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2024 in Review

Year 2024 was huge. So many changes for good have been achieved this past year. And despite big obstacles remaining for regular American citizens to overcome the Media-Military-Uniparty-Industrial Complex, I think we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

Back in 2008, the Tea Party started, right here in Central Pennsylvania, in response to then US senator Arlen Specter’s clear lack of principle. A town hall Specter was hosting erupted into widespread shouting and wide open frustration after just one person – Katy Abrams – stood up and denounced Specter’s loyalty to politics and self over the elementary interests of his PA constituents. It was the beginning of a grassroots voter rebellion against both the Republican Party establishment, and against the GOPe Uniparty.

That fight has taken on different names and wider meaning since 2008, including Tea Party Patriots, and then just Patriots, and Constitutional Patriots. By 2016 it was the Make America Great Again movement. Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign motto grew into the bipartisan/ nonpartisan “MAGA” take-your-government-back movement. MAGA includes a large portion of black and Hispanic voters, as well as frustrated whites of all income brackets, almost all rural voters, and growing numbers of disillusioned urbanites who bear a big burden living directly under failed Democrat Party policies.

This “populist” bottom-up political evolution-revolution has always been by and of We, The People, despite the Media-Military-Uniparty-Industrial Complex’s efforts to falsely brand it as “racist” or “homophobic” or whatever the silly name is du jour. Plenty of groups and organizations popped up to use, re-direct, or take advantage of our intense populist energy, like Americans For Prosperity. AFP was an early ally, then it merged with industry, and industry then went for open borders, and We, The People saw them as sellouts.

I ran for US Congress in 2009-2010, then state senate in 2012, and again in 2015 before dropping out from a bad hunting injury. Being part of this movement has been fascinating, frustrating, exhilirating, energizing, as well as draining tens of thousands of dollars from my own pockets. I always put my money where my mouth was, and believe now it was all well spent.

As a candidate, my political principles were those of America’s founding: Small, responsive, accountable government, and big citizen.

Because government exists solely for the benefit of We, The People, we are now heading into a direct head-on clash between the citizens who own the government – basically the Frankenstein federal bureaucracy, and the posh individual taxpayer-funded Marxist denizens of that Frankenstein bureaucratic behemoth.

Trump is our We, The People champion. Because Trump has suffered a martyr’s mistreatment as he seeks to return power, rights, and decision making to We, The People, he has taken on almost a god-like stature among so many people. The blatantly stolen 2020 election cemented what many Americans already knew in their gut, that we are in a deadly serious combat over raw power.

Despite intense censorship by government and corporations entangled together, new media outlets formed and grew wildly in response to the overtly corrupt establishment media. Americans are hungry for truth or at least an honest opinion. Now the alternative/ new media ecosystem is unbelievably rich, varied, diverse, and useful, while the useless old mainstream media is dying from its own self-inflicted wounds.

Looking back on 2024, it was a year of miracles, a year of difficult trials and tribulations, of intense fear and frustration, of growth and clarity. The difficultues made us Americans stronger. Despite facing immense odds in 2024, the good guys prevailed; hopefully, they are successful in 2025. Recall that some 65 million Americans voted for communism in 2024, so we clearly have real work to do. It remains to be seen if President Trump is as wise and willing to fight as we think he is. God knows, We, The People cannot afford to lose our combat with the Uniparty or its Frankenstein bureaucracy.

Only one of us can emerge victorious, and I hope it is the American citizenry and our Constitution.

[thanks to Ron Boltz for helping me remember a couple facts here]

[ps horrendous human being former failed US president James Carter became deceased in 2024, a net positive for America]


Veterans Day 2024, what does it mean?

The easy answer to the question of what Veterans Day 2024 means is that it means the same thing it has meant since the end of World War I (the Great War) in November, 1918, and that it has meant since becoming an official national holiday in 1938, on the cusp of the World War II: Thank you to our military Veterans, many of whom risked everything, life and limb, to protect us in the Homeland.

Every successful nation in human history has celebrated its military veterans. Some more than others, as many of history’s most aggressive empires were fueled by mere mercenaries bent on looting their victims. Some nations elevated military vets to hero status, including the Russians, the Japanese, and the ancient Spartans. America has a moderate tradition of showing thanks and respect to the men and women who keep our borders free of….invaders…wait, that didn’t happen over the past four years, did it…Well, anyhow, America has a staid and even-headed tradition of showing our thanks to our military Veterans.

That even Democrats have until recently participated in this holiday shows how broadly it was a core part of our national identity.

However, given recent reports that senior US military officers in the Pentagon are conspiring to undermine, subordinate, deflect, delay, and blunt their incoming Commander in Chief’s orders gives every patriot pause. What on earth has happened to the American military that there are constitutionally sworn officers so brazenly willing to violate the chain of command?

As we would expect, these treasonous, insubordinate, oath-breaking military officers are couching their illegal plot in terms of not following President Trump’s “illegal orders.” Whatever that means. I mean, when did President Trump ever give an illegal order to the military? And mind us all, these traitor officers are the. same. people. who just championed and pushed through a new Dept. of Defense policy allowing US military personnel to shoot to kill US citizens. I mean, didn’t this on-its-face illegal policy violate the Posse Comitatus Act? So, these traitors’ definition of “illegal order” is likely to include just about anything President Trump says.

[if you do an internet search of Pentagon directive 5240.01, you will find a ridiculous retinue of false fact checks by Politico, Snopes, Reuters et al by all the usual lying fake news scoundrels]

So just on the face of what we are hearing, the US military is now filled with heavily indoctrinated, politicized, left-wing ideological officers who are hostile to the US Constitution, hostile to the chain of command, hostile to a Commander in Chief who they disagree with. This sure looks like mass insurrection to me, because the military is always supposed to be run by the civilian leadership. There is no excusing this activity, if in fact it is true in any way, because it is yet another dagger aimed at the heart of America, as we were founded.

So in this view of things, the role of US military Veterans takes on a whole new perspective. One wonders if there is not some near future role for the old military officers from the distant and not so distant past. When President Trump takes office on January 20, 2025, one of his first actions must be the wholesale demotion and expulsion from uniform as many of the participants in these lawless and patently insurrectionist activities as can be identified. Courts martial must immediately follow. If the long ongoing communist indoctrination at West Point is as bad as it looks, and the Air Force Academy, as well, very few current military officers can be left in uniform. America will need leaders to take their positions, and what better pool to draw from than those retired elders who already served honorably and patriotically, as opposed to the domestic enemies within who are currently in the Pentagon.

So, in this light, it sure seems that today’s Veterans Day harbors much more meaning than one might think. Dear American Veterans, we might need to call upon you again to serve your fellow Americans once again, if only for a few years while everything gets sorted out. Thank you for your past service and for any service you might have to render to us beginning in early 2025.

Jack Keith, center, kidding around at deer camp in 2007.

Proud West Point graduate and true military combat hero Jack Keith would be horrified at what has happened to America’s military. He would not stand for it, and we need older officers like him to come back and clean house



Abortion is now the issue?

Suddenly abortion is the political issue on Election Day?

Strange how it took yet another fake issue like this to galvanize a certain voter base. I myself was more bothered by Biden calling all Trump supporters “garbage” last week, than fake hype about “Trump will take away your abortion.” On the one hand, we are talking about at least 150 million Americans who, according to various personalities on the far Left, are “deplorables,” or “garbage,” or “extremists” because a bunch of moms and dads went to school board meetings. On the other hand, how many women (we know how to identify women now, don’t we!) get abortions every year? Not that many.

Abortion is not mentioned in the US Constitution because it was considered a horror in the 1780s. No one clamored for a personal freedom to kill babies back then, except savages. So when the US Supreme Court recently returned abortion policy back to the states where it had always been and always belonged up until Roe v. Wade, a lot of Americans cheered. Because it made sense: On the one hand we have Kamala Harris saying she is going to take away our guns, which are explicitly protected by the Second Amendment, and on the other hand Kamala Harris is also talking about free abortions for everyone, men, women, children, babies, including up to old age…and abortion/ murder of born people is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.

Because to kill a breathing person is murder.

Kamala has a huge disconnect on the Constitution, she is at war with the Constitution, and Americans need to be protected from her. The Constitution is what protects We, The People from a government gone rogue.

President Trump made it clear he supported moving abortion policy back to the states, and that is where it will remain. What is the point of pursuing it further? Trump knows that it is a lose-lose political issue, and he also knows that it is an issue of changing hearts and minds, not forceful legislation.

Abortion as a political issue is a question about how the hell Americans ever became enamored of it. How it morphed into being called “health care,” the little human a “piece of protoplasm,” and the actually born alive baby…just left to die on a stainless steel table somewhere, which is infanticide/murder. How coarse!

I am married, and I have daughters, and I have a mother, and I understand women wanting control of their body. But the definition of abortion has moved way way beyond anything a civilized culture ever contemplated. This is no longer about control of one’s body, it has become control over the cold blooded execution of someone else.

This subject is not going to be solved with laws. Just like it is already against the law to murder and rape people, and yet lots of murders and rapes happen, especially with Kamala’s wide open borders. It all comes down to frame of mind, state of mind, culture, values, family, and yes, church/temple. These have to be addressed and changed at the street level, inside homes. Laws are not going to change people.

Trump has repeatedly said he has no desire or ability to deal with the abortion issue any longer. And while I agree with him on fact, I think that is a shame, because the one thing we need on this subject are people in leadership roles appealing to our better natures, to our hearts and minds. Freedom is the ability to protect yourself, not to murder someone.

Supreme Court’s recent decisions reveal deep DC Beltway Bandito mentality

While all other American institutions – private, non-profit, for-profit, our entire military, the Cat Ladies Survival League, the Backyard Bird and Squirrel Protective Association, the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, the media, Hollywood, professional sports, the medical profession and its various Medical Associations, the legal profession and its various Bar Associations, and the entire federal government apparatus – have been Borg captured and bent to the Borg Left’s purposes, completely against the will of the vast majority of the American citizenry, there has remained one lone institution that has appeared to resist the capture:

The US Supreme Court.

Against the decades-long tidal wave of berserker Democrats and somnulent Republicans only the US Supreme Court has appeared unbroken, pure, un-woke, and integrity-bound to the US Constitution backbone and nervous system that binds all American citizens together as a living, breathing, functioning One Nation Under God.

And yet, with its recent holdings we repeatedly see not so much glimpses into the Court’s true soul, but rather flashes of the oft hidden but actual volcanic fire seething beneath our collective feet. For as much as the Court has tried to appear united and above the frightening political fray, it too is subject to the worming rat-gnawing effects of leftist wokeism. For as much as it has placed several unanimous holdings before the American citizenry in recent months as evidence of the level headedness of the Court’s members, it also holds a growing threat of Borg tyranny.

Three stalwart Borg leftists – Kagan, Sotomayor, and Katanga – maintain a unified beachhead on the shores of the US Supreme Court and America’s last residual semblance of the rule of law. Regardless of how obvious the legal question, these three ardent Marxists always vote for more, bigger, and more powerful government at the expense of We, The People as a people and as individuals whose rights are supposed to be protected from government overreach by the courts.

There is not one single public policy issue or individual rights question that does not get the Marxist treatment from these three members of the bench. And so one cannot really be surprised to see them vote against presidential immunity in the case of Trump. Because like all of the other politicians on their Borgian Marxist Democrat side of the aisle, Kagan, Katanga, and Sotomayor also lust for the blood of the one person who stands in their way, Trump. This morning’s holding by the Court reveals that such a simple question of presidential immunity (having none would result in a president being unable to do his job) can only hold naked political interests for three of the nine justices.

If left unchecked, in a simple matter of time, that number will grow to four and then a majority of five, and then American citizens will have no individual rights left under the federal jackboot.

This skepticism is justified by other recent holdings and indecisions by the Court: The First Amendment is not violated or even infringed by the Biden Administration’s active coercion of social media companies to conduct the censorship-by-proxy of American citizens’ speech critical of the Biden Administration. Subpeonaed political activist Steve Bannon must go to jail for failing to appear before the incorrectly convened J6 Committee, while lawless AG Merrick Garland flaunts all legal procedure, including precisely that which has ensnared Bannon, to hold onto and cruelly wield an unbridled official monopoly on violence.

The list of outright fraudulent decisions and spineless indecisions by the Court reveals that the three Borg Marxists are not just a beachhead, and not just a taste of things to come for our rights. Rather, the insular, disconnected, corrupt, and self-serving DC Beltway Bandito culture is seeping through all skin pores and lung tissue and hearing and tasting orifices of the supposed five or six “conservative” justices on the other side of Kagan, Katanga, and Sotomayor. We cannot trust or rely on the US Supreme Court to guard us, because this institution is also being captured, just in slow motion and in our sight.

It may be that if or when the American People sort out this constant assault on our rights on their own terms, that only Justices Thomas and Alito will remain fit to form the core of the new Supreme Court. The rest? Well, what does any assertive free people do with traitors?


One dad’s Father’s Day question to young Americans

Hi kids. Today is Father’s Day, a card company-inspired day for Americans to spend money on things like cards and gifts. It is a blatantly commercial event, but in the grand scheme of things, there are worse things to celebrate than fatherhood. Like an entire month dedicated to a person’s private sexual practices. I can make a strong case for June being Gardening Month.

Along with Motherhood, Fatherhood has been the guiding idea of the healthy and safe human family for probably close to a hundred thousand years: Physical protection from predatory animals and humans, life guidance in a world full of pitfalls and confusion, passing on skills and knowledge in a competitive world where making a living to stay alive and out of poverty is not easy. In short, fathers have been the other half of a successful family since the dawn of our species.

So don’t forget to call, email, text, or send a card to your dad today. Show some appreciation, even if your dad is occasionally foolish, an assh*le, selfish, whatever. The truth is, this man created you (with your mother), and you are here only because of him. Your life exists because of him.

So, in my role as a dad I have a question for the young people in America right now: Why are any of you supporting the main source of uncertainty that you face in the world’s greatest nation?

America went from a powerful and successful economy in 2020 to a continued and purposeful self-destructive free-fall from 2021 to today, with high inflation that eats away at the value of the Dollar in your pocket, fewer and fewer jobs, fewer good jobs, higher fees and taxes, millions of illegal invaders pouring over our borders who impose huge costs directly on you, and a huge amount of uncertainty now facing you.

There is just one source for all of this uncertainly: The political Left, which includes the mainstream media, academia, the government schools, the teacher’s unions, government bureaucracies, and the Democrat Party.

Not to mention all of the censorship, the attempt to control your words, your thoughts, your freedom to spend your money the way you want, your freedom to travel when and how you want. I could go on, but there is just one source for all of this effort to control everything you do and think and say: The political Left.

You say that abortion is your number one issue? Why? What on earth makes you feel empowered about ending the life of another person on demand, on a whim, without any thought or consideration? Don’t you think this is a weak approach to a literal life-and-death issue?

Did your parents treat you like a whim and just tear your little body apart and flush you down a drain? No, because you are here reading these words, probaby because your Father and Mother valued you and your presence on Planet Earth as a living human.

And if you think abortion is a constitutional issue, well, that has been dealt with in recent years. You can choose to live in a state that supports abortion on demand, if that is what is most important to you. As a dad, I find this a confusing motivator, but each to her own…just how many abortions do you plan on having?

For the constitutionally uneducated, abortion is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, mostly because abortion was frowned upon for the vast amount of human existence. Especially in 1787, when the Constitution was being ratified. Children (like you, who were not aborted and are therefore reading these words here and now) were almostly always welcome, not seen as burdens.

But the argument can and has been made that abortion involves some self-rule over one’s body, because the Constitution blocks the government from having unfettered access to your person, place, and things, and it is hard to argue with that on principle. And so abortion has become legal in many places. This is the Yin and Yang of a dynamic America.

Consider how your perception of abortion rights compares to the general mainstream media discussion of self defense and firearm rights, which the Second Amendment expressly says “...shall not be infringed...” while in Pennsylvania our state constitution says the right to own and carry firearms “...shall not be questioned...” Universal abortion rights are presented as absolute and unquestioned, despite being found nowhere in our founding documents or debates, while the mainstream media complex constantly presents private citizens owning guns as completely up for debate, even though this is an actual right expressly enshrined in our founding documents.

This has been a bit of a digression from our initial question above, but the point has to be made, especially for young people: How you perceive yourself and your rights and your freedom and opportunities is largely influenced by the far-Left that has a death grip on academia, schools, and media.

As a loving dad on Father’s Day today, I encourage the young people who have stumbled upon this essay to really consider your future. Think hard and long about the causes of your scary future and the bedrock support most of us get from our family and dad. The political Left and its primary agent, the Democrat Party, is at war with family, with motherhood, with fatherhood, with your economic future and your personal freedoms and choices.

Everyone else is extending a helping hand to you. This essay is my way, as a loving, caring and understanding father, of helping you young people get your bearings. You know this, and you should vote like you know this.

To all the dads out there: Today we all salute you, and thank you, for doing your best to help guide us through our life.

Trump groupie or devoted admirer?

President Donald Trump inspires tens of millions of loyal Americans, no doubt about it.  When he is able to publicly campaign and is not being artificially held in some kangaroo courtroom by some tyrannical petty judge or bureaucrat bent on illegally interfering with the ongoing election, Trump’s public events draw record numbers of fired up participants.

Americans sleep out overnight to get into a Trump rally.

People stand for hours in the rain to get into a Trump event.

People take off from work to stand along a road or highway for hours to cheer on Trump’s motorcade as it passes by for five seconds.

No two ways about it, President Donald Trump inspires a lot of devoted people, most of whom were never involved in politics before, including many who had never even voted, until the 2016 election.

And so this almost rock star quality surrounding Trump has of course inspired his political opponents to deride said followers and supporters as “groupies” and “zombies” etc, to the point where even some of Trump’s own supporters hesitate to show the full measure of their true devotion to the guy. No one wants to be thought of as a mindless devotee, or a “cultist.”

I understand a person’s resistance to becoming a political groupie or acting excited enough to be labeled as one. But the reason so many of us Americans and even people I know in foreign countries are so emotionally devoted to Trump is because he is not just some politician, or a candidate. Rather, Trump is a symbol. To both his supporters and his opponents, Trump is a powerful symbol, either powerful medicine or bad ju-ju, depending on one’s fealty to the American founding documents and our founding first principles.

So as this powerful symbol, Trump has taken on the shape and aura of a true martyr, a hero, willing to risk everything for his holy cause. The man has taken so much unwarranted, unjust personal damage, and has taken so much risk just to do what is right for America, that he rises far above just being a vessel or a tool for us voters.

Have you seen any other political candidate defy anywhere near the same level and length of abuse and serious threats as Trump has? I haven’t.

Trump has become in some ways on a par with America’s founders, who also pledged and staked their reputations, their wealth, their homes, their families, their futures on the outcome of their inspired rebellion against Britain in 1776. And many of them lost everything, or lost so much that they were never the same person. A handful of America’s founders lost their lives. At this point right now, in addition to all of the fake legal jeopardy being thrown at him, and on top of all of the personal cost and financial cost he has had to bear, Trump is certainly also in the crosshairs of an actual assassin or two, including the Biden FBI, which crazily charged into Mar-a-Lago with actual written shoot-to-kill orders from the corrupt DOJ.

So yeah, I am not a groupie so much as I am simply in awe of Trump, an impressed admirer of his resilience and his selfless devotion to us Americans and to our country, regardless of how many unjust and serious wounds he receives. And therefore I am devoted to him and to his cause. Trump is my cause. He is the cause of and a one-man movement for a constitutional and free America, which right now hangs by a fraying thread.

Yes, I will say it, President Donald Trump is America.

Christians are finding out what it’s like to be “The Jew” etc.

Don’t know why I was surprised at the audacious or incredibly uneducated female “reporter” on MSNBC a couple months ago. Because MSNBC in particular is an outlet that nonstop traffics in toxic disinformation, misinformation, outright lies, crazy conspiracy theories, and partisan propaganda, as well as nonstop personal invective and racist hatemongering from its staff (Joy Reid is their chief KKK Grand Dragon). Extremist MSNBC is not a credible source for factual information, but I guess they have their audience dialed in and feeling very high on the hate juice, and so they just keep producing it and serving it up.

What surprised me was how this MSNBC/Politico “reporter,” named Heidi Przybyla, evinced genuine surprise over how so many Americans, especially Christian Americans, somehow, golly it’s so confusing why, believe that their rights come from God and not from the government.

Any American child should have been taught about America’s founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and subsequent amendments. Because American school children do live in America, and do go to school in America, and real basic American history starting in fifth grade does include school room introductions to our founding documents.

But Heidi Przybyla’s wide-eyed appearance on TV is probably real evidence that she honestly has no idea about America’s founding documents. Heidi Przybyla is probably representative of two generations of Americans who have absolutely zero understanding of what America is (e.g. so many young people refer to America as a democracy, when we are in fact a constitutional republic, a big difference), or what America is actually founded on, and how we got to where we are right now. This means that people like Heidi Przybyla have opinions and views that are not just uninformed, they are terribly malformed and pretzel-shaped misinformed. Hence the resulting pretzel-shaped misinformation Heidi Przybyla et al serve up to their Politico/MSNBC listeners and watchers.

Liberty, freedom, choice, small government and big citizen are all overt ideas translated into your personal rights in America’s founding documents. In fact, note to Heidi Przybyla, America is based on the idea that our own individual rights do not come from government, or from bureaucrats, or from judges, or from popular moods, but from God. This is not some “Christian nationalist” idea, but rather it comes right from America’s Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… goes its preamble.

All people are created equal and get their rights from God, the Creator. This is not some novel idea, or even a Christian nationalist idea. It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence, from the beginning of America.

But mainstream corporate media outlet staffs either don’t know this, or they don’t want their readers and viewers to know this. And why would that be? Other than being misinformed or mal-educated when young by Marxist teachers who hate America, corporate curators of culture and information like Heidi P. are on a warpath.

Mainstream outlets and their talking heads like Heidi P. are Godless Marxists (i.e. evil people) trying to stamp out both American nationalism, which roughly translates as love of homeland and appreciation of capitalist America as the uniquely free and opportunity-driven place it is, and Christianity. And that is because Christianity is the founding religion, ethos, and source of all of America’s bedrock values and identity. Traditional Christianity undergirds and enervates all of America’s institutions. Without it, the institutions become empty shells, ready to be filled with something else, some other driving force and raison d’etre.

When Marxist Manchurian Candidate and then Jihadi-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama declared his “fundamental transformation of America,” he really meant he intended to tear down our national foundations, our national identity, our national values, our national uniqueness, and replace it with a communist bureaucracy with no regard for personal rights. He has spent all of his years in office as a senator and as president and now as ex-president doing just that – destroying America from inside America – like a parasitic worm.

And chief among his targets was the target that the Marxist teacher’s unions and Marxist college professors had long targeted, traditional Christianity. What a great institution that would be to infest and hollow out and turn!

So here we are, a national war being made against traditional Christians and the traditional Christian values that permeate, undergird, invest, and support a free and tolerant America. The young people like Heidi P. either don’t know about Christianity’s central role in creating the America they enjoy, or they don’t care, or they are outright opposed to it and they are trying to destroy it.

If you listen to Heidi P. and the rest of the MSM assault on Christianity and Christian nationalists, you will notice that they are waging a real war on both. A war meant to destroy and eliminate both. Yes, there are Marxist Jews in the MSM, and in government like Merrick Garland, and Marxist funders like George Soros, and tons of Marxist Jews in academia, but they are a tiny percentage of this war effort, which is really dominated by and populated by ex-Christians, former Christians, sons and daughters of Christians, and funded by our arch-enemy communist China.

And so, dear Christian reader, you are now The Jew.

You the traditional and America-loving Christian are the hunted, the pursued, the irrationally hated, the ridiculously envied, the unreasonably feared Jew. And you are in real danger.

It is a terrible thing, to be hated and targeted for ridiculous reasons, but we see a silver lining here, an important opportunity. We see an enormous opportunity for the Christian community to respond to these dangerous attacks in strength, with a love more powerful than the Marxist’s hate, to reclaim what it has lost, to bring its lost sheep like Heidi P. back into the fold, and to thereby stop the destruction of America and help the suffering American People once again proclaim liberty across their land.

America does need a Great Awakening, and only loving Christians can make it happen.


Americans are naturally anti-government

America was created in response to tyranny, tyrannical government, overbearing government, invasive government, secretive government, lawless government, arbitrary and capricious government etc. etc. etc. And so, it naturally followed that when America followed through on its declaration of independence from Britain with maximum winning force, the resulting government in America was the anti-government.

A government meant to barely subsist on fumes and have a very limited reach or impact on our citizens.

Our 1787-1789 Constitution is a long list of things the government may not do, and a short but very broad and far-reaching list of all the things that the individual citizen can do. Our Constitution makes it clear that The People have all the rights, and the government has all the obligations and limits. America’s founding documents make it crystal clear that the federal government has a job to do, but that job is hindered by a zillion different barriers, hurdles, blocks, and barriers. The government is not powerless, but its power is hugely limited by all kinds of checks, in order to protect The People from  government.

America’s founders understood from their immediate experience fighting tyrannical Britain that every government is a bad thing, an unfortunate necessity that must be controlled like nuclear fission, and that all government automatically seeks out maximum control over The People, and that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Thus, almost everything the American government does is supposed to be visible and challengeable by The People, whom the government serves.

So how (not so) curious is it that the Biden Administration is chock full of all kinds of secret documents, secret decisions, secret law enforcement interview notes (that usually turn out to be forged and not at all accurate), secret prosecutors trying to get secret limits on what kind of defense that President Trump can mount in court, gag orders by corrupt judges, heavy censorship (see the Twitter Files) of what you and I can say and which politicians we can criticize on social media, and so on.

This is a group of very bad individuals who do not believe in the Constitution, and who are abusing every lever of power they can to gain more control over the country and We, The People. Exhibit A is the FBI, which is now a brazenly partisan political force with guns and badges, enforcing political policy, not the rule of law.

Joe Biden has complained that the MAGA folks are anti government. Well, yeah, you dummy. You and the individuals you have surrounded yourself with are Exhibit A in why America was founded in the first place, and why the Constitution was written, and why Americans have always been anti-government, suspicious of government and suspicious of the individuals who make their career in government. From our very beginning in 1776, it has been natural for Americans to fear and loathe and reject government, and it is unnatural for anyone calling themselves an American to love, laud, elevate, and promote government.

Government is a necessary evil, and the best government is that which governs least. This Biden group, gang, mafia, whatever you want to call these Chinese pay-off receiving people, loooooves government and all the power it gives them. They worship government, especially the central government in Washington, DC. It naturally follows that these Biden people are not Americans, not in spirit and not in practice. Rather, they are evil fascists determined to use their brief time at the wheel to steer the car over the cliff. They are not making decisions that are good for America or Americans, but rather they are making decisions that serve their lust for power and control. Everything they do to and with America is the opposite of what America was founded to do.

Biden and the people around him are bad people. They should not be running the central government in Washington, DC. And as you may know, I am 100% certain they were not voted into office by the American voters in 2020. One person who would have emphatically and forcefully rejected over-reaching Joe Biden and his corruptacrats was General George Washington himself. He would have removed these evil scum from office one way or another, and I am absolutely certain he would have thoroughly cleaned up the rest of our messy house, as well. Because he, George Washington, was so anti-government that he rejected the ultimate power of being crowned as America’s monarch.

George Washington was as anti-government as anyone can be, and as we all know, he was the ultimate American. It is perfectly natural for all Americans to reject government, to be suspicious of government and its employees, and to be anti government. This focus on individual freedom is what makes us Americans!

We The People 1, Uniparty 0

Overly preened, waxed, effete, phony pretty boy career politician and freaking corrupt as hell now former Speaker of the US House Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his brief Speakership yesterday. First time in American history, the vote on McCarthy represents a slowly turning tide in favor of We, The People as more and more of us American citizens struggle to regain control of our rogue government from an evil bipartisan Uniparty made of both Democrats and establishment Republicans.

McCarthy is the kind of flaccid, spineless, limp-wristed establishment career RINO “Republican” who does everything for his own personal gain, and for his party’s gain, and apparently zero for The American People’s gain.

Despite representing a majority in the US House, since becoming Speaker earlier this year McCarthy gave in on nearly every Democrat Party demand and Big Brother Government funding ploy. There was literally nothing the Democrat Party and the Biden White House demanded that McCarthy did not and would not cave to. An additional 87,000 heavily armed IRS agents? Sure, said McCarthy, why not have an even bigger helping of terrorized American citizens cowering from official jackbooted thugs in their homes.

Like most GOPe pukes, Kevin McCarthy is much more beholden to the politically partisan, far-left, America-hating, American-hating, Constitution hating, freedom hating establishment media like the Washington Post and the New York Times than he is to the US Constitution or even basic principles like individual freedom, small government, less intrusive government, etc. McCarthy is worried about what the partisan establishment media will say about him, and not about what his voters will think of him. His big dollar corporate donors make sure he has plenty of money to repel upstart challengers who might want more decision making put back into the hands of the American citizenry, and less in the hands of corporate lobbyists and their loyal lapdogs like McCarthy.

McCarthy did zero to represent his constituents or the tens of millions of voters who have increasingly voted to stop feeding the Washington DC beast, and apparently it was his secret deal with China Joe Biden to fund Ukraine yet again with billions of US Taxpayer dollars (as our bridges and roads disintegrate) that got him in trouble with his own caucus. Well, some of the Republican caucus, because there are waaaay too many “Republican” congressmen who are perfectly happy with the decisions McCarthy made. These are the congressmen who see themselves as the moderate wing of the Democrat Party, not as an opposition party. Gotta get these traitors out of office, Mister and Missus America!

Anyhow, kudos to Rep. Matt Gaetz for having the balls to take on McCarthy and hold him to the pledges McCarthy had made in order to become Speaker earlier this year. It is telling that McCarthy increasingly broke those pledges and seemed sure that he would not be held accountable. Unlike former speaker Nancy Pelosi, McCarthy had zero interest in unifying and holding his caucus together by giving in here and there to the conservative members by whose grace he ascended the throne (and by whose grace he was removed).

This is a telling fact: McCarthy had no interest in mollifying his conservative patriot wing. He gave them nothing, and gave the communist Democrat Party everything it asked for.

And thus it became apparent that McCarthy (and so many “moderate” “Republicans” like him) has no loyalty to a constitutional America. He blows bullsh*t up everyone’s butt, and then does the opposite. He ran as an R but acted like a loyal D. Hmmmmmmm, no wonder people ask how much secret payoff money McCarthy must have received from China or some other wealthy gift giver somewhere. Anyhow, it was time for McCarthy to be challenged and hopefully removed. Thanks to Rep. Matt Gaetz, We, The People scored 1 against the evil Uniparty.

I am surely not alone in being intrigued that GOPe Republicans and the New York Times alike are horrified, HORRIFIED at the “chaos” supposedly ensuing from McCarthy’s ouster. It is also intriguing that any action that goes against the interest of the bipartisan Uniparty, and which challenges illegal and increasingly un-checked Federal government power over us supposedly free citizens, or which legally challenges blatantly stolen elections, is immediately branded by the Uniparty and its establishment media outlets as an insurrection, chaos, illegal, etc. It is also intriguing that the Uniparty looooves a smoothly running rogue government, and hates anyone who questions it or challenges it.

Kevin McCarthy’s ouster from the Speakership is a really big deal. If nothing else it is a sign that there are at least a handful of patriots in the US House willing to take risks with their political careers for the benefit of We, The People. Turns out there are a few who understand that The Bigger The Government, The Smaller The Citizen. Turns out you and I are not completely alone in our dispute with our rogue federal government.

Some action items for the next Speaker: a) purge the US Capitol Police of lawless rogues who hate America, b) investigate and hold accountable all members of the US Capitol Police who committed unnecessary acts of violence against innocent protestors on January 6th, c) actually release all of the January 6th footage so that Americans can make up their own minds about what really happened, d) begin impeachment proceedings against lawless members of the Biden Administration, including FBI Chris Wray, AG Merrick Garland, DHS Alejandro Mayorkas, and others whose nonstop lying to Congress should land them in jail for the rest of their lives.


Impeach, impeach, impeach

Impeachment is a powerful tool provided in the US Constitution as well as in every state constitution. Over the past 100 years, America and American citizens have enjoyed a historically unprecedented veritable explosion in food security, home security, financial security, and almost endless creature comforts that just a couple decades ago were considered unimaginable luxuries. And so in the past 100 years of increasingly corpulent self-satisfied hourly comfort, Americans have lost their sense of purpose, necessity, hunger, their edge. And so the use of impeachment has pretty much died, as few people saw or sensed the need to use such a drastic tool in such comfortable times.

Americans now view political corruption and official abuse of the law as a cost of doing business, a cost of having such a luxurious lifestyle available to so many of us.

Why rock the boat with something like impeachment when everything is going so great? President Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment for behavior that by today’s standard was positively Girl Scout level, and President Bill Clinton was understandably impeached for having brazenly lied under oath. There have been only a small handful of state level impeachments over the decades, usually against aberrant judges whose behavior is so brazenly corrupt that people overwhelmingly agreed that removing them from office was an obvious necessity.

Then President Donald Trump was supposedly impeached in a process without any procedural integrity, without the right to call witnesses in defense, without the right to file motions or submit evidence. His first “impeachment” was a political circus, not a real court proceeding with all the seriousness the dignity of all the offices involved require.

The second so-called impeachment of President Trump was even more procedurally flawed than the first attempt, including the absence of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, whose daily presence is constitutionally required for an impeachment to go forward. Chief Justice Roberts’ absence did not hinder the lawless circus from continuing, though, so it was not really an impeachment. This process was in fact just the mis-use and mis-appropriation of the impeachment name applied to a set of theatrical political activities.

You would think with all this one-sided impeachment-lite activity that the “other side of the aisle” would be ready to apply the same medicine now that they have the power to do so. And you would be wrong. The elected eunuchs have no intention of fighting back at all.

And so we now find America in the throes of widespread lawlessness by one political party, whose judges behave like theatrical political tyrants while ignoring all legal precedent and legal process requirements of their court rooms. For example, this week Federal Judge Chuktan scolded the Trump legal team in DC that they should have spent the prior year reading through the 12,000,000 pages of discovery material in preparation for a defense they only found out about a few weeks ago, and whose access to the related documents only began a week ago. This is absolute lawlessness by Judge Chuktan, whose lawlessness makes an absolute mockery of the very idea of a legal process.

In case you are not understanding this, the judge refused to allow the Trump defense attorneys adequate time to read through and use in court over twelve million pages of material being used to falsely prosecute President Trump for his mere political speech. Nope, Trump’s team is expected to arrive in court fully prepared within a couple months. This is a grotesque and corrupt abuse of the federal judge’s powers and discretion.

Another example is the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court majority that – crazily, corruptly, partisanly – held that unilateral last-second changes to Pennsylvania election law, right before the 2020 general election, by unelected people in the executive branch, and in open defiance of the Pennsylvania constitution which places all election law only in the hands of the legislature, were just fine and would stand. These state supreme court judges were wildly abusing their authority and discretion to implement a plainly flawed election process that defied Pennsylvania’s legal process for establishing election law, and which subsequently allowed a huge amount of voting fraud to occur in the 2020 election.

Other examples of grotesque courtroom malfeasance by politicized judges can be found ad nauseum in the federal courtrooms in Washington, DC, where jurisprudence and respect for the rule of law have been thrown away in the interest of obtaining patently illegal political outcomes that benefit one political party and that are designed to hurt President Trump and anyone around him. Tainted jurors, tainted judges, conflicts of interest, abuses of courtroom decorum and legal procedural law, the list of malfeasance there is incredible.

The one answer to all of these politically active judges is impeachment. Real, honest-to-goodness impeachment that includes all the bells, whistles, and fixins of a gen-u-ine courtroom hearing. Just like the US Constitution and state constitutions have a process for fraudulent elections to be challenged, so they also provide for impeachments.

And while one political party is riding the impeachment horse all over the place, the other political party wants nothing to do with impeachment. Why that would upset the apple cart, or some such nonsense, is what we hear from elected Republicans across America. Most of the federal judges involved in the January 6th cases have abused their positions and should be impeached. More than half of the Pennsylvania state supreme court members deserved impeachment and should have been impeached. What was lacking in the political process was the political willpower from among the “other” political party to mount a response, to resist the lawlessness.

The response of impeachment that should have met every single one of these lawless judges was taken off the table before any real discussion of it began. The co-equal branch of government that is by design supposed to be able to impeach and then remove aberrant officials is completely out of this fight, and so the official lawlessness continues.

As in any fight, if one side is throwing haymaker punches and the other side is simply standing there taking all of the punishment, eventually the guy standing there taking all the punches is going to lose the fight. There is only so much abuse that any person or body can take before it breaks, and in the case of America, the abuse of lawlessness being inflicted on our body politic is beginning to crush our nation. Our political and professional institutions are collapsing under the onslaught. American citizens are beginning to lose trust in their official institutions.

The natural answer that is hard-wired into our various constitutions is impeach, impeach, impeach, and thereby hold lawless officials accountable and restore balance to our crumbling political system.

I do not know why in 2020 and 2021 former state senator and president pro tem of the Pennsylvania Senate, Jake-The-Snake Corman, and PA House leaders Kerry Benninghoff and Bryan Cutler, refused to even consider impeachment of the lawless PA state supreme court members who threw the rule of law out the window to immediately benefit one political party. It made no sense from a political perspective or from a let’s-uphold-the-basic-law perspective. Their impotence simply made no sense.

Nor does it make sense why US House leaders Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan refuse now to impeach the lawless federal judges and bribe-taking Joe Biden, the lying-before-Congress FBI Chris Wray, the endlessly lying and obviously lawless chief law enforcement officer US AG Merrick Garland, and a whole host of other corrupt federal employees whose job #1 is to uphold The Law.

Isn’t it curious that the people who are supposedly standing on “the other side” of the lawless people are unwilling to take a stand, to implement those impeachment processes that are spelled out in our various constitutions? By their unwillingness to fight back, every one of these politicians – Jake Corman, Kerry Benninghoff, Bryan Cutler, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan etc et al – is enabling and abetting their supposed opponents. By refusing to fight back in any meaningful way, these elected officials are actually allowing America to descend into not just lawlessness, but one party domination and the destruction of America as a political entity that naturally follows.

Only one explanation for GOP weakness makes any sense: How many pieces of silver have these elected officials taken to have their loyalties swayed away from their oath of office? How many elected Republicans across America are owned by China?