Archive → February, 2021
The yaw in America’s orbit
Politically speaking, for a very long time, at least since 1865, America has had a pretty stable orbit. We circle a very dense, heavy, socially generous capitalistic economic core encased in a semi-plastic Constitution, and sometimes we swing out into the darkness of one far end of the solar system or another. But America has always returned back to the middle after those elliptical soirees, very often pulled back in by the power of the US Supreme Court. Because the US Supreme Court has always always always been the guardians of order and individual rights vs. a power-hungry government.
For all of its flaws and mistakes and legislating from the bench over the years, the US Supreme Court has always been kind of the center of America’s political system. A sort of brake sometimes, or a set of loose then taut reins other times, but always gently steering and operating with the deep respect of the governed. If the US Supreme Court said so, then it must have been concluded with the greatest of careful pondering, most Americans have always thought. However, with two decisions out of the Court this week, the Court’s central stabilizing arrangement is now at an open and notorious end.
The Court is yet one more government organ to now force-feed Americans their new role as subjects being ruled from the top down, no longer free citizens being governed by people we trust and approve of with the citizenry’s consent.
Our US Supreme Court is exerting great yaw upon the nation’s orbit. Which is to say the Court is not spinning or moving in a smooth track, and is therefore exerting destabilizing forces upon the body politic. Its latest decisions indicate a great deal of turmoil inside the Court and out. And the Court’s two recent decisions demonstrate that turmoil emanates from the Court purposefully engaging in overtly political acts, not based on wisdom and due process, but on purely short-term political desires.
The one decision is to dismiss the two main lawsuits from the stolen election of 2020, one from Pennsylvania and one from Texas. Back in December, the Court said that the US President or his assigns\ representatives did not have standing to make these cases before the Court. In other words, the sitting US President was not important enough to argue his case before the Court, which is a ridiculous position on its face. And now the Court has said the two cases are moot because the question has passed with the January 20th swearing in of corrupt fraud Joe Biden. In other words, The People can’t win either way with this Court. In no way was the Court going to hear these critically important cases, because the evidence of wrongdoing to steal the 2020 election is overwhelming. The Court wants to keep a lid on all that, Constitutional procedure and government credibility be damned.
The second decision is to grant New York politicians access to President Trump’s tax returns. This is something that has never happened before to any president or ex-president, and it is part of an ongoing public effort by the political establishment to utterly destroy President Donald Trump, both in and out of office, and his supporters. Like all of the other political decisions made in recent months, the precedent this decision sets can and will swing both ways. As I write this, some enterprising DA in East Succotash America is looking at ways to get Barack Hussein Obama’s tax returns, and Joe Biden’s, too, and to use them to pursue these two criminals to the ends of the earth.
Oh, the precedents that are being set!
One can picture in the mind’s eye the formerly off-stage narrator suddenly forcefully step forth onto the stage and address the audience directly for dramatic effect:
“But the blade cuts both ways! But such is the single-minded hatred for anti-establishment Trump held by the political establishment that they are blinded by what self-destructive forces their decisions are setting in motion. America’s orbit yaws this way and that, piloted as it is by blind hatred and ambition…”
No nation run on the concept of self-rule like America can withstand such open and notorious purposefully arbitrary and capricious decision making as we are witnessing from the US Supreme Court. Their decisions are disconnected from every law, custom, norm, and Constitutional principle that anchors American government to the nation’s people. Arbitrary and capricious decision making do not jibe with democratic self-rule; one must prevail over the other. One was created to stop the other. They are mutually exclusive, and yet the Court demands that we accept arbitrary and capricious as the new norm.
The US Supreme Court is willfully throwing its integrity and credibility overboard, and becoming yet another failed American institution seeking to simply rule the masses with brute force.
Despite housing the supposed greatest American political historians, the Court seems to intentionally kick sand in the face of The People. Even as The People are gathering their pitchforks and torches, these blind political elites deliberately mis-steer a path of self-government that yaws this way and that, moving America off course by design, throwing it off of its Constitutional orbit, deviating from the straight and just trajectory America has been on for 244 years. As an object yaws in its orbit, it becomes destabilized and eventually thrown off course forever. In nautical and aeronautical terms, America is now beginning to spin out of control, going off its rocker, going off course.
These dramatic moments are the powerful stuff of dramatic plays, told to Western audiences for at least three thousand years to teach pointed lessons from past mistakes, for a reason. And so one must ask, Whose skull will Hamlet II hold in the eventually inevitable tragic play that will be done years hence to describe the obviously avoidable downfall of the first American republic?
[Yaw: To swerve off course momentarily or temporarily; to move unsteadily; weave; to deviate temporarily from a straight course. If a ship or plane yaws too much, its deviations will become permanent and fatal to its enterprise]
America’s Voice gone but not silenced
Sadly, America’s Anchorman Rush Limbaugh has died.
Anyone who regularly listens to his show is not surprised, as the stand-in radio show hosts have been daily for the past couple of weeks. Their daily presence was an indication that Rush was physically unavailable, due to his increasingly severe cancer. And it was only that kind of bar that would keep Rush from sitting at the EIB Golden Microphone himself. His love for what he did was clear.
Rush’s impact on American culture and world-wide politics was unprecedented. He represented the thinking of at least half of America’s citizens. He raised unique questions about the world’s best political system, America, and he posed piercing analysis of the players in it, including members of both major political parties.
Ironically, Rush was a product of a politically partisan mainstream corporate media that had fully merged with the Hollywood entertainment industry. Had the mainstream media actually produced real “news reporters” that simply reported the facts, instead of mounting nonstop daily attacks on Heartland America and the conservatives who represent it, Rush Limbaugh would not have had an audience. Because there would have been no demand for Rush’s service.
Rush’s greatest service to America has been to point out the obvious lies and partisan hypocrisy in the American media and establishment cultural centers, and to be a powerful force for limited government, individual freedom and liberty.
“Rush’s death is a huge loss. He was the best, period. He had a way of articulating the seriousness of politics in a way that didn’t depress the listener. He was a relief to listen to, and of course understood the real nature of politics and politicians better than anyone,” says Central Pennsylvania political activist Ron Boltz.
Right on, Ron. Perfectly said.
I myself was introduced to Rush Limbaugh in 1991 by my friend Kenny Gould in Potomac Maryland, when I was working at the US EPA. Listening to Rush changed my life for the better, and to be frank, I don’t think any radio hosts come close to his performance. Of all the radio hosts I have heard, I believe that Mark Steyn comes the closest to capturing Rush’s analytical way and also his positive, personal way interacting with radio listeners who called in to the show.
America is a poorer place with Rush Limbaugh removed from our national conversation. His quotes and voice will live on, as will the pro-freedom America-first movement he helped start. We will miss you, Rush. Godspeed to wherever you are headed now.
p.s. Rush’s “bumper music” in his radio show was usually the 1970s fun disco/funk stuff from a time when skin color boundaries were being broken by music and generally people felt good about being together. Here is one song that he especially liked: Every 1’s a winner by Hot Chocolate.
p.p.s. for those people who claim that Rush Limbaugh was “racist” etc, they obviously never listened to his radio show, and therefore had no justification for their ridiculous accusation. Rush was the canary in the coal mine for American conservatives, who are now being silenced for “wrongthink” by Big Tech, Big Media, and the Big Political Establishment Uniparty, all of whom try to badmouth and impugn anyone who disagrees with them.
How lovely. Our first ever un-President’s Day!
We Americans just had our first un-President’s Day. That is, the non-President’s Day President’s Day. Which is to say, the holiday about presidents Washington and Lincoln that is actually not really about them any more.
This is because some people have decided to destroy everything that makes America America, and to try to turn America into something else that bears no resemblance to the America founded by General George Washington, our first president and the one for whom President’s Day is really all about. The person these people have selected to represent them is corrupt political careerist Joe Biden, who represents absolutely zero of what George Washington stood for.
King George III remarked about George Washington that he was “the greatest man in history” for having refused the crown as America’s first monarch. George Washington was so devoted to democracy in general, and in particular to the republican form of democracy with all of its fractured power sources and inherent checks and balances, that he declined to assume the absolute power of a monarch.
Contrast our heavenly subject George Washington with the lying, thieving, senile, corrupt failure in the White House right now. Joe Biden and his corrupt family are pretty much owned by the China Communist Party, and both Biden and his Democrat Party enablers are on a mad dash to not only steal elections, but to consolidate power Power POWERRR! so that no one can ever again challenge them or stop them from coercing heretofore free Americans into doing things we would not normally choose to do.
And this is why the President’s Day of 2021 is actually the un-President’s Day. Because unlike past President’s Days, this year’s holiday is not about the finest human qualities as demonstrated by George Washington’s self-control and humility. Rather, it is now remarked by the exact opposite behavior: Deep personal financial corruption by the current occupant of the White House, deeply fraudulent elections nationally and in many states that enabled Biden and the Democrat Party to illegally seize power, and a lethargic inward-looking Republican Party that cannot move off its ass to save itself much less the America that it supposedly exists for and to serve.
And so rather than “celebrate” President’s Day yesterday, I toasted General George Washington, for simply being an incredible human being. May God grant America such brave, just, and good leadership again, and soon.
And for all the nitwits who complain that General George Washington owned slaves, where the hell is your outrage against the Democrat Party you vote for and cheer on as it wipes out 244 years of carefully crafted democracy in its bloodthirsty quest for absolute POWER? Today’s Democrat Party is the second largest slave owner in the world, the first being the Chinese Communist Party, in which the Democrat Party is enthralled and in awe.
Sorry. I forgot. If liberals did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all. “Rules for thee but not for me” is the new Democrat Party mantra.
“Make the US Military BLM”
When you are a small business guy like me, and you satisfy your political interests primarily by blogging about politics and culture, the past twelve years have provided endless opportunities for going from one “I can’t believe it” post to another.
Let’s face it, while most Americans were asleep and under the illusion that America is too big to fail, America is under increasingly direct assault from within. We have an entire political party devoted to destroying America, while calling everyone else standing in their way ‘traitors’ etc. This is evil, vile stuff.
So along the way lots and lots of people on both sides have been kind of squaring up across from each other, kind of sizing each other up and assessing the likelihood of the other guy’s chances in what seems a more and more inevitable violent clash between the Americans and the actual traitors worming holes through America from inside. Lots of times the Leftists would say they would have the military on their side, and the Patriots would laugh out loud. Because the US military has always been America’s bastion of patriotism and loyalty to the US Constitution. Those boys and gals would never take the side of people who were actually against America.
That was true, until now.
As of a week ago, the US Military is in a “stand down” order by the new and openly communist Secretary of Defense.
Claiming without any evidence that the US military is presently rife with “extremism” and “white supremacy,” Lloyd Austen has ordered an illegal, un-American, unconstitutional, and classically Marxist philosophical purge of the United States military. Despite the US military serving as the largest ethnic and racial melting pot on Planet Earth, all bound together by a common set of values and American identity, Lloyd Austen is trying to eliminate the very people we want protecting us, so that he can turn the US military into a Black Lives Matter militia that will forcefully dominate the American civilians.
So to those Qanon people who were dreamily fantasizing about the US military conducting a corrective action against the fraudulent and illegal Biden administration, keep dreaming. The reality is a nightmare, where all true patriots who are loyal to America as founded, will be illegally and systematically eliminated from military service. Austen’s true goal is to make the US military into an officially armed Black Lives Matter.
God only knows how this immoral ethnic cleansing will be accomplished, but if the way openly racist, violent, Marxist BLM has conducted itself on college campuses and in police forces across America, it will be swift, totalitarian, authoritarian, and designed to absolutely crush any opposition to it. Due process will be non-existent, and plenty of fake examples will be made of the innocents gathered up in this net. The Democrat Party media will help spread the lies.
If there were ever a time for the US military leadership to rise up and strip these pretenders to the throne of their illegal gains, now would be it. But we also know that the deep character rot inside the US military is like every other institution now overthrown and co-opted by the Democrat Party, and so no corrective action will occur. At best a few generals and admirals will officially voice their opposition to Lloyd Austen’s genocidal plan, and they will be summarily retired. In their places will be elevated those human scum who dream of nothing but dominating other human beings by force. And so we now witness the true end of America happening right before our eyes.
There is likely no political solution to this. The spineless Republican Party has turned out to be yet another adjunct to the extremist anti-USA Democrat Party, and so the GOP mounts zero opposition. Perhaps some strong governors can try to stem the tide for a while. Maybe some states will secede from the Union, understandably so. But this is it. Once the US military is purged of its patriots, the true end of America as we knew her until a couple months ago is nigh.
The Marxist revolution will be complete.
Kansas City Chiefs declared Super Bowl Winner after 4AM Point Recount
The one hundred thousand or so people actually watching the fake Super Bowl LIV (54) last night may have thought that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won the game over Kansas City handily after the conclusion of the four-quarter game time, but when they awakened this morning, they learned otherwise.
Kansas City was declared the actual winner of Super Bowl LIV this morning after a reportedly contentious point score recount that began after the game’s closing festivities. Apparently the point score recount ended some time around 4:00 AM EST, and Kansas City was declared the game’s winner. The actual process for engaging in the point recount remains murky, but a couple public statements from people involved in it provide some possible answers.
“Last night, KC’s Patrick Mahomes was set to be the youngest NFL quarterback to ever win a Super Bowl, and many back-room observers felt deeply that he deserved to have this win, even if he did not actually win the game,” said NFL Spokesman Mara Meriba.
“Besides, Tom Brady already had six Super Bowl wins before winning this game, and he really did not need another win. Therefore, a multiple-angle-approach recount of the points gained and likely lost to severely aggressive personal fouls by Kansas City players was implemented,” said Meriba.
“After all the recounting and analysis, it was deeply felt the correct thing was to punish the two best players of the game, Tom Brady and Ron Gronkowski, for their obvious “white” privilege that caused them to unfairly win the artificial points and touchdowns thingy,” Meriba said.
Another person close to the late-night recount, a Carl M. Arks of the NFL’s Oversight and Gulag Committee, said “White supremacy has no place in the NFL, and so despite the initial mistaken result giving the game win to Tampa Bay, our heretofore-unknown committee decided that redistributing the win to Mahomes and Kansas City was the morally superior step to take. Anyone within the NFL who questions this outcome will receive a one-way plane ticket to China,” he said.
Kansas City quarterback Patrick Mahomes was reached at his home for comment early this morning, and when informed of his new win he responded “Say what? But I…we…didn’t…” and then his voice was suddenly replaced with one sounding a lot like Carl M. Arks that said “We are pleased with the outcome of this collective decision making process. Have a nice day.”
And so some time this week the Tampa Bay Buccaneers players will have to meet with the Kansas City Chiefs and turn over their Super Bowl LIV rings and other swag they thought they won fair and square by playing by the established rules set before the game started.
In related news, public polls this morning indicate that this year’s Super Bowl ads were the most confusing ever in the show’s history, the cardboard cutout fake fans in the stands gave 94% of the watching children nightmares, and that the halftime show sent so many mixed messages and symbols that over half of the TV watchers reported having bad headaches immediately after watching it.
Beijing Biden’s Blitzkrieg on America, Day 14
For a corrupt, pedophile, senile, failed political establishment guy who in 47 years of office holding achieved nothing and was remarked only for his plagiarism and lies, not-my-president “Beijing” Joe Biden sure has accomplished a lot AGAINST American citizens in just 14 days.
All kinds of ruling by fiat – executive orders – a hallmark of dictators everywhere. The contents of these orders are so overwhelmingly against the rights and interests of everyday American citizens that it takes your breath away. And if anyone wondered why this flurry of activity is just the beginning of the left’s total insider assault on America, they can look no farther than the father of Biden’s actions, German Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler conducted his takeover of Germany in almost exactly the same way Biden and his anti-America Left associates are doing it. Absolute Blitzkrieg, or “lightning attack” in German. It was designed then to shock and overwhelm the German political system, and later the military defenses of surrounding nations, so that Hitler’s Nazi Party could assume full and unchallenged control.
America’s political system has been a 245-year delicately woven arrangement of checks and balances that favor no one group or party holding all of the power. It has been set up as a shock absorber meant to take the bounces that democratic politics occasionally give to the body politic. What America’s system was not set up to do was to facilitate and insulate the complete and sudden illegal takeover of the entire political system by one group, and yet this is exactly what has happened.
Like Adolf Hitler and all of the Eastern European communists before and after him, Beijing Biden is moving ultra fast to solidify his iron grip over all aspects of American life. Bloggers and political activists are being hunted down across America right now by teams of rogue FBI agents, while the FBI HQ issues press releases attributing the resulting extrajudicial assassinations of these individuals to “child slave trafficking.” The mainstream media, which is now an official arm of Biden’s American Nazi Party, simply mouths the official narrative of these unconstitutional operations designed to shut down and silence free Americans. No one looks into the FBI’s low-credibility claims, because the enemies of Biden and the corrupt FBI are the enemies of the US media.
And like dictators all around the world, Biden’s ruling elites have suddenly surrounded themselves with armed guards and walls and fences in Washington DC, while simultaneously telling Americans that WE cannot have a wall around our nation, nor guns with which to defend ourselves. And Democrat Party officials like PA Lt Gov John Fetterman are telling us that challenging the 2020 election results is “not protected speech,” after four years of Democrat Party and establishment media lying every single day about Donald Trump being a Russian spy, and Ukraine hoax, and and and… This hypocrisy is the new standard for behavior from the Nazi Democrat Party.
Problem is, America voted for Donald Trump, not Beijing Biden, and while Biden has his foot on the gas pedal to accelerate his hostile takeover before real opposition can develop, tens of millions of patriotic, loyal Americans are waking up to the stark new very evil reality they face.
I have no crystal ball, and I can’t predict anything. There are a lot of ways Americans can resist the Democrat Party’s all-out assault on America, including retrenching at the state and local level. Most of this has yet to be explored, although some of it is beginning to take shape, like the creation of Second Amendment sanctuary cities, counties, and states. In effect, these places will become no-go zones for corrupt enforcers of the Biden Regime, like rogue FBI and ATF agents. One thing I can surely predict with 100% accuracy is that this gamble by the Democrat Party to establish itself as the full and complete rulers of America will eventually fail, badly.
You can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out, goes one quip. And so one way or another, the Democrat Party’s insider assault on America will eventually fail, but only after a great many innocent people suffer as a consequence. Just like in Germany, and Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, and…and…and… the list goes on in human history, where dictatorial over-reach results in the citizenry eventually rising up and taking back their own authority. But it is the very nature of tyrants and dictators to ignore history, and to think that THIS time, they will rule absolutely and without challenge.
Eventually lightning plays itself out, the storm passes, and the sunshine penetrates the darkness. It is as inevitable as the sun rising every morning.
When law-abiding Americans fear their own government
Roughly half of Americans are living in deep fear of their own government right now. These are law-abiding, tax-paying, job-holding Americans, and there is no reason why they should fear their own government. The American government belongs to them, and its sole purpose is to protect them and serve them.
And yet, the new Biden regime is openly at war with its political opponents, to the point where the Dept. of Justice and the FBI are forming a sort of SWAT team to attack individuals these two deeply corrupted agencies believe must be locked up. One guy was just arrested by a rogue FBI agent, and he is facing ten years in prison for making anti-Clinton memes in the 2016 election. The same exact meme was used by a Democrat activist against Trump in the 2016 election, and yet she is not under arrest.
Plenty of other examples of a Washington DC elite gone hog wild against the People it is supposed to serve. Building a wall around the US Capitol, which is The People’s House, to keep the public out, while tearing down America’s southern border wall meant to keep disease-ridden illegal aliens from illegally invading our country to the detriment of the people who actually live here.
This situation is ludicrous, except that if you speak out about it, you can be “disappeared” by the FBI just like political opponents in South American dictatorships. Some radical, rogue FBI agent will invent false charges against you and that’s that, you are caught up in the Washington DC net of official rogues and villains, determined to punish anyone who dares stand in their way of taking full control of America.
Perhaps the best symbol of just how evil and illegitimate the Beijing Biden regime is, are the extra National Guard troops now pouring into Washington DC. Does America now have more troops guarding its fascist dictator in the White House than North Korea has protecting its Dictator Kim? What a great achievement, Biden gang!
If the Biden gang needs all these troops to protect them from the American people, then it’s probable that the American people did not vote for or select Biden to be their president. Only an illegitimate and unpopular pretender does what Biden is doing. But it is why the Biden regime needs all this official fear and oppression against their political opponents.
And to all the regular Democrat Party folks watching this un-American farce unfold, and just loving it, now you know what happened in 1930s Germany, and how the good German people turned into stark raving mad butchers. Germany’s Nazi Party spent ten years scapegoating and delegitimizing Germany’s Jews, and in 1933 the Nazis launched a very public shaming and humiliation attack on Jews across Germany, called “Kristallnacht.” After that night, it was easy for the Nazi government to persuade enough Germans that no matter how patriotic or morally good their tax-paying Jewish neighbors were, the fact that they were simply Jews was good enough to throw them into concentration camps and steal everything they owned.
This same exact dynamic is playing out now in America, against conservatives and American patriots, with the second totally sham illegal fake “impeachment” of President Donald Trump intended not for legal purposes, but to delegitimize Trump and his political supporters. So that they can be officially oppressed and disappeared. And so many “good Democrats” are happily, even giddily going along with this.
Should we make these Democrats wear black and red arm bands, so we know who they are? They want to pin a yellow star on all of Trump’s supporters, so let’s clearly demarcate both sides. Let’s make it absolutely clear where everyone stands as this official fear and oppression campaign keeps rolling along, steamrolling freedom in its path.