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Without Chanuka there is no Christmas

Decades ago in graduate school, I was friends with a lovely classmate named Christine. Christine was from Kenya, studying graduate economics at Vanderbilt, with the expectation of returning to her country and taking up an important post in the Kenyan government. Smart, beautiful, articulate, kindly, Christine was the embodiment of what the rest of the world would like Africa to become, and what its leaders had hoped it could be.

One thing about Christine that surprised me was that, as religious a Methodist as she was (yes, Africa has more true blue religious Methodists than America, where Mainline Protestantism has become a Socialist anti-Christianity movement), she knew nothing of the Old Testament AKA the Torah. Christine thought that Christianity simply appeared to the world, and had its own kind of virgin birth, if you will. No connection to anything else, no roots in any other religion, or place.

One can easily blame the simple minded missionaries who taught Christine’s grandparents a Christianity devoid of its own history. As for Christine, you don’t know what you don’t know, correct? However, everyone has a responsibility for their beliefs, and now in our modern Internet age, where all questions can be answered to some degree of accuracy within a few seconds, and to a much higher degree of surety within a couple minutes, every one of us simply has to maintain some level of curiosity about the world around us, to stay informed. We must stay informed.

Christine taught me something that bears telling again today: Christmas owes its existence to the Orthodox Jews who successfully fought and won a brutal civil war against the Leftwing Democrats of their day, 2300 years ago.

Known as “Apikorsim”, Hellenists, Hedonists, whatever, the in-essence Democrat Party socialist Jews of 2300 years ago tried to impose a Godless paganism on the religious (Orthodox) Jews of Israel/Judea.

And the Orthodox Jews fought back.

Their leaders were known as the Maccabees/ Hasmoneans, largely drawn from the Jewish priests, and they prevailed against a much larger, better organized, better armed force by utilizing guerilla warfare. The Maccabees slowly whittled down the liberal Jews and their Greek allies through hit-and-run tactics and merciless head-long frontal attacks by highly motivated, battle-hardened warriors.

And so, when the Orthodox Jews prevailed on the battlefield, recaptured Jerusalem, re-dedicated the Temple there, and restarted the holy service in the Temple, Torah Judaism was saved. And because Torah Judaism was saved, a certain religiously observant Jew named Yeshua was born about 250 years later. And because that Jew went on to become a religious ascetic (a Nazirite like Samson), he became an outspoken critic of the religious ways or failings of his fellow Jews, and the occupying Romans, as he saw them.

The rest is history, if you know anything about the Second Temple period of Judaism or the early years of Christianity.

Point being, because Orthodox Jews fought the Leftist Jews of their time, Christianity was eventually born and eventually Christmas was created (observed the 25th day of December, just as Chanuka is always the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev on a lunar calendar, which means Kislev 25th always floats around relative to the Gregorian calendar we use in America and Europe).

Tonight marks the beginning of Chanuka and the end of Christmas Day. Without Chanuka, there would be no Christmas. It is important for everyone to remember history, and to know how we all got here to where we stand today. I wish that Christine would have known history, or had been educated to want to know history, because that sensitivity or intellectual curiosity would have saved her life…a story for another day.

Happy Chanuka, America and world.

Judah Maccabee, the kind of unintentional but direct father of Christmas

Joe Biden is a criminal liar and a thief

Joe Biden’s bribery schemes with China and Ukraine are epic. The biggest criminal endeavor in a public office in American history. A huge scandal.

That Joe Biden used his corrupt pedophile son Hunter Biden to do a lot of his dirty work is well documented. That Hunter Biden had already done enough criminal activity on his own with drugs, guns, tax evasion, underage sex trafficking, and other felonies is a testament to just how bad these guys are. Really, really bad people.

For two years Joe Biden lied to the American people, telling us emphatically that he would let the justice system play out with his son Hunter Biden’s many legal entanglements. And then suddenly, today, Joe Biden issued a broad pardon for his son going from 2014 to 2024 and including any crimes he might have done and has not yet been charged with. In other words, Hunter Biden has a thirty-day Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.

One of the reasons I despise partisan politics is how being loyal to a broken brand makes people say ridiculous things. And so today we got a parade of Democrat Party loyalists pooh-poohing the pardon, trying to explain that all the lies that Joe Biden told us were not really lies, etc. Some people, notably Hollywood actor types, actually celebrated this historic pardon, as if it looks good for a corrupt father president to pardon his corrupt son for so many crimes over such a long period of time.

This pardon is in effect a confession of criminality. I just wish that all of the politically devoted partisans would try to hold onto a shred of integrity and at least be honest about this: It smells bad.

Uniparty movie & more Democrat Party lawlessness

The “Uniparty” is quite real. It is an unholy amalgamation of elected Democrats and Republicans-In-Name-Only as well as their assorted financial backers. Both of these groups have more in common with one another than what separates them, because their common interests are Democrat power and Republican money. The RINOs will always sell the Democrats power, and the Democrats will always ensure that the Republicans get lots and lots of money.

This cozy relationship is already on display, as something like 30 “Republican” US senators have lined up to oppose President Donald Trump’s strongest cabinet picks, people who would bring law and order and clean elections back into vogue. E.g. Trump nominated Rep. Matt Gaetz to be his Attorney General, and already the DC Swamp RINOs are lined up to oppose his nomination. Gaetz is among a literal handful of elected Republicans across the entire nation who both could and would make election integrity real, and vote fraud accountable to the law.

Think just how rotten to our core America is with elected “leaders” who actually oppose election integrity. A bunch of them must be making a lot of money from the corrupt status quo, to be so brazen in their opposition to election integrity and accountability to the law.

Witness also the open and defiant voter fraud taking place in Bucks County, PA, and in other Democrat Party strongholds in Pennsylvania. We are watching Democrat county commissioners openly flout the law and two recent PA Supreme Court holdings while they count ballots that are clearly disqualified.

Says Democrat Bucks County commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, “Precedent by a court doesn’t matter any more in this country. And people violate laws any time they want. For me, if I violate this law, it is because I want a court to pay attention to it.

In other words, elected Democrat Diane wants a different court to have a different holding than the two holdings the PA Supreme Court already had on this very exact subject and question. She wants to help Democrat lawyers seeking out friendly activist Democrat judges to keep ignoring the law and the legal precedents that are standing in her way of getting more power. This is not an act of personal defiance or of some citizen engaging in civil disobedience against some terribly unjust law. No, this is just yet more Democrat Party lawlessness in a long long line of Democrat Party lawlessness going back to 1860.

Nothing has changed there.

What has changed is that the Republican Party, created in 1855 to oppose Democrat Party slavery and in fact throwing down in the Civil War, has long ago capitulated to the Democrats in these apparently boring matters of clean elections and the basic rule of law. The rotten GOPe just doesn’t care, because as far as they are concerned, win or lose, they still have their official positions and they still make lots and lots of money from insider trading with the Democrats.

So US Senator-elect Dave McCormick must watch in disbelief from the sidelines as the GOPe does and says literally nothing to save his already acknowledged two-week-old electoral win over election denier and anti-democracy candidate Bob Casey from the lawlessness out of Bucks County and other Democrat strongholds. Elsewhere in America, Democrat strongholds like California are STILL counting (fake, illegal) ballots to get their Democrat candidates disbelievably over the Win finish line in Republican districts, weeks after Election Day ended with the Republican candidates winning.

And yet neither the Republican Speaker of the House nor the Republican US Senate majority leader have voiced their opposition to seating such clearly fraudulent candidates in their respective houses. Both Speaker Johnson and Leader McConnell are GOPe RINOs. The rule of law is unimportant to them; money is.

Here is a funny thirty-three second Charlie Chaplin silent film that fits the Uniparty situation perfectly. The two supposed opponents face off against one another in a duel, and yet both opponents are reluctant to actually shoot at one another. Each ends up firing his revolver randomly in all directions, taking out birds aflight as well as the bystander people involved in overseeing the duel. When it is apparent that neither opponent is injured, they celebrate together and run off screen hugging one another, uncaringly jumping over the prostrate bodies of their apparently dead seconds and assistants.

This silent film sums up the Uniparty perfectly. America as a nation, our rule of law, clean elections, our democratic norms and American citizens alike are the innocent bystanders gunned down by the corrupt Uniparty. Watch it and cry.

Oh, the Biblical irony of Trump’s win

Anyone with even a minimal exposure to the Bible knows that miracles happen and that God operates in strange ways. Well, it is no miracle that Donald Trump won re-election to the presidency, because the radicalized anti-America Democrat Party has estranged over half the country, but it is quite richly ironic that Trump won this election.

The irony is that had the 2020 election not been stolen, Trump woud have been leaving office right now. Who knows how effective he would have been in his second consecutive term, given that he was still barely keeping his head above the DC quicksand when the 2020 election was held.

Now, however? Well, after surviving four years in the political wilderness, being cut to the bone over and over by cruel and evil people with their lawless lawfare, Trump has emerged even stronger, smarter, more experienced, with truly fine-tuned, finely honed political instincts and skills.

If people thought Trump was tough and determined in 2020, well, I suspect they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Trump is likely going to absolutely roar back into office like a cleansing tornado or an angry dominant lion scattering his foes in all directions, because he now knows where the power buttons are, the skeletons lie, the bureaucracy’s weak points, and where the really dangerous people are located. If Trump doesn’t do a complete and utter, devastating, crushing re-make of the DC bureaucracy, then he learned nothing from his time in office and in the wilderness.

Trump could not have become the truly shining knight in white armor without having gone through all of the torment and abuse he experienced. His time out of power in brutal conditions tested him, improved him, and made him into an incredible warrior for democracy and for We, The People.

And that is the irony. Rich, rich irony. Had the DC Swamp just left him in office another four years back in 2020, he probably would have floundered along, hamstrung by the rogue bureaucracy and the corrupt Uniparty. Now…change is coming, bitches. And it was you lawless, thieving Democrats and Uniparty people who made Trump into who and what he now is.

God is indeed great. A greater comeback and national salvation story could not be dreamed of. Except in the Bible.

Take-aways from Trump’s historic WIN

Some take-aways from President Donald Trump’s historic win last night:

ONE: “Too Big to Rig” turned out not to be only a campaign slogan, but a very real and measurable goal. In swing states, including my own Pennsylvania, registering new Republican voters (hero Scott Presler registered something like 110,000 Amish) and getting them to vote made the difference between winning and losing. Getting regular “super voters” and new voters alike to bank their votes before Election Day via absentee and mail-in ballots also helped hugely. That way, when the Democrat Party tried to cheat, as they did last night with secret ballot dumps in Philly and Detroit, the votes were already in and counted, and …

TWO: Staying on top of the battlefield, so to speak, with hundreds of lawyers and poll watchers everywhere documenting everything across Pennsylvania (and other swing states) prevented the “enemy” from doing sneak attacks. Too many eyes and cameras watching in 2024, something we lacked in 2020.

When Centre County tried to stop vote counting last night, with promises to come back in the morning and pick up again, Republican National Committee lawyers were present and threatened to sue if Centre County violated state law. And so Centre County staffers put on their big boy pants and continued counting votes like every other professional polling place is supposed to do. This prevented Centre County (where I grew up, and which is home to Penn State University’s bazillion communist faculty and spoiled brat students) from sneaking in a bunch more secret ballots hidden somewhere and padding the vote results in favor of their preferred candidates, which happened a lot with the stolen 2020 election.

THREE: Mainstream legacy corporate media e.g. Reuters, ABC CBS NBC NPR PBS NYT CNNLOL WaPo MSNBC etc are now on the losing side of the info wars. No matter what these outlets say now, a majority of Americans do not trust them. Rather, a majority of Americans openly mock them because of their patently false and easily disprovable assertions and narratives. A big indication of how weak MSM sources have become is that they ALL have deleted their comment sections. No way for their readership or viewership to visibly fact-check them real time!

For decades these establishment fake news disseminators of malinformation, disinformation, and misinfornation have been the supposed “go-to” sources for accurate information. But as everyone now sees so clearly, these are not fair-minded arbiters of accuracy and truth. Rather, all of these outlets are plugged into one particular and very politically partisan source, probably Media Matters, from which these giant networks take their daily talking points and narratives. Watch one compilation of all the MSM personalities saying the exact same things on the same day, and you have seen all of the compilations done for decades now.

FOUR: As a result of the MSM’s willful if suicidal media malpractice serving as the open propaganda arm for the Democrat Party (and serving as the Kamala Harris campaign), the rise of the citizen journalist and alternative media is really just beginning. New they may be, these people are really effective, and they gave Trump a pathway to get around the MSM blocks and attacks on him.

Go to Rumble and meet some of the many political refugees kicked out of YouTube or FaceBook for the simple acts of violating leftwing political orthodoxy. Rumble’s political ecosystem is super rich and diverse, and you will hear a hundred or a thousand different opinions about the day’s events from funny people, smart people, scary people, people in their underpants, people wearing their underpants on their head, but frankly, any and all of them far better and much more honest and interesting and accurate than anything you will hear on CNN or ABC or NPR.

And don’t forget all of the bazillion podcasts on Apple, Spotify, etc., and all the talk radio shows, and the new newspapers like Epoch Times. Or Breitbart or Gateway Pundit.

In sum, the rise of the citizen journalist directly correlates with the fall of corporate media. I will bet the R2 of these two axis are probably 99% correlated. By consuming alternative sources of information in a free market place, Americans are showing their belief in the old Thomas Paine adage about the best antidote to bad information is not to shut it down, but to get more information, so that a person can make up their own mind about what is true, and what is false.

People who read and listen to alternative media are naturally curious individuals. People who drink out of the toilet and consume MSM like CNN and NPR are not intellectually curious people. It is a badge of honor to listen to diverse voices.

And for all the MSM lovers out there, if the MSM had simply done their job of reporting just the facts and all the facts, regardless of where they fell, then there would have been no need or demand for talk radio, or citizen journalism, or podcasts. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the New York Times is one gigantic, ridiculous, embarrassingly buck naked vacuum.

Truth is like water, it will keep moving around to find the lowest place, no matter how much you try to dam it up.

FIVE: Working polling places is effective. For many years I have compared the polls that I worked at on Election Day to other polling places, especially those with no one working, to see if my friendly outreach to voters coming in to vote has any real effect. It does, and I encourage everyone of any political party or interest group to participate in Election Day as a poll watcher. Not only does it give more information to prospective voters, it also brings more eyes to the polling place, which is the number one way to prevent vote fraud on Election Day.

SIX: Kamala Harris was not a compelling candidate when she ran in the primary last time, and she was not a compelling candidate yesterday, either. That she was hand-picked by party elites without one vote being cast for her by one citizen indicates a huge problem with American party politics. Do not kid yourself this is only the Democrat Party’s problem, this need for elites’ control is also big among the GOP. I.e. note how Trump was treated by the GOPe right up until a couple days ago, when it became clear he was going to win. They STILL hated him, for being his independent self.

SEVEN: Americans do not trust their government. For good reason. When your own government has abandoned you the lifelong taxpayer, in favor of flying in and letting in tens of millions of unvetted illegal aliens, and telling the truth about this invasion is treated harshly by the government created to protect you, the citizen, your government has become your enemy. Everyone sees it now.

And so, my own decision to abandon the US EPA in 1998, after seven years in Federal service there, becomes even more understandable to me now. Back then, I did not like what I was seeing, hearing, writing, saying, but I could not really put my finger wholly on the problem. Now, we all see the problems in both federal and state governments, and buddy, the meat cleaver must fall hard on the gangrenous parts. This was a big part of yesterday’s vote results.

EIGHT: Never underestimate the strength of well intentioned people determined to correct wrongdoing. When Elon Musk turned Twitter/X into a pretty free market of ideas and information, a huge pathway around the MSM and Silicon Valley tech media chokehold on information flow was disrupted. The rest of that is beautiful Robin Hood history. And when Scott Presler decided that he could not allow the stolen 2020 election to go unanswered, he devoted himself to tirelessly registering Republican voters in Pennsylvania and other swing states. The outcome of his incredible work bore obvious fruit last night.

Moral of this story: Fight, Fight, Fight for what you believe in. Never relent, never stop, never give up, no matter how sad or demoralized you might feel at any point.

America is worth building, and it was worth saving yesterday, whatever the cost.

Change Needed in Aisle One – Bob Casey needs to go

Several names are on repeat across the decades here in Pennsylvania politics – Scranton and Casey being the two modern dynasties. Both Scranton and Casey families have fielded repeat elected officials, some of whom have been impressive, and some of whom have simply ridden on the coat tails of their fathers and gotten very little done, except hold office and enjoy prestige and an easy paycheck.

Bob Casey, Jr. is of the latter clan, and he has now been a US senator for egads, I don’t know how long, a really long time. At least 18 years. Before that he held elected office at the state level. All because his dad, Bob Casey, Sr., was an impressive moderate governor, who understood and worked with all ends of the political spectrum.

This current Casey apple has fallen way far away from the Casey apple tree, as Bob Casey, Jr. has held hard to the extreme political Left and never looked back or right. Everything he originally ran on – somewhat pro Life, earnestly pro gun rights, pro free speech, pro religious rights, pro Pennsylvania jobs, pro Pennsylvania workers – forget it all, he ditched it all.

Bob Casey, Jr. is a full-on Washington DC Swamp Thing. He has abandoned us Pennsylvanians as he galavants around DC enjoying feeling important, year after year after year. I took some screenshots of his official US Senate website earlier this year, before the campaign season started up. See them below. They show that Bob Casey has done literally nothing, zero, for years. He did not even try to pretend that he was doing anything!

One of my greatest frustrations are voters who say “Well, my parents were Democrats and, by golly, I vote Democrat, too.”

Ummm hello, this Democrat Party today is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party. It is a totalitarian, cruel, vicious, lawless communist movement that must be stopped. It really has not changed much since the Democrat Party was defeated by the Union Army in 1865, but for a few decades it was home to amazing American leaders like John F. Kennedy.

Today, JFK would be a far-right Republican. That is how much the Democrat Party has moved to the Left.

So, the only way a do-nothing DC Swamp Thing like Bob Casey gets re-elected is when people vote because they recognize a name and think “Awww, I like that guy.”

No, you do don’t like Bob Casey. Not if you are paying any attention to him. He has done nothing for Pennsylvanians for decades. Casey has literally abandoned us Pennsylvanians, because he has relied on a mindless, robotic voting bloc to keep returning him to power, regardless of his incompetence and lack of loyalty to them.

Unfortunately, candidate Dave McCormick is the alternative to Casey. And I am no fan of McCormick, who I think is likely to try to become a DC Swamp Thing himself.

In the Republican primary for US Senate earlier this year, I supported Brandi Tomasetti, whose ballot signatures were ridiculously challenged by McCormick at the last minute, so she was forced to withdraw from the race. Anyone who has an inkling of this ballot petition process knows it is ripe for abuse in every direction, and McCormick took full advantage of his big money opportunity to knock his only competitor off the ballot. Brandi just did not have the money to withstand all of the legal challenges McCormick threw at her.

I really dislike people who game any system, and McCormick definitely gamed the PA primary election system. Yuck. If you believe in giving the voters a choice, and if you believe in yourself, then you are not afraid of a challenger with ten bucks in her campaign account. You debate her and beat her fair and square. McCormick did not do any of that.

Plus, I like my Pennsylvania politicians to actually live in Pennsylvania, which Casey used to (he has spent all his time in DC for many years), and which McCormick used to. On this count, both men are losers.

Whatever RINO DC Swamp garbage McCormick is inclined to engage in, he will stand up for our Second Amendment rights, of that I am certain. And that alone qualifies him for my vote and the vote of every other Pennsylvania gun owner and hunter. So tired of being sold out on this critical issue by liar Bob Casey!

So I am no huge fan of Dave McCormick. But on balance, he is the lesser of two evils. After decades of watching Casey do nothing for us, it is time for a change in Senate Aisle One and Bob Casey has got to go. Time for a new face, a new voice. McCormick got my vote, and I hope you will send a message to DC and vote for him as well.

And Dave McCormick, if you win this election, and spend the next six years ingratiating yourself deeply into the DC Swamp, and abandon us like Bob Casey has, then I will move Heaven and Earth to find a viable challenger in your first primary race.

Only in July of this year did Bob Casey post anything on his senate website. And he made no mention of the assassination attempt on Trump. Bob Casey is a huge zero.

Janelle Stelson vs Scott Perry for Congress

We have a real contest for the congressional seat here in Southcentral Pennsylvania, currently held by Scott Perry. Former Republican, now-Democrat Janelle Stelson is the Democrat Party nominee to challenge Scott Perry, and how this will end is anyone’s guess.

Years ago, I met Janelle Stelson a few times in social settings, mostly arranged by her then-fiance. We met for dinner or lunch once, in Hershey, I think, and then at a Pennsylvania Environmental Council awards dinner in Harrisburg, where we sat together. Might be a third time, but my memory is hazy about things that happened earlier today, let alone meetings years ago. Point is, I have met Janelle and have a feel for her as a person.

My impression of Janelle Stelson: She is obviously a very attractive woman, poised, and often charismatic, and as a former reporter she has lots of  experience in front of the studio news cameras. She is also very smart, very bright, highly articulate.

I do recall her political opinions running Moderate Republican. Like pro business, pro free markets, pro gun rights. She also held some liberal views on abortion and what I used to consider moderate views on environmental quality, but which have now (like so many other political issues) skewed hard to the far Left.

In sum, Janelle Stelson was a really impressive and enjoyable person to meet. Had she remained a moderate Republican, she would have been really attractive as a candidate. However, Janelle decided to toss all that moderate stuff over the side of the boat she was in, and become an arch Leftist Democrat. I do not really understand this choice, nor do I really believe it, or even respect it. Janelle’s decision to become a Democrat, and a very liberal one at that, who is way out of step with Central Pennsylvania voters, reeks of political opportunism.

And that scares me.

By definition, political opportunists are not settled people. They are not being forthright. They are subject to the whims of political tides and political machines, instead of captaining their own ship. And as I have received copious literature from Janelle’s campaign, my impression is that she is simply seeking power. Sorry Janelle, but I have to say Yuck. Had she remained the thoughtful moderate Republican, and challenged Scott Perry in the primary, I would have had total respect for her.

Scott Perry has been in political office a very long time. He and I ran in separate but congruent primaries at the same time in 2012, I for state senate and he for congress, and we shared a stage together several times in that process. At the time he was a state representative in the PA House. Scott has always been ambitious, which I have no real issue with. But I do have an issue with career politicians of either party, and I think this is the one criticism Janelle has leveled at Scott that is real.

However, on balance, I prefer a damned career politician I know, and mostly agree with, to someone like Janelle whose campaign is being run by one of the arch Leftists out of Washington DC, and whose financial support comes from the far Left. If she is elected, Janelle looks like she will be a puppet of the far Left, to which I say No Thank You. America cannot afford more of that, and Central Pennsylvania has never embraced that kind of extremist philosophy.

And no, Janelle, Scott Perry does not advocate for zero abortions, goodness gracious. What a silly allegation. Man, political campaigning really brings out the worst in people, the biggest piles of horse carp…any lie to win, I guess. Yuck.

I hope that Scott Perry wins this race, and then retires from politics. Maybe take a role in the next Trump administration. Hand the baton on to some other citizen who has not yet had an opportunity to serve in elected office. No more stepping stone step ladders for wannabe careerists, this congressional seat should be open to someone new to politics.

Yes, Scott has been a leader of the anti-establishment anti-DC Swamp Congressional Freedom Caucus, which has been refreshing, but in my mind, all congressmen are like milk in the refrigerator…they just need to be drunk up when they are fresh, and poured out when they have been there too long.

I voted for Scott Perry already, but I sat and looked at the ballot a good long time before I colored in his name. Oh, the things that could have been with Janelle, had she remained Republican and not joined the ever-farther-lefter Democrat Party of Lenin and Stalin and Marx.

Who knows, maybe Janelle Stelson will win and happily surprise us with her more moderate personality and high intelligence, but I doubt it. I felt safer betting on and voting for the person I already know and trust, and that was Scott Perry.




racist white liberals railroad Black candidate

Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is running for governor of North Carolina. That this high-energy, articulate, charismatic, passionate Black candidate scares the hell out of racist white liberal Democrats is evident. Mark Robinson is being Roy Moore’d.

Remember Judge Roy Moore? He was a judge in Alabama who ran for the US Senate a few years ago, and whose popularity attracted ridiculous lies from the Democrat Party mainstream media and its proxies. Ridiculous though the lies were, the good hearted and honest Republican and conservative Christian voters of Alabama gave just enough credence to them to undercut some of Judge Roy Moore’s support. Voters giving credence to ridiculous lies just barely cost him the election and saddled Alabama with a communist Democrat Party senator for several years.

Enough Republican and conservative Christian voters bought into the crazy lies about Judge Roy Moore that they had misgivings and did not vote for him. Thus did the leftist Democrat candidate, Doug Jones, barely eke out a win. In red blooded Alabama of all places.

It was shameful all the way around, because the crazy lies about Judge Roy Moore were so obviously crazy lies that anyone with half a brain should have said “Ah yes, the mainstream media, which is an arm of the Democrat Party, is attacking a Republican again” and then voted accordingly for Judge Roy Moore.

But conservatives are sometimes too open minded, too willing to be played by leftwing fake news, because they want to do what is right.

Doug Jones lasted just whatever was left of the uncompleted term he filled, like a year or two, and then Coach Tommy Tuberville whooped his anti-America butt and took that US Senate seat and gave it back to Americans. Alabamans had had enough Democrat Party communism in that short amount of time and sent Doug Jones packing. Although Judge Roy Moore went on to win his defamation lawsuit for the crazy lies he suffered, he was significantly damaged, and he unfortunately stepped out of politics.

So here North Carolina voters are now faced with an incompetent and arrogant governor, Roy Cooper, and Roy Cooper’s would-be replacement, Josh Stein, on the one hand, whose hands-off handling of the Hurricane Helene destruction has been an epic and highly documented failure, and on the other hand Lt. Gov Mark Robinson, whose energetic presence in American politics is a breath of fresh air and thus also a real threat to the Democrat Party stranglehold on American Blacks.

The Democrat Party and its propaganda ministry aka the Establishment Media like CNN, NPR, PBS, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC et al, have thus gone after Lt Mark Robinson with the only criticism they can throw at him: Crazy lies.

Lying is the only way the Democrat Party can win in the North Carolina governor election, and of course the proven liars at CNN / CNNLOL are enabling the lying. And even if this fake “scandal” (a few non-PC posts on a website from 14 years ago) stupid attack on Lt. Gov Mark Robinson were true, it would be so stupid, so ridiculous, so meaningless that no one with half a brain should spend any time thinking about it.

Dear North Carolina voters, please do not fall for the crazy lies against Lt. Mark Robinson.

Do not allow the bad guys to pull a Judge Roy Moore against Lt Mark Robinson.

Do not allow the highly damaging Democrat Party to undeservedly hold onto power in North Carolina. As you can see with your own eyes, Governor Roy Cooper and NC AG Josh Stein have failed the victims of Hurricane Helene because they don’t give a damn about you in your hour of greatest need (in one video above you can listen to Roy Cooper lie while flanked by huge liar and failure DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the left and huge failure crooked Joe “Bribem” Biden on the right).

Josh Stein is absolutely nowhere to be seen.

You North Carolinians can only do better than Roy Cooper and his cookie cutter substitute Josh Stein, you cannot possibly do worse than them. Roy Cooper and Josh Stein are such a disaster, such a failure, that people are asking if it is done on purpose because most of the victims are rural people who would not vote for leftist Josh Stein under any conditions, anyhow.

Stand up for truth, stand up against crazy lies, stand up for yourselves, vote for truth, vote for Lt. Mark Robinson to be North Carolina’s next governor.

Lt. Gov Mark Robinson, another victim of attempted White Liberal Democrat lynching


Had my day in court

Literally had my day in court yesterday, in the Dauphin County courthouse in Downtown Harrisburg. After nearly ten years of taxpayer-funded expensive stonewalling and dodging and delaying, Harrisburg City’s expensive taxpayer-funded attorneys (Lavery) were forced to actually litigate.

Harrisburg City was forced to actually argue for and explain why it has maintained three patently illegal ordinances on the books for years. At issue are city ordinances that criminalize carrying guns in a public park, discharging a firearm within the city limits, and failing to report a lost or stolen gun.

Each of these ordinances is subject to state pre-emption, because Pennsylvania state law clearly prohibits any political subdivision, like Harrisburg City, from creating its own gun regulations. This is in order to avoid a crazy-quilt pattern of gun laws within a state, where just crossing from one municipality to another, one township to the township next door, with a firearm, could result in an unintentional felony and violent arrest and incarceration. No society can operate like that, whether it’s gun regulations, abortion regulations, car regulations etc.

So, somehow the elected officials of Harrisburg City believed they were above the law, and they passed these illegal city ordinances. A group I belong to FOAC-ILLEA and Firearms Owners Against Crime, filed suit against the city many years ago, to compel the city to remove these illegal ordinances. After all, what is the purpose of having illegal laws on the books? What is the purpose of having illegal laws on the books, and actually spending hundreds of thousands of Harrisburg taxpayer dollars fighting to keep said illegal laws in place?

I will tell you why these ordinances are on the books: Harrisburg City wants to have the threat of these ordinances to use against people the city doesn’t like. People with different political beliefs, maybe the wrong skin color, maybe the wrong religion, you name it, these illegal ordinances can and will be used by city leaders for purely political and punitive purposes.

Even if the city charges someone with these ordinances and eventually loses in court, the city will still have won. Because the criminal process is the punishment. Simply dragging someone through the expensive, scary legal process from being arrested and handcuffed, having their person and home ransacked by police, being jailed, having to get a lawyer, maybe losing your job, is pretty bad punishment. So even if the city eventually loses a criminal prosecution with any of these ordinances, they will have really hurt someone.

And that is the purpose of ALL liberals everywhere, to scare and control and punitively hurt and damage people who disagree with them. Especially gun owning individuals who represent an armed citizenry capable of pushing back against tyrannical government. Like all liberal-run Democrat Party bastions everywhere across America, Harrisburg City desires to control its citizens, not represent them.

And so yesterday we finally got to sit in Judge Andrew Dowling’s court room and have a real, genuine legal offense-defense. It was something out of a Hollywood movie, with real court room drama, an occasionally piqued or openly amused judge, a sharp litigator (Joshua Prince) and a defense attorney who – no lie, no embellishment here – actually bellowed “I am being bushwhacked! This is an ambush!” after the judge reminded him that he was the attorney who said let’s move this trial to this date today.

Being the plaintiff of record from Harrisburg City itself, I had my opportunity to testify from the witness stand. I was cross examined at length, sometimes with real humor, by the defense counsel. I really don’t believe myself to be a “lawbreaker” when I am defying a patently illegal law, and it was nice to see the attorney have to concede that. I also enjoyed recounting how, during the catastrophic flood of 2011, I walked up and down my block and adjoining blocks with a shotgun and a handgun, to deter looters. That raised eyebrows, and led to an interesting line of questioning from the defense counsel and thumbs-up from my fellow plaintiffs.

Other plaintiffs, Howard Bullock, who lives outside Harrisburg City but who works within it, and Jim Stoker, president of FOAC, also took the witness stand, and were also cross-examined. All three of us did well representing our case. And the bushwhacked lawyer who raised ridiculous objection after ridiculous objection, including once to his own statements (the judge kindly reminded him that he was now arguing against himself), was clearly deflated after Judge Dowling said he would issue a decision on this trial.

Nearly ten years of Harrisburg taxpayer gravy train defending the indefensible are about to end for Lavery Law!  And for me, the rule of law is being established, our flag of freedom being firmly planted in a small county court room far from the public eye. Not one news reporter was present, not one City employee, nobody but us freedom fighters, the judge and his staff, and the hapless bushwhacked lawyer.

Once again the forgotten taxpayer is out of sight, out of mind, though a holding of any sort in this case will then raise questions about why Harrisburg City spends hundreds of thousands of rare taxpayer dollars so frivolously and carelessly.

It was a great day for the law and a great day to be in court forcing the law to be upheld by striking illegal laws from the books. Thanks to attorney Joshua Prince for representing the rule of law, and to Judge Dowling for running his court room fairly and often with real humor and sharp observations.

(L to R) Plaintiff Howard Bullock, attorney Joshua Prince, attorney Kevin Fenchak, attorney Dillon Harris, plaintiff Yours Truly Josh First, and plaintiff Jim Stoker of FOAC fame in the Dauphin County courthouse yesterday.

January 6th 2021, USA’s modern civil rights march

On January 6th, 2021, I stood near the Washington Monument and listened to President Donald J. Trump speak about election integrity. He was right on the facts and also a bit long winded, but who in his position wouldn’t be. America had just witnessed a stolen election, and a presidency illegally ripped from Trump’s hands by a band of lawless bureaucrats and anti-America activists.

To say that America was shocked at the blatant theft of the 2020 election was an understatement. Most people expected the US Supreme Court to step in and hear arguments about the overwhelming details of rampant election fraud across the country. But no help was coming from the spineless weasels on the Supreme Court. And with very few exceptions, no help was forthcoming from anyone in elected office, either, as state attorney generals sat on their hands and looked the other way, and state legislatures refused to take impeachment and removal actions against rogue bureaucrats and lawless state supreme courts that helped implement the Steal of 2020, the theft an entire nation.

I will never forget marching down Constitution Avenue in the early afternoon of January 6th, arm-in-arm with people who were strangers on the one hand, and yet recognizable to me on the other hand. On my left arm was a black guy, probably mid thirties, visibly upset and shouting about our rights being trampled. On my right arm was a Hispanic guy, who was animated but who also seemed  especially positive. We were bound together as Brothers in America. Regardless of our different skin colors, we shared then and still share now a common interest in the rule of law and honest elections.

I think we all expected our participation that day in that 100% peaceful march for our most important civil right, the right to vote, to bear fruit. We justifiably expected the representatives of The People to suspend the artificially forced electoral vote counting, and that all the obviously fraudulent actions in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia, would get a public airing.

Alas, the lawlessly violent police response to our peaceful civil rights march in front of the US Capitol matched the lawless behavior of the elected official class: Both groups ignored We, The People, and both police and members of congress went on unimaginable rampages against us. The DOJ’s shameful hunt for political dissidents continues to this very day.

As I wrote here on the day after January 6th, I was illegally gassed three times and repeatedly shot with rubber bullets by a police officer who was keyed in on me, and yet my face, which he seemed so intent to hit with his many rubber bullets, was just a few feet out of range of his gun. His projectiles kept hitting my chest, my shoulders, but never my face. I don’t recall there being much room behind me to step back from the officer’s assault, and like others around me, I stood shocked by what I was witnessing and experiencing. The police were supposed to be our protectors, not assault troops acting as an arm of the lawless political class.

January 6th, 2021, was the civil rights march of our time, and I am proud that I was there as an active participant. Unlike the police there that day, I did not hurt anyone, I did not break anything, and I did not act lawlessly. My heart and my mind are clear. The police, however, must be investigated and legally held accountable for their civil rights violations against us peaceful protestors.

Nothing is more important than voting, having the right to vote, and have your vote be honestly counted and not be diluted by fake ballots and hacked voting machines that deliberately change votes in favor of the lawless political class. Without one person-one vote, there is no republic, there is no democracy, there is no representative government of, by and for The People, and no America.

In 1964, elected Republicans overcame Democrat Party opposition and got America to pass the Civil Rights Act aimed at letting Black Americans live free and equal lives with everyone else. A year later, in 1965, elected Republicans again overcame Democrat Party opposition and got the Voting Rights Act passed, which allowed Blacks to vote freely and not be subject to the myriad barriers the Democrat Party was placing in their way.

On Januray 6th, 2021, a new civil rights movement was begun, one for clean voting in America. For elections free of violence, free of interfering police, free of hacked voting machines, free of endless fake ballots, free of endless vote counting so that one political party eventually gets enough fake votes to declare a fake triumph, and free of papered-over windows of vote counting rooms where Republican watchers have been ejected, which happened in many venues, including here in Pennsylvania in 2020 and 2021.

In 2025, America needs a new Voting Rights Act, that protects all American citizens: a) One paper ballot per legal voter, b) personal official ID by all voters that matches their voting roll information, c) in-person voting for all but military personnel and those with extenuating circumstances, d) no voting machines, and e) just one Election Day, with all results counted and announced immediately after counting that evening.

America will not continue as a free nation without this one essential civil right being achieved.