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Movie Review: 2000 Mules

When people say to my face that there is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from The People (not President Trump), I ask them what evidence have they looked at, because there is nothing but a humungous stinking pile of evidence of the election theft. You would have to literally ignore it purposefully to say the evidence doesn’t exist.

And you already know what these naysaying people say: Snide things, arrogant mocking things, stupid things. As if mere denial is equivalent with actual research or fact.

The truth is these people I talk with don’t care about stolen elections or proof of them, because they actually want the election to be stolen. And they probably want every other election to be stolen, too, because they simply want to win. What was that leftist chant… “by any means necessary”? So we are facing people, fellow Americans, who want full and absolute political power and official government coercive force, by any means necessary. No matter how destructive this is, no matter how illegal, or how dangerous. Because they simply want to coerce everyone else into doing what they tell them to do.

It is probably impossible to dialogue with evil people who want absolute control over other humans, and who will steal elections in order to illegally amass political power to gain that absolute control.

But for anyone and everyone else who is curious or inquisitive about things in general, and about the 2020 election in particular, or who wonders why tens of millions of fellow Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen in front of their faces, a recent movie called 2000 Mules shows how just one part of the 2020 election steal was done.

I bought two of the 2000 Mules DVDs, so that I could have actual copies of the movie when the book burners eventually purge it from the internet. And I watched the movie twice, because it is that compelling. Probably because I could not really believe what I had learned and seen the first time I saw it, I had to watch it again.

There are some things the movie could do better. I would have liked to have seen clips of Democrat Party politicians complaining about voter fraud, to reinforce that this is a subject the Left has long complained about. Even if they pretend it is a totally new subject, now that they have actually stolen a presidential election and thus sparked complaints of a stolen election.

And I would have liked to have heard more about how election fraud has been done historically, and from more than just Hans Von Spakovsky. Even if he is knowledgeable, Hans appeals to mostly one side of the political spectrum. Another voice or two from academia or think tank land would have added a bit more persuasion that election fraud is really a problem.

But overall 2000 Mules is a powerful and really intriguing movie for anyone who cares about One Voter = One Vote. You should see this movie, if you have not already done so.

Couple more thoughts on the November 2020 Democrat Insurrection Against America: First, if you want proof of the theft, just look at how the thieves are acting afterwards. They are on a lawless nationwide political manhunt for as many of their innocent political opponents as they can scoop up into the criminal justice system, to punish any way they can, using ruthless and limitless official power. The Biden Administration and the Democrat -run legislature are exercising lawless, totalitarian methods of consolidating political power to ensure they never lose an election again, to prevent anyone else from ever winning elections against themĀ  again. Or ever opposing the Democrat Party again. Nothing in the ham-handed way the Democrats are acting says that they are afraid of being held accountable for their lawlessness.

I suppose when you can control the outcome of elections, like the Democrats now do through bogus voting machines and illegal ballot harvesting, accountability with the voters is something you never worry about. Ruthlessness and intimidation are the only tools you need. As we can plainly see.

Second thing (thanks to nameless Internet commenter):

Biden margin of victory vs known incidents of voter fraud in the 5 questionable swing state accused of election fraud as discovered by audits and post election canvasing:
Arizona – 11 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 245,722
Biden Margin of victory: –10,457
Georgia – 16 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 601,130
Biden Margin of victory: –11,779
Michigan – 16 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 446,803
Biden Margin of victory: –154,818
Nevada – 6 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 220,008
Biden Margin of victory: –33,596
Pennsylvania – 20 Electoral Votes
Discovered illegal votes: 992,567
Biden Margin of victory: –81,660
Wisconsin – 10 Electoral Votes
Possible illegal votes: 553,872
Biden Margin of victory: –20,682
Biden – 306
Trump – 232
Trump – 311
Biden – 227

In conclusion, watch 2000 Mules, and if you have any further questions about it, its director Dinesh D’Souza has spent many hours clearly explaining its technical aspects and easily rebutting the most moronic efforts to “debunk” it (like the cell phone geo-tracking used in 2000 Mules isn’t accurate, except that it is accurate enough for law enforcement every day). Dinesh can be heard on Rumble.


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