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The Democrat War against Women

While it is a good feeling to see the crazed mob activity surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation come to an end, the more one thinks about this entire debacle, the more one must come to an inevitable and uncomfortable conclusion.

That conclusion is based on the overwhelming evidence from the past ten years of behavior of most elected Democrats.

The fact is, the Democrat Party really hates women, and it has waged a vicious war on women that only in the past couple of weeks finally came to light.

Watching Blasey Ford lie (and is she ever a professional liar, having co-authored a psychological paper on how to hypnotize yourself so you can lie convincingly) under oath, she knowing that her credibility was already damned and that the damage she would inflict on many true victims of sexual harassment and abuse was enormous, many Americans surely saw the net result: American women must always be weak victims.

Ford’s creative little girl voice during testimony was so obviously designed to elicit an emotional response in her audience to suit helpless little girls. Nothing about her false testimony was forceful or honest. She was pretending to be oh, so vulnerable and helpless.

Lying about something so serious and sacred as rape and sexual molestation is sick. For attempted political gain it is evil.

It turns out that David Bolger is right: “In contemporary feminism, the ideal man is a grown woman. The ideal woman is a little baby.”

That is, the Democrat war on masculinity is matched by its war on heroic and strong women leaders.

Others have commented that the Democrats have maintained their own axe murdering serial rapists like US President Bill Clinton, and their own rape enablers like senator Ted Kennedy, Hollywood creature Harvey Weinstein, politician Hillary Clinton, and sexual predator Democrat leader Keith Ellison, all of whom remain untouchable heroes to most if not all Democrat voters. None of these bad people are held accountable by fellow Democrats for the evil damage they do to women across America.

So the resulting standard for actual adult Democrat behavior is really bad, really rapey.

The official Democrat Party standard for women is a woman really weak and unable to defend herself, completely at the mercy of everyone around her. And in fact, many Democrat Party women have been physically and emotionally damaged by Democrat Party men, who have not been held accountable because of official Democrat Party policy to protect Democrat Party Men at all costs. Witness the circling of Democrat Party wagons around grabby handsy Keith Ellison.

This behavior is a real and true war on women and womanhood. It is the worst sort of war, because it is devious and deceitful, not up front and honest.

Democrat Women are told that if they are raped, molested, harassed or abused by a Democrat Party man, then that is their lot in life and they must simply put up with it and shut up about it. Nothing is more sexist than telling women they must be weak, defenseless, compliant, and unable to stand up for themselves.

How any self-respecting woman can remain in the Democrat Party is a mystery. Well wait…one thing we have seen in the past few weeks is there are no self-respecting women left in the Democrat Party.


Are Turtles Crossing the Road Really a Threat?

Why drivers seem to target slow-moving, non-threatening little turtles is beyond understanding.

Don’t we all have a soft spot in our hearts for innocent, vulnerable, gentle creatures that do us no harm?

The same goes for snakes, which eat the rodent mice, rats, and chipmunks that do so much damage to our homes, crops, gardens, and vehicles.

Every spring and summer, turtles cross roads as they leave water bodies like rivers, ponds, lakes, and marshes, and seek out soft soil where they can lay their eggs, so that the next generation of their kind can continue their unimposing life cycle.  Yet every year, roadways are littered with dead and wounded turtles, many dying slowly in the baking hot sun.

Their crime is nothing more than appearing in front of humans behind the wheel of a machine.  Are so many of us really so homicidal or sadistic that we go out of our way to hurt, injure, and kill a little helpless animal?

The unfortunate, sad answer is Yes, a lot of drivers go out of their way to hit turtles with their cars.  You can simply look at where the turtles lie, crushed or wounded on the side of the road, where the car driver had to actually veer off the roadway to hit the helpless little thing.  What is really sad is that turtles take at least ten years to breed, so killing one or two (or stealing one or two) in a given area can doom or kill off the entire population there.

If you have compassion for turtles, you can watch these instructive videos below, where curious turtle-liking guys put a rubber turtle alongside some roads near their homes and generated some unhappy results, and where drivers get out to try and help injured turtles.

Bottom line is Yep, drivers went out of their way to run over the little rubber turtle.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4:



Meanwhile, Obama hands off US relationships to Russia

Amazingly, Obama has managed to hand off a great number of America’s most important relationships to Russia and China.

By engaging Iran in meaningless negotiation, and easing sanctions with nothing in return, Obama has managed to alienate Saudi Arabia and Egypt, isolate Israel, and drive everyone towards China and Russia as the new sources (!!) of stability and strength.

Growing up Quaker did nothing for my ability to see reality. The Quaker discomfort with conflict is legendary (with the exception of making genocidal war against Israel), and that pacifism informs the foolishness now passing as “peace” in Obama’s relationship with evil Iran.

The longer Obama is in power, the less stable the world becomes, the stronger evil nations like Iran and evil groups like the Muslim Brotherhood become. And Obama’s supporters wonder why people like me question if Obama really is a Christian and really is pro America. You can’t do what Obama is doing and make those claims. America is becoming more vulnerable every day under Obama.