Archive → April, 2022
April 28th, 2022
Most political observers know that the Left has been up to no good for a long time, what with suppressing important news that sheds negative light on leftists and the Democrat Party, and creating and amplifying 100% fake news about the political opponents of the Left. Because the Left captured Big Media, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Education, Academia, Wall Street, and most of Corporate America, leftists have lived unchallenged inside a rigged but cheery bubble and have thus been lulled into intellectual torpor.
From which they now awaken to find that with the cracking open of Twitter, thanks to Elon Musk’s purchase, free speech actually means free speech. And the Left is not at all in favor of actual free speech.
Based on my reading of countless online comments from a variety of sources (yes, I read left and right and in between), including the published comments and digital discussions among current Twitter employees, here is what we have learned about not just Twitter’s corporate culture, but about all of Big Tech’s culture:
- A majority of Big Tech employees hold extreme political and cultural views far outside the American mainstream that are antithetical to individual liberty and freedom, except for themselves;
- Hypocrisy, lawlessness, and double standards that favor leftists are viewed as unquestionably meritorious by a majority of Big Tech employees;
- A majority of Big Tech employees viscerally hate and wish a painful death on people with whom they disagree philosophically/ politically/ culturally;
- A majority of Big Tech employees viscerally hate and wish annihilation upon the United States of America, “white people,” Christians, and the rule of law;
- A surprising number of Asian Indians hold these Big Tech jobs, and a surprising number of them hold these same extremist, racist views above. A few of note are Parag Agrawal (Twitter CEO) and Vijaya Gadde (Twitter’s top in-house attorney).
- All of the above except the Asian Indian part applies to probably most liberals/ leftists in America today. That is, today’s partisan Democrat Party stalwart holds strong personal views that are at complete odds with America’s founding documents, America’s first principles, America’s Constitutional limits on government and safeguards for individual citizen rights. This won’t prevent these same Democrat partisans from invoking these rights when they feel the need, but it also means they see nothing wrong with withholding these rights from their political opponents.
The reason I do not infest my essays here with hyperlinks that support my claims is that there are a surprising number of readers here who are not conservatives. Instead of spoon feeding them, I want them to actually type in these above search terms in non-Google search engines like Qwant, Mojeek, Yandex, Swisscows, so they train themselves to stray away from the self-reinforcing tech and fake news bubble they really enjoy inhabiting. Only by taking these small steps outside the artificial comfort zone Big Tech and Big Media have created for liberals/ leftists, will these same people come to understand that there is in fact a happy, intelligent, well informed, and fully functioning mask-less world out there.
It is a world that Big Tech and Big Media have worked very hard to keep their followers from encountering on their own personal terms. Because you know, people might change their minds if they are exposed to real information and healthy ideas…
Which means that the Left is actually very weak. As single-minded and indoctrinated as the average leftist and partisan Democrat Partier is right now, they are also fragile. They all lack the intellectual muscle needed to engage in reasoned debate. This is why leftists become enraged, defensive, sulky, and dismissive about other points of view. It is why Liar In Chief Obama is going all-out to promote more lies, fake news, censorship of conservatives, and narrative control. It is why so many Twitter employees are openly stating their intention to leave Twitter if and when Elon Musk becomes its owner.
These folks cannot think their way out of a wet paper bag to save their lives. They cannot speak without someone spoon feeding them false narratives and fake talking points every day, just like The Matrix movie and the Borg in Star Trek. And if the sun’s light begins to shine into their artificial world, as is happening at Twitter, they must either scurry away like nasty little cockroaches, die and turn to dust like a vampire, or blossom into a pretty new flower getting water and sunshine for the first time.
I hope all leftists turn into a huge sea of pretty flowers, as they encounter truthful facts, healthy and good ideas, and accurate information for the first time in their lives.
Twitter’s soon-to-be ex-lawyer Vijaya Gadde, whose fascist behavior at Twitter would have impressed even the Nazis, from whom she learned much. Her totalitarian drive made her forget that by destroying her own company with bad decisions, she devalued it to the point where someone who loves freedom could buy it on the open market. Leftists may be evil and cruel, but they are weak and can be defeated.
April 26th, 2022
While the big media news these days has politically active people atwitter about Elon Musk’s market purchase of Twitter, a quiet and evil trend has thrown some data points up on the graph chart next to Twitter that demonstrate some conservative news outlets have their own issue. Not necessarily with censorship, but with selling favorable coverage to political candidates the conservative base despises.
Twitter has always censored conservatives, outright deleting their posts, blocking their links, suspending their accounts, or even deleting their accounts, as happened with President Donald Trump, for ridiculous reasons. All while allowing the most evil, barbaric, cruel, misogynistic, anti-gay, racist accounts to remain fully active Twitter accounts, such as Hezbollah, the Taliban, and Iran’s government. To say that liberals/ Leftists/ Democrat Partiers can’t stand the truth or even a dissenting point of view is an understatement, but at least they do it openly.
Something similar and sinister is up in the world of conservative media. But it is not aimed at liberals/ Leftists/ Democrat Partiers. Rather, it is aimed at buoying up and promoting known liberal GOPe Republicans/ RINOs.
When I first saw Steve Bannon’s War Room taking up a cozy role when interviewing Pennsylvania state senator and known corrupt RINO Jake Corman, a red flag went off in my mind. Because Steve Bannon is supposed to stand for everything that Jake Corman is so obviously against. It was written about here months ago.
But then the same thing happened at Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, the Washington Examiner, and the New York Post. Each of these conservative outlets either promoted Jake Corman or some other well documented GOPe RINO who is despised by the conservative voter base, like Dave McCormick. Some of the articles are written by different people, but share the same photos and some of the same text, as well as the same thrust (usually the inevitability of Dave McCormick’s eventual win in the PA primary, or an unwillingness to confront Corman on his overtly and highly publicized corrupt behavior).
Below are some screen grabs from some of these conservative outlet stories. When I plotted these data points on an X-Y graph, the only factor that correlated strongly with them was… guess what… Money.
By all appearances these conservative news outlets are taking what can only be, would have to be, huge amounts of money to write what is essentially paid advertising posing as news. Not only is this slimy and dishonest, but judging by the comments left on these articles and videos by the product consumers, the target audience smells a rat each time and doesn’t buy it.
The only result is that The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Bannon War Room, and others not mentioned here lose credibility with their audience.
Must have been a sh*t ton of money they got to so blatantly trade away their reputations selling snake oil candidates.
Steve Bannon giving GOPe RINO Jake Corman the fake and unearned but best friends forever headline
Originally titled something like “Looks like a winner is emerging in Pennsylvania senate race,” the writer edited the title after she and I exchanged some thoughts about how honest it was.
Simply judging by their happy faces, Steve Bannon and corrupt RINO Jake Corman are indeed very happy together. This is a disgrace for Bannon. How many pieces of silver, Bannon?
Same picture and sharing some of the same wording in a New York Post article about the same race, this calls into question how honest Breitbart is being here with their rah-rah “report.” Treating an internal puff poll like it is real takes money, not professional reporting.
Although The Gateway Pundit is the primary anti-GOPe conservative news outlet, it does not seem to hold GOPe Jake Corman to the same standard. Nice smiling stock photo, no questions about Corman’s effort to stop PA senator and fellow gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano from auditing the 2020 election. Total dishonest puff piece this and others by TGP about Corman. For shame.
Talk about fake news…Oz as of the date of this article is several points ahead of McCormick, who is neck and neck with Kathy Barnette. But it sure seems that money buys favorable headlines in conservative media outlets
April 19th, 2022
As it is said, even a blind pig can find an acorn, and while I am not one to brag a whole lot, I did predict from the beginning of this primary race for US Senate that candidate Kathy Barnette stood a very high likelihood of finishing at the very top. Whether I am a lucky blind pig, or just an old political hand who was due for a decent crystal ball moment of his own, it is a fact that Kathy Barnette is presently in a statistical dead heat for number one with the two predicted winners, Dave McCormick and Dr. Mehmet Oz.
As more accurate information has gotten out about Dave McCormick, his status has fallen and his supporters have been dwindling. McCormick is nothing like what he claims to be. He is a poser, a fraud even, because as much as he sells himself as some sort of down-home country boy from rural PA, the fact is he made his hundreds of millions of dollars in partnership with China. At your expense, at my expense, at America’s expense. And his policy positions over the years have been pretty liberal. Why would anyone be surprised that a rich high society guy like Dave McCormick, who is FROM CONNECTICUT and not Pennsylvania, is liberal?
The same goes for Oz, too. He is a rich Hollywood personality, whose positions on the Second Amendment have ranged from F- Minus to C-Minus, but who now suddenly disavows everything anti-gun he has said over the years. Nope, we ain’t buyin’ it, Oz. You, too, will just say anything to fool Pennsylvanians into voting for you.
So is it any surprise that Kathy Barnette’s own standing among Pennsylvania voters has been rising? I mean, where else would a smart voter put their one vote? Barnette is honest, earnest, truthful, and representative of working people and putting America First. As of last week, Barnette was in a statistical tie with Oz and McCormick for first place. See the poll results below.
Vote for and support America First candidate Kathy Barnette!
April 14th, 2022
For five long, brutal years President Donald Trump withstood a non-stop cyclone of misinformation, disinformation, lies, hoaxes, endless false accusations, two fake impeachments, and outright mutiny and insubordination by federal employees and military officers.
President Trump handily won re-election in November 2020 with the devotion of his ardent supporters, and the big lie that basement dwelling corrupt, doofus failed career politician Joe Biden was president only became an official narrative because that cyclone of official insubordination and mutiny around President Trump reached its climax from November 4th 2020 through January 2021 with the help of Big Media lies and Big Tech censorship. All statutory and constitutional safeguards set up to protect sacred American voting from being tampered with failed, because the people entrusted with those safeguards deliberately failed.
And all throughout that five year period tens of millions of American voters kept faith that President Donald Trump would prevail, because they knew that only he, of all of America’s elected officials, believed in a free America with liberty and justice for all. Despite the Democrat Media – Big Tech industrial complex’s best efforts to divide Trump’s followers from Trump, the Trump Train continued full speed ahead. As it does even now, when Trump draws huge crowds to his rallies.
Radio personality extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh used to explain how the Big Media people just do not understand the connection that Trump has with his followers. Rush said many times “Only Trump can destroy Trump’s relationship with his followers. Because that bond of trust between them is so strong.” In other words, it would take a betrayal of that trust by Trump to sever that bond. No big lies, no hoaxes, no fake impeachments would ever dent Trump’s popularity.
And I think we are beginning to see that bond fraying, only because President Trump is fraying it through his own deliberate actions that directly alienate his strongest supporters. No one ever accused President Trump of being a politician, and in fact it is his greatest pride that he is not a politician. He didn’t think that way and he didn’t act that way. But by trying to act like one now, Trump is reaping the kinds of results that politicians invariably get when they literally play politics.
In the past week we have seen President Trump officially endorse for US Senate a known Hollywood liberal RINO candidate, Dr. Mehmet Oz, instead of a true conservative candidate who actually lives in Pennsylvania. This endorsement was so bizarre that many people are booing its mention at voter gatherings here in Pennsylvania. It is not a popular decision among Trump’s followers.
And now President Trump is actually, incredibly, unbelievably encouraging PA Swamp RINO problem child Jake Corman to stay in the PA governor’s race. Even though Corman has been the biggest obstacle to conducting an official audit of the stolen 2020 election here. Which makes people wonder if Trump is going to endorse Corman, who was just about to file paperwork to withdraw his name from the race, but who is now following Trump’s advice to stay in.
So many old adages address this situation. One goes “If you have nothing positive to say, then say nothing at all.” Another goes “It is better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” And of course Rush Limbaugh’s warning to President Trump (paraphrased here): “Only Trump can destroy Trump.”
If President Trump continues destructively mucking around in Pennsylvania politics, of which he knows little, and in which many of us have devoted decades of our lives at great personal cost while battling the corrupt PAGOP and the Harrisburg Swamp, then Trump is going to break his bond with us.
All of my friends are saying this, and I am saying it, too, as painful as it is. President Trump, we will follow you to Hell and back, if we believe that you have our backs. But when you behave this destructive way and hurt us, then we no longer trust you.
April 11th, 2022
In his endorsement of non-Pennsylvanian, non-conservative, liberal Hollywood TV elite personality Dr. Mehmet Oz for the open US senate seat here in Pennsylvania, President Trump made it crystal clear in his statement that this was a strategic decision. Not an ideological decision.
By strategic, President Trump said and meant that Oz is (in Trump’s opinion) the one “Republican” candidate with the widest general appeal in November’s general election, when the Republican nominee will face evil anti-America leftist Josh Shapiro (the word evil is my own choice, because I believe that Josh Shapiro is absolutely evil, pure evil, cruelly evil, horribly evil, not because of his policy positions, which he is entitled to, but for his evil mis-use of his important Attorney General position for purely politically partisan purposes, at enormous cost to Pennsylvanians of all beliefs and viewpoints).
Trump made it absolutely clear that his support for Oz is not based on anything that Trump believes in or actually wants, more than a simple “R” in the senate instead of a “D,” and a Karl Marx/ Josef Stalin-driven “D” at that. To Trump, having another senate “R” here, even in the image of RINOs Rick Santorum, Arlen Specter, Patricia Toomey, et al, is still a win.
OK, I suppose there is a logic to that thinking and approach to electoral politics. It is a time-honored approach in Pennsylvania. Heck, we see it 24/7 with the GOP in general and the PAGOP in particular, both of whom automatically sell the most dumbed-down, weakest, most “moderate” candidates possible every race, on the basis that this weakness sells, because it is non-threatening to non-conservatives.
Problem here is, Pennsylvania is becoming a more conservative state. Most of the Democrats I grew up with were like me – pro-Second Amendment and pro-Life – and they, like me, are no longer registered Democrats. Even those with long Democrat Party allegiance and pedigrees going back to FDR had been voting mostly conservative for a long time already. Making the step from pro-America Democrat to Republican was not too terribly difficult for most of them. And Trump has no way of knowing this, because he is not from Pennsylvania and he does not know our conservative blue collar politics.
The other problem with Trump’s thinking on this odd Oz endorsement is that he seems to forget that he himself was once (in 2016) the ideological outsider with “no chances” of winning any election, primary or general. And he also seems to forget that it was precisely his own fervent America First ideology that captured votes from across the political spectrum in PA and elsewhere.
If President Trump were to really think carefully about this PA senate race, he would have endorsed either no one, or he would have endorsed his ideological mate Kathy Barnette. Endorsing no one and just leaving his unwillingness to select media-favorite dangerous RINO WEF mole Dave McCormick would have sent a clear message of his justified rejection of McCormick. But it seems to me that Trump’s unhappiness with McCormick is more personal, and on that score we all know that his personal feelings about loyalty and betrayal can be both Trump’s best and worst character traits.
In this instance, it seems Trump’s personal antipathy for McCormick goaded him into wrongly endorsing McCormick’s perceived rival, Dr. Oz.
But I do not at all believe the “professional” polls showing this race a dead heat between Oz and McCormick. And I do not at all believe that this senate race is and will be only between RINOs Oz and McCormick. Rather, I am watching Kathy Barnette quietly amassing strong public support across eastern and central Pennsylvania. This is not yet really evident in any of the polls, and I think Barnette is going to give everyone – pollsters, pundits, and politicians alike – a run for their money in this primary election at its very end.
If Trump were being the best of Trump, he would have spent some time here talking with voters on the street and hearing what they are saying, and he would have rendered either an endorsement of someone who tracks with his America First ideology, or no endorsement as a result. But instead he kind of shot from the hip, for a kind of understandable reason, and then he kind of shot himself in the foot. Because I do not know one Republican voter who is going to vote for Oz, either before or after Trump’s endorsement. Trump has alienated his strongest supporters with this endorsement; he has not persuaded them.
Instead, Republican/ conservative voters (lots of conservatives feel caged and locked up in the useless Republican Party) are saying “I don’t care that Our Lord and Savior President Donald Trump just endorsed someone. It is a flawed endorsement that makes no sense. So I am not voting for that person.”
And the one name I keep hearing and seeing written by these voters is candidate Kathy Barnette.
April 10th, 2022
Two days ago, President Donald Trump made an endorsement in the US senate race here in Pennsylvania, and it has most of his followers scratching their heads. Because his endorsement is a non-sequitur. It makes no sense to us. But don’t worry, it actually works well for conservatives and for the one conservative candidate in the race.
Historically, conservative voters prefer that the GOP stay out of primary races. Conservatives trust the open market place to reveal their logical choices, and they do not trust the entrenched party establishment to make market-based choices. The party has shown itself to be all too good at artificially obfuscating and shaping primary races. The GOP “leaders” almost always choose weak, spineless, wishy-washy “moderates” who will go along with whatever the mainstream media tells them is important, or whatever the GOP donors tell them is important. Whatever any of those things may be, they are NOT important to the working American citizen. So, our regular working person feels slighted when the GOPe tries to shape the outcome of primary elections.
However, most conservative voters do trust some individuals to help them figure out who is the best candidate. And President Trump is one of those few people whose opinion about candidates a lot of Pennsylvania voters trust.
Given one misfire already in this race, when Trump endorsed Sean Parnell last summer, and then Parnell dropped out because of an acrimonious divorce involving his little kids, a lot of us thought that Our Lord and Savior Donald Trump was going to either sit out this race altogether, or make a carefully considered endorsement. But in usual Trump style, he did neither.
Or did he not? His latest endorsement seems totally out of synch with who Trump is and what he believes in. Seems.
Trump’s endorsement of not-a-Pennsylvania-resident Hollywood liberal Dr. Mehmet Oz for US Senate here in Pennsylvania actually does help the one and only conservative candidate in that race. Bear with me here.
Because very few conservatives were going to vote for Oz anyhow, regardless of Trump’s endorsement, and because Trump’s endorsement is a huge in-your-face diss to GOPe candidate Dave McCormick, and because the documentation is spreading like wildfire that GOPe candidate Dave McCormick is actually a Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum mole, (Klaus Schwab is literally the evil incarnate Nazi talking conniving global dominating scumbag) the biggest beneficiary of the Trump endorsement is actually candidate Kathy Barnette.
Barnette is the natural default candidate for conservative and America First voters, and all she needs to win this primary race is for the decks to be cleared of Never-Trumper McCormick and liberal New Jersey resident Dr. Oz.
Trump just did that.
By endorsing someone most Pennsylvania primary voters were never going to vote for and still won’t vote for, Trump has taken the positive attention off McCormick, made it clear that McCormick is not an America-Firster and is not Trump’s first choice, and forced Pennsylvania voters to think about this race. That hurts McCormick and it actually only helps Oz a small amount. Trump knows that proud liberal Oz will never ever be the first choice of American conservative Trump voters.
Watch Kathy Barnette’s poll numbers start to sharply rise as voters scurry to find their candidate! Brothers and sisters, Kathy Barnette is your candidate.
Hey, Trump just did that!
April 6th, 2022
The old adage “Follow the money” for figuring out who benefits from crime and betrayal applies also to political candidates. People who want your vote can have only a couple of reasons for asking for it: Personal power (bad reason), money (bad reason), and influence over public policy (great or bad reason, depending upon the candidate).
Personal power should never be associated with any individual elected citizen in a representative democracy or constitutional republic. That is the essence of power corrupting nearly everything it touches.
Making money from official positions in government is obviously corrupt, because the sole purpose and role of any official anywhere is to serve The People. As soon as an official uses his or her official position to enrich themselves, they are corrupt.
Finally, having influence over public policy to serve the citizenry’s public interest is the only legitimate reason for anyone to run for office or to serve in the official government bureaucracy. Influence for the sake of The People’s benefit is the gold standard for putting your name in the ring and asking for the votes of fellow citizens. And it is the rare candidate who runs for office on this basis alone. However, there are candidates running for office for this sole purpose, and they alone deserve your support. Because after all, they are probably solely devoted to you, The People.
So, always be skeptical of all candidates asking for your vote right off the bat, and dig a little into how they benefit from obtaining the power of the elected position they seek.
Just yesterday we gained insight into the reason why rich guy candidates like Dave McCormick, Dr. Oz, and Jeff Bartos deserve absolutely zero votes from any regular guy or gal voter.
Did you see how fellow ultra-wealthy guy and gal US senators Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) abandoned their simple commitment to basic law and common sense legal policy by supporting anti-Constitution cultural Marxist Ketanji Jackson’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court?
Both Murkowski and Romney have used their elected positions to enrich themselves while in office, too. Both are in office for all the wrong reasons (same goes for US senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and many others).
Romney and Murkowski did this because rich guys and gals inhabit a very tiny sphere of fellow wealthy people, whose acclaim and support they crave more than anything. They will do anything, vote any way against the interests of their constituents, to win the acclaim and support of their fellow rich people.
Over American history, very few wealthy officials have done good for The People, and most often they only do well for themselves and their fellow socialites. Outside of America’s Founding Fathers, we can count on one hand the number of wealthy presidents who have actually only served The People: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon (who was actually poor as dirt), and Ronald Reagan.
If you think for one second that a candidate like ultra rich Connecticut socialite guy Dave McCormick is ever going to be a Theodore Roosevelt, you are fooling yourself. Dave McCormick is quietly funded by huge Democrat Party donors as well as GOPe donors, all of whom have much more in common with one another than they have differences amongst themselves, hence the term “uniparty.”
To a smaller degree that same can be said for Dr. Oz (a long time liberal from outside PA) and RINO Jeff Bartos.
So, if you want another spineless, liberal, wavering, uncertain, disloyal rich socialite like Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski to be elected as a Republican in Pennsylvania, then by all means vote for McCormick, Oz, and Bartos.
And if you are like the vast majority of American voters these days, who are allergic to ultra rich people getting elected to office and then forgetting all about us when they get there, then there is only one true, honest candidate running for US Senate for the right reason: Kathy Barnette.
Kathy Barnette definitely deserves your vote next month, because of all the candidates, she alone has just your public policy interests at heart.
April 3rd, 2022
Spring turkey season is just a few weeks away, and a TON of spring gobbler (male turkey) hunters are about to pee in their pants right now, with increasing anticipation and excitement, every time they think about being out in the woods and tangling with a long beard Tom.
In Pennsylvania, any wild turkey that has a beard of any length is a legal bird to take in the month of May. The way we hunt them here is the hunter takes up a stationary position and calls, in order to lure the mate-seeking Tom turkey into shotgun or bow range. Using hand-held tail fans and stalking birds is illegal in Pennsylvania, because we have a ton of hunters and these two methods – hiding behind a turkey tail fan and trying to sneak up on gobbling birds – is a sure fire way to end up wounded or dead. Better to err on the side of safety, and so we hunt from stationary places, either on our butts up against a tree or from inside a man-made blind.
Because of the growing excited anticipation and the desire to locate wary gobblers before the season starts, some guys, and yes, it’s always guys because women are too smart and too mature to behave this way, will go out into the woods or even drive up and down roads, calling out the window(s) of their vehicles. They are trying to get the gobblers to gobble back at them.
Why do they spend their time this way? The official reason is they are verrrry professional hunters trying to locate their quarry ahead of time, so they can be the first to hang their harvest tag on one. Because hunting is competitive, ya know… (and not fun).
The real reasons guys behave like this are [WARNING – Adult themes ahead] a) guys of all ages and incomes are easily capable of becoming temporary morons for the flimsiest reasons, and for some reason hunting and fishing seem to teem with these flimsy reasons, and b) guys like easy stimulation.
To wit, older people might remember the drive-in theaters that once littered the countryside of Pennsylvania, and how in the 1970s and 1980s in addition to showing family classics like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, they also broadcast fully XXX-rated hardcore porn (often mockingly named after legit movies like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang…use your imagination here) on their gigantic screens for the entire township to see every weekend night. Sure, if you paid to enter the parking lot you got the best view of the giant drive-in movie screen. But if you were cheap, broke, especially rambunctious with your girlfriend, or usually just lonely, some guys would find parking spots outside of the drive-in perimeter where they could watch the no-no movies and ummmmm…pleasure themselves.
And this is exactly what is going on with guys calling to gobblers pre-season, particularly from their vehicles on public roads. Guys will drive by private land that has a field or two, or a good wood lot that can hold a Tom turkey, slow down, lean out their vehicle window, and start cackling or cutting hen sounds to try to elicit a mating response from a nearby gobbler. And when the gobbler responds they get into a sexually frenzied calling match that leaves both human and bird exhausted and confused, with nothing to show for it.
Don’t do it. It is embarrassing for the human, and worse, it makes the turkeys call-shy, which hurts all hunters. Because the more that gobbler hears and responds to hens that never materialize, or who are not there when he suddenly shows up to mate with them, the less inclined he is to believe subsequent calls when the season is actually in. The more wary he is likely to be, the less likely he is to come in to your calls.
Yeah, we know, you need some action now. Need to get your cheap jollies. Deer season ended in January and you’ve just been dyin‘ for something to happen ever since. Trout season doesn’t do it for you, and besides, you just get such a silly thrill when you hear those birds hammer back at your calls from the road. And that is the portrait of a guy, right there, in all of his pathetic weakness. Kind of like a gullible young Tom that runs right into gun range of a bad turkey caller.
On the other hand, women hunters are the stronger of our species. They are spending their time peeling potatoes, dicing carrots, mincing onions, and choosing white wine for their roast wild turkey they are going to harvest and cook. Because when the season finally opens, and women hunters step into the field to begin calling to gobblers, they will not be calling to birds they have foolishly turned call-shy ahead of time, and they will probably fill their tags right away.
By Josh • Posted in
Family •
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