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D-Day remembrance & thank you to Vets

Today is the 70th anniversary of “the” D-Day, a combined allied assault on France’s northern shore then in the grip of Hitlerian Germany.

Our family watches the movie Saving Private Ryan every year to help us appreciate what those brave men did that day, clambering through freezing waves into the teeth of bombs and bullets.

For those Americans inclined to disavow and disrespect the military, how do you otherwise explain the heroism that created America in 1776, and which has been a force for good ever since?  Without a military to extend our safety, we’d now be speaking German on the east coast and Japanese on the west coast.  Apparently empty slogans matter more than practicality in a comfortable society, protected as it is by brave warriors.

Thank you to all our Veterans, for all you have done to keep us free, and for preserving all of our rights. For keeping America, America. God bless you all.