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The hand of God is on Trump

This afternoon an assassin attempted to murder President Donald Trump at a political rally. The assassin hit Trump in the right ear, only missing a perfect and fatal head shot by one inch. The murderer killed one person and critically wounded another.

This assassination attempt is 100% on the heads and hands of the hate-

filled Democrat Party and its careless, clueless supporters, whose sole care in life is getting and holding power over all of us.

This is what you get when you hate your political opponents and degrade them and denigrate them and talk casually as Hollywood leaders, mainstream media personalities, and Democrat activists have in recent weeks about assassinating Trump.

The Democrat Party of 2024 really is the same lawless, reckless, insurrectionist political party it was in 1861, when it started the Civil War.

The Democrat Party can’t drum Trump out, can’t scare him out, can’t bankrupt him out, can’t lie about him enough, can’t remove him from the ballot, can’t jail him. All the Democrats have left is assassination, and that’s what they have tried to do today.

All because the lawless Democrats are terrified of being held accountable by the American people for the unbelievable lawlessness we have been subjected to the past four years.

For shame on every registered Democrat in America. For shame. And those who disagree with me on this will still be silent about the hate fest their political party and political allies have heaped upon regular law abiding patriotic Americans the past ten years. That’s why today’s assassination attempt is on the heads of every single registered Democrat. Not one of you will disavow your hate.

You are not going to defeat America in 2024, just as you did not defeat America in 1861. The hand of God is on President Donald Trump and the United States of America.

I took this picture in Hatteras two weeks ago. It means America is a lawless banana republic under Biden.

Nonstop martyring of Trump makes Americans vote for him

The nonstop legal bullying and lawless martyring of President Trump is not hurting him, it is making him stronger and more popular. Because Americans are fair-minded and don’t like a bully, and they recognize sadistic cruelty when it is put on parade over and over as the illegal election interference it is intended to be.

The people (our own lawless DOJ, the lawless Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the lawless Fulton County DA  Fani Willis) who are constantly attacking President Trump with fake accusations don’t care how they are perceived, and all they care about is how they want their victim to be perceived. The beauty of this rigged approach is that it is failing. The polls show that the American People are seeing right through it, and they are rejecting it. The more Trump is bullied and mistreated and victimized, the more the American People are rallying to him.

One of the mysterious mindsets in the Torture Trump group is that the government only belongs to them, and no one else can make any changes to it. They have forced the situation so badly and so badly misused the federal government apparatus that they have left the next president no choice but to burn the entire thing down in order to save America from this Frankenstein monster.

The delicious irony of all this faked legal drama is that it is backfiring, and President Trump will have the personal sympathy of the American People and a full throated mandate when in February 2025 he drives a huge wooden stake through the heart of the lawless vampire bureaucracy that is sucking the life blood of our democracy, freedom, and even basic economic well being out of the American body politic.

Hoedown showdown at the Texas border

An interesting political dance is happening down along the Texas border. The Texas border is the primary venue through which millions of military-age male illegal invaders have crossed into America without any documentation, or health checks, or anything else that every other sovereign nation has in the way of border control since 2021. These illegal alien invaders are being given our own taxpayer money in forms of credit cards and cell phones! As well as health care that we taxpaying citizens will never get!

This illegal invasion is happening contrary to federal law, as well as Texas state law. It is happening only because the Biden Administration wants it to happen. In fact, the Biden Administration is actively facilitating the invasion, going so far as to sue Texas to prevent the state from enforcing both federal and state law that prohibit foreign invasions, and going so far as directing US Border Patrol staff to help illegal aliens cross over into America.

We all know why the Biden Administration is committing this brazenly lawless treason. It is a cheap attempt to bring in enough new voters to overwhelm conservative areas with liberal voters and turn America into a one party nation. Here in Pennsylvania, the governor is attempting to turn all new drivers licenses into automatic voters, because he is trying to give all new drivers a new driver’s license and new voting rights, irrespective of whether they are a citizen, or not.

Pretty slick pure evil.

Texas has been bussing its illegal invaders around the country, specifically targeting those states and municipalities that had long billed themselves as “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states.” Turns out that these so-called sanctuaries did not really want illegal aliens in their community. Rather, they were just virtue signaling, and they actually wanted illegal aliens to overwhelm the conservative states and conservative jurisdictions, so they could eventually be turned into welfare dependents, wards of the state, and tuned to voting for government handouts. And so become loyal Democrats in areas where Democrats would not normally get elected.

If anyone still doubts that the 2020 election was stolen, this single policy of not just allowing but facilitating and even forcing an illegal and dangerous foreign invasion of America is Exhibit A in the proof that the 2020 election was stolen for a reason. This is just more brazen lawlessness by the Democrat Party and its RINO allies, and a double-dog-dare to American citizens that they won’t finally stand up for their rights and their interests.

So now Texas has finally gotten a spine, and is finally shutting down its section of the border, in defiance of both the China-penetrated and compromised federal government and the completely failed and compromised US Supreme Court. The Biden Administration is threatening to federalize the National Guard and turn them into Maitre D’s and docents welcoming the illegal invasion, while Texas is actually using its National Guard troops to stop and turn back the invasion. This is a real showdown, with both sides invoking military force against one another.

Like millions of other Americans, I am not in the least upset about this situation.

Texas is the only party here standing on both existing federal law and Constitution, and standing up for American citizens’ rights, though you would not know this based on the legacy media reporting on this situation. According to the Demedia (Democrat Media), federal government exists to facilitate foreign invasions, not stop them….which only shows for the zillionth time just how compromised and lawless the establishment media is, just how much an enemy of The American People the mainstream media are.

I suspect that a shooting war among Americans on the border will elicit a rather overwhelming response from the rest of the absolutely fed up and enraged country. And so…This showdown at the border might turn out to be the flashpoint that gets America the conflict it unfortunately seems to need in order to painfully squeeze out the infected pus festering in the maggot-filled gaping wound known as Washington DC.

And to be clear here, crazy demented old man Joe Biden bears 100% of the responsibility for all of the hate speech and threats of violence against Americans here. The guy must smoke crack with his son Hunter and then dodder up to the microphone and just say whatever the hell it is that is floating around in his wasted mind. Like he is going to bomb Americans with F-15 fighter jets! He really did just say this. It is Biden’s second such threat against Americans.

If I were Governor Abbott of Texas, I would have every constitutional sheriff in Texas deputize a few thousand Texas citizens and others, per county, arm them, and send them to the Texas border to stand guard against invaders from both sides. With orders to shoot to kill any law-breakers. If the border becomes a shooting war between the China-owned Biden Administration and our own citizens, then America is off to the races of Civil War Number Two. Not that such a thing will be pleasant, or easy, or without great calamity and loss on all sides.

But like lancing a festering boil, or pulling out a rotten tooth, or cutting out gangrenous flesh so that the remaining healthy flesh can survive, such a conflict could be the beginning of a return to law and constitution. Beautifully led by American citizens, who are of course empowered by the Declaration of Independence to dissolve and alter their government as they see fit, from time to time, to constitute a new government that actually serves them as government is supposed to do.

So, come what may, whatever conflict happens along the Texas border, and whatever that sparks elsewhere in the country, it is a wholly American thing. Because Americans naturally love freedom and liberty above all else. Certainly above lawless and tyrannical government. And thus such a contest is natural and organic. As opposed to this China-owned Biden Administration openly doing its best to destroy America from the inside and turning Iran into a nuclear power to destroy us from the outside. That is not natural or healthy.

God bless Texas!

A Day of Infamy: The Day the American Media Declared War on the American People

Today is a Day of Infamy like the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was a Day of Infamy, except that this day is marked by a treasonous insider attack by fellow Americans on the entire American people.

Today, the American press openly and joyously colluded and coordinated amongst themselves to attack the American president, for merely being the president they don’t like. This is also an attack on the American people, who overwhelmingly chose this president over another candidate.

After two solid years of openly biased and partisan media attacks on the president, something like a measured 97% negative reporting on President Trump across the print and cable media, today the establishment media dare to present today’s nationwide editorial attack as some sort of unbiased, carefully measured, well-deserved action.

But the media are not balanced, thoughtful, careful analysts, or fair-minded arbiters of fact and truth. Rather, the mainstream media are openly a partisan activist arm of ONE political party. They are completely one-sided. Their attack today is just one more partisan attempt to damage a president they did not cheer for, cover for, and promote in 2016.

As if the American media is above criticism!

The media deserve the criticism they have gotten, because they have earned it over and over. The American media are indeed the enemy of the American people, because that same media is not in the news business, it is in the partisan political activism business. The media has prostituted the glorious First Amendment, and hidden behind it while using it to launch partisan political attacks. This destructive warfare has severely damaged America’s social fabric, because the role of the press is supposed to be honest, holding everyone in government accountable. Not just politicians the establishment media don’t like. Even as Mueller’s fake and falsely justified witch hunt is under way, the news media will not report on that actual facts about the illegally obtained FISA warrant used to begin the investigation in the first place.

The political activists posing as “news reporters” on CNN, NPR, CBS, MSNBC, the NYT, Washington Post, etc. deserve every bit of criticism they have received, from the president on down to local citizens complaining that the Patriot News here in Harrisburg harangues, hectors and lectures people about subjects John Micek and the other editors there have no interest in learning about. These activist “reporters” are just a bunch of politically partisan liberals who think they are in charge of all information the American people receive, and these “reporters” get angry when people call them out on their falsehoods.

Without inflicting damage on the president, the American media has severely damaged American democracy and representative government. American democracy is damaged by the media because they constantly cover up for crooked politicians it favors (Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama), and constantly attack politicians they did not support, including politicians the American people do want.

Today’s nationwide editorial attack on the president only proves that he has been correct all along. It demonstrates that once again the media are not treating him fairly, that they collude, plan and plot among themselves. They are not delivering actual factual news to the American people. Rather, the media delivers one false narrative and fake set of facts after another after another, in an attempt to shape public opinion, not inform it.

The media have traded away their credibility in their drive to attain certain political outcomes, including damaging this president’s public standing so the mid-term elections will be better for the media’s chosen political party.

So today is just one more day of liberal propaganda, the same as yesterday’s propaganda and the week before and the month before that.

Today is a day of shame, a day of infamy, because it is the day the American media made it openly public that they are indeed the enemies of the American people.

Duly noted.