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racist white liberals railroad Black candidate

Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is running for governor of North Carolina. That this high-energy, articulate, charismatic, passionate Black candidate scares the hell out of racist white liberal Democrats is evident. Mark Robinson is being Roy Moore’d.

Remember Judge Roy Moore? He was a judge in Alabama who ran for the US Senate a few years ago, and whose popularity attracted ridiculous lies from the Democrat Party mainstream media and its proxies. Ridiculous though the lies were, the good hearted and honest Republican and conservative Christian voters of Alabama gave just enough credence to them to undercut some of Judge Roy Moore’s support. Voters giving credence to ridiculous lies just barely cost him the election and saddled Alabama with a communist Democrat Party senator for several years.

Enough Republican and conservative Christian voters bought into the crazy lies about Judge Roy Moore that they had misgivings and did not vote for him. Thus did the leftist Democrat candidate, Doug Jones, barely eke out a win. In red blooded Alabama of all places.

It was shameful all the way around, because the crazy lies about Judge Roy Moore were so obviously crazy lies that anyone with half a brain should have said “Ah yes, the mainstream media, which is an arm of the Democrat Party, is attacking a Republican again” and then voted accordingly for Judge Roy Moore.

But conservatives are sometimes too open minded, too willing to be played by leftwing fake news, because they want to do what is right.

Doug Jones lasted just whatever was left of the uncompleted term he filled, like a year or two, and then Coach Tommy Tuberville whooped his anti-America butt and took that US Senate seat and gave it back to Americans. Alabamans had had enough Democrat Party communism in that short amount of time and sent Doug Jones packing. Although Judge Roy Moore went on to win his defamation lawsuit for the crazy lies he suffered, he was significantly damaged, and he unfortunately stepped out of politics.

So here North Carolina voters are now faced with an incompetent and arrogant governor, Roy Cooper, and Roy Cooper’s would-be replacement, Josh Stein, on the one hand, whose hands-off handling of the Hurricane Helene destruction has been an epic and highly documented failure, and on the other hand Lt. Gov Mark Robinson, whose energetic presence in American politics is a breath of fresh air and thus also a real threat to the Democrat Party stranglehold on American Blacks.

The Democrat Party and its propaganda ministry aka the Establishment Media like CNN, NPR, PBS, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC et al, have thus gone after Lt Mark Robinson with the only criticism they can throw at him: Crazy lies.

Lying is the only way the Democrat Party can win in the North Carolina governor election, and of course the proven liars at CNN / CNNLOL are enabling the lying. And even if this fake “scandal” (a few non-PC posts on a website from 14 years ago) stupid attack on Lt. Gov Mark Robinson were true, it would be so stupid, so ridiculous, so meaningless that no one with half a brain should spend any time thinking about it.

Dear North Carolina voters, please do not fall for the crazy lies against Lt. Mark Robinson.

Do not allow the bad guys to pull a Judge Roy Moore against Lt Mark Robinson.

Do not allow the highly damaging Democrat Party to undeservedly hold onto power in North Carolina. As you can see with your own eyes, Governor Roy Cooper and NC AG Josh Stein have failed the victims of Hurricane Helene because they don’t give a damn about you in your hour of greatest need (in one video above you can listen to Roy Cooper lie while flanked by huge liar and failure DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the left and huge failure crooked Joe “Bribem” Biden on the right).

Josh Stein is absolutely nowhere to be seen.

You North Carolinians can only do better than Roy Cooper and his cookie cutter substitute Josh Stein, you cannot possibly do worse than them. Roy Cooper and Josh Stein are such a disaster, such a failure, that people are asking if it is done on purpose because most of the victims are rural people who would not vote for leftist Josh Stein under any conditions, anyhow.

Stand up for truth, stand up against crazy lies, stand up for yourselves, vote for truth, vote for Lt. Mark Robinson to be North Carolina’s next governor.

Lt. Gov Mark Robinson, another victim of attempted White Liberal Democrat lynching


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