mandate” they never got through the election they never won, they get some come-uppance.

And this, despite their best efforts to steal yet more elections, as in Fairfax County, Virginia, being oh-so-sadly unable to show their election results on Election Day. The corrupt Democrat Party stronghold county did their level best to hide, manufacture, fake and lie and cheat and steal more votes to get candidate governor Terry Macauliffe over the finish line, but they failed.

Republican Youngkin won the Virginia governorship, and Republicans swept Virginia’s other offices from stem to stern. And again, this is despite the rampant vote stealing there that a corrupt judge OK’d at the last minute yesterday.

Republicans won in Democrat Party strongholds across the east coast yesterday, showing that regular old Americans are fed up, even Democrat Party members, with the wild communist policy overreach that has come to mark the Democrat Party today. This is the proverbial “citizen wave” that anyone with any connection to working people could see coming ten miles away, and which is still building up steam and coming even harder in 2022.

Here in Harrisburg outgoing mayor Eric Papenfuse attempted a write-in campaign to hold on to his office. Despite doing well as write-in efforts go, he nonetheless gathered about 33% of the vote, and Wanda Williams will move in to the mayor’s office. I give Eric credit for trying, as he cheerfully handed out literature at our polling place yesterday. But after eight years of indistinct presence in the mayor’s office, it is time to let someone else have a try at it. Hopefully Wanda will do better than Eric, and do better than her Democrat Party would want her to do.

Outgoing Harrisburg mayor Eric Papenfuse cheerfully running a write-in campaign for mayor on Election Day 2021.



Election Day now and a year later

A year ago today I was working a poll in Paxtang, I think. Handing out Trump for President literature (Trump won, everyone knows it), and some US Congressman Scott Perry lit, kibbitzing with other poll workers, chatting up voters and asking for their vote. One thing that really hammered home to me the difference between the Trump supporters and the regular county GOP committee members is the energy level we brought.

I was high energy and on my feet for hours, walking up to voters and asking for their vote, explaining the differences in the candidates. The GOP committeeman was lounging in a folding chair most of the time, occasionally standing, handing out literature for PA rep. Sue Helm if voters walked by close enough to take it from his hand.

When I engaged in discussion with the Democrat Party poll watcher, a woman attorney from northern Maryland, it became clear that she was an unapologetic communist. After she flew into a rage over some “Proud Boys” Latinos who showed up in their Trump socks, Trump pants, Trump hats, Trump shirts, and Trump underwear, I asked her why she was a communist. And at that point the Dauphin County GOP committeeman sprang into action, consoling the Democrat Party poll watcher with giggling assurances that I was a lone kook, my own special kind of far-right lunatic, and not at all representative of the Republican Party.

Yes, the GOP committeeman had more in common with the communist poll watcher than with me, the President Donald Trump advocate and poll watcher. Think about that. I still haven’t shaken it. For a long time I wanted to write a letter to this Dauphin County Republican Party committeeman, and among other things ask him if I was wrong in asking her (the lady poll watcher) why she was a communist. Turns out I was correct, that the Democrat Party is now an open and unapologetic communist movement. Do GOP hacks ever admit they were wrong?

Today is Election Day once again, and we have more of a local race to look at now. Our spring primary election yielded an unusual outcome in Harrisburg, a black woman winning the Democrat Party nomination for mayor of Harrisburg City. Usually the white liberals have it all locked up by mesmerizing and lying to their modern-day slaves to vote for the white liberal candidate. But after decades of white liberal mayors failing to do a single thing to improve the lives of black people in Harrisburg City, black voters here decided to try something different. They voted for a black candidate.

Talk about a step on the road to recovery! Congratulations to my fellow Harrisburg citizens for shaking off their white liberal slave masters!

Eric Papenfuse is the sitting white liberal mayor who was ousted in the spring primary by Wanda Williams, a forever member of the Harrisburg City Council. Eric Papenfuse touted his long list of policy and financial failures and concluded with a communist pledge of a guaranteed minimum income for certain city residents. Yep, the white liberal promised yet more government dependency for a community that is drowning and dying in white liberal dependency. If you ever wondered why urban decay is filled with drug addiction, consider where that addiction started: White liberal crack aka public dependency programs that made black people dependent on white liberal handouts.

Wanda’s election signs proclaim her a “lifelong Democrat,” which is hardly anything to brag about. I mean, look at where the Democrat Party has gotten urban black people across America – generations of failed churches, failed schools, failed families, but by God, they reliably vote for continued Democrat Party failure like good slaves!

Despite Papenfuse’s desperate write-in effort, Wanda is likely to win today. I hope that she grows into the Mayor job with an epiphany that causes her to shrug off the built-in failures of the political past she has lived and worked in.

Dear Wanda, please forgo political parties. Forgo political payback or pay-off of any sort. Please help our city citizens climb out of the poverty and failure that white liberals like Eric Papenfuse deliberately put them in. There are a million creative solutions to the mess here in Harrisburg City, and none of them are loyal to any political party or derivative thereof, such as teacher’s unions.

What have we got to lose by trying something new? We already know all of the current players bring nothing but failure and misery. Break free; break the bonds of injustice, Wanda!

A year from now, at the 2022 Election Day, I hope to write a different retrospective than “Yep, the new mayor immediately embraced all of the failed policies handed to her by the outgoing administration and made them her very own.”

And goodbye Eric Papenfuse. I won’t miss you and your cozy cronyism one bit. You did absolutely nothing but hurt Harrisburg even more than it was hurting when you took office eight years ago. Your mayoral Skid Row proved once again that graduating from Yale (and any other Ivy League school) is a damning millstone hung around the necks of the puffed up unfortunates who brag up these worse-then-useless diplomas. You couldn’t think yourself out of a wet paper bag if an entire city depended upon you for it.