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Democrats Officially Side With Iran over America

In case you missed the excitement, the United States used a drone to rocket two Iranian terrorist leaders, who were in Iraq planning further attacks on the US embassy in Baghdad and against Americans living in America.

Both men had the blood of thousands of non-combatants on their hands, as well as being credited with the deaths of about 600 US servicemen.

In a normal world, the deaths of these two criminals would be the subject of rejoicing. But as we have increasingly witnessed over the past three years, one American political party has actually abandoned loyalty to America, to American citizens, to American taxpayers, to American children, to American military personnel. Instead, that political party has taken up the cause of every criminal border jumper, every pedophile illegal alien, every nation that opposes America existing as America.

We see Democrat Party members and presidential candidates all saying the same things: America is bad, America is immoral, America is wrong, America is unfair.

Let us ask: Compared to what is America all of these things?

After all, Iran slowly hangs to death young men who are merely accused of being gay. These aren’t quick executions, but a slow, agonizing choking to death as a crane slowly lifts the kicking, writhing young man into the air. America doesn’t do anything like this, nothing.

Iran’s regime is notorious for its use of severe torture methods on every person who falls into their clutches. Some for fun, some for supposed intelligence gathering purposes. But inhumane torture nonetheless. Especially for feminists who don’t understand their subservient place as women there. Again, America is the opposite.

We could go on with pages of examples of how America’s enemies like Iran, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela etc use severe torture every day to maintain power and control of their citizens. These countries have no freedom, no individual choice, no citizen rights. On the other hand, America provides every possible choice to its citizens, maximum freedom.

So how again is America so bad compared to these other countries?

And yet we have a political party here in America that is devoted to shielding these cruel nations from American defense, devoted to criticizing everything America does. The Democrat Party has taken the side of Iran in opposing the killing of the two terrorists. That is, the Democrat Party is against America and for Iran.

Mister and Missus America, how can you vote for the Democrat Party now? Is this the Democrat Party of your youth? No? You don’t recognize this political party any more, you say? And you don’t want to see an American political party actively helping people who want to destroy your own kid’s Little League baseball team?

Then don’t give the Democrat Party any support! Not until it has demonstrated that it is on your side, the side of America, the side of safety and security for Americans. It is illogical to support a political party that is openly supporting the worst, most dangerous enemies of your own country.

This seems so painfully evident to most Americans, but people are having trouble accepting just how badly the Democrat Party has abandoned them, abandoned us.

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