Posts Tagged → illegal
California teaches America a lot of lessons
Southern California is on fire, and why it is still on fire one week, at least fifteen lives lost, endless misery, and $150 Billion in losses later reads like a graduate course in Bad Government 101.
California has been the drug addict child of the United States for a long time, but especially in recent years. Californians can’t ever get too much woke politically correct crazy, and so they keep voting for more of it and for the drunk sailor spending that enables it. No one there knows where the money is coming from, no one cares, they just keep throwing money around for empty virtue signaling.
And no money for saving water for a bad day and cleaning up old brush around residential areas. No, these two activities were generously funded, but not implemented. They both contributed to the annual Santa Ana Winds-fueled wildfires now leveling entire neighborhoods in the Los Angeless area, as reservoirs were dry, hydrants had no water, and years of unaddressed dry brush resulted in uncontrollable fires.
For many years already, California has suffered at the hands of criminal homeless and illegal aliens. Suffered unnecessarily in the name of some vague understanding of some sad people somewhere. But these fires may have taught the citizen voters there that there are limits, hard breaks, up against the best of intentions fail.
Lessons taught, maybe not necessarily learned:
a) Repeat voting for a single political party that continuously places homeless and illegal immigrants ahead of taxpaying citizens is unsustainable and will end up destroying your society.
b) Repeat voting for a single political party that makes DEI and ESG and other foolish woke virtue signaling a central point and purpose of government will end up destroying your society. The pathetic and avoidable failures of state and local government across the Los Angeles area are all attributable to race and gender ideology hiring choices, incompetent people, not hiring practices based on merit and individual capabilities, resulting in competent people who have fire hydrants with water in them in case of a fire happening in a fire-prone ecosystem.
c) Making silly, emotional, childish public policy choices, instead of responsible adult-level decisions is no way to run any level of government. These bad choices will always come back to haunt those who are subject to them. Eventually you must pay the piper. California is now paying for Gavin Newsom’s childish ideas and bad policies.
In sum, California voters now see that they have a real choice to make. They can move forward and select leaders who make responsible decisions that protect the citizenry, or they can continue to select leaders who blame human-caused wildfires on supposed “climate change,” and continue to fail.
My own takeaway from California’s fiery carnage is that no one is more racist than a white liberal Democrat. No one. The amount of destruction they wreak on people of color everywhere is unimaginable. Chicago, Philly, New York, you name an American city and you will almost always find failure and black people suffering there, for decades, and it all goes back to people like California governor Gavin Newsom and his fellow white liberals. They just can’t not hurt people, especially people of color. It has to be purposeful.
Here it is, right in front of you, urban Americans. You can learn from this lesson in California, or you can ignore it and continue to suffer. It is your vote. Just don’t continue to vote for the Gavin Newsoms of America and then put out your hand and demand American tax dollars to fix your bad policy decisions.
Nope we Americans have now learned that lesson.
Hurricane Helene says No Such Thing as White Privilege
“White privilege” may be the most racist thing you will hear anyone say or allege in your lifetime, probably from the most racist people on Planet Earth, white liberal Democrats, but that has not stopped this fake social construction from being pronounced and bandied about like it is actually real.
Well, Mother Nature herself has recently descended from the heavens above to demonstrate that in reality and in the natural world too, there is no such thing as “White privilege.”
In the form of Hurricane Helene last week, Mother Nature inflicted huge devastation and destruction upon eastern Tennessee and northern North Carolina and the regional demographic there. It is a group of people I have had a lot of life experience with and who I maintain intense admiration for, white rural working people.
That there are a lot of white liberal Democrats in Asheville folded into the mix of Hurricane Helene victims does not mitigate or reduce my sympathy or hope for everyone’s full recovery there. Everyone is equal before the law, everyone is created in the image of God, and we are all Americans who should be caring for one another, regardless of our political opinions or religious views.
So Hurricane Helene destroyed billions of dollars in built infrastructure, including homes, towns, villages, farms, rural roads and interstates and bridges and schools and hospitals, stranding hundreds of thousands of largely white rural American citizens without power, water, or food.
And so just to demonstrate that white people can be victims and actually have no racial privilege whatsoever, the federal government response to Hurricane Helene has been… almost silent. Like cavalier and ignoring the huge mess of human misery. Like on purpose.
Recall that to our elites, Appalachian whites are the deplorable, disposable, ignored, maligned, forgotten Americans who nonetheless mine the coal that gives us most of our electricity, serve as the roughnecks on oil and gas drilling platforms that run our vehicles, fill up the special forces and combat infantry positions in our most highly motivated and patriotic high-risk fighting forces, who log the forests that provide us with high grade lumber for our fancy kitchens and furniture, who work for the railroads, and who drive trucks across the interstates that bring Amazon Prime to your home super pronto.
In every one of these professions, these (white, rural) people are taking big risks that almost always exceed their expected financial return. Why? Because they are proud to work hard, and they love America more than they love themselves. And they are devoted to America because there is no other nation anywhere that will give them the same freedom and opportunity.
White rural working people are the people who disproportionately make America work and run and give you, dear reader, the comfortable lifestyle to which you have become all too accustomed. And now that these people need a lot of help to get through this natural catastrophe, it sure appears that they are being abandoned by the same federal government that is simultaneously giving away unlimited taxpayer dollars right and left to border-jumping illegal migrants and to the porous demi-government in Ukraine.
I am hearing mostly consistent reports of aid efforts from acquaintences, friends, and family in Asheville and eastern Tennessee (some of their own photos are below; one of my family members from there is now in a hotel in South Carolina). Last week a friend of mine from Harrisburg loaded up his work van with bottled water and food and drove seven hours to the literal end of the paved road in eastern Tennessee, where he followed signs to a Baptist church. There in the church parking lot he was met with tears of fear and appreciation, and many needy hands as entire families sought shelter there with their sole remaining belongings: Their clothing on their bodies. (Some of his own photos of this are below).
Radio personality Glenn Beck reported his unbelievably negative experience with a sole FEMA crew instructive example of No White Privilege To Be Found Here.
Plenty of political fallout has resulted from apparent Biden-Harris government failure, or even willful blocking of aid efforts. While checking his email at a FEMA post, a partisan leftist Democrat in my family there said this is all politically generated misinformation, but I don’t know if I can accept that. The damning reports and real-time online videos are overwhelming and seem irrefutable, while politically partisan mainstream media outlets appear locked into a defend-Kamala Harris-at-all-costs posture, instead of having their crews on the ground recording what the citizens journalists are capturing.
Tons of on-the-ground reports are pouring out of the region, showing a complete lack of federal interest in helping, and a complicated mix of local territorialism, miscommunication, petty power flexing, and even theft of supplies. And even when the Biden-Harris Administration does speak publicly, they are actually saying sorry, we have no money for your disaster relief.
Because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ALREADY GAVE AWAY all the unsustainable taxpayer money to illegals and the endless war in Ukraine.
Folks, not only was there never any such thing as White privilege, but when there was an opportunity to demonstrate that American Whites get treated at least equally with everyone else, both American citizen of color and illegal border jumper alike, the point is made by our current federal government that American White people come last, if they get any help at all.
Elon Musk’s short and sweet warning to us
“Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!
Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.
The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the “Democratic” Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!!
Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying “asylum seekers”, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election.
America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only “elections” will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.
The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be no escape.
Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.”
Remembering 9-11
Remembering 9-11 is important, because it was both an enormous islamic terror attack against American civilians, and a warning to Americans about our loose immigration policy.
Here we are, 23 years later, and America’s current immigration policy isn’t. “Border Czar” Kamala Harris has purposefully let the flood gates wide open in what is the largest hostile invasion of a nation in human history. The destruction raining down on Americans everywhere from this illegal invasion is evident daily as reports of rapes, murders, violent gangs, thefts, robberies committed against everyday Americans skyrocket.
This is all avoidable. If Kamala Harris wants it to stop, she would stop it and round up the illegal invaders and deport them. Instead, Kamala Harris is trying to make as many illegal voters out of this as she can.
Imagine using illegal invaders as the basis of your “democratic election”…official lawlessness in order to gain full control of America. It is crazy, treasonous, and destructive of everything a democratic nation stands for. And yet, a lot of American citizens seem perfectly fine with it.
Seems too few Americans remember 9-11 and what it was about. Humans forget history at their own risk. If this cultural amnesia becomes official government policy, America will have no borders, and all of the illegal lawlessness will become daily life coast to coast.
Only one person can fix this and save America: Donald Trump.
Did the FBI try to assassinate Trump?
The more we learn from last Saturday’s unbelievably close call assassination attempt on President Donald Trump in Butler, PA, the more it looks like an inside job. A professional hit.
Everything that could go wrong that should not go wrong went wrong. Even the most basic security protocols were discarded. The Secret Service counter-snipers sat and watched the would-be assassin climb up on an unprotected roof only 130 yards away from Trump’s podium, they watched as the would-be assassin pulled up his gun and aimed, and they watched as he got off something like eight shots before they returned fire and killed him.
None of that makes any sense. All of it is too big to be one after another “Awww geez” mistakes.
Everything about this event stinks of an inside (“deep state” or administrative state i.e. alphabet federal agencies like DHS, FBI, DOJ etc) attempt to eliminate the one man who can and will rein in the rogue agencies who are presently destroying American freedom and constitutional rights and are obviously implementing a Marxist takeover of the federal government.
But now we learn even more damning information: The weirdly cool-ass serene woman sitting directly behind Trump last Saturday is none other than Janeen DiGiuseppi, the assistant director of the FBI.
This is not normal behavior for any person. And especially not for an FBI agent sworn to uphold the law and stop violence. She should have drawn her sidearm and joined in the effort to protect Trump.
But when we consider the FBI’s illegal shoot-to-kill raid on Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, and all of the deviously evil and patently illegal shenanigans the FBI has committed against Trump since 2016 (spying on him personally, spying on his campaign, using fake investigations like Russiagate to hurt him), FBI Janeen’s actions on Saturday take on a whole new meaning. It sure looks like she gave the go-ahead to the shooter to shoot, and then pulled out her cell phone to record the assassination of Trump up close from a uniquely close seat that no one else could get.
And think about this again: FBI Janeen did not pull out her sidearm and join in the protection of Trump, like a normal FBI agent would be expected to do. Instead, she looks like she is there to order the assassination and then record it.
Hooooly carp…
And now we learn that the would-be assassin was far from being nobody. He had two cell phones and several international encrypted communication accounts.
And instead of securing the crime scene and collecting clues and evidence from it, the FBI moved right in and hosed the whole roof top off. Like they were trying to wash away the evidence. Like they have no interest in learning anything about the shooter or his position.
A local trauma surgeon out in Butler pointed out that the expected blood splatter is not visible at the would-be assassin shooter’s rooftop location. It appears that the would-be assassin shooter was shot from behind, not from in front. Like he was killed by a second assassin to shut him up. And if this person exists, maybe it was this second assassin who actually shot at Trump? And the publicly known guy is actually a decoy?
So it makes sense for American citizens who care about America to ask if the lawless FBI is behind the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump. It sure as hell looks like it, and it would be in keeping with their prior lawless rogue behavior against their conservative political enemies and Trump alike.
Hooooly carp! America, you are in huge trouble!
UPDATE: A whisteblower has notified several US senators that most of the federal employees guarding President Trump at his rally last Saturday were not Secret Service agents, but rather a hodgepodge of DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) and other agency employees. The number of actual dedicated Secret Service agents on site protecting Trump was apparently very low. This allegation just adds more fuel to the fire of conjecture and conspiracy speculation, because real Secret Service agents are believed to be uncorruptable, while DHS is a known hotbed of Marxist anti-Americanism. Follow the logic on this and you end up where this essay ended up earlier today. Not good, America!

Agent “Pat” ducked and hid behind President Trump, drew her sidearm and could not reholster it, and settled on continuously adjusting her sunglasses to look like she was doing something other than incompetence.
UPDATE 7/21/25: Turns out would-be assassin Crooks flew his drone all over the rally venue in full public view the morning of the event. In front of law enforcement officers. Later on he was seen using a rangefinder to measure distances from various locations right there in the field. In full public view. Turns out the FBI now admits a second law enforcement official fired a shot at Crooks, from another roof, a sloped roof, and supposedly missed. Turns out the Secret Service considered the Trump rally a “loose security” event and only assigned a couple actual Secret Service officers, plus a bunch of DHS people. Many of whom are obviously incompetent DEI diversity hires. There’s even more weird information coming to light now days later, and all of it raises lots of questions and answers none. Something bad happened last week, and way too many indications are that the near assassination of President Trump was conspired and organized from within our government. Which is outrageous treason.
Interesting choice of special prosecutor ya got there, Biden
Over the past few months those Americans paying attention to the hijacking of America have watched as Resident Joe Biden illegally avoided scrutiny for illegally hiding top secret national security documents in his private residences. And then his attorneys admitted he had them, but it was just a simple mistake.
Never mind that Joe Biden never held any official position that allowed him to possess such classified information. President Trump was president and thus able to de-classify whatever documents he wanted to and could take them with him to wherever he wanted to take them.
Unlike Joe Biden, who stored his illegal caches of classified documents haphazardly in unsecured garages, bedrooms, offices, etc, President Trump kept his in a locked room that he had shown to the FBI when they inquired.
Mind us all, the FBI has never before inquired about the documents taken home by a president, nor shown the intense interest in them after the president had declared his candidacy again. Curious. And on second thought, not curious, but brazenly lawless behavior by the FBI, then and especially now a partisan and armed arm of one political party that illegally uses its law enforcement powers to punish its political opponents.
So now much is being said about the special prosecutor who interviewed Joe Biden, and who despite repeatedly saying that Biden has dementia and is feeble minded, also declined to press charges against Biden for doing much worse than anything Trump has been accused of.
If you study even cursorily the ways of China, from thousands of years ago to the present, we will find a common practice of humiliating enemies and allies alike, wherever possible. And it is in this tradition that special prosecutor Robert Hur both denigrated the openly doddering Biden and also let him off the legal hook. You see, Special Prosecutor Robert Hur is China’s man overseeing the management of China’s biggest asset, Resident Joe Biden.
How does it feel, Mister and Missus America, to see our biggest enemy operating so brazenly on our soil, running our corrupt leaders like they are little toy soldiers?
Mayorkas impeachment = detectable pulse in GOP
Foreign-born US Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has finally been impeached by the US House of Representatives. Surprise to me that Mayorkas is the first cabinet-level federal employee to be impeached in something like 150 years.
Why this roughly 150-year gap between cabinet impeachments exists is likely because in normal times of governance, the mere credible threat of impeachment would be sufficient to garner a resignation. But America is not now living in normal times of governance. Rather, America is living in a time of blatantly stolen elections, illegal border-jumping alien replacement of American citizen voters, and a brazenly political mainstream media that mass-lies and disinforms the roughly half of the American population still asleep at the wheel.
So, with massive daily doses of partisan propaganda and outright lies from the mainstream establishment media (NBC, CBS, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, ABC, Washington Post, NY Times etc) to cover up the stolen elections, people like Joe Biden are unaccountable to the voters. He literally cannot be voted out of office, because if his opponent gets a billion votes, Joe Biden will magically get a billion and one votes. So, without electoral accountability, evil villains like Alejandro Mayorkas continue to purposefully destroy America from within, like the gnawing rat that he is.
For the record, the official job that Alejandro Mayorkas has is the head of the Department of Homeland Security, in which he is allowing and facilitating the complete and completely illegal invasion of America across our open borders. Terrorists and drug dealers and military age single men are illegally pouring across our border every day, which puts Americans in direct danger. Alejandro Mayorkas has been refusing to do his sworn duty for three years now, and as a result American citizens are suffering terrible crimes of violence and fentanyl poisoning, and who knows what terrorism is coming down the pike.
Alejandro Mayorkas has blood all over his hands, and he deserves to be impeached, and removed. If anyone deserves to be impeached and removed from office, it is Alejandro Mayorkas and his boss Joe Bribem. But first things first.
But the US Senate Democrats will do everything possible to stonewall and slow-walk the senate trial of Alejandro Mayorkas.
Not all is bleak, however. Two good things have emerged from this impeachment: First, two of the three useless, spineless jellyfish RINO “Republican” congressmen who unbelievably voted against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas have announced they will not seek re-election. Both Ken Buck and Tom McClintock have announced today that they will not seek re-election. Let’s say this one more time: Voters are incensed by the Washington DC swamp-slug behavior of their elected representatives, and voiced enough displeasure that said DC Swamp-Slugs are retiring from office. Success!
Number two is that this small step for humankind demonstrates that there is still a pulse in the Republican Party. Faint though this pulse may be, it indicates that there is some fight, some resistance to the Marxist coup d’etat happening right now. This resistance is noteworthy because maybe the GOP isn’t completely dead after all, and rather is only mostly dead.
With the promise of maybe waking up and going to war against the Democrat Party traitors who are purposefully and willfully destroying the America they were sworn to defend and protect. Best news in years!

Is the Republican Party really dead, only mostly dead, or just playing dead? Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas shows there is still a faint pulse in the GOP