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Illegal & Unlimited immigration is a get-rich scheme for everyone but you

Unlimited, unfettered immigration into, and the illegal alien invasion of America, enriches many people and groups, at an enormous cost to you and me, the forgotten American taxpayer.

Big business is always looking to cut labor costs as far as possible, in order to maximize profits as far as possible, and so most big business leaders support unlimited immigration and the illegal alien invasion. Not all, but an awful lot.

Both major political parties benefit from unlimited immigration and especially the illegal alien invasion. The Republicans benefit because so many of their financiers are big business. Getting those donors the low cost labor churn they want means they get more political money to stay in office and hold onto power.

The Democrats benefit because they get more voters, illegal as they may be, which helps them achieve their goal of artificially gaining political domination over America. A lot of American citizens have stopped voting for Democrats, because they are so obviously devoted to people and policies that hurt Americans.

People promoting illegal invasion immigration are get-rich schemers, hoping to make lots of money off of us, the American citizens. We citizen taxpayers are the ones who underwrite the freebies and benefits given to these invaders that WE TAXPAYERS ourselves would never, ever qualify for. For example, I have been paying Social Security taxes since I was 14 years old, and despite the huge amount of money I have put into that system, I will be very lucky to get some basic Social Security income back when I reach 67 years of age. Illegal aliens just have to show up and probably within a few months they get as much taxpayer aid and support as I would collect from my own Social Security account in several years, many years from now.

Lots of people benefit from illegal immigration and unlimited immigration, except for the other 96% of the American citizens. We deserve leaders who will look out for us, and who will respect all of the hard work we do to earn the money we make to pay our bills and support our families.

Yet, incredibly, America has an entire political party, and a good portion of another political party, devoted to the welfare and happiness of people who came into America illegally and who impose great costs upon those of us who live here and keep the country running every day.

How refreshing yesterday to watch President Trump deal forthrightly with the treasonous leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who would utterly destroy America and bankrupt you and me for the sake of twenty pieces of silver. It is a shame GOP establishment leader Paul Ryan is leaving before we could see him get the same treatment from our outstanding president.