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2021: Dictator Biden or Dictator Trump, take your pick

America is entering a lawless new era. Historically, it could have been predicted, but for me and mine, it sucks crap to actually live during this “interesting time.”

I so very much liked the America of 1985. Nothing wrong with that, everything good about it. Unfortunately, our material wealth and success put many Americans to sleep. Endless entertainment on TV, and now on the internet, cheap food, lots of booze…what is to worry about? Life is good! Let someone else run the country.

And thus the greatest nation in history rotted from inside, stultified, fell asleep, forgot itself. And so now we are just days away from a dramatic schism, where Americans will have to choose their preferred dictator, President Donald Trump, or so-called president elect Joe Biden.

Biden ran for the presidency multiple times over his 47 languid years in government, and each time he could not get enough votes to be elected Dog Catcher in East Succotash, Nebraska. Suddenly in 2020 he gets ten million more votes than the historic election of Barack Obama…I don’t believe so. The 2020 election has been stolen, and just like Hillary Clinton has not been held accountable for her many crimes, so once again a bunch of Democrats are not held accountable for their crimes. In a tyranny, everything is legal for authority figures, and over and over Democrat authority figures get away with every crime they commit in broad daylight. Like the execution of Seth Rich in broad daylight. And just to prove that they are untouchable, they also use the force of law to persecute innocent political opponents, like Roger Stone, General Michael Flynn, George Papadapolous, et al

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals,” wrote US citizen on the run, Edward Snowden. And so we now have federal judges seeking to sanction lawyers for daring to bring election-related lawsuits into their courts. Obviously these judges, like James Boasberg and Chief Justice John Roberts, prefer official criminality to lowly citizens appealing to the law. Why else do these judges make laughable decisions based on ridiculous procedural nonsense that throws the concept of due process out the window, and installing huge legal walls to block our understanding of what happened, instead of addressing the very real merits of each case? Why are these people scared of transparency?

America has been run by criminals for a while, with the 2020 election being their best effort yet. They had to knock out Trump, because another four years of his administration would have corrected the many problems and criminal behavior now deeply injected into every institution.

And as a result we are about to face a tough choice: Allow President Donald Trump to stay in office until an actual investigation of the stolen 2020 election is completed, or seat the fraud Joe Biden. If Biden is sworn in, the Democrat Party will move at warp speed to crush all of their opponents, cultural and political. As always, their activities will be under the color of law, if not actually legal or constitutional.

Americans will have to choose who they follow, a benevolent dictator, Donald trump, or a lawless dictator and tyrant, Joe Biden. I vote for Donald Trump. Hopefully I have a few million unshakeable patriots beside me to get the job done.