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The Democrat Party left me, I did not leave the Democrat Party

Following the ancient dictum of “If you are conservative when you are young, you have no heart, and if you are liberal when you are old, you have no brain,” I was once a registered Democrat.

Long ago, in my early twenties.

True, I was from central Pennsylvania, where the differences between the Democrats and the Republicans (and everyone else) were barely noticeable. The Democrats were the union guys who worked in the coal mines, and a lot of farmers who depended on government crop insurance programs; the Republicans were the mine owners and managers, the small business owners.

But everyone drove the same pickup trucks with an American flag and an NRA sticker. Everyone was full-throated do-or-die patriotic over America. No question. Everyone owned guns. It was the odd home out there that did not have any guns, and in fact, I cannot think of any homes where I grew up that did not have at least a handful of firearms. At least one was a .410 shotgun kept by the back door for starlings, groundhogs, and crows in the garden. Guns were as practical as any other tool in the home.

So in 1988, I was the Al Gore for President campaign’s central Pennsylvania coordinator. Way way back in 1988, you know, before the last Ice Age, Al Gore was an NRA-endorsed, pro-life conservative. His party affiliation was almost irrelevant. He was my kind of guy. And he cared about the environment, in which I like to hunt and fish.

And then the creeping, seeping radical anti-America 1960s politics caught up with even the rural areas, including Tennessee, which then-Senator Al Gore, Jr., lost, after running for president as a kook-Left Democrat. Gore even lost his senate seat.

That is because by the early 1990s, most of America’s rural Democrats started becoming former Democrats, and abandoning the political party that had so suddenly abandoned them.

Fast forward to today, and the Democrat Party is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party. Gone is the patriotism, the pride in America. Hell, even the loyalty to America is gone.

Instead, the Democrat Party has now become a witch’s brew of treason, sedition, anarchy, political violence, lawless political opportunism, and blame-America-for-everything Marxism.

That political party now stands for illegal alien invaders over American citizen taxpayers; for illegal alien invaders over secure borders and secure families inside the borders; for sanctuary cities over the rule of law; for bureaucracy over freedom; for vague feelings of supposedly aggrieved groups over the Constitution’s guarantee of individual rights and liberties for everyone. And so on. There is very little to nothing that the Democrat Party stands for today that is good for America. Pretty much everything the party stands for today is anti-America.

I am pro-America. It is the best nation on the face of the planet, bar none. It has created the greatest amount of opportunity for the greatest variety and number of people of any nation in history. If this is not good enough for you, then America is probably not the right place for you. On the other hand, America is more than good enough for me; I worship America. I am staying here, and I will defend her.

I did not leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me. Hell, the Democrat Party abandoned America, completely.



Independence & Liberty through Secure Borders

Would you willingly leave your house doors open and unlocked, day after day, night after night, and trust that the people looking to walk in would treat you right?

No, you would not leave your own home open and vulnerable to unauthorized entry, and neither will any country worthy of being a place you want to live. Too many bad people can exploit the open border that otherwise protects you. God knows what they can do once they gain entry.

Just 242 years ago today, America established its new borders, and eventually secured them through a young military filled with brave and patriotic volunteers.

Independence and liberty were established for all Americans through secure borders that kept enemies at bay from that time on, through many wars at home and then abroad, to keep our enemies from fighting us at home.

And lest you think the American Indians had no borders amongst themselves, you are wrong, and you know nothing about their history.

From their own beginning here, American Indians from coast to coast waged brutal war and axe murdered one another over their borders and boundaries, over control of those borders, and they cruelly punished people who crossed them unbidden.

Today America has one political party that has decided our borders should be open to anyone who can walk across them. These Americans and their illegal invader allies they’ve already let in believe the American house should be left unlocked so that more can come in. Anyone. Once they have a critical mass of illegal voters, that political party will convert them into an unbeatable voting force, and force their un-American, anti-Constitution views on all Americans.

This one political party is using democracy to achieve non-democratic ends, to establish complete political control and to end democracy in favor of a laundry list of politically correct policies. Their open borders end result is pure sedition and treason. Their goal is the complete overthrow of America as we were founded and as we have known it.

On this Independence Day, commit yourself to defending America as she was founded, with liberty for all. That means defending our borders, keeping them secure, and deciding who can enter and who cannot, for the good of all the nation, like all other nations do.

For those readers who read this blog because they are intrigued by what other people think, join the #walkaway movement. The Democrat Party of today is not the Democrat Party of your youth. It has become a force for evil, run by people who would destroy the best nation on earth. Everything good you take for granted now as the American lifestyle will be gone if today’s Democrat Party is successful.

On this July 4th, commit yourself to liberty and justice for all, and to secure American borders.

Happy Independence Day, America!


ACLU: America’s Public Enemy #1

If you love America, and if you are concerned about serious damage done to Americans by individual groups, then there is one organization that really deserves your hatred: The American Civil Liberties Union, or ACLU.

The ACLU was never really about civil liberties, but it has done enough related legal work over the decades to earn a modicum of credibility. Enough to perhaps justify its name. OK.

But what the ACLU is really and most truly focused on is destroying America’s legal and cultural fabric from the inside.

There is not one bizarre, weird, contradictory, contrarian, way-out-there case the ACLU has not taken in order to further damage America. The ACLU has no inherent right to its subversive anti-America activities; the absence of law enforcement oversight of the ACLU simply reflects Americans’ big-hearted if misplaced tolerance for all kinds of behavior. Even treason. This derives from most Americans’ overconfident sense that America is too big to fail, that we can allow ourselves to be subjected to all kinds of destructive forces, even illegal forces, as part of our open-minded democratic process.

If there is one area where the ACLU has done the most damage to the average American citizen, it is on illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a health issue for American citizens. Illegal aliens have stabbed, raped, shot, driven over, and tortured countless innocent American citizens, not to mention the billions of tax dollars illegal aliens take from taxpayers every year through their use of schools, hospitals, police services, and other public and semi-public resources. All without paying the same taxes we pay.

It is all take, take, take, and no give.

Illegal aliens are illegal by law. This is not some philosophical jousting match. Illegal entry to any nation is a huge deal. Just look at how Mexico deals with illegal entry from both its south and north: Jail time in the worst conditions. Or worse. There are many illegal immigrants who enter Mexico from southern countries like El Salvador and Colombia who are summarily executed by Mexican police.

But here in America, a free-for-all is under way, where one political party wants as many illegal aliens as possible, in order to then make them legal so they can vote, or give them voting rights even if they do not eventually become legal citizens. This is treasonous behavior, and the ACLU is fighting every day for this to occur.

Dreamers? Are they kidding? What about my own kids, born here in America to law-abiding tax-paying citizen parents? Do they not have their own dreams? Why do the “dreams” of illegal aliens matter more than the dreams and hopes of my own children? And why does the ACLU put the interests of all these illegal invaders above and beyond the rights and interests of American law and of my own family?

Now that so many Americans are angry at the NRA, for what reason I cannot tell, all I can say is fine. If you are going to vilify and seek to destroy a group of gun owners who stand with and for the basic written meaning of the American Constitution, then I am going to seek to destroy a truly evil organization that enjoys seeing average good Americans hurt and killed every day by illegal invaders: The ACLU.

The ACLU has no right to behave the way it does. No American law anywhere says the ACLU can behave as a seditious, treasonous foreign agent. Every ACLU office should be raided by law enforcement looking for the obvious evidence of crimes against the American people. Every ACLU lawyer should be disbarred and jailed for obstruction of justice. Every ACLU bank account must be frozen and liquidated for damages against the American taxpayer.

We Americans can start this process with a good old-fashioned boycott of all ACLU allies and funders. Let’s picket their offices, pelt their staff with rotten eggs, and disrupt their meetings. Let’s call them publicly what they are, murderers, lawless enemies of a law-based nation, using our legal system to artificially advance an unjust cause of government destruction and actual physical warfare against America’s citizens from within.