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No one is above the law, not even Democrats

Today, with the swearing-in of President Trump, the entire seven-year period that the political establishment in Washington, DC, especially including “professional” prosecutors at the US Dept. of Justice, persecuted President Trump and his staff and supporters, has officially ended.

Along with the hard termination of the Democrat Party’s lawfare comes the immediate release from prison all J6ers, almost all of whom have been pardoned. A handful of J6 convictions were commuted, and may end up as pardons. Among the freed are Jake Lang, who languished in prison, often in solitary confinement, for 1,464 days without a trial.

Despite the US Constitution’s guarantee that all defendants get a speedy trial, for obvious reasons (e.g. so your life is not turned inside out by a drawn out legal process, especially if you are found not guilty), Jake Lang was simply kept in a hole in the ground because the Biden Administration was a cruel and lawless despot. He was never given a chance to defend himself, because he was never officially charged. He was simply held by brute force.

Proud Boys founder Enrique Tario was likewise in prison until today. He was jailed on false charges related to January 6th, even though he was nowhere near Washington DC on January 6th. Like Jake Lang, Tario’s case exemplifies the very worst treatment possible by a lawless and evil government hell-bent to destroy its political adversaries.

Note to the democratically hard of understanding: Using official brute force against your political opponents is lawless and un-democratic.

So it is against this backdrop of immediately ending blatant injustice that we now find America awash in likely criminal defendants. You know, the very same people who lied to put Enrique Tario and Jake Lang in prison without due process. These people are walking targets for the criminal justice system.

And despite Biden’s last-second cavalcade of pardons – all of his family members, Anthony Fauci, murderer Lt. Michael Byrd, all of the corrupt congresspeople who sat on the original January 6th committee and who illegally destroyed the evidence they had amassed – we must remind ourselves that No One Is Above The Law.

Not even Democrats. Almost all of these prospective defendants who abused their official positions of trust in the Biden Administration are Democrats.

Interestingly, a 1915 US Supreme Court precedent requires people who are pardoned to formally accept the pardon, and thereby admit their guilt in having committed a crime.

So the many criminals who have just been named as recipients of Joe Biden’s cover-up pardons do not get off scot-free. They don’t get a Get Out of Jail Free card and just walk off into the sunset. No, every one of these people must now wear the dishonor that comes with having been a pardoned criminal. And being a criminal disqualifies people from holding all kinds of official offices, serving on boards, holding secret clearances, etc. Some might not be able to be seated in Congress.

For example, if Senator Adam Schiff (D-CA) admits that he is a criminal who destroyed evidence in a criminal trial (Schiff sat on the January 6th House Committee), he can be disqualified from holding office, even now.

Schiff et al is definitely guilty of something criminal. Otherwise, what was the pardon for? Innocent people don’t need pardons. One thing for sure, Biden’s pre-crime pardons are a vindication of everything President Trump said about the corrupt Biden Crime Family.

On the other hand, one wonders that in the absence of having been convicted of a crime, the supposed recipients of Biden’s blanket pre-emptive pardons may actually not qualify for the pardon. They were never convicted of something, so what exactly is the pardon for? This would neuter Biden’s jailbreak effort, and leave his family, Fauci, and others vulnerable to official prosecution.

Either way, whether truly pardoned by Biden or only hoped to be pardoned by Biden, these bad people still have some distance to go before they get the benefit out of it. Either way, they come out losers, branded with a scarlet C for Criminal, or eventually prosecuted for their crimes and held acountable through the justice system.

We will not have the answer to this question about Biden’s purported pardons until it is presented to the US Supreme Court, probably in a prosecution of someone like Adam Schiff, who would then have to formally declare that he accepted his criminal pardon.

In the meantime, there are a host of known and not-pardoned corrupt officials that the present government can process through the justice system: James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Stzrok, Bill Barr, and many others. Thereby demonstrating that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, including Democrats.

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