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Christine Blasey Ford sets back Women’s Rights a Hundred Years

Forget her calculated, meek, timid, teeny tiny baby girl voice, clearly cultivated and trained for this one moment in front of the cameras. Oh, so vulnerable, the poor thing!

Forget that from 1983 until just a few years ago, Christine B. Ford could easily have intervened in any one of several big, public career moves by Judge Kavanaugh as he went from confirmation hearing to confirmation hearing. But she did not.

Forget that Ms. Ford did not say anything to anyone about Kavanaugh until he was about to be confirmed to the US Supreme Court, and then My! What amazing timing she has!

Forget that Ms. Ford cannot recall the day, the date, or even the YEAR, for God’s sake, that her supposed encounter with Kavanaugh happened, nor any of the people around, nor can any of the people who were around their high school at that time recall Kavanaugh being involved. But brother, is she sure certain it was him.

Forget that Ms. Ford is a hard core leftist political activist, as is her “counselor,” both of whom would probably lie about Kavanaugh just because they both dislike him and his damned conservative values. Yes, forget that Ms. Ford impeached her own credibility today in a blaze of partisan glory.

What is really momentous about today’s Christine Blasey Ford hearing is that she has blown up women’s rights for the next thousand years. By blatantly and so obviously lying about a supposed sexual encounter in her teenaged years, and trying to use this memory to sabotage the confirmation of someone innocent she politically opposes, Ford has created a huge cloud of mistrust and skepticism around any other similar claim or allegation.

Ford has now raised the bar for women who are truly and actually abused, not lowered it.

Ironically, Ford has raised peoples’ consciousness about how vulnerable good men are to being falsely accused by lying political activists, who see nothing wrong or immoral about lying to achieve political ends.

Ladies, as a man who has himself directly intervened in an attempted rape, and who lusted for bloody revenge against the perpetrator after he literally escaped my grasping fingers and dove into his truck and drove off (and the victim lay on the ground a complete mess), I can tell you that most men feel a sense of protection for women. We want you to be safe, secure, confident, and happy. But we feel equally repulsed by a woman like Ms. Ford, and we are angry at women who would use her or anyone else as a tool to attack men in general and impugn a good person like Kavanaugh.

Ms. Ford and her political supporters calculated badly here. They just may get the weak Republicans to back off of this nomination, only because the Republicans are mostly namby pamby silk stocking fancy princesses in love with their own careers more than they love America’s success.

But to the rest of us men, and to a lot of women who we are married to and who we work with, Ford and her crones have made a huge mistake. They have proven that nothing is sacred to them, and that they will exploit anything, and lie about anything, to get ahead politically.

This hard fact hurts all women, equally and badly.

Way to go, Ms. Ford, way to go. You fool.

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