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Putin murdered Navalny and is no saint, and you are your own leader

Political candidate, longtime Putin critic, and political prisoner Alexei Navalny (aged 47) was murdered in a Russian prison last week. Like the murder of Jeffrey Epstein in a supposedly heavily guarded and monitored prison in America, Navalny’s murder was also done to send a signal about who is in charge, this time in Russia.

The person in charge of Russia is Vladimir Putin, president for life and de facto dictator. Putin is known for poisoning his critics (Navalny was previously poisoned while abroad, and survived to bravely return home to challenge Putin in rigged elections, and was then jailed), having them thrown out of windows (too many examples to count), having them brutally murdered in the streets, and having them encounter impossible “accidents” like when the airplane they are on just mysteriously blows up in the middle of the sky without any warning.

I know that a lot of Americans are justifiably frustrated by the lack of leadership in America. While the Democrat Party is busy blowing up and setting America on fire, and illegally importing a veritable army of military-age illegal alien men, which is a dereliction of duty and outright treason, the Republican Party and almost all of its elected officials from coast to coast are spineless, flaccid, weak kneed, limp wristed, whiny, two faced girly men (first reference to GOPers as girly men was here on this blog months ago, and then used by Wayne Root, for which we are honored) who can’t do anything, not a damned single thing, to oppose or resist the Democrats.

These Republicans were elected on the basis of their campaigns, where they promised to be leaders, and lead on issues their voters care about. But they get into office and just don’t do anything. We have seen the same empty campaign promises here in Pennsylvania, where the vast majority of elected Republicans just can’t or just won’t say anything about election integrity.

In October and November 2020, the overwhelmingly Republican-dominated Pennsylvania legislature could have easily impeached and removed those PA Supreme Court justices who unconstitutionally turned PA law and constitution alike on their heads to make way for the theft of the 2020 election from President Donald Trump in favor of the non-campaigning basement dwelling zero-charisma plagiarist and serial liar Joe Biden.

But the PA GOP did nothing, absolutely nothing. Zero. And even now, asking people like state senator John Disanto to publicly say something meaningful about election integrity is like questioning the law of gravity. And as a result, elections are stolen and America is going up in flames.

So yes, there is a huge failure in leadership everywhere around us, at every level, and so yes, Americans are desperate for leadership anywhere they can find it. And so up steps Vladimir Putin to both attack the globalist swamp in Ukraine and to also stand firmly for his own country (imagine that) and for his church and history (doubly imagine that). And all of a sudden a void is filled, and Vladimir Putin becomes the embodiment of leadership to many Americans.

Stop it, people. Putin is not any kind of leader that any kind of traditional freedom-loving American can relate to or support. He is a cruel, evil, murderous tyrant who brooks zero opposition or even questioning. Yes, he has some good qualities, no, those qualities do not outweigh the terrible things he is doing to his political rivals or to Ukrainian civilians, much less to the American Dollar.

Forty-seven-year-old Alexei Navalny was just murdered in cold blood in a dark and cold jail cell, in the middle of Russia, alone without his wife or friends to hold his hand and comfort him, for the simple reason that he posed a threat to Putin’s illegal grip on absolute power.

We Americans are witnessing the same exact thing happening here in America, where absolutely innocent and peaceful protestors from January 6th 2021 are still being rounded up by gangs of federal Gestapo thugs and held in solitary confinement, without medical care, with inadequate food and water, under terribly unsanitary conditions, for the simple reason that they represent a We, The People response to the stolen election dictatorship of Joe Biden and his posse of lawless and violent federal employees.

So if you oppose what Joe Biden is doing here in America, you must oppose what Vladimir Putin is doing in Russia and in Ukraine. Standing up for freedom and for The People’s political opposition like Navalny and Trump doesn’t mean you automatically have to whole-hog embrace everything about Putin, or anyone else for that matter.

And I will bet that if you ask Russians, they will have mixed opinions about Putin. I will bet they admire and appreciate his strength and passion for Russia, but also reject his lawless violence and unnatural grip on absolute power.

When dictators in Russia or America resort to jailing their opponents, and killing them, they are illegitimate, and The People can and should rise up and take back what belongs to them. We, The People are the leaders we have been longing for.

Movie Review: 2000 Mules

When people say to my face that there is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from The People (not President Trump), I ask them what evidence have they looked at, because there is nothing but a humungous stinking pile of evidence of the election theft. You would have to literally ignore it purposefully to say the evidence doesn’t exist.

And you already know what these naysaying people say: Snide things, arrogant mocking things, stupid things. As if mere denial is equivalent with actual research or fact.

The truth is these people I talk with don’t care about stolen elections or proof of them, because they actually want the election to be stolen. And they probably want every other election to be stolen, too, because they simply want to win. What was that leftist chant… “by any means necessary”? So we are facing people, fellow Americans, who want full and absolute political power and official government coercive force, by any means necessary. No matter how destructive this is, no matter how illegal, or how dangerous. Because they simply want to coerce everyone else into doing what they tell them to do.

It is probably impossible to dialogue with evil people who want absolute control over other humans, and who will steal elections in order to illegally amass political power to gain that absolute control.

But for anyone and everyone else who is curious or inquisitive about things in general, and about the 2020 election in particular, or who wonders why tens of millions of fellow Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen in front of their faces, a recent movie called 2000 Mules shows how just one part of the 2020 election steal was done.

I bought two of the 2000 Mules DVDs, so that I could have actual copies of the movie when the book burners eventually purge it from the internet. And I watched the movie twice, because it is that compelling. Probably because I could not really believe what I had learned and seen the first time I saw it, I had to watch it again.

There are some things the movie could do better. I would have liked to have seen clips of Democrat Party politicians complaining about voter fraud, to reinforce that this is a subject the Left has long complained about. Even if they pretend it is a totally new subject, now that they have actually stolen a presidential election and thus sparked complaints of a stolen election.

And I would have liked to have heard more about how election fraud has been done historically, and from more than just Hans Von Spakovsky. Even if he is knowledgeable, Hans appeals to mostly one side of the political spectrum. Another voice or two from academia or think tank land would have added a bit more persuasion that election fraud is really a problem.

But overall 2000 Mules is a powerful and really intriguing movie for anyone who cares about One Voter = One Vote. You should see this movie, if you have not already done so.

Couple more thoughts on the November 2020 Democrat Insurrection Against America: First, if you want proof of the theft, just look at how the thieves are acting afterwards. They are on a lawless nationwide political manhunt for as many of their innocent political opponents as they can scoop up into the criminal justice system, to punish any way they can, using ruthless and limitless official power. The Biden Administration and the Democrat -run legislature are exercising lawless, totalitarian methods of consolidating political power to ensure they never lose an election again, to prevent anyone else from ever winning elections against them  again. Or ever opposing the Democrat Party again. Nothing in the ham-handed way the Democrats are acting says that they are afraid of being held accountable for their lawlessness.

I suppose when you can control the outcome of elections, like the Democrats now do through bogus voting machines and illegal ballot harvesting, accountability with the voters is something you never worry about. Ruthlessness and intimidation are the only tools you need. As we can plainly see.

Second thing (thanks to nameless Internet commenter):

Biden margin of victory vs known incidents of voter fraud in the 5 questionable swing state accused of election fraud as discovered by audits and post election canvasing:
Arizona – 11 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 245,722
Biden Margin of victory: –10,457
Georgia – 16 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 601,130
Biden Margin of victory: –11,779
Michigan – 16 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 446,803
Biden Margin of victory: –154,818
Nevada – 6 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 220,008
Biden Margin of victory: –33,596
Pennsylvania – 20 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 992,567
Biden Margin of victory: –81,660
Wisconsin – 10 Electoral Votes
Possible illegal votes: 553,872
Biden Margin of victory: –20,682
Biden – 306
Trump – 232
Trump – 311
Biden – 227

In conclusion, watch 2000 Mules, and if you have any further questions about it, its director Dinesh D’Souza has spent many hours clearly explaining its technical aspects and easily rebutting the most moronic efforts to “debunk” it (like the cell phone geo-tracking used in 2000 Mules isn’t accurate, except that it is accurate enough for law enforcement every day). Dinesh can be heard on Rumble.


“Only Trump can destroy Trump”

For five long, brutal years President Donald Trump withstood a non-stop cyclone of misinformation, disinformation, lies, hoaxes, endless false accusations, two fake impeachments, and outright mutiny and insubordination by federal employees and military officers.

President Trump handily won re-election in November 2020 with the devotion of his ardent supporters, and the big lie that basement dwelling corrupt, doofus failed career politician Joe Biden was president only became an official narrative because that cyclone of official insubordination and mutiny around President Trump reached its climax from November 4th 2020 through January 2021 with the help of Big Media lies and Big Tech censorship. All statutory and constitutional safeguards set up to protect sacred American voting from being tampered with failed, because the people entrusted with those safeguards deliberately failed.

And all throughout that five year period tens of millions of American voters kept faith that President Donald Trump would prevail, because they knew that only he, of all of America’s elected officials, believed in a free America with liberty and justice for all. Despite the Democrat Media – Big Tech industrial complex’s best efforts to divide Trump’s followers from Trump, the Trump Train continued full speed ahead. As it does even now, when Trump draws huge crowds to his rallies.

Radio personality extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh used to explain how the Big Media people just do not understand the connection that Trump has with his followers.  Rush said many times “Only Trump can destroy Trump’s relationship with his followers. Because that bond of trust between them is so strong.” In other words, it would take a betrayal of that trust by Trump to sever that bond. No big lies, no hoaxes, no fake impeachments would ever dent Trump’s popularity.

And I think we are beginning to see that bond fraying, only because President Trump is fraying it through his own deliberate actions that directly alienate his strongest supporters. No one ever accused President Trump of being a politician, and in fact it is his greatest pride that he is not a politician. He didn’t think that way and he didn’t act that way. But by trying to act like one now, Trump is reaping the kinds of results that politicians invariably get when they literally play politics.

In the past week we have seen President Trump officially endorse for US Senate a known Hollywood liberal RINO candidate, Dr. Mehmet Oz, instead of a true conservative candidate who actually lives in Pennsylvania. This endorsement was so bizarre that many people are booing its mention at voter gatherings here in Pennsylvania. It is not a popular decision among Trump’s followers.

And now President Trump is actually, incredibly, unbelievably encouraging PA Swamp RINO problem child Jake Corman to stay in the PA governor’s race. Even though Corman has been the biggest obstacle to conducting an official audit of the stolen 2020 election here. Which makes people wonder if Trump is going to endorse Corman, who was just about to file paperwork to withdraw his name from the race, but who is now following Trump’s advice to stay in.

So many old adages address this situation. One goes “If you have nothing positive to say, then say nothing at all.” Another goes “It is better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” And of course Rush Limbaugh’s warning to President Trump (paraphrased here): “Only Trump can destroy Trump.”

If President Trump continues destructively mucking around in Pennsylvania politics, of which he knows little, and in which many of us have devoted decades of our lives at great personal cost while battling the corrupt PAGOP and the Harrisburg Swamp, then Trump is going to break his bond with us.

All of my friends are saying this, and I am saying it, too, as painful as it is. President Trump, we will follow you to Hell and back, if we believe that you have our backs. But when you behave this destructive way and hurt us, then we no longer trust you.


Why Kathy Barnette has my support for US Senate

Kathy Barnette is an all-American lady, with personal roots all working people can relate to. Unlike her opponents (Dr. Oz, Dave McCormick, Carla Sands, Jeff Bartos), she is not false, or misleading. Her candor and earnestness are refreshing, because most politics today is a sea of garbage through which voters must carefully pick and swim.

Three of the four candidates opposing Kathy Barnette are from out of state (Carla Sands, Dave McCormick, and Dr. Oz), and they only recently discovered/ manufactured their Pennsylvania connection when they had an opportunity to run for senate. Each has a history of promoting far-Left policies (e.g. red flag laws that place law-abiding gun owners at risk of politically motivated SWAT teams kicking in their doors) that are exactly what America is dying from right now, so their sudden embracing of conservative policies that Republican Party primary voters want is waaaaayyyyy suspect.

Jeff Bartos is a proud, unabashed RINO (Republican In Name Only liberal) who changes his positions with the wind. He says he was pro-Trump when he was not pro-Trump. He says little about the blatantly stolen election of November 2020. Bartos only appeals to GOPe insiders who have zero contact with the Republican/America-First voting base.

Bartos would be a disaster as a US senator, probably following exactly in the footsteps of outgoing RINO Senator Patricia Toomey, whose 55% conservative/ 45% leftist voting record hardly represents what Americans want and need. Guys like Bartos and Toomey are overly sensitive to the Democrat Party’s Media-Big Tech industrial complex, whose anti-America partisanship knows no limits. And so Bartos would vote like former senator Arlen Specter used to vote and how Toomey has voted. I am positive Bartos will be no friend or ally to law abiding gun owners.

So away from the swampy quagmire of Bartos/McCormick/ Sands/Oz stands Kathy Barnette, a US Army veteran, working mom and wife. She is also black, which means she knows first-hand how destructive the liberal policies are that her opponents promote. And her policy positions reflect her down-to-earth life experiences.

I am proud to circulate ballot petitions for Kathy Barnette, to help her get onto the primary election ballot coming up for your vote in May.

I hope my fellow America-First voters will support Kathy Barnette for the US Senate.

PA’s ballot petitions are a Jurassic-era holdover from the days of political party collusion for control of the voters. Anyone should be able to run for office with minimal hurdles. But until we reach that pro-democracy point, I am proud to circulate petitions for outstanding candidates like Kathy Barnette

Kathy Barnette for US Senate. A pro-gun, pro-freedom candidate with beauty and brains

One thing Rush Limbaugh got right

Radio host Rush Limbaugh died a year ago, and people who enjoyed his show or his books are remembering him today. I am remembering him for two reasons. First, for his zig-zag career path and conventional/unconventional life path. Second, for a single political prediction he made in 2019 that was labeled “outrageous” and “dangerous” by his opponents, and which even raised a lot of eyebrows amid his supporters, but which has proven to be spookily prescient and 100% accurate.

First with number one.

Rush Limbaugh’s successful life path and career path are things worth studying, because so many Americans have been corralled into falsely believing your career must be, should be a straight and linear path forward. Even though that is just not correct, and in many cases it’s not healthy.

You know, graduate from high school, then go to college and spend an inordinate amount of money to be indoctrinated in nonsense and useless hokum, with the hope of getting a college diploma that “proves” you are smart and capable of making decisions. I don’t know if this linear career path idea is a natural result of the old guild mentality, where a son or daughter would apprentice in a particular guild (plumber, wood worker, watch maker, gun maker, horse carriage maker etc.), and then either take over his or her father’s work shop, or go start their own work shop/ atelier in some distant locale doing the same work. In truth, this guild and apprencticeship process offers a lot of value, not just three hundred years ago, but even today. It assures that young people go into work they enjoy, and that they are well trained when they are released unto the world as a certified expert. It also gives people a good income in what had been a feudal world of poor serfs and ultra-wealthy aristocrats.

But this guild approach to career saw its last vestiges swept away with the end of high school Shop Class and Vo-Tech programs that actually taught Americans how to do needed things of value.

And so Rush Limbaugh followed his own path in the radio world, and ended up being the most successful and well-known radio personality in radio history. His success did not happen in a linear way, but quite the opposite. He had to find his way. His stories about his first few jobs in radio, and about being fired by different types of radio managers for different kinds of real or imaginary infractions, and moving across the country several times to take radio jobs, are useful examples to those just now entering the work force or who are stultifying in old jobs.

Only after failing, or growing as it might be euphemistically called, did Limbaugh eventually get to sit behind the Golden EIB Microphone. It was his initial failures and zig-zags that eventually created his character and inner strength, his skills and abilities.

Lessons that Limbaugh learned were be yourself, be honest and forthright, work hard, take risks, make some sacrifices, and if you end up doing what you enjoy the most, then you will often be rewarded with material success and deep personal happiness. And as we well know, contentment is its own form of wealth (and as some of us know, there are a lot of very wealthy people who are also desperately unhappy and often cruelly, even destructively negative, to those around them), so becoming a high school shop teacher earning forty five thousand dollars a year may make you deeply content with your life, but your life partner is going to have to work, too.

But there is no such a thing as high school shop class these days….one should wonder Why…that is a separate issue.

Similarly, his personal life resulted in a strong and committed marriage to a woman, Kathryn, only after the two of them had been friends for many years. How rewarding it is to be married to both your lover and your best friend. That is the pinnacle of relationships, and Limbaugh’s marriage should serve as a useful template for others contemplating marriage themselves. Find a friend, and marry them.

Now about that crazy prediction Limbaugh made in 2019, the one thing he got right that at first sounded so outlandish and impossible…I remember shaking my head when he said that “the Democrat Party will seek a way to eliminate elections so that they can become the dominant and sole political force in America.”

“I don’t know how they are going to do it, but they are working on it,” Limbaugh said. “Oh, they will allow the trappings of elections, but they won’t be meaningful or fair.”

And I was not alone in my skepticism at such a huge claim. Many observers and listeners to Limbaugh’s radio program openly said that he was just being bombastic for the sake of poking his political opponents. No one in American politics could ever want to eliminate elections, the bedrock foundation of our constitutional republic, right?, we naively thought.

And yet Limbaugh stuck to this public claim several times more, and in the end he was proven correct with the stolen 2020 election, and the Democrat Party’s all-out hyperdrive to convert that theft into absolute iron control of Americans by any means necessary, including the federalization of elections and permanence of vote fraud activity.

It turned out that Limbaugh really did understand the Democrat Party and the American Left better than anyone else outside of those two movements. What is amazing is that the subject of his analysis, the Democrat Party, now makes no effort to hide its totalitarian ambitions. Everywhere American citizens have demanded audits of the voting machines or the ballots cast in the fraudulent 2020 election, they have been met with deviousness, rude defiance, threats, blocking lawsuits, and outright ballot-shredding skulduggery by the Democrat Party and its Republican Party enablers.

This is not the behavior of people committed to open and accountable elections, but rather the actions of the desperate and dangerous thief trying to keep his theft from becoming widespread knowledge.

America as a continuing constitutional republic is in huge trouble. Most of our institutions are overthrown and taken over by leftist activists, who then bend those cultural and political institutions against the American constitution and the rule of law. Rush Limbaugh was so deep into the political fray that like a champion prize fighter, he saw where his opponent’s next punch sequence was going to come from.

What is amazing is that the Republican Party still, even now, behaves like an amazed ringside commentator asking incredulously at the end of the fight how the champion prize fighter ever saw the attack coming and not only beat it back, but managed to land his own blows in order to win the fight. This just goes to show just how outside the political fray the Republican Party is; the GOP is barely an observer much less an actual participant in American politics.

We need Rush Limbaugh’s insights more than ever now, but he is somewhere else, and so the only bit of related wisdom or insight I can scrape up at this point is to say We must all be Rush Limbaughs, and each of us fearlessly stay in the fight for freedom and liberty.

And trust our gut instincts about our political opponents. Even if it seems like crazy talk to say that the Democrat Party or its Canadian political ally, Justin Trudeau, are hell bent on becoming absolutist totalitarian overlords. We must fight fight fight, or we lose everything.

Rush Limbaugh behind his EIB Golden Microphone, fighting for freedom and liberty. He knew politics better than most people and loved a constitutional America more than most

Limbaugh’s right-hand man, James Golden aka “Bo Snerdley” continues Limbaugh’s fight for liberty today

Citizen wave arrests aggressive elites

If yesterday’s amazing election results show anything, it is that Mister and Missus America have had enough and are fed up with aggressive cultural elites. It also shows that stolen elections have consequences, because when election thieves actually believe that their un-just, unconstitutional, coerced, forced, aggressive policies are justified by the fake “mandate” they never got through the election they never won, they get some come-uppance.

And this, despite their best efforts to steal yet more elections, as in Fairfax County, Virginia, being oh-so-sadly unable to show their election results on Election Day. The corrupt Democrat Party stronghold county did their level best to hide, manufacture, fake and lie and cheat and steal more votes to get candidate governor Terry Macauliffe over the finish line, but they failed.

Republican Youngkin won the Virginia governorship, and Republicans swept Virginia’s other offices from stem to stern. And again, this is despite the rampant vote stealing there that a corrupt judge OK’d at the last minute yesterday.

Republicans won in Democrat Party strongholds across the east coast yesterday, showing that regular old Americans are fed up, even Democrat Party members, with the wild communist policy overreach that has come to mark the Democrat Party today. This is the proverbial “citizen wave” that anyone with any connection to working people could see coming ten miles away, and which is still building up steam and coming even harder in 2022.

Here in Harrisburg outgoing mayor Eric Papenfuse attempted a write-in campaign to hold on to his office. Despite doing well as write-in efforts go, he nonetheless gathered about 33% of the vote, and Wanda Williams will move in to the mayor’s office. I give Eric credit for trying, as he cheerfully handed out literature at our polling place yesterday. But after eight years of indistinct presence in the mayor’s office, it is time to let someone else have a try at it. Hopefully Wanda will do better than Eric, and do better than her Democrat Party would want her to do.

Outgoing Harrisburg mayor Eric Papenfuse cheerfully running a write-in campaign for mayor on Election Day 2021.



Afghanistan debacle is no mistake

Stolen elections have consequences. The purpose served by stealing the November 2020 election was to follow through on Barack Hussein Obama’s boastful threat to “fundamentally change America,” whether or not Americans actually wanted that.

As the 2016 election showed, more Americans are awake now than have been in many decades. Americans knew that something foul was afoot, that both main political parties were up to no good, and electing a plainly and unapologetically pro-America Donald Trump was the citizens’ way of demonstrating that they disagreed with the downward direction America was headed.

So in 2020, it took herculean efforts to steal the election in order to reverse the opposing trend Americans were on. And I don’t think it is immoral as an observer to say that the Democrat Party’s multiple multiple-front assaults on the democratic process was pretty damned impressive. They left nothing to chance in singling out Democrat cities in swing states to have like 150% voter turnout, 95% of which was amazingly just for one candidate, Biden, and none for any down-ticket candidates.

They even managed to buy off, dumb down, and intimidate enough Republican Party career hacks to ensure that very little partisan resistance was mounted in response on Election Day evening or over the course of the following weeks and months. Even now in Pennsylvania, we have an overtly recalcitrant state senate leader, Jake Corman, who is openly doing everything he can to stop a forensic audit of the incredibly corrupt November 2020 election here. Ya gotta ask why.

Why is it that even now, with the Afghanistan retreat debacle, the southern border crisis debacle (millions of illegal aliens require no vaccine, no masks, no anything, but native citizens get thrown in jail and lose their jobs for the slightest resistance to the vaccine posse, go figure), the California governor recall debacle, the failing COVID response debacle, the massive January 6th rally official overreach response debacle, the blatant disregard for public opinion by elected officials everywhere, that little Republican opposition is mounted?

I believe it is because this failing and flailing and hyper aggressive unconstitutional government overreach is all by design. This is how you take down a country. This is how you cause a nation to collapse. This is how you allow a healthy nation to become unhealthy. This is how you really do fundamentally change a nation that is populated by people who do not want to change.

You force it down their throat and up their ass from every angle possible, using every tactic from shame to coercion to threats to media manipulation and indoctrination of the youth to turn against their parents, their elders, their own best interests.

America is under assault from within, and the Afghanistan debacle that pretty much everyone across the board agrees is being terribly and most publicly mishandled, is just the most public evidence of this assault. The disastrous retreat from Afghanistan is not a mistake, it is by design. It is done to hurt America financially ($85 BILLION in abandoned high tech war machinery is a lot even by Pentagon standards), to demoralize its citizenry, to hurt America strategically.

Those crazy hippies in the 1960s and 1970s who said all those silly things against America and against their own parents…they meant it all. They meant every word of that and much much more, too.

And now those same old hippies have the keys to America, and they are using those keys to open up America and utterly destroy it from within.

They do not believe in “power to the people,” because they actually hate the American people. They never did really value democracy, they just wanted to use and abuse the democratic process every way possible to gain leverage and power within that process, and then to control that process. Witness the effort underway to federalize America from a union of united and very different autonomous States and to put the Washington, DC, bureaucracy in charge of everything everywhere.

This is communist centralization, not the diffusion of power via myriad checks and balances America was founded on.

Again, no crystal ball here. No idea where this all goes. I constantly meet new people who are just awakening to this war against America from within America. I also see lots of Americans sleep walking, blissfully unaware and frankly, uncaring about the nation’s trajectory. WalMart has what they want, there is a football game on the TV, and they just don’t want to be bothered with all that self-rule business.

It’s just too hard, they think and so they want to delegate that sacred process to corrupt “professional politicians” like Jake Corman.

Good luck with that, Mister and Missus America! (Sarcasm)


9/11? How about 11/3?!

Twenty years after the only modern act of mass terrorism against the USA, America is still under attack, but this time from within.

Yes, some people claim the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in Manhattan were an “inside job,” as in someone or some people from within the USA committed the attack as an act of treachery against their own (our) nation. I don’t know if I can be persuaded of this claim, because what is presented as evidence of this is at best conjecture and at worst the worst of lame conspiracy theories.

But it takes no leap of faith or embracing of wild, unsupported conjecture to see what is plainly in front of our eyes right now: An all-out assault on every corner, fiber, and element of America as a free democratic Republic.

Whether it is Joe Biden’s blatantly illegal and unilateral attempt to singlehandedly impose a vaccine requirement on every American citizen (but not on the illegal aliens his administration is literally shipping across our borders in to every corner of America), or the arrogant diffidence the Obama-appointed judges have toward upholding the most simple aspects of the law, or the abandonment of American soldiers, citizens, and allies in Afghanistan along with some $83 billion in high tech materiel, little is being left to chance in this open war against America’s physical wellbeing, morality, rule of law, and its sense of self.

There is no secret cabal at work behind the scenes here. We can see them in front of us. And this is not just happening in America. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Western Europe are also seeing brutal police state assaults on self-governance and individual liberties.

The morning of 9/11 I was sitting in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives giving testimony to the chamber’s Environmental Quality Committee (or whatever it was then called). We were told to evacuate in the middle of my long presentation, which must have come as a relief to many, without explanation. Only when I returned to my office did we learn what had happened, and how state capitol buildings across America were being evacuated as a precaution.

A week later a National Park Service employee I was working with on conserving Braddock’s Trace in western PA contacted me and invited me out to the Flight 93 crash site. Over the next two years I worked very closely with the Families of Flight 93, the National Park Service, the Somerset County commissioners and the county coroner Wally, landowners at the site, the press, and many others to design a land protection plan for the crash site sufficient to preserve and tell the story to future generations. I still have the maps we printed in my office as we made the rounds and presentations, and got public support.

The crash site land conservation plan is one of the signature projects I have worked on in what has been a really amazing career. Ten years ago my daughter and I visited the Flight 93 crash site for the 10th anniversary remarks, and I felt good about how much of what really is a battlefield was protected from being altered into something unrecognizable.

However, if I were to be asked today to come up with a similar land protection plan for the current assault on America, I would respond that we are presently looking at a potential impact area the size of the Chicxulub meteor crater (which resulted in the Gulf of Mexico and wiped out the Jurassic dinosaurs). How do we try to conserve a nation the size of America that has its historic monuments and statues torn down weekly, its borders erased daily, its history falsified hourly, its base institutions corrupted?

All of this overwhelming and daily ongoing attack on America is a result of the stolen election on November 3rd, 2020, the greatest act of treachery in American history and probably in world history. America’s worst enemies grabbed the keys to our country and are using them to destroy the country from under our feet.

It turns out that as bad as 9/11 was, 11/3 was much, much worse.

Why Joe Biden left his bike out in the rain

When I was a kid, a friend of mine left his bike out in the rain like it was no big deal, which caused it to rust and make an annoying squeak when pedaled. It also pedaled harder and went slower than when it was not all rusted up.  As a kid you both really need your bike and you also lack the skills to grease up or oil something like a bicycle, so that damned thing was never the same again.

My dad commented on it, saying “He left that thing outside in the rain because it was given to him, he did not pay anything for it, nor did he get it as a special gift, and so he did not value it. He didn’t care.”

And this is why Joe Biden is governing like a drunk slumped over the steering wheel of his veering, lurching car. He didn’t earn the presidency. It was stolen from the American people and handed to him, a failed 47-year-career politician and repeat liar. Because he didn’t pay anything for it (recall he hid in his basement for the entire 2020 campaign), Biden doesn’t value it. Not in a way that shows he cares about it, for himself or the next person in it.

Are you wondering why America is summarily abandoning some 40,000 AMERICANS plus another 500,000 or so Afghani allies in Afghanistan, as our government just walks away from billions of dollars in taxpayer-paid warmaking equipment, machines, and weapons there? Today we are hearing about incredible chaos, desperate people clinging to and then falling from planes leaving Bagram Air Base, the house-to-house searches by the Taliban, as they look for fair-skinned hostages and enemies to behead in the street.

Are you wondering why Joe Biden either takes no questions from the press, or takes only a few carefully staged ones with his handlers literally wiping the food and spittle from his face?

Are you wondering why the Biden Administration is setting a land speed record of proposed federal regulations and rules that will turn American businesses inside out, and overnight turn tens of millions of law-abiding Americans into potential criminals, and saddle American taxpayers with unsustainable debt that no foreseeable generation can pay off?

Are you wondering why the Biden Administration is recklessly calling people terrorists who object to grotesque and patently illegal government overreach, to a permanent fake covid “crisis”, and to stolen elections, and yet says nothing about the actual Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorists who just grabbed an entire country away from America overnight?

Are you wondering why Joe Biden is allowing millions of undocumented, undiagnosed, disease-ridden illegal aliens to pour over our southern border with no medical testing or requirements, but simultaneously demanding and coercing regular American taxpaying citizens to live under unconstitutional draconian lockdowns and be guinea pigs for unknown, unproven vaccines?

This is all happening because Joe Biden did not earn this presidency. He did not work for it, he did not win it fair and square, and he does not value it. It was handed to him by a handful of swing states with corrupt cities that manufactured enough votes to say that Biden won the entire state and their Electoral College votes. And like a little kid who is given something without earning it, Joe Biden is just pissing it away. He literally does not care about America.

Joe Biden does care about controlling America, however.

Over the past few months we have all watched the daily official government onslaught against the fabric of America and against the daily lives of its citizens, particularly its white and black citizens, by Joe Biden. It is incredible how quickly America went from a strong bastion of freedom and individual liberty on November 1, 2020, to a giant nation about to collapse and fall into a dozen parts now. On the one hand you might think that president guy is drunk and asleep at the wheel, or that he is a spoiled rotten brat who doesn’t value what he was given.

Or you might think America is being attacked by its own government, like it has been infected by a deadly parasite that turns against its own host body.

Memorial Day Part II

The most nagging thought this week, which dampened my excitement or sense of purpose or meaning for this year’s Memorial Day, is the realization that the Biden Administration is running hard and fast to build a new US military. This new military is in the process of excluding (firing existing and not hiring new) conservative Christian Caucasians, patriots, and Constitutionalists. The reason this new military is being created is not to defend America, but to occupy and subjugate America. It is a military designed to protect the coup d’etat in Washington DC, to cement into place the stolen election of 2020, to bring the force necessary to hold on to illegitimate power.

This is terrifying stuff.

So in terms of observing this week’s Memorial Day, I was tormented all week by the idea that so many Americans have died to preserve our freedom, which we American citizens are now pissing away because we are literally letting people steal it from us. We are sitting here watching America be stolen and lawlessly overrun, and what are we doing about it?

You think the 2022 or 2024 elections will be free and fair? Not if the Democrat Party and their collaborator Republicans get their way with the so-called “Fair Voting Act”, which is simply designed to let the Democrat Party continue to cheat and steal elections forever. This means America will be a one-party nation, a one-party state, which is what all totalitarian nations have. And when the last vestige of freedom-loving Americans finally do rise up in revolt, the Biden Administration will demand the citizens turn in all of their guns, or face martial law.

And then martial law will be imposed, and the new anti-America, anti-Constitution military will be in place to enforce it. Instead of American military personnel of old who have been willing to die to give us freedom here at home, we will have a new type of military personnel who is willing to make us die in order to enable the Democrat Communist Party to hold on to control and power over us.

So yeah, this week’s Memorial Day took on a whole new context and meaning for me. America is in huge trouble.