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Christians are finding out what it’s like to be “The Jew” etc.

Don’t know why I was surprised at the audacious or incredibly uneducated female “reporter” on MSNBC a couple months ago. Because MSNBC in particular is an outlet that nonstop traffics in toxic disinformation, misinformation, outright lies, crazy conspiracy theories, and partisan propaganda, as well as nonstop personal invective and racist hatemongering from its staff (Joy Reid is their chief KKK Grand Dragon). Extremist MSNBC is not a credible source for factual information, but I guess they have their audience dialed in and feeling very high on the hate juice, and so they just keep producing it and serving it up.

What surprised me was how this MSNBC/Politico “reporter,” named Heidi Przybyla, evinced genuine surprise over how so many Americans, especially Christian Americans, somehow, golly it’s so confusing why, believe that their rights come from God and not from the government.

Any American child should have been taught about America’s founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and subsequent amendments. Because American school children do live in America, and do go to school in America, and real basic American history starting in fifth grade does include school room introductions to our founding documents.

But Heidi Przybyla’s wide-eyed appearance on TV is probably real evidence that she honestly has no idea about America’s founding documents. Heidi Przybyla is probably representative of two generations of Americans who have absolutely zero understanding of what America is (e.g. so many young people refer to America as a democracy, when we are in fact a constitutional republic, a big difference), or what America is actually founded on, and how we got to where we are right now. This means that people like Heidi Przybyla have opinions and views that are not just uninformed, they are terribly malformed and pretzel-shaped misinformed. Hence the resulting pretzel-shaped misinformation Heidi Przybyla et al serve up to their Politico/MSNBC listeners and watchers.

Liberty, freedom, choice, small government and big citizen are all overt ideas translated into your personal rights in America’s founding documents. In fact, note to Heidi Przybyla, America is based on the idea that our own individual rights do not come from government, or from bureaucrats, or from judges, or from popular moods, but from God. This is not some “Christian nationalist” idea, but rather it comes right from America’s Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… goes its preamble.

All people are created equal and get their rights from God, the Creator. This is not some novel idea, or even a Christian nationalist idea. It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence, from the beginning of America.

But mainstream corporate media outlet staffs either don’t know this, or they don’t want their readers and viewers to know this. And why would that be? Other than being misinformed or mal-educated when young by Marxist teachers who hate America, corporate curators of culture and information like Heidi P. are on a warpath.

Mainstream outlets and their talking heads like Heidi P. are Godless Marxists (i.e. evil people) trying to stamp out both American nationalism, which roughly translates as love of homeland and appreciation of capitalist America as the uniquely free and opportunity-driven place it is, and Christianity. And that is because Christianity is the founding religion, ethos, and source of all of America’s bedrock values and identity. Traditional Christianity undergirds and enervates all of America’s institutions. Without it, the institutions become empty shells, ready to be filled with something else, some other driving force and raison d’etre.

When Marxist Manchurian Candidate and then Jihadi-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama declared his “fundamental transformation of America,” he really meant he intended to tear down our national foundations, our national identity, our national values, our national uniqueness, and replace it with a communist bureaucracy with no regard for personal rights. He has spent all of his years in office as a senator and as president and now as ex-president doing just that – destroying America from inside America – like a parasitic worm.

And chief among his targets was the target that the Marxist teacher’s unions and Marxist college professors had long targeted, traditional Christianity. What a great institution that would be to infest and hollow out and turn!

So here we are, a national war being made against traditional Christians and the traditional Christian values that permeate, undergird, invest, and support a free and tolerant America. The young people like Heidi P. either don’t know about Christianity’s central role in creating the America they enjoy, or they don’t care, or they are outright opposed to it and they are trying to destroy it.

If you listen to Heidi P. and the rest of the MSM assault on Christianity and Christian nationalists, you will notice that they are waging a real war on both. A war meant to destroy and eliminate both. Yes, there are Marxist Jews in the MSM, and in government like Merrick Garland, and Marxist funders like George Soros, and tons of Marxist Jews in academia, but they are a tiny percentage of this war effort, which is really dominated by and populated by ex-Christians, former Christians, sons and daughters of Christians, and funded by our arch-enemy communist China.

And so, dear Christian reader, you are now The Jew.

You the traditional and America-loving Christian are the hunted, the pursued, the irrationally hated, the ridiculously envied, the unreasonably feared Jew. And you are in real danger.

It is a terrible thing, to be hated and targeted for ridiculous reasons, but we see a silver lining here, an important opportunity. We see an enormous opportunity for the Christian community to respond to these dangerous attacks in strength, with a love more powerful than the Marxist’s hate, to reclaim what it has lost, to bring its lost sheep like Heidi P. back into the fold, and to thereby stop the destruction of America and help the suffering American People once again proclaim liberty across their land.

America does need a Great Awakening, and only loving Christians can make it happen.


Celebrate Independence Day with A Month of Defiant Acts

Today is July 4th, America’s Independence Day, founded immediately upon the heels of the United States’ successful civil war with Great Britain, from 1775 to 1781. What we call the Revolutionary War was actually a civil war between American colonists loyal to the British monarch, King George III, and his Redcoat soldiers on the one hand, and American colonists loyal to a new idea of democracy and representative self-government, on the other hand.

As we celebrated today, individual freedom, individual liberty, and individual choice won out against and over King George’s tyranny. As a result, America has enjoyed roughly 245 years of unparalleled  prosperity and opportunity for even the poorest and least educated human beings from around the planet.

In 1818, then-past-President John Adams wrote that the actual revolution had already occurred among the American citizens and frontier colonists, years before the actual fighting began in 1775. The people’s then-revolutionary views on power sharing among humans, governmental legitimacy through consent of the governed, government transparency and accountability, and a kind of loose and very broadly defined Christian brotherhood united by loyalty to ideas and shared values had already taken hold on the frontier, united more than enough individuals to stand up against what was then the greatest military power in the world.

Today there is without question a formal tyranny afoot in North America. Both Canada (Trudeau) and America (Biden) are presently run by people who are openly and aggressively at odds with the fundamental rights and freedoms the peoples here have lived by for a very long time. It is an effort to consolidate official power over The People that knows no bounds, and official malfeasance and abuse of official positions against innocent but uppity citizens are now daily occurrences in both Canada and America.

Here in America the Department of Justice and the FBI have set land speed records for false accusations and the corrupt detonation of individual due process rights, whereby the criminal prosecutorial process is in and of itself the punishment. Even if an innocent individual is eventually cleared of wrongdoing, the government will have bankrupted them, destroyed their good name, and perhaps destroyed their family, their career, and taken their home, too.

These public employees and agents are pretty much double dog daring everyone to try to hold them accountable within the realm of America’s legal system. And they have access to just enough corrupt and politically partisan activist judges to get the Crackerjack Box search and seizure warrants they need to spread fear and political retaliation under color of official law. But we citizens have a duty to resist this tyranny.

In the spirit of Independence Day, let us all engage in a month of defiant acts against this political corruption and destruction of our rights. You know, live up to those 1970s bumper stickers that said “Question Authority,” which at that time were aimed at the many traditional institutions the Left had not yet captured, corrupted, or destroyed. Of course, if we begin to question the authority of our Usurper in Chief and his minions, they will immediately recoil in horror: “No, don’t question THAT authority! OUR authority you must unquestionably obey!”

If the Left did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

Some acts of defiance and questioning authority that you should do:

  • Write a letter to your county sheriff, and ask him or her to begin assembling a significant number of armed deputies, to be able to resist illegal invasions or lawless acts in the county by federal troops or agents.
  • Write a letter to your county sheriff, and ask him or her to formally communicate with the Department of Justice and the FBI that their partisan corruption is now so great, they are no longer welcome in the county, and their agents encountered in the county will be arrested and held without bail.
  • Write a letter to your state Attorney General, and ask him or her to formally communicate with the Department of Justice and the FBI that their partisan corruption is now so great, they are no longer welcome in the state, and their agents encountered in the state will be arrested and held without bail.
  • Write a letter to your governor, asking about the possibility of re-assembling the state’s Home Guard, or some similar armed civilian force, that is capable of quickly reacting to and resisting federal troops and agents.
  • Write a letter to your state Attorney General, and ask him or her to issue and execute arrest warrants against individual federal agents who have clearly broken state (and federal) laws against illegal searches and seizures, illegal search warrants obtained under false statements by said agents, etc. Most state constitutions have similar limits on government action and safeguards of individual liberties as the US Constitution, so this is not just a federal issue.
  • Buy a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and then return it to the store for a refund, because it tasted “off.” Or you can remove the pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream from its freezer at the store, and then kindly leave it in the chips and pretzels aisle. Yes, it will melt and be lost there. But that’s not your problem. What is your problem is a Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream that is actively working overtime with its corporate influence to deprive you of your individual liberties and rights. Show them you don’t care for their anti-democracy meddling.
  • Write a letter to your local school board and demand they issue a clear statement that you and other concerned taxpaying parents of school children are not domestic terrorists.
  • Etc. Just stand up and be heard for the next thirty days, in the spirit of July 4th Independence Day. Be a naturally defiant American who is naturally suspicious about official authority, who sees himself or herself as part of a citizen brotherhood united against corrupt power, and resist Biden’s tyranny, even in small ways.

Happy Independence From Government Tyranny Day!

Are you in a (political) cult?

Politically active Americans pride themselves on having knowledge and basic principles that drive their political views and commitments. This goes for both left and right and especially the non-devoted “independents.”

But given how extremely out of kilter America’s economic and political landscape is right now (five dollar gasoline and 8.6% inflation by design of the Biden Administration, and lawless FBI thugs illegally performing the old Nazi Gestapo’s political function by arresting innocent political opponents of the Democrat Party), we have to ask if Americans on both the left and the right are politically devoting themselves to a form of cult worship. As in blindly supporting a political party or a political figure, regardless of how far away this devotion takes them from the essential beliefs they once held.

Because I was long ago a Democrat, and I have since fleeing that political party nonetheless long co-mingled with Democrat Party members, I have a base line for comparison, and so I will start here.

I am incredulous at how tenaciously so many Democrat Party members cling to that brand, despite so many widely deviating policy positions pouring out of it.  John F. Kennedy, vaunted Democrat Party icon even today, would have zero in common with the Democrat Party of today were he resurrected and inducted back into American politics. Rather, JFK would by today’s standards be a far-right Republican. This is because the Democrat Party has now abandoned every essential principle on which it stood, and has instead embraced and championed every anti-America, anti-child, anti-woman, anti-freedom, racist, Marxist, anti-America policy possible.

Given that the Democrat Party now stands for everything that is the opposite of what it used to stand for, it naturally follows that we ask if those Americans who are nonetheless still devoted to this organization are mentally in a cult. Like, they don’t realize it, and their blind devotion to something so profoundly destructive is an emotional response and not a reasoned response.

Look, if you so closely personally identify with a political organization that has repeatedly and radically changed its policies not just over your lifetime but over the past ten years, so strongly that you take it deeply personally when someone criticizes that organization, then yeah, you have a cult follower mindset. Because you have lost sight of the fact that all organizations are created to implement certain goals, and they are very rarely a personal reflection of you. This particular Democrat Party organization has shown zero fidelity to what it once represented…so how can you continue to so closely identify with it?

So I think the answer is Yes, especially a great many older Democrat Party members today are in fact in a cult mindset. They are emotionally loyal to an organization that is killing their grandkids’ future, and that personal attachment, that emotional way of thinking is why so many older Democrats then become absolutely enraged and incapable of maintaining a calm, logical discussion about policy and politics when their political party is criticized.

No debate is allowed, walls go up, friendships and even family relationships are ended. We all see it. It is tragic. It is unnecessarily destructive, and yet, this cult mindset persists.

Now, let’s look at the political right.

The American right is splintering along several philosophical paths, and it is amazing that the Republican Party has been able to provide a big enough “tent” to house all of these different views.

One path is religious, and not just Christian, but Sikh, Hindu, orthodox Jewish, and probably a few others. These are traditionalists who value family and community structures above all, and who ascribe religion with the capability of holding it all together. The crazier and more stridently anti-religion the Left gets (First Amendment be damned), the more these disparate people find themselves sharing the same fox hole. And based on my own personal experience, there are religious Christians who strongly oppose other religions, or liberal factions of other religions, but who nonetheless find themselves in league with them by necessity or by happenstance. Nothing wrong with that, as America is based on different people with the same shared values.

Another philosophical path on the right is the Small Government/ Big Citizen American. These are people not very religious, but devoted to running their small businesses, caring for their families, enjoying life, planning for their future. They see and reject the Left’s policies targeting everything they have worked for. They are especially at odds with Big Government + Big Tech taking control of their every thought, decision, communication, and bank account, and thereby reducing the citizen to a very small role in what is supposed to be a representative government tailor-made of, by, and FOR the citizen.

Finally, there are the nationalists, for whom a constitutional republic America represents the penultimate in human achievement. Some nationalists may be religious, of course, but there are a lot of proud Americans who rightly worship the American flag’s unique symbolism of freedom, liberty, opportunity.

Into the ointment of these neat little conservative philosophical categories flies the presence of President Trump. Without question there is a well-earned cult of personality surrounding President Trump, to whom myriad supporters often ascribe superhuman powers of discernment and strategery. It is a fact that President Trump saved America from the uniparty in 2016, and probably created a great national revival and awakening by having his re-election stolen in 2020. And so he deserves our adoration and appreciation, even if he isn’t really magic.

However, if there is any cult-like mentality on the right, it is among Trump Faithful who follow his every political endorsement, no matter how poorly reasoned or considered. Trump has made a bunch of frankly bizarre political endorsements around America that has left many of his supporters scratching their heads, like Dr. Oz here in PA and RINO Minority Leader Congressman Kevin McCarthy in California. Quite lovely primary battles are unfolding in Arizona and Nevada, where a couple of Trump’s endorsed GOPe candidates are being strongly rejected by Trump Faithful voters. They say that Trump showed them the way to the promised land, and that he has now has gotten bogged down in politics, which was never his strong hand.

And that right there shows that even among the Trump personality cult following on the right, there is both careful reasoning for why he earns support, and how there is disagreement with him over politics. Americans are understandably drawn to the only truly pro-America and non-political political candidate in many decades, President Donald J. Trump. Even those who openly adore the man also openly disagree with him.

I don’t think there is a political cult on the right. There definitely is one on the left.


Independence Day, because Citizens with Guns

Today is Independence Day, the day that America declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, and formed a new kind of government. Most governments in human history have been dictatorial, tyrannical, unilateral, top-down etc., and America is one of the few exceptions, maybe the only exception, to that rule. Today Britain is barely an afterthought, but we still view the federal government in Washington, DC, with the same skeptical eye we had for British Redcoats in 1776.

Since our founding, America has been and still is a nation of free citizens, with maximum individual liberties and with minimal government interference in our personal lives. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution as amended both make this power distribution arrangement clear. However, this unusual balance of power was achieved only through the application of military-grade force by the citizenry upon the oppressive government and its troops and civilian supporters that sought to crush the free citizens. That bloody fight for independence set the tone we live by today.

Mistrust of government is hard-wired into the American citizen.

Today, despite a wide array of evil forces (teacher’s unions, federal bureaucrats, a national media that is an activist arm of one political party, ‘woke’ corporations, and careerist politicians) attempting to once again crush the citizenry and deprive us of our freedoms and liberty, we are confident of our future.

Why? Because there is no way that a relative handful of rogue, despotic, lawless federal agents and their power-mad political bosses can survive while surrounded by hostile citizens.

Regardless of who you are, once a person has a house and a family, they have just as much to lose as anyone else. Just as these lawless federal agents are warping and breaking American law to illegally punish Americans who they consider their political opponents, these same agents themselves can also be held in detention without bail, without family visits, without access to legal representation, without medication. And just as rogue federal agents have showed up armed and physically aggressive on the doorsteps of harmless grannies and Roger Stone and hundreds of other innocent Americans, so too can hordes of had-enough-angry local citizens show up on the doorsteps and living room floors of these lawless federal agents. Two can play this game.

America was founded on an armed citizenry standing up to tyranny and abuse of power, and while the younger generations might be so badly educated and indoctrinated about this core aspect of American culture that they cannot do anything without first sucking their thumbs in some safe space, there are tens of millions of older Americans who recall our free days, and what sacrifices were needed to get those freedoms and keep them.

America’s Independence Day is not about relaxing on the river on your boat and drinking beer, oblivious to everything real happening around you. This day is mostly about reflecting on how We, The People are going to hold on to what is ours.

America and its government belongs to Us, not to any political party, not to people who figure out how to cheat and game the political system so they have endless ‘official’ power to do whatever they want, not to taxpayer-funded bureaucrats who have been unaccountable for fifty years despite their repeat failures in almost every field of administration. That is not what America ever was or is now about, despite the lawless outrages and assaults on America of the impostor Biden Administration, and too many patriots alive right now are willing to make every sacrifice needed to keep America free. Their passionate spirit will challenge and confront every rogue government and every rogue agent of that illegitimate government to preserve the freedoms we had up until January 21st this year.

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! Enjoy your day of freedom now and be ready pass the ammunition (a line roughly borrowed from the battle of Bunker Hill).

America’s Voice gone but not silenced

Sadly, America’s Anchorman Rush Limbaugh has died.

Anyone who regularly listens to his show is not surprised, as the stand-in radio show hosts have been daily for the past couple of weeks. Their daily presence was an indication that Rush was physically unavailable, due to his increasingly severe cancer. And it was only that kind of bar that would keep Rush from sitting at the EIB Golden Microphone himself. His love for what he did was clear.

Rush’s impact on American culture and world-wide politics was unprecedented. He represented the thinking of at least half of America’s citizens. He raised unique questions about the world’s best political system, America, and he posed piercing analysis of the players in it, including members of both major political parties.

Ironically, Rush was a product of a politically partisan mainstream corporate media that had fully merged with the Hollywood entertainment industry. Had the mainstream media actually produced real “news reporters” that simply reported the facts, instead of mounting nonstop daily attacks on Heartland America and the conservatives who represent it, Rush Limbaugh would not have had an audience. Because there would have been no demand for Rush’s service.

Rush’s greatest service to America has been to point out the obvious lies and partisan hypocrisy in the American media and establishment cultural centers, and to be a powerful force for limited government, individual freedom and liberty.

“Rush’s death is a huge loss. He was the best, period. He had a way of articulating the seriousness of politics in a way that didn’t depress the listener. He was a relief to listen to, and of course understood the real nature of politics and politicians better than anyone,” says Central Pennsylvania political activist Ron Boltz.

Right on, Ron. Perfectly said.

I myself was introduced to Rush Limbaugh in 1991 by my friend Kenny Gould in Potomac Maryland, when I was working at the US EPA. Listening to Rush changed my life for the better, and to be frank, I don’t think any radio hosts come close to his performance. Of all the radio hosts I have heard, I believe that Mark Steyn comes the closest to capturing Rush’s analytical way and also his positive, personal way interacting with radio listeners who called in to the show.

America is a poorer place with Rush Limbaugh removed from our national conversation. His quotes and voice will live on, as will the pro-freedom America-first movement he helped start. We will miss you, Rush. Godspeed to wherever you are headed now.

p.s. Rush’s “bumper music” in his radio show was usually the 1970s fun disco/funk stuff from a time when skin color boundaries were being broken by music and generally people felt good about being together. Here is one song that he especially liked: Every 1’s a winner by Hot Chocolate.

p.p.s. for those people who claim that Rush Limbaugh was “racist” etc, they obviously never listened to his radio show, and therefore had no justification for their ridiculous accusation. Rush was the canary in the coal mine for American conservatives, who are now being silenced for “wrongthink” by Big Tech, Big Media, and the Big Political Establishment Uniparty, all of whom try to badmouth and impugn anyone who disagrees with them.


1776 Part II: America is on the brink of a civil war

I am sure plenty of people read this and think “what a kook.”

Fine with me. Mocking people seems to be what liberals do best, so go ahead and mock away. The fact remains that the seditious Democrat Party + Big Tech + Big Media are hijacking America right now, real time. They are using the appearance of a fair election to guarantee themselves complete domination over all of us, the theft of our government institutions that we taxpayers fund and own.

It is why Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro stated matter of factly that “Donald Trump will not win Pennsylvania.” Shapiro and his seditious band of traitors have been and continue to manufacture illegal fake votes for Joe Biden, so that he “wins” Pennsylvania, regardless of how many votes Trump received. When in fact, Biden lost the election in Pennsylvania three days ago.

Lots of people are counseling patriots to wait it out, see what happens. Here is the problem with that:

-The courts are full of political activists, not jurors. The PA Supreme Court illegally stole legislative authority for setting voting dates and times, the US Supreme Court was split 4-4 on it, which let that illegal decision stand. And so the very best the citizenry can expect is a long delayed squeaker 5-4 decision at the US Supreme Court, while in all likelihood we will see a bunch of 3-6 decisions against the rights of the citizens, against an open and fair election, and for anointing the corrupt Joe Biden.

-The state and federal legislatures are filled with careerists, weak characters at best, and seditious characters at worst, so we cannot expect relief or leadership from them. Both PA State Rep. Cutler and PA State Senator Corman have said they will NOT intervene in the flawed election process, so they have broken their own oaths of office. And presently it seems that the Democrat Party is magically discovering lots and lots of new ballots that – amazingly! – give them control of the US Senate. This means that the Democrat Party will have absolute power over the federal government, and they will wield that power absolutely. And we know that with absolute power comes tyranny.

-US Attorney General Bill Barr has abandoned his post, and is not doing a damned thing to bring the rule of law into play.

This all means that We, The People will not get a fair hearing as this seditious coup d’etat plays out in front of our eyes. This means that we patriots must organize immediately (remember that BLM and Antifa have been organized for years now), and prepare for the worst.

Forget Donald Trump, We, The People own America. It is our country. Its elections belong to us, not tyrannical weasels who corrupt the process, not to political whores who corrupt the process, not to anti-democracy violent anarchists who try to intimidate voters, and not to Big Tech and Big Media who corrupt the process. The election does not belong to the political party that manages to corrupt and hijack a political process, and then use the partisan media and Big Tech as its affirming mouthpiece.

We don’t care that Decision Desk 2020 just declared corrupt Joe Biden the winner. He is not the winner of this presidential election, and we all know it. And tens of millions of Americans will not accept the outcome of this corrupted election.

A responsible media outlet would say “We don’t know the outcome of this election, and we would be mistaken to declare a winner yet.” But Big Media is in a hurry to declare Joe Biden the winner. They want to control the perception that he won, and push the perception that the government now belongs to him. Like they did for the past four years, they are trying to strip President Donald Trump of his legitimate authority, given to him by the voters four years ago.

This illegal, immoral, seditious and treasonous behavior qualifies as an attack on America by domestic enemies. And We, The People have every right to respond in kind, to meet force with force.

And because the leaders of this coup d’etat against the citizenry will not back down, but are instead doubling down, they are forcing all of us into a head-to-head conflict that can only have winners and losers. They want absolute power over all of us, and we will not give it to them. And in fact, if you are an elected official who has participated in this coup d’etat, then you are a criminal, plain and simple. If We, The People hold you accountable for your crimes against the Constitution and its democratic processes, then the outcome of all this is on YOUR head, not ours. We voted, you stole our votes. We want them back.

So there we have it. A blogger guy here posts a declaration that will be mocked as a toothless kook right wing screed. Fine. Whatever. But when this is all over, don’t say it’s our fault this happened. It was forced on us, and we have no alternative but to take back what rightfully belongs to us, our liberty, that belongs to We, The People.

Everyone have a nice weekend, and don’t forget to be at the PA Capitol steps tomorrow for the 1776 rally. Thanks to Scott Presler for organizing it.


The Two Strong Women Who Just Saved America

The Two Strong Women Who Just Saved America

In just two weeks, two strong women have stepped up to literally save America from imminent destruction.

The first strong woman is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ideological Leftist who used her seat on America’s highest court to promote anti-America, anti-democracy, anti-Western values and ideas, for decades. So filled with antipathy for America and freedom was Ginsburg that not too many years ago she openly wished for America to shed its current constitution and adopt the South African constitution, instead.

Think about what Ginsburg wanted here. She wanted the world’s most stable, fairest, most transparent, most open, most accountable government to dispose of its central founding document, and exchange it for one that is central to one of the world’s least fair, least accountable, least stable nations. A nation with no rule of law and a semi-official policy of genocidal racism (against former Europeans). South Africa is a hell-hole now, having gone from being the flower of Africa to now being just one more shit-hole African nation riven by thousand-year-old ethnic hatreds, terrible violence, official corruption, no justice, and lots of injustice.

Ginsburg openly stated that she wanted America to descend into South Africa’s low quality of life. And being such an ardent, strong ideologue, and despite her obvious aging to the point where one of the official Supreme Court photos shows her literally asleep in her black robe, Ginsburg clung to her power like it was life itself. But by waiting to retire from the Supreme Court only when she could be replaced by a woman who was going to be nominated by a woman president, Ginsburg overplayed her hand. She died in office last week and left a vacancy that is now going to be filled by the current president and the senate, per the plain words of the US Constitution.

And the person this president has nominated to replace Ginsburg, and whom the US Senate has indicated its majority will likely confirm, is another strong woman, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Unlike Ginsburg, Barrett is an American through and through, in every way. Unlike Ginsburg, Barrett loves America as it was founded, with both its warts and its promise, its equal opportunities for everyone and its justice for all. Unlike Ginsburg, Barrett understands and admires the US Constitution, which was designed to allow America to heal from the American Revolution, from slavery (America nearly fought a civil war over slavery in 1794), and any other problems that might arise among humans living there. Our Founders understood that humans never tire of creating problems for one another and for themselves.

Liberal, woman-hating, motherhood-hating misogynists oppose Amy Barrett sitting on the US Supreme Court. But she is here to literally save the day, save the country, save the planet. That is because Barrett is going to be the deciding vote in what is likely to be a litany of 5-4 votes over the coming two months. Most of these will be deciding if some state supreme courts like in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, can improperly usurp the role of the state legislatures for setting the date and time of Election Day. Per the US Constitution, only the state legislatures can decide anything about Election Day. And yet courts in these states (to begin with) have in classic liberal fashion engaged in tremendous over-reach and illegally declared that Election Day can go on and on and on until someone has created or found enough votes to finally declare victory. As opposed to simply counting up all the legal, valid votes that are filed by 8PM on Election Day and then calling the winner as a result of who has the most electoral votes.

Why is Barrett going to be the 5th vote in the narrow Supreme Court majority? Because Justice John Roberts has increasingly revealed himself to be a product of back room politics and America-Last-Money-First ideologies. Justice Roberts is no conservative. Hell, he is so unprincipled that he is barely a RINO, and he has made it quite clear that he sides with America-Last globalists over the interests and rights of the American citizenry. This means that in any vote about Election Day law and procedure, Roberts is likely to side with the anti-America liberals on the court.

And so it took two strong women to literally save America in 2020. One woman was a strong, but blinded ideologue whose over-ambitious political grasping caused her to over-reach and thereby not only fail in her own goals, but she set up the exact opposite result of what she wanted. Thank you for sticking around too long, Justice Ginsburg, and thank you for leaving us when you did.

And into Ginsburg’s breach stepped Amy Coney Barrett, a true woman of valor, in every way. Barrett, a shield maiden of Western Liberty, replaced the hammer and sickle waving old communist hag.

God loves America, clearly, as well as a big dose of irony.

God bless America, and God bless president Donald J. Trump.

Thank you, God, for bringing us to this time, this season, this hour.

[UPDATE February 24, 2021: Well, obviously I was wrong about Judge/ Justice Amy Coney Barrett. So were a lot of other people. Her decisions on the Court show that she has turned out to be just as much a DC Swamp Thing as anyone could possibly be. Some people wonder if she or her family are being threatened and therefore intimidated. Who cares. Barrett has no backbone or loyalty, and she is in fact helping implement the quick dissolution of the American Republic]



2020’s Jacobins vs. 9/11

Today is 9/11, the 19th anniversary of a devastating Islamic terrorism attack against America via jet airliners crashing into major targets. Over 3,000 Americans were murdered on September 11, 2001, almost all of them incinerated as the different planes were deliberately crashed and burned in an effort to damage America’s economy and create widespread fear.

The 9/11 attack was a huge blow to America. Not just our economy was hurt, and not just our national pride, but also our culture and self-identity. A great deal of uncertainty resulted, too. A lot of questions were asked about America’s place in the world, our role in world politics, and how we should interract with other nations. Questions are good, and to me and many others, those questions were clearly answered: America is the world’s sole superpower, we stand for all that is good and just, and we want to keep it this way.

You would think that nineteen years later virtually all Americans would be strongly unified behind a strong pro-America identity and protective policy array meant to shield us from another similar attack or series of attacks. Strong pro-America policies make sense when we all can see just how vulnerable our open society is to all kinds of attacks and exploitations, especially from within.

But two potentially fatal misconceptions have accelerated since 9/11. First, what appears to be a majority of Americans still incorrectly believe that America is too big, too rich, too successful to fail. They believe that no matter how devastating or sustained an attack is, America can withstand it.

Second, far too many Americans believe that sedition and treason against America are legitimate forms of communication and “protest.” Even though sedition and treason are the gravest crimes punishable by immediate execution.

Both of these misconceptions have led a surprisingly high number of Americans to passively stand back and allow American universities and other institutions to lead the way in overt efforts to overturn America’s form of government and economy. Even violently. To the point where the modern day equivalent of 1790s Jacobins are running the streets across major cities. Some critics have compared the wild, angry, violent people burning down our cities to the NAZI Brown Shirts, the NSDAP (Nazi socialists) street militia who helped Adolf Hitler gain control of Germany in the 1930s.

But there is a better argument to be made comparing today’s Democrat Militia “mostly peaceful” arsonists and looters to the Jacobins of 1790s France. The Jacobins started out as a freedom movement resulting from the 1789 French Revolution against the monarchy. However, in just a year or two, the Jacobins coupled their promises of perfect freedom, liberty, and equality for all to the extremely violent Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was the mass jailing and summary execution of anyone deemed a possible threat to Robespierre and his power-hungry angels.

Every day for almost two solid years, Robespierre would read a list of names in the French congress, and hundreds of innocent people would be dragged off to the guillotine. Their cases had already been determined by a small committee that heard no witnesses, considered no evidence, gave no due process. Someone simply had to be named and that was it – off with his or her head. It was ‘freedom-through-death’.

The thing about the Jacobins that separates them from the Nazi Brown Shirts is that the Jacobins had such beautiful intentions. Really, quite perfect and well-meaning. Right? After all, what is so wrong with absolute anarchic freedom for everyone?  They were going to achieve justice for all when the very last ‘bad guy’ had his head chopped off.

It brings to mind a classic 1960s quote, often attributed to Eric Hoffer: “Both the left and the right want you to obey, but the left wants you to love them.” Because the Left has such beautiful intentions, anything they do is excused, no matter how violent or wrong. It is simply that beautiful intention that exonerates the Left’s great evil and cruelty. Their ends justify their means.

Today, on the anniversary of 9/11, America is facing its own Jacobins. In the name of justice for some criminals, they demand that America be utterly destroyed from the ground up, and re-created into some sort of Reign of Terror utopia, where some new Robespierre types will sit above us and declare us to live or to die.

If you care about America and your own happiness, your bank account, your safe streets, you are encouraged to remember 9/11 and stand up for America, its constitution, its traditions and laws, all of which are under attack.

Vote for Donald Trump, and not for the Jacobins.

Happy Independence from Tyranny Day

America was conceived in liberty, unlike any nation before or since, and tomorrow we mark our declaration of independence from Britain’s tyranny in 1776. As a result, America is the greatest nation, with the greatest amount of opportunity, for the greatest number and variety of humans, ever.

This weekend I will be reflecting on what personal liberty means today, in 2020, and the new forms of tyranny we face.

In some ways it is the same as 1776, in that we still today enjoy a list of personal rights that our government may not infringe upon. But in other ways, we are back to 1775, fighting for recognition of our basic God-given human rights. Like the right to be free of government intervention and oversight and meddling in our personal lives. Like the right to walk down the street free of fear, whether it is fear of being attacked for our political or religious beliefs, or fear of rogue mayors and police forces that purposefully block us from living out our civil liberties, because they disagree with our pro-freedom political views. These are all forms of tyranny over us.

Just about every major American city is lawless, failed, corrupt, and violent (and run by the Democrat Party). Government failure is written into law – no police protection for law-abiding citizens, and no, citizens may not own the means of protecting themselves. People living and visiting these places might as well be taking a trip to a far off distant land torn by war and pestilence. Tyranny.

I will also be reflecting on the absolute horseshit that is “Black Lives Matter.” Nothing is racist about America, except for BLM. BLM is the Ku Klux Klan With a Tan. BLM alone is the sole force for racism and racial hatred in America. Tyranny.

If the Marxist BLM hoodlums are really angry about slavery, and they really want to travel back in time, then they should pay a visit to their native western Africa, from which their ancestors were taken by OTHER Africans. Yes, the African slaves who came to America were enslaved and sold by other Africans, the descendants of whom are even today still involved in slavery. Tyranny.

So to attack America over history, while ignoring the history of the history, is a double standard purposefully driven towards the heart, the actual existence of America. And so it is nonsense, made-up, fake, part of this false grievance factory that constantly produces new types of fake victims daily and buckets of false outrage to go with each one. Tyranny.

I will be reflecting upon the results of all this false hysteria – the false outrage, the false finger-pointing, the undeserved demands, confrontational behavior, the violent destruction and murder. The result is the ruination of sixty years of inter-racial work and progress. So many normal every-day tax-paying Americans are shocked by what they are seeing and hearing that they are retreating. These are the same “white” people who voted joyously for Marxist Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama, twice. Now they are having major second thoughts about what is going wrong with our great nation. And no, they do not blame themselves for the illegal behavior of others, because that would be accepting tyranny.

A few weeks ago one conservative rural “white” guy said to me about the violent BLM riots “they sure aren’t helping their cause with this behavior.” His kids are half-black, half “white.” Not a racist molecule in his body, and not a pro-BLM molecule, either.

I will also be reflecting on how our fake two-party system has brought us to this point, because voters must make a choice between two evils. No other democratic nation has only two political parties forever and ever. Well, for whatever reasons America has two gigantic bureaucratic political parties that are like two gangs fighting each other behind the scenes. Where that leaves We, The People is a big question, isn’t it? Tyranny, for sure!

And speaking of tyranny, how about these stupid Wuhan Flu lockdowns in Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, New York, New Jersey, etc? There is no good reason for them, or the fake, unnecessary face masks that go with them. Instead of standing on the plain meaning of our federal and state constitutions and standing up for We, The People, judges are standing up for their fellow liberal bureaucrats, and upholding the various lockdowns and government efforts to stamp out religious practice. Tyranny!

Folks, as we drink cold beer and grill our food and spend happy time with people we love this weekend, take time to reflect on what Independence Day means for you, and what you want it to mean for you. Because if we simply wait for someone else to serve it up, we will be sorely disappointed, and bereft of options to rectify the situation.

Do not accept any tyranny in your life, except that which is brought by your spouse or parents. That is one form of tyranny we signed up for.

Thank you Sunday Hunting activists!

Despite many last minute bold-faced betrayals and stabs-in-the-back by the PA Farm Bureau that delayed and delayed and delayed the passage of SB 147, which allowed for hunting on just three Sundays, the bill finally passed the PA House today.

It now goes to the PA Senate for a concurrence vote.  It has already passed the PA senate once before, thanks to the bold leadership of Senator Dan Laughlin from Erie, so this should be a perfunctory and symbolic vote, some time in the next few weeks. After that it goes to Governor Wolf, who has said he will sign it.

Unfortunately, because of the PA Farm Bureau’s vindictive approach, where they knew they were going to lose this issue so they tried to delay its implementation for as long as they could, to deny hunters the pleasure of more hunting time afield with our children, we will not get Sunday hunting this big game season. It will have to come into play in the spring of 2020.

As some of you know, my son and I do not hunt on Saturdays. This put us at a disadvantage with other hunters who do hunt on Saturdays. We would happily trade our Saturdays for the following Sundays, but that was never considered by the PA Farm Bureau, who simply demanded that everyone goose-step in unison and follow their marching orders.

So Isaac and I very much appreciate those Pennsylvanians who empathized with our plight these many years, and who felt our pain when official state law excluded us from participating equally with all other Pennsylvanians in something we love to do, and who stood with us and advocated for our equal rights all this time.

Rosa Parks did not NEED to sit at the front of the bus, but she wanted to, and she deserved to have that choice. For at least three days next year, my son and I will not have to sit at the back of the hunting bus.

Thank you to all who got this done.

Special appreciation goes to Robb Miller, the Governor’s Sportsmen’s Advisor and a long-long time professional politico who has championed Sunday hunting through thick and thin for at least twenty years; to Kathy Davis Gehman, who founded HUSH (Hunters United for Sunday Hunting) and led the legal charge and associated fundraising, in which I was one of the plaintiffs; to Harold Daub, who picked up the HUSH gauntlet when the rest of us were dispirited, donned his armor, and led the next political and social charge; to Kevin Askew and Jahred Klahre, two young guys who joined Harold at HUSH and really put the fine touches on the public outreach that became so effective. National Shooting Sports Foundation staff, the NRA, Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania, PFSC – the PA Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs (now Conservationists), United Bow Hunters of PA, and many other groups and individuals also helped in both big ways and small to get this passed.

In these politically divided days, it is important to note that this effort took hard work from professional political partisans in both the Democrat and Republicans parties, and also from generic registered Republicans and Democrats at the grass roots level. It is truly a bi-partisan issue, and it took members of both political parties working together to get it this far. In the sense that America and states like Pennsylvania are well served when diverse people find common political ground to solve big issues, this is a victory.

Above all else, this is a victory for individual liberty over Big Government.

And if you don’t like Sunday hunting, you do not have to hunt on Sunday. That is your choice, your freedom.

God bless America.