Americans are naturally anti-government
America was created in response to tyranny, tyrannical government, overbearing government, invasive government, secretive government, lawless government, arbitrary and capricious government etc. etc. etc. And so, it naturally followed that when America followed through on its declaration of independence from Britain with maximum winning force, the resulting government in America was the anti-government.
A government meant to barely subsist on fumes and have a very limited reach or impact on our citizens.
Our 1787-1789 Constitution is a long list of things the government may not do, and a short but very broad and far-reaching list of all the things that the individual citizen can do. Our Constitution makes it clear that The People have all the rights, and the government has all the obligations and limits. America’s founding documents make it crystal clear that the federal government has a job to do, but that job is hindered by a zillion different barriers, hurdles, blocks, and barriers. The government is not powerless, but its power is hugely limited by all kinds of checks, in order to protect The People from government.
America’s founders understood from their immediate experience fighting tyrannical Britain that every government is a bad thing, an unfortunate necessity that must be controlled like nuclear fission, and that all government automatically seeks out maximum control over The People, and that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Thus, almost everything the American government does is supposed to be visible and challengeable by The People, whom the government serves.
So how (not so) curious is it that the Biden Administration is chock full of all kinds of secret documents, secret decisions, secret law enforcement interview notes (that usually turn out to be forged and not at all accurate), secret prosecutors trying to get secret limits on what kind of defense that President Trump can mount in court, gag orders by corrupt judges, heavy censorship (see the Twitter Files) of what you and I can say and which politicians we can criticize on social media, and so on.
This is a group of very bad individuals who do not believe in the Constitution, and who are abusing every lever of power they can to gain more control over the country and We, The People. Exhibit A is the FBI, which is now a brazenly partisan political force with guns and badges, enforcing political policy, not the rule of law.
Joe Biden has complained that the MAGA folks are anti government. Well, yeah, you dummy. You and the individuals you have surrounded yourself with are Exhibit A in why America was founded in the first place, and why the Constitution was written, and why Americans have always been anti-government, suspicious of government and suspicious of the individuals who make their career in government. From our very beginning in 1776, it has been natural for Americans to fear and loathe and reject government, and it is unnatural for anyone calling themselves an American to love, laud, elevate, and promote government.
Government is a necessary evil, and the best government is that which governs least. This Biden group, gang, mafia, whatever you want to call these Chinese pay-off receiving people, loooooves government and all the power it gives them. They worship government, especially the central government in Washington, DC. It naturally follows that these Biden people are not Americans, not in spirit and not in practice. Rather, they are evil fascists determined to use their brief time at the wheel to steer the car over the cliff. They are not making decisions that are good for America or Americans, but rather they are making decisions that serve their lust for power and control. Everything they do to and with America is the opposite of what America was founded to do.
Biden and the people around him are bad people. They should not be running the central government in Washington, DC. And as you may know, I am 100% certain they were not voted into office by the American voters in 2020. One person who would have emphatically and forcefully rejected over-reaching Joe Biden and his corruptacrats was General George Washington himself. He would have removed these evil scum from office one way or another, and I am absolutely certain he would have thoroughly cleaned up the rest of our messy house, as well. Because he, George Washington, was so anti-government that he rejected the ultimate power of being crowned as America’s monarch.
George Washington was as anti-government as anyone can be, and as we all know, he was the ultimate American. It is perfectly natural for all Americans to reject government, to be suspicious of government and its employees, and to be anti government. This focus on individual freedom is what makes us Americans!
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