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Veteran’s Day speech 2050

“Today is Veteran’s Day, in the year 2050, and I would like to acknowledge and thank our armed services veterans for their dedication and selfless loyalty.

This year of 2050 marks the thirtieth anniversary of our party’s glorious revolution against the old racist and capitalist United States of America. Our beautiful revolution that began with the party’s righteous overthrow of the corrupt old election system in 2020 could only have been made sure by the joining of the American military with the party. As I said, it is the military veterans of our many difficult but ultimately successful campaigns against domestic terrorists to rid America of racist capitalist oppression who made the party dominant and who brought peace and equity to our shores.

Without our glorious veterans today, we could never have re-made America into what it was meant to be: A unified, centralized, single party nation that serves all people equally. The antiquated and racist so-called Constitution of the old republic was made irrelevant by the dominant forcefulness and sacrifice of our party’s military forces and the many veterans of the several branches who gave their all to ensure that the party became the supreme source of all that is good in America today.

So I want to acknowledge and thank from the bottom of my heart on this Veteran’s Day all of you who have served the party and America so well.

Hakeem Jeffries, Secretary of Peace, Socialist Nation of America”

If we want to avoid some semblance of this speech from becoming actuality, then we Americans ALL must join together as the founders of America joined together in 1776 to fight the tyranny that daily threatens to dismantle America’s foundation. Witness the Biden DOJ and FBI committing an unconstitutional pre-dawn raid this week against journalist James O’Keefe’s home, where his personal computers and phones were stolen and whose contents were illegally downloaded. Nothing in them had anything to do with any crimes. In fact, just like the January 6th political prisoners rotting in DC jails solitary confinement who have not been officially charged, O’Keefe has not been charged with anything. This is just a political fishing expedition to uncover what O’Keefe knows about powerful people.

Apparently O’Keefe’s Project Veritas is so successful at outing Marxist hypocrisy and domestic threats to America that the full coercive weight of the federal government had to be brought down on him, illegally.

The DOJ and the FBI are now so crystal clearly just arms of the Democrat Party. A political party that is seeking sole dominance by any means necessary. By crushing all dissent that has always been constitutionally protected. But the Constitution is only a piece of paper, and if one party no longer respects it or agrees to abide by it….then it becomes meaningless.

America is in for a real fight to stay as a free nation. A fight against the Biden federal government. Thank you to all the real military veterans who have served, fought, been wounded, or died over the last 240 years, while in the pursuit of keeping the Constitution alive and our freedoms real.

My childhood friend John S. broke out and dusted off his service medals today. It is people like John who created the military deterrent to invasion of America. And it is veterans like John who Americans will probably need to call upon again to create a deterrent to the domestic terrorists and enemies now in control of the federal government. Thank you for your service, Johnny. You make us proud.

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