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Only ballots matter, not candidates, not votes, not polls or surveys

With Dementia Joe Bribem dropping out of the election today, the scramble is on to replace him with a credible candidate. Apparently the fur is flying within Democrat Party circles, as people jockey and push to get their preferred candidate nominated.

It doesn’t matter who they choose- Kamala, Hillary, Gavin Newsom. Absolutely none of the potential Democrat candidates make any difference. Puppetmaster Barack Hussein Obama can literally choose Mickey Mouse and still have a good shot at “winning” the November election.

This is due to the fact that the Democrat Party with its RINO enablers perfected voter fraud in 2020, and with even just half of their fraudulent methods enabled again this November, they have a good chance of declaring their candidate, anyone, the winner.

Literal ballot stuffing and voting machine “glitches” in 2020 and 2022 are probably sufficient in 2024 to spam Election Day counting so that regardless of questions raised, the corrupt Democrat establishment media can rush to declare a winner and force it through.

Ballots are all that matter now. Not polls and surveys, not votes, not even voters really matter. Cartloads of fake ballots will still be counted in favor of whomever the Democrat candidate is, just as we watched on video in 2020 in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona.

Here in Pennsylvania, Governor Shapiro is rushing to enable a lot of disqualified illegal aliens to vote, by issuing them driver’s licenses and then having automatic motor-voter registration. Get a driver’s license, automatically get registered to vote for more Democrat Party largesse. And it’s actually more diabolical than this. Up in Williamsport a new illegal alien processing center has been set up. These new and very illegal Democrat voters will then be shipped off to conservative political districts, where they will dilute and replace the actual citizens there.
The Democrat Party and its RINO Uniparty “deep state” allies cannot afford to lose this election. Because their mask is off, we all see who they are and what Marxist totalitarian evil they are intent on committing, and if they lose the election, we know exactly what to do to neuter their ill-gotten gains. So everything is on the line for the administrative state, and for We, The People.

Never before has this blog called for American patriots to “ammo up,” at least that I can recall. But now I will say it: Prepare fully for the very worst effort to steal the election and thereby to steal America in the next few months. Talk with your trusted friends and faith community about sticking together in the event of a catastrophic emergency. Be like the original Minute Men; be ready. You have probably lost your vote, and now all you have is your one finger and something to pull with it. That’s the only thing totalitarians respect.

If you doubt me on how bad these people are, look at Joe Biden now: Stepping out of the campaign because he’s got dementia, but staying in the presidency because he wants to. Even though he has dementia and is not qualified to stay there. This is all about Democrat Party power over America, not about what is best for our nation.

Is “psychology” a real professional field?

After stumbling across the most fake of fake and partisan “science” websites, undergirded by the field of psychology, I just had to ask: Is psychology real and a valuable scientific tool, or is it subjective nonsense that can be whatever people want it to be?

Do you remember Bandy Yee? I do. She was the alleged psychiatrist who declared both her antipathy to President Trump and also her negative faux diagnosis of Trump, despite having never met him in person or having had a chance to do whatever it is that psychiatrists and doctors do when evaluating a patient. Six, seven years ago Bandy Yee started publicly announcing her medical opinion that President Trump was unfit for office and blah blah blah blah blah you can go look up her nonsense for yourself. She sounded shrill and crazy, violated basic medical ethics, and got herself fired.

The point being that this alleged doctor/ psychiatrist Bandy Yee followed none of the elementary rules of medicine or psychiatry, and rather instead wielded her supposed medical talents as a weapon against her political opponent, at that time President Trump. Based on her unprofessional behavior, a lot of Americans viewed Bandy Yee as the kind of “doctor” like Dr. Mengele was a doctor in the Nazi concentration camps.

Or like one of the Soviet Union’s cruel doctors who pronounced perfectly healthy and sane people to be crazy and subject to horrible psychiatric ward incarceration and treatment over simple ideological or values-based disagreements. Which in the Soviet Union was easy to have. All it took was some higher-up Communist Party person to declare you as a bad person, and then in would step a medical doctor psychiatrist to declare you insane and subject to crazy person jail. Where you would be mistreated for the rest of your sad life. This is Bandy Yee.

Bandy Yee behaved like a Nazi or Soviet political doctor, and yet…she is said to be “a doctor.” The pinnacle of science and healthcare, right?

Using Bandy Yee as our baseline highly trained “medical expert” (who cannot control her own feelings and who uses her training to attack innocent people), I really began wondering about the so-called “psychologists” who can also, I guess, maybe heal people and definitely also hurt people with their training.

Today I encountered through sheer accident the website psypost.org, a site that purports to be scientific, but which is in reality the Bandy Yee of websites: 100% politically partisan junk science and fake studies, designed to lend a veneer of scientific credibility to political claims about Republicans, conservatives, white men, gun owners, etc.

I read one of the articles listed at psypost.org, about a purported professor at my alma mater, Penn State University. A claimed “psychologist”, “Dr.” Piazza, wrote the fakest of subjective nonsense studies about how claims of election fraud heighten support for violence among Republicans but not Democrats. His takeaway from his garbage “study” was that discussing overt voting fraud is dangerous to democracy, because conservatives will get angry and commit political violence.

Seriously, Professor Pizza wrote this stuff. In other words, he is asserting that to “protect democracy” we have to restrain Republicans from investigating and talking about blatant voter fraud committed by Democrats. Which violates elementary Free Speech rights and the First Amendment etc. Which means Professor Piazza needs to destroy democracy in order to save democracy. But he’s a “doctor”…so listen to him.

And by the way, of course Democrats won’t get mad or violent about voter fraud…THEY are the fraudsters! They are the beneficiaries of voting fraud. Democrats commit vote fraud like I breathe air with every breath I take. Voter fraud is what Democrats do, or to be fair, it is baked into the DNA of the Democrat Party apparatus, and regular ol’ Democrat voters might not know about it, or might be comfortable thinking about it but not actually doing it themselves. I digress.

Another hint that psypost.org and its supposedly scientific writers and subjects are all completely fake is that while its past week or so is devoted to discussing political violence on the political right using really tenuous and outright dishonest fake studies, there is this really telling gap between an article posted on July 10th and one posted on July 17th…where nothing is written about the actual political violence attempted assassination committed against President Trump by Trump-hating Democrat donor Michael Crooks last Saturday, July 13th.

I also saw nothing about ANTIFA, the radical left Marxist  crew and Brown Shirts implementing Democrat Party coercion at the street level. Apparently the crazy hyper violent trans people (well documented by gay journalist Andy Ngo) at ANTIFA are perfectly sane and fine to the writers at psypost.org. Mmmm hmmmmmmm…

In other words, America’s professional psychologists are just fine and dandy writing about the potential and alleged and promised political violence on the right, while completely ignoring the actual political violence (an attempted assassination of a leading presidential candidate) on the left.

I read a bunch of their articles on this website, and came away with the belief that psychology is not a scientific profession. That it is a dive, a fake pseudo-science hideout for the intellectually fraudulent and weak-minded among us, and especially for the ideologically angry left. That it is mis-used to deliberately create misinformation against the political opponents of the political left. That anyone believing this nonsense is a sucker.

If Bandy Yee is at all representative of psychiatrists (despite her unprofessional behavior she is still licensed and acting out as a psychiatrist, which means that her oversight board and fellow psychiatrists nationwide are just as full of shiite as she is), then how much more so are psychologists and the entire field of psychology full of cr@p.

If you don’t like what is being said here, go ahead and disprove the observations that have given rise to this essay. Go to the purveyors of psypost.org’s politically driven pseudo science trash and get them to stop, to tighten up, to behave professionally. Until then, my impression will remain that psychology is junk science populated by angry leftists, who themselves pose very real, substantive risks to the health of America, to our democratic norms, and to us individual citizens.

Photo of a bunch of obviously peaceful protestors said to be “violent” because they support Trump

Oh the irony of this ridiculous headline, because one day before a radical leftist almost killed President Trump


“Conspiracy theories” keep coming true

The phrase “conspiracy theory” was first hatched at the New York Times in 1863 during the height of the American Civil War (between the slave-owning racist Democrats and the anti-slavery pro-freedom Republicans) to describe the actual and very real effort of British aristocrats to undermine and weaken the Union cause.

Conspiracy theory” then became became a regular leftist epithet after the 1963 JFK assassination, used a great deal by the New York Times especially, to cast mocking doubt on Americans skeptical of the obvious cover-up and ridiculous official narrative surrounding JFK’s murder. Thereafter, simply calling someone a conspiracy theorist was usually sufficient to relegate their concerns to the far fringes of polite society, which prefers its official lies aggressively mixed, not stirred, and shut them up.

Today, this shallow mocking insult, “conspiracy theory,” is a routine crutch in the Democrat Party’s mainstream establishment corporate media. It is used almost daily to cast uncritical doubt on legitimate concerns or incisive questions raised by the Democrat Party’s political opponents.

A quick glance at its definition at Brittannica yields a really laugh-out-loud nonsense attempt to call true life experiences “conspiracy theories”: “On the right, McCarthyism promoted paranoid notions of communist infiltration of American institutions; QAnon, popular among fanatical supporters of U.S. Pres. Donald Trump (2017–21), alleged that prominent Democrats were part of an international cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, cannibals, and child murderers; and replacement theory claimed that prominent Democrats and other elites were attempting to replace America’s white population with nonwhite immigrants.” 

For the record, Senator Joe McCarthy was 100% correct about communist infiltration of American institutions, as proven by the near 100% communist takeover of every American institution today, including the media, academia, Hollywood, corporate America, both political parties and especially the Democrat Party, the education, legal, and medical establishments etc etc etc. So no “conspiracy theory” here, just an actual, measurable, visible conspiracy that has been successfully implemented.

And for the record, setting aside Brittannica’s unprofessional and heavily ideological editorializing about “fanatical Trump supporters,” Qanon was a whole bunch of things, and in my observation hardly any of the things listed at Brittannica. It was mostly just this weird belief that a secret group of senior military officers and intel spooks were waging a war against the evil political establishment. Qanon was so ill-defined that it was everything and nothing, depending upon whomever you talked to.

Here at this blog, I said Qanon appeared to be a Chinese psy-op aimed at demoralizing and fracturing American conservatives, which now years later, a lot of conservatives are coming around to believing. Whatever Qanon believers thought it was, it is now evident it was not.

It is also evident now that Jeff Epstein’s island was a destination for many Democrat politicians to engage in pedophile sex with underage girls. No theory about it, the flight logs and outspoken victims’ testimony have confirmed it.

And again for the record, “replacement theory” is not a theory, it is an avowed and heavily promoted policy by elected Democrats and their media mouthpieces. Due to having alienated the American voters with America-Last policies, the Democrat Party must now import new voters to hold onto power.

No one has heaped more brutal mockery on this false claim that citizen replacement is not happening than Dan Bongino. Bongino’s routine playing of the medley of mainstream media  talking heads all curiously saying the phrase “demographics is destiny” would be hilarious except that leftists at Brittannica and wikipedia etc keep pretending that they are not saying what they are saying all the time.

The real proof of Democrats using foreign illegal aliens to replace American citizens is that the Democrat Party just last week overwhelmingly voted against the SAVE Act, which would make it illegal for non-citizens to vote in American elections. Joe Biden has said he will veto the SAVE Act if it gets to his desk, and his administration is working with a dozen state governors to create opportunities for illegal aliens to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. Sure looks like Democrats want those illegals to vote for them!

In other words, the so-called replacement theory is not a theory, it is in fact a very real policy goal of the Left, and is the sole cause of our borders being wide open with millions of illegal invaders pouring over. The Democrat Party just wants to cheat, and to spam our elections with millions of illegal ballots and illegal votes, so they can win every election and have complete power. That’s all….

So, today’s so-called conspiracy theory out of Butler, PA, is quite obviously a very real conspiracy:

  • Why did the Secret Service so visibly and openly allow Thomas Crooks to stand up with a scoped rifle and get off a bunch of shots at President Trump before shooting Crooks?
  • How was Thomas Crooks allowed to crawl up onto a building in plain sight of the audience members (who were yelling at the police and Secret Service staff about it) that should have had Secret Service agents on it, but didn’t?
  • Why was basic protection protocol not followed?
  • Did the Democrats’ effort to legislatively strip President Trump of his Secret Service protection contribute towards an apparently purposeful reduction of actual Secret Service protection for President Trump?

No theory here. The facts on the ground and on the many videos recorded real-time demonstrate that would-be assassin Thomas Crooks appeared to be working in synch with the Secret Service agents who were present at the Butler PA speech venue. That’s not a theory, it is patently evident.

Funny how all these so-called “conspiracy theories” keep coming true. The facts are right in front of us. Turns out these activities are not theories, but cold facts. Now, the big question is WHY this is so…


Watch and you judge who the US president really is

Videos of Joe Biden faltering, stumbling, stuttering, drifting away, walking away, falling asleep, lost on stage, checking his watch while at critical public events are legion. He is obviously in the final throes of dementia.

While watching Joe Biden actually squat and go poop in his diaper on camera in France was bad, the latest video from two nights ago hurts the most. Because while Joe Biden is clearly lost and befuddled on stage, frozen in place, we are used to that. What really hurts here is how Barack Hussein Obama grabs Biden’s wrist and leads him off the stage like a lost puppy. And then pats him on the back “there, there ol’ Joe”.

Who is really the president of the United States? It sure isn’t Biden. He is just a puppet on a stage, being controlled by other people.

And you know what else hurts? Listening to the audience clap and cheer like a pod of trained seals. “Their guy” is clearly senile and a danger to America, to all of us. And yet they are cheering for him… I routinely hear “mean commenters” say that Trump supporters are stupid, or backwards, or uneducated. Well, what we just saw is a room full of wealthy elite people who are clearly and unabashedly cheering for a man who is a moron.

Who is the bigger moron? The frail, senile Weekend At Bernie’s old guy or the people cheering for him? And who are going to vote for him!


Lawless Democrat Party, Round 168

With (Democrat) Colorado’s supreme court election interference and subjective non-legal nonsense attack on American democratic norms (throwing President Donald Trump off the Colorado ballot for things he has never been accused of much less convicted of) (and of course the Democrat Party is waging a non-democratic war against RFK Jr and other Democrat Party candidates for president by booting them off the ballot, too), we see, yet again, that there is one American political party that will burn down America in order to rule over its ashes. Destroy democracy to save democracy. Or something nonsensical like this. Hint: If you love and value democracy, then you don’t destroy it. You let it work unimpeded. Only fascists impede democratic systems.

And what mystifies me is that tens of millions of Americans are yet still registered with this one political party. How? Why? Are you folks not paying attention to the dozens of illegal, rogue, un-American, cruel, unfair, and lawless things this political party is doing in your name?

Let’s see… two fake and lawless impeachment processes, of a sitting president and then a former president, without a shred of due process…a patently lawless and illegal raid on the president’s home…four fake indictments based on novel interpretations of un-used laws and laws that clearly require a lot more than has been gathered together to bring an indictment…dozens of lawfare civil suits meant to harass and wear down the victim and gag the victim from running for election…and now throwing Trump off various state ballots. Because you know, Americans can’t just choose their elected leaders, they must be chosen for them by people who just know better.

None of this assault on democracy is from a substantive or reasonable place, folks. All these faux legal attacks are based on creative nothing and are an abuse and mis-use of the American legal system to “get” political opponents, and one political opponent in particular. This is not normal behavior. This is lawlessness. This is fascism.

Now we know how the German Nazis rose to power. No matter how evil they were, how unfair they were, how cruel they were, how destructive of Germany itself they were, tens of millions of Germans yet still waved the Nazi flag and screamed in adulation of Adolf Hitler.

How on earth any normal adult American is still a registered Democrat and still proudly waving their Democrat Party registration in the air is beyond my comprehension, unless I finally admit to myself that my friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues are actually Nazis in fact or in waiting. I mean, you all know how bad your political party is behaving, and yet you remain loyal and active, helping it implement its evil, lawless agenda.

I just want to point out that in the end, things did not go well either for the 1860s Democrats nor for the German Nazis. In both instances, at enormous cost in human suffering, the world’s normal people ended up stopping the Democrats’ and the Nazis’ evil behavior, holding them accountable, and trying to ensure they did not come back and do it all again.

While Germany was de-Nazified after World War II, America was never de-Democratted. Because the anti-slavery abolitionist Republicans were too nice and believed too much in a national reconciliation after the Civil War, they allowed the defeated Democrat Party to persist and continue. And they put up statues in Arlington Cemetery that symbolized peace with the evil Democrat Party. And sure enough, like the killer cancer it is, the Democrat Party is now back in force, having infected and infested everything in America with its cancerous ideology and behavior, bent on destruction of the host body and everyone living on it.

We all know how this is going to end, folks. If the Democrat Party continues its war on democracy, and keeps on making We, The People‘s vote irrelevant or non-existent, then The People will go back to 1861 and 1941 methods, and clean up your lawless Democrat Party mess the hard way. Only this time, the normal people are going to demand a real accounting from those who enabled and implemented this disaster. It would not surprise me if in the end, the basic voter rolls resulted in a house-by-house resolution. Not necessarily French Revolution style, but given how disgusted so many Americans are, because they are so badly victimized by the Democrat Party, it would not surprise me one bit.

God prevent this from happening. Please God, open the eyes of the people who have the right hearts and who are only loyal to the old Democrat Party they once knew, and not to the evil thing it has once again become. Lift the fog from their eyes, God, and help them see the errors of their way, and change their hearts to do evil no more.



Tuesday election results: Voting machines are hacked

So many people are trying to understand what happened on this Election Day Tuesday, how Republicans got trounced across Pennsylvania and in many places across the country, as well.

I can’t speak for other states, where plenty of people are scratching their heads, but I feel quite comfortable speaking about central Pennsylvania. I looked at election results in central Pennsylvania, in Dauphin County, Cumberland County, Schuylkill County, and several others in Northcentral PA and Western PA, and there is a stark statistical signal emitting from Tuesday’s election results: Pennsylvania’s voting machines are not secure, they are being manipulated to achieve results that one side wants.

A couple examples stand out. Several Cumberland County school boards went 100% Democrat in areas where the voter registration cannot possibly support that outcome. In Dauphin County, long time and much liked moderate elected official Chad Saylor lost his county commissioner race by forty-some votes to a complete no-name. This kind of close race is a lot harder to identify as vote machine hacking, and that is why these kinds of outcomes are kept so close by whomever is doing the manipulation. But it is still not a believable outcome in a county that has consistently re-elected George Hartwick and Mike Pries for a very long time.

In the case of the Cumberland County school boards, I believe the outcome is so desperately needed for important political purposes that the manipulators go for broke. Having outposts of woke anti-America public schools in the heart of a conservative Republican County is strategically important, because the public tide has been strongly turning against this kind of outcome. Besides, these school board races are off of most people’s radar screens. It is a crime they can easily get away with.

And as we have just seen in our own PA election this week, verified reports of broken and malfunctioning vote machines (including flipping votes from R to D in front of people’s eyes) get a tiny amount of air time and then are buried and forgotten. Despite these reports being a huge red flag indication of a major systemic problem across the entire vote machine enterprise.

Voting machines are not secure. We saw that starkly in the 2020 election, in the 2022 election, and now we are seeing it absolutely blatantly displayed in the 2023 election. The incentive for hackers and manipulators to illegally use the voting machines is powerful, because most American LEADERS (not the voters, who know vote fraud when they see it and they complain about it) are in denial. So the push-back in the halls of power is minimal. Establishment Republicans like my own state senator John DiSanto are either too timid or simply disinterested in the subject, because there is no direct political gain for them. And so the crime continues.

The biggest impediment to having secure elections in Pennsylvania is the Republican Party itself. This is a group of absolutely useless individuals who by their actions must be heavily compromised. They put up zero resistance to the last second 2020 election law shenanigans (for example, the Republican-dominated House and the Republican-dominated Senate could have impeached and removed the PA Supreme Court members who blatantly disregarded both Pennsylvania law and the Pennsylvania constitution to achieve political outcomes that allowed their fellow Democrats to wildly cheat in the 2020 election), and they won’t even deal with the reports of voting machine problems this week.

Either the PAGOP has nothing to gain from fixing vote machine fraud, or nothing to lose by allowing it to continue. And the fact that the severely failed and purposefully deposed former PA senate “leader” Jake Corman has now set up a political consulting firm in Harrisburg, with no push back from PAGOP leadership, bodes poorly. These people all want business as usual, which definitely does not involve rocking the boat or fixing vote fraud.

A note about voting machines and others: Machines are so deeply mistrusted across the entire world population, especially in the West, that Hollywood movies depicting Machines vs. Humanity in all-out wars of extermination have been wildly popular for many decades. Artificial intelligence is widely believed to be the inevitable downfall of humanity, as stated by those who are most involved in developing it. In the popular and prescient 1965 sci-fi book Dune, computers of all kinds were outlawed because they became self aware and tried to kill off the humans. In Dune, in lieu of machines, a race of humans were cultivated, the Mentats, to perform computer-speed calculations for the benefit of humans, but without the inherent instability and high risk of computer machines.

Hacked and manipulated vote machines are now so blatantly misused to achieve criminal outcomes that we should do something about it. We must fix it, if voting is going to mean anything at all. And of course, with hacked elections and your vote meaning nothing, your representative government isn’t, and your vote isn’t, and your citizenship isn’t. What is the outcome is a single-party totalitarian country, and that very much is happening in front of our eyes.

The fix to this open problem is easy: Paper ballots, voter identification, and hand count if necessary. But that requires at least half of the political leadership to actually care about this subject, and if they won’t, then the electorate must vote in new leaders who do care about it. Or, you voters can go ahead and give up representative government.


Did FOX News throw the fight?

Much left-windrow hay has been made over the past week over FOX News settling out of court with Dominion Chinese Voting Machine Co., which FOX News had correctly, accurately, and with great piles of evidence described as being inaccurate and likely corrupted by the machines’ illegal connection to the Internet and to flashdrives.

Plus there was Dominion’s Eric Coomer bragging about how he did or would or had used his position at Dominion to block President Trump from receiving the actual vote tally Trump had earned on Election Day 2020. Coomer was Dominion’s director of security and had unique access into and control of the voting machines across America, and so his threat or bragging really amounted to something substantial. Basically the guy was bragging about having tampered with the most important election in Western Civilization in the past 100 years.

Coomer’s many partisan gaffes and showing of illegal playing cards, so to speak, would play quite well in a court room in favor of FOX News. A jury would have a tough time discounting Coomer’s claims to have illegally thrown the 2020 election.

So why did FOX News suddenly settle with Dominion, when the legal eagle work, like depositions and evidence production and cross examination and arguments, had just begun? Normally, it makes no sense for someone who has the evidence on their side to suddenly roll over and give up. And again, on the left side of the hay windrow, this settlement is being purveyed as an indication that President Trump was wrong to criticize the 2020 election outcome. This legal settlement is being interpreted by some as a vindication of Biden’s claim to have won the 2020 election fair and square.

So here is what seems to be happening to my jaded eyes: FOX News sure looks like it is unnecessarily rolling over and dying in order to paint the widespread claims of 2020 election interference and vote fraud as baseless, empty, and without merit.

And why would FOX News do this?

Because FOX News is owned by never-Trumper Republican Rupert Murdoch and his two registered Never-Trumper Democrat Party sons.

Not too long ago the Murdochs had already gone to one great and painful length to hurt President Trump’s 2024 re-election possibilities by officially declaring Trump persona non exista and persona non grata on FOX News. That is, FOX News reporters and talking heads and hosts were/ are not allowed to even mention President Donald J. Trump’s name on air, unless it is in a negative context. The Murdoch family’s goal is to make Trump invisible and thereby politically irrelevant.

The Murdochs’ political declaration of war on Trump via a supposed news reporting channel is an open declaration of war against the politically conservative FOX News audience. This is not a bluff, this is literally laying all your cards on the table, come what may. It carries real risk to the FOX News brand and to the Murdochs’ financial future.

So…Dominion…when it has now become apparent to everyone watching American politics that all the bogus criticism of Trump and the fake lawsuits against Trump and the fake criminal accusations against Trump are not only having no effect on Trump’s standing with American voters, but are actually bolstering his claim among voters to be the greatest innocent political victim in human history, and thus bolstering his just demand to be the re-elected president in 2024, it appears that the Murdoch Family had only one card left to play: The Dominion card, which looks to me like either the Joker card or the Suicide King card.

The FOX News settlement with Dominion appears to be a last-ditch effort by Trump’s FOX-RINO enemies to undermine his complaints about the 2020 election.

Because normal people would not normally give up the princely sum of $787 million dollars to settle with someone they believe to be unworthy of the money, it appears that the Murdochs are falling on their sword here to create the very public impression that they were unable to press forward with the Dominion lawsuit. Because, you know, the 2020 election “was soooo secure” and “sooooo clean.” Because in truth it was not, but such is the Murdoch family’s collective hatred for President Trump that they will deliberately pop a sacrifice fly ball or throw the fight in order to help the other side win, even at such a great financial and credibility cost to themselves.

And here is the thing the Murdoch family members don’t realize about this crazy expensive gesture of theirs: Normal people are already hip to the crazy shit that super rich people like the Murdochs do, and this throwing of the fight with Dominion looks like just more crazy rich people shit.

And given how corrupt all the Never Trumper people have been, all the lies they have told and unethical things they have done to try to stop President Trump, who is to say that this “settlement” isn’t just an even bigger charade, where Dominion quietly signs the money back over to FOX News? These people, Dominion and FOX News and the Murdochs, have very little credibility with most Americans, because it already looks like they will sell their grandmas for ten bucks to try to hurt Trump, again.

Long Live King President Donald John Trump, mofos. Nice try, but We, The People are going to run the table next year and coronate our guy, our hero, our savior.

UPDATE: FOX News has terminated its employment relationship with host Tucker Carlson, one of the very few journalists remaining at FOX News who was trusted by at least half of America (conservatives). This is yet another act by establishment elites (Murdoch family) to limit the accurate information available to American citizens. Yes, the Murdochs are damaging their Fox News business by behaving this way, but they care more about getting control of you than they care about money. They already have a lot of money, and that has whetted their appetite for getting something even better…control of you. And they can most easily achieve this by limiting the information available to you and then shaping your opinions with the fake news and misinformation they dole out. Bye bye Fox News!

Fox News played its self-defeating last-ditch card, the so-called suicide king


















Potent symbol of freedom: A gas kitchen stove

Only in the purposefully chaotic and bizarre power politics of 2021 to 2023 do Americans discover themselves clinging not just to their Bible and their guns, but to the gas stove in their kitchen. Yeah, Ol’ Smoky is now a symbol of your personal freedom.

Why in God’s green earth is the federal government (and several state governments including New York and Washington) trying from several different angles (consumer protection regulation, legislation, and straight-up executive branch political fatwa confiscation) to eliminate stoves that burn natural gas?

Because of control! Of you! By the bureaucrats and the lawless control freaks in government!

They want you hooked up to the electrical grid matrix and completely dependent upon whoever controls that electrical grid. One false move by you, and -POW! – your power goes out and it won’t be restored until you delete that mean “right wing” tweet and stop attending that church down the street.

This debacle of bad governance and really bad government overreach is all because a gas stove provides Americans with independence from the electric grid. While the electric grid can be controlled with the flip of a switch or two, as can the power meters on our individual homes, a gas stove operates either from a huge natural gas main pipeline that takes a lot of effort to turn off, which effects multiple city neighborhoods, or from a large propane tank in the back yard.

Propane tanks for residences run from 100 gallons to 3,000 gallons in size, providing the careful homeowner with potentially several years of cooking and heating independence until a fill-up is needed. Hooked up to a non-stop 24/7 gas main, a home can heat and cook with a gas stove 24/7. And in fact, I have personally seen an elderly woman in my neighborhood huddled up in front of her gas stove to stay warm in the winter, while the electric power was down and unavailable. This ability to run your own kitchen and home disconnected from the electric grid is serious independence from control and monitoring!

And the control freaks hate it hate it hate it!

There is a good reason Barack Hussein Obama recently installed a 2,500-gallon propane tank at his luxury vacation beach front mansion on flood-proof Martha’s Vineyard Island. When you have a large propane tank and the power goes out, you can always run a powerful electrical generator off of that propane, as well as heat and cook with your gas stove. Some people even have the old fashioned style natural gas lights in their homes, and they work great! It is like whatever happens with the power grid doesn’t really apply to people with natural gas stoves. You are completely OK and independent.

Turns out, Obama did at least this one thing right in his life, although he won’t admit that he is a hypocrite about it, because the guy is constantly hectoring us about the evils of the propane gas in his tank. I say, if a serial liar Marxist Kenyan named Barack Hussein Obama can have a gas stove and the huge propane tank out back to keep the stove fired up and cooking 24/7 off-grid, then an honest-to-goodness genuine red-blooded American like you can have one, too. Just on principle, no questions asked.

What is truly interesting about this subject is the bogus and openly fake “study” supposedly done by the Rocky Mountain Institute that the gas banners and book burners supposedly relied on for their screams of horror and outrage about “the dangers of gas stoves“. Click the link above and see for yourself. This is not a study, nor does it rely on real studies. It is a political brochure with pictures. The concerns that RMI lists are based on the improbability/impossibility of people sitting inside a gas-fired oven while it is on fire, and do not take into account ambient air dilution, stove top hoods and exhaust fans, or the risks from alternatives to gas stoves.

It is as if the only thing that RMI cares about are the potential risks (none of which are proven with actual long term study data showing a strong correlation between gas stoves and related health problems); they don’t even talk about the benefits of gas stoves. Not the least of which is that clean burning natural gas emits far fewer and less pollutants than coal-fired power from the usual electrical power plants where we get most of our electricity.

This gas stove banning business is all about bureaucrats directly controlling your home life, which means your personal freedom. They used a fake “study” by a 100% partisan and ideologically driven activist organization called Rocky Mountain Institute to “inform” their chums in the partisan and ideologically driven activist organization called the mainstream media, who in turn created the (fake) astroturf political target for partisan and ideologically driven politicians who don’t give a fig for the actual scientific truth or for you or for freedom.

Whenever we see so-called “science” claims like this gas stove ban hype that cannot be challenged or debated with its proponents, then we know it is not science, it is propaganda.

Cling to your gas stove for dear life. Do not let go of it, do not give it up, and vote out of office any elected official who supports banning gas stoves. These are bad people, controlling people, who believe they know best how you must live your life. Even the life you live in your own kitchen, frying up chicken and plantains and sauteeing vegetables, all of which really do throw up a whole bunch of oily particles in the air that can get into your lungs. And believe it or not, this is a subject I know a lot about, because after finishing graduate school I took several courses on this subject at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, and got “A” grades.

Take it from me, the RMI “study” is BS, the supposed health issue about gas stoves is BS, and I’m not even a doctor. Keep your gas stove, and toss out the RMI study and its claim that your gas stove is dangerous. Live free, my friends. Breathe that free American air and rejoice.

Obama installs a 2,500-gallon propane tank at his luxury beach front mansion on Martha’s Vineyard, and so should you

Just so we are all on the same page about what a racist disgrace Obama is, here he is happily posing with racist disgrace Louis Farrakhan. Don’t listen to anything Obama says, he is a racist dirt bag.

Biden’s Police State

The Police State Is Here and “Governed” by Joe Biden
Posted on April 4, 2023 at Natural Gas Now by Tom Shepstone

Joe Biden, the compromised plagiarist who Obama said could muck up anything, is now in titular charge of a police state once known as the land of the free and brave.

Western Civilization is collapsing at an ever increasing rate. The United States, the only remaining culture and force with the potential to reverse the decline, has now become a police state, with Joe Biden supposedly the chief. This chief of police really isn’t, though, as anyone above the age of five can see with their own eyes. He’s being tragically manipulated by the worst sorts of leftists and radicals, who couldn’t care less about him but need to use him to knock the U.S. down as many pegs as they can, while they can. Exactly who they are we can only speculate, but we know China and the deep state are in the mix and we know we are their enemy. They have created a police state over the last decade and we’re living in it, whether we realize it or not. Is there hope of reversing things?

The evidence we are living in a third-world police state is everywhere today. We are living in an Orwellian or Fahrenheit 451 world where offending someone in government or favored by government has now become a crime against the state. Consider the following:

 Douglas Mackey a/k/a Ricky Vaughn was just convicted of a Federal crime for Tweeting a perfectly obvious joke regarding Hillary Clinton where, with a MAGA hat displayed on his profile picture, he suggested Hillary voters could vote by text in 2016. There is no evidence anyone at all took it seriously, but humor is the worst of sins for leftists. The photo on the left below is Mackey’s Tweet and the photo on the right is by a Leftist telling Trump voters the same thing. Mackey was arrested and the one on the right has been ignored by the Biden Feds. This is brownshirt police state stuff:

 Senators from both parties have introduced a bill by the astoundingly Orwellian name of the RESTRICT Act, which is superficially about chasing TikTok out off the country but is really about empowering the Federal government by bureaucratic edict to shut any and all social media that doesn’t comport with the views of the state. It would further empower the outrageous deep state control of the media revealed in the Twitter files. Those files are only the tiniest bit of the wide-spread infestation of Big Tech by a deep state that is arm in arm with it as a result of the Section 230 protections Federal law gives to Big Tech companies.

 Thomas Jefferson said “No government ought to be without censors, and, where the press is free, no one ever will,” [meaning that the only censors should be the citizens holding accountable their government] but today the press and Big Tech are no longer the challengers of government, as should always be, but, rather, the censors for government when it is in Democrat hands. During Biden times, we’ve seen the press and Big Tech join hands with government to squelch supposed “disinformation” on COVID, vaccines and anything else connected with the Wu-Flu. These police state censor tactics extended not only to different opinions, but also to acknowledged truths the government simply didn’t want out there because they went against the police state’s agenda.

 The same censorship is increasingly evident with respect to the climate grifting scam. Government has not only merged with Big Pharma, but also Big Green, using edicts from the SEC, for example, to force us all into deals with the grifters through imposition of ESG investing policies. And, throw out documented hard-core facts about the climate, as Greg Wrightstone and the CO2 Coalition have done and you’ll be thrown off LinkedIn, as they were, and unable to advertise on Facebook. Only the official narrative of the power grabbers and grifters is now permitted if you’re big enough to attract attention. Meanwhile, John Kerry, celebrities and BlackRock executives fly into Davos on private jets for meetings that could be done on Zoom, but that wouldn’t demonstrate how they are elites well above the law and so the rest of us are left to pointlessly complain of hypocrisy that was deliberate.

 We are seeing the Biden Administration, Kathy Hochul and and others, at the prodding of tax-exempt ultra-wealthy NGOs, impose gas stove bans, EV mandates and other measures to strangle oil and gas are everywhere. All is wrapped in “energy transition” and “save the planet” lies that are without foundation. Instead, we are instructed that phony models and targets are the reasons for transferring every more wealth and power to elites. Farmers in the Netherlands are told they can no longer farm as politically favored Big Tech moves in to take the land, and that is but one example of the corporatism —merger of business and government—at work throughout Western Civilization.

And, so it goes. There are hundreds of other examples, but they all come to one thing; Western Civilization has lost its virtue. Life is now a “free for all” struggle for power and riches and the virtuous aren’t even in the struggle, they are cowered into corners by purveyors of political correctness. The police state is here because we have become afraid to speak out and our cowardice has empowered government to take drastic steps to squelch all speech with which it doesn’t agree, knowing our resistance is weak. And, they’re largely correct. Our legislatures and courts are too corrupted themselves to do anything about this. Oh, we’ll win battles here and there, but the trajectory is still downward and mostly has been for over a century.

Notwithstanding this heavy dose of cynicism and foreboding, there is hope to replace the police state with a return to virtue if common men and women rise to their feet. The COVID debacle awakened many. I now find myself in agreement with multiple people I could not have imagining admiring a few years ago. Virtuous individuals may yet be found, and in strange places. There are many, many people of all political persuasions who recognize the COVID lockdowns were pure police state, did enormous damage and serve as a warning that Western Civilization can be vaporized in a matter of days. More to the point, we now know the enemy ardently desires this and won’t be beaten with law, constitutions or sill taunts about the hypocrisy of elites who where it like a badge of honor.

No, we are in a spiritual war. It is a war against lies and, as I’ve noted here several times we cannot live by lies. That was the message in every one of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books. Most of his life was a spiritual contest with communism in its many forms and he waged it by telling truths in every imaginable way he could. He suffered through imprisonment and exile by the Soviets and, later, much rejection from the West as a weak President Ford refused to even meet with him out of fear of communist backlash. Solzhenitsyn arguably prevailed when the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight but, today, we’re dealing with even worse atrocities and threats vis-a vis Communist China, proving the battle for virtue is an endless one.

There will always be collectivists, grifters and power seekers for whom the virtue of the individual is forever an obstacle to their own quests. Indeed, the virtuous individual is the one thing that stands in the way for the triumph of lies. And, where does virtue come from? Man cannot create it. Only the Creator can, although man forever attempts to do so. This why a return to Judeo-Christian principles is the one hope on which the future of Western Civilization rests and has always rested. Can it happen? Yes. Will it happen? Perhaps it’s too early to tell, but the hour is getting very late. We are already living in a police state.

(the original essay can be accessed at https://naturalgasnow.org/the-police-state-is-here-and-governed-by-joe-biden/)

New York City is dangerous and dirty

In the past three years I have had the unhappy necessity of visiting Manhattan a number of times for business and family. Last June was the last time I went, and hopefully the last time I have to be there until the place is cleaned up from top to bottom.

Last June I took the pickup to move our daughter out. She lived in New York City for eight years, from undergrad through dental school, and until the last couple of years she enjoyed her experience tremendously. But when we had loaded the last of her things into the bed of the truck, she got into the cab and said “I can’t wait to leave Manhattan. It’s so sad, because I used to love this place. But now it is dangerous and dirty and I want out. Let’s go.”

Manhattan is now looking like its worst days back in the 1970s and 1980s before Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor. Trash is blowing around everywhere, thugs hang out and loiter and saunter along every street and park bench, homeless bums are living in the parks and on building steps. People are being attacked on the sidewalks by demented mental patients prematurely released before their treatments are completed. People exit a restaurant and are immediately punched, kicked, and robbed by young people who laugh about it.

The police do nothing about this dangerous chaos because the Manhattan district attorney believes that holding criminals accountable for their violence and destruction is somehow mean, or wrong. And so the criminals now rule the streets, as an official policy.

The old Diamond District on 47th Street is a shell of its former self. A thousand years of jewelry making and watch making and world class talent all concentrated into one city block is now gone, because some communist in power decided that all this material excess violated some notion of “equity,” and so the jewelers and watchmakers were driven out. It is a sad ghost town now.

An old friend of mine who lives in Manhattan complained about how her own restaurants, which her architect husband had designed, and into which she had invested great amounts of time and money, were torched and looted in the riots of 2020. When I asked her if this destruction was a result of political failure, she went straight to blaming the Bad Orange Man. Who does not live in NYC, was not on city council or mayor of said city, and who had no control over the policing of Manhattan’s streets. It is impossible for me to understand the mental state of a person who appears sane but who reflexively blames their own mistakes on someone hundreds of miles away with no involvement in the matters that have made said person so unhappy.

So long as the citizens of New York City continue to believe they can vote for self-destructive policies and for the political candidates who promote them, and yet expect a different outcome than the mess we see, then Manhattan will continue to descend into madness and filth.

Making matters worse, the prior administration of mayor “Bill DeBlasio” (this is his fictitious name), had embarked on one of those “It only makes sense on paper and in terms of vague feelings” massive landscape changes. Such as turning streetside parking all over the city into un-used bike-only  lanes and on-street dining for restaurants. Even going so far as to fill in empty spaces where people used to park with gigantic flower pots and concrete containers. Anything to make NYC unfriendly to car drivers.

This makes no sense, because Americans in general and visitors to New York City in particular still drive cars. But such is the power of blind ideology: “Because all cars are bad, then places to park cars must also be bad.” This is crazy stuff, and it has resulted in a congested city being even more congested, even less user friendly and less accessible than it used to be. Which was difficult enough. If this gigantic failure is how you measure success, then further natural failures will continue to follow. As we see even right now today, failure is considered success in Manhattan.

I am glad I do not live there and don’t have to go there.

The concrete planters need a place to park where cars should be able to park. Because “cars are bad”

Median areas that used to offer car parking and delivery vehicle offloading are now clogged with concrete in order to stop “bad cars”

Rental bikes lined up in the most expensive and colorful virtue signal possible. No one uses these. But someone somewhere feels good about the symbolism

An empty and unused bike lane where cars used to park. Cars still need parking spaces, but don’t expect to find them in Manhattan, where virtue signaling is most important

Go ahead and make sense of NYC’s parking regulations. Try.

Restaurants have fully enclosed “outdoor” dining in the street, where cars used to drive and park. The cars still need to drive and park. Just more congestion and more exhaust fumes trying to navigate all the pointless virtue signaling