Archive → June, 2021
Are you one of Biden’s infidel ‘white n!ggers’?
Last week Joe Biden declared conservative, Constitution-believing, religious, patriotic, law-abiding Caucasians to be “domestic terrorists,” and he strongly encouraged Americans to “report” their “radicalized” family, friends, and neighbors to law enforcement.
Just like the illegal ideological purge now happening in the US military, and just like the Communists did in 1940s Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary etc, the Biden Administration now seeks to criminalize otherwise law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans who simply believe differently than the totalitarian communists who stole and are now running the federal government.
Yesterday’s flag-waving American patriot is Joe Biden’s criminal today, an infidel ‘white n1gger’ whose destiny is to be rounded up by lawless law enforcement officers, perhaps re-educated, perhaps executed as an enemy of the state, perhaps lynched in the streets by Biden’s BLM and Antifa paramilitary agents, or perhaps simply jailed forever without any Habeas Corpus rights, as is already happening with way too many non-violent January 6th rally attendees rotting away in Washington DC solitary confinement cells.
Go ahead and doubt this. Go ahead and mock this. I say take a good look at who the Biden Administration is putting into leadership positions, how federal law enforcement agencies have developed a violent, lawless, big government control, anti-America culture, and what those federal employees mean for your everyday, average American citizen who right now thinks things are not really so bad.
Let’s set aside the overtly racist Austen Lloyd, Biden’s Secretary of Defense. Consider instead a person presently being voted on for confirmation to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in the US Senate, David Chipman.
Here is a photo of David Chipman, in 1993, proudly posing all pumped up with machine gun in hand at the smoldering ruins of the Branch Davidians’ compound in Waco, Texas. It’s like a hunting trophy picture. To Chipman’s right is the charred body of one of his victims, mouth agape in screaming agony from being burned alive in the FBI & ATF’s best effort to ‘protect’ the people there by murdering them in cold blood.
Recall that the Branch Davidians were an odd group of cultists living in a quasi compound in Waco Texas. Their leader, David Koresh, was like so many other self-proclaimed cult leaders: A pedophile, a womanizer, a violent abuser, a totalitarian. But for some reason or other, people are attracted to all kinds of cults – The Branch Davidians, the Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter – and so Koresh caught the attention of law enforcement officials. He could have been easily detained by law enforcement agents on any one of his early morning jogs alone on local public roads, but the FBI and the ATF decided it would be much, much more exciting to surround the compound with tanks, helicopters, and heavily armed federal agents like Chipman, and then provoke a violent showdown. And so the violent showdown ensued, and the federal employees blasted, shot at, bombarded, and set fire to the buildings, thereby burning alive dozens of men, women, and 25 children.
Question one: Why wouldn’t an American shoot back at rogue government thugs violently and illegally attacking not just your wacko leader dude, David Koresh, but also everyone else around him, including his children? No, the FBI and the ATF had no good cause for what happened at Waco in 1993. They could have handled it other ways. I mean, do the local police blow up, set fire to, and bulldoze a bank just because bank robbers are holed up in it? (The correct answer is No, they don’t; they find peaceful or non-fatal means to de-escalate the situation, take the robbers into custody, and try them in court). Similar to 1993’s Ruby Ridge and Waco murders, the FBI is now violently rounding up American political dissidents and jailing them, charging them with the most ludicrous phony crimes imaginable, although their biggest crime is engaging in ‘thought crime’. That is, not being a sheep and not supporting the destruction of American freedoms by big government control.
Question Two: What kind of federal employee poses all pumped up with guns next to the charred human remains of one of his victims? How do other federal employees like FBI and ATF agents view American citizens? Are we trophy animals they enjoy hunting? The workforce culture at the FBI, ATF, DHS, and DOJ are all now completely at odds with the basic lifestyle of most law-abiding Americans. These alphabet agencies are now staffed by and run by people who are literally at war with Americans who value their freedoms.
Remember how our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq were court martialed for posing with captives and dead bodies on the battlefield? Well, apparently it’s ok for American civilian “law enforcement” personnel like Chipman to pose with the bodies of dead American citizens who have just been murdered by said federal employees for the crime of wanting to be left alone.
Former federal agent David Chipman is now a paid professional gun control activist, who believes American citizens should not own guns, regardless of what the Second Amendment or the US Supreme Court says. If Chipman becomes the head of the ATF, he could easily have a whole bunch more Waco-style events across America, as he hunts down his undesirables. Maybe he will even go home by home. After all, Biden made it clear last week that conservative Caucasians are now “domestic terrorists,” and no one thinks terrorists have rights, right?
People like Chipman will be bringing the illegal, unconstitutional violent fight to your home, your hunting club, your VFW. You could be the next iteration of that smoldering hunk of ruined human flesh Chipman is proudly posing with.
And why not? You have been designated by the President of the United States to be a disposable infidel, a ‘white n1gger’ unworthy of Constitutional rights or protections, and subject to a totalitarian government over-reach that has only just begun. And you thought America was too big to fail!
Cultural Warlord Wanted for PA Senate Candidate
While sitting on the North Face cabin porch with some Democrat Party friends on the Lycoming-Tioga county border last Sunday, I was politely asked “the only political question” of our time together:
“What do you think of (D) Lt. Governor John Fetterman’s chances at winning the US Senate seat being vacated by Patricia Toomey?”
And I responded: “John Fetterman may be an anti-democracy, anti-America, totalitarian communist with the face of a worn out prize fighter, but he has an honest charisma that is going to be tough for most Republican Party candidates to beat.”
This is because most Republican Party candidates everywhere, and in Pennsylvania in particular, are well groomed, boring, milquetoast moderates who really stand for nothing except getting a public pension and invitations to all the right cocktail parties. If Fetterman has the looks of a Neanderthal’s old shoe, he still is identifiable as a manly man, and a refreshingly plain-spoken one at that. In a different age and place, Fetterman could easily have been a warlord with a sword across his knee and a coat of chain mail over his shoulders, his beetle brow scouring his subjects with fierce determination to win and to dominate.
Contrast this kind of mindset and distinctive personal presence with the usual GOP spawn that has bubbled up from the top of the donor class to become a candidate for anything: Timid sounding, almost effeminate, tepid, moderate and clean-cut appearing; ruffle no feathers, offend no one, instantly forgettable. And historically speaking, which kind of personal presence wins the hearts and minds of the people, the fierce warlord, or the milquetoast fairy?
Easy answer: Warlords win.
And the American electorate is not just hungry for strong leaders, we are starving for them, because we know America is up for grabs. Leftists know that strong Democrat personalities will make their Marxist revolution succeed, and conservatives know that strong Republican personalities will push back against the Marxists and make America’s Constitution prevail, thereby saving the Republic.
President Donald J. Trump won both the 2016 and 2020 elections because of his fierce and unwavering determination to put The People ahead of the political donor class and the Washington, DC Swamp. The only people who did not understand this then and who not only still do not understand it now, but who also oppose it now are the same old GOP donor class and Chamber of Compromise who try like hell to elect wimpy wusses they can easily control. To the GOPe and its elite benefactors, the Republican and conservative voter is now and always has been barely an afterthought. They don’t give a fig about our views or needs. The GOPe just needs our votes every two to four years to get their milquetoast Gumby candidates over the finish line, and then they immediately kick us and our values to the curb until the next election.
And so looking at the current lineup of declared and possible Republican Party candidates who might be the nominee to face Fetterman, what qualities do we see?
- Feckless
- Hopelessly moderate and standing for nothing
- Money-oriented and ignoring basic values, culture, borders, language
- Afraid of going to war and braving battle to save America
I won’t name names, but outside of Joe Gale, the list of Republicans running for PA governor is pretty much the same thing.
Who Pennsylvania needs to beat Fetterman is a GOP cultural warlord. A candidate who listens to and cares about the electorate, all of whom are values-driven, culture-driven, America-first-driven. Someone who is unafraid at all times, especially unafraid to firmly and honestly speak her or his mind and to do battle to the last dying gasp, for the sake of everything most Americans hold dearest.
I don’t know if I have seen such a person yet, but if you do, please let me know. I’d like to make a small political donation and volunteer my valuable time to help that person beat Fetterman.
Gaza or everything you love: Your choice
Gaza. Poor, poor Gaza.
The ultimate self-victim, the impoverished and destroyed Gaza Strip is the compressed store house for every bad, wrong, foolish, selfish, suicidal, stupid, short-sighted, and self-defeating choice any group of humans ever made or could make. Like launching thousands of randomly aimed fatal missiles at their next door neighbor, and then falsely claiming victimhood when the neighbor defends themselves.
Mentioned in the Bible as one of the great Phoenician strongholds (‘Aza), Gaza’s failure today is Biblical in every way. While the place and its present day human population do deserve better everything, and could have it if they but willed it, its human population has also consciously determined that being miserable, phony symbolic martyrs is their highest and best use. Gaza the ever-martyr serves one purpose: To destroy Western Civilization.
What is Western Civilization? Whether we call it Christendom, Europe, America, Australia, or Judeo-Christian values, it is a rare democracy of republican institutions that diffuse political power among its citizens, rewarding free choice with maximum individual liberty and minimal government power. Open societies, whose governments are owned by The People, not by warlords.
Nothing could be more different from Gaza (or Syria, Iraq, and other self-destroyed Middle Eastern nations etc) than Paris, London, St. Petersburg, Venice, Rome, Madrid, or Manhattan. Willful decay, poverty, and constant pointless warfare on the one hand, juxtaposed to great communal celebrations of freedom of thought and conscience, science, and mutual beneficence on the other carved in stone.
Gaza’s role is to worm its way into the mind of Western Civilization and play Iago, always questioning what our eyes and ears plainly see and hear, and placing the blame for their misery not on the merciless ideology of Gaza’s Hamas, or on the infestatious Arab colonialism that carved up the current Middle East, nor on brute Islamic imperialism, but on the world’s beacon of light, Western Civilization. Gaza’s siren song is playing to the shallow desire for many affluent Western people to virtue signal that they are not really as bad as they might be thought. That they are soft hearted for even the worst of murderers.
And so Western “journalists” — come on, they are open propagandists and partisan political activists, not arbiters of accuracy or truth — broadcast totally false images back into Western Civilization that blames us for what we see happening over there.
These false images are crying parents, grieving over the dead propaganda prop children they allowed Hamas to use as magnets hidden among their missile batteries that targeted children in Israel. Or the destroyed building that the Associated Press knowingly shared with Hamas’ most important people, in addition to missile batteries on its roof, raining down on kindergartens in Israel. None of the sadness for Gaza the media portrays back home is true. It is all false.
Truth represents the penultimate achievement in Western Civilization, and every decision we make is ideally for truth, for the common good. Few other civilizations now or in the past sought truth or common good. Most great civilizations sought power and domination, and most still do today. Democracy and freedom are outliers, and truth is anathema to most governments around the world.
So the idea that a tiny nation of seven million Jews is somehow an unjust outpost in an area a thousand times Israel’s size is a preposterous idea. Most Muslim Arab capitols house more Muslim Arabs than there are Jews on the entire planet, so how Israel’s Jews are a threat is another preposterous idea. Only the most simple minded, careless people can identify with Gaza or its self-manufactured unhappiness.
A month ago, when Gaza was bombarding its neighbor with thousands of missiles, a nice man emailed me. He asked what I thought of the situation. Knowing that my views are generally conservative, I believe he thought I was going to bend the knee and worship the false graven images being broadcast back into our homes by the lying media. And gosh, was the international media ever full of that junk! My response was:
*Flatten Gaza
*Defend Western Civilization
*Do not reward or give in to violent crybullies
The war between Gaza and Israel is the war between good and evil, Hitler and the West, all that is good versus all that is wrong and bad in humanity. Western Civilization cannot afford to cry for Gaza, especially because Gaza does not cry for itself. To allow Gaza to shape Western Civilization is for Westerners like the people who read this blog to throw overboard everything that our own civilization represents. I know this following statement is really difficult for a lot of Westerners today, especially the young, but grow a pair of balls and make a stand for what is right and just and good.
Support Israel, oppose Gaza.
You say you want an audit of the PA 2020 election?
Lots of Pennsylvania voters are saying they want an audit of the obviously fraudulent 2020 election. A big petition is circulating, digitally. Groups of citizens in almost every county are personally demanding their elected officials get up off their butts and do the audit. Several go-getter PA state legislators traveled to Arizona and toured the election audit taking place there.
OK, so you, too, want an audit of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election? Well OK, here is what you must do to get it.
The biggest hurdle to a genuine audit of the PA 2020 election is the GOPe itself (GOPe means the establishment GOP, not conservatives, not patriots, but careerists who look out for their careers first and foremost, not for their constituents). In particular, Republican PA legislators Jake Corman, Kerry Benninghoff, Brian Cutler and Seth Grove are stonewalling an election audit. State senator Dave Argall may be on board with an audit, or he may not be. He’s all over the place, which is no surprise for such a crafty old political survivor.
So, dear reader, while I admire your enthusiasm and optimism for the possible audit process that is right in front of us, the best path to getting an audit is finding serious primary contenders for these above GOPe RINOs in the near future. Getting primary challengers has the effect of scaring the GOPe into action now while possibly removing them later.
Off and on for five years, I’ve been trying to get someone to primary Corman. It’s tough. Three years ago I bombarded the super voters in his district with absolutely brutal emails detailing Corman’s nepotism, laziness, lack of care for his constituents, insider dealings etc. Feedback from super voters there was overwhelmingly positive, but I was unable to recruit an actual primary challenger.
However, the effects of that email carpet bombing showed clearly when Corman was challenged in the general election that Fall by a liberal Jewish kid from out of town who openly disliked PSU and guns. Which is sacrilege in Centre County. Nonetheless, Corman hardly had a big win. There was just single digit separation between this so-called “Republican leader” and the liberal idiot flatlander. For someone so tough and important, Corman should have had a huge lead over the kid.
One can only imagine how that race would have gone with a serious contender. Even more so a serious primary challenger before we have to let some leftist fool take a Republican seat. Corman among all of these RINOs listed above is vulnerable. No one likes him. He has no allies, outside of a few PAGOP staffers and “leaders.” Getting a solid primary challenger to face Corman next spring could really help Corman find a way to do the 2020 election audit.
This is my considered response to those voters who say they want an audit. You are going to have to work on tangentially related things – personnel changes in the Pennsylvania legislature – to come back around to getting what you really want. This approach prevents us audit advocates from relying on others to do the audit, and particularly unreliable and disinterested others. It keeps the heat on those who can do the audit right now, while giving us the possibility of removing them from elected office entirely not too far from now.
So, if you live in one of these political districts (seats held by Corman – Centre County, Benninghoff – Centre County, Cutler – Lancaster County, Argall – Schuylkill County, and Seth Grove – York County), then start talking to good candidates who can effectively challenge one of these failed elected officials. Set up an election committee, get your candidate on the ballot, and then get them more votes in the primary election than the failed incumbent we need to remove from office. You might just get two birds with one stone.
The GOP is the moderate wing of the Democrat Party
If there is one clear message resulting from all of the activity and inactivity surrounding the stolen 2020 election, it is that the Republican Party, on the whole, is filled with individual people who see themselves more as the moderate wing of the Democrat Party than as a separate political party that either exists to advance a core set of values, or, in the alternative, to at least seriously oppose the Democrat Party’s communist takeover of America.
Recall that the GOP was established as the abolitionist party to fight Democrat Party slavery. That is some pretty tough stuff, because America ended up fighting a bloody civil war over the issue. But somewhere after that, the GOP stopped standing for anything except early golf games, short hair, crisp blue blazers, and money…lots and lots of money. To the point where the GOP culture is so weak that few of its members will even stand and fight the other political party over their theft of the national election in 2020, the theft of the presidency, the theft of America.
In essence, the Grand Ol’ Party Republican Party is really just the moderate wing of the Democrat Party. The two political parties are two sides of the same coin, there really is that little difference between them. The GOP sees itself as existing to mouth a few different-sounding ideas than the other guys, and then leave their offices for the fundraisers and cocktail parties that make holding elected office or their staffer positions worthwhile.
Despite having deep GOP establishment roots, for many years now, my own involvement in Pennsylvania Republican Party politics has been as the self-imposed outsider. Like some other activists still working hard today for change that benefits We, The People, by late 2008 I was disgusted with the GOP’s shallow fawning and or weak cowering before the great impostor, Barack Hussein Obama. In 2009 into 2010 I ran in a Republican congressional primary to challenge then-congressman Tim Holden. At that point, the grass roots reaction to what has become known as the DC Swamp was informally called the Tea Party. As a so-called Tea Party candidate, at our many debates and public meetings I honed my own message: “We grass roots Republican voters want a bar-room brawl with the Democrats, while the GOP establishment wants at most a gentlemanly duel with them and chummy drinks together afterwards. Dear GOP, lead, follow, or get out of our way.”
Last month I had the great enjoyment to personally participate in the public political dismemberment of one of Pennsylvania’s great RINOs, State Senator Gene Yaw. Yaw represents everything that is wrong with the GOP. At a public meeting in Montoursville attended by a hundred impassioned voters, Yaw demonstrated his absolute lack of care for the citizenry, his contempt for his voters, his disgust with patriots and constitutionalists, and his serious resistance to actually rolling up his sleeves and doing the work needed to save America from pending doom. Full of weak excuses and a laughable reliance on “We held fourteen hearings,” Yaw was the equivalent of a defiant and lazy teenage boy who just won’t get his damned family chores done.
After an hour of increasing catcalls, hisses, boos, jeers, and earnest questions from the audience, newly re-elected Senator Yaw stood up, collected his things, and without a word stalked out of the meeting with his toadies in tow behind him. Gene Yaw is the state of the Pennsylvania GOP, which is the state of the nationwide GOP – weak, shallow, zero fight for his constituents, zero push-back against openly communist activists in his Lycoming County district, unremarkable, uncharismatic, boring, low-T, egocentric, and unrepentantly an enabler of Democrat Party treason and insurrection.
Yaw is, in effect, a perfectly representative member of the moderate wing of the Democrat Party.
So, here we are, two more political campaigns that I ran in and eleven or twelve years later after the Tea Party revolution of 2008 – 2009, which is an eternity in politics, and the GOP STILL will not lead, follow, or get out of the way of the grass roots American voters. It is difficult to tell which political party is more resistant to a transparent 2020 election, the Democrats or the Republicans. Some call them the uniparty, and why not; the two political parties are obviously joined deeply together in common interests that clearly exclude the best interests of the American people.
But it is probably more accurate to call the GOP what it behaves like, which is the moderate wing of the Democrat Party. No fight, no spirit, no guts, no passion, no opposition, just some feel-good mouthing of platitudes and then go home early. Let the Democrats do whatever they want, what me worry (Alfred E. Newman’s famous line from Mad Magazine).
What kind of patriotic pro-America voter wants this kind of bad performance from their chosen political party and its elected members?
Trump sends warning shot right into Pennsylvania GOP over 2020 election audit
Just yesterday worthless, useless, spineless GOPe hack state representative Seth Grove issued a defiant statement that Pennsylvania would not be holding any kind of election 2020 audit. He gave no reason. Representative Grove also ran into a friend of mine in the Capitol this week, tireless freedom activist Ron Boltz, and behaved arrogantly, and cocky, and defiant, and dismissive, and again gave no reason why an audit of the 2020 election could not be done, or should not be done. From Ron:
“Was there [at the PA Capitol this week] with a constitutional attorney who came up from D.C., with the issue being getting an forensic audit in PA. Of course you and I know they have no interest, and we won’t get one. That doesn’t mean we don’t demand it anyway, and use the issue to beat these assholes over the head. You know how this works…
Well, news of this malfeasance got back to Our Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump, who issued his own statement today:
JUNE 4, 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:
Great patriots led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, Senator Cris Dush, and State Representative Rob Kauffman went to Maricopa County, Arizona, to learn the best practices for conducting a full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election. Now the Pennsylvania Senate needs to act. Senate President Jake Corman needs to fulfill his promise to his constituents to conduct a full Forensic Audit. Senator Dave Argall, Chairman of the State Government Committee, has to authorize the subpoenas, if necessary. The people of Pennsylvania and America deserve to know the truth. If the Pennsylvania Senate leadership doesn’t act, there is no way they will ever get re-elected!”
Now this is big talk for anyone, even for Trump, because Trump and his advisors obviously have no idea just how backwards and dug-in the PA GOP is, just how snowed and easily fooled the PA GOP voters are, and how tenacious useless nepotist political hacks like Corman are. For example, despite his poor standing with the GOP voters, Argall has amazingly survived several attempts to dislodge him from his apparent lifetime seat in the PA Senate.
However, on the other hand, for five years I have been trying to find a primary challenger for the seat presently occupied by Corman, because he is very vulnerable, and maybe Trump’s words will help us get the right person. Corman is definitely weak. No one likes him. He has no friends. I am not exaggerating. Check out
In other words, we could see some real political change in Pennsylvania as a result of Trump bringing fire to the dark recesses of the GOPe electorate. Maybe. Even primarying-out one or two bunkered-in careerists like Corman or Grove would be a huge success, although to President Trump it might not seem like it. These names are all worth pursuing anyhow, for sure.
These corrupt Pennsylvania politicians mentioned above, and including people like PA reps Brian Cutler and Kerry Benninghoff, won’t conduct an audit of the corrupt and stolen 2020 election because they must have personally benefited from it in some way. Now the voters are beginning to see just how aggressively these audits are being fought, and how obvious the steal was, and how our votes are being bought and sold like a sack of potatoes so that political insiders like Jake Corman can get rich, and there is a justified rising tide of anger coming the way of elected officials who stand in the way of getting justice for the voters, for We, The People. Thank you, President Donald J. Trump.
Memorial Day Part II
The most nagging thought this week, which dampened my excitement or sense of purpose or meaning for this year’s Memorial Day, is the realization that the Biden Administration is running hard and fast to build a new US military. This new military is in the process of excluding (firing existing and not hiring new) conservative Christian Caucasians, patriots, and Constitutionalists. The reason this new military is being created is not to defend America, but to occupy and subjugate America. It is a military designed to protect the coup d’etat in Washington DC, to cement into place the stolen election of 2020, to bring the force necessary to hold on to illegitimate power.
This is terrifying stuff.
So in terms of observing this week’s Memorial Day, I was tormented all week by the idea that so many Americans have died to preserve our freedom, which we American citizens are now pissing away because we are literally letting people steal it from us. We are sitting here watching America be stolen and lawlessly overrun, and what are we doing about it?
You think the 2022 or 2024 elections will be free and fair? Not if the Democrat Party and their collaborator Republicans get their way with the so-called “Fair Voting Act”, which is simply designed to let the Democrat Party continue to cheat and steal elections forever. This means America will be a one-party nation, a one-party state, which is what all totalitarian nations have. And when the last vestige of freedom-loving Americans finally do rise up in revolt, the Biden Administration will demand the citizens turn in all of their guns, or face martial law.
And then martial law will be imposed, and the new anti-America, anti-Constitution military will be in place to enforce it. Instead of American military personnel of old who have been willing to die to give us freedom here at home, we will have a new type of military personnel who is willing to make us die in order to enable the Democrat Communist Party to hold on to control and power over us.
So yeah, this week’s Memorial Day took on a whole new context and meaning for me. America is in huge trouble.