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Veterans Day 2024, what does it mean?
The easy answer to the question of what Veterans Day 2024 means is that it means the same thing it has meant since the end of World War I (the Great War) in November, 1918, and that it has meant since becoming an official national holiday in 1938, on the cusp of the World War II: Thank you to our military Veterans, many of whom risked everything, life and limb, to protect us in the Homeland.
Every successful nation in human history has celebrated its military veterans. Some more than others, as many of history’s most aggressive empires were fueled by mere mercenaries bent on looting their victims. Some nations elevated military vets to hero status, including the Russians, the Japanese, and the ancient Spartans. America has a moderate tradition of showing thanks and respect to the men and women who keep our borders free of….invaders…wait, that didn’t happen over the past four years, did it…Well, anyhow, America has a staid and even-headed tradition of showing our thanks to our military Veterans.
That even Democrats have until recently participated in this holiday shows how broadly it was a core part of our national identity.
However, given recent reports that senior US military officers in the Pentagon are conspiring to undermine, subordinate, deflect, delay, and blunt their incoming Commander in Chief’s orders gives every patriot pause. What on earth has happened to the American military that there are constitutionally sworn officers so brazenly willing to violate the chain of command?
As we would expect, these treasonous, insubordinate, oath-breaking military officers are couching their illegal plot in terms of not following President Trump’s “illegal orders.” Whatever that means. I mean, when did President Trump ever give an illegal order to the military? And mind us all, these traitor officers are the. same. people. who just championed and pushed through a new Dept. of Defense policy allowing US military personnel to shoot to kill US citizens. I mean, didn’t this on-its-face illegal policy violate the Posse Comitatus Act? So, these traitors’ definition of “illegal order” is likely to include just about anything President Trump says.
[if you do an internet search of Pentagon directive 5240.01, you will find a ridiculous retinue of false fact checks by Politico, Snopes, Reuters et al by all the usual lying fake news scoundrels]
So just on the face of what we are hearing, the US military is now filled with heavily indoctrinated, politicized, left-wing ideological officers who are hostile to the US Constitution, hostile to the chain of command, hostile to a Commander in Chief who they disagree with. This sure looks like mass insurrection to me, because the military is always supposed to be run by the civilian leadership. There is no excusing this activity, if in fact it is true in any way, because it is yet another dagger aimed at the heart of America, as we were founded.
So in this view of things, the role of US military Veterans takes on a whole new perspective. One wonders if there is not some near future role for the old military officers from the distant and not so distant past. When President Trump takes office on January 20, 2025, one of his first actions must be the wholesale demotion and expulsion from uniform as many of the participants in these lawless and patently insurrectionist activities as can be identified. Courts martial must immediately follow. If the long ongoing communist indoctrination at West Point is as bad as it looks, and the Air Force Academy, as well, very few current military officers can be left in uniform. America will need leaders to take their positions, and what better pool to draw from than those retired elders who already served honorably and patriotically, as opposed to the domestic enemies within who are currently in the Pentagon.
So, in this light, it sure seems that today’s Veterans Day harbors much more meaning than one might think. Dear American Veterans, we might need to call upon you again to serve your fellow Americans once again, if only for a few years while everything gets sorted out. Thank you for your past service and for any service you might have to render to us beginning in early 2025.

Proud West Point graduate and true military combat hero Jack Keith would be horrified at what has happened to America’s military. He would not stand for it, and we need older officers like him to come back and clean house
Change Needed in Aisle One – Bob Casey needs to go
Several names are on repeat across the decades here in Pennsylvania politics – Scranton and Casey being the two modern dynasties. Both Scranton and Casey families have fielded repeat elected officials, some of whom have been impressive, and some of whom have simply ridden on the coat tails of their fathers and gotten very little done, except hold office and enjoy prestige and an easy paycheck.
Bob Casey, Jr. is of the latter clan, and he has now been a US senator for egads, I don’t know how long, a really long time. At least 18 years. Before that he held elected office at the state level. All because his dad, Bob Casey, Sr., was an impressive moderate governor, who understood and worked with all ends of the political spectrum.
This current Casey apple has fallen way far away from the Casey apple tree, as Bob Casey, Jr. has held hard to the extreme political Left and never looked back or right. Everything he originally ran on – somewhat pro Life, earnestly pro gun rights, pro free speech, pro religious rights, pro Pennsylvania jobs, pro Pennsylvania workers – forget it all, he ditched it all.
Bob Casey, Jr. is a full-on Washington DC Swamp Thing. He has abandoned us Pennsylvanians as he galavants around DC enjoying feeling important, year after year after year. I took some screenshots of his official US Senate website earlier this year, before the campaign season started up. See them below. They show that Bob Casey has done literally nothing, zero, for years. He did not even try to pretend that he was doing anything!
One of my greatest frustrations are voters who say “Well, my parents were Democrats and, by golly, I vote Democrat, too.”
Ummm hello, this Democrat Party today is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party. It is a totalitarian, cruel, vicious, lawless communist movement that must be stopped. It really has not changed much since the Democrat Party was defeated by the Union Army in 1865, but for a few decades it was home to amazing American leaders like John F. Kennedy.
Today, JFK would be a far-right Republican. That is how much the Democrat Party has moved to the Left.
So, the only way a do-nothing DC Swamp Thing like Bob Casey gets re-elected is when people vote because they recognize a name and think “Awww, I like that guy.”
No, you do don’t like Bob Casey. Not if you are paying any attention to him. He has done nothing for Pennsylvanians for decades. Casey has literally abandoned us Pennsylvanians, because he has relied on a mindless, robotic voting bloc to keep returning him to power, regardless of his incompetence and lack of loyalty to them.
Unfortunately, candidate Dave McCormick is the alternative to Casey. And I am no fan of McCormick, who I think is likely to try to become a DC Swamp Thing himself.
In the Republican primary for US Senate earlier this year, I supported Brandi Tomasetti, whose ballot signatures were ridiculously challenged by McCormick at the last minute, so she was forced to withdraw from the race. Anyone who has an inkling of this ballot petition process knows it is ripe for abuse in every direction, and McCormick took full advantage of his big money opportunity to knock his only competitor off the ballot. Brandi just did not have the money to withstand all of the legal challenges McCormick threw at her.
I really dislike people who game any system, and McCormick definitely gamed the PA primary election system. Yuck. If you believe in giving the voters a choice, and if you believe in yourself, then you are not afraid of a challenger with ten bucks in her campaign account. You debate her and beat her fair and square. McCormick did not do any of that.
Plus, I like my Pennsylvania politicians to actually live in Pennsylvania, which Casey used to (he has spent all his time in DC for many years), and which McCormick used to. On this count, both men are losers.
Whatever RINO DC Swamp garbage McCormick is inclined to engage in, he will stand up for our Second Amendment rights, of that I am certain. And that alone qualifies him for my vote and the vote of every other Pennsylvania gun owner and hunter. So tired of being sold out on this critical issue by liar Bob Casey!
So I am no huge fan of Dave McCormick. But on balance, he is the lesser of two evils. After decades of watching Casey do nothing for us, it is time for a change in Senate Aisle One and Bob Casey has got to go. Time for a new face, a new voice. McCormick got my vote, and I hope you will send a message to DC and vote for him as well.
And Dave McCormick, if you win this election, and spend the next six years ingratiating yourself deeply into the DC Swamp, and abandon us like Bob Casey has, then I will move Heaven and Earth to find a viable challenger in your first primary race.

Only in July of this year did Bob Casey post anything on his senate website. And he made no mention of the assassination attempt on Trump. Bob Casey is a huge zero.
Three Gay Men Saving Western Civilization
If you don’t already know it, you should know that three gay men of particular note are actively saving Western Civilization right now.
We bring attention to them and to this subject for a bunch of reasons, mostly because one tires of hearing the same nonsense accusations and stereotypes against conservatives and gays alike, and also because Western Civilization is under crushing assault right now. So it is important to document that gay men are a prominent part of the conservative movement for individual freedom, free speech, and freedom of conscience, all of which are anathema to the political Left.
If you think you are standing tall for freedom by having an NRA sticker on your pickup truck, a Trump hat on your head, and occasionally donating to conservative candidates, get a load of these three guys. Take note; these three gay guys are really moving the freedom ball down the field, more than anyone else.
Douglas Murray – defender of and advocate for modern Western civilization, Christendom, Judeo-Christian values, intellectual freedom, you can find him at and at Douglas is the incisive, witty, friendly intellectual warrior on the general civilization scene. He clashes frequently with Muslims who openly hate and deride Western Civilization, and yet who love living in Western nations like Britain and America. Doug is an international hero.
Scott Presler – Stop the Steal, conservative organizer, powerfully motivating speaker, he can be found at and at I met Scott in November 2020 at the Stop The Steal rally at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg. He was justifiably fired up, and got everyone else fired up. Scott has persistently shown the moribund, lackadaisical, lazy, unperturbed, uninvolved, sleepy GOP how to get the work done that can win elections. In fact, Scott is more trusted by more grass roots conservatives than is the GOP. He has been really active in Pennsylvania the past couple months, leading incredible voter registration efforts everywhere. When he was in my home county of Dauphin, our own county GOP made no mention of him, or of his work. Probably because he made us look bad. The guy is a national powerhouse for conservative ideals and individual freedom.
Last but not least is Brandon Straka, founder of the #Walkaway movement. He can be found at and at Brandon sells “I Used To Be A Democrat” tee shirts that are selling out lately. A former gay liberal, Brandon realized – like Douglas and Scott – that regular Americans care not a whit about his sexual orientation. We may not want to hear about it all the time, but we also just don’t care. Gay? OK with us. Just pay your taxes and work like the rest of us. Brandon has been chipping away at the bizarre cult fixation so many well meaning people have on the Democrat Party, and for that we all owe him a big Thank You.
One person I deliberately leave out here is the politically ambiguous, or disingenuous, Glenn Greenwald, whose Jew-by-birth anti-Semitism automatically disqualifies him from carrying the freedom banner. No friend of freedom, this guy is against the underdog minority. Yuck.
In sum, being gay doesn’t automatically mean you have to be a Leftist. I know a lot of gays who feel welcome in broader society realize this, and they see the destructive results of leftist/Democrat Party policies. They are not only welcome in the conservative movement, many of them are leaders in it. Here are three. Maybe you know of others.
Conspiracy theory that can’t be true
Talk about a real, genuine conspiracy theory – a significant number of Americans who oppose President Donald Trump are actually saying publicly that his near-assassination was staged by Trump himself. To garner sympathy. For real.
What is the operational definition of this alleged conspiracy? How exactly did it happen? What are the actual working parts to the conspiracy?
Here is what we know: The shooter is dead, Corey Comperatore is dead, James Copenhaver and David Dutch are both critically injured. President Trump went from speaking live on TV with no wounds to suddenly bleeding, falling to the ground, and getting back up with blood streaming across his face, all in a few seconds.
You conspiracy theorists are saying that this attempted assassination is fake, staged, a lie, and yet you can’t explain the factual nuts and bolts of how it happened….
While on a regular good day the political Left suffers from terrible moods, an addiction to bad information, and black hate for their political opponents, now cheering and mocking the assassination attempt, mocking Trump’s wound, mocking the wounded and murdered audience members, and concocting a bizarre conspiracy theory to assauge one’s own blinding hate is a low spot in the annals of human politics. No wonder the political Left engages in so much political violence; their heads are brimming with hateful ideas and the violent images and desires that naturally flow from them.
Coming up with a physically impossible conspiracy theory is an embarassing statement about the demented frame of mind of too many Americans. I won’t say it’s all or even a majority of registered Democrats, but let’s be honest, a sizeable proportion of them have been so wound up and tuned up they willingly let their hateful thinking tangle up the wiring in their brains. Remember, registered Democrats, hate is a not a family value nor is it a proper component of our national political dialogue.

Here are the facts on the ground. How do you twist them into a believable conspiracy theory? Go! Do it! You are a crazy person!
“Conspiracy theories” keep coming true
The phrase “conspiracy theory” was first hatched at the New York Times in 1863 during the height of the American Civil War (between the slave-owning racist Democrats and the anti-slavery pro-freedom Republicans) to describe the actual and very real effort of British aristocrats to undermine and weaken the Union cause.
“Conspiracy theory” then became became a regular leftist epithet after the 1963 JFK assassination, used a great deal by the New York Times especially, to cast mocking doubt on Americans skeptical of the obvious cover-up and ridiculous official narrative surrounding JFK’s murder. Thereafter, simply calling someone a conspiracy theorist was usually sufficient to relegate their concerns to the far fringes of polite society, which prefers its official lies aggressively mixed, not stirred, and shut them up.
Today, this shallow mocking insult, “conspiracy theory,” is a routine crutch in the Democrat Party’s mainstream establishment corporate media. It is used almost daily to cast uncritical doubt on legitimate concerns or incisive questions raised by the Democrat Party’s political opponents.
A quick glance at its definition at Brittannica yields a really laugh-out-loud nonsense attempt to call true life experiences “conspiracy theories”: “On the right, McCarthyism promoted paranoid notions of communist infiltration of American institutions; QAnon, popular among fanatical supporters of U.S. Pres. Donald Trump (2017–21), alleged that prominent Democrats were part of an international cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, cannibals, and child murderers; and replacement theory claimed that prominent Democrats and other elites were attempting to replace America’s white population with nonwhite immigrants.”
For the record, Senator Joe McCarthy was 100% correct about communist infiltration of American institutions, as proven by the near 100% communist takeover of every American institution today, including the media, academia, Hollywood, corporate America, both political parties and especially the Democrat Party, the education, legal, and medical establishments etc etc etc. So no “conspiracy theory” here, just an actual, measurable, visible conspiracy that has been successfully implemented.
And for the record, setting aside Brittannica’s unprofessional and heavily ideological editorializing about “fanatical Trump supporters,” Qanon was a whole bunch of things, and in my observation hardly any of the things listed at Brittannica. It was mostly just this weird belief that a secret group of senior military officers and intel spooks were waging a war against the evil political establishment. Qanon was so ill-defined that it was everything and nothing, depending upon whomever you talked to.
Here at this blog, I said Qanon appeared to be a Chinese psy-op aimed at demoralizing and fracturing American conservatives, which now years later, a lot of conservatives are coming around to believing. Whatever Qanon believers thought it was, it is now evident it was not.
It is also evident now that Jeff Epstein’s island was a destination for many Democrat politicians to engage in pedophile sex with underage girls. No theory about it, the flight logs and outspoken victims’ testimony have confirmed it.
And again for the record, “replacement theory” is not a theory, it is an avowed and heavily promoted policy by elected Democrats and their media mouthpieces. Due to having alienated the American voters with America-Last policies, the Democrat Party must now import new voters to hold onto power.
No one has heaped more brutal mockery on this false claim that citizen replacement is not happening than Dan Bongino. Bongino’s routine playing of the medley of mainstream media talking heads all curiously saying the phrase “demographics is destiny” would be hilarious except that leftists at Brittannica and wikipedia etc keep pretending that they are not saying what they are saying all the time.
The real proof of Democrats using foreign illegal aliens to replace American citizens is that the Democrat Party just last week overwhelmingly voted against the SAVE Act, which would make it illegal for non-citizens to vote in American elections. Joe Biden has said he will veto the SAVE Act if it gets to his desk, and his administration is working with a dozen state governors to create opportunities for illegal aliens to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. Sure looks like Democrats want those illegals to vote for them!
In other words, the so-called replacement theory is not a theory, it is in fact a very real policy goal of the Left, and is the sole cause of our borders being wide open with millions of illegal invaders pouring over. The Democrat Party just wants to cheat, and to spam our elections with millions of illegal ballots and illegal votes, so they can win every election and have complete power. That’s all….
So, today’s so-called conspiracy theory out of Butler, PA, is quite obviously a very real conspiracy:
- Why did the Secret Service so visibly and openly allow Thomas Crooks to stand up with a scoped rifle and get off a bunch of shots at President Trump before shooting Crooks?
- How was Thomas Crooks allowed to crawl up onto a building in plain sight of the audience members (who were yelling at the police and Secret Service staff about it) that should have had Secret Service agents on it, but didn’t?
- Why was basic protection protocol not followed?
- Did the Democrats’ effort to legislatively strip President Trump of his Secret Service protection contribute towards an apparently purposeful reduction of actual Secret Service protection for President Trump?
No theory here. The facts on the ground and on the many videos recorded real-time demonstrate that would-be assassin Thomas Crooks appeared to be working in synch with the Secret Service agents who were present at the Butler PA speech venue. That’s not a theory, it is patently evident.
Funny how all these so-called “conspiracy theories” keep coming true. The facts are right in front of us. Turns out these activities are not theories, but cold facts. Now, the big question is WHY this is so…
Independence Day 2024: Last free July 4th?
You would have to be living in a cave with no contact with the outside world to not know about the incredible effort being put into turning America into a cruel Marxist tyranny. One of the most blatant steps has been the Biden Administration calling Christians, traditional American patriots, constitutionalists, parents engaged in their local school district, American military veterans, political conservatives and independents, and free speech advocates “domestic terrorists.”
Domestic terrorists obviously have no rights and no legitimacy. This is the same kind of delegitimizing attack that Adolf Hitler did against the Jews living in Germany throughout the 1930s, which led to them having no friends, no defense, no power, and no barriers to being eliminated. This is some dangerous crap, and yet, the Biden Administration is doing it quite openly.
Much has already been said and written about the effort to turn America’s most normal, kind, and law-abiding people into official enemies of the Biden state. Needless to say, this effort is concrete evidence of the 2020 election being stolen by the Democrat Party/ Political Left, who have now used their official political role to turn the entire federal government into a weapon aimed at their political opponents. Again, a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s play book in the 1920s and 1930s.
One of the phrases I read/ hear often in the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets is “anti government extremists,” yet another slur against freedom loving peaceful Americans meant to dignify Biden’s official/ illegal mistreatment of his political opponents. Jailed political opponents Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Allen Weisselberg, and many attempts at jailing Trump say it all.
From my perspective, Americans and all lovers of individual freedom everywhere around the world should naturally abhor government of any sort, and should see it as a necessary evil, at best. If you are an American Indepedence Day enthusiast, you cannot possibly be a domestic terrorist or anti government extremist. You are simply pro freedom.
Contrary to the pro government extremists / tyrants, whose belief in and loyalty to government overreach + unquestioned government power results in their political opponents being jailed for minor or even made up infractions while big time violators in government itself are never held accountable, being skeptical of government is in keeping with America’s founding and our founding documents.
To be skeptical of government, and even anti government, is wholly American. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all strong statements against and brakes against government power. July 4th is unique among national holidays the world around, because it really is the Freedom From Government Day, because America is the un-government nation that celebrates our individual rights at the expense of government efficiency.
To believe in government as an all-surrounding, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-controlling, all-advising source of all that is good and benevolent (as virtually all Democrats do simply by continuously voting for elected Democrats who continuously implement Big Government) is at the heart of books like 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, and other dystopian stories of government gone wild. It is a totally un-American view.
So one cannot help but wonder if tomorrow, America’s Independence Day, will be America’s last free July 4th celebration, or will it mark an especially poignant and important turning point in American politics.
It will be the latter if enough Americans recognize that political parties do not deserve our loyalty, but rather We, The People and our innate FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT do deserve our loyalty, and our vote this November. If you value your freedom, then you should vote for your freedom this November. And naturally, I see Trump as the beacon of individual freedom that he was in his first term. Unlike Joe Biden, Trump did not jail his political opponents or label them as domestic terrorists or other undesireables. Rather, Trump tried to work together with everyone, because he saw then and still sees America as a big happy melting pot where everyone of good will can do well and live their life to the fullest.
Happy Independence Day, America. Relish that freedom and vote for more of it in November. Be an extremist for your own personal rights. There is absolutely nothing “extreme” about American citizens pursuing, advocating for, working for, shouting for, writing for their personal liberty and independence from government intrusion.
Is DEI really gone with Claudine Gay’s departure from Harvard?
So embattled plagiarist and Mein Kontext-touting DEI diversity-hire Claudine Gay resigned from her crazy person high perch at Harvard University on New Year’s Day 2024. Good. Apparently Harvard University’s board decided that setting their reputation on fire to save this incompetent buffoon was not such a good idea.
Interesting how those “reasonable man in the street” trade-off decisions work when unfettered free market forces are at work, right? I mean, Harvard could have decided that Claudine Gay was the ultimate symbol and pinnacle of American academic achievement, notwithstanding all of her now oh-so-public failures of scholarship and loooow moral character, and then staked the school’s reputation on their choice to keep her in place forever after.
But what Harvard faced with Claudine Gay as president was receiving eternal dismissive sneers of 90% of the America that Harvard deigned to sneer at. Being on the receiving end of moral judgment and intellectual mockery is not where Harvard’s caretakers see the institution or themselves, and so they had to cut loose the anchor that was dragging them down into the depths. Bye-bye Plagiarist President Claudine Gay, you will not be missed.
Is her dismissal the sign that normal, healthy, honest, hard working, tax-paying, meritocracy-loving America has been waiting for? You know, the beginning of the end of the evil DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) fad that bizarrely swept across America? DEI, the racist, mean spirited, violent, anti-intellectual, Neo Nazi anti-meritocracy belief system touted as the utopian solution to all of the ills that America never experienced, was what Claudine Gay represented and symbolized most. And with her sudden departure, DEI has taken a big hit.
Others are pointing out the delicious irony of Claudine Gay having in effect been “canceled,” because she, Ms. Gay, was the ultimate canceler of innocent people at Harvard. She of low quality and even lower achievement was the destroyer of their hard-earned careers and lives, and the brutal enforcer of the arbitrary and subjective standards for which DEI is best known and despised.
If Harvard University had at one time been best known for rigorous intellectual debate and achievement, and academic scrutiny, Der Fuhrer Ms. Gay took the school back to the Stone Ages with her implementation of DEI’s racism and savage cruelty. It was one way or the other, and Harvard was definitely going backwards at rocket speed under her watch.
Whether or not DEI is now on the chopping block remains to be seen. My sense is that rumors of its sudden demise because Harvard’s Wicked Witch of The East is now gone are greatly exaggerated, because if there is one thing the Left does not like doing, it is going backwards in their Long March against Western freedoms. Claudine Gay may be gone at Harvard, but look to this so-called “school” to select someone just as horrible as Ms. Gay, or even worse, to make their point that they and they alone now own Harvard.
Harvard U is fake, no longer “Harvard”
The plagiarism scandal around Harvard University’s low quality, diversity-hire president Claudine Gay has now destroyed not just Gay’s personal and academic reputation, but Harvard’s as well. Harvard is no longer an academic institution based on rigorous intellectual debate and merit, it is a nakedly and proudly political activism site motivated by far left wing ideas and values.
In her PhD dissertation (the subject is useless nonsense and subjective fluff), Claudine Gay plagiarized material from a number of authors and academics, not the least of which was her own PhD dissertation advisor at Harvard. Her plagiarization has led to a lot of discussion across the Harvard University campus, some academic advisory boards, the Harvard University board of trustees, academics, racially-based groups, and American society. Understandably so, because Harvard University has been the flagship educational institution in America since its founding nearly four centuries ago.
Harvard’s reputation has always rested upon two simple things: 1) The highest intellectual rigor for its students and its educators, 2) the most exclusive and competitive screening of its students and its educators. For hundreds of years, to either teach or be taught at Harvard has been the gold standard for academic achievement in America and worldwide. The cold and uncaring application of logic, reason, proofs, and meritorious capability have winnowed the desirous from the truly stellar there for centuries. Well, no longer and not any more, as Inspector Clouseau said as he smashed the priceless Steinway piano into splinters.
The debate about whether or not Claudine Gay has the academic merit and the necessary high character to remain as the university’s president has torpedoed Harvard’s reputation. Simply because the widespread formal response by Harvard University to Gay’s failures of judgment and moral character, and to her academic cheating, has been to not only allow her to stay on as now a really, really blatantly incompetent diversity hire (no white man or white woman in that position would have ever made it beyond the first few minutes of this multifaceted crisis), but to also literally allow Gay to cheat even more, only this time in public.
Claudine Gay is now being allowed to retroactively amend her PhD dissertation with the necessary citations and quotation marks that were missing when her doctoral thesis was approved. This is like the judge allowing the robber to go back to the bank and put the money back in the vault, in order to avoid being charged and held accountable for the original crime of robbing the bank, now that the robber has been caught.
Gay is being allowed to do this re-crime so that her detractors are no longer empowered with the truth, so that they can no longer accurately accuse her of academic cheating. And for those who don’t know it, academic cheating is an automatic FAIL on every real academic report card, and it is usually the means for ejection from whatever school the cheater is enrolled at.
Harvard University’s board of trustees and the academics behind this brazen sleight of hand have basically told everyone in academia, in research and development, in the business of important ideas, and in the competitive world of merit that some animals are more equal than other animals, and that there are harsh rules for everyone, except for those few special people who some remote, self-anointed elite group has artificially determined should not be judged by the same standards as everyone else.
No society can sustain itself with this kind of fake justice system, or this kind of fake educational system. With this decision to both allow Claudine Gay to retroactively amend her already finalized dissertation, and to retain her as president, every single internal brake and decision-making system designed to ensure that all of Harvard University’s outputs are the best possible on Planet Earth have failed.
It has been determined by the powers that be at Harvard that the institution is now a (leftist) political activism center with no intellectual rudder, no universal standards for behavior or achievement, no universal code of conduct. Only subjective political decisions will be used henceforth to run the school, and we now see that certain skin colors and certain Marxist outlooks will be the preferred choices.
There are a lot of things I did not expect to see in my lifetime. I did not expect to see a presidential election fraught with so many wild irregularities across so many states and jurisdictions. I did not expect to see the entire media establishment and the entire political establishment not only fail to address those electoral irregularities, but to jointly sweep everything under the rug, declare a winner who had not even campaigned in public, and to accuse those who questioned the election results as “election deniers.” I did not expect to see the force of law be used against the “election deniers” for questioning the outcome and legitimacy of the questionable election, and who have since become persecuted political dissidents and outright political prisoners in their own “democratic” country. I did not expect to see the rule of law fail as widely and as quickly as it has, and I did not expect to see the rise of a totalitarian federal bureaucracy as fast as it has happened.
I also did not expect to see America’s flagship academic institution (the school now formerly known as Harvard University) gleefully burn down its own reputation in a public bonfire of vanities.
With all of these spectacular and unbelievable failures, Harvard’s just being the latest, we are seeing the severe cultural rot America has been experiencing since the 1960s finally come to fruition. All of the cultural safeguards, institutions, and legal infrastructure designed to keep America functioning as a constitutional republic are failing and being failed on purpose and in front of our faces. We are told by the agents of these failures that we must accept these outcomes not as failures, but as inevitable changes necessary to re-make America into the socialist utopia it was always meant to be.
It now seems possible not just that the Hamas loving racist academic fraudster Claudine Gay will be retained by Harvard as its president, but that she could be forcefully installed by the federal bureaucracy and its media wing (not elected by the people) as the next president of the United States “for our own good.”
Symbols have now officially become more important than facts in America. We all see that Harvard is fake, and we are told that it is still Harvard.
Speaker Johnson’s religious behavior
Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson is being widely criticized in the mainstream media for kneeling in prayer while on the job the other day. I watched one mainstream media TV personality take Rep. Johnson to task in an interview, about minding the supposed “separation of church and state,” and “keeping prayer in private,” and not letting it out into the public sphere.
Pretty curious approach, given that across America and Europe hordes of bloodthirsty primitives have also recently knelt in prayer in public spaces, promoting baby butchery, baby baking, and gang rape with a huge helping of subsequent mutilation and torture on Israelis, to the great joy of mainstream media. Why all these sincere people, just look at them, bless their hearts. Get them some brown shirts and night sticks.
The Left’s love affair with radical Islam is no secret, and it is just and fair to say this love affair exists because both the Left and radical Islam seek absolute destruction of Western Civilization with a resulting dominion over everyone and every thing on Planet Earth. The Left and radical Islam have a common cause, and whatever differences they have will be settled between one another once people like Rep. Johnson and his religion are out of the way. Keep this foremost in your mind as the drumbeat about Rep. Johnson’s Christian practice goes on.
Couple of things about this Mr. Smith Goes To Washington’s religiosity.
First, Christianity is the founding belief system of America, albeit that was a nascent and broad minded Protestantism that immediately resulted in the anti-slavery abolitionist movement. America’s pilgrims and Founders also identified strongly with the Jews’ quest for freedom from evil tyrant Pharoah, and with the Torah’s value-laden story of that quest. And so thousands of towns and locales across America are named after Biblical places like Hebron, Shiloh, Judah, Bethany, and Zion. Christianity’s sacred Judaic touchstone places, and their inherent unspoken values, are interwoven into the cultural fabric of America from our very beginning.
Second, Christianity is still the main and largest repository of morality and right action in America. This is a cold numeric fact, not a defense of or advocacy for Christian theology. As sad and deflated as American Christianity is right now, it is nonetheless still the biggest single force for all things good and for learning about good values in our nation.
You oppose Christian theology? OK, so what is your suggested substitute in its absence here in America? Atheism? Well, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Stalin are all great advocates for atheism and horrible, unjust places to live. Judaism? You think 200,000,000 Americans are going to convert to orthodox Judaism? Never! There would be an immediate and everlasting shortage of pickled herring, and so the rabbis would never allow it. Radical Islam will cut your throat, cut off your head, or throw you off a roof, sometimes all three, so nah, hard pass on that, right?
So, I say an occasional annoying knock on the door by some nice church ladies is a small price to pay for living happily in the most successful nation in the history of humanity.
The Left’s attacks on Christianity are strategic. If they can brow beat, shame, drown, flood, and eliminate Christianity, they will eliminate America’s renewable, sustainable, organic cultural source of opposition to the Left’s tyranny, immorality, and evil.
The Left has gotten really creative about their attack on Christianity, and they have only succeeded to date because of the long flaccid acquiescence of American traditionalists and Christians, and by the Left’s official enablers, the GOPe. By accusing Christians of establishing religion when they merely practice it, a la Rep. Johnson, the Left has appealed to the First Amendment’s clear prohibition against establishing a formal state religion for America. And yet, the truth is Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Muslims all are merely expressing their First Amendment rights when they pray in private or in public. None of their public prayer behavior establishes any of these religions as the de facto state religion of America.
What the Left really objects to is anyone actually seeing the Christian religion practiced in public. Their message is it’s a dirty practice that people ought to keep to themselves behind closed doors.
Rep. Johnson’s public prayer on the US House of Representatives floor is an in-your-face to the tyrants and cultural Marxists in the mainstream media. And of course history is on the side of Rep. Johnson, because the US House of Representatives opened with public prayer for I don’t know how long, but for the vast majority of the chamber’s existence. And when inaugurated in 1789 as America’s first president in Manhattan, New York, George Washington led a grand procession to Trinity Church on Wall Street, where he led an hours-long prayer service.
It is only when America now finds itself in the throes of hypercoagulative materialism that its own long and deep religious roots, and religion’s fruit-bearing shading branches, become anathema. So what a breath of fresh air is this Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, this cherubic Rep. Johnson.
Don’t stop, Rep. Johnson, for all our sakes, I pray you, do not stop and do not back down, and may you shine as a beacon light to Christians everywhere, and may that rallying light shine and defeat the cruel darkness that is swallowing my civilization. I may not agree with you on the particulars, but by God I will defend your right and our collective necessity to have you pray in the US House of Representatives.
Either Christianity will save America as a free constitutional republic, or America and western civilization will die.
May God bless you, Rep. Johnson.