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Should individual federal agents be held accountable?

Should individual FBI/DOJ/ATF/DHS agents be held personally accountable for the federal government’s Gestapo war of terror inflicted on innocent Americans over the past four years?

This question has been on my mind daily, for the past four years, because I was a law-abiding J6 peaceful protestor who was nonetheless visited and then interviewed by FBI agents, with all that that portends. These FBI visits and interviews with people like me, who they said up front had done nothing criminal, had committed no crime, were done for the sole purpose of political intimidation, with the intimation that a violent early morning FBI SWAT raid through your front door could be the next outcome (as was done to hundreds of innocent Americans).

Now this question of individual federal agents has become a ripe policy subject, because on Friday the acting DOJ secretary demanded a list of all FBI agents and DOJ staff who “worked” on prosecuting January 6th victims.

Yes, I am using a lot of language here that is probably unfamiliar to a lot of Americans, including people who consider themselves politically involved or at least politically educated on both sides of the spectrum. So here are some important facts that will guide your understanding of where people who share my thinking are coming from:

  • January 6th, 2021, was overwhelmingly a peaceful protest that I personally participated in, peacefully, non-violently, non-destructively.
  • January 6th’s peaceful protest was eventually marred by some violence that was aggressively instigated by the police, Antifa, and a lot of now known federal agents who have been videotaped and identified.
  • Using video footage solely from the West Plaza and a couple doorways, January 6th as a whole, as an entire day start to finish, has been purposefully mis-described by the Democrat Party-owned mainstream media, Wikipedia, YouTube, Google, and other Leftist-aligned information outlets and social media companies. The purpose of their deliberate misinformation and censorship of rebuttals was to create a political narrative they could and did use against their political adversaries.
  • This false narrative about J6 served as a sort of “Reichstag Fire” moment that the incoming Biden Administration siezed upon to justify its unconstitutional draconian assault on anyone and everyone who was remotely involved with protesting at J6. Including peaceful people like me, who simply happens to hold non-Leftist views about government, governance, etc.
  • Much of the DOJ/FBI/DHS/ATF draconian abuse of their American political adversaries involved hyper-violent early morning no-knock raids on families in their homes. These outrageous raids have been widely reported in the non-legacy media, and almost completely censored in the establishment press.
  • Over a thousand non-violent Americans were violently scooped up in these dragnets, where dozens of heavily armed federal agents from FBI, DHS, ATF and DOJ would conduct military-style home invasions backed by armored cars and helicopters. Small children, pregnant wives, the targeted husband, grandmas, grandpas, were all handcuffed, taken outside in freezing winter conditions in their pajamas, abused, homes destroyed in unnecessary searches, etc. Families and homes and businesses were turned inside out because some protestor maybe committed a trespass violation.
  • The legal justification and basis for literally every one of these cases was one gigantic procedural violation and deprivation of constitutional due process after another after another. Illegal judge shopping, false affidavits, blank search warrants, false accusations, planted evidence, home security cameras turned off… if there was a potential violation of individual rights, the Biden DOJ/ FBI committed it almost as a signal of their lawless impunity and unaccountability.
  • Hundreds of innocent J6 political prisoners have languished in prisons and solitary confinement as a result of this lawlessness, including the lawlessness of corrupt federal prosecutors conspiring with political activist judges to deprive these victims of their due process rights.

It is in this context that I ask the question if all of the federal agents who engaged in these violent home invasions should be personally held accountable. After all, they must have known that they were not searching for some drug dealer or violent criminal. And yet they inflicted unbelievable and wildly unconstitutional harm on innocent American citizens.

As we learned at the end of World War Two, the whiny excuse “I was just following orders” doesn’t cut it, doesn’t excuse uniformed police and soldiers from their personal responsibility when committing crimes against unarmed civilians. And I believe there should be no excuse for the many federal agents who carried out these patently illegal raids.

Yesterday I emailed the FBI agent who came to my house in 2022, asking him who at FBI or DOJ had directed him to target me (screen shot of our email chain and his picture at our front door are below). His name, as he represents it on his business card, is Patrick Armor. Patrick and another FBI agent subsequently interviewed me in an attorney’s office. Despite stating up front that they believed I had done nothing criminal on J6, they quickly went for the jugular, trying to get me to say anything or give them pictures or photos that would incriminate me.

It was clear they were trying to get me to say anything they could later purposefully misconstrue as “lying to a federal agent.” Even though I had nothing to lie about and therefore would not lie. It was simply a procedural ruse to catch an innocent person on a “process crime.”

All in support of the establishment’s false J6 political narrative, to help them implement a full takedown of America.

These FBI agents were willfully, knowingly, aggressively trying to entrap innocent Americans like myself, so they could deprive us of our liberty, and then take away much, much more from us. Over the past four years many other FBI agents around America raided bank deposit boxes and private precious metals caches, pocketed the valuables, and rode off into the sunset, with no accountability. These public employees have been the tip of the spear aimed at destroying America’s democratic institutions and norms, our rule of law.

For four years thousands of Americans like myself sat waiting for our front door to be blasted open in the middle of the night, our homes to be violently raided, over at most a trespassing charge.

This unchecked lawlessness is pure evil, and it must be held to account. The people who both enabled and implemented this evil must be held accountable. Every single federal agent who was involved in hunting down J6 protestors must be investigated, prosecuted, and held accountable through the criminal law process. Same for their bosses and the judges who signed off on dubious warrants.

America has just endured four years of a sort of Rwanda, albeit I grant you not yet involving the outright mass butchery and genocide that the full Rwanda experience involved. But America was being set up for that to happen next, because the political enemies of the Democrat Party – concerned parents of school children, conservative Latin Mass-only Catholics, critics of transgender ideology, conservative Christians, political conservatives and constitutionalists and patriots and US military veterans…were all deemed to be “deplorable” and demonized and targeted.

So that our eventual liquidation would be acceptable and normal to everyone else.

In August 2022 I wrote here that America was going to need a truth and reconciliation commission. Well, we are hopefully about to begin that process. Holding the lawless and violent individual federal agents fully accountable will be just the beginning.

And one final thought: Every American should reject the Gestapo fascism that was being inflicted upon at least half of the country these past four years. While America’s borders were being purposefully left wide open and an illegal invasion was under way. And billions of taxpayer dollars were granted to American organizations aggressively and treasonsously trying to destroy America from within. If you are not mad about this, then you either are not paying attention, or you are part of the problem.

FBI Agent Patrick Armor speaking with my wife and daughter, at our home’s front door, June 2022


January 6th is the modern July 4th

January 6th is traditionally the date upon which the previous national election is certified in the US Congress, in Washington, DC, barring any discrepancies or challenges.

Certification implies a process, and any process implies steps and checks and balances. An election cannot possibly be automatically certified. What the hell would that rubber stamp prove? Certification in its fullest meaning means that all of the questions have been answered, any outstanding challenges have been resolved, and everyone or most of everyone involved is on board.

Certifiying an election means that it is a kosher product, unadulterated and without question legitimate.

And so while tomorrow Congress is supposed to stick around DC to certify President Donald Trump’s electoral success last November, it appears an imminent snow storm has sent most congresscritters squawking for shelter. Which leaves us with the opportunity to reflect upon just what meaning January 6th has taken on since the January 6th of 2021.

I participated in a peaceful protest in Washington, DC, on January 6th 2021. Originally gathering at the Washington Monument, around 1:40PM we eventually started walking down Constitution Avenue to the US Capitol, where we were supposed to peacefully show our displeasure at the obvious rubber stamping of a blatantly stolen 2020 election.

At this point, my memory of exactly where we ended up standing out in front of the Capitol is lost to the haze of time and age. However, I recall standing on a large stone plaza with a lot of other American patriots, many of whom waved American flags and other types of flags (Gadsden, many Trump themes, gay, Vietnamese) while peacefully milling around. We were facing the Capitol and about forty feet away was a line of metal barricades.

Out of the blue an unexpected and unearned rain of flashbangs and other explosive munitions were launched into our midst, while I personally watched peaceful protestors standing in front of the barricades get shot directly in their faces with explosives by the police officers who we thought were there to protect us from Antifa thugs (I saw several protestors with destroyed faces stumbling away from the barricades). I also watch police officers lean across the barricades and spray chemical irritants into the faces of peaceful protestors, as well as smash people in the head with their batons. I myself was shot many times with rubber bullets by a single determined police officer, who seemed to be trying to hit my face, but who instead hit my chest and shoulders (a picture of some of them below that I brought back with me).

Like many other peaceful protestors gathered around me, I was also gassed several times by pepper and tear gas munitions fired by the police out over the barricades and into our peaceful gathering. Being gassed is an awful experience. Mind you, none of us were doing anything but singing the national anthem and other patriotc songs, as well as breaking out into spontaneous chants of USA! USA! USA! We were standing exactly where we were supposed to be standing. We did not deserve to be shot, gassed, bludgeoned, or blown up by the police who were sworn to protect us.

The fallout from January 6th 2021 has only begun.

January 6th was nothing like the fake presentations done by the corrupt US House January 6th Committee, which dubbed in riot sounds over the silent CCTV footage they carefully cobbled together. Nothing like the ridiculous narrative told by the mainstream media. The vast majority of protestors on January 6th were peaceful, if ultimately shocked by the illegal brutality rained down upon them by uniformed police officers.

We expect a great deal of investigation to be done this year, into the official lawlessness and criminal police brutality we protestors experienced. Only a small handful of people were in or near the Capitol or its doorways, and only a handful engaged in real violence against the police. The rest of us deserve justice, and especially those political prisoners who have been languishing away without receiving a speedy trial, often in solitary confinement, since their violent arrests in 2021.

If American citizens receive huge pay-outs for minor injuries incurred from violent police officers, then what are people like me entitled to? My right eye still has a purple clot in it that I got from the gas or pepper spray on January 6th. I still carry emotional trauma from that violent experience, not to mention the several subsequent visits I received from FBI agents, who told me up front that I had committed no crimes on January 6th, but that they “just wanted to talk with me.” Like mafia goons. Their lawlessness is breathtaking.

Other Americans were seriously injured and permanently disabled by the police on that terrible day. The January 6th political prisoners have undergone years of torture and beatings in prison. All of these people deserve just compensation, and I really hope we will get it.

If nothing else, January 6th 2021 was the modern day Kent State or even the new July 4th (recall that on January 6th four protestors were killed by police, and zero police – none, nada – were killed by the protestors). We, The People stood up to the lawless thieves and power-hungry tyrants of our time, challenged their phony election certification, declared our ownership of the government they hijacked and our independence from their tyranny.

With the 2024 election of freedom-fighter Donald John Trump, we have ultimately prevailed, despite the legacy media constantly lying about us and about what really happened on January 6th, 2021.

I stood in the vicinity of the red scratch mark on the plaza

Rubber bullets that hit Josh 1/6/21


2024 in Review

Year 2024 was huge. So many changes for good have been achieved this past year. And despite big obstacles remaining for regular American citizens to overcome the Media-Military-Uniparty-Industrial Complex, I think we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

Back in 2008, the Tea Party started, right here in Central Pennsylvania, in response to then US senator Arlen Specter’s clear lack of principle. A town hall Specter was hosting erupted into widespread shouting and wide open frustration after just one person – Katy Abrams – stood up and denounced Specter’s loyalty to politics and self over the elementary interests of his PA constituents. It was the beginning of a grassroots voter rebellion against both the Republican Party establishment, and against the GOPe Uniparty.

That fight has taken on different names and wider meaning since 2008, including Tea Party Patriots, and then just Patriots, and Constitutional Patriots. By 2016 it was the Make America Great Again movement. Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign motto grew into the bipartisan/ nonpartisan “MAGA” take-your-government-back movement. MAGA includes a large portion of black and Hispanic voters, as well as frustrated whites of all income brackets, almost all rural voters, and growing numbers of disillusioned urbanites who bear a big burden living directly under failed Democrat Party policies.

This “populist” bottom-up political evolution-revolution has always been by and of We, The People, despite the Media-Military-Uniparty-Industrial Complex’s efforts to falsely brand it as “racist” or “homophobic” or whatever the silly name is du jour. Plenty of groups and organizations popped up to use, re-direct, or take advantage of our intense populist energy, like Americans For Prosperity. AFP was an early ally, then it merged with industry, and industry then went for open borders, and We, The People saw them as sellouts.

I ran for US Congress in 2009-2010, then state senate in 2012, and again in 2015 before dropping out from a bad hunting injury. Being part of this movement has been fascinating, frustrating, exhilirating, energizing, as well as draining tens of thousands of dollars from my own pockets. I always put my money where my mouth was, and believe now it was all well spent.

As a candidate, my political principles were those of America’s founding: Small, responsive, accountable government, and big citizen.

Because government exists solely for the benefit of We, The People, we are now heading into a direct head-on clash between the citizens who own the government – basically the Frankenstein federal bureaucracy, and the posh individual taxpayer-funded Marxist denizens of that Frankenstein bureaucratic behemoth.

Trump is our We, The People champion. Because Trump has suffered a martyr’s mistreatment as he seeks to return power, rights, and decision making to We, The People, he has taken on almost a god-like stature among so many people. The blatantly stolen 2020 election cemented what many Americans already knew in their gut, that we are in a deadly serious combat over raw power.

Despite intense censorship by government and corporations entangled together, new media outlets formed and grew wildly in response to the overtly corrupt establishment media. Americans are hungry for truth or at least an honest opinion. Now the alternative/ new media ecosystem is unbelievably rich, varied, diverse, and useful, while the useless old mainstream media is dying from its own self-inflicted wounds.

Looking back on 2024, it was a year of miracles, a year of difficult trials and tribulations, of intense fear and frustration, of growth and clarity. The difficultues made us Americans stronger. Despite facing immense odds in 2024, the good guys prevailed; hopefully, they are successful in 2025. Recall that some 65 million Americans voted for communism in 2024, so we clearly have real work to do. It remains to be seen if President Trump is as wise and willing to fight as we think he is. God knows, We, The People cannot afford to lose our combat with the Uniparty or its Frankenstein bureaucracy.

Only one of us can emerge victorious, and I hope it is the American citizenry and our Constitution.

[thanks to Ron Boltz for helping me remember a couple facts here]

[ps horrendous human being former failed US president James Carter became deceased in 2024, a net positive for America]


Take-aways from Trump’s historic WIN

Some take-aways from President Donald Trump’s historic win last night:

ONE: “Too Big to Rig” turned out not to be only a campaign slogan, but a very real and measurable goal. In swing states, including my own Pennsylvania, registering new Republican voters (hero Scott Presler registered something like 110,000 Amish) and getting them to vote made the difference between winning and losing. Getting regular “super voters” and new voters alike to bank their votes before Election Day via absentee and mail-in ballots also helped hugely. That way, when the Democrat Party tried to cheat, as they did last night with secret ballot dumps in Philly and Detroit, the votes were already in and counted, and …

TWO: Staying on top of the battlefield, so to speak, with hundreds of lawyers and poll watchers everywhere documenting everything across Pennsylvania (and other swing states) prevented the “enemy” from doing sneak attacks. Too many eyes and cameras watching in 2024, something we lacked in 2020.

When Centre County tried to stop vote counting last night, with promises to come back in the morning and pick up again, Republican National Committee lawyers were present and threatened to sue if Centre County violated state law. And so Centre County staffers put on their big boy pants and continued counting votes like every other professional polling place is supposed to do. This prevented Centre County (where I grew up, and which is home to Penn State University’s bazillion communist faculty and spoiled brat students) from sneaking in a bunch more secret ballots hidden somewhere and padding the vote results in favor of their preferred candidates, which happened a lot with the stolen 2020 election.

THREE: Mainstream legacy corporate media e.g. Reuters, ABC CBS NBC NPR PBS NYT CNNLOL WaPo MSNBC etc are now on the losing side of the info wars. No matter what these outlets say now, a majority of Americans do not trust them. Rather, a majority of Americans openly mock them because of their patently false and easily disprovable assertions and narratives. A big indication of how weak MSM sources have become is that they ALL have deleted their comment sections. No way for their readership or viewership to visibly fact-check them real time!

For decades these establishment fake news disseminators of malinformation, disinformation, and misinfornation have been the supposed “go-to” sources for accurate information. But as everyone now sees so clearly, these are not fair-minded arbiters of accuracy and truth. Rather, all of these outlets are plugged into one particular and very politically partisan source, probably Media Matters, from which these giant networks take their daily talking points and narratives. Watch one compilation of all the MSM personalities saying the exact same things on the same day, and you have seen all of the compilations done for decades now.

FOUR: As a result of the MSM’s willful if suicidal media malpractice serving as the open propaganda arm for the Democrat Party (and serving as the Kamala Harris campaign), the rise of the citizen journalist and alternative media is really just beginning. New they may be, these people are really effective, and they gave Trump a pathway to get around the MSM blocks and attacks on him.

Go to Rumble and meet some of the many political refugees kicked out of YouTube or FaceBook for the simple acts of violating leftwing political orthodoxy. Rumble’s political ecosystem is super rich and diverse, and you will hear a hundred or a thousand different opinions about the day’s events from funny people, smart people, scary people, people in their underpants, people wearing their underpants on their head, but frankly, any and all of them far better and much more honest and interesting and accurate than anything you will hear on CNN or ABC or NPR.

And don’t forget all of the bazillion podcasts on Apple, Spotify, etc., and all the talk radio shows, and the new newspapers like Epoch Times. Or Breitbart or Gateway Pundit.

In sum, the rise of the citizen journalist directly correlates with the fall of corporate media. I will bet the R2 of these two axis are probably 99% correlated. By consuming alternative sources of information in a free market place, Americans are showing their belief in the old Thomas Paine adage about the best antidote to bad information is not to shut it down, but to get more information, so that a person can make up their own mind about what is true, and what is false.

People who read and listen to alternative media are naturally curious individuals. People who drink out of the toilet and consume MSM like CNN and NPR are not intellectually curious people. It is a badge of honor to listen to diverse voices.

And for all the MSM lovers out there, if the MSM had simply done their job of reporting just the facts and all the facts, regardless of where they fell, then there would have been no need or demand for talk radio, or citizen journalism, or podcasts. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the New York Times is one gigantic, ridiculous, embarrassingly buck naked vacuum.

Truth is like water, it will keep moving around to find the lowest place, no matter how much you try to dam it up.

FIVE: Working polling places is effective. For many years I have compared the polls that I worked at on Election Day to other polling places, especially those with no one working, to see if my friendly outreach to voters coming in to vote has any real effect. It does, and I encourage everyone of any political party or interest group to participate in Election Day as a poll watcher. Not only does it give more information to prospective voters, it also brings more eyes to the polling place, which is the number one way to prevent vote fraud on Election Day.

SIX: Kamala Harris was not a compelling candidate when she ran in the primary last time, and she was not a compelling candidate yesterday, either. That she was hand-picked by party elites without one vote being cast for her by one citizen indicates a huge problem with American party politics. Do not kid yourself this is only the Democrat Party’s problem, this need for elites’ control is also big among the GOP. I.e. note how Trump was treated by the GOPe right up until a couple days ago, when it became clear he was going to win. They STILL hated him, for being his independent self.

SEVEN: Americans do not trust their government. For good reason. When your own government has abandoned you the lifelong taxpayer, in favor of flying in and letting in tens of millions of unvetted illegal aliens, and telling the truth about this invasion is treated harshly by the government created to protect you, the citizen, your government has become your enemy. Everyone sees it now.

And so, my own decision to abandon the US EPA in 1998, after seven years in Federal service there, becomes even more understandable to me now. Back then, I did not like what I was seeing, hearing, writing, saying, but I could not really put my finger wholly on the problem. Now, we all see the problems in both federal and state governments, and buddy, the meat cleaver must fall hard on the gangrenous parts. This was a big part of yesterday’s vote results.

EIGHT: Never underestimate the strength of well intentioned people determined to correct wrongdoing. When Elon Musk turned Twitter/X into a pretty free market of ideas and information, a huge pathway around the MSM and Silicon Valley tech media chokehold on information flow was disrupted. The rest of that is beautiful Robin Hood history. And when Scott Presler decided that he could not allow the stolen 2020 election to go unanswered, he devoted himself to tirelessly registering Republican voters in Pennsylvania and other swing states. The outcome of his incredible work bore obvious fruit last night.

Moral of this story: Fight, Fight, Fight for what you believe in. Never relent, never stop, never give up, no matter how sad or demoralized you might feel at any point.

America is worth building, and it was worth saving yesterday, whatever the cost.

Trump is the Resistance

When I was a very young person, I was exposed to a shocking bumper sticker in bright red letters on a white background, on the rear fender of a rusty rattletrap vehicle in front of us: “QUESTION AUTHORITY“.

How I hate to admit that much of my adult political philosophy was shaped by that one dumb, but true and fortuitously placed bumper sticker, at such a young age. Guessing around 1972-1973.

Well do I recall asking my dad (who was driving our car) what that bumper sticker statement up ahead meant, and how the young hippie gave me his explanation. Recall that this encounter and resulting discussion was during the very end of the Vietnam War. It was a time of great change in America, with young people like my hippie parents finding their own interests and cultural comfort zones, and questioning assumptions and everything they had grown up with.

To my dad, QUESTION AUTHORITY meant to question what the government was doing, as it was the ultimate authority, and could cause great damage if left to itself without citizen oversight. He also told me it meant to question what people with authority and power and self-interest anywhere are doing, including teachers and policemen, to ask what corporations are doing, what drug companies and pesticide companies are doing, and so on. To my dad, and then to me, the bumper sticker (which I can still see now in my mind’s eye as clear as the day I first saw it) was the original fact check, an encouragement to think for myself.

It was the original statement of resistance against “The Man.”

“The Man” being the euphemistic hierarchichal boss overseeing all aspects of American (or any other country) government, industry, and culture.

Well, well, well, how times have changed.

Now, those once-young hippies run the government, the teacher’s unions, the drug and pesticide companies. They are The Man, they are in control, they do not want to let go, and brother they tolerate zero questioning of their authority. Their political orthodoxy is absolute and stifling. They tolerate no dissent. It seems once they had achieved power and control over all of the institutions and levers of power and decisionmaking, the once-young hippies settled into cruelly enforcing their views. The same views that once encouraged people to question authority.

But don’t you dare question their authority!

Yes, this irony seems lost on the hippies, but what is most curious is how few young Americans today want to question authority, to think for themselves. Instead, I see a huge proportion of American young people as mass produced, cookie cutter stamped young authoritarians coming out of the very industrialized education system. They do not question authority, rather they aspire to be the authority, the unquestioned, the duly obeyed.

Against the enormous array of completely corrupted and highly organized power and authority – the media, academia, entertainment, government schools, corporate America, Silicon Valley, the United Nations, both political parties in Washington DC, etc. stands One Man, who is questioning authority.

Against this incredible array of raw power and exploitative money stands Donald Trump, Our Man, the very image of resistance against The Man, of the American citizen standing against corrupt power.

The fact that so many young Americans do not identify with the underdog resistance the way the hippies did in 1972, the way healthy young people normally do, but rather so many desire to bully the underdog, to crush the resistance, to blot it out, to sadistically damage, cancel, hurt and destroy the underdog resistance, so that their own authority shall not be questioned, is a very bad sign. These are sick children.

To all the un-sick young Americans out there: Donald Trump is the resistance. He is the symbol of The People’s rebellion against the evil empire in Washington, DC. He is the underdog representing all of the forgotten little people in America, the forgotten workers and forgotten taxpayers, questioning the authority of terrible people, and he is battling against terrible forces of great evil and destruction. He deserves your support.

If you want to fight against the evil empire, join forces with Donald Trump. He needs you. America needs you. We have just a week remaining to save the galaxy, your galaxy, your future.

Project 2025 & Hawk Tuah Girl

Liberals are not “crazy” or “idiots” or “stupid.” Liberals/ woke/ PC/ Democrats just see the world differently than people who want to survive.

While the political Left is not very religious, it is messianic about the coming role of big government that has to happen for the world to be perfected, in their view. Most leftists decry socialism, and earnestly deny they are socialists, but the policies they want are all socialist. And leftists are OK with or will look the other way from the brutal anti-freedom actions and crushing societal dominoes falling that need to happen for leftist policies to be implemented.

So I don’t think leftists/ Democrats are “crazy” or “idiots.” They just see the world really differently than I do. And I believe that their policies are either overtly communist or are going to naturally usher in communism, which is the end of a free America.

Why leftists/ Democrats think this way is confusing to me. America is a pretty great place to live, the best place, actually. So why screw it all up? As radio host Mark Levin pointed out last year, the Democrat Party is now the party of big government. It sure is NOT the “party of the common man, the little guy.” That ended a long time ago when Silicone Valley, Wall Street, Corporate America, mainstream media, academia, teacher’s unions, federal government, etc all fell into the Democrat Party partisan orbit.

There is no room in that elitist orbit for the common man, the little guy, the electrician or auto worker. His sole role is to work hard, pay taxes, obey the elites’ arbitrary laws and diktats, and feed that hungry constellation of interests with his union dues and taxes.

And I say all this because of not yet meeting one leftist / Democrat (in my entire life) who is able or willing to engage with me in a calm, sustained, analytical discussion about politics or economics. Without fail, the leftists/ Democrats in my family, life circle, work world all quickly become hostile, defensive, begin to yell, and cannot have a civil discussion when their ideas are questioned. They go from a calm 0 to a set-you-on-fire 100 in about twenty seconds.

Probably because Leftists/ Democrats are thinking with their emotions – the exciting feeling release of dopamines when their brains’ neural pathways smoothly flow with the perfect messianic mantra of Democrat Party political words and promises of utopian Nirvana on earth in our lifetimes. If only with higher taxes and less damned freedom in the way. How dare I drop a turd into the punchbowl at their dopamine party and screw everything up that just feels so good with my annoying numbers ‘n stuff?

Something like that.

Again, leftists/ Democrats are not stupid, or dumb, or idiots, they are emotional thinkers uncomfortable with the boring numbers and cold logic of conservatives. These are two ships passing one another in the night, and never the twain shall meet. Except they do tend to meet at Antietam, Gettysburg, Bull Run and let’s not remind ourselves of where this fracture naturally goes and flows.

So when the cold, annoying numbers of “Project 2025” suddenly burst on the national scene, it was the leftists/ Democrats who were the first to chimp out and draw attention to it. Literally no one else in America had heard of Project 2025, most especially the Republicans and conservatives who had their faces smooshed into it by Democrat mainstream media accusations. President Trump plainly said “I have no idea what you are talking about. I have never heard of Project 2025 and no idea what it is.” He was speaking for all of us. It was true.

The fierce leftist/ Democrat accusation being that mean old Project 2025 was Trump’s own personal policy agenda. And apparently this policy agenda really sucked for Democrats because it was full of annoying numbers ‘n stuff. Zero emotion. Ergo it must be bad, must be destroyed, and everyone associated with it or who could be thrown onto the bonfire with it.

Like Trump and everyone else around me (to many people in my personal life and work circle I am “Mister Republican” and “the political guy” who people call, email, and approach on the work site to talk about politics) I had no idea what Project 2025 was when the mainstream media went crazy with it. Like I just said, and which you can see for yourself with the link above, it is just a bunch of wishful wonky policy gobbledegook by the policy nerds at the Heritage Foundation, a thinktank in Washington, DC. But Project 2025 served as the scary harsh foil and mean boogie man for the Democrats’ happy happy joy joy joy approach to politics.

While all of this oh-so-crazy hullaballoo was happening about Project 2025 and Elon Musk live interviewing President Trump and other really just terribly awful things that ruin emotional thinkers’ days and America too, some cute young lady was overheard in public talking about (sorry folks, this is actually real) spitting on a man’s p*nis.

You just go hawk tuah, and spit on that thang,” said Haliey Welch, joking around in her Southern Tennessee twang.

And just like that, an American star was born. No lie, Haliey Welch, a pretty and nice enough young lady who lives with her memaw in a farming community in rural Tennessee, became a rock star. An influencer. Big time. With lawyers, and agents, a team, and trademarks and intellectual property contracts and lawsuits and millions to be made. Overnight, Haliey Welch went from 0 to 100 in about one week. That’s probably measured in millions, not miles per hour.

And you know what? Hawk Tuah stickers and tee shirts and emblems and flags are now everywhere in America. Nobody knows what the hell the phrase means, until you look it up on the computer chip implanted in your hand while driving behind a truck with Hawk Tuah on their back window in the grocery store parking lot, and you then say out loud in your most shocked emotional thinking voice possible “Is that really what the hell that means?!

So get this straight, my fellow Americans: Project 2025 is very, very naughty, and everyone who can be accused of being associated with it is also very naughty. Hurt them, destroy them, go chimp out on them and get all sadistic on them. But Hawk Tuah? Why that is happy happy joy joy joy! Wahoo, let the good times roll.

Everybody get a Hawk Tuah tee shirt on, a cold beer in hand, and smile and laugh, and just feel good for whatever reason enters into your brain at that moment. Mom and dad buy all the groceries and pay all the bills, and college tuition is gonna be free one way or another, and man is life good in America.

Ain’t America in great shape?

Excuse me while I hawk tuah on the ground.



“Conspiracy theories” keep coming true

The phrase “conspiracy theory” was first hatched at the New York Times in 1863 during the height of the American Civil War (between the slave-owning racist Democrats and the anti-slavery pro-freedom Republicans) to describe the actual and very real effort of British aristocrats to undermine and weaken the Union cause.

Conspiracy theory” then became became a regular leftist epithet after the 1963 JFK assassination, used a great deal by the New York Times especially, to cast mocking doubt on Americans skeptical of the obvious cover-up and ridiculous official narrative surrounding JFK’s murder. Thereafter, simply calling someone a conspiracy theorist was usually sufficient to relegate their concerns to the far fringes of polite society, which prefers its official lies aggressively mixed, not stirred, and shut them up.

Today, this shallow mocking insult, “conspiracy theory,” is a routine crutch in the Democrat Party’s mainstream establishment corporate media. It is used almost daily to cast uncritical doubt on legitimate concerns or incisive questions raised by the Democrat Party’s political opponents.

A quick glance at its definition at Brittannica yields a really laugh-out-loud nonsense attempt to call true life experiences “conspiracy theories”: “On the right, McCarthyism promoted paranoid notions of communist infiltration of American institutions; QAnon, popular among fanatical supporters of U.S. Pres. Donald Trump (2017–21), alleged that prominent Democrats were part of an international cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, cannibals, and child murderers; and replacement theory claimed that prominent Democrats and other elites were attempting to replace America’s white population with nonwhite immigrants.” 

For the record, Senator Joe McCarthy was 100% correct about communist infiltration of American institutions, as proven by the near 100% communist takeover of every American institution today, including the media, academia, Hollywood, corporate America, both political parties and especially the Democrat Party, the education, legal, and medical establishments etc etc etc. So no “conspiracy theory” here, just an actual, measurable, visible conspiracy that has been successfully implemented.

And for the record, setting aside Brittannica’s unprofessional and heavily ideological editorializing about “fanatical Trump supporters,” Qanon was a whole bunch of things, and in my observation hardly any of the things listed at Brittannica. It was mostly just this weird belief that a secret group of senior military officers and intel spooks were waging a war against the evil political establishment. Qanon was so ill-defined that it was everything and nothing, depending upon whomever you talked to.

Here at this blog, I said Qanon appeared to be a Chinese psy-op aimed at demoralizing and fracturing American conservatives, which now years later, a lot of conservatives are coming around to believing. Whatever Qanon believers thought it was, it is now evident it was not.

It is also evident now that Jeff Epstein’s island was a destination for many Democrat politicians to engage in pedophile sex with underage girls. No theory about it, the flight logs and outspoken victims’ testimony have confirmed it.

And again for the record, “replacement theory” is not a theory, it is an avowed and heavily promoted policy by elected Democrats and their media mouthpieces. Due to having alienated the American voters with America-Last policies, the Democrat Party must now import new voters to hold onto power.

No one has heaped more brutal mockery on this false claim that citizen replacement is not happening than Dan Bongino. Bongino’s routine playing of the medley of mainstream media  talking heads all curiously saying the phrase “demographics is destiny” would be hilarious except that leftists at Brittannica and wikipedia etc keep pretending that they are not saying what they are saying all the time.

The real proof of Democrats using foreign illegal aliens to replace American citizens is that the Democrat Party just last week overwhelmingly voted against the SAVE Act, which would make it illegal for non-citizens to vote in American elections. Joe Biden has said he will veto the SAVE Act if it gets to his desk, and his administration is working with a dozen state governors to create opportunities for illegal aliens to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. Sure looks like Democrats want those illegals to vote for them!

In other words, the so-called replacement theory is not a theory, it is in fact a very real policy goal of the Left, and is the sole cause of our borders being wide open with millions of illegal invaders pouring over. The Democrat Party just wants to cheat, and to spam our elections with millions of illegal ballots and illegal votes, so they can win every election and have complete power. That’s all….

So, today’s so-called conspiracy theory out of Butler, PA, is quite obviously a very real conspiracy:

  • Why did the Secret Service so visibly and openly allow Thomas Crooks to stand up with a scoped rifle and get off a bunch of shots at President Trump before shooting Crooks?
  • How was Thomas Crooks allowed to crawl up onto a building in plain sight of the audience members (who were yelling at the police and Secret Service staff about it) that should have had Secret Service agents on it, but didn’t?
  • Why was basic protection protocol not followed?
  • Did the Democrats’ effort to legislatively strip President Trump of his Secret Service protection contribute towards an apparently purposeful reduction of actual Secret Service protection for President Trump?

No theory here. The facts on the ground and on the many videos recorded real-time demonstrate that would-be assassin Thomas Crooks appeared to be working in synch with the Secret Service agents who were present at the Butler PA speech venue. That’s not a theory, it is patently evident.

Funny how all these so-called “conspiracy theories” keep coming true. The facts are right in front of us. Turns out these activities are not theories, but cold facts. Now, the big question is WHY this is so…


One dad’s Father’s Day question to young Americans

Hi kids. Today is Father’s Day, a card company-inspired day for Americans to spend money on things like cards and gifts. It is a blatantly commercial event, but in the grand scheme of things, there are worse things to celebrate than fatherhood. Like an entire month dedicated to a person’s private sexual practices. I can make a strong case for June being Gardening Month.

Along with Motherhood, Fatherhood has been the guiding idea of the healthy and safe human family for probably close to a hundred thousand years: Physical protection from predatory animals and humans, life guidance in a world full of pitfalls and confusion, passing on skills and knowledge in a competitive world where making a living to stay alive and out of poverty is not easy. In short, fathers have been the other half of a successful family since the dawn of our species.

So don’t forget to call, email, text, or send a card to your dad today. Show some appreciation, even if your dad is occasionally foolish, an assh*le, selfish, whatever. The truth is, this man created you (with your mother), and you are here only because of him. Your life exists because of him.

So, in my role as a dad I have a question for the young people in America right now: Why are any of you supporting the main source of uncertainty that you face in the world’s greatest nation?

America went from a powerful and successful economy in 2020 to a continued and purposeful self-destructive free-fall from 2021 to today, with high inflation that eats away at the value of the Dollar in your pocket, fewer and fewer jobs, fewer good jobs, higher fees and taxes, millions of illegal invaders pouring over our borders who impose huge costs directly on you, and a huge amount of uncertainty now facing you.

There is just one source for all of this uncertainly: The political Left, which includes the mainstream media, academia, the government schools, the teacher’s unions, government bureaucracies, and the Democrat Party.

Not to mention all of the censorship, the attempt to control your words, your thoughts, your freedom to spend your money the way you want, your freedom to travel when and how you want. I could go on, but there is just one source for all of this effort to control everything you do and think and say: The political Left.

You say that abortion is your number one issue? Why? What on earth makes you feel empowered about ending the life of another person on demand, on a whim, without any thought or consideration? Don’t you think this is a weak approach to a literal life-and-death issue?

Did your parents treat you like a whim and just tear your little body apart and flush you down a drain? No, because you are here reading these words, probaby because your Father and Mother valued you and your presence on Planet Earth as a living human.

And if you think abortion is a constitutional issue, well, that has been dealt with in recent years. You can choose to live in a state that supports abortion on demand, if that is what is most important to you. As a dad, I find this a confusing motivator, but each to her own…just how many abortions do you plan on having?

For the constitutionally uneducated, abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, mostly because abortion was frowned upon for the vast amount of human existence. Especially in 1787, when the Constitution was being ratified. Children (like you, who were not aborted and are therefore reading these words here and now) were almostly always welcome, not seen as burdens.

But the argument can and has been made that abortion involves some self-rule over one’s body, because the Constitution blocks the government from having unfettered access to your person, place, and things, and it is hard to argue with that on principle. And so abortion has become legal in many places. This is the Yin and Yang of a dynamic America.

Consider how your perception of abortion rights compares to the general mainstream media discussion of self defense and firearm rights, which the Second Amendment expressly says “...shall not be infringed...” while in Pennsylvania our state constitution says the right to own and carry firearms “...shall not be questioned...” Universal abortion rights are presented as absolute and unquestioned, despite being found nowhere in our founding documents or debates, while the mainstream media complex constantly presents private citizens owning guns as completely up for debate, even though this is an actual right expressly enshrined in our founding documents.

This has been a bit of a digression from our initial question above, but the point has to be made, especially for young people: How you perceive yourself and your rights and your freedom and opportunities is largely influenced by the far-Left that has a death grip on academia, schools, and media.

As a loving dad on Father’s Day today, I encourage the young people who have stumbled upon this essay to really consider your future. Think hard and long about the causes of your scary future and the bedrock support most of us get from our family and dad. The political Left and its primary agent, the Democrat Party, is at war with family, with motherhood, with fatherhood, with your economic future and your personal freedoms and choices.

Everyone else is extending a helping hand to you. This essay is my way, as a loving, caring and understanding father, of helping you young people get your bearings. You know this, and you should vote like you know this.

To all the dads out there: Today we all salute you, and thank you, for doing your best to help guide us through our life.

“Higher Education” is dead

What was over-generously called “higher education” since the 1950s, when a college degree became the American standard and cultural norm for most coastal kids and the middle-America elites, has died. Also known as “the academy” and “academia” and the “ivory tower,” colleges and universities across America have just collectively rolled over, died, and begun to stink badly like the unburied rotting corpses they are.

How did this entire nation-wide network of institutions suddenly give up the ghost? Because of a known but unanswered, unaddressed, uncured cancerous rot inside of it that began in the 1920s, and hit its zenith in the past few weeks. The cancerous rot metastesized, spread throughout the body of each college and university, and finally killed the host. We who are reading this essay now have with our own eyes just witnessed the mass die-off of the species once known as higher education. We have seen it happen on the news, in first-hand documentary reports by participants and observers alike, on social media, and in the first-hand experiences college kids have relayed back to their friends and families.

What happened?

To start with, “higher education” became neither higher, nor education. Instead of having quantifiably elite thinkers spending time carefully training students measurable skills, especially critical thinking skills designed to have well-trained students capable of unemotionally resolving complex problems, colleges long ago began indoctrinating students with toxic cultural slogans and bullsh*t political narratives.

Such indoctrination strips away the thin veneer of Western Civilization, and appeals to the most base animal instincts all humans have, and which Westerners have long since buried deep and far away from our daily lives. This indoctrination taps into the most raw feelings of hate, anger, and a sadistic desire for personal retribution that people can have. We saw the full results of this indoctrination in the Nazi gas chambers and concentration camps, the Socialist Soviet gulags, the killing fields of Cambodian communist Pol Pot. Nazis and Communists alike enjoyed the help of children denouncing their own parents, because the toxic indoctrination was so deep.

This indoctrination in America began in the 1920s with the penetration of Marxists and communists into education at all levels, as they appealed to normal people’s acceptance of strange versions of “fairness” and “compassion.” And after that, the cancer simply metastesized and spread. Sure, we had some heroes like Senator Joseph McCarthy who tried to warn Americans about what was happening. But McCarthy and other patriots like him who tried to diagnose and treat the cancer were shouted down and shamed by the mass media and entertainment industries, which before the academy had already been penetrated and quietly occupied by Marxists and Communists. Who spread the indoctrination in their own way.

So over the past few months and weeks, Americans have watched the result of all the indoctrination in every single academic field, to the point where even math is said to be “racist.” The premier, most elite, “best” examples of so-called higher education literally emerged in the past weeks from decades of politicized hiring and indoctrination as living examples of Lord of the Flies. Amid hysterical shreiks of young women and mooing noises of young men, civilization is tossed overboard while students, faculty, and administrators alike contort into a frenzied violent orgy of racist hate and anti-American slogans.

These schools are not institutions of higher thinking, high principles, or anything else rooted in Western Civilization. They are now hives of terrorist training. And the shreiks and moos of bratty, spoiled children.

Best representative examples include former Harvard president, Claudine Gay, engaging in pathetic moral relativism in Congress, only to then get outed as a serial plagiarist and lose her president job, but then keep her $900,000 a year job “teaching” utter garbage and subjective nonsense at Harvard. To save her feelings, if not her students. Everything that happened around and after the Claudine Gay Incident revealed Harvard to be the exact opposite of an elite institution. Claudine Gay’s humiliation was months ago, before the nationwide college campus hatefest and orgy of violence began.

Another example is the nationwide college campus hatefest and orgy of violence we all get to see every day now. It’s not just that a few radicalized young people are doing this destructive assault on our civilization. It is that large portions of the students are enabled by their faculty and administrators alike to act like savage wild beasts. That is, those adults (the college professors and administrators) who are supposedly the best embodiment of elite education and higher values are themselves actual Nazis and communist Stalinists, all rolled into one angry, bizarre, gobbledigook speaking and acting person.

(To say nothing of the daily neo-Nazi Islamofascist violence visited upon major capitol cities worldwide. Especially on bridges and major city streets, and often filled with the same students, faculty, and administrators that are seen and felt on campus.)

Instead of using their leadership roles to diffuse the illegal and policy-breaking violence and racism, the college professors and administrators enable and promote it, usually joining the overgrown children themselves. And often repeating or teaching the overgrown children the indoctrination’s disinformation, lies, and fake political narratives at the core of the “protest” activities. And so, we see a total vertical breakdown of almost all “higher education” institutions, from the highest overpaid and underworked administrator to the untenured part time adjunct faculty to the first year middle income spoiled brat: Everyone involved in college today is a useless windbag with no discernable skills or value to larger society, but full of disinformation coming out of their ears.

But boy, do those “higher education” institutions sure charge a lot of money! What a scam!

Now that the mask is off, and we Americans see what a load of horse crap a college “education” is, here is what we can learn and apply:

  1. Parents: Don’t send your children or your hard-earned money to college, unless your child has a high aptitude for math, science, or technology, and will only study those subjects.
  2. Parents: Don’t expect your college graduate children to be able to do much for themselves or for society or for you, but to actually be a liability.
  3. Parents: Explore trade school for your kid. And if your kid does not have an aptitude for math, science, or technology, then teach them yourself how to work hard, save money, forego immediate gratification, and to plan ahead. Help them find a job where they can be themselves and succeed.
  4. College-age kids: Question authority and motive, especially of your teachers and their administrators, and always respect and appreciate your parents. And whatever you do, don’t go to college, because your brain will end up as dead and useless as those “higher education” institutions have become, and you will end up as a dumb loser with high debt for something that did not benefit you. Yes, you might feel that being throw-away cannon fodder for the anti-America movement is exciting, but this is only a flash of a moment. After this is over, your reputation will be in tatters and your future will be a big question mark. Your future will be as dead as the college that made it.




Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin

I have watched the fascinating interview with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin by journalist Tucker Carlson, and if you have any interest in world politics, you should watch it too, right here.

So the mainstream establishment politically partisan leftwing activist media, and their political members like Hillary Clinton, have all piled on Tucker Carlson for doing this interview. I don’t see why, except that the establishment media is jealous, or maybe afraid. Unlike the establishment media people, Tucker Carlson doesn’t ask softball questions or act like a fawning stooge.

He asked logical questions of Putin that visibly provoked Putin quite a few times. In fact, Tucker Carlson asked questions I would not necessarily have thought of, like if it is OK to carve up modern Ukraine among its former occupiers, as Putin stated, then is Putin advocating for giving northern Ukraine to Viktor Orban’s Hungary? Would Putin be ok with Poland taking a big piece of Ukraine, too?

Putin did not like those questions! He oh-so-very-clearly dislikes being challenged and is not used to it.

For his part, Putin was fascinating. He gave an impressive recitation of Eastern European history, beginning at the year 862, from memory. While I have studied the history of Europe a lot, I do not think I could give you all of the “who kicked Mary and who hit John” moments that make up the chaotic past and present of Eastern Europe, much less Western Europe, from memory.

One area that Putin was clearly not being truthful about was this “Denazification” of Ukraine justification-excuse for invading Ukraine. Yes, there were Nazi collaborators in World War II. There were also Ukrainian Communists in World War II. Russia also committed a genocide-by-forced-starvation against Ukraine, called the Holomodor, in great part in retaliation for atrocities committed by Ukrainians against Russians not too long before. There is indeed a long history of blood and feuds here.

Putin also stated that Poland collaborated with the Nazis in World War II. Yes, the same 1939 Poland that was invaded and crushed by the German Nazis, supposedly did it on purpose to help Germany. Despite the fact that it was the Soviet Russians who committed the Katyn Massacre of the Polish elite. Obviously Poland did not welcome or collaborate with the German Nazis, but Putin says they did, and moreover, that the Poles were themselves Nazis.

This is nonsense. It is not factual.

But, like I say, you have to hear this interview yourself to understand how the Russians really think, or at least how they want you to believe they think.

Whether or not Putin actually believes his own propaganda, it doesn’t matter. He says it, and to me it sounds crazy, but I will bet that a lot of other Russians believe the same things. Which is why these interviews and dialogues are so important.  We humans should strive to understand one another. Or at least lie to each other, mutually. Some sort of understanding emerges, and if it prevents bloodshed, cruelty, and crying children and destroyed civilizations, then probably for the good.

Putin very clearly has a passion for the region and for Russia, which is to his credit. Because the one thing that has caught the fancy of a lot of Americans is that Putin loves his homeland Russia. If there is one thing that at least half of America admires it is an appreciation for one’s nation, and so Putin’s clear love of Mother Russia resonates with them.

Putin’s love of country, to the point of waging an illogical, incredibly destructive, and probably illegal invasion-war against Ukraine, is something we no longer see in America’s politicians.  No, America’s politicians are largely fat globalists, citizens of the world, moral relativists who enter Congress worth fifty cents and who are then worth $29,000,000 three terms later. American politicians love money, not America, and they are allowing America to be invaded. American politicians are selling America to the highest bidders, most especially Joe Biden, whose literal name Joe Biden is all over illegal bribe and graft checks and money wires written by Chinese businessmen to him and his son Hunter Biden.

Putin doesn’t put up with traitors, which a lot of Americans find refreshing and wish would be the norm once again here in America.

Putin gave his perspective on his region’s history, which is obviously from his own view. I know for a fact that asking a Ukrainian citizen will result in a different view on a few of those same exact facts. Same goes for people from Poland, Lithuania, Finland and many other nations around there. For the past few hundred years at least, that big grizzly bear Russia has had its grip tightly on so many of its neighbors. And from the Russian perspective, this is normal and perfectly fine. If you are Kazakh, or Tajik, or some other ethnicity, you probably disagree with Russia’s actions.

One of the regions that Russia invaded and absolutely stomped to pieces in recent times, unarmed civilians and all, was Chechnya. Back before YouTube became all censorship oriented, you could watch actual video footage of Russian soldiers laughingly executing unarmed Chechen civilians in their ragged clothing, mothers and fathers, grandmas, and then walking on to the next rustic stone farmhouse and doing it all over again. I really defy anyone to try to justify this barbaric behavior. Same goes for Ukraine now.

And Putin complains that the CIA was responsible for Chechnya’s response…

Other items that fascinated me are Putin’s view on his experience squaring off against and sometimes trying to work with the CIA and American political leadership over the decades. He seems genuinely flummoxed why American leaders and bureaucrats alike do not trust Russia, even post-Soviet Russia. It is helpful to me to closely watch Putin’s face as he voices his disbelief, and his reluctant acceptance of realpolitik, over the proxy wars and NATO maneuvering along Russia’s borders.

Maybe he really does believe what he is saying.

Long ago, a friend of mine who taught Russian history and military doctrine at the US Army War College in Carlisle, PA, pointed out that over its long history Russia has never had democracy or representative government. Russian culture has always favored some sort of headman, dictator, Tsar, whatever, and so, believe it or not, today’s Russia with all of its obvious problems, and its journalists being thrown out of windows, is still relatively open and free compared to its history and its potential now and future.

In other words, as ruthless dictators go, Putin is not so bad. He could be a lot worse.

In any event, Tucker Carlson has done a good deed here. He sat down and had an honest-to-goodness real and very long interview with a head of state that no one in the American political-media establishment wants us to hear from.

You should ask Why the American political-media establishment wants us to be shut off from Putin’s perspective. Is it because so many American bureaucrats and politicians have been privately and very illegally benefiting from Ukraine’s oil and gas business, and from its illegal bioweapon labs set up at the behest of Dr. Mengele Fauci and American Big Pharma companies? These illegal relationships have been coming to light in the past few years, mostly now as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Watch the interview, and be thankful that a free America still exists in part, despite the Biden Regime’s best efforts to turn America into a violent police state, and freedom never being free and having to be occasionally renewed by the blood of patriots and tyrants alike.

UPDATE: Tucker Carlson goes food shopping in Moscow. Whoa.