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Summertime Relaxation vs. Biden Admin daily anti-America insurrection

It is presently the summer time, a time when we go to the beach, mountains, or the local forests to relax, take a break from work and life’s responsibilities, and to spend time with our families. National and state parks are huge destinations for tens of millions of Americans.

Summer vacations are a part and parcel of American and European culture, and they should be an easy time. A time of happiness, cookouts, cold beer, maybe cutting wintertime firewood for your cabin or camp site, hanging out, fishing, camping, exploring, visiting historical sites, etc. You get it, this is nothing new to Americans or Europeans. And for me, this is the heart of my summer time. I do everything listed above and then some, and it is on purpose that I have left this blog site unattended for weeks, while I try to rest my mind and body.


I say “try” because the decades of the Left’s anti-America planning and plotting are now debuting new attacks. Daily Americans are treated to new discoveries of election theft, the role of the US FBI and DOJ not in stopping crime, but actually in CREATING crimes so that they can then “solve” them and then create political leverage for the Left.

Two examples:

We now know that the FBI had a substantial undercover presence at the January 6th rally in DC. Dozens of undercover FBI agents and paid FBI ‘informants’ were infiltrated into the rally crowd, along with hundreds of other FBI-allied street activists, all of whom purposefully instigated fights with Capitol Police and engaged in acts of violence and vandalism. While it is a bit of a stretch to say the acts of 500-800 people at the US Capitol (the People’s House) were a false flag operation, it is absolutely, indisputably true that a great deal of the violence and destruction that occurred January 6th was either done by FBI agents and or their paid civilian helpers.

In other words, the FBI was a cause of the January 6th problems. The same FBI that is now kicking in doors with SWAT teams to violently take into custody grandmas, grandpas, and entire families who were ushered into the US Capitol building by the Capitol Police themselves.

In terms of the January 6th DC rally violence, the FBI was greatly involved in both creating the “problem,” and then in charge of “solving” the very problem they themselves created. All for obvious political purposes. This is corrupt.

Another example is the now horribly unfolding truth about the supposed plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer. What we are now learning is that of the half dozen or so defendants in that alleged plot, at least TWELVE were FBI agents or FBI paid informants. In some of the group meetings and vehicles involved in this now clearly fake “plot,” the undercover FBI agents and their paid informants were actually the great majority of the participants or outnumbered everyone else.

This raises the question and immediately resulting answer of whether or not the FBI actually created, staffed, and staged the entire Whitmer kidnap plot, once again for overt political purposes (supposedly fighting against supposed white supremacist militia people). In other words, by all appearances the FBI created the plot in order to “solve” the plot. Think hard about what this means about the nation’s primary “law enforcement” organization…it means the lawless FBI is completely corrupt and that it is a political arm of one political party.

Never mind that the Biden Administration also has the US military actually flying illegal aliens into America on US military planes, or that the administration is trying to create a 1984-like Ministry of Truth that is anything but truthful. Never mind that every day there is also some other new totally illegal, unlawful, un-American, lawless outrage committed by the Biden Administration against America and everyday taxpaying Americans. Within just eight months, the Biden Administration has turned the entire US government AGAINST America.

So while it is summertime, and I am trying to enjoy my summer break with my wife and kids and friends, I am also horrified by the official lawlessness emanating out of Washington, DC, and its satellite offices sprinkled around the many dis-united states. I need a break from this daily assault, and I also need time to digest the huge volume of daily lawlessness that marks the Biden Administration’s coup d’etat against the American Republic.

Next up… Washington DC Prison City vs. A Dozen Free States