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2021 Superbowl feted murderous cop Lila Morris

Last year’s Superbowl was used to fete a bunch of uniformed thugs who assaulted, beat, and murdered peaceful protestors at the January 6th rally in DC. No surprise at that, given that the NFL has gone all establishment woke, and was happily used to promote and coverup a bunch of violent criminals in police uniform drag. Recall that these were police officers who beat the hell out of citizens who didn’t deserve it, and who didn’t even even touch the BurnLootMurder people who vandalized DC and assaulted police officers and people on the DC streets in 2020.

I stood out in front of the Capitol on January 6th, nowhere near the barricades, with nothing in our hands and nowhere near the police, and even I and the people I was peacefully protesting with were gassed and shot with rubber bullets by the DC/ Capitol Police. The police were out to hurt us all, no matter where we stood, no matter what we did or did not do. Our mere legal presence there was cause enough for the police to illegally assault us (one wonders at the potential for a federal lawsuit on behalf of the hundreds of peaceful protestors who were nowhere near the barricades who were nonetheless directly bombarded with flashbangs, pepper and tear gas, rubber bullets).

Of particular note at last year’s final football game was the honored presence of officer Lila Morris, whose wanton, sadistic, and ultimately murderous non-stop assault with a steel baton on the prostrate and dying Roseanne Boyland was caught on video. From several angles.

You should watch these videos, because like all videos they give you a pretty good insight into the kind of person officer Lila Morris is. For one thing, she seems to be a violent anti-white racist. Second, she wouldn’t stop beating Roseanne Boyland even after her fellow police officers tried to stop her. Third, she showed no remorse for murdering Roseanne Boyland, and like all evil psychotics she has been reveling in her accomplishment.

I know, I know, there are people who actually say “Well, now you know how it feels.” And you know what? That is crazy talk. No, neither I nor any other innocent person understands how a black cop committing racially motivated murder against a white person is OK (nor is the vice versa). The old two wrongs don’t make a right thing comes to mind. Racism is still wrong. Murdering peaceful protestors is still illegal in America. Antagonizing otherwise non-violent Americans this way does nothing to advance racial harmony or understanding. It makes it go backwards.

Violent cops are usually kicked off the police force, reprimanded, and then charged. None of this applies to officer Lila Morris, who continues to proudly wear a gun and a badge on her police uniform. Her own department investigated itself about her murder of Boyland, and said it was “objectively reasonable.”

Can any of us imagine the death of George Floyd being said by the police department to be “objectively reasonable”? And mind you Floyd had several high-speed drugs in his body, was resisting arrest, and had committed a violent crime (out of many crimes in his violent career) at the time of his arrest. Roseanne Boyland met none of these standards, and so as we have come to see over and over again, there is a double standard in America: Violent leftists are not held accountable, criminal Democrats are not held accountable, violent Democrats are not held accountable, and police officers who are protecting or promoting violent Democrats and Leftists are not held accountable.

Why the state of Georgia doesn’t file its own criminal indictment of Lila Morris is a huge mystery, because the only way to hold DC Swamp monsters like Lila Morris accountable is in the states. States can administer their own criminal justice process when it is deliberately failed in a failed place like Washington, DC.

So here we are, on the eve of another rah-rah Superbowl, for a game of football I have almost completely lost interest in. The disrespectful kneeling thing, the NFL’s overt leftist political activism, the feting of racist murderer Lila Morris…these are the things I now see when football is brought up.

I will not be watching the Superbowl tonight. Too many other things I have to do. I can’t don’t and won’t support people and institutions who support racist murderers.

Officer Lila Morris would have made a good concentration camp prison guard, like Dachau or Auschwitz, where the guards enjoyed beating innocent people to death

Murdered peaceful protestor Roseann Boyland was guilty of “protesting while white” in Washington DC, and beaten to death by officer Lila Morris




Ellen Greenberg’s mysterious homicide

Ellen Greenberg was a sweet and happy teenager when I met her probably twenty years ago. She was first cousin to girls my own daughters were friends with, and while my path intersected with Ellen’s maybe a few times a year, usually at kid drop off or pickup, for ten years the one thing I remember about her is her joie de vive. The girl glowed with happiness and sheer joy at being alive.

Hi Mister First! How are you? Your girls have grown up so much, and they are so nice!” is the happy, positive report I would get from Ellen just about each time we saw each other. Nothing mopey or morose or unhappy about Ellen then. And nothing about her classroom teaching style ten years later was, either. Ellen was a positive, happy person.

Ellen has been in the news the past ten years because she was brutally murdered with a kitchen knife in her own home, and after initially reporting her death as an obvious murder, the Philadelphia Police Department then ruled her death a “suicide.”

In her kitchen, where Ellen lay stabbed multiple-multiple times and lying in a pool of her own blood, all kinds of crime scene protocols were run roughshod over. For example, her computer was taken from the house by a relative of her fiance, like just handed to him by the police on the scene. Crime scene photos show her initially found slumped over, and then again sitting straight up, or with a knife protruding one place but then in another in other photos. That someone first on the murder scene tampered with Ellen’s body and the murder weapon is actually preserved by the photos the police took.

So how could the Philadelphia Police so strongly resist investigating both the crime scene handling, and the murder? Why did the Philadelphia DA’s office recently hide testimony  by a physician that made it plain as day that Ellen was murdered with that knife?

Something is not just fishy here, something stinks to high Heaven of rotten corruption and cover-up. Somebody with a lot to lose is being protected by the Philadelphia Police and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office. But why would the police and DA protect a murderer? It’s not like the sweet and happy Ellen I knew was a threat to anyone or anything, like, say, Jeffrey Epstein was. She was not politically active; she had no “dirt” on anyone. So why she was murdered like she had to be shut up and must remain shut up is a huge and very public mystery now.

Making the resolution of this blatant crime even more mind boggling is the indefensible way that PA AG Josh Shapiro has handled it. Shapiro is someone with a lot of skeletons in his closet. He is someone with a lot of wrongdoing to hide. He is allied closely with the Philadelphia Police and the city’s District Attorney. And although he has been presented with the latest evidence about how Ellen was stabbed after her heart had stopped beating (someone committing suicide cannot stab themselves after they are dead), as well as with the incredible picture below, he still will not open an investigation into the Philadelphia Police or the DA’s office or this murder.

Is Ellen Greenberg’s murder a case of “What happens in Philly stays in Philly“? A corrupt town with corrupt officials connected to other corrupt officials and unsolved murders because someone important has money and some allied politician somewhere can’t be questioned?

See this artist’s drawing of how Ellen was stabbed multiple times, the worst being from directly behind (the human arm does not bend this way), and ask yourself how on earth anyone could ever rule these wounds or her death a “suicide.”

Ellen Greenberg deserves justice, her family deserves justice, and frankly, no citizen can ever again trust any criminal investigation in Philadelphia if this blatant murder is not solved.

Philadelphia’s police say these severe bruises and stab wounds to Ellen’s body were self-inflicted. Does that make any sense to your eyes?


Summertime Relaxation vs. Biden Admin daily anti-America insurrection

It is presently the summer time, a time when we go to the beach, mountains, or the local forests to relax, take a break from work and life’s responsibilities, and to spend time with our families. National and state parks are huge destinations for tens of millions of Americans.

Summer vacations are a part and parcel of American and European culture, and they should be an easy time. A time of happiness, cookouts, cold beer, maybe cutting wintertime firewood for your cabin or camp site, hanging out, fishing, camping, exploring, visiting historical sites, etc. You get it, this is nothing new to Americans or Europeans. And for me, this is the heart of my summer time. I do everything listed above and then some, and it is on purpose that I have left this blog site unattended for weeks, while I try to rest my mind and body.


I say “try” because the decades of the Left’s anti-America planning and plotting are now debuting new attacks. Daily Americans are treated to new discoveries of election theft, the role of the US FBI and DOJ not in stopping crime, but actually in CREATING crimes so that they can then “solve” them and then create political leverage for the Left.

Two examples:

We now know that the FBI had a substantial undercover presence at the January 6th rally in DC. Dozens of undercover FBI agents and paid FBI ‘informants’ were infiltrated into the rally crowd, along with hundreds of other FBI-allied street activists, all of whom purposefully instigated fights with Capitol Police and engaged in acts of violence and vandalism. While it is a bit of a stretch to say the acts of 500-800 people at the US Capitol (the People’s House) were a false flag operation, it is absolutely, indisputably true that a great deal of the violence and destruction that occurred January 6th was either done by FBI agents and or their paid civilian helpers.

In other words, the FBI was a cause of the January 6th problems. The same FBI that is now kicking in doors with SWAT teams to violently take into custody grandmas, grandpas, and entire families who were ushered into the US Capitol building by the Capitol Police themselves.

In terms of the January 6th DC rally violence, the FBI was greatly involved in both creating the “problem,” and then in charge of “solving” the very problem they themselves created. All for obvious political purposes. This is corrupt.

Another example is the now horribly unfolding truth about the supposed plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer. What we are now learning is that of the half dozen or so defendants in that alleged plot, at least TWELVE were FBI agents or FBI paid informants. In some of the group meetings and vehicles involved in this now clearly fake “plot,” the undercover FBI agents and their paid informants were actually the great majority of the participants or outnumbered everyone else.

This raises the question and immediately resulting answer of whether or not the FBI actually created, staffed, and staged the entire Whitmer kidnap plot, once again for overt political purposes (supposedly fighting against supposed white supremacist militia people). In other words, by all appearances the FBI created the plot in order to “solve” the plot. Think hard about what this means about the nation’s primary “law enforcement” organization…it means the lawless FBI is completely corrupt and that it is a political arm of one political party.

Never mind that the Biden Administration also has the US military actually flying illegal aliens into America on US military planes, or that the administration is trying to create a 1984-like Ministry of Truth that is anything but truthful. Never mind that every day there is also some other new totally illegal, unlawful, un-American, lawless outrage committed by the Biden Administration against America and everyday taxpaying Americans. Within just eight months, the Biden Administration has turned the entire US government AGAINST America.

So while it is summertime, and I am trying to enjoy my summer break with my wife and kids and friends, I am also horrified by the official lawlessness emanating out of Washington, DC, and its satellite offices sprinkled around the many dis-united states. I need a break from this daily assault, and I also need time to digest the huge volume of daily lawlessness that marks the Biden Administration’s coup d’etat against the American Republic.

Next up… Washington DC Prison City vs. A Dozen Free States

January 6th DC Protest: I was there, what really happened

Getting the entire January 6th DC protest story out is going to take time, but it is important to address the totally fake narrative about it being pushed by the fake news media, the entertainment industry, the Big Tech industry, the lawless Democrat Party, and even the cowed Republican Party establishment.

For the record, I arrived at the Washington Monument around 10:00am and worked my way down the slope until there was no room left between us and the White House.  From there we marched to the US Capitol, where I was

in the Rotunda [the outside rotunda, not the one inside the Capitol building] [UPDATE 8/18/22 I have been told by several people, including a federal agent, that I have mistakenly mislabeled where I was. After consulting official maps of the US Capitol, I can’t find an official description for the precise open area out in front of the Capitol where I stood. Bottom line is I stood way the hell outside the Capitol building, in an area that was designated for protesting] about twenty feet behind the barricades. I stayed in that general location for a couple hours until later. My story here begins in the Rotunda.

The US Capitol Police used peaceful protestors for target practice. All around me and just in front of me, US citizens who were legally, peacefully protesting were shot in their faces by explosive flash bangs, rubber bullets, pepper gas bombs, tear gas bombs, and bean bags. I have video and photos of all of this activity that I took on my own phone, which I will post here later today [Update: Now that the FBI/KGB is on an illegal witch hunt to make examples of even lawful, peaceful protestors who were there, using pictures taken at the event to identify 100% innocent people to hunt them down and unlawfully prosecute them, I will not be posting them].

I saw nicely dressed men in business suits and dress shirts with their faces blasted by explosives. The Capitol Police were not aiming for our feet, but for our faces. I was shot right under my chin with a large rubber bullet by one of the police officers who we watched take careful aim at individual protestors who did nothing more than sing the national anthem, chant, and wave signs and banners. I was also hit with many other rubber projectiles, and I was gassed three times, once badly.

At no time did I or anyone around me throw anything at the police or try to attack them. We were exercising our Constitutional freedoms, and the Capitol Police attacked us. On our way out of the protest and back to our bus, we met a nicely dressed man with blood on his hands and clothing, who calmly told us that he is a physician and had been standing with the tiny woman who was shot in the neck by a Capitol Police officer. He, the doctor, tried to resuscitate her, but he described how purposefully mortal her wound was, and how he had personally witnessed the police officer taking careful aim at the woman’s neck. She has now been identified, but I cannot now recall her name [UPDATE: Ashlii Babbitt]. She was a peaceful protestor who could have been easily neutralized with any sort of non lethal force, had the police officer really felt threatened. He chose to execute her, instead.

If anyone is curious about why presently free Americans reacted to official violence with some force of their own, then this description of events explains it. We peaceful protestors were violently attacked by the US Capitol Police for doing nothing more than peacefully protesting. Violence will beget violence, and nothing stokes a violent response more than un-earned official violence against innocent civilians, like yesterday.

Fresh in our memories yesterday were the many violent riots in 2020, where ANTIFA and BLM destroyed entire cities, violently attacked police, passersby, counter demonstrators, and business owners… WITH NO ACTION BY THE POLICE. And with total support by the mainstream media and big tech, whose members stood in front of burning buildings and pronounced the violence as “mostly peaceful protests.”

Fresh in our memories were the Code Pink invasion of Congress, followed by the shrieking howls of the mad as anti-Kavanaugh people invaded the US Senate chamber. Again, with no consequences from either political party or from law enforcement or the media or from Big Tech.

So I witnessed a double standard yesterday that is being promoted today by the mainstream media industry and the Big Tech industry, which is that conservative peaceful protestors are actually “domestic terrorists” and “racists” and “white supremacists.” In fact, about 25% of the protestors around me were black, Latino, and Asian. There were a lot of Asians with us, I would say evenly split between Vietnamese and Chinese. Not a white supremacist movement at all, but a simple freedom movement.

This double standard is obviously evil on its face, but it serves an even more evil political purpose. Patriots and conservatives are being set up to be de-legitimized so they can be attacked by both BLM and ANTIFA people, and soon by the official state apparatus, like police forces everywhere, the FBI, the ATF etc.

If you have read this blog for any time, you know my positions on most political issues of the day. You know that I believe the 2020 election was stolen in an ultimate act of Democrat Party lawlessness, a lawlessness that has defined that pro-slavery political party since 1860 and which in modern times has led to so-called “sanctuary cities” and a widespread failure to enforce the laws on the books to protect American citizens. A suspension of the most basic civil rights.

To me and others like me, we believe the Democrat Party to be a certified domestic enemy of We, The People. The Democrat Party’s lawlessness and attempt to enslave us all to Big Brother Government must be resisted at all levels by Americans everywhere, or else America will turn into an authoritarian state with Big Brother telling us what to think, what we may do, where we may go, what we may read or write. This authoritarian establishment narrative has become quite clear during the China flu covid shamdemic, as unconstitutional authoritarian lockdowns and police actions against free citizens have become commonplace.

Some take-aways from yesterday and the ensuing hours:

  • the Republican Party establishment stands for absolutely nothing, because its members believe in nothing, except their own power. They have no fealty to the US Constitution, nor to any of us citizens. They believe in process over substance. The Democrat Party knew this before the election, and were emboldened in their theft of the presidency by the GOPe’s weakness. No one better exemplifies this than outgoing Republican senator Kelly Loeffler, who only two days ago announced that she finally stood with The People against the farcical Electoral College count, and who yesterday denounced President Donald Trump and withdrew her objection to the farcical Electoral College count. This GOPe woman represents everything wrong with the Republican Party – no backbone, no spine, no guts, no commitment to the rule of law, and so easily manipulated by the Big Media/ Big Tech industry narrative.
  • the Democrat Party is enabled by the Big Tech industry and the mainstream media industry, which either suppress different perspectives from being aired, or which suppress actual facts from being exposed, if they run contrary to The Narrative. This makes Big Media and Big Tech certified mouthpieces for authoritarian oppression, and, therefore, certified enemies of We, The People. However people choose to resist Big Tech and Big Media, only the members of Big Media and Big Tech have themselves to blame.
  • Probably 99% of the political pundits on both the left and the right issued definitive statements about yesterday’s protest without themselves actually having been there. They watched selectively edited and commented videos shown out of context, and drew understandably inaccurate conclusions. But these same pundits have shown zero interest or curiosity about actual events, choosing instead to show their true yellow color by standing shoulder to shoulder with the oppressive authoritarians.
  • Yesterday’s protest was nothing more than an Occupy Congress, which is The People’s House. It belongs to US, not to the political elites. If the various Occupy movements were legitimate, then yesterday’s Occupy action was the most legitimate of all.
  • Finally, this whole situation is boiling down to a showdown between the entitled elites who have stolen our entire country’s government apparatus on the one hand, and the citizens who populate the country and fund that apparatus on the other hand. When I witnessed several hundred thousand unarmed protestors yesterday staging a forceful protest against tyranny, I saw the beginning of a citizen army doing its dry run, its practice run, for a takeover of the nation’s capital. As brute force has always been the ultimate arbiter of natural selection, only one side can prevail here. This is totally an Us vs. Them situation, not of the making of We, The People, but forced on us by authoritarians who crave control over us.

Much of this will probably start to play out in the coming weeks. God save our great Republic.

More to come here in the next couple of days.

UPDATE: Today every effort is being made by the political elites to destroy President Donald Trump and as many peaceful protestors as they can get their hands on. Mind you, absolutely none of this was done to any politicians or their supporters over an entire year of wild, violent BLM and ANTIFA riots across the country, including in Washington, DC. This is an indication of what is coming to America in just a couple weeks: Everyone who stands for the Constitution and our traditional American values and freedoms will be officially targeted for forceful removal and silencing. This is why patriots must organize, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.



How do we handle daily revolution and destruction?

If you are wondering what on earth is happening in America and around the free world, you are in good company. It seems that a violent insurrection against Western Civilization is under way. We went from having the best economy in decades to sudden Wuhan Flu authoritarian lockdowns, shutdowns, and police showdowns with Mom and her children playing in a park, all clearly designed to flatten Donald Trump and nothing else.

When the politically partisan Wuhan Flu thingy lost steam because Americans could see for themselves that the dire predictions meant nothing for people living outside of New York, New Jersey, and nursing homes nationwide, a new social rally was created: George Floyd.

George Floyd was murdered. Yes, he was high on dangerous drugs at the time of his death, and yes he had a long list of legal offenses. But…like Ahmaud Arbery earlier this year, Floyd did not deserve to die just because someone thought his life was worth less. Definitely worth protesting their deaths and the bad policing that gave carte blanc to their murderers (years ago I wrote on this blog about the bad policing culture that was developing then and which, years later, is definitely front and center now; blacks, whites, Asians, all skin colors suffer from this bad policing culture).

But how do we logically go from protesting a few bad police officers and the Fallujah mentality that is creating them, to now eliminating the police? To destroying statues that are important representations of our civilization’s historic struggles and achievements? To racist lectures on Fakebook about how all “white” people are by definition racist and privileged and other insane BS?

No the world has not gone mad, although all of these things are certainly crazy. What happened is that the Left has been at war with YOU, and me, and all other normal job-holding, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens who make up our neighbors, and we either didn’t know it, didn’t care about it, or decided to plain ignore it. The people who confuse me the most are the registered Democrats I know and socialize with. Is this violent sedition what they are really about? Like, when they come home from church on Sunday, do they sit down and plan out the coming week’s riots and looting with their kids? I don’t think so, but they mysteriously remain loyal to the Democrat Party brand.

Whether you like it or not, you are now living in an actual war zone. It covers most of America. And it isn’t just in the down towns; it can extend to your job, to your home, to your children. Nobody is spared any space to just live in peace. The war is coming right to you not just in looting and arson, but in demands that you literally kowtow to the Left, show your obeisance. Even impoverished rural whites who haven’t seen a day of “privilege” since their ancestors fled religious prosecution and famine in Europe 300 years ago are now said to be evil and racist and privileged, simply because of their skin color.

Talk about racist! That “white privilege” phrase is probably the most racist and politically privileged thing I have ever heard in my life.

So how do you and I live in this new state of constant warfare, this so-called cultural revolution?

Simple answer: Buy guns and enough ammunition for them to be able to defend yourself, your home, and to band together with your neighbors to offer a combined defense. Do not allow yourself to be picked off singly and individually. Prepare to defend yourself, your home, your neighborhood, your nation. Have a plan, be prepared to implement it. And vote, donate money, and volunteer for good political candidates, so that hopefully the revolution being forced upon us doesn’t become an all-out shooting war.

You are under attack and you had better get ready to repel it, or you will lose everything you have, including your freedom. Most especially your freedom. One word, one thought, one day in church at a time.

The real masks come off

Over the past month or so, a national debate about whether or not to wear face masks, and under what conditions, has dominated the media headlines. Masks are said to be needed in order to prevent or reduce the transmission of Wuhan Flu. A lot of that mask debate was shaped by the ongoing public argument about whether to go back to work or to stay at home; again, allegedly to stop or slow the spread of the Wuhan Flu; or at least to spare the hospitals from being overrun.

States run by liberals, like Washington, Oregon, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, are still largely shut down, regardless of their low Wuhan Flu deaths or hospitalization rates. Their economies are in shambles, probably by design. Their leaders emphasize even the smallest of risks, and the wearing of masks is symbolic of concurring with their grotesque risk assessment and their not-American approach to dealing with a disproven public threat. Liberals promote staying at home and wearing a mask in public as a symbol of deference to government fiat; really, a sort of face-worn sieg-heil salute to whoever the Dear Leader is in that state. Actual risks may vary by locale, but according to liberals every place is ground zero New York City.

Suddenly in a time of heavily engineered “social distancing” and compulsory mask wearing, with food shoppers everywhere carefully mincing about one another like planets on wobbly orbits, a very controlled American society indeed, an eruption of long engineered social chaos arrives. Fires, violence, looting, vandalism, insane barbaric destructive behavior, from coast to coast. Kaboom.

Flu masks off, vandal masks on. The real mask has just come off, because this is political theater to one political party. It is how they advance their political agenda. Their thinking is Trump could not be dislodged through a bunch of hoaxes, so now let’s try some serious street violence. Overwhelmingly, the graffiti, signs, and riotous behavior are anything but peaceful, with messages like “F–k Trump” etc leaving no doubt what this is really about.

If I were black, I would be upset about the murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. Heck, I am “white” and I am very upset about their murders. I don’t know any “white” people who are not upset about them. These men were murdered in cold blood, and we need to make America so that it doesn’t happen again.

Like any normal American who watches the snuff video of ironically named and now former police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling heavily on Floyd’s neck until he dies, I am also concerned about the so very obviously widespread problematic culture of policing that has evolved out of hiring young combat-hardened military veterans to Protect and to Serve. If you watch enough online videos, it seems that even normal encounters with police provide an abnormal result. Law-abiding people conducting themselves lawfully are videotaped being officially manhandled, or even shot to death in their own home as they confront non-uniformed, unannounced intruders in the dead of night. So many police encounters result in an innocent civilian being unlawfully detained, unlawfully restrained, unlawfully injured, and then unlawfully charged, that if these videos are any indication of a wider theme, a police culture problem really is heavily upon all of us. And apparently it is because ‘contempt of cop’ is such an affront to the folks in blue that some of them act like they are fighting against everyone else. Us vs. Them, red vs. blue, crips vs. bloods, cops n’ robbers, Officer Chauvin vs. George Floyd… and so on.

But if I were black, I would especially be most upset about the dozens of shootings and killings that occur hourly, daily, weekly in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, month in and month out, year after year. Cities run by white liberals for decades have the worst black poverty and violent crime. Young black men are killing each other by droves all the time, and yet…no rage. Not even upset. Not even headlines. No protests, no nothing. Silence.

So when the lid now comes off in these communities, allegedly because of George Floyd’s murder, and stores and churches are looted and destroyed, a normal person asks Why?

Why are law-abiding citizens told to stay inside, stay home, wear a mask, and God forbid if they go surfing or sun bathing or swimming or cutting hair, then they are arrested and shuffled straight off to jail, while truly masked vandals are ransacking American cities at will, with little police response?

The answer is uncomfortable. For decades, liberals have encouraged people, maybe even trained them, to act out their anger in violent ways. In many places violent vandals have been bused in, like St. Louis , Missouri, a few years ago. It is political theater to liberals. It is how their political goals that cannot be met through legitimate political channels are advanced. Nancy Pelosi used the Wuhan Flu to achieve political outcomes the American people would not otherwise grant her, except under extortion and coercion. Now how will these violent street mobs be used?

No justice, no peace,” “By any means necessary,” “Question authority” are just a few of the confrontational battle cries that liberals have said through megaphones and loudspeakers over my lifetime. Whenever something happens that liberals don’t like or that they can exploit, out come the arsonist marchers and the destructive mobs. It is easier than working through the plodding checks-and-balances political process established in 1787.

A lawless political culture has resulted, and it is to this lawlessness that the police culture has responded in like kind. Like two planets orbiting in each other, locked in an unstable embrace.

It is said that liberalism is a mental disease, and while it is tough to argue with that, given the evidence of it right in front of us right now, it is also easy to point out that liberalism is a well considered political movement. It has lots of shaming and false outrage, as well as effective tactics and strategies, lots of lying, hypocrisy, official violence, and street mobs. Social distancing applies to law abiding middle income families, and not to the people who are destroying their businesses. Presently it seems that America’s youth have been indoctrinated to act like the young Chinese fifty years ago under Mao’s guidance, in the Cultural Revolution.

Out in America’s streets right now, the liberal mob is turning our nation upside down. The White House is literally under siege. Though obviously defective, lawless Liberalism has come to dominate almost all of America’s institutions and organizations – the media, academia, the schools, government bureaucracies, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists, etc. Liberalism is ascendant, while republican constitutionalism is in retreat.

The mask is off right now for all to see what liberalism is actually about. And despite its known problems, despite its ugly, scary face staring us normal people in the face, it is doing really, really well.

Liberalism is doing not too bad for a mental disease.

Liberals own every shooting in America

A dear old friend wrote me “You need to come down from your mountain and see the craziness that is taking over America!”

Hon, I am living on my mountain because of all the craziness that liberals have unleashed upon American society and Western Civilization. Liberals have just about ruined the best, freest, most incredible country in human history. Only in little remote pockets can we find peace of mind, peace and quiet, freedom and liberty, the ability to do as we need without having some government bureaucrat prying into our private lives or threatening us for growing a garden.

For decades liberals have been removing the wheels from the American car, and now that they have the wheels off, they demand that we voters turn over the car keys to them because they say the car is too dangerous for us to drive…

Professional criminal Maurice Hill’s shoot out in Philly yesterday left six officers injured. Maurice Hill had already committed a laundry list of violent crimes using firearms, and any one of those should have put him behind bars for decades.

But no, that did not happen despite many bites at the apple.  Instead, liberal judges, liberal mayors, liberal  prosecutors, liberal activists, liberal lawyers at the American Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Association, liberal doctors at the American Medical Association, and so on, liberals everywhere have done their utmost to turn criminals like Hill into “victims,” who deserve our empathy and gentlest caresses, instead of being held accountable for their actions. Liberals blame society, not criminals, for the destructive behavior of criminals like Hill.

And now, having practically destroyed America’s criminal justice system and having unleashed a tidal wave of violent criminals like Hill upon us taxpayers, liberals stamp their feet and pout and yell and cry and do other forms of angry child behavior to shame Americans into giving up our firearms.

Ban guns? No way!

America needs to ban liberalism and ban the destructive liberals who purvey, force and sneak liberalism upon the normal people who keep America functioning. Liberals ought to pay a special federal tax for being liberal, to help defray the huge costs they impose on American society.

“Red flag” laws are just legalized “swatting” of neighbors we hate

All this talk about “red flag” laws is simple nonsense, addressed months ago in-depth here in an essay that was borrowed from by people who care. I put a lot of effort into researching the subject and then wrote extensively about it. But it won’t matter to the anti-gun prohibitionists, who are on a single-minded jihad against legal gun ownership.

Red flag laws don’t solve crime, they actually create crime, in particular official violence against innocent Americans. In the form of uninformed, misinformed, hyped up SWAT police kicking in the doors of innocent, unsuspecting citizens who then get shot while reaching to put down the book they were reading. To gun haters, this is all fine and dandy; anything they can do to hurt and intimidate law abiding gun owners is good. The more bloody bodies, the better.

“See, if he hadn’t had those old guns in the first place, he would not have been shot by the police,” they say, gleefully chuckling over the well-deserved misfortune of one of the many innocent law abiding gun owners to fall victim to red flag laws. This is called “swatting,” where someone calls the police and makes an anonymous complaint or warning about a supposedly violent or dangerous neighbor. Innocent people die, and that is OK to the anti gun jihadis.

Anti gun advocates do not care about solving crime. If they did, they would look at all of the failed gun control nonsense across America, particularly in the big urban areas, and reach for a different approach, a different set of policies. But dead black kids don’t mean anything to anti gun activists, if those kids were shot by other black kids. In fact, the perverse reverse is true: Dead black kids are welcomed and cultivated by anti gun advocates, because those bleeding bodies in the street give them more ammunition to complain about “guns” and how evil they are blah blah blah.

So here we go again. The careerist Republicans in congress appear to be ready to capitulate on this, just to get the Democrat press off their backs for a minute, even though they know that as soon as they give in on red flag laws, the anti-freedom crusaders will be right back with even more demands for our rights. Just look at how US Senate Democrats today threatened the US Supreme Court! ‘You had better stop voting for individual rights, or we are going to take you over.’

Which is really what the red flag junk is about: Political control, control of individuals, the desire to make American citizens just get in the damned PC line and stay there until we smart people tell you to take your next step.

The Democrat Party has become a lawless mafia, always trying to change the rules of the game if they lose by the old rules we all agreed to over the past two hundred and some odd years: Get rid of the Electoral College, get rid of the Supreme Court, get rid of guns, get rid of free speech, get rid of the US House of Representatives rules, give away your Social Security benefits to illegal aliens and make us taxpayers wait until we are 72 to start collecting what we put in, and so on…it boggles my mind that any intelligent adult can vote for this nonsense.

But then again, I am always amazed at how sadistic and cruel people can be, and now I recognize and accept that there is an American political party dedicated to just that kind of person. To paraphrase another former Democrat, I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, they left me.

But as I walk out the door, I am throwing the red flag at the Democrat Party – You are out of bounds and out of the game! Get out!

UPDATE! Even as I wrote this post last night, a long-time Philadelphia criminal, Maurice Hill, was engaged in a shoot-out that injured six police officers. Hill has been arrested at least a dozen times, most often for serious violent firearm laws violations. Hill had served jail time. The question is why was he out of jail at all, and why was he repeatedly allowed to get out of serious criminal situations that would end the career of any otherwise law-abiding citizen?

America has developed a two-tiered law enforcement system: Typical law-abiding citizens who make a mistake or a single bad decision and run afoul of some law get the whole book thrown at them; their lives and professional careers are over for all intents and purposes. But on the other hand, ultra violent career criminals like Hill are caught and released time and time again, despite violating all kinds of gun laws any one of which should have put him behind bars for decades.

No gun laws anywhere will stop dangerous people like Hill from committing bad crimes, and we see that gun control laws are not designed to end or stop crime. Gun control laws are only designed to remove guns from private ownership, especially from the hands of law abiding citizens. These laws are aimed at taking away guns from good people like you and me, and leaving them in the hands of hardened criminals like Maurice Hill.

Think about that.

“Red Flag” ERPOs are violent, dangerous, un-American

In the 2002 movie “Minority Report,” police identify and swiftly SWAT-team-style arrest potential criminals before they have committed a crime, even if they are not in the act of committing the crime. That lack of due process, the discarding of the American core value of the presumption of innocence, and the mis-use of quacky, uncertain technology to concretely deprive citizens of their liberties for crimes they did not yet commit, and possibly only imagined, is at the movie’s heart.

Like the 1949 book 1984, in Minority Report an an all-seeing, all-controlling government squashes individuality, individual rights, and free thought by criminalizing “thought crimes,” even thoughts that have not actually been implemented in the physical world. The gist of both the 1949 book and the 2002 movie being that coercive government power can be easily mis-used and that it is at the core of illegitimate governance that justifies civilian resistance and disobedience.

So, welcome to Minority Report and 1984 in your life, right now, in the form of “Red Flag,” “Extreme Risk Prevention Order” and the politically named “Gun Violence Restraining Order” (there is no such thing as ‘gun violence’). These risky programs are being slowly enacted and implemented in states across America in the name of safety.

Theoretically, both ERPOs and GRVOs are designed to get out ahead of a gun owner and send in the SWAT team before that gun owner possibly commits a crime with a gun. Like the ill-fated “No Fly List” bar to gun ownership, both ERPOs and GRVOs are designed to empower police to quickly bypass the natural due process safeguards our federal Constitution explicitly grants to each citizen, behind a screen of secrecy and unaccountable government employees, in the name of immediate if poorly defined security.

The problem with these programs is that they are failing everywhere for reasons that anyone with a shred of common sense had been and would normally employ when assessing the possible risk-benefit value of laws encouraging police to go all cowboy on people who have not actually committed a violent crime. In every place where ERPOs and GRVOs have been implemented, police have aggressively gunned down in cold blood totally innocent citizens, often in their own homes, and always in circumstances where the citizen was either not armed or was only armed because the police had acted like violent, illegal home invaders that an armed citizen would normally resist.

Their results have been exactly the opposite of stopping violence, as ERPOs and GRVOs actually encourage violence; but it’s by the government against the citizen, which ERPO proponents want.

These programs are the anti-gun activist’s dream come true, as the true purpose of ERPOs and GVROs is to generally stigmatize all gun ownership and all individual gun owners by creating an automatic suspect class. Almost all of these programs enable pretty much anyone to call the police and “SWAT” some gun owner the person doesn’t like, doesn’t agree with politically, has a property line dispute with, wants to make an example of etc. “SWATTING” is where someone calls in a bogus threat to a local police department, identifying someone who is actually innocent and unsuspecting that in mere minutes his door is about to come crashing in with a heavily armed SWAT team who thinks he is holding a hostage with a gun to the head.

  • ERPOs and GRVOs are the legalization and encouraging of SWATTING.
  • ERPOs and GRVOs are dangerous; they promote violence, especially against innocent people.
  • ERPOs and purposefully anti-gun-named GVROs are a direct threat to all American citizens, because due process is thrown out the door from the very beginning.
  • These are back door channels to criminalizing gun ownership, mass intimidation and big government control over peaceful, law abiding gun owners.
  • They are purposefully vague, potentially random, and are more than anything a NAZI Gestapo tactic to bully law abiding gun owners into relinquishing their guns out of fear of being dimed out for some imagined, fake crime.

Why are ERPOs and GRVOs happening? They are becoming popular because due process has gone out the window since Obama was elected in 2008. Obama ran an increasingly abusive government without a shred of respect for the rule of law or due process, and his big government admirers everywhere followed in his step. The result has been that any part of any government anywhere, at any level, that is controlled by Democrats has 360 degree unfettered reach and scope. And on the flip side, any part of government run by Republicans is automatically suspect and subject to endless questioning and investigation and blocking by over-reaching federal judges and bureaucrats.

It is how the Mueller investigation has worked, with its vague accusations of “obstruction” against people who had not and could not have committed any crime in the first place. Without a crime, there can be no obstruction. Roger Stone has been bankrupted for the ‘crime’ of being a political supporter of a president Mueller hates.

This is how the communists took control of Hungary and probably other European nations. They used unproven accusations, which became procedural abuses, to ensnare political opponents, who were then railroaded in the criminal justice system. Just as Mueller has done to his victims.

Democrats today are employing the same exact tactics as the European communists to gain political power the voters would never grant them at the ballot box. These tactics should be illegal and punishable by existing law, but the opposition party, the GOP, is spineless and weak, filled with self-dealing careerists. The culture change following in the wake of Obama’s anti-individual rights big government power grab has shifted in favor of anti-freedom control freaks. They like ERPOs and GVROs, because they suit their tactics, and the Republicans either enable them, empower them, or sit out the fight because there is no money to be made in it.

Do not allow ERPOs, GRVOs, or their derivations into your community or state, because these are undemocratic breaches of the public trust in a government that is supposed to serve its free people.

As a post script, the other big problem is what happens with someone’s legally owned guns when they are confiscated by police. Quite often they are stored under terrible conditions that either badly damage or destroy the firearms. And often the police refuse to honor the law and return the firearms to the citizen after he has been cleared. Moreover, the police often steal or sell confiscated guns, and there is little or no recourse for the citizen to be justly compensated for what has been essentially an unconstitutional taking of private property by government.

America should be going in the direction opposite of ERPOs, GRVOs, and their secret courts where accused people have no right to defend themselves and are presumed guilty. Our founding principles of limited government power, government transparency, and government accountability demand it.

Galileo before the Inquisition’s Secret Court. Is American due process really going backwards to the Dark Ages? 

“By ANY means necessary”

Have you heard the revolutionary call to arms “by any means necessary”?

It is usually said by ‘black nationalists’ (black racists), white liberals, white radicals, Communists, community organizers, even local teacher’s union members (teachers; your kids’ teachers…), and others who believe that armed revolution and genocide against white conservative Christians not only is necessary to restore “social justice,” but that this violence is inevitable.

In other words, people are advocating for violent rejection of American government as founded and as run today. It is heard most in the big Democrat-run cities, but you can find it in small communities, too.

Would you like a prime example of how this “by any means necessary” gets implemented on the ground, say, in your own community?

Here is a recent example, from Jackson, Mississippi, of all places. Jackson, Mississippi, is the home of one “Chokwe Lumumba,” who is now the town’s mayor.

Mr. Lumumba openly vowed to make the town the “most radical town in America.”

Well, just a few days ago his radical town’s Forest Hills High School student band actually staged the imitation execution of police officers, on the football field, using imitation guns. The photo below is from cell phone footage taken of this “by any means necessary” event.

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba recently said of this event:

“While I do not believe that there was a malice intent on behalf of the students that participated in this halftime show, I understand that we are ultimately not defined by the things that we set out to do, but rather how we respond to the things that actually do take place. It is the responsibility of adults to offer guidance to youth. Our students should have been instructed that this was neither the time or place for that performance.”

Let’s take the mayor’s statement for what it means: There actually is a place and a time for students to engage in this activity, but it just wasn’t there, at the nearby town of Brookhaven, where the game took place and where the Jackson student band played on the field.

And why was it not the time and place for this insane behavior? Because in Brookhaven the week before, two town police officers had been murdered, and the small town was still mourning their deaths.

But we know that the Jackson students did this specifically because the two Brookhaven police officers were murdered, and the students were making their “by any means necessary” statement especially poignant. It was an in-your-eye thing.

No accident here. And no remorse here by the elected leader of Jackson, Mississippi, either.

And why would the mayor have remorse? He supports the students’s behavior, because he supports the murder of police officers. That is simply part and parcel of his goal of gaining “social justice” through any means necessary.

America, are you paying attention to this?