Archive → October, 2024
Change Needed in Aisle One – Bob Casey needs to go
Several names are on repeat across the decades here in Pennsylvania politics – Scranton and Casey being the two modern dynasties. Both Scranton and Casey families have fielded repeat elected officials, some of whom have been impressive, and some of whom have simply ridden on the coat tails of their fathers and gotten very little done, except hold office and enjoy prestige and an easy paycheck.
Bob Casey, Jr. is of the latter clan, and he has now been a US senator for egads, I don’t know how long, a really long time. At least 18 years. Before that he held elected office at the state level. All because his dad, Bob Casey, Sr., was an impressive moderate governor, who understood and worked with all ends of the political spectrum.
This current Casey apple has fallen way far away from the Casey apple tree, as Bob Casey, Jr. has held hard to the extreme political Left and never looked back or right. Everything he originally ran on – somewhat pro Life, earnestly pro gun rights, pro free speech, pro religious rights, pro Pennsylvania jobs, pro Pennsylvania workers – forget it all, he ditched it all.
Bob Casey, Jr. is a full-on Washington DC Swamp Thing. He has abandoned us Pennsylvanians as he galavants around DC enjoying feeling important, year after year after year. I took some screenshots of his official US Senate website earlier this year, before the campaign season started up. See them below. They show that Bob Casey has done literally nothing, zero, for years. He did not even try to pretend that he was doing anything!
One of my greatest frustrations are voters who say “Well, my parents were Democrats and, by golly, I vote Democrat, too.”
Ummm hello, this Democrat Party today is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party. It is a totalitarian, cruel, vicious, lawless communist movement that must be stopped. It really has not changed much since the Democrat Party was defeated by the Union Army in 1865, but for a few decades it was home to amazing American leaders like John F. Kennedy.
Today, JFK would be a far-right Republican. That is how much the Democrat Party has moved to the Left.
So, the only way a do-nothing DC Swamp Thing like Bob Casey gets re-elected is when people vote because they recognize a name and think “Awww, I like that guy.”
No, you do don’t like Bob Casey. Not if you are paying any attention to him. He has done nothing for Pennsylvanians for decades. Casey has literally abandoned us Pennsylvanians, because he has relied on a mindless, robotic voting bloc to keep returning him to power, regardless of his incompetence and lack of loyalty to them.
Unfortunately, candidate Dave McCormick is the alternative to Casey. And I am no fan of McCormick, who I think is likely to try to become a DC Swamp Thing himself.
In the Republican primary for US Senate earlier this year, I supported Brandi Tomasetti, whose ballot signatures were ridiculously challenged by McCormick at the last minute, so she was forced to withdraw from the race. Anyone who has an inkling of this ballot petition process knows it is ripe for abuse in every direction, and McCormick took full advantage of his big money opportunity to knock his only competitor off the ballot. Brandi just did not have the money to withstand all of the legal challenges McCormick threw at her.
I really dislike people who game any system, and McCormick definitely gamed the PA primary election system. Yuck. If you believe in giving the voters a choice, and if you believe in yourself, then you are not afraid of a challenger with ten bucks in her campaign account. You debate her and beat her fair and square. McCormick did not do any of that.
Plus, I like my Pennsylvania politicians to actually live in Pennsylvania, which Casey used to (he has spent all his time in DC for many years), and which McCormick used to. On this count, both men are losers.
Whatever RINO DC Swamp garbage McCormick is inclined to engage in, he will stand up for our Second Amendment rights, of that I am certain. And that alone qualifies him for my vote and the vote of every other Pennsylvania gun owner and hunter. So tired of being sold out on this critical issue by liar Bob Casey!
So I am no huge fan of Dave McCormick. But on balance, he is the lesser of two evils. After decades of watching Casey do nothing for us, it is time for a change in Senate Aisle One and Bob Casey has got to go. Time for a new face, a new voice. McCormick got my vote, and I hope you will send a message to DC and vote for him as well.
And Dave McCormick, if you win this election, and spend the next six years ingratiating yourself deeply into the DC Swamp, and abandon us like Bob Casey has, then I will move Heaven and Earth to find a viable challenger in your first primary race.

Only in July of this year did Bob Casey post anything on his senate website. And he made no mention of the assassination attempt on Trump. Bob Casey is a huge zero.
Janelle Stelson vs Scott Perry for Congress
We have a real contest for the congressional seat here in Southcentral Pennsylvania, currently held by Scott Perry. Former Republican, now-Democrat Janelle Stelson is the Democrat Party nominee to challenge Scott Perry, and how this will end is anyone’s guess.
Years ago, I met Janelle Stelson a few times in social settings, mostly arranged by her then-fiance. We met for dinner or lunch once, in Hershey, I think, and then at a Pennsylvania Environmental Council awards dinner in Harrisburg, where we sat together. Might be a third time, but my memory is hazy about things that happened earlier today, let alone meetings years ago. Point is, I have met Janelle and have a feel for her as a person.
My impression of Janelle Stelson: She is obviously a very attractive woman, poised, and often charismatic, and as a former reporter she has lots of experience in front of the studio news cameras. She is also very smart, very bright, highly articulate.
I do recall her political opinions running Moderate Republican. Like pro business, pro free markets, pro gun rights. She also held some liberal views on abortion and what I used to consider moderate views on environmental quality, but which have now (like so many other political issues) skewed hard to the far Left.
In sum, Janelle Stelson was a really impressive and enjoyable person to meet. Had she remained a moderate Republican, she would have been really attractive as a candidate. However, Janelle decided to toss all that moderate stuff over the side of the boat she was in, and become an arch Leftist Democrat. I do not really understand this choice, nor do I really believe it, or even respect it. Janelle’s decision to become a Democrat, and a very liberal one at that, who is way out of step with Central Pennsylvania voters, reeks of political opportunism.
And that scares me.
By definition, political opportunists are not settled people. They are not being forthright. They are subject to the whims of political tides and political machines, instead of captaining their own ship. And as I have received copious literature from Janelle’s campaign, my impression is that she is simply seeking power. Sorry Janelle, but I have to say Yuck. Had she remained the thoughtful moderate Republican, and challenged Scott Perry in the primary, I would have had total respect for her.
Scott Perry has been in political office a very long time. He and I ran in separate but congruent primaries at the same time in 2012, I for state senate and he for congress, and we shared a stage together several times in that process. At the time he was a state representative in the PA House. Scott has always been ambitious, which I have no real issue with. But I do have an issue with career politicians of either party, and I think this is the one criticism Janelle has leveled at Scott that is real.
However, on balance, I prefer a damned career politician I know, and mostly agree with, to someone like Janelle whose campaign is being run by one of the arch Leftists out of Washington DC, and whose financial support comes from the far Left. If she is elected, Janelle looks like she will be a puppet of the far Left, to which I say No Thank You. America cannot afford more of that, and Central Pennsylvania has never embraced that kind of extremist philosophy.
And no, Janelle, Scott Perry does not advocate for zero abortions, goodness gracious. What a silly allegation. Man, political campaigning really brings out the worst in people, the biggest piles of horse carp…any lie to win, I guess. Yuck.
I hope that Scott Perry wins this race, and then retires from politics. Maybe take a role in the next Trump administration. Hand the baton on to some other citizen who has not yet had an opportunity to serve in elected office. No more stepping stone step ladders for wannabe careerists, this congressional seat should be open to someone new to politics.
Yes, Scott has been a leader of the anti-establishment anti-DC Swamp Congressional Freedom Caucus, which has been refreshing, but in my mind, all congressmen are like milk in the refrigerator…they just need to be drunk up when they are fresh, and poured out when they have been there too long.
I voted for Scott Perry already, but I sat and looked at the ballot a good long time before I colored in his name. Oh, the things that could have been with Janelle, had she remained Republican and not joined the ever-farther-lefter Democrat Party of Lenin and Stalin and Marx.
Who knows, maybe Janelle Stelson will win and happily surprise us with her more moderate personality and high intelligence, but I doubt it. I felt safer betting on and voting for the person I already know and trust, and that was Scott Perry.
Three Gay Men Saving Western Civilization
If you don’t already know it, you should know that three gay men of particular note are actively saving Western Civilization right now.
We bring attention to them and to this subject for a bunch of reasons, mostly because one tires of hearing the same nonsense accusations and stereotypes against conservatives and gays alike, and also because Western Civilization is under crushing assault right now. So it is important to document that gay men are a prominent part of the conservative movement for individual freedom, free speech, and freedom of conscience, all of which are anathema to the political Left.
If you think you are standing tall for freedom by having an NRA sticker on your pickup truck, a Trump hat on your head, and occasionally donating to conservative candidates, get a load of these three guys. Take note; these three gay guys are really moving the freedom ball down the field, more than anyone else.
Douglas Murray – defender of and advocate for modern Western civilization, Christendom, Judeo-Christian values, intellectual freedom, you can find him at and at Douglas is the incisive, witty, friendly intellectual warrior on the general civilization scene. He clashes frequently with Muslims who openly hate and deride Western Civilization, and yet who love living in Western nations like Britain and America. Doug is an international hero.
Scott Presler – Stop the Steal, conservative organizer, powerfully motivating speaker, he can be found at and at I met Scott in November 2020 at the Stop The Steal rally at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg. He was justifiably fired up, and got everyone else fired up. Scott has persistently shown the moribund, lackadaisical, lazy, unperturbed, uninvolved, sleepy GOP how to get the work done that can win elections. In fact, Scott is more trusted by more grass roots conservatives than is the GOP. He has been really active in Pennsylvania the past couple months, leading incredible voter registration efforts everywhere. When he was in my home county of Dauphin, our own county GOP made no mention of him, or of his work. Probably because he made us look bad. The guy is a national powerhouse for conservative ideals and individual freedom.
Last but not least is Brandon Straka, founder of the #Walkaway movement. He can be found at and at Brandon sells “I Used To Be A Democrat” tee shirts that are selling out lately. A former gay liberal, Brandon realized – like Douglas and Scott – that regular Americans care not a whit about his sexual orientation. We may not want to hear about it all the time, but we also just don’t care. Gay? OK with us. Just pay your taxes and work like the rest of us. Brandon has been chipping away at the bizarre cult fixation so many well meaning people have on the Democrat Party, and for that we all owe him a big Thank You.
One person I deliberately leave out here is the politically ambiguous, or disingenuous, Glenn Greenwald, whose Jew-by-birth anti-Semitism automatically disqualifies him from carrying the freedom banner. No friend of freedom, this guy is against the underdog minority. Yuck.
In sum, being gay doesn’t automatically mean you have to be a Leftist. I know a lot of gays who feel welcome in broader society realize this, and they see the destructive results of leftist/Democrat Party policies. They are not only welcome in the conservative movement, many of them are leaders in it. Here are three. Maybe you know of others.
Powerful Pictures
Censoring climate mockers
Guest post, courtesy of Tom Shepstone:
by Vijay Jayaraj
“We have reached the end of the Olympic summer in Paris, comprising of the Olympics and the Paralympics. Though the U.S. finished at the top in the Olympics and in the top three at Paralympics, much of the world’s attention was on the Olympics’ obscene mockery of Christianity in its opening ceremony at Paris.
It also overshadowed some unprecedented events in the city. A few days prior to the games, French authorities fined the country’s second most popular news channel 20,000 euros for challenging the popular narrative about a purported climate crisis.
CNews, a round-the-clock news operation, was charged by the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (ARCOM) with a broadcast’s failing to adequately challenge views skeptical of the global warming scare.
“This is the first time in France and internationally that ARCOM or a regulatory authority has issued a financial sanction for a breach concerning an environmental subject,” said QuotaClimat, an organization that reportedly has complained in the past about the climate reporting of various media.
The case of CNews raises serious concerns about press freedom – a cornerstone of democratic societies — and the public’s access to diverse perspectives on environmental issues. While the regulator argued that the channel failed to provide sufficient context and counterarguments, critics contend that the decision sets a dangerous precedent, effectively requiring media outlets to adhere to a specific ideological position.
The role of journalism in a democracy is not to parrot official viewpoints or consensus opinions but rather to investigate, question and present different perspectives on important issues. By imposing restrictions on how climate issues can be reported, France undermines this crucial function of the media.
This crackdown on climate reporting exemplifies a broader trend of using authorities backed by official powers to curb the expression of views that challenge a government’s preferred narrative, a concerning development for anybody favoring an open society.
The practice has become far too common in academic research as well. Scientists who challenge the crisis narrative are subjected to witch hunts and termination from their professions.
Many climate scientists, influenced heavily by funding sources, are transforming their discipline into something that hardly qualifies as science. While their work has the appearance of scientific research and is conducted by those with scientific credentials, both its methodologies and findings are heavily shaped by the agendas of special interest groups, political figures and international governing bodies.
Researchers and their organizations, in too many cases, have become harvesters of grants rather than seekers of truth. Such scientists are supplicants of governments and wealthy foundations wanting particular findings and willing to pay for them.
Those who champion genuine scientific inquiry must speak out against deliberate efforts by climate alarmists to discredit sceptics, whose questions are manifestations of critical thinking. Inquiry into popular theories should be welcome, not treated as sedition.
From Galileo’s astronomical discoveries to more recent controversies in fields like genetics and nuclear energy, attempts to protect the popular view have often backfired. slowing scientific progress and technological advancement.
In the case of climate change, this is true too. Restrictive energy policies — justified on the basis of addressing a “climate crisis” — already have impeded economic growth and increased prices. Ideologues seek to reverse decades of advancement in clean-coal power generation, oil and gas development and other technologies.
Scientific understanding of Earth’s climate is not furthered by silencing dissent but through rigorous research, peer review and open debate. By allowing a diversity of voices in the media, including those that challenge the so-called “consensus,” opportunities for truth arise.
Isolated intrusions on press freedom are annoying. But actions like that of the French regulator for reporting on a climate story can be replicated by other governments and for other subjects – a certain eventuality without the intervention of honest citizens
For this is the proverbial slippery slope greased by powerful people’s lust for control or money or both. Left alone, only the most ruthless of the politically connected get to say where it ends. Even they can’t say for sure, but history tells us it ends badly.”
This commentary was first published at yourNews on September 10, 2024.
Vijay Jayaraj is a Research Associate at the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Virginia. He holds a master’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of East Anglia, U.K., and a postgraduate degree in energy management from Robert Gordon University, U.K.
#France #Climate #Jayaraj #CO2Coalition #FreeSpeech #Censorship
Wow, Columbus Day
Now that a long term study of Christopher Columbus’ DNA has revealed that he was a Sephardic Jew from Spain, and like hundreds of thousands of other Jews also likely a refugee of the 1492 Spanish Expulsion and then the Catholic Church’s Great Inquisition, we have to ask: Columbus Day, now what does it really mean?
By way of background, upon ending the imperialist Muslim “Moorish” occupation of Spain, in 1492 the newly victorious Catholic Spanish Queen Isabella (“Jezebel” in English, Eezavel in Hebrew, one of the most notoriously evil and violent queens of the Hebrew Scripture and Jewish history, and just so was that Spanish namesake queen) dictated that all Jewish citizens of Spain had to convert to Catholicism or get out. Like leave their homes, money, possessions, and just exit the jurisdiction with the clothes on their bodies.
The history of the Spanish Expulsion is well documented, and for our purposes here we will simply use it as the starting point for Christopher Columbus’ career. He, like almost all of the Spanish Jews, cast about for ways to get out of the coming inferno. Forced conversions were bad enough, with small children taken from their parents to be raised as Catholics in convents and monasteries. But the fallout of even the slightest suspicion that the poor Jewish person had not completely and absolutely accepted Catholicism was really bad.
In sum, tens of thousands of innocent Jews were tortured, robbed, and then burned alive by the Spanish government for the simple reason that they were suspected of having retained some loyalty or interest in their former religion, the religion of their ancestors for thousands of years, and their wealth could also be taken. Bad stuff, really evil stuff, very much the low point for the Catholic religion.
Talk about reparations! What would the descendants of the survivors be owed by Spain or the Vatican today?
[The wild excesses of the Catholic Church, such as the Great Inquisition, kick started the Reformation, resulting in the creation of Protestant Christianity, which “protested” the really bad behavior of the Church at that time, at every level, targeting not just Jews but anyone who dared question Church doctrine]
For several months I have been reading “Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean” by Edward Kritzler. This is not a long book, but it is nowhere as whimsical a read as its catchy title suggests, and so I have slogged from one mass auto de fe to another, each set in a different part of Europe or the Caribbean, or South America, or Mexico, or New Mexico…Everywhere the Jewish refugees from Spain and Portugal ran, they were then hunted to the death by the Spanish Inquisition.
To say that the persecuted Jews got tired of this shitty treatment is an understatement, and quite a few of them took to the high seas to attack the Spanish treasure ships bringing slaves, gold, silver, and gems from South America, as well as sugar, rum, spices, and slaves from the Caribbean to Spain. Quite of few of these Jewish pirates who were focused on revenge against Spain made great names for themselves.
One such pirate was named Sinan the Great Jew (see his picture below), who after losing everything his family had built up in Spain for 1,450 years, pledged his seafaring skills in the Mediterranean Sea to the Ottoman sultan. All Sinan wanted were ships and crews to get revenge on the Spanish, and in turn he gave all of his loot to the Ottoman Empire. Sinan lived a long life and never felt satisfied that he had made the Spanish truly pay for their crimes.
So in this 1490s mix of cruelty and ethnic refugees and revenge is Christopher Columbus, who has always been suspected of being a refugee Jew, simply for the timing of his trip and the fact that his ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) were overwhelmingly crewed by Jewish refugee sailors.
In recent decades, an attack on Christopher Columbus by the political Left has centered on his taking of slaves among the Caribbean Indian tribes, and the fact that he was “white” and somehow treading on someone else’s land. Leftists fail to explain that literally everyone in the entire world took and sold slaves back then, including the Caribbean Indians, including the Africans, including the Arabs, inculding the Turks, and that the entire history of humanity is one migration after another.
So the question is, will the fact that Columbus is now proven to have been a Jew, and himself a refugee from oppression and persecution, somehow change the perception of Columbus? Will his story now be told as no longer the oppressor, but the fleeing oppressed?
It is tough to say why Columbus’ religion and refugee status should have any real impact on how he is taught in history books today. Yes, the Italians who have been so proud of him will probably now disavow him.
A big irony is that Jews like Columbus and Sinan only existed because the Italian Romans fought, enslaved, persecuted, and ethnically cleansed the Jews from their homeland in Judea/Israel starting in the year 67 CE and ending around the year 135 CE. Massive quantities of Jewish slaves were brought into Italy, where they slowly and surely rebuilt themselves into Jewish religious communities and kept their religion and culture going.
Despite being ethnically cleansed from their homeland and enslaved by the Italians, the Jews regrouped and saved themselves by migrating to northern Italy, Spain, and France, reaching soaring heights in science and business, only to be expelled by greedy Spanish thieves who had a recent war to pay off. Spain remains the ass backwards sh*thole of Europe today.
Columbus still has a holiday named after him here in America. I wonder if Iran, Hamas and Hiz’b’alla, and the political Left will try to do in his name, now that he is a known Jew. Or will the Left stick up for him, because he was an oppressed refugee? Guess it is still complicated being Columbus.

Sinan the Great Jew, expelled from Spain for his religion, he became a lifelong pirate specializing in taking Spanish ships
I USED to be a Democrat
I used to be a registered Democrat, until 1992, the last time I voted for a Democrat for president, when Bill Clinton became president and immediately went to war against private gun ownership. Guns in civilian hands is a sign of a healthy nation, and when politicians want to disarm the civilians, it is a bad sign, that tyranny is awake and active. The Democrat Party hates private gun ownership and is constantly trying to end it. Kamala Harris is on record that she will come and take our guns, if she is elected. No way.
So I am not a big believer in political parties, because as the Pennsylvania GOP has shown over and over, it is really just about a small handful of wealthy elite people here making most of the decisions. This is not democratic, open, transparent, or good for representative government. Both political parties suck, it is just that one is much worse than the other.
That said, one thing that is really acutely toxic to democracy is a group like today’s Democrat Party. This is the political party of tyranny, of big government, of market intervention, of no gas stoves for you, indoctrinating little girls to cut their breasts off in school, and so on. Today’s Democrat Party is anti freedom, anti choice, anti child, anti education, anti family, anti religion, anti science, and anti America. It is so bad that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of all people had to leave it. So as bad as the PAGOP is, the Democrat Party is worse, and it must be resisted at all turns.
I have yet to have a meaningful conversation with ardent Democrats. They to a person turn off, tune out, walk away, get really angry and defiant. Not one has been able to have a calm conversation about politics, or to calmly explain what they stand for and why they stand for it. Way too many are waving around signs that have some nonsense about Trump and Project 2025. Trump had nothing to do with the Heritage Foundation’s ultra nerdy conservative wishlist Project 2025.
The #WalkAway movement is really valuable, and anyone feeling like they are uncomfortable with the Democrat Party can simply Walk Away from it like so many others are doing. I am not saying you have to become a registered Republican, although the more independent minded voters that register as Republicans, the greater the likelihood that The People can finally defeat the bad GOPe. If you become an Independent or No Political Party, you will suddenly find yourself…unburdened by what was.