Posts Tagged → China
The sneaky New Jersey drones
Drones are being reported all around New Jersey. Not the little plastic drones we can buy online, nor are they the expensive Mavic drones used by professional surveyors, real estate people, security personnel, etc. No, these things are reportedly six feet across, which is a small plane, by definition only of military origin and purpose.
These rogue drones are showing up everywhere in New Jersey there is important infrastructure, like power plants, dams, military installations, government buildings. During daylight. Whoever is operating them is not shy, nor are they trying to hide their information gathering operation. This is being done out in the open.
Lots of speculation about who owns these drones, and why are they operating them, and why are they operating them now. Federal and state government spokespeople in the past day have said that either they do not know what these drones are about, or that they are definitively not from some speculated Iranian “mother ship” supposedly far enough offshore to avoid detection but close enough to operate the aircraft.
None of these responses ring true, and they smell like the federal government knows exactly what the drones are, and they also do not want to tell us.
The American People are in a bad sitaution here. Because either our government doesn’t know what is going on with a blatant violation of our national security, or our government does know and does not want to tell us. Both situations are unacceptable, because both are dangerous. We civilians are supposed to own and run our governments, not the other way around. If someone hostile is flying drones around America, spying on us, then that is a declaration of war. It is very dangerous, especially if our government refuses to respond appropriately.
Here is what I think is the only real explanation for these rogue military drones: China is blatantly scooping up as much critical infrastructure information as they can get while their pet Joe Biden is still in office. Recall that Joe Bribem, who has accepted millions of dollars in Chinese bribes, allowed a Chinese spy balloon to glide unmolested over all of America two years ago, gathering intelligence on all kinds of sensitive nuclear missile sites and other military/national defense facilities.
Recall, Americans were slack-jawed incredulous while our federal government went about its daily business as if nothing was wrong while the blatant Chinese spy balloon slowly spied on America, from coast to coast. China would not stand for such an invasion of its sovereign soil or airspace for one second, and no self-respecting national government elsewhere on this planet would either.
But America does not have self-respecting or America-respecting leaders right now. Rather, our entire federal government is a swarm of traitors, all loyal to China. China has spent decades buying politicians, buying businesses, buying business leaders, buying philanthropic leaders, and buying real estate around sensitive American homeland installations. The wide-open American border is exploited most by China.
Those federal bureaucrats who were not purchased outright by China are already Marxists, committed to seeing the downfall of the American government, from inside their government offices. And it’s not just faceless bureaucrat people at the FAA who are our enemies, it is high ranking officers at the Pentagon. Lots of them.
Treason and traitors in official positions are everywhere right now, and these drones are a symbol of how badly our federal government has been gutted, captured, and at the very least turned into a torpid possum sleeping in the back of my woodshed in the middle of December (you could pick that thing up by its tail and swing it around your head, and it will remain fast asleep and non-threatening).
Such are most of the local, state, and federal bureaucrats in America. It is like the “go to sleeeeeep” line we used to say on midnight big game fishing boats anchored off the Atlantic coast, where big thrashing fish can do a lot of damage. Before boating them we would stick them in the head with a large knife or even a small harpoon, and whisper “Go to sleeeep” as their life force ebbed away and their danger to boat and crew drew down. Thus is America asleep while the Chinese are sucking away our life force, rendering us into harmless children.
The Chinese know full well that a government run by President Donald Trump will both shoot down these drones and also follow them back to where they are coming from, and then exact the full penalty for invading America. And so they are getting away with everything they can get away with while they can. New Jersey is a hub of electrical distribution for the whole east coast, and if something were to happen to a key power plant or distribution line…a lot of America would be sitting in the dark.
These invasive foreign drones looking for ways to attack America are the cost of having had our federal government bought and paid for like a sack of potatoes.
Joe Biden is a criminal liar and a thief
Joe Biden’s bribery schemes with China and Ukraine are epic. The biggest criminal endeavor in a public office in American history. A huge scandal.
That Joe Biden used his corrupt pedophile son Hunter Biden to do a lot of his dirty work is well documented. That Hunter Biden had already done enough criminal activity on his own with drugs, guns, tax evasion, underage sex trafficking, and other felonies is a testament to just how bad these guys are. Really, really bad people.
For two years Joe Biden lied to the American people, telling us emphatically that he would let the justice system play out with his son Hunter Biden’s many legal entanglements. And then suddenly, today, Joe Biden issued a broad pardon for his son going from 2014 to 2024 and including any crimes he might have done and has not yet been charged with. In other words, Hunter Biden has a thirty-day Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.
One of the reasons I despise partisan politics is how being loyal to a broken brand makes people say ridiculous things. And so today we got a parade of Democrat Party loyalists pooh-poohing the pardon, trying to explain that all the lies that Joe Biden told us were not really lies, etc. Some people, notably Hollywood actor types, actually celebrated this historic pardon, as if it looks good for a corrupt father president to pardon his corrupt son for so many crimes over such a long period of time.
This pardon is in effect a confession of criminality. I just wish that all of the politically devoted partisans would try to hold onto a shred of integrity and at least be honest about this: It smells bad.
Trump Harrisburg Town Hall was fabulous
Yesterday afternoon I participated in the President Donald Trump town hall with Sean Hannity here in Harrisburg, at the Farm Show building, and it was a fabulous experience. I am glad I went, and two young-er family members went with me.
Some takeaways:
- Plenty of former Democrats and current Independents were in the crowd. I spoke with quite a few of the people around me, and learned that there are still registered Democrats who are nonetheless supportive of Trump. I think the open border is scaring them. Plenty of Independents, too.
- Trump is a smart and straight-talking person, not just unafraid to be challenged and questioned but welcoming the give-and-take. He is a gregarious person with confidence, and enjoys explaining his policy positions.
- His supporters are normal every-day people. I met a computer programmer, two teachers, a retired police officer. The people in the audience dressed and acted like normal people, friendly to one another, gracious. I saw no bad or crude behavior.
- Not all of Trump’s supporters are hyper-excited fangirls, although we certainly saw and heard them roaring and cheering last night (the young man who accompanied me screamed himself hoarse). But boy, does he have supporters who are SCARED of what has happened to America in the past few years. These are people who were a-political or non-political until recently. They are not regulars at protests or political rallies, they may not have voted until the past few years, but they showed up last night because they see their entire nation slipping away under their feet and through their fingers, and they wanted to show their support for the person they believe can stop the destruction. Quite a few of these people did not even cheer or yell, they hardly clapped, but they were in the audience with great intention. You could see it clearly in their faces.
- Sean Hannity surprised us all. He has a reputation for talking over his guests, which he did not do to Trump. Funny enough, the hopped up crowd did that for Hannity, often loudly chanting or enthusiastically yelling out as Trump was going to say something.
- The Mainstream Media really is the enemy of The People, because the lies and nonsense they put out starting with late last night and spilling into today are just incredible. I am disgusted by the sheer number of blatant lies told by the press about the town hall. The press is supposed to hold the government accountable, but now in America, the press are 100% partisan political activists for the government, for censorship, and against the constitutional rights that We The People hold so dear.
- Discussing the event with an older Democrat friend, I was caught off guard by his sudden vehemence and the strange things he said about Trump. A disconnect between what I had just witnessed from start to finish, and what I guess is the mainstream media’s spoon-feeding of garbage to whoever is in their audience, like my friend. When I challenged him to provide me with evidence for his claims, he assured me he would. So far that has not materialized, and I don’t think it will. The facts do not support Trump being “demented” (Biden clearly is demented while Trump clearly is clear headed and sane), or a “Lying, cheating con man…a grifter.”
- Trump is the complete opposite of a grifter, because he did not take a presidential salary and did not make money during or after being president, but rather lost a lot of money. Contrast that with the Bidens, Obamas, and Clintons, all of whom entered public service poor and exited extremely wealthy. Biden is clearly a criminal recipient of illegal bribes from China, both directly and through his son Hunter.
- As for the lying and cheating part, I have not yet seen it with Trump, though both are epidemic among regular politicians, and I wonder if my Democrat friend applies the same standard to his favorite candidates as he applies to Trump….
- There is huge positive energy around President Trump, and we need to keep that going. The Democrat Party is doing everything possible to allow illegal aliens to vote (which is patently illegal) in this upcoming election, and we need to have such a massive turnout for Trump that the election is too big to rig. (Personal note: I sat directly in line with the cameras focused on Trump, and whenever he was speaking I was visible precisely to the right of his right cheek. Wearing a light blue shirt and a red hat, I was also blurry…so close to finally being on TV, and yet not really being on TV)
Interesting choice of special prosecutor ya got there, Biden
Over the past few months those Americans paying attention to the hijacking of America have watched as Resident Joe Biden illegally avoided scrutiny for illegally hiding top secret national security documents in his private residences. And then his attorneys admitted he had them, but it was just a simple mistake.
Never mind that Joe Biden never held any official position that allowed him to possess such classified information. President Trump was president and thus able to de-classify whatever documents he wanted to and could take them with him to wherever he wanted to take them.
Unlike Joe Biden, who stored his illegal caches of classified documents haphazardly in unsecured garages, bedrooms, offices, etc, President Trump kept his in a locked room that he had shown to the FBI when they inquired.
Mind us all, the FBI has never before inquired about the documents taken home by a president, nor shown the intense interest in them after the president had declared his candidacy again. Curious. And on second thought, not curious, but brazenly lawless behavior by the FBI, then and especially now a partisan and armed arm of one political party that illegally uses its law enforcement powers to punish its political opponents.
So now much is being said about the special prosecutor who interviewed Joe Biden, and who despite repeatedly saying that Biden has dementia and is feeble minded, also declined to press charges against Biden for doing much worse than anything Trump has been accused of.
If you study even cursorily the ways of China, from thousands of years ago to the present, we will find a common practice of humiliating enemies and allies alike, wherever possible. And it is in this tradition that special prosecutor Robert Hur both denigrated the openly doddering Biden and also let him off the legal hook. You see, Special Prosecutor Robert Hur is China’s man overseeing the management of China’s biggest asset, Resident Joe Biden.
How does it feel, Mister and Missus America, to see our biggest enemy operating so brazenly on our soil, running our corrupt leaders like they are little toy soldiers?
Attila The Hun for US Senate Minority Leader
Deeply corrupt China-owned asset US senator from Kentucky Mitch McConnell announced that he is stepping down from his long time role as Republican leader in the US Senate the other day. Speculation about why he is leaving his post in November abounds, and most of it is unbelievable nonsense. People in DC do not just step away from power, they are forced away from it. And Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell was forced away hard, hard enough that his fingernails could be heard far and away scraping along the floor as his GOP colleagues dragged him off from the position he has held longer than any other US senator, ever.
That McConnell is a corrupt and treasonous piece of cr@p is well known. He and his Chinese wife Elizabeth Chao have been open foreign agents for the Chinese Communist Party for decades, doing their evil bidding in Washington, DC, on all kinds of subjects and topics. And like most other people in career politics, the McConnell family has become incredibly, unbelievably, disbelievably wealthy on a mere $200,000 a year senator salary. It is almost like they were taking payoffs and bribes for selling political decisions that favored China, or something. And from this we infer that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden did not fall into their own bribery and influence peddling by accident or alone. Obama entered the presidency worth a bit over a hundred thousand bucks and left worth seventy million. This political corruption is a bi-partisan thing.
Offspring of this unholy union between Kentucky and China, the McConnell-Chao children, are all lobbyists for China in one form or another. That the American People have put up with this brazen double agent insider dealing that always puts America last and our worst enemy first is a signal that America as a nation and as a people has lost its way, its spirit, its desire for survival. We must be drowning in material gluttony to have allowed a satanic devil like Mitch McConnell to have held on to power in any form or in any role. In 1800s America, McConnell would have been run out of his town on a rail, covered in tar and feathers, never to be heard of again. But in 2024, McConnell is feted like some Olympic champion…
Then again, America did elect America-hater communist Barack Hussein Obama, and the American People did watch in stunned amazement as the 2020 election was stolen and then shoved up their butts in a million different anti-America ways, without fighting back. So yeah, official Republicans and Americans alike apparently think America is too big to fail, and so we allow all this corrosive corruption among our elites to prosper so long as we have great food and beer and whee fun vacations every year.
Prior human civilizations have collapsed from less malfeasance, and so we Americans must have a lot more than they had to last this long with this much official corruption and rot.
Incidentally, McConnell was forced out of his party leadership role because he was recently caught trying to quietly end American government payments to the Pacific island nations of Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands, in conjunction with US senator Chuck Schumer (another lawless scoundrel who like so many in his party does huge discredit to the Jewish People).
These government payments have been long made to honor a treaty America has with these strategically critical places. Places and bases where American warships can freely dock, and where American sailors and soldiers can barrack. Should America cease honoring the treaties here, China can easily step in and take over the US role. America would be pushed from these incredibly important strategic locations and our own Pacific fleet would then be anchored mostly on our own mainland. At enormous military disadvantage.
What then happens when China has its entire Pacific fleet moored there, in Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands, staring right at Hawaii and California?
The magnitude of McConnell’s treason here was too much for his fellow GOP senators, who demanded that he be done and begone. And in case McConnell’s loss of power is merely viewed as some sort of internal political wrangling like a pack of blood-soaked hyenas snapping and growling at each other over some toothsome morsel, China immediately sent a blunt message about what they think about their prize asset losing power: McConnell’s sister-in-law, Angela Chao, died three weeks ago in Texas under “very mysterious circumstances.”
And so in response to all of this open corruption and a brazen political hit on American soil by our biggest enemy, I would like to nominate Attila The Hun as the next GOP senate leader. America needs an Attila The Hun in every GOP rank and file and leadership position across America. We need someone like Attila everywhere, who knows how to get things done, how to do what is best for his people, and how to treat traitors to America. America needs some political blood in the streets and the aisles, because the “smooth operation of day to day America” means that the American people are getting screwed big time and don’t yet know it, don’t yet know they are dead.
“Moderate” GOP leaders who stand for nothing and do nothing but accede to the Democrat Party communists who are doing the bidding of the actual Chinese Communists are a luxury America can no longer afford.
Anything less than an Attila personality, anyone less than a live free-or-die American patriot as the next GOP senate leader will be just one more nail in America’s coffin, and a really big nail at that.
Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin
I have watched the fascinating interview with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin by journalist Tucker Carlson, and if you have any interest in world politics, you should watch it too, right here.
So the mainstream establishment politically partisan leftwing activist media, and their political members like Hillary Clinton, have all piled on Tucker Carlson for doing this interview. I don’t see why, except that the establishment media is jealous, or maybe afraid. Unlike the establishment media people, Tucker Carlson doesn’t ask softball questions or act like a fawning stooge.
He asked logical questions of Putin that visibly provoked Putin quite a few times. In fact, Tucker Carlson asked questions I would not necessarily have thought of, like if it is OK to carve up modern Ukraine among its former occupiers, as Putin stated, then is Putin advocating for giving northern Ukraine to Viktor Orban’s Hungary? Would Putin be ok with Poland taking a big piece of Ukraine, too?
Putin did not like those questions! He oh-so-very-clearly dislikes being challenged and is not used to it.
For his part, Putin was fascinating. He gave an impressive recitation of Eastern European history, beginning at the year 862, from memory. While I have studied the history of Europe a lot, I do not think I could give you all of the “who kicked Mary and who hit John” moments that make up the chaotic past and present of Eastern Europe, much less Western Europe, from memory.
One area that Putin was clearly not being truthful about was this “Denazification” of Ukraine justification-excuse for invading Ukraine. Yes, there were Nazi collaborators in World War II. There were also Ukrainian Communists in World War II. Russia also committed a genocide-by-forced-starvation against Ukraine, called the Holomodor, in great part in retaliation for atrocities committed by Ukrainians against Russians not too long before. There is indeed a long history of blood and feuds here.
Putin also stated that Poland collaborated with the Nazis in World War II. Yes, the same 1939 Poland that was invaded and crushed by the German Nazis, supposedly did it on purpose to help Germany. Despite the fact that it was the Soviet Russians who committed the Katyn Massacre of the Polish elite. Obviously Poland did not welcome or collaborate with the German Nazis, but Putin says they did, and moreover, that the Poles were themselves Nazis.
This is nonsense. It is not factual.
But, like I say, you have to hear this interview yourself to understand how the Russians really think, or at least how they want you to believe they think.
Whether or not Putin actually believes his own propaganda, it doesn’t matter. He says it, and to me it sounds crazy, but I will bet that a lot of other Russians believe the same things. Which is why these interviews and dialogues are so important. We humans should strive to understand one another. Or at least lie to each other, mutually. Some sort of understanding emerges, and if it prevents bloodshed, cruelty, and crying children and destroyed civilizations, then probably for the good.
Putin very clearly has a passion for the region and for Russia, which is to his credit. Because the one thing that has caught the fancy of a lot of Americans is that Putin loves his homeland Russia. If there is one thing that at least half of America admires it is an appreciation for one’s nation, and so Putin’s clear love of Mother Russia resonates with them.
Putin’s love of country, to the point of waging an illogical, incredibly destructive, and probably illegal invasion-war against Ukraine, is something we no longer see in America’s politicians. No, America’s politicians are largely fat globalists, citizens of the world, moral relativists who enter Congress worth fifty cents and who are then worth $29,000,000 three terms later. American politicians love money, not America, and they are allowing America to be invaded. American politicians are selling America to the highest bidders, most especially Joe Biden, whose literal name Joe Biden is all over illegal bribe and graft checks and money wires written by Chinese businessmen to him and his son Hunter Biden.
Putin doesn’t put up with traitors, which a lot of Americans find refreshing and wish would be the norm once again here in America.
Putin gave his perspective on his region’s history, which is obviously from his own view. I know for a fact that asking a Ukrainian citizen will result in a different view on a few of those same exact facts. Same goes for people from Poland, Lithuania, Finland and many other nations around there. For the past few hundred years at least, that big grizzly bear Russia has had its grip tightly on so many of its neighbors. And from the Russian perspective, this is normal and perfectly fine. If you are Kazakh, or Tajik, or some other ethnicity, you probably disagree with Russia’s actions.
One of the regions that Russia invaded and absolutely stomped to pieces in recent times, unarmed civilians and all, was Chechnya. Back before YouTube became all censorship oriented, you could watch actual video footage of Russian soldiers laughingly executing unarmed Chechen civilians in their ragged clothing, mothers and fathers, grandmas, and then walking on to the next rustic stone farmhouse and doing it all over again. I really defy anyone to try to justify this barbaric behavior. Same goes for Ukraine now.
And Putin complains that the CIA was responsible for Chechnya’s response…
Other items that fascinated me are Putin’s view on his experience squaring off against and sometimes trying to work with the CIA and American political leadership over the decades. He seems genuinely flummoxed why American leaders and bureaucrats alike do not trust Russia, even post-Soviet Russia. It is helpful to me to closely watch Putin’s face as he voices his disbelief, and his reluctant acceptance of realpolitik, over the proxy wars and NATO maneuvering along Russia’s borders.
Maybe he really does believe what he is saying.
Long ago, a friend of mine who taught Russian history and military doctrine at the US Army War College in Carlisle, PA, pointed out that over its long history Russia has never had democracy or representative government. Russian culture has always favored some sort of headman, dictator, Tsar, whatever, and so, believe it or not, today’s Russia with all of its obvious problems, and its journalists being thrown out of windows, is still relatively open and free compared to its history and its potential now and future.
In other words, as ruthless dictators go, Putin is not so bad. He could be a lot worse.
In any event, Tucker Carlson has done a good deed here. He sat down and had an honest-to-goodness real and very long interview with a head of state that no one in the American political-media establishment wants us to hear from.
You should ask Why the American political-media establishment wants us to be shut off from Putin’s perspective. Is it because so many American bureaucrats and politicians have been privately and very illegally benefiting from Ukraine’s oil and gas business, and from its illegal bioweapon labs set up at the behest of Dr. Mengele Fauci and American Big Pharma companies? These illegal relationships have been coming to light in the past few years, mostly now as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Watch the interview, and be thankful that a free America still exists in part, despite the Biden Regime’s best efforts to turn America into a violent police state, and freedom never being free and having to be occasionally renewed by the blood of patriots and tyrants alike.
UPDATE: Tucker Carlson goes food shopping in Moscow. Whoa.
Hoedown showdown at the Texas border
An interesting political dance is happening down along the Texas border. The Texas border is the primary venue through which millions of military-age male illegal invaders have crossed into America without any documentation, or health checks, or anything else that every other sovereign nation has in the way of border control since 2021. These illegal alien invaders are being given our own taxpayer money in forms of credit cards and cell phones! As well as health care that we taxpaying citizens will never get!
This illegal invasion is happening contrary to federal law, as well as Texas state law. It is happening only because the Biden Administration wants it to happen. In fact, the Biden Administration is actively facilitating the invasion, going so far as to sue Texas to prevent the state from enforcing both federal and state law that prohibit foreign invasions, and going so far as directing US Border Patrol staff to help illegal aliens cross over into America.
We all know why the Biden Administration is committing this brazenly lawless treason. It is a cheap attempt to bring in enough new voters to overwhelm conservative areas with liberal voters and turn America into a one party nation. Here in Pennsylvania, the governor is attempting to turn all new drivers licenses into automatic voters, because he is trying to give all new drivers a new driver’s license and new voting rights, irrespective of whether they are a citizen, or not.
Pretty slick pure evil.
Texas has been bussing its illegal invaders around the country, specifically targeting those states and municipalities that had long billed themselves as “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states.” Turns out that these so-called sanctuaries did not really want illegal aliens in their community. Rather, they were just virtue signaling, and they actually wanted illegal aliens to overwhelm the conservative states and conservative jurisdictions, so they could eventually be turned into welfare dependents, wards of the state, and tuned to voting for government handouts. And so become loyal Democrats in areas where Democrats would not normally get elected.
If anyone still doubts that the 2020 election was stolen, this single policy of not just allowing but facilitating and even forcing an illegal and dangerous foreign invasion of America is Exhibit A in the proof that the 2020 election was stolen for a reason. This is just more brazen lawlessness by the Democrat Party and its RINO allies, and a double-dog-dare to American citizens that they won’t finally stand up for their rights and their interests.
So now Texas has finally gotten a spine, and is finally shutting down its section of the border, in defiance of both the China-penetrated and compromised federal government and the completely failed and compromised US Supreme Court. The Biden Administration is threatening to federalize the National Guard and turn them into Maitre D’s and docents welcoming the illegal invasion, while Texas is actually using its National Guard troops to stop and turn back the invasion. This is a real showdown, with both sides invoking military force against one another.
Like millions of other Americans, I am not in the least upset about this situation.
Texas is the only party here standing on both existing federal law and Constitution, and standing up for American citizens’ rights, though you would not know this based on the legacy media reporting on this situation. According to the Demedia (Democrat Media), federal government exists to facilitate foreign invasions, not stop them….which only shows for the zillionth time just how compromised and lawless the establishment media is, just how much an enemy of The American People the mainstream media are.
I suspect that a shooting war among Americans on the border will elicit a rather overwhelming response from the rest of the absolutely fed up and enraged country. And so…This showdown at the border might turn out to be the flashpoint that gets America the conflict it unfortunately seems to need in order to painfully squeeze out the infected pus festering in the maggot-filled gaping wound known as Washington DC.
And to be clear here, crazy demented old man Joe Biden bears 100% of the responsibility for all of the hate speech and threats of violence against Americans here. The guy must smoke crack with his son Hunter and then dodder up to the microphone and just say whatever the hell it is that is floating around in his wasted mind. Like he is going to bomb Americans with F-15 fighter jets! He really did just say this. It is Biden’s second such threat against Americans.
If I were Governor Abbott of Texas, I would have every constitutional sheriff in Texas deputize a few thousand Texas citizens and others, per county, arm them, and send them to the Texas border to stand guard against invaders from both sides. With orders to shoot to kill any law-breakers. If the border becomes a shooting war between the China-owned Biden Administration and our own citizens, then America is off to the races of Civil War Number Two. Not that such a thing will be pleasant, or easy, or without great calamity and loss on all sides.
But like lancing a festering boil, or pulling out a rotten tooth, or cutting out gangrenous flesh so that the remaining healthy flesh can survive, such a conflict could be the beginning of a return to law and constitution. Beautifully led by American citizens, who are of course empowered by the Declaration of Independence to dissolve and alter their government as they see fit, from time to time, to constitute a new government that actually serves them as government is supposed to do.
So, come what may, whatever conflict happens along the Texas border, and whatever that sparks elsewhere in the country, it is a wholly American thing. Because Americans naturally love freedom and liberty above all else. Certainly above lawless and tyrannical government. And thus such a contest is natural and organic. As opposed to this China-owned Biden Administration openly doing its best to destroy America from the inside and turning Iran into a nuclear power to destroy us from the outside. That is not natural or healthy.
Impeach, impeach, impeach
Impeachment is a powerful tool provided in the US Constitution as well as in every state constitution. Over the past 100 years, America and American citizens have enjoyed a historically unprecedented veritable explosion in food security, home security, financial security, and almost endless creature comforts that just a couple decades ago were considered unimaginable luxuries. And so in the past 100 years of increasingly corpulent self-satisfied hourly comfort, Americans have lost their sense of purpose, necessity, hunger, their edge. And so the use of impeachment has pretty much died, as few people saw or sensed the need to use such a drastic tool in such comfortable times.
Americans now view political corruption and official abuse of the law as a cost of doing business, a cost of having such a luxurious lifestyle available to so many of us.
Why rock the boat with something like impeachment when everything is going so great? President Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment for behavior that by today’s standard was positively Girl Scout level, and President Bill Clinton was understandably impeached for having brazenly lied under oath. There have been only a small handful of state level impeachments over the decades, usually against aberrant judges whose behavior is so brazenly corrupt that people overwhelmingly agreed that removing them from office was an obvious necessity.
Then President Donald Trump was supposedly impeached in a process without any procedural integrity, without the right to call witnesses in defense, without the right to file motions or submit evidence. His first “impeachment” was a political circus, not a real court proceeding with all the seriousness the dignity of all the offices involved require.
The second so-called impeachment of President Trump was even more procedurally flawed than the first attempt, including the absence of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, whose daily presence is constitutionally required for an impeachment to go forward. Chief Justice Roberts’ absence did not hinder the lawless circus from continuing, though, so it was not really an impeachment. This process was in fact just the mis-use and mis-appropriation of the impeachment name applied to a set of theatrical political activities.
You would think with all this one-sided impeachment-lite activity that the “other side of the aisle” would be ready to apply the same medicine now that they have the power to do so. And you would be wrong. The elected eunuchs have no intention of fighting back at all.
And so we now find America in the throes of widespread lawlessness by one political party, whose judges behave like theatrical political tyrants while ignoring all legal precedent and legal process requirements of their court rooms. For example, this week Federal Judge Chuktan scolded the Trump legal team in DC that they should have spent the prior year reading through the 12,000,000 pages of discovery material in preparation for a defense they only found out about a few weeks ago, and whose access to the related documents only began a week ago. This is absolute lawlessness by Judge Chuktan, whose lawlessness makes an absolute mockery of the very idea of a legal process.
In case you are not understanding this, the judge refused to allow the Trump defense attorneys adequate time to read through and use in court over twelve million pages of material being used to falsely prosecute President Trump for his mere political speech. Nope, Trump’s team is expected to arrive in court fully prepared within a couple months. This is a grotesque and corrupt abuse of the federal judge’s powers and discretion.
Another example is the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court majority that – crazily, corruptly, partisanly – held that unilateral last-second changes to Pennsylvania election law, right before the 2020 general election, by unelected people in the executive branch, and in open defiance of the Pennsylvania constitution which places all election law only in the hands of the legislature, were just fine and would stand. These state supreme court judges were wildly abusing their authority and discretion to implement a plainly flawed election process that defied Pennsylvania’s legal process for establishing election law, and which subsequently allowed a huge amount of voting fraud to occur in the 2020 election.
Other examples of grotesque courtroom malfeasance by politicized judges can be found ad nauseum in the federal courtrooms in Washington, DC, where jurisprudence and respect for the rule of law have been thrown away in the interest of obtaining patently illegal political outcomes that benefit one political party and that are designed to hurt President Trump and anyone around him. Tainted jurors, tainted judges, conflicts of interest, abuses of courtroom decorum and legal procedural law, the list of malfeasance there is incredible.
The one answer to all of these politically active judges is impeachment. Real, honest-to-goodness impeachment that includes all the bells, whistles, and fixins of a gen-u-ine courtroom hearing. Just like the US Constitution and state constitutions have a process for fraudulent elections to be challenged, so they also provide for impeachments.
And while one political party is riding the impeachment horse all over the place, the other political party wants nothing to do with impeachment. Why that would upset the apple cart, or some such nonsense, is what we hear from elected Republicans across America. Most of the federal judges involved in the January 6th cases have abused their positions and should be impeached. More than half of the Pennsylvania state supreme court members deserved impeachment and should have been impeached. What was lacking in the political process was the political willpower from among the “other” political party to mount a response, to resist the lawlessness.
The response of impeachment that should have met every single one of these lawless judges was taken off the table before any real discussion of it began. The co-equal branch of government that is by design supposed to be able to impeach and then remove aberrant officials is completely out of this fight, and so the official lawlessness continues.
As in any fight, if one side is throwing haymaker punches and the other side is simply standing there taking all of the punishment, eventually the guy standing there taking all the punches is going to lose the fight. There is only so much abuse that any person or body can take before it breaks, and in the case of America, the abuse of lawlessness being inflicted on our body politic is beginning to crush our nation. Our political and professional institutions are collapsing under the onslaught. American citizens are beginning to lose trust in their official institutions.
The natural answer that is hard-wired into our various constitutions is impeach, impeach, impeach, and thereby hold lawless officials accountable and restore balance to our crumbling political system.
I do not know why in 2020 and 2021 former state senator and president pro tem of the Pennsylvania Senate, Jake-The-Snake Corman, and PA House leaders Kerry Benninghoff and Bryan Cutler, refused to even consider impeachment of the lawless PA state supreme court members who threw the rule of law out the window to immediately benefit one political party. It made no sense from a political perspective or from a let’s-uphold-the-basic-law perspective. Their impotence simply made no sense.
Nor does it make sense why US House leaders Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan refuse now to impeach the lawless federal judges and bribe-taking Joe Biden, the lying-before-Congress FBI Chris Wray, the endlessly lying and obviously lawless chief law enforcement officer US AG Merrick Garland, and a whole host of other corrupt federal employees whose job #1 is to uphold The Law.
Isn’t it curious that the people who are supposedly standing on “the other side” of the lawless people are unwilling to take a stand, to implement those impeachment processes that are spelled out in our various constitutions? By their unwillingness to fight back, every one of these politicians – Jake Corman, Kerry Benninghoff, Bryan Cutler, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan etc et al – is enabling and abetting their supposed opponents. By refusing to fight back in any meaningful way, these elected officials are actually allowing America to descend into not just lawlessness, but one party domination and the destruction of America as a political entity that naturally follows.
Only one explanation for GOP weakness makes any sense: How many pieces of silver have these elected officials taken to have their loyalties swayed away from their oath of office? How many elected Republicans across America are owned by China?
This hemlock log shows climate change
Climate change has been a normal and natural fact of life on Planet Earth since the planet was created. Volcanoes explode and the earth warms up as a result. Glaciers that build up covered entire mountain ranges underneath, then recede and create new mountain ranges, then melt again, and their flood waters created new rivers, several times. Pennsylvania’s Pine Creek in the “PA Grand Canyon” used to flow north into the Genesee River watershed, until a huge ice dam from the last glacial period melted, broke, and caused an enormous torrent of water to flood southward. In that brief moment about ten or twelve thousand years ago, naturally occurring climate change forced Pine Creek to flow south, where it has become a major tributary to the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.
Climate alarmism is quite another thing, a false thing, a made-up thing, a silly thing, a destructive thing, and it is ruining a basic scientific fact that should be easy to study and understand.
Climate alarmism is where political activists falsely claim that “scientists agree that humans are causing Planet Earth’s climate to change” and that all Americans and Europeans (not the Chinese or the Indians) must therefore make drastic changes to our lifestyles, to our diets, to our freedoms. This is a fake emergency, a fake crisis, designed to help political activists get political outcomes they can not otherwise get through the democratic voting process where informed voters choose elected officials and policy positions themselves.
To illustrate how climate change naturally occurs all on its own, I took a picture and posted it here. Below is a picture I took of a roughly 160-year-old hemlock tree that a logger I work with cut down in Clinton County, PA, a month ago. If we look at the growth rings in the base of this tree, we see clusters of rings that are very wide, where the tree grew a lot in one growing season (April – September), and we see clusters of rings where the tree grew very little in one season. What is really interesting about looking at tree growth rings is that we can easily understand the climate surrounding that tree at the time of each growth ring.
Wide growth rings are associated with both an open forest canopy and lots of sunlight reaching the tree, and also with years of plenty of rain and warm temperatures conducive to plant growth after the canopy has grown up and over.
Thin or narrow growth rings are associated with a dramatic lack of sunlight, a lack of water, and/ or colder temperatures.
As we can see from this picture, this 160-year-old tree has experienced several major climate shifts over its lifetime. Each colored box is a clump of similar growth rings, which represents a period of about ten to twenty years. See how this tree went for a decade or two subject to long stretches of either very wet and warm climate, or very dry and cold climate? And we know that this tree’s life experience was largely outside of the period where the climate alarmists say humans have had the greatest influence on climate.
This tree’s life, as we see it in its growth rings, clearly shows that northcentral Pennsylvania’s climate has naturally fluctuated on its own, with no meaningful human intervention, for a long time. The picture also shows that within periods of intense dryness, there were single years of abundant rain, and then the dryness returned for years.
Today, climate alarmists seize upon every dry spell, every rainy period, every storm, to falsely claim evidence of human-caused “climate change.” If what the climate alarmists say is true, then this poor tree has had both a schizophrenic life in a natural world where equilibrium is more the natural rule, and it also experienced a lot of human caused climate change while the planet had very few humans on it to affect the climate.
In other words, this tree shows that the climate alarmists are wrong. Really wrong. The trees don’t lie, but the political activists do lie. And that fact is alarming to me.

Hemlock log cut in July 2023, in Clinton County, PA. This tree has experienced widely varying climates over its long lifetime, especially while there were very few humans on Planet Earth. There is no such thing as human caused climate change. Environmental damage, yes, of course, but not climate change. Climate alarmism is a political claim, not a scientific claim.