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“The Elites Have Revolted and Are In a State of World War Against Us”
Today we host Tom Shepstone as a guest here. His essay below is a well written aggregation of some of the different things I myself have written here over the years, and also things which other much better known commenters than either Tom or I have said and written. If I recall right, it was radio show host Mark Levin who first pointed out that the elites are in full revolt against the people. What Tom has done is pull a bunch of these related threads together for a coherent appeal to moderate American voters: If you like your civilization, and you want to keep your civilization, you must vote for the one person who will protect your civilization.
The Elites Have Revolted and Are In a State of World War Against Us
By Thomas J. Shepstone
Every day there’s further evidence global elites are at war with the people. Western Civilization has periodically been the exception to the rule that the people ordinarily live as serfs in totalitarianism nations dominated by the elites. Those times when the people have actually had a role in governing themselves have been relatively few, in fact, over the centuries. The signing of the Magna Carta by King John giving up some of his rights to lesser nobles was such a moment. The American Revolution was another. Sooner or later, though, the elites claw back their power as the people are conned into giving them a bit of it back only to see the inch given turn into miles and miles.
This process of decay has reached to the very core of Western Civilization at our present point. Free speech is evaporating like a dragster taking off for the hay bales at the end of the strip. Rumble has been banned in France and X chased out of Brazil. The developer and CEO of Telegram has been arrested for not cooperating with government. The UK is jailing people for Facebook posts challenging the government narrative and has threatened to extradite Elon Musk for allowing the same thing. The Biden-Harris administration bullied Twitter into downplaying the significance of the Hunter Biden hard drive during a political campaign.
The mainstream media has allied itself with totally corrupt CIA and FBI agencies. Politicians lie with abandon and tell ever bigger lies with straight faces. The heads of other Federal agencies such as Homeland Security and the Department of Justice make flat out false assertions with no embarrassment whatsoever. The Attorney General [Merrick Garland] refuses to pursue perpetrators of violence against pro-life centers but is willing to put grandmothers in jail for praying outside abortion mills. The main bodies of both political parties have joined forces as a uni-party focused on special privileges for themselves as they bankrupt the country. The President and a Vice-Presidential nominee both appear to be all but Chinese Communist Party agents.
The rot simply cannot be denied. Oh, it’s always been there. Woodrow Wilson was a vicious racist who reduced free speech to whispers and even Lincoln arbitrarily took away many basic rights but those were war-time situations and temporary. There was also corruption with the Teapot Dome scandal, Alger Hiss and so many other cases, but it’s never been as deep and widespread as today. France’s Macron refuses to leave office despite being massively defeated in the recent election. The UK’s new leader replaced one never elected and the new one is more aligned with the World Economic Forum than his own country.
The elites are in full revolt — world war, if you will — against us. They are stealing elections now but hope to end them soon. They are pushing self-appointed world government on every front with phony campaigns against ‘malinformation’ (their invented word for accurate information opposed to the government narrative), proposals for digital currencies, 15-minute cities, health care dictatorships and so much more. It’s all in the name of control, control and more control and it’s mushrooming like crazy.
What can we do about it, short of another dangerous and counterproductive French Revolution like the one two centuries ago that ended up consuming the advocates of revolution? Well, the first thing it seems to me, despite my gloomy observations above, is not to despair. There are reasons to hope after all. It is clear, for example, there is worldwide revulsion of the elites who are currently running our institutions not only of government, but everything else that matters as well. There is also a realignment of some nature taking place.
The new divisions are ever less of a left vs. right nature and more a matter of the elite establishment vs. versus anti-establishment commoners, insane folks who wish to destroy the family vs. normal people who recognize it as the building block for any civilization, and wannabe masters of the universe vs. freedom lovers. Each of these divisions is important because they clarify what the problem is and what must be remedied, which can only happen if we talk to each other and abide our differences. Reforming or abandoning corrupt institutions so as to realign on principles are the only ways that can happen.
That’s how I see what’s happening in the political realm these days. The RFK, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard endorsements of Trump are indicative of what I’m talking about. I strongly disagree with both on certain matters, especially on abortion and, in Kennedy’s case also on climate and energy matters. Yet, look what’s happened. Bobby, Jr. unforgivably helped killed fracking in New York. He once stated, too, that he wanted to jail ‘climate deniers.”
But, in recent speeches and interviews, Kennedy has attacked the billionaire green grifter class sucking up all our money on wasteful green boondoggles. How can we possibly disagree? He also went after Anthony Fauci in a way no else was capable of doing. And, he has defended free speech like a lion. He came to Trump because he had no other principled choice, and so it must be with us. We need to unite with one-time enemies where we can and destroy the old divisions on the way to restoring Western Civilization.
Notwithstanding all this, elections, while mattering greatly, won’t save us by themselves. No one individual can do it and events always intervene, making it extraordinarily difficult in the situation we face, which is a world war of entrenched special interests against those of us who would ask questions. Yet, individuals of principle do make a difference, so it falls on all of us to live by our principles. Chief among them are life, liberty and truth-telling, all of which rest on a foundation of free speech and the elite troops arrayed against are making simultaneous major assaults on this principle on every front.
Free speech is the prerequisite of any truly functioning democratic republic, despite the disingenuous wails of the left suggesting that democracy is threatened by it. They want to separate good speech from bad, but don’t tell us they plan to be the arbiters of what is good and bad. And, what they mean by democracy is anything but the vote of the people. No, what they mean by democracy is no more than the institutions they now control, whether they be government agencies or electoral bodies. They aim to kill true democracy, as in “the will of the people,” to save their captured form of it.
Their so-named democracy lives by lies and, therefore, can tolerate no truth telling. The only way they know to stop others from speaking truth to power is smother it by throwing a wet blanket over all speech on the excuse that some of it’s bad. Free speech, though, has no such distinctions. It is mixture of good and bad and it’s only by comparing the two that free people get to make up their minds. The antidote to bad speech in the eyes of the beholders is always more speech. Even if ends in both sides calling each other liars, those observing the debate get to decide where the truth really lies. That is true democracy. All speech must be protected or there is no speech for any of us.
We will not turn back the elite troops attacking us without free speech. If we do not insist upon it, we are doomed. We will be forced to live in city colonies and give up our right to travel. We’ll be forced to subsidize the lives of elites by paying for unreliable and pricey energy systems that make no sense but fatten the wallets of grifters. We’ll lose the right to farm, to possess our own homes, to vote and to live in a nation of our own making. We will revert to a feudal society.
Let’s all remember this when we vote. Let’s vote like our very lives depend upon it, because they do, but more than that we all owe it to ourselves and each other to speak up and challenge each other. That means getting on social media, becoming activists and talking with others, especially with whom we disagree. There can be no running away from argument.
That doesn’t mean making everything political or acting hostile. No, it simply means engaging others in a civil way. We must cross the divides and ask questions…lots of questions so those aligned against us might understand us better and vice versa with a view toward identifying areas of agreement. We will not win the war against the elites without making friends of some of our enemies. And, we will not wrestle the beast we have created to the ground alone.
#Elites #FreeSpeech #WesternCiviization #Democracy
Should conservative Americans travel abroad?
Earlier this year several news stories circulated about American tourists being jailed in Caribbean island nations, because one or two loose and forgotten hunting bullets were found lodged deeply in remote seams and pocket corners of their luggage.
While firearms are mostly illegal in these Caribbean island nations, American tourists vacationing on Caribbean beaches were treated as violent criminals when single stray bullets were discovered in their luggage upon entering the islands. Reportedly, these bullets were left over from prior hunting trips, and they had escaped the scrutiny of USA TSA security personnel during the first leg of their trip.
Despite having committed a simple mistake, with the help of the TSA mind you, these travelers were roughly handled by island police, jailed, and held without much due process. Their dream vacations turned into nightmares, and spawned a lot of online discussion about whether or not Americans should risk traveling abroad these days. We are clearly no longer valued for our tourist money in these tiny places, but rather we are valued as political prisoners, symbols of an impotent laughingstock America run by a demented old man and his bribery-plagued family. That American government refuses to flex a little muscle to extract innocent US citizens from these ridiculous destinations is yet another indication of our empire’s forced decline.
Were I president of the USA, and one of these microscopic places dared to lay their filthy hands on an American tourist for some silly mistake, I would sail one or two large US Navy ships into their main harbor, and dispatch several thousand armed US Marines to forcefully re-acquire our illegally detained citizen, by any means necessary. Maybe it’s about time an American flag fly over these local places, anyhow.
Shifting gears to another big tourist destination, Americans have always felt most comfortable and welcome in the “United Kingdom” aka Britain, Wales, Scotland, and formerly Ireland, now its own nation. Because English is the native language or the common language in these places, countless American tourists have traveled there to sight-see, see relatives, marvel at world class museum collections. However, one must openly wonder if these destinations are also now tainted and dangerous for us to visit.
Not too long ago, several American hunters in different parts of Scotland ran into unexpected and undeserved criminal charges for doing exactly what Scottish law allowed, exactly following the directions of their hunting guides. These hunters, both women, had done nothing criminal. What they were guilty of was hunting and having anti-hunters get angry about it. Mind you, paid hunting is about eighty percent of the economic activity in rural Scotland, which is about 80% of Scotland itself. I have hunted in Scotland, and the views there are unbelievably majestic, the animals plenty wild and difficult to take, the “stalkers” (hunting guides) and “ghillies” (hunting assistants) incredibly talented.
But what happens if you follow all the laws, all the rules, and still get in trouble with the government? This bizarre official behavior at odds with the basic rule of law is the very core of lawless arbitrary and capricious government, and it is about the most evil sort of criminal law for a government to engage in. After all, how can you trust a government to host you as a tourist if you follow their laws and they put you in jail anyhow?
I don’t think I would return to hunt in Scotland. And while we are on the subject of the United Kingdom and its environs, I am not sure I would return to Scotland, or England or Ireland or Wales for any reason, for the simple reason that these jurisdictions are now enforcing unbelievably arbitrary speech laws.
In fact, over the past two weeks Britain has descended into complete tyranny, with senior police officials threatening to arrest Americans and others living abroad “wherever you live” for violating Britain’s new arbitrary and capricious speech laws. Britons are being jailed right now for posting simple questions on Fakebook, and apparently even criticizing the current government there can get you handcuffed and taken to jail, for years. Even little kids!
Canada’s lawless and violent customs officials are notorious for their brutality towards Americans who even question why their vehicle is being strip searched at the beginning of their family vacation. American families traveling to Canada have had their family dog shot dead in front of the kids by hyper aggressive Canadian customs agents, who unnecessarily but nonetheless sadistically revel in their complete power over helpless Americans. I would avoid Canada if possible, because it is a place that is also presently descending into lawless tyranny, run by people eager to unfairly make examples of political opponents.
(I wonder why the hell America has not turned Canada into our 51st state by now, but again, I am the kind of proud American who believes in using American military force for the benefit of America and Americans, and to send clear messages to our adversaries)
France just arrested the CEO of the social media company Telegram, because he believes in the free speech of his users. Screw France! France does not believe in individual rights or free speech. France also is descending into tyranny, for your own good, as the British tyrant Keir Starmer also asserts.
So one cannot help but wonder if Americans should refrain from traveling abroad much right now. Maybe this is not a good time for us to be tourists abroad. It seems that no one fears us, no one fears our government or military, and we Americans, used to our personal freedoms and free speech rights, and used to expressing ourselves plainly on every topic we wish, are placing ourselves in harm’s way by traveling abroad.
I don’t think the risk is outweighed by any possible benefits. The benefits of traveling abroad are outweighed by the risks right now.
Here in America we have an incredible array of national and state parks and monuments just begging for tourists and appreciative visitors, beautiful beaches from Maine to Texas, and all within the confines of a nation that at least will respect our right to have opinions. And by vacationing within America you don’t get ripped off by the money changers preying upon us in every other nation.
Americans, you and your tourism dollars belong here in America for the foreseeable future. The upsides are many, not the least of which are that you will see just how incredible this huge and majestic nation is, and why so many of us want to keep it free.
The hand of God is on Trump
This afternoon an assassin attempted to murder President Donald Trump at a political rally. The assassin hit Trump in the right ear, only missing a perfect and fatal head shot by one inch. The murderer killed one person and critically wounded another.
This assassination attempt is 100% on the heads and hands of the hate-
filled Democrat Party and its careless, clueless supporters, whose sole care in life is getting and holding power over all of us.
This is what you get when you hate your political opponents and degrade them and denigrate them and talk casually as Hollywood leaders, mainstream media personalities, and Democrat activists have in recent weeks about assassinating Trump.
The Democrat Party of 2024 really is the same lawless, reckless, insurrectionist political party it was in 1861, when it started the Civil War.
The Democrat Party can’t drum Trump out, can’t scare him out, can’t bankrupt him out, can’t lie about him enough, can’t remove him from the ballot, can’t jail him. All the Democrats have left is assassination, and that’s what they have tried to do today.
All because the lawless Democrats are terrified of being held accountable by the American people for the unbelievable lawlessness we have been subjected to the past four years.
For shame on every registered Democrat in America. For shame. And those who disagree with me on this will still be silent about the hate fest their political party and political allies have heaped upon regular law abiding patriotic Americans the past ten years. That’s why today’s assassination attempt is on the heads of every single registered Democrat. Not one of you will disavow your hate.
You are not going to defeat America in 2024, just as you did not defeat America in 1861. The hand of God is on President Donald Trump and the United States of America.
Independence Day 2024: Last free July 4th?
You would have to be living in a cave with no contact with the outside world to not know about the incredible effort being put into turning America into a cruel Marxist tyranny. One of the most blatant steps has been the Biden Administration calling Christians, traditional American patriots, constitutionalists, parents engaged in their local school district, American military veterans, political conservatives and independents, and free speech advocates “domestic terrorists.”
Domestic terrorists obviously have no rights and no legitimacy. This is the same kind of delegitimizing attack that Adolf Hitler did against the Jews living in Germany throughout the 1930s, which led to them having no friends, no defense, no power, and no barriers to being eliminated. This is some dangerous crap, and yet, the Biden Administration is doing it quite openly.
Much has already been said and written about the effort to turn America’s most normal, kind, and law-abiding people into official enemies of the Biden state. Needless to say, this effort is concrete evidence of the 2020 election being stolen by the Democrat Party/ Political Left, who have now used their official political role to turn the entire federal government into a weapon aimed at their political opponents. Again, a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s play book in the 1920s and 1930s.
One of the phrases I read/ hear often in the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets is “anti government extremists,” yet another slur against freedom loving peaceful Americans meant to dignify Biden’s official/ illegal mistreatment of his political opponents. Jailed political opponents Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Allen Weisselberg, and many attempts at jailing Trump say it all.
From my perspective, Americans and all lovers of individual freedom everywhere around the world should naturally abhor government of any sort, and should see it as a necessary evil, at best. If you are an American Indepedence Day enthusiast, you cannot possibly be a domestic terrorist or anti government extremist. You are simply pro freedom.
Contrary to the pro government extremists / tyrants, whose belief in and loyalty to government overreach + unquestioned government power results in their political opponents being jailed for minor or even made up infractions while big time violators in government itself are never held accountable, being skeptical of government is in keeping with America’s founding and our founding documents.
To be skeptical of government, and even anti government, is wholly American. Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all strong statements against and brakes against government power. July 4th is unique among national holidays the world around, because it really is the Freedom From Government Day, because America is the un-government nation that celebrates our individual rights at the expense of government efficiency.
To believe in government as an all-surrounding, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-controlling, all-advising source of all that is good and benevolent (as virtually all Democrats do simply by continuously voting for elected Democrats who continuously implement Big Government) is at the heart of books like 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, and other dystopian stories of government gone wild. It is a totally un-American view.
So one cannot help but wonder if tomorrow, America’s Independence Day, will be America’s last free July 4th celebration, or will it mark an especially poignant and important turning point in American politics.
It will be the latter if enough Americans recognize that political parties do not deserve our loyalty, but rather We, The People and our innate FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT do deserve our loyalty, and our vote this November. If you value your freedom, then you should vote for your freedom this November. And naturally, I see Trump as the beacon of individual freedom that he was in his first term. Unlike Joe Biden, Trump did not jail his political opponents or label them as domestic terrorists or other undesireables. Rather, Trump tried to work together with everyone, because he saw then and still sees America as a big happy melting pot where everyone of good will can do well and live their life to the fullest.
Happy Independence Day, America. Relish that freedom and vote for more of it in November. Be an extremist for your own personal rights. There is absolutely nothing “extreme” about American citizens pursuing, advocating for, working for, shouting for, writing for their personal liberty and independence from government intrusion.
Insurrectionist Democrat Party part 2
In 1865 the Republican Party ended the first Democrat Party insurrection by taking away the Democrats’ African slaves and defeating the Democrats in the Civil War. But instead of putting a stake through the vampire’s heart, and ending the Democrat Party’s culture of lawlessness and insurrection, the GOP got all soft and sad faced for the po widdle Democwats. And despite a hundred subsequent years of Democrat Party Jim Crow, KKK, lynchings, beatings, and voter suppression, the GOP looked the other way.
And the Democrat Party never forgave the Republicans, and so now here we are again, Democrat Party Insurrection Part Two. Not only a stolen election in 2020, and not only the weaponization of the entire federal government against Democrat Party political opponents, and not only opening the American borders wide so that the American people can be replaced by illegals who will vote for more lawlessness, but now we have the first time ever in American history that a sitting president is trying to jail his opponent.
Yes, yesterday’s fake conviction of President Trump was 360 degrees of fake crimes, fake evidence, fake process, a fake and deeply corrupt judge who screamed at the defense counsel, threatened to jail the defense witnesses, and who allowed all kinds of illegal behavior by the prosecution. But the conviction is still very real, because if they can, the Democrats will indeed put Preisdent Donald Trump in jail. These are lawless people who engage in lawlessness for a concrete purpose. They are not half heartedly fooling around.
So what happens if the insurrectionist Democrat Party is successful in jailing their political opponent Donald Trump? Do you really believe they will stop at that person? If the GOP fails to mount a vigorous offense in response, then the entire method and purpose of the Democrat Party will be focused on fake accusations against Republicans everywhere, and then jailing them in kangaroo courts. After that, the Democrat Party gets what it was after in 1861, when they started the first American Civil War – full control.
If you are a normal American and are shocked at the lawlessness you are witnessing, then the real simple response is a) stop voting for Democrat candidates, b) stop donating to the Democrat Party and its many subsidiaries, and c) get involved and fight back any way you can, whether it is running for school board or dog catcher. This has to be a bottom-up response to the attempted elimination of Trump, because you cannot look to elected Republicans for answers. The GOP culture is weak and wussy and timid. So YOU need to succeed, or we will watch this Democrat Party Insurrection Part Two succeed where they failed in the past.
And if you think Republicans are all mean and wacist n stuff, nonsense, just wait until these fascist Democrats have their hands around your family’s throat… then you will understand MAGA and Tea Party and NRA etc.
Get crackin’, ‘Merica..
Lawfare, lawfare shalt thou pursue …?
Lawfare is everywhere this week. It is being used so much by so many people in so many places around the world you would think it must be a Biblical commandment. But we know lawfare is wrong, it is evil, it is unjust. Lawfare is the height of corruption, because it grossly misuses the justice system to achieve grossly unjust results.
Lawfare is a conjunction of law and warfare. It is the use of law and the criminal justice legal system to make war on a political opponent. Lawfare is the purposeful mis-use of the criminal justice and legal system to achieve political outcomes that the voters will not provide and that are not actually warranted.
Until the two sham “impeachment” hoaxes against President Trump (the second attempt wasn’t even close to a real impeachment, especially because the Chief Justice did not preside over the process), I don’t think America had ever really seen lawfare. The original model for using lawfare was established back in the old Soviet Union (“Show me the man and I will give you the crime“) and then in post-World War II Eastern Europe, when the communists of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia falsely accused their political opponents of all kinds of nonsense crimes and then jailed or executed them. Russia has used lawfare continuously up until recent days when political opposition leader Navalny was jailed, and died in jail.
This model is what the current crop of lawfare is based on.
As rare as it was in Western Civilization, political lawfare is now all the rage in America and Europe. It is a reflection of how little political leaders respect the law, how little they fear the voters, how sleepy the voters are, and how focused the leaders are on concentrating their power, at any cost to society. Think about how horrible it is to see a good person political candidate or an already elected leader locked up in jail just so they pose no threat to the power of the current strongman or corrupt political system. Well, that is not just happening in some third-rate country at the end of the world, like Venezuela, it is happening in Brazil, and it is actually happening here in the land of the free, America.
President Trump is the one being unfairly dumped on the most, like Neo in The Matrix movie, where the endless Agent Smiths endlessly attack him and try to overwhelm him. Trump is being hounded by endless ridiculous civil suits and totally fake criminal persecutions on made-up nonsense charges using unprecedented novel interpretations of rarely used laws. No fair minded person can look at these unprecedented lawsuits against Trump and say “Yeah, this has happened before, and this is normal, right and just.”
Phony and corrupt lawfare cases are under way against Republicans (people guilty of simply engaging in political activity the Democrat Party does not like, or politicking while Republican) in key swing states Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, etc. Some of this lawfare is so bad, so evil, like where the FBI created the fake militia group they used to falsely threaten a governor, that at least one case has spawned its own movie.
So successful and easy is the lawfare model that other countries and even the United Nations are starting to use it. Now, a radical Muslim (Kamil Khan of the ICC) and the son of Nazis (German leader Olaf Scholz) have ganged up to arrest the elected leader of Israel. Yes, the International Criminal Court is issuing warrants for the arrest of Israeli leaders (Jews) for the “crime” of resisting Muslim genocide of the Jewish People, and for the crime of self defense while Jewish.
Spain is also now openly advocating for the destruction of Israel, 468 years after expelling all of its Jews.
You think Gaza is a killing field? OK, maybe it is. But if Hamas stops shooting rockets into Israel from schools, and stops shooting guns from hospitals, and stops using family homes as military bases, then there will be very, very little collateral damage. But Hamas is causing civilian casualties, and blaming it on Israel. That is not an Israeli crime, that is a Hamas crime, and it is a fiercely evil corruption of law to turn these facts upside down.
Not to mention that all of the Muslim nations have continued to rack up huge human rights violations with no accountability, no ICC, no arrest warrants, no protests anywhere for that matter. Kurdistan is huge, and the Kurds deserve their sovereignty, and Kurdistan is a real issue, but not one Gaza protestor knows or cares where Kurdistan is or what the plight of the Kurds is.
You can’t make this stuff up if you tried. Sadly, this isn’t imaginary fiction, it is fact, it is actually happening right now. And it tracks right with the past, where in the 1930s and 1940s Muslim leaders worked closely with Germany’s Adolf Hitler to murder as many Jewish civilians as possible, including Jews living in Muslim countries. We are talking about civilians, not combatants, just regular people with the “wrong” religion.
Their crime was breathing while Jewish. And so is Netanyahu’s “crime” this week the same thing. Very similar to President Trump’s “crime” of campaigning to Make America Great Again.
“Death is healthy, safety is dangerous”…wtf?
Few events have highlighted the sweaty, crusty butt crack separating America’s Left from the Normal people like the few recent US Supreme Court holdings over the past week. These holdings on Second Amendment rights, improper judicial legislating from the bench (Roe v. Wade), and religious liberty fly in the face of decades of Leftist activism and common establishment media narratives, and have elicited wonderfully violent public statements, violent actions, and promises of more violence from the Left and its Sinn Fein, the Democrat Party.
If the Democrat Party can’t control Americans with freedom-crushing iron-fisted laws, then they intend to control us through more murder, destruction, and mayhem.
As a long-ago former member of the Democrat Party, I am mystified how more Americans don’t walk away from this corrupt and morally bankrupt organization. How can it be that people are loyal to this lawless anti-America movement when its leaders:
- cannot tell us what is a woman, but then say that women’s rights have somehow been diminished by allowing the fifty states to determine among themselves when a child can be killed by its mother
- tell us that the death of a living, breathing child is “healthy” or is “healthcare”
- say that a wide-open southern border over which child traffickers and deadly fentanyl pour daily unchecked and undocumented and uncontrolled is “fair”
- catch and release violent criminals back into society, instead of jailing them, so they can continue committing violent crimes against innocent people
- demand civilian disarmament to prevent citizens from keeping legal firearms close to them for protection because armed law-abiding civilians are “dangerous”
- say that the practice of religion by just one person in public is the equivalent of establishing an official religion
We could easily have this list go on and on, but anyone paying attention to what is happening around our homes and families and businesses already knows that there is a significant percentage of Americans who do not identify as Americans, and who are attempting to use our collectively owned government to destroy America from the inside. This is not a what the f*ck (wtf) thing, it is a crystal clear philosophical separation between two different groups of humans.
These two groups could easily be associated with groups from the past, like the Democrat Party slave owners of 1861 and their Republican Party abolitionist (anti slavery) opponents. I think the choices facing Americans today are easily as stark as they were in 1861, except that instead of controlling a few million African slaves like in 1861, the Democrat Party is now trying to enslave all of America. All of us. You and me.
Jeff Epstein probably murdered, how did THAT happen?!
Now new information (but not all of the information that would normally be obtained and available in a murder investigation) is released that child trafficking pedophile and ultra-Democrat Party insider Jeffery Epstein was probably murdered. No surprise.
- his neck and throat bones were broken through tremendous violent force. On the other hand, self-hanging is a slow suffocation process, especially with a soft bed sheet, which at its tightest twist is still wide, relatively gentle, and would take a long time to shut off air to the body and kill a person. A self-applied bed sheet cannot break those neck and throat bones.
- the security camera trained on his cell was mysteriously turned off
- his cell mate was relocated, against prison protocol, so that Epstein was alone and vulnerable, and no witness was present to say what happened to Epstein
- his prison guards are said to have fallen asleep
- one of the sleepy prison guards is not even a prison guard and was not qualified to be there, and no one knows how he got there
You do not have to be already pre-inclined to be easily persuaded to believe in various conspiracies to see that this way-too-many-coincidences situation is beyond a conspiracy; it is a murder. All of the circumstantial and much of the physical evidence here points to a hit, a purposeful and targeted murder of a person who knew too much about too many wealthy and powerful people, who could not afford to have him talk about what he knew. The beneficiaries of Epstein’s death are Bill Clinton and a whole bunch of other politically powerful and wealthy people. Bill Clinton is known to have flown some twenty-four times on Epstein’s private jet to his “orgy island,” where little girls were raped and sexually abused.
The big question is how on earth this brazen murder was carried off under the nose of so many watchful eyes. Yes, it happened in New York City, where criminal mayor Bill de Blasio runs things like a mafia boss. That is a first step in understanding the Epstein murder. But so much more had to happen so quickly for the hit to work the way it did.
Another consideration is that Epstein’s prosecutor is James Comey’s daughter, Maurene. Yes, that James Comey, the disgraced former FBI director who has engaged in openly partisan political advocacy from the time he was in the FBI until just days ago. His daughter Maurene is the same radical leftist activist as her father. So did Maurene Comey play a role in having Epstein killed before he could talk?
UPDATE: JANUARY 6, 2020: Newly released photos from Epstein’s autopsy clearly show strangulation marks from a wire garrote, which professional assassins use, not a bed sheet. Epstein’s hyoid bone was shattered, and his body showed marks from being held down. A two-man hit-job in a modern prison…unbelievable, but really powerful people absolutely had to have Epstein dead. Read this article to see more photos and analysis.