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J6 Pardons…?

Lots of discussion about incoming President Trump pardoning the January 6th protestors. Many of whom are political prisoners treated not much differently than political prisoners are treated in places like Iran (look up Evin Prison), whose Constitutional rights have been thrown out the window by sadistic and hyper partisan US Attorney Matthew Graves, as well as the far-Left public defenders who were supposedly representing these defendants, but who were secretly and illegally colluding with the lawless prosecution to deprive them of their due process rights.

J6 people convicted of misdemeanors held for months and even years of solitary confinement, beaten regularly by prison guards, deprived of medical care, deprived of visits by their lawyers and family members. This is all well documented outside of the evil, corrupt, failed, partisan mainstream media.

The Gateway Pundit has done a great job of covering a lot of the official lawlessness surrounding literally all of the January 6th defendants. At no point in their un-earned trip through the Washington DC area criminal justice system did they receive even a modicum of due process. From faked police reports to outright lies and suppressed evidence by prosecutors in the courtroom, to openly biased and hyper politicized judges whose decisions mocked American jurisprudence standards and basic due process requirements, none of the J6 defendants have received a fair treatment.

Not one.

I was at the January 6th 2021 peaceful protest at the US Capitol, and in about a week I will be posting here the pictures and videos I took of the unbelievable, unprovoked police brutality we law-abiding protestors experienced at the hands of uniformed police officers there that day. I myself watched in horror as the police reached across the barricades to shoot, beat, bludgeon, punch, hit, smack, chemically spray, and bomb Americans who were doing nothing but exercising their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble and petition their government for redress.

In any other protest this police misconduct would have been news, and subject to congressional action, and lawsuits.

One guy I remember clearly, dressed in a business suit, had an American flag in his left hand. He was standing quietly at the barricades. Suddenly a police flashbang went off in his face, launched from maybe ten feet away and aimed carefully at him, and he staggered backwards. His face was blasted white from the explosive charge, and blood ran down his skin. He was clearly knocked backwards and severely hurt, and other protestors guided him back, away from the barricade, to a place where he could receive first aid from his fellow Americans.

At no point did any police officers there attempt to render aid to him, or to anyone else they wounded, damaged, injured, hurt or attacked. The police were simply there to attack us, even though we had done nothing wrong. This wounded guy was recently interviewed (I am looking for the video), and his face is not fully healed four years later.

At a certain point the protestors had had enough. They had received their fill of abuse from the lawless uniformed people who are sworn to uphold the law and to protect us citizens. At a certain point the protestors decided to make a point, that the area around The People’s House is not off limits to We, The People. We pay for it, we pay for its upkeep, we pay for the salaries and benefits of those working inside of it, and we pay for the salaries and benefits of the very police officers who were illegally hurting us that day. We have every right to protest there.

In a sane and law-abiding world, I dont see how a person can make a real strong case for why the otherwise peaceful protestors should not have crossed the barricades on January 6th, given all the brutal physical abuse they had endured.

I don’t care who a J6 defendant is, or what he or she did that day. People who hit police officers over the head with flag poles did so out of self-defense. I watched a large white guy in a yellow shirt slugging it out with a cop on the Capitol steps. He was filled with rage at having been mistreated badly by the officer, and he justifiably wanted revenge. That is human nature. And I am sure he has by now been fully, sadistically, and lawlessly prosecuted by the lawless Biden DOJ.

None of these defendants should be in jail, none of them should have a criminal record from January 6th. Every single one of them must be pardoned, exonerated, and their record purged by the incoming president. Moreover, every one of these defendants is entitled to a full financial settlement from the American government, to compensate them for their financial losses, their legal bills, their pain and suffering at the hands of public servants whose job it is to ensure we citizens are treated properly.

Additionally, America must have a full accounting into which individual officers conducted themselves in a lawless fashion on January 6th. These officers must be criminally prosecuted, along with the lawless prosecutors like Matthew Graves, and the backstabbing public defenders.

And every pitbull lawyer in America should start filing civil rights lawsuits against the police and their enablers for the rampant civil rights violations that defined January 6th. Sign me up, because my right eye still has a large blood clot in it from the severe police pepper spraying I got at J6, despite my distance from the barricade.

President Trump, you must pardon Every. Single. January 6th. Defendant.

And, Mister President, you must go after the law-breaking DOJ prosecutors who created this unfair mess. Prosecutors and FBI agents (more on them later) who abused their public positions to implement their personal hatred against American citizens they wrongly perceive as their enemies must be fully held to account. Lock them up in the same dungeons they put our people in, and throw away the key.

A Tale of Two Different Approaches to Life, Government

We are witnessing a growing storm right now. Of historic, unprecedented proportion. Something out of a fantastical Hollywood CGI movie is taking shape in front of our eyes. Except this is no fake fantasy, it is the harshest of realities about to descend on all of us. God willing, and for good reason.

What started out as small dark clouds in 2016 has morphed into an enormous, growing boiling cloud mass with lightning shooting out of it, ominous rumblings became peals of sharp thunder. Pick your Armageddon or end-of-the-world SciFi movie, America and the entire planet are entering a new state of being, and this huge ever-growing storm of apocalyptic size and appearance is coming with it.

A Biblical parallel would be the Exodus story, where God’s holy Angel of Death went house to house, inflicting destruction, except on those pure souls who were favored. Or, America is about to witness a Noah-like flood that is going to wipe away all of the sinful grotesquery and leave a cleansed albeit forlorn and changed landscape behind, where green things can grow again in a purified world.

We are seeing the difference between two different ways of looking at life and government play out. And this Biblical clash of good vs. evil is about to get ugly, and disruptive. And beautiful. Change is constant, necessary, painful, and beautiful.

On the one hand is the Uniparty-Media establishment complex, with its ever expanding bloated, unaccountable, lawless, change-resistant, all-powerful federal bureaucracies. This huge, unholy carnivorous plant has been watered with the hard-earned tax money of the American people (taken at gunpoint) for about a hundred years, ever since progressive (Communist) president Woodrow Wilson began inflicting his vision for Big Government and Little Citizen on America.

Relying on the once-inspiring frontier mentality that America was always going to grow, expand, reach ever greater heights of achievement, progressives (statist communists, now Democrats) and their Uniparty GOP allies siphoned off ever larger amounts of American private sector achievement to fund their socialist horror experiment. And with everything on the line, they illegally manipulated voting machines and voting laws and looked the other way to steal the 2020 election, so they could cement their Uniparty rule over all of us once and for all.

And so here we are, about a hundred years after this slow growing cancerous fungus first took hold, and the American people are beholding this evil thing that was just about to take over our lives, eat us all up, and continue growing. Americans were slated to become permanent slaves to the Uniparty bureaucracy and its unelected functionaries who have been holding ever increasing power over our individual fates. And the American people said NO.

In response to the evil Uniparty bureaucracy, the American people just re-re-elected someone who believes in and is willing to fight fight fight at any cost for the original founding vision of America: A place of freedom and limitless opportunity for all of its citizens.

A place where the government exists to serve the citizens, not the other way around.

The coming shock as these two worlds collide is going to be cataclysmic. Yes, proponents of freedom and liberty are going to get the great cleansing they are hoping for, that America desperately needs. But do not kid yourself that the resulting fallout is going to be beautiful, or easy. No, it will be shocking to America’s core. We need this, but it will not be easy.

As the three readers of this blog already know, your dutiful author here is devoted to freedom and liberty at all costs, inlcuding the freewill donation of his own blood and life, need be. Minuteman at the ready, absolutely. Freedom from tyranny may be achieved, but it always comes at a cost, a true and measurable cost. And we are about to witness it, as the evil towers of Mordor come crumbling to the ground in a great shock. Hopefully without bloodshed.

What comes afterwards will be a weird quiet. The sound of one hand clapping, maybe. A thin, still blast of the shofar, heard at Sinai when the Law was given.

For those who are confused by this essay, take note of just one of dozens of such current policy situations: outgoing dementia-ridden White House resident Joe Biden has just signed a new contract with about 42,000 unionized federal workers, obligating the federal government to granting certain lush work conditions with these employees. Done as a business-as-usual end-run around the incoming storm, it ignores the catastrophic blast about to hit Washington, DC.

To wit: Every federal worker serves at the choice of the Chief Executive, who is The President. So all of these 42,000 federal workers can be immediately furloughed, their new gravy train contract rendered moot, and the incoming storm’s ongoing clean sweep will continue unabated. End of business-as-usual.

One man’s wreckage is another man’s treasure, I suppose. I am looking forward to picking over the smoking battlefield when this is over. But I bet I will find some distant kinfolk lying there, too. Painful price to pay, but necessary.


Will Pam Bondi cut it as AG?

Earlier today, former congressman Matt Gaetz stepped down as nominee for US Attorney General. The ridiculous scandal created around him drove him out. Within about six hours, President Trump announced that former Florida AG Pam Bondi was the next up nominee. And I do not have a good feeling about this selection.

Here is why: If you are trying to re-enter enemy territory and bring law and order to the Biden DOJ chaos, you are best served by having someone who is aggrieved. Someone like Kash Patel, who served in the Pentagon and as Rep. Devin Nunes’ chief of staff and investigator into the DOJ’s fake Russia Hoax scandal aimed at Trump. You are best served by someone who knows where the skeletons are buried and where the bad guys are hiding, and who is personally invested in fixing it.

Pam Bondi could easily be another Amy Coney Barrett, a moderate sheep sold in conservative clothing, who promised to act like a sheriff, but who ended up being a spineless liberal do-nothing on the Supreme Court. Justice Brett Kavanaugh also turned out to be a cute soccer mom, more interested in DC elbow rubbing than in implementing constitutionally sound legal decisions. America cannot survive with more of this kind of weak personality in leadership positions. The rot is too deep and too broad, and only the very meanest, toughest crime fighters will succeed in righting the listing ship.

My fear is that Pam Bondi will not want to rock the boat by making aggressive moves on big name crime figures, like Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland. Rather, she is likely to go after the second tier personalities, and only a few at that. People like Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein, maybe Jim Comey or Chris Wray. My fear is that she she will have a few big dog and pony circus show cases, and puff out her chest and strut around like she has done something. Letting all the myriad bad guys off the hook.

What DC and America need is a Batman, a caped crusader, someone so personally angry and hurt by the last eight years of cruel, lawless injustice, that he will stop at nothing to bring everyone to justice. That means the Merrick Garlands and the junior DOJ prosecutors too, everyone who all engaged in criminal prosecutorial misconduct. And whomever is responsible for the professional murder of Jeffrey Epstein inside a jail cell. And whoever left the fake bombs outside the DNC and RNC on January 6th. And and and….

Doors have to be kicked in at 4AM, tons of bad guys have to be trotted out cuffed in their underwear, and as much prosecution as can be dreamt up must be dumped on every. single. one. of these bad people who have wrecked America over the past eight years.

Pam Bondi. Someone this pretty probably isn’t going to be as tough as America needs. Photo credit CNN

Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it. If nothing else, one hopes that President Trump has explained to Pam Bondi what his exact expectations are, and what the short timeline looks like for her implementation. We cannot have another Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr situation, where people who are entrusted with everything do absolutely nothing. And we also cannot have another situation where the AG does something, but not everything that must be done.

Batman, where are you?

America needs a caped crusader US Attorney General to bring tough justice to Washington DC criminals. Credit DC Comics (ironically)



Why Trump won

I am sitting back watching, listening to, and reading all of the gnashing of teeth and finger pointing on the Left. It is incredible to me that all of these adults in Hollywood, the Mainstream Media, academia, corporate America, Wall Street, Washington DC think tanks, etc. cannot figure out the simple and plainly evident reasons why Kamala lost and Trump won.

Here we go:

First, the Democrat Party has abandoned America and Americans. It is an anti-America political party, openly advocating for illegal immigrants over our own citizens, and for places like Ukraine and its border over America and our border. No matter how much the MSM and academia may propagandize the American people, there will still be a majority of us whose survival instincts are just naturally stronger than the utopian dream state.

Second, Democrat Party policies are so obviously self-destructive and financially unsustainable, that again, a majority of Americans across every racial and income class can smell trouble ahead. When hundreds of billions of dollars are given to Ukraine to fight a nonstop unwinnable war, and yet there is no money to help fellow Americans hit by destructive hurricanes, a lot of our people are going to get mad. Government exists for one reason: To serve We, The People. That is it. And when government becomes destructive of these ends…well, you know the rest of that Constitutional text. Under these conditions, voting for a guy like Trump is just a natural, visceral reaction by Americans who still feel American, regardless of their party association.

Third, Democrat Party policies generally suck crap and are unfair. America is the world’s great meritocracy, and yet Kamala represented a shift to officially rewarding people for their skin color and sexual behavior, not for how good they are at flying a plane. A majority of Americans are still merit-oriented. They want to do well by working hard and making responsible decisions, and they sure as hell do not want to see their tax money (taken from us by government force) given to people who neither work hard nor have put anything into the system we share.

Fourth, Democrat Party identity policies unnaturally pit Americans aginst one another, as opposed to unifying us as a single people under a single flag. Trump represents the founding vision of America, which people of good will embrace. When I have said to black men “You are my brother in America, in America’s promise and opportunity,” they know I mean it. Kamala was against that kind of brotherhood.

Fifth, the Biden-Harris Administration turned the federal government against the people of America, instead of using it to help us. Clearly gearing up to create a single-party nation with a vast bureaucratic network of forever citizen control, i.e. a totalitarian state, the Biden-Harris federal spy and law enforcement agencies became openly antagonistic and threatening toward everyday Americans doing everyday citizen things that had never before been characterized as wrong or bad or illegal.

And yet these Christians, engaged parents of schoolchildren, law-abiding gun owners and hunters, even Amish farmers, were heavily targeted by federal agencies with super heavy-handed treatment. Just going successfully through the lawless law enforcement process was punishment enough. Are readers aware that there are still January 6th political prisoners suffering in brutal prison conditions without having yet had their “speedy” trials? Well, enough Americans have been outraged by this lawless behavior to vote on this issue alone.

Sixth, Americans hate a bully, and the Mainstream Media (MSM) has been the biggest bully of all. Watching Senator Vance or President Trump simply try to get a word in with openly hostile and very rude “reporters” bothers fair-minded people everywhere. Only sadistic and sick-minded people enjoy watching people get beat up and picked on, and yet at almost every turn the MSM has beat up and picked on Republicans and conservatives, while artificially ignoring the very real failures of Democrat Party officials. Fair-minded people have had enough of the MSM double standard, and Americans are increasingly turning to alternative media and social media that do not censor private opinions. And so, the MSM and social media companies have been squeezing harder and ever more losing their grip on information flow, while simulatenously alienating Americans.

I could probably list another four or five reasons for why Kamala lost this election, but I am out of energy on this. Americans are fundamentally against socialist utopianism and for hard work. Kamala represents oppressive socialism and Trump represents free markets, free choices, free opportunity as much as you want.

If Democrats want to win more of these national contests, they are going to have to become American again. Especially after an election integrity law is passed within the first 90 days of Trump’s presidency, which will greatly cut into the main way that Democrats have won recent elections.

2024 Election results reveal 2020 Election was stolen

2004 Election: 121 million votes cast

2008 Election: 129.5 million votes vast

2012 Election: 126.8 million votes cast

2016 Election: 128.8 million votes cast

2020 Election: 155.5 million votes cast

2024 Election: 141 million votes cast

Numbers don’t lie, and the numbers from six elections, and especially the three last elections, tell us that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen.

Trump just won with about 73 million votes to Kamala Harris’ 68 million, roughly speaking, as drips and drabs of overseas ballots are still be counted.

In prior elections, neither Hillary Clinton nor Hussein Obama obtained anywhere near 81 million votes, which is the number attributed to Joe Biden in 2020. In 2020, doddering, dementia-ridden, no charisma Joe Biden hid in his basement, held few rallies, and the rallies he did hold were super low T low energy low turnout. Historically, in human history, this kind of political campaign just cannot win.

In 2020 Trump got 74 million votes nationwide, in what was considered to be the hottest, most aggressive race and the most popular, most energized individual campaign since Obama’s first run. Recall that Trump had huge rallies, had all the polls and the momentum on his side.

And after Trump won decisively on Election Day 2020, but then waited in good faith for days afterwards for several swing states (PA, GA, AZ, MI) to finish counting “newly found” ballots behind closed doors with no Republican observers present, suddenly, magically, ridiculously, Biden was declared the winner of 2020.

The MSM claim was that Biden had obtained the unbelievable number of 81 million votes.

While the 2020 Trump campaign did object to the hastily declared win on so many procedural grounds, because there were so many crazy high numbers of really crazy, blatant election law violations, not one court would hear the lawsuits. Not one court decided a 2020 campaign lawsuit on its merits. Rather, the entire political establishment just looked away as the political assassination and theft of a nation played out in front of everyone’s eyes. It was a time of mass insanity.

And so for four subsequent years, the conservative base, patriots, working people, moms and dads, began networking and paying closer attention to political procedures, to school boards, to the massive government overreach happening everywhere. And this new body politic grew its own information networks, and fueled others that had been kind of on the sidelines. Sources like Breitbart and Gateway Pundit suddenly grew by leaps and bounds. Trump’s Truth Social became a place where conservatives could communicate and share information without fear of being censored. Then Elon Musk bought Twitter, and fired about 80% of the hard-left staff, and made it into Free Speech Central.

And as the lid came off the information flow, more and more Americans began circumventing the partisan establishment media, and getting the truth about the lawless disaster that is the Biden-Harris administration. Next thing ya know, a mass movement for freedom, for America, and for Trump was re-invigorated, especially after Trump was martyred weekly with false accusations, lawfare and bizarre court proceedings that everyone could see were unfair.

And the Republican National Committee also changed leadership, removing listless, petulant, pouting, lazy, useless do-nothing Ronna McDaniel, replacing her with Lara Trump and Michael Whatley. Whatley and Trump focused on all the lessons learned from the procedural failures of 2020, and began building a political machine with lawyers tied in with the voter base and polling places. Something that RNC elites had not done in many decades.

When the 2024 election arrived, RNC attorneys and poll watchers were everywhere, watching everything, refusing to allow Republican poll watchers to be violently removed from polls and vote counting, like they were in 2020. Refusing to allow truckloads of unknown, undocumented ballots from being delivered to vote counting locations without a fight. And so, RNC resistance to cheating and vote fraud in 2024 staved off another stolen presidential election.

Attempts are happening right now to steal several congressional elections around the country using the overseas ballots, which the DOJ was trying hard to protect from scrutiny earlier this year. Here in PA we have (US Senate race) Dave McCormick ahead of Bob Casey by about 28,000 votes, and (US House race) Scott Perry ahead of Janelle Stelson by something like a couple thousand votes, and the UOCAVA ballots are now being used to try to overcome these leads. If real scrutiny is applied to these ballots, and only the real ones are counted, then the leads of McCormick and Perry should hold.

I got a call an hour ago, with the RNC trying to locate as many election law attorneys as they can find to cover this new front in the election.

Back to Kamalingus: Somehow she got thirteen million votes LESS than Biden did just four years ago? And somehow America lost fourteen million votes overall between 2020 and 2024? No. These votes did not just vaporize and disappear two days ago. They never existed. They were just made up of fake ballots. These numbers show just how bad the cheating was in 2020, and that means that Joe Biden was not elected president. Trump was.

Bottom line is, Democrat Party cheating just never stops. It is an ingrained part of the party’s culture, and it will not stop until cheating is made less possible. It is why the Biden DOJ fought every voter integrity law passed across the USA over the past few years, and why the DOJ just fought (and lost) to keep illegal aliens on the Virginia voter rolls.

God willing, America now has a Republican majority House, Republican majority Senate, and the White House, and if nothing else, they must pass voting laws that prevent the kind of cheating we saw in 2020 from ever happening again.

UPDATE November 9, 2024: Trump has now exceeded the number of votes he obtained in 2020, somewhere north of 75 million, while Harris has also increased her votes somewhat. More and more people are openly questioning and mocking the fake “81 million votes” number that Biden supposedly got in 2020. How the 2020 election was fraudulently stolen is going to come out soon.

Take-aways from Trump’s historic WIN

Some take-aways from President Donald Trump’s historic win last night:

ONE: “Too Big to Rig” turned out not to be only a campaign slogan, but a very real and measurable goal. In swing states, including my own Pennsylvania, registering new Republican voters (hero Scott Presler registered something like 110,000 Amish) and getting them to vote made the difference between winning and losing. Getting regular “super voters” and new voters alike to bank their votes before Election Day via absentee and mail-in ballots also helped hugely. That way, when the Democrat Party tried to cheat, as they did last night with secret ballot dumps in Philly and Detroit, the votes were already in and counted, and …

TWO: Staying on top of the battlefield, so to speak, with hundreds of lawyers and poll watchers everywhere documenting everything across Pennsylvania (and other swing states) prevented the “enemy” from doing sneak attacks. Too many eyes and cameras watching in 2024, something we lacked in 2020.

When Centre County tried to stop vote counting last night, with promises to come back in the morning and pick up again, Republican National Committee lawyers were present and threatened to sue if Centre County violated state law. And so Centre County staffers put on their big boy pants and continued counting votes like every other professional polling place is supposed to do. This prevented Centre County (where I grew up, and which is home to Penn State University’s bazillion communist faculty and spoiled brat students) from sneaking in a bunch more secret ballots hidden somewhere and padding the vote results in favor of their preferred candidates, which happened a lot with the stolen 2020 election.

THREE: Mainstream legacy corporate media e.g. Reuters, ABC CBS NBC NPR PBS NYT CNNLOL WaPo MSNBC etc are now on the losing side of the info wars. No matter what these outlets say now, a majority of Americans do not trust them. Rather, a majority of Americans openly mock them because of their patently false and easily disprovable assertions and narratives. A big indication of how weak MSM sources have become is that they ALL have deleted their comment sections. No way for their readership or viewership to visibly fact-check them real time!

For decades these establishment fake news disseminators of malinformation, disinformation, and misinfornation have been the supposed “go-to” sources for accurate information. But as everyone now sees so clearly, these are not fair-minded arbiters of accuracy and truth. Rather, all of these outlets are plugged into one particular and very politically partisan source, probably Media Matters, from which these giant networks take their daily talking points and narratives. Watch one compilation of all the MSM personalities saying the exact same things on the same day, and you have seen all of the compilations done for decades now.

FOUR: As a result of the MSM’s willful if suicidal media malpractice serving as the open propaganda arm for the Democrat Party (and serving as the Kamala Harris campaign), the rise of the citizen journalist and alternative media is really just beginning. New they may be, these people are really effective, and they gave Trump a pathway to get around the MSM blocks and attacks on him.

Go to Rumble and meet some of the many political refugees kicked out of YouTube or FaceBook for the simple acts of violating leftwing political orthodoxy. Rumble’s political ecosystem is super rich and diverse, and you will hear a hundred or a thousand different opinions about the day’s events from funny people, smart people, scary people, people in their underpants, people wearing their underpants on their head, but frankly, any and all of them far better and much more honest and interesting and accurate than anything you will hear on CNN or ABC or NPR.

And don’t forget all of the bazillion podcasts on Apple, Spotify, etc., and all the talk radio shows, and the new newspapers like Epoch Times. Or Breitbart or Gateway Pundit.

In sum, the rise of the citizen journalist directly correlates with the fall of corporate media. I will bet the R2 of these two axis are probably 99% correlated. By consuming alternative sources of information in a free market place, Americans are showing their belief in the old Thomas Paine adage about the best antidote to bad information is not to shut it down, but to get more information, so that a person can make up their own mind about what is true, and what is false.

People who read and listen to alternative media are naturally curious individuals. People who drink out of the toilet and consume MSM like CNN and NPR are not intellectually curious people. It is a badge of honor to listen to diverse voices.

And for all the MSM lovers out there, if the MSM had simply done their job of reporting just the facts and all the facts, regardless of where they fell, then there would have been no need or demand for talk radio, or citizen journalism, or podcasts. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the New York Times is one gigantic, ridiculous, embarrassingly buck naked vacuum.

Truth is like water, it will keep moving around to find the lowest place, no matter how much you try to dam it up.

FIVE: Working polling places is effective. For many years I have compared the polls that I worked at on Election Day to other polling places, especially those with no one working, to see if my friendly outreach to voters coming in to vote has any real effect. It does, and I encourage everyone of any political party or interest group to participate in Election Day as a poll watcher. Not only does it give more information to prospective voters, it also brings more eyes to the polling place, which is the number one way to prevent vote fraud on Election Day.

SIX: Kamala Harris was not a compelling candidate when she ran in the primary last time, and she was not a compelling candidate yesterday, either. That she was hand-picked by party elites without one vote being cast for her by one citizen indicates a huge problem with American party politics. Do not kid yourself this is only the Democrat Party’s problem, this need for elites’ control is also big among the GOP. I.e. note how Trump was treated by the GOPe right up until a couple days ago, when it became clear he was going to win. They STILL hated him, for being his independent self.

SEVEN: Americans do not trust their government. For good reason. When your own government has abandoned you the lifelong taxpayer, in favor of flying in and letting in tens of millions of unvetted illegal aliens, and telling the truth about this invasion is treated harshly by the government created to protect you, the citizen, your government has become your enemy. Everyone sees it now.

And so, my own decision to abandon the US EPA in 1998, after seven years in Federal service there, becomes even more understandable to me now. Back then, I did not like what I was seeing, hearing, writing, saying, but I could not really put my finger wholly on the problem. Now, we all see the problems in both federal and state governments, and buddy, the meat cleaver must fall hard on the gangrenous parts. This was a big part of yesterday’s vote results.

EIGHT: Never underestimate the strength of well intentioned people determined to correct wrongdoing. When Elon Musk turned Twitter/X into a pretty free market of ideas and information, a huge pathway around the MSM and Silicon Valley tech media chokehold on information flow was disrupted. The rest of that is beautiful Robin Hood history. And when Scott Presler decided that he could not allow the stolen 2020 election to go unanswered, he devoted himself to tirelessly registering Republican voters in Pennsylvania and other swing states. The outcome of his incredible work bore obvious fruit last night.

Moral of this story: Fight, Fight, Fight for what you believe in. Never relent, never stop, never give up, no matter how sad or demoralized you might feel at any point.

America is worth building, and it was worth saving yesterday, whatever the cost.

Abortion is now the issue?

Suddenly abortion is the political issue on Election Day?

Strange how it took yet another fake issue like this to galvanize a certain voter base. I myself was more bothered by Biden calling all Trump supporters “garbage” last week, than fake hype about “Trump will take away your abortion.” On the one hand, we are talking about at least 150 million Americans who, according to various personalities on the far Left, are “deplorables,” or “garbage,” or “extremists” because a bunch of moms and dads went to school board meetings. On the other hand, how many women (we know how to identify women now, don’t we!) get abortions every year? Not that many.

Abortion is not mentioned in the US Constitution because it was considered a horror in the 1780s. No one clamored for a personal freedom to kill babies back then, except savages. So when the US Supreme Court recently returned abortion policy back to the states where it had always been and always belonged up until Roe v. Wade, a lot of Americans cheered. Because it made sense: On the one hand we have Kamala Harris saying she is going to take away our guns, which are explicitly protected by the Second Amendment, and on the other hand Kamala Harris is also talking about free abortions for everyone, men, women, children, babies, including up to old age…and abortion/ murder of born people is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.

Because to kill a breathing person is murder.

Kamala has a huge disconnect on the Constitution, she is at war with the Constitution, and Americans need to be protected from her. The Constitution is what protects We, The People from a government gone rogue.

President Trump made it clear he supported moving abortion policy back to the states, and that is where it will remain. What is the point of pursuing it further? Trump knows that it is a lose-lose political issue, and he also knows that it is an issue of changing hearts and minds, not forceful legislation.

Abortion as a political issue is a question about how the hell Americans ever became enamored of it. How it morphed into being called “health care,” the little human a “piece of protoplasm,” and the actually born alive baby…just left to die on a stainless steel table somewhere, which is infanticide/murder. How coarse!

I am married, and I have daughters, and I have a mother, and I understand women wanting control of their body. But the definition of abortion has moved way way beyond anything a civilized culture ever contemplated. This is no longer about control of one’s body, it has become control over the cold blooded execution of someone else.

This subject is not going to be solved with laws. Just like it is already against the law to murder and rape people, and yet lots of murders and rapes happen, especially with Kamala’s wide open borders. It all comes down to frame of mind, state of mind, culture, values, family, and yes, church/temple. These have to be addressed and changed at the street level, inside homes. Laws are not going to change people.

Trump has repeatedly said he has no desire or ability to deal with the abortion issue any longer. And while I agree with him on fact, I think that is a shame, because the one thing we need on this subject are people in leadership roles appealing to our better natures, to our hearts and minds. Freedom is the ability to protect yourself, not to murder someone.

Pictures worth a bazillion words

I had my jab sticker

Powerful Pictures

Frog eats mouse

Pictures say it all