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irony, whoosh, right over someone’s head

Him: “I am sorry, Josh, but we have decided not to invite you to our wedding.”

Me: “WHAT?! After thirty-some years of close friendship, I can’t come to your wedding? For real?”

Him: “For real. I’m sorry, I know it must bother you…”

Me: “You are damned right it bothers me! How about Viv, can she at least be in attendance?”

Him: “Sorry, no. I know, I know, it’s weird, but we both feel like you guys just do not belong there. I mean, your views are pretty right wing, really pretty bigoted, to be honest.”

Me: “Bigoted, me? Her? How? Are you forgetting that you came out of the closet at my apartment at Penn State? We have been close friends for a really long time, and I really care about you, and so does Viv, which you already know, I don’t need to say it, and we care about you and don’t give a damn that you are gay. How can we be bigoted against gays if we are willing to come to your gay wedding in the first place and celebrate with you?!”

Him: <crickets> <silence>

Lesson 1: Minds only work when they are open. Political correctness has shut down minds everywhere. Instead of opening people up and making them inquisitive and interested in other views, PC turns people into mindless judgmental bigots who hate even their oldest friends, for the big crime of not agreeing with them on every little thing.

Lesson 2: Sometimes not being invited to a wedding is a good thing. What the heck was I going to get him or B as a gift, anyhow? Welp, don’t have to worry about that now!