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Passover & Easter messages of Freedom

Freedom has been the goal of human beings forever.

Freedom to be your own unique self as God created you, freedom to think your own thoughts, freedom to travel where you wish, freedom to worship God in your own way, freedom to speak your mind without fear of reprisal or punishment, freedom to pursue the work you like, freedom to read the books you want and etc.

And yet, despite all of the deepest yearnings humans have had for individual and communal freedom for tens of thousands of years, freedom has nonetheless been really tough to achieve or gain for any meaningful amount of time. Here in America, the concept of freedom as Americans know it today was achieved on the frontier, where European settlers, run-away and freed blacks, and American Indians lived in a sometimes mostly peaceful communal free-for-all, and most of the time in an ebb-and-flow of painful tumult and settlement. It was on the American frontier that Europeans finally broke the chains of feudal serfdom, because they were finally out of the reach of feudal overlords.

They lived as they wanted to live.

Along the American east coast British and Dutch militaries enforced iron laws that funneled money, goods, and loyalty to far distant monarchs in Europe. But within the American interior, what we call the frontier, a new kind of human was developing. European ideals of hard work and self sacrifice blended with American Indian ideas of self-reliance and communal reliance, free of overbearing overlords imposing their own selfish demands. And what resulted was pure freedom, now enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

While early in our nation’s history the American Indians were still largely nomadic, or at least seasonal travelers across wide landscapes, the European Americans brought a focus on permanent settlement. They also brought values and hopes from the Torah (Old Testament) and the Gospel (New Testament), what today we accurately describe as a uniquely synthesized Judeo-Christian ethic for daily life and expectations from our government.

Both Judaism and Christianity celebrate freedom, and in this week of Passover (tonight) and Easter (coming Sunday), and in this American time of great peril for individual freedom, it is important to note how both these faiths mark freedom and value it as the highest form of human expression.

Why is American freedom in great peril? Because bad people who crave control and dominion over everyone and everything have seized control of the American government. Like the early Americans did in their battle with Britain, we must think of these bad people as the Pharoahs in the story of Exodus, and think of the American citizen – you and me – as the ancient Israelites, escaping harsh bondage.

These bad people constantly demand that We, The People behave one way, while they conspicuously behave the opposite. They wear their double standard hypocrisy like a badge of honor. To them, it demonstrates their authoritarian power over everyone else, their ability to behave contrary to the way they demand everyone else behave. Behaving publicly in a hypocritical manner is a demonstration of their power over everyone else. I know this is sick and anti-democratic, but the Left is completely drunk on power and is anti-democratic. They think they know what is best for everyone, and that we must all live according to their supposedly brilliant ideas (that have already failed in so many other places like the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Cuba etc), so no freedom for us regular “little people.”

With the holiday of Passover, Judaism teaches about the centrality of physical freedom. Freedom from slavery, freedom from political overlords who control everything we eat, think, say, and do. While Jews always celebrate Passover, there are many Christians who also observe a “Last Supper” tonight among friends and family.

With the holiday of Easter, Christians celebrate the concept of spiritual freedom; freedom from earthly limits and earthly/ physical chains. One of the first steps any authoritarian government does is to break the link between humans and one another and between humans and God. The state must become God for the state to become all-powerful, and so spiritual freedom is a powerful antidote to evil people running government badly.

Both of these separate celebrations this week, Passover and Easter, are critical to Americans and to any human being anywhere who wants to remain free or attain freedom. America has a unique blend of individual freedom and individual opportunity that no other country has. It is why everyone in the world wants to move to America.

But if we Americans are going to hold onto the Constitutional Republic that so many men have died to create and hold onto, then we must make public our celebration of freedom and our demand for freedom. We must embolden one another and embrace one another and stand side by side with one another, because right now We, The People are facing a truly tyrannical and evil government that seeks to take away the freedom that we all have. All of it. Forever.

Only standing all together can we withstand their attack on us.

Freedom. Celebrate it, mark it, identify it, value it, cherish it, and never ever relinquish it. Whatever freedom the government people can take away from you they will never ever give back to you.

Happy Passover and Happy Easter freedom to all of my fellow Americans. Celebrate freedom as you will, but celebrate it by God and never ever stand down.

Kevin McCarthy is an evil DC swamp thing

Congressman Kevin McCarthy is a corrupt career politician from the Marxist state of California. To be a Republican from California in 2023, you would by necessity have to be really slimy and corrupt. McCarthy has been in Washington DC for a long time, and his ties to the evil DC Swamp run long and deep. Heck, just look at his shielded face, his hooded eyes. You can easily read McCarthy’s crookedness by his outward facial appearance and body language. In fact, he has a lot of Justin Trudeau’s same body language going on (Canada). And Gavin Newsom’s for that matter (California governor).

These people above all share a common lust for power and control that overrides elementary human decency and empathy. Anyone who wants that much control should never be allowed to have it, and yet, if McCarthy becomes the next Speaker of the US House, then he will have it.

My congressman, Scott Perry, has been wonderfully vocal about McCarthy’s cozy relationship with the DC Swamp, and how McCarthy refuses to make commitments to transparency and accountability that would change the way Washington DC spends our taxpayer money. Thank you, Congressman Perry.

What is really amazing is how weak willed and sycophantic most elected congresspeople are. They each want power and control so badly that they fall all over themselves to elect someone dirty like McCarthy. The people supporting McCarthy for Speaker are not conservatives, they are career politicians in search of wealth and power through a public service job. And this list of lame-os now includes Marjorie Taylor Greene, a freshman congresswoman who has raised hell with Washington DC criminality since the day she arrived.

How did fake Republican Liz Cheney go to Congress for just six years at an annual $175,000 salary, and emerge as a multimillionaire? What kinds of illegal, unethical, anti-citizen, anti-America back-room deals did she make to earn that kind of wealth? And it’s not just Liz Cheney, it is the vast majority of the elected officials in Washington that use their official office for personal gain.


So here we are today with RINO Rep. Kevin McCarthy trying to gain the speakership at all costs and with no commitments to advancing Republican values like good government, limited government, accountable government and public employees. I wonder if USA arch enemy China has purchased McCarthy like a sack of potatoes, too.

Like a lot of Americans, I am fed up with the political parties. They do not interest me, because it’s like watching two criminal gangs fight each other. The citizens lose no matter which gang is in charge. What does interest me is limited government, transparent government, accountable government.

Like: Why the hell is the IRS now empowered to track our $600.00 (six hundred Dollar) purchases and incomes, along with enormous destruction of our individual constitutional rights, but We The People have zero control or information over how the federal government, like its IRS, spends OUR money?

Kevin McCarthy is an evil DC Swamp Thing. He cannot be Speaker, and if he does become Speaker through the weakness of most GOP congresscritters, then America is done for, because he will protect the DC Swamp from being changed or challenged or held accountable. And America will never have another opportunity after this Congress to hold DC accountable.

Happy 2023, friends

May all of us enjoy a 2023 far better than what we saw in 2022: Record inflation led by unnecessarily high energy costs caused by anti America policies in Washington DC, a federal bureaucracy out of control and at war with and not answering to the citizens who own it, and a cracking and fracturing of our unique American culture under the nonstop assault of anti America woke PC politics.
Twitter Files revealed an enormous and illegal government censorship of citizens that has violated the First Amendment of our Constitution.
May 2023 be the year the American citizen reclaims his government and borders. God bless America and God bless our citizens. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023, friends.

My body, my….self…?

My sense is that abortion was the issue of this week’s mid-term election. After all, all of the digital online advertising I received about Fetterman, Shapiro, and Mastriano was about that one issue. And Democrat Party poll workers confirmed their own belief that abortion would galvanize their voters. It seems to have worked, and fended off what was touted as a “red wave” of conservative response to failed governance in Washington DC.

My mind wanders back to 1972 or 1973, when I was a young kid, but old enough to become self aware. My hippie parents had the Our Bodies, Our Selves book laying out in the living room. When no adults were around I would look at this book and marvel at the array of hairy women parading their naked bodies in it. At an early age, then, I determined that naked woman was good, hairy was not good. One idea that sticks in my mind (having long ago eradicated the book’s “natural” images from my memory banks) is the novel concept that a person’s body is their own.

I think freedom-loving Americans can emphatically agree on this, that a person’s body is their own and nobody else’s.  Where Americans diverge from one another is what is our body? Is it just the living, walking adult body, or does that also include young humans growing inside of it?

Reasonable people can and should debate this subject, and if pro-Life advocates want to make headway politically and culturally, then they have got to do a much better job explaining their perspective on when human life begins, why it is sacred, and how abortion-on-demand is not a my body, my self policy issue, but rather an “our bodies intertwined together” humanity issue. They must do a much better job, as this week’s election results demonstrate (assuming no election fraud occurred, which in some states is once again already obvious and in-your-face to the point of training voters to regularly accept it from one political party).

To be fair to the pro-Life anti-abortion voters, advocates, and candidates like Doug Mastriano, a lot of Americans felt like the two-year Covid1984 plandemic was one gigantic official assault on the idea of Our Bodies, Our Selves. A lot of voters this week showed up to vote against the unconstitutional government overreach, official lies, official illegalities, and government personnel self-enrichment that characterized the past two years of Covid1984. They thought other Americans felt the same.

Draconian lockdowns to the point of absurdity (lone sea kayakers being surrounded by heavily armed police boats and arrested for violating a “public health code,” sunbathers sitting totally alone on a beach, and married couples sitting alone in their car at scenic overlooks being similarly mistreated by aggressive police officers etc.), pointless and highly damaging school closures, useless mask requirements, and dangerous fake vaccine requirements that are now yielding an enormous number of vaccine-caused injuries and deaths, all and every aspect of the Covid1984 experience was one huge pile of Our Bodies, Our Selves books being symbolically burned by government staffers and leftist political activists in a joyous ceremony to mark the end of the idea that your body is yours and yours alone, and to emphasize that the government, their government, can do to you whatever it wants whenever it wants.

Conservative voters and candidates mistakenly thought that leftists would be consistent in their body sovereignty thinking, that everyone else felt the same (logically consistent) as conservatives about this disaster, and that they would vote accordingly.

And this is the confusing part of this my body, my self as a public policy issue and debate subject. On the one hand we have a lot of Americans who were and still are being severely damaged by the government’s purposefully bad handling of Covid1984, and they are pushing back. (Despite the Biden DOJ’s designation of them as “domestic terrorists” for merely speaking out in official taxpayer-funded venues.)

And on the other hand we have a lot of Americans who think that not only is the government’s brutal and useless Covid1984 overreach into your body and your body choices great public policy, but that the use of crushing government coercive force to implement it and force you to comply or be destroyed was just great, too. And yet a lot of these same people are the pro abortion Our Bodies, Our Selves believers who were animated enough to show up to vote this week.

This is confusing because it is inconsistent. Choice should be choice…right?

If you spend time reading this blog, then you already know I am not enamored of liberal/ leftist thinking, because I cannot make it make sense. And to be fair, most leftists and liberals I speak with about this are quite honest about it: They don’t care about logic, reason, or being consistent. They want their political issues the way they want them, and to hell with your criticisms.

In a democratic nation and in a Western Civilization based on logic, reason, debate, and persuasion, we have a conundrum here. Americans are talking right past each other, and not just about our bodies being sovereign from outside forces. Americans are failing to communicate with each other on a whole array of political and cultural topics. I am firmly on the side of reason, logic, and reasoned debate being at the center of our governance process, and so I stand firmly with the dreaded “conservatives.”

But I will say this to the conservatives, like governor candidate Doug Mastriano: If you are going to make the elimination or regulation of abortion your main public policy goal, then you had damned well better explain it to the public very carefully, frame it in context of the 2020-2022 Covid1984 government assault on Americans’ bodies, and you had better not do any interviews where snippets of your public statements can be used to paint you into a corner. At least half of America is not able or willing to discuss this subject, and to them only the axe-murdering abortion of a helpless and sacred child is their singular and joyous right; what the government does to their bodies the other 99% of the time is the business of the government and none of their own. They are not thinking clearly about this, and candidates must work hard to connect the abortion dot to the Covid1984 dot for future voters. Or don’t work on it, and shut the hell up about it.

And I will also say this to the liberals/ leftists: Your apparent worshiping of abortion as an act, to the point of killing the living, viable child at birth, makes you look like a primitive bloodthirsty death cult. This is not civilized behavior by people who advocate for myriad other intrusive government policies “if it saves just one child.” So long as you inhabit this childish shadowland of disconnected and strongly contrasting public policies, your fellow Americans will understandably deride you as foolish children who actually hate children.

Does this book also apply to the victims of bad government policies on Covid? If not, then there is no body sovereignty for anyone


Classified shmassified

So now that the Mar-a-Lago phony search warrant that the FBI/DOJ illegally shopped around to a blatantly anti-Republican, anti-Trump kind-of judge (Reinhart), who by typical jurisprudence standards should have recused himself from this entire Trump subject, has been unveiled, we see more holes in the document than there is actual document to see.

The entire shameful DOJ allegation behind the search of Mar-a-Lago is about yet a bunch more empty “process crimes,” wherein completely innocent Americans are accused of having done something deliberately false in order to cover up the crimes they never committed. Hint: If you never committed a crime in the first place, and it would therefore not even cross your mind that you could have committed a crime, then why the hell would you lie to anyone or obstruct anyone from finding out about a “crime”?!

These are vague, shallow, made-up bullschiff allegations and charges that are only meant to ensnare innocent people into the criminal justice system. Because of “wrong” political thinking and stuff. To shut these people up and stop them from living freely and speaking to their fellow citizens. And as we have witnessed over the past several years (Roger Stone, J6 accused et al), the official criminal justice system within Washington, DC, is absolutely and irredeemably corrupt and politically partisan. Lady Justice is not just blind there, she is purposefully pushing down hard on one side of her scale to favor one side. Again, all of this is illegal activity that must be corrected, or America as it stood for 240 years is over and done with, kaput.

This means that legal due process does not exist within the DOJ/FBI circuit and especially also when they then kick their trumped up cases over to the judiciary in Washington, DC. And for those readers who skipped American Government 101 in favor of Gender Pretzel Bending 101 in college, due process is the heart and soul of American government and its justice system. Without due process, without blind justice that treats all of us fairly and equally, there is not only no justice, there is only injustice. And that means complete systemic failure.

This means that the entire raid at Mar-a-Lago is on fake grounds, unjustified, and illegal. The fact that the federal agents pointed their guns at Trump’s lawyer and said she could not view the search warrant nor the search of the premises itself, is also a big indication of illegal activity on site, by the FBI. Many people now believe that the agents in fact planted false evidence and hid listening devices inside the home. Why else would their “search” for documents they already knew were in one secure location that FBI staff had already looked at take an entire NINE HOURS? Why else did the FBI ask for the site’s many security cameras to be turned off? Who the hell at the FBI believes this doesn’t stink to high heaven?

A few other important facts to consider in all of this Biden government criminal circus:

  • The president, any president, including President Trump, has absolute authority to take whatever records with him from his Oval Office and personal office when he leaves.
  • The president has the highest security clearance of anyone in America. There is no document he cannot see, as president and as ex-president. And there is no reason for the president to try to secret away Top Secret documents. It makes zero sense.
  • The president has sole and irrevocable authority to declassify any government documents or records he sees fit. Before he left office, President Trump directed that all documents relating to Crossfire Hurricane (the Russiagate hoax + Steele DNC pee fraud thing and the domestic spying crimes against Donald Trump and then President Trump), the Ukraine hoax, the two impeachment hoaxes, etc, as well as his own documents, all be declassified. With that single order, all those documents became declassified. It appears that there are some insubordinate petty bureaucrats now claiming that because they did not stamp the documents as declassified, then they actually are not yet really declassified. That’s horseshit. It’s just more raw, unending, illegal insubordination against the Commander in Chief, and it has no effect on the Commander in Chief’s direct order that these apparently unaccountable public employees received. The documents are declassified and must be available to the public and to President Trump. If he has them, they are his. The FBI has no legal right to remove them from his home.
  • This ability by the US President to declassify documents is an absolute and unlimited authority. It’s the way our constitution is written. It presumes that whoever is the president cares too much about America to divulge truly top secret national security secrets under his authority.
  • The now completely corrupted FBI and DOJ know this, but they act as if they don’t. It’s at the root of their lawlessness and dangerously reckless behavior, because the two agencies are run by people whose own criminal culpability are deeply implicated by those same documents. They don’t want them being released. They want to pretend they are “Top Secret” in order to hide their own crimes. The DOJ’s “classified document” claim can be summed up in a simple response: Classified shmassified.

  • There is no “rat” in President Trump’s inner circle. That person does not exist, and the suggestion of it is a ploy by the leftist Washington Post to plant the seed of legitimacy to the illegitimate raid.

Some FBI agents are beginning to come forward to spill the beans about the illegal politicization and corruption of the world’s once premier law enforcement agency. Few Americans now trust the FBI and the DOJ. The left never did, and even if they now control these two agencies, they treat them like a trained poisonous snake. It was the balance of America that revered the two agencies. You know, the normal people, the law abiding people, the patriotic law-and-order people. Now they have lost confidence. So I’ll bet maybe twenty percent of Americans trust the FBI.

Which raises a whole lot of other questions about the legitimacy of a violently rogue government that is supposed to be working for The People, and which obtains its legitimacy from the consent of The People, but which deliberately attacks The Innocent People and plays illegal games with their due process rights.

Just how legitimate is a government that behaves illegally with great force?

While it is unclear who the two openly armed staff are, either FBI or Secret Service, the arrogant, defiant body language of the FBI employee in the blue shirt says it all.





Two proofs in 24 hours that the 2020 election was stolen

Within a single 24-hour period we have just witnessed two glaring smoking gun proofs that the Biden Campaign stole the 2020 election, stole the presidency, and hijacked America.

The first smoking gun with flames coming out of the barrel is the passage of a US Senate bill, to be signed into law by Biden, that funds the hiring of an additional 83,000 (yes, eighty three thousand) armed IRS agents to investigate and criminally charge every single American who the political bosses of the IRS target. If the IRS Lois Lerner politically partisan debacle past is any indication of the likely future, political conservatives will be swarmed by this literal army of political operatives. These agents will use “the law” to destroy their political opponents. Imagine millions of conservatives being turned upside down and having the loose change shaken out of their pockets, and then criminally charged for literally penny ante mistakes.

No wonder the IRS bought up millions of rounds of bullets in recent years; they anticipated this law, and guess who they are going to be shooting them at: YOU.

The Wall Street Journal just said that the IRS is “about to go into beast mode” against the American people, and only the most politically partisan anti-America authoritarians are cheering this on. President Donald Trump would never have signed this into law, because he would never support this kind of grotesquely big Sheriff of Nottingham- type intrusive government. An authoritarian was needed to sign this law, and only someone like Joe Biden would do it. So the election was stolen to get this kind of massive change on the American political and legal landscape. It is one more official weapon to be used against the political opponents of the Democrat Party.

The second smoking gun evidence is yesterday’s illegal FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s home, Mar-a-Lago, in Florida. This unwarranted forceful entry raid was illegal in so many ways, but its purpose was not meant to be legal. It is meant to send a message: No innocent American citizen is out of the reach of the lawless, rogue Biden FBI and DOJ. They will falsely accuse you and unjustly charge you just to hurt you. Because you are different than them.

The conflict of interest here is obvious. Biden is misusing the federal government’s monopoly on coercive force under color of law to politically damage his likely 2024 political challenger. Only under an unaccountable authoritarian government (like Cuba, Venezuela, a zillion African countries, Russia, the 1940s communist takeover of Eastern European nations etc) can something this egregious be done against political opponents. And so the 2020 election had to be stolen in order to blunt change-maker Trump.

Friends, if the Biden rogues had won legitimately in 2020, and if like normal politicians they were at all concerned about being held accountable through the voting system, they would be treading very lightly. Instead, we see the federal government being hyper aggressively used to commit the most egregious, violent illegalities perpetrated in America’s history against political opponents of the Democrat Party, beginning in January 2021 and ramping up daily ever since.

This is powerful evidence that the election thieves feel invincible, and unaccountable. They stole the 2020 election in order to hijack the American government, and they are implementing that hijacking right in front of our faces.

Three more, very brief, thoughts about Roe v. Wade

With the US Supreme Court addressing the policy question of abortion by simply returning it to the fifty states to decide themselves individually (and not in any way ending all abortion ever), a lot of silly hot air has been exuded in response over the past two weeks. And also a lot of terroristic death threats against the US Supreme Court justices have been made, too, by the usual “we represent all peace and love and justice” people. Some of these threats being made right outside their homes, and some while the Justices are eating at Morton’s Steak House in DC. You know, only the real basic elements of democratic process at play….at least according to the Biden Administration, which refuses to implement the federal law that categorically prohibits people from protesting or picketing outside the homes of judges. Because of threats n stuff.

So all this activity inspires yours truly to add three more real simple, brief thoughts on this subject:

  1. Everyone reading this…be thankful…you were not aborted,
  2. Proponents of unlimited abortion on demand have become unbelievably callous about human life and body autonomy, even while simultaneously demanding that Americans/ Canadians/ Europeans automatically, unconditionally, unquestioningly submit their bodies to mysterious government injections and body movement passports and chip implantations to force our physical compliance with government bureaucrats. Is there any logical consistency among these human death cult people? Do you guys ever think through your policy positions? Do you value logical consistency?
  3. The intellectual wackiness and slovenly behavior of the pro-abortion-all-the-time advocates is so extreme that even satire about it is actually funny: Meet Satan.

Abortion activist Satan specifically thanks the useless, spineless Republicans and their leader Mitch McConnell (Source: Babylon Bee)

Roe v. Wade was never about abortion

Like so many other far-reaching court decisions, or laws, or executive orders emanating from Washington, DC, Roe v. Wade was originally cast publicly as something it actually wasn’t.

Yes, on its face Roe v. Wade was about abortion, the termination of human life while still inside the mother’s body. But in fact, the way the court’s decision was structured, it was the exuberantly creative legal theory behind the Roe decision that was most important. And it was that legal theory that laid the ground work for so much of the openly political activist behavior we see emanating from way too many judges and federal bureaucrats across America.

Roe v. Wade was decided within a time of great social turmoil and cultural change, and a lot of the contemporaneous political activism pressure from the Left is visible in Roe. Especially the twin evil sisters of moral relativism and intellectual relativism. One example is the in-artfully creative use of the word “penumbra,” a sort of shadowy shadow that reputedly lay over so many different amendments to the US Constitution that clearly listing them all was just too tiring to Roe’s authors. Yes, the Court majority invoked aspects of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and went on to stitch together a pseudo- logical framework for legal decision (then using the 14th Amendment) making that is still with us today.

Vagueness as a reason for heavy handed policy is now the Left’s standard. “Because we told you to do it” is the way that is spelled out.

Every professor who taught me constitutional law was a liberal, and every single time any one of them delved into Roe, a smirk was on their face. Lots of eye rolling and chuckling accompanied these professors’ analysis of the poor legal reasoning behind the decision. Which meant to me then, and even more so now, that no one with real constitutional law training believed Roe was a legitimate legal decision based on actual logic, law, and fundamental constitutional principles. Rather, all the liberals who exulted in Roe did so because it backdoor-attained a policy goal they could not achieve through the legislative process, and because it established a mush-headed standard for all future legal decisions.

So today, some fifty years after Roe v. Wade-type legal analysis has wafted its way throughout the legal profession, the courts, and the bureaucracy, we see the ultimate and inevitable result of such a “creative” legal approach: Although the Second Amendment says crystal clearly that citizens may both keep and publicly bear firearms, and that this right shall not be infringed, a zillion policy makers and courts blatantly ignore 2A’s plain wording and just start throwing anti-gun policy ideas into the pot. These judges give no respect to what the Constitution actually says; rather, they use their court rooms purely for writing policies that fit their political views. Same goes for ATF bureaucrats.

I blame Roe v. Wade for where our court system is now. And where it is now is not just political policy shops in black robes, but we have defiant leftist activists in black robes, who simply ignore the Supreme Court’s precedents and make their own damned ruling. Even if their damned ruling is totally contrary to a US Supreme Court decision from just weeks or months ago. This approach is junk law, and it calls into question the entire field of jurisprudence. It highlights in just one more way how the Left is hell bent for leather to implement its political policy goals, at whatever cost to America’s legal and cultural fabric.

In case you don’t know it, when a lower court openly defies the Supreme Court, the entire court system is thrown out the window. We then have nothing but anarchy.

So, when the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two weeks ago, it was not surprising to see the Left melt down, as if their ability to kill babies had in fact been fully deprived of them. After all, when a person sees every branch of government as nothing more than a policy shop devoid of logical process, then everything becomes about winning or losing the policy war. Here the Left feels they have lost, when in fact, all this recent Court decision did was turn the issue over to the various states (No, Barack, there are not 57 states). Where actual voters get to choose how they want their state government to address what should be a sensitive subject.

(The same 1960s and 1970s people who had just protested against American soldiers as “baby killers” in Vietnam then became the biggest champions of killing babies…go figure).

To its proponents and supporters, Roe v. Wade was never really about abortion or babies, it was about introducing a weak-minded, unprincipled, grab-what-you-can “by any means necessary” approach to forming government policy. And in fact one of the main reasons I left my US EPA policy job in Washington, DC, was because I personally witnessed many regulations and rules being formed exactly this way, where (liberal/ Left) agency staff would literally just imagine a bunch of shit and put it in the regulation or rule. Justified or no, or extra cost to industry and consumers be damned. It is a terrible way to run representative government. But it is the way that Roe taught liberals and Leftists to think about government.

As a proponent of good government, where transparency and accountability are everyday occurrences for the taxpayers, I am glad that Roe is gone. Now the politically difficult part of democracy is upon all of us: Figuring out how many babies people can kill, when, and where. Based on my principles, I would expect this democratic process to follow a certain logic path. But we are not dealing with principles here, but rather a passion on the Left for absolute control. And they don’t like losing control. Or thinking hard. Or debating issues with evidence and cross-examination and due process.

Should be interesting going forward.


The civic benefits of Biden’s war on America

The comments section of just about any article or online discussion video has a surprisingly large number of insightful comments. YouTube has become heavily censorious, so the usefulness of their comments sections are diminishing, but consequently the comments over at Rumble are improving.

Below is one mid-June 2022 comment on a Dan Bongino video that really caught my attention, and while this blog here is intended for original analysis and commentary, it is also a platform for sharing ideas that others may find helpful. Especially as rule-of-law America is under all-out lawless assault by the federal government bureaucrats. So read the comment by “Bullwinkle” who I suppose is of the Bull Moose Party, Theodore Roosevelt’s response to being unable to run for a third term as a successful and popular Republican president. That is a political party I can relate to!

“Death is healthy, safety is dangerous”…wtf?

Few events have highlighted the sweaty, crusty butt crack separating America’s Left from the Normal people like the few recent US Supreme Court holdings over the past week. These holdings on Second Amendment rights, improper judicial legislating from the bench (Roe v. Wade), and religious liberty fly in the face of decades of Leftist activism and common establishment media narratives, and have elicited wonderfully violent public statements, violent actions, and promises of more violence from the Left and its Sinn Fein, the Democrat Party.

If the Democrat Party can’t control Americans with freedom-crushing iron-fisted laws, then they intend to control us through more murder, destruction, and mayhem.

As a long-ago former member of the Democrat Party, I am mystified how more Americans don’t walk away from this corrupt and morally bankrupt organization. How can it be that people are loyal to this lawless anti-America movement when its leaders:

  • cannot tell us what is a woman, but then say that women’s rights have somehow been diminished by allowing the fifty states to determine among themselves when a child can be killed by its mother
  • tell us that the death of a living, breathing child is “healthy” or is “healthcare”
  • say that a wide-open southern border over which child traffickers and deadly fentanyl pour daily unchecked and undocumented and uncontrolled is “fair”
  • catch and release violent criminals back into society, instead of jailing them, so they can continue committing violent crimes against innocent people
  • demand civilian disarmament to prevent citizens from keeping legal firearms close to them for protection because armed law-abiding civilians are “dangerous”
  • say that the practice of religion by just one person in public is the equivalent of establishing an official religion

We could easily have this list go on and on, but anyone paying attention to what is happening around our homes and families and businesses already knows that there is a significant percentage of Americans who do not identify as Americans, and who are attempting to use our collectively owned government to destroy America from the inside. This is not a what the f*ck (wtf) thing, it is a crystal clear philosophical separation between two different groups of humans.

These two groups could easily be associated with groups from the past, like the Democrat Party slave owners of 1861 and their Republican Party abolitionist (anti slavery) opponents. I think the choices facing Americans today are easily as stark as they were in 1861, except that instead of controlling a few million African slaves like in 1861, the Democrat Party is now trying to enslave all of America. All of us. You and me.