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J6 Pardons…?

Lots of discussion about incoming President Trump pardoning the January 6th protestors. Many of whom are political prisoners treated not much differently than political prisoners are treated in places like Iran (look up Evin Prison), whose Constitutional rights have been thrown out the window by sadistic and hyper partisan US Attorney Matthew Graves, as well as the far-Left public defenders who were supposedly representing these defendants, but who were secretly and illegally colluding with the lawless prosecution to deprive them of their due process rights.

J6 people convicted of misdemeanors held for months and even years of solitary confinement, beaten regularly by prison guards, deprived of medical care, deprived of visits by their lawyers and family members. This is all well documented outside of the evil, corrupt, failed, partisan mainstream media.

The Gateway Pundit has done a great job of covering a lot of the official lawlessness surrounding literally all of the January 6th defendants. At no point in their un-earned trip through the Washington DC area criminal justice system did they receive even a modicum of due process. From faked police reports to outright lies and suppressed evidence by prosecutors in the courtroom, to openly biased and hyper politicized judges whose decisions mocked American jurisprudence standards and basic due process requirements, none of the J6 defendants have received a fair treatment.

Not one.

I was at the January 6th 2021 peaceful protest at the US Capitol, and in about a week I will be posting here the pictures and videos I took of the unbelievable, unprovoked police brutality we law-abiding protestors experienced at the hands of uniformed police officers there that day. I myself watched in horror as the police reached across the barricades to shoot, beat, bludgeon, punch, hit, smack, chemically spray, and bomb Americans who were doing nothing but exercising their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble and petition their government for redress.

In any other protest this police misconduct would have been news, and subject to congressional action, and lawsuits.

One guy I remember clearly, dressed in a business suit, had an American flag in his left hand. He was standing quietly at the barricades. Suddenly a police flashbang went off in his face, launched from maybe ten feet away and aimed carefully at him, and he staggered backwards. His face was blasted white from the explosive charge, and blood ran down his skin. He was clearly knocked backwards and severely hurt, and other protestors guided him back, away from the barricade, to a place where he could receive first aid from his fellow Americans.

At no point did any police officers there attempt to render aid to him, or to anyone else they wounded, damaged, injured, hurt or attacked. The police were simply there to attack us, even though we had done nothing wrong. This wounded guy was recently interviewed (I am looking for the video), and his face is not fully healed four years later.

At a certain point the protestors had had enough. They had received their fill of abuse from the lawless uniformed people who are sworn to uphold the law and to protect us citizens. At a certain point the protestors decided to make a point, that the area around The People’s House is not off limits to We, The People. We pay for it, we pay for its upkeep, we pay for the salaries and benefits of those working inside of it, and we pay for the salaries and benefits of the very police officers who were illegally hurting us that day. We have every right to protest there.

In a sane and law-abiding world, I dont see how a person can make a real strong case for why the otherwise peaceful protestors should not have crossed the barricades on January 6th, given all the brutal physical abuse they had endured.

I don’t care who a J6 defendant is, or what he or she did that day. People who hit police officers over the head with flag poles did so out of self-defense. I watched a large white guy in a yellow shirt slugging it out with a cop on the Capitol steps. He was filled with rage at having been mistreated badly by the officer, and he justifiably wanted revenge. That is human nature. And I am sure he has by now been fully, sadistically, and lawlessly prosecuted by the lawless Biden DOJ.

None of these defendants should be in jail, none of them should have a criminal record from January 6th. Every single one of them must be pardoned, exonerated, and their record purged by the incoming president. Moreover, every one of these defendants is entitled to a full financial settlement from the American government, to compensate them for their financial losses, their legal bills, their pain and suffering at the hands of public servants whose job it is to ensure we citizens are treated properly.

Additionally, America must have a full accounting into which individual officers conducted themselves in a lawless fashion on January 6th. These officers must be criminally prosecuted, along with the lawless prosecutors like Matthew Graves, and the backstabbing public defenders.

And every pitbull lawyer in America should start filing civil rights lawsuits against the police and their enablers for the rampant civil rights violations that defined January 6th. Sign me up, because my right eye still has a large blood clot in it from the severe police pepper spraying I got at J6, despite my distance from the barricade.

President Trump, you must pardon Every. Single. January 6th. Defendant.

And, Mister President, you must go after the law-breaking DOJ prosecutors who created this unfair mess. Prosecutors and FBI agents (more on them later) who abused their public positions to implement their personal hatred against American citizens they wrongly perceive as their enemies must be fully held to account. Lock them up in the same dungeons they put our people in, and throw away the key.

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