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Is “psychology” a real professional field?

After stumbling across the most fake of fake and partisan “science” websites, undergirded by the field of psychology, I just had to ask: Is psychology real and a valuable scientific tool, or is it subjective nonsense that can be whatever people want it to be?

Do you remember Bandy Yee? I do. She was the alleged psychiatrist who declared both her antipathy to President Trump and also her negative faux diagnosis of Trump, despite having never met him in person or having had a chance to do whatever it is that psychiatrists and doctors do when evaluating a patient. Six, seven years ago Bandy Yee started publicly announcing her medical opinion that President Trump was unfit for office and blah blah blah blah blah you can go look up her nonsense for yourself. She sounded shrill and crazy, violated basic medical ethics, and got herself fired.

The point being that this alleged doctor/ psychiatrist Bandy Yee followed none of the elementary rules of medicine or psychiatry, and rather instead wielded her supposed medical talents as a weapon against her political opponent, at that time President Trump. Based on her unprofessional behavior, a lot of Americans viewed Bandy Yee as the kind of “doctor” like Dr. Mengele was a doctor in the Nazi concentration camps.

Or like one of the Soviet Union’s cruel doctors who pronounced perfectly healthy and sane people to be crazy and subject to horrible psychiatric ward incarceration and treatment over simple ideological or values-based disagreements. Which in the Soviet Union was easy to have. All it took was some higher-up Communist Party person to declare you as a bad person, and then in would step a medical doctor psychiatrist to declare you insane and subject to crazy person jail. Where you would be mistreated for the rest of your sad life. This is Bandy Yee.

Bandy Yee behaved like a Nazi or Soviet political doctor, and yet…she is said to be “a doctor.” The pinnacle of science and healthcare, right?

Using Bandy Yee as our baseline highly trained “medical expert” (who cannot control her own feelings and who uses her training to attack innocent people), I really began wondering about the so-called “psychologists” who can also, I guess, maybe heal people and definitely also hurt people with their training.

Today I encountered through sheer accident the website psypost.org, a site that purports to be scientific, but which is in reality the Bandy Yee of websites: 100% politically partisan junk science and fake studies, designed to lend a veneer of scientific credibility to political claims about Republicans, conservatives, white men, gun owners, etc.

I read one of the articles listed at psypost.org, about a purported professor at my alma mater, Penn State University. A claimed “psychologist”, “Dr.” Piazza, wrote the fakest of subjective nonsense studies about how claims of election fraud heighten support for violence among Republicans but not Democrats. His takeaway from his garbage “study” was that discussing overt voting fraud is dangerous to democracy, because conservatives will get angry and commit political violence.

Seriously, Professor Pizza wrote this stuff. In other words, he is asserting that to “protect democracy” we have to restrain Republicans from investigating and talking about blatant voter fraud committed by Democrats. Which violates elementary Free Speech rights and the First Amendment etc. Which means Professor Piazza needs to destroy democracy in order to save democracy. But he’s a “doctor”…so listen to him.

And by the way, of course Democrats won’t get mad or violent about voter fraud…THEY are the fraudsters! They are the beneficiaries of voting fraud. Democrats commit vote fraud like I breathe air with every breath I take. Voter fraud is what Democrats do, or to be fair, it is baked into the DNA of the Democrat Party apparatus, and regular ol’ Democrat voters might not know about it, or might be comfortable thinking about it but not actually doing it themselves. I digress.

Another hint that psypost.org and its supposedly scientific writers and subjects are all completely fake is that while its past week or so is devoted to discussing political violence on the political right using really tenuous and outright dishonest fake studies, there is this really telling gap between an article posted on July 10th and one posted on July 17th…where nothing is written about the actual political violence attempted assassination committed against President Trump by Trump-hating Democrat donor Michael Crooks last Saturday, July 13th.

I also saw nothing about ANTIFA, the radical left Marxist  crew and Brown Shirts implementing Democrat Party coercion at the street level. Apparently the crazy hyper violent trans people (well documented by gay journalist Andy Ngo) at ANTIFA are perfectly sane and fine to the writers at psypost.org. Mmmm hmmmmmmm…

In other words, America’s professional psychologists are just fine and dandy writing about the potential and alleged and promised political violence on the right, while completely ignoring the actual political violence (an attempted assassination of a leading presidential candidate) on the left.

I read a bunch of their articles on this website, and came away with the belief that psychology is not a scientific profession. That it is a dive, a fake pseudo-science hideout for the intellectually fraudulent and weak-minded among us, and especially for the ideologically angry left. That it is mis-used to deliberately create misinformation against the political opponents of the political left. That anyone believing this nonsense is a sucker.

If Bandy Yee is at all representative of psychiatrists (despite her unprofessional behavior she is still licensed and acting out as a psychiatrist, which means that her oversight board and fellow psychiatrists nationwide are just as full of shiite as she is), then how much more so are psychologists and the entire field of psychology full of cr@p.

If you don’t like what is being said here, go ahead and disprove the observations that have given rise to this essay. Go to the purveyors of psypost.org’s politically driven pseudo science trash and get them to stop, to tighten up, to behave professionally. Until then, my impression will remain that psychology is junk science populated by angry leftists, who themselves pose very real, substantive risks to the health of America, to our democratic norms, and to us individual citizens.

Photo of a bunch of obviously peaceful protestors said to be “violent” because they support Trump

Oh the irony of this ridiculous headline, because one day before a radical leftist almost killed President Trump


Conspiracy theory that can’t be true

Talk about a real, genuine conspiracy theory – a significant number of Americans who oppose President Donald Trump are actually saying publicly that his near-assassination was staged by Trump himself. To garner sympathy. For real.

What is the operational definition of this alleged conspiracy? How exactly did it happen? What are the actual working parts to the conspiracy?

Here is what we know: The shooter is dead, Corey Comperatore is dead, James Copenhaver and David Dutch are both critically injured. President Trump went from speaking live on TV with no wounds to suddenly bleeding, falling to the ground, and getting back up with blood streaming across his face, all in a few seconds.

You conspiracy theorists are saying that this attempted assassination is fake, staged, a lie, and yet you can’t explain the factual nuts and bolts of how it happened….

While on a regular good day the political Left suffers from terrible moods, an addiction to bad information, and black hate for their political opponents, now cheering and mocking the assassination attempt, mocking Trump’s wound, mocking the wounded and murdered audience members, and concocting a bizarre conspiracy theory to assauge one’s own blinding hate is a low spot in the annals of human politics. No wonder the political Left engages in so much political violence; their heads are brimming with hateful ideas and the violent images and desires that naturally flow from them.

Coming up with a physically impossible conspiracy theory is an embarassing statement about the demented frame of mind of too many Americans. I won’t say it’s all or even a majority of registered Democrats, but let’s be honest, a sizeable proportion of them have been so wound up and tuned up they willingly let their hateful thinking tangle up the wiring in their brains. Remember, registered Democrats, hate is a not a family value nor is it a proper component of our national political dialogue.

Here are the facts on the ground. How do you twist them into a believable conspiracy theory? Go! Do it! You are a crazy person!

The media industrial complex is trying to suppress these iconic photos of a wounded and defiant Trump

Supreme Court’s recent decisions reveal deep DC Beltway Bandito mentality

While all other American institutions – private, non-profit, for-profit, our entire military, the Cat Ladies Survival League, the Backyard Bird and Squirrel Protective Association, the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, the media, Hollywood, professional sports, the medical profession and its various Medical Associations, the legal profession and its various Bar Associations, and the entire federal government apparatus – have been Borg captured and bent to the Borg Left’s purposes, completely against the will of the vast majority of the American citizenry, there has remained one lone institution that has appeared to resist the capture:

The US Supreme Court.

Against the decades-long tidal wave of berserker Democrats and somnulent Republicans only the US Supreme Court has appeared unbroken, pure, un-woke, and integrity-bound to the US Constitution backbone and nervous system that binds all American citizens together as a living, breathing, functioning One Nation Under God.

And yet, with its recent holdings we repeatedly see not so much glimpses into the Court’s true soul, but rather flashes of the oft hidden but actual volcanic fire seething beneath our collective feet. For as much as the Court has tried to appear united and above the frightening political fray, it too is subject to the worming rat-gnawing effects of leftist wokeism. For as much as it has placed several unanimous holdings before the American citizenry in recent months as evidence of the level headedness of the Court’s members, it also holds a growing threat of Borg tyranny.

Three stalwart Borg leftists – Kagan, Sotomayor, and Katanga – maintain a unified beachhead on the shores of the US Supreme Court and America’s last residual semblance of the rule of law. Regardless of how obvious the legal question, these three ardent Marxists always vote for more, bigger, and more powerful government at the expense of We, The People as a people and as individuals whose rights are supposed to be protected from government overreach by the courts.

There is not one single public policy issue or individual rights question that does not get the Marxist treatment from these three members of the bench. And so one cannot really be surprised to see them vote against presidential immunity in the case of Trump. Because like all of the other politicians on their Borgian Marxist Democrat side of the aisle, Kagan, Katanga, and Sotomayor also lust for the blood of the one person who stands in their way, Trump. This morning’s holding by the Court reveals that such a simple question of presidential immunity (having none would result in a president being unable to do his job) can only hold naked political interests for three of the nine justices.

If left unchecked, in a simple matter of time, that number will grow to four and then a majority of five, and then American citizens will have no individual rights left under the federal jackboot.

This skepticism is justified by other recent holdings and indecisions by the Court: The First Amendment is not violated or even infringed by the Biden Administration’s active coercion of social media companies to conduct the censorship-by-proxy of American citizens’ speech critical of the Biden Administration. Subpeonaed political activist Steve Bannon must go to jail for failing to appear before the incorrectly convened J6 Committee, while lawless AG Merrick Garland flaunts all legal procedure, including precisely that which has ensnared Bannon, to hold onto and cruelly wield an unbridled official monopoly on violence.

The list of outright fraudulent decisions and spineless indecisions by the Court reveals that the three Borg Marxists are not just a beachhead, and not just a taste of things to come for our rights. Rather, the insular, disconnected, corrupt, and self-serving DC Beltway Bandito culture is seeping through all skin pores and lung tissue and hearing and tasting orifices of the supposed five or six “conservative” justices on the other side of Kagan, Katanga, and Sotomayor. We cannot trust or rely on the US Supreme Court to guard us, because this institution is also being captured, just in slow motion and in our sight.

It may be that if or when the American People sort out this constant assault on our rights on their own terms, that only Justices Thomas and Alito will remain fit to form the core of the new Supreme Court. The rest? Well, what does any assertive free people do with traitors?


Summer 2020 all over again

Recall that the George Floyd riots in 2020 were not spontaneous. Burn-Loot-Murder (BLM), ANTIFA, and every other violent anarchist group possible were heavily organized in the spring and summer of 2020 to “mostfully peacefully” burn down Democrat-run cities nationwide, with the ostensible reason being George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose sold as police brutality. The actual purpose of the 2020 Summer of Love mostly peaceful violent riots was to create chaos and fear ahead of the November 2020 election.

Recall then-chief Democrat Rahm Emmanuel’s admonition to “never let a crisis go to waste,” meaning, have government leaders create crises and then exploit them for political gain. That was the purpose of the 2020 riots that cost billions of dollars in property damages, thousands of family owned businesses destroyed, and dozens of lives lost across America. Anything at all was OK to the Bolsheviks, Stalinists, and their official Democrat Party enablers in order to muddy the waters around the re-election of Donald Trump.

Well, here we are again, only four years later, with uncontrolled riots starting out at college campuses nationwide, then breaking out into the streets of major cities, and now becoming daily fixtures in certain downtowns and bridges. At the University of California at Los Angeles yesterday, destructive, violent pro-Islamic terrorism “protestors” squared off against mostly Jewish and Christian college students on campus, and the blood flowed. Absolutely no police to be seen anywhere nearby, and no police intervention occurred. The videos I have seen show a wild raging brawl with lots of people being seriously injured….and zero police intervention.

It was a conscious decision by the UCLA administration to allow the violence to continue as long as the two sides were willing to keep it up. Why? Because like almost all college administrations across America, UCLA is run by open Bolsheviks, Stalinists, Maoists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists, all people who are happy to use destruction and violence to create crises that then create opportunities for martial law or similar types of heavy handed government intervention to force outcomes the voters would never give them at the ballot box.

Because Trump is on the 2024 ballot (despite aggressive and lawless attempts by the Democrats to keep him off of it), we are now taken back to 2020. We are probably going to have another spring and summer filled with UCLA-type brawls across America. Who knows where this pro-Islamic terrorism movement is going to go, now that it has the full backing of every elected Democrat in America. With the open southern border pouring in Islamic jihadis daily from around the world, as well as young Chinese men of military age, the Biden Administration is now openly an arm of Hamas and Iran, and they stand to benefit the most from continued violence and mayhem.

Anything is being allowed in order to muddy the water around the 2024 election, anything to create a crisis, anything to create political opportunities that the voters would not normally grant under normal voting circumstances.

Mister and Missus America, I really hope you are wide awake now, and not just watching America disintegrate. Remember the cost of sitting by and watching the riots of 2020 and the subsequent stolen election. This time, this year, if we all personally participate in ensuring only a legitimate election is held this November, we can ensure that America is pulled back from the precipice upon which we all now hang.

Central PA candidates on the ballot

Because I am a “politico” actively involved in politics, friends, family, and strangers ask my opinion on candidates running for political office.

Here are the people I am voting for on next week’s Republican primary election ballot:

President: Donald J. Trump, of course. President Trump is all that stands between We, The People and chaos and the forced failure of America as the representative constitutional republic we have enjoyed since 1789.

Attorney General: Dave Sunday. He has a strong 2A background and is endorsed by Gun Owners of America, whereas his opponent has a very poor 2A record.

Congress: Scott Perry. Scott continues to reliably do what an elected official is supposed to do. He has gotten a lot quieter since the lawless Democrat Party thugs known as “FBI agents” stopped his car and stole his cell phone from him at gunpoint last year. Nonetheless, Scott continues to vote for We, The People, like voting against the FISA renewal. FISA has been used by the FBI to conduct lawless, warrantless domestic spying against everyday American citizens.

US Senator: Mickey Mouse. I literally wrote in Mickey Mouse because the GOPe endorsed and orchestrated puppet strings candidate whose name appears on the ballot spent time and money to knock off the ballot several other candidates who would have competed with him in this primary race. What a scumbag.

Auditor General: Tim DeFoor. Tim is a solid citizen and one of the very few now career politicians I can support. I have watched him work his way through the political process, and though he is not ideological, he comes to his traditional views honestly, from the way he grew up, which I can respect.

State Senator: Nick DiFrancesco. This is a newer version of the state senate district seat I ran for in 2012 and 2015, and I have a lot of familiarity with its voters. Nick is an all-around politico who has been a Dauphin County commissioner and has held other publicly visible positions of trust. Nick is presently Dauphin County treasurer, and I believe he represents the only chance normal taxpaying citizens in our region have to stop far-left radical Patty Kim from inheriting this seat in a heavily gerrymandered district made just for her. The other candidate is Ken Stambaugh, who I have had the pleasure of speaking with at length and staying in touch with. Heck of a nice man, good intentions, and not a political animal. My opinion is Ken would stand zero chance against Patty Kim. I yearn for the days when America would naturally and easily elect good people like Ken to office, but unfortunately spring 2024 is as far away from those old days as America can get. We need political warriors.

State Treasurer: Stacy Garrity. Wish we had a primary opponent just for voter choice.

Representative in General Assembly (State House 103rd district): Cindi Ward. Wish we had a primary opponent just for voter choice.

Representative in General Assembly (State House 100th district): Dave Nissley. Failed incumbent and career political hack Bryan Cutler has been a disaster for central Pennsylvania voters who care about good policy and clean politics. Cutler got into elected politics at a very young age, and he just learned bad habit after bad habit along the way. Dave Nissley is by far the better man and the better candidate, and he has been endorsed by Gun Owners of America.

Delegate to the Republican National Convention: Jeff Haste, Sue Helm, George Margetas, and Charlie Gerow. Both Jeff and Sue are well known central PA pro 2A advocates. George Margetas is a local attorney who like so many of us went along with the covid tyranny mask nonsense in 2020, but who then bucked it publicly afterwards when it was clearly evident that covid was about political control and not about public health. I like a strong man who stands up for freedom. Last but not least is well known local politico and lobbyist Charlie Gerow, who I have known for many years and who is one of the few lobbyists I actually like.

The other RNC candidates have either zero about them available online, which tells us they are hiding, fakes, RINOs, or Democrats, or they have something about being “a fiscal conservative,” which is always a red flag for social conservatives looking for strong candidates who will represent traditional values and meritocracy. So-called “fiscal conservatives” rarely are, and they are always social liberals. No thanks.

Your political action in 2024, like voting and volunteering for candidates, is as important as 1776

Interesting PA 15th district state senate race

Now that the Super Tuesday primary election is over, which Our Lord and Savior President Donald Trump completely dominated in a historic crushing nationwide landslide,  Pennsylvania has only another six weeks of national irrelevance to go until our primary election on April 23rd. Which makes Pennsylvania less than unimportant in the grand scheme of national politics, but allows us to focus on some interesting local races.

The election race that grabs my interest the most is for the 15th state senate district here in central PA, centered on Harrisburg City. This is a senate district I ran in one-and-a-half times. First in 2012, which entailed a real head-butting with the GOPe, and in which I did well but did not win. The second time I ran was 2015-2016, and I was the first candidate out of the gate. Color me surprised when another candidate announced (John DiSanto), quite establishment with the charisma of an old shoe, and who was backed by the same acidly anti-establishment state senator I had worked hard to elect in York County (Scott Wagner).

Political races are often weird, and in Spring 2015 I was just getting with the weirdness of facing off against people whom I had worked hard to elect, and who had no explanation for why they were opposing me, when the race got more complicated.

Enter out of the clear blue yonder a very young and very ambitious guy (Andrew Lewis), just moved back to Pennsylvania and fresh from military intelligence work in Washington, DC (now that MAGA knows how corrupt and evil our own American intelligence establishment is, one must wonder if this connection will hurt Andrew Lewis in his future political ambitions). With no local work or volunteer history, other than his family lived in both Juniata and Perry counties, Andrew Lewis became the alternative conservative candidate to me. Good looking and bright, Andrew made a fine candidate. His presence in the race bit into my rural support, and the fact that he, too, was financially supported by Scott Wagner bit deeper into my feelings about Scott Wagner and the people working for and with him.

What the heck did Scott Wagner have against little old me?

My participation in the race came to an abrupt end in late November, 2015, as I stepped up onto a boulder high on a mountain while bear hunting, and awkwardly fell off. My left knee was the knee that had not been previously operated on, and I had babied it for thirty years. The two back-to-back surgeries required to fix its resulting bad tears in the cartilage and frayed ligaments meant I could barely walk. And if there was one advantage I had it was my good door-to-door effort that had paid off before.

Not being able to walk door to door, I had no way of really running a competitive three-way race, and so I bowed out in December. And never a sore loser, I endorsed the same monkey-wrenching Andrew Lewis as the superior of the two candidates.

John DiSanto won that springtime primary election and went on to defeat the incumbent Democrat in the Fall of 2016. After eight years of voting reliably Republican present, but with no distinguishing leadership on issues like election integrity or the state system of education, DiSanto is now giving way to the heavily gerrymandered new senate district.

Our new 15th district map was created by the PA Dems to favor forever incumbent PA House member Patty Kim, a terribly undistinguished, sleep-walking, cookie cutter Marxist Democrat who is tired of not having to run for re-election every two years and now desires to not have to run for re-election every four years.

So we know who the Democrat candidate will be: Patty Kim.

On the GOP side we have two candidates, and this is what I find so interesting about this race. One candidate is an outsider, a nice man named Ken Stambaugh.

Local politicos will recognize the Stambaugh name because so many people from this large and engaged family are involved in politics across three counties here. Having appreciated the opportunity to speak at length with Ken Stambaugh, and having read his near-daily campaign trail updates, I come away with the impression of a good guy with good intentions, and no policy experience or even a desire for good policy, and not a lot of charisma. That he was recruited by incumbent state senator John DiSanto for the Fall suicide run against Marxist Patty Kim seems doubly lost on Ken.

That Ken was endorsed by the Dauphin County GOP is not lost on me or other conservative grass roots activists who abhor party meddling in primary races. Candidates today who tout their party endorsement in a primary race have a tin ear, or just don’t care about the voters.

Sometimes not being “political” can work well to a person’s advantage, and in this case, I think Ken Stambaugh probably sleeps well each night not knowing what politicos know. Let’s keep this a secret, because Ken’s earnestness is refreshing. He means well, which is to his credit.

Out of the blue, longtime politico, former Dauphin County commissioner, and newly elected Dauphin County treasurer, Nick DiFrancesco, has also decided to run for this same state senate seat.

Two weeks ago, the Lower Paxton Township Republicans issued a statement, calling on Nick to drop out of the race.

I told everyone Nick would not take the treasurer position seriously,” said one frustrated politico.

You crazy man,” I wrote to Nick. After all, having worked so hard to re-ingratiate himself with the Dauphin County GOP and barely win the county treasurer seat last November, to now run against the party takes real Italian-style chutzpah. Or too much ambition. Or balls. Or leadership….

However Nick’s thumb-in-the-eye and kick-in-the-shins entry into this race is characterized, Nick is at the opposite end of the politico spectrum from nice guy candidate Ken Stambaugh.

Nick DiFrancesco is very experienced with running for office and all of the “retail politics” this includes, such as money grubbing and networking. He also has Dauphin County name recognition, which always goes a long way in a primary race. Nick may be as establishment as a Republican can get, but to run against the party establishment is about as anti-establishment as it gets. Intriguing!

Which raises the question of whether Nick DiFrancesco has a political suicide urge, is addicted to running for office, or does he think he can really win against Patty Kim? I think Nick believes he can win against Patty Kim in the Fall. He says so, and I believe him.

The entire 15th senate district R vs D race in the Fall comes down to the R candidate reaching deeply into the Harrisburg City black community, and getting their votes. Which with the right candidate can be done. After all, decades of Democrat Party rule has left Harrisburg City and its majority black citizens bankrupted and left behind. Like pretty much every other Democrat-run city in America, it should be noted.

American blacks are not stupid, they are incredibly loyal (why blacks identify with the party of Slavery, the Democrats, and not the party of Abolition, the Republicans is a case of effective marketing vs. no marketing at all). They are smart enough to begin asking what the hell have they been loyal to and loyal for. The American black community is beginning to wake up to the fact that white liberal Democrats like Patty Kim are the most racist people on Planet Earth, and that repeatedly voting for them and their guaranteed failure and intergenerational poverty is stupid. And no, I don’t think candidate Alvin Q. Taylor has what it takes to lead, sorry, buddy.

Nick DiFrancesco should play Malcolm X’s “Political Chump” speech all over Allison Hill and Uptown Harrisburg, and lead Dauphin County in a political revolution that all of America needs. If there is one candidate who can do this, who has the balls to try it, to show all the scared Whiteys huddled up in their country clubs that Black people are very engaging and very interested in what candidates have to say, it is Nick.

In this primary race, and in the Fall race, I think Nick DiFrancesco has all of the advantages.


Trump martyred because we want to live free

President Donald J. Trump has been withstanding unbelievably corrupt lawfare for the simple “crime” of wanting to run for office. All of the various lawsuits brought against him involve the most creative, novel, and unsubstantiated accusations probably ever seen in American courts.

What has worked for the lawless DAs and AGs has been simple venue: Get enough people who hate President Trump’s politics in one room and use them to accuse him, indict him, and hold a trial with him in the accused’s seat, and they get an automatic conviction before the case is even heard or argued in court.

All of the cases against Trump have involved brazen lawlessness by DAs, AGs, special prosecutors, and politically extreme judges, all of whom use their official jobs to unfairly attack their political opponents and egregiously abuse the procedural rules against their victim. In this case that opponent, really a martyr, is President Trump.

Anyone bothering to pay attention to the proceedings of each of these cases has to be incredulous. In New York, Trump was never accused of a crime, and everyone in the court room said he had not really committed fraud. His own bankers said they liked doing business with him and would do business with him again. Trump adhered scrupulously to industry standard business practices, and yet was found guilty by a corrupt judge Engoron, who refused to allow Trump to bring witnesses or to even testify in his own defense.

The same lawlessness occurred in Democrat Party plantation Fulton County, Georgia, until evidence emerged that DA Fani Willis has committed far greater crimes (bribery, perjury, misuse of official funds, retaliation the list goes on) than any of her victims (Trump) could even arguably have done. Moreover, DA Fanny Willis’ case against Trump is overtly political, not factual. Again, get enough Democrats in the court process, from grand jury to judge, and they will get an automatic conviction. Not because justice is being served, but because for Democrats, success in politics is more important than having justice.

I can go on with great numbers of examples, but the lawless lawfare against Trump has turned him into an even bigger political martyr than he was four years ago. Now it’s not just DC Swamp Rats using the process to attack a president they are insubordinate to, but leftist jurisdictions in New York, New York City, and DC-based special prosecutors operating in Florida, where the rule of law has ceased to exist.

Like I have said before, if Republicans simply did the same thing to their political opponents, this crap would end in a second. There are many, many more conservative jurisdictions and venues across America than there are communist (Democrat) ones, and if only a small percentage of the DAs and judges in these places decided to give leftists a taste of their own medicine, the Left’s lawless lawfare war on President Trump would end immediately.

But it seems Republicans are a bunch of emasculated sissies.

Why is President Trump going to the mat? Why is allowing himself to be put through this horrible lawlessness? Because he loves America, he loves us American citizens, and he loves freedom. And as many of us already know, far too many Americans take their freedom for granted. And so what is really happening in all of these outrageous sham prosecutions of Trump is an open attack on freedom. Your freedom and mine.

So quit standing there doing your own thing for your own benefit, and help return all of America to a rule-of-law country, where everyone is treated equally, and where individual people like Trump are not treated unequally simply because they want everyone to have freedom instead of succumbing to the tyrannical juggernaut in DC.

President Trump is way too much like America’s first president, freedom fighter George Washington, and the 2024 election is about America surviving as founded, or destroyed from within by evil tyrants. Your freedom is on the line

Putin murdered Navalny and is no saint, and you are your own leader

Political candidate, longtime Putin critic, and political prisoner Alexei Navalny (aged 47) was murdered in a Russian prison last week. Like the murder of Jeffrey Epstein in a supposedly heavily guarded and monitored prison in America, Navalny’s murder was also done to send a signal about who is in charge, this time in Russia.

The person in charge of Russia is Vladimir Putin, president for life and de facto dictator. Putin is known for poisoning his critics (Navalny was previously poisoned while abroad, and survived to bravely return home to challenge Putin in rigged elections, and was then jailed), having them thrown out of windows (too many examples to count), having them brutally murdered in the streets, and having them encounter impossible “accidents” like when the airplane they are on just mysteriously blows up in the middle of the sky without any warning.

I know that a lot of Americans are justifiably frustrated by the lack of leadership in America. While the Democrat Party is busy blowing up and setting America on fire, and illegally importing a veritable army of military-age illegal alien men, which is a dereliction of duty and outright treason, the Republican Party and almost all of its elected officials from coast to coast are spineless, flaccid, weak kneed, limp wristed, whiny, two faced girly men (first reference to GOPers as girly men was here on this blog months ago, and then used by Wayne Root, for which we are honored) who can’t do anything, not a damned single thing, to oppose or resist the Democrats.

These Republicans were elected on the basis of their campaigns, where they promised to be leaders, and lead on issues their voters care about. But they get into office and just don’t do anything. We have seen the same empty campaign promises here in Pennsylvania, where the vast majority of elected Republicans just can’t or just won’t say anything about election integrity.

In October and November 2020, the overwhelmingly Republican-dominated Pennsylvania legislature could have easily impeached and removed those PA Supreme Court justices who unconstitutionally turned PA law and constitution alike on their heads to make way for the theft of the 2020 election from President Donald Trump in favor of the non-campaigning basement dwelling zero-charisma plagiarist and serial liar Joe Biden.

But the PA GOP did nothing, absolutely nothing. Zero. And even now, asking people like state senator John Disanto to publicly say something meaningful about election integrity is like questioning the law of gravity. And as a result, elections are stolen and America is going up in flames.

So yes, there is a huge failure in leadership everywhere around us, at every level, and so yes, Americans are desperate for leadership anywhere they can find it. And so up steps Vladimir Putin to both attack the globalist swamp in Ukraine and to also stand firmly for his own country (imagine that) and for his church and history (doubly imagine that). And all of a sudden a void is filled, and Vladimir Putin becomes the embodiment of leadership to many Americans.

Stop it, people. Putin is not any kind of leader that any kind of traditional freedom-loving American can relate to or support. He is a cruel, evil, murderous tyrant who brooks zero opposition or even questioning. Yes, he has some good qualities, no, those qualities do not outweigh the terrible things he is doing to his political rivals or to Ukrainian civilians, much less to the American Dollar.

Forty-seven-year-old Alexei Navalny was just murdered in cold blood in a dark and cold jail cell, in the middle of Russia, alone without his wife or friends to hold his hand and comfort him, for the simple reason that he posed a threat to Putin’s illegal grip on absolute power.

We Americans are witnessing the same exact thing happening here in America, where absolutely innocent and peaceful protestors from January 6th 2021 are still being rounded up by gangs of federal Gestapo thugs and held in solitary confinement, without medical care, with inadequate food and water, under terribly unsanitary conditions, for the simple reason that they represent a We, The People response to the stolen election dictatorship of Joe Biden and his posse of lawless and violent federal employees.

So if you oppose what Joe Biden is doing here in America, you must oppose what Vladimir Putin is doing in Russia and in Ukraine. Standing up for freedom and for The People’s political opposition like Navalny and Trump doesn’t mean you automatically have to whole-hog embrace everything about Putin, or anyone else for that matter.

And I will bet that if you ask Russians, they will have mixed opinions about Putin. I will bet they admire and appreciate his strength and passion for Russia, but also reject his lawless violence and unnatural grip on absolute power.

When dictators in Russia or America resort to jailing their opponents, and killing them, they are illegitimate, and The People can and should rise up and take back what belongs to them. We, The People are the leaders we have been longing for.

Mayorkas impeachment = detectable pulse in GOP

Foreign-born US Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has finally been impeached by the US House of Representatives. Surprise to me that Mayorkas is the first cabinet-level federal employee to be impeached in something like 150 years.

Why this roughly 150-year gap between cabinet impeachments exists is likely because in normal times of governance, the mere credible threat of impeachment would be sufficient to garner a resignation. But America is not now living in normal times of governance. Rather, America is living in a time of blatantly stolen elections, illegal border-jumping alien replacement of American citizen voters, and a brazenly political mainstream media that mass-lies and disinforms the roughly half of the American population still asleep at the wheel.

So, with massive daily doses of partisan propaganda and outright lies from the mainstream establishment media (NBC, CBS, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, ABC, Washington Post, NY Times etc) to cover up the stolen elections, people like Joe Biden are unaccountable to the voters. He literally cannot be voted out of office, because if his opponent gets a billion votes, Joe Biden will magically get a billion and one votes. So, without electoral accountability, evil villains like Alejandro Mayorkas continue to purposefully destroy America from within, like the gnawing rat that he is.

For the record, the official job that Alejandro Mayorkas has is the head of the Department of Homeland Security, in which he is allowing and facilitating the complete and completely illegal invasion of America across our open borders. Terrorists and drug dealers and military age single men are illegally pouring across our border every day, which puts Americans in direct danger. Alejandro Mayorkas has been refusing to do his sworn duty for three years now, and as a result American citizens are suffering terrible crimes of violence and fentanyl poisoning, and who knows what terrorism is coming down the pike.

Alejandro Mayorkas has blood all over his hands, and he deserves to be impeached, and removed. If anyone deserves to be impeached and removed from office, it is Alejandro Mayorkas and his boss Joe Bribem. But first things first.

But the US Senate Democrats will do everything possible to stonewall and slow-walk the senate trial of Alejandro Mayorkas.

Not all is bleak, however. Two good things have emerged from this impeachment: First, two of the three useless, spineless jellyfish RINO “Republican” congressmen who unbelievably voted against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas have announced they will not seek re-election. Both Ken Buck and Tom McClintock have announced today that they will not seek re-election. Let’s say this one more time: Voters are incensed by the Washington DC swamp-slug behavior of their elected representatives, and voiced enough displeasure that said DC Swamp-Slugs are retiring from office. Success!

Number two is that this small step for humankind demonstrates that there is still a pulse in the Republican Party. Faint though this pulse may be, it indicates that there is some fight, some resistance to the Marxist coup d’etat happening right now. This resistance is noteworthy because maybe the GOP isn’t completely dead after all, and rather is only mostly dead.

With the promise of maybe waking up and going to war against the Democrat Party traitors who are purposefully and willfully destroying the America they were sworn to defend and protect. Best news in years!

Is the Republican Party really dead, only mostly dead, or just playing dead? Impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas shows there is still a faint pulse in the GOP

Tuesday election results: Voting machines are hacked

So many people are trying to understand what happened on this Election Day Tuesday, how Republicans got trounced across Pennsylvania and in many places across the country, as well.

I can’t speak for other states, where plenty of people are scratching their heads, but I feel quite comfortable speaking about central Pennsylvania. I looked at election results in central Pennsylvania, in Dauphin County, Cumberland County, Schuylkill County, and several others in Northcentral PA and Western PA, and there is a stark statistical signal emitting from Tuesday’s election results: Pennsylvania’s voting machines are not secure, they are being manipulated to achieve results that one side wants.

A couple examples stand out. Several Cumberland County school boards went 100% Democrat in areas where the voter registration cannot possibly support that outcome. In Dauphin County, long time and much liked moderate elected official Chad Saylor lost his county commissioner race by forty-some votes to a complete no-name. This kind of close race is a lot harder to identify as vote machine hacking, and that is why these kinds of outcomes are kept so close by whomever is doing the manipulation. But it is still not a believable outcome in a county that has consistently re-elected George Hartwick and Mike Pries for a very long time.

In the case of the Cumberland County school boards, I believe the outcome is so desperately needed for important political purposes that the manipulators go for broke. Having outposts of woke anti-America public schools in the heart of a conservative Republican County is strategically important, because the public tide has been strongly turning against this kind of outcome. Besides, these school board races are off of most people’s radar screens. It is a crime they can easily get away with.

And as we have just seen in our own PA election this week, verified reports of broken and malfunctioning vote machines (including flipping votes from R to D in front of people’s eyes) get a tiny amount of air time and then are buried and forgotten. Despite these reports being a huge red flag indication of a major systemic problem across the entire vote machine enterprise.

Voting machines are not secure. We saw that starkly in the 2020 election, in the 2022 election, and now we are seeing it absolutely blatantly displayed in the 2023 election. The incentive for hackers and manipulators to illegally use the voting machines is powerful, because most American LEADERS (not the voters, who know vote fraud when they see it and they complain about it) are in denial. So the push-back in the halls of power is minimal. Establishment Republicans like my own state senator John DiSanto are either too timid or simply disinterested in the subject, because there is no direct political gain for them. And so the crime continues.

The biggest impediment to having secure elections in Pennsylvania is the Republican Party itself. This is a group of absolutely useless individuals who by their actions must be heavily compromised. They put up zero resistance to the last second 2020 election law shenanigans (for example, the Republican-dominated House and the Republican-dominated Senate could have impeached and removed the PA Supreme Court members who blatantly disregarded both Pennsylvania law and the Pennsylvania constitution to achieve political outcomes that allowed their fellow Democrats to wildly cheat in the 2020 election), and they won’t even deal with the reports of voting machine problems this week.

Either the PAGOP has nothing to gain from fixing vote machine fraud, or nothing to lose by allowing it to continue. And the fact that the severely failed and purposefully deposed former PA senate “leader” Jake Corman has now set up a political consulting firm in Harrisburg, with no push back from PAGOP leadership, bodes poorly. These people all want business as usual, which definitely does not involve rocking the boat or fixing vote fraud.

A note about voting machines and others: Machines are so deeply mistrusted across the entire world population, especially in the West, that Hollywood movies depicting Machines vs. Humanity in all-out wars of extermination have been wildly popular for many decades. Artificial intelligence is widely believed to be the inevitable downfall of humanity, as stated by those who are most involved in developing it. In the popular and prescient 1965 sci-fi book Dune, computers of all kinds were outlawed because they became self aware and tried to kill off the humans. In Dune, in lieu of machines, a race of humans were cultivated, the Mentats, to perform computer-speed calculations for the benefit of humans, but without the inherent instability and high risk of computer machines.

Hacked and manipulated vote machines are now so blatantly misused to achieve criminal outcomes that we should do something about it. We must fix it, if voting is going to mean anything at all. And of course, with hacked elections and your vote meaning nothing, your representative government isn’t, and your vote isn’t, and your citizenship isn’t. What is the outcome is a single-party totalitarian country, and that very much is happening in front of our eyes.

The fix to this open problem is easy: Paper ballots, voter identification, and hand count if necessary. But that requires at least half of the political leadership to actually care about this subject, and if they won’t, then the electorate must vote in new leaders who do care about it. Or, you voters can go ahead and give up representative government.