Posts Tagged → george floyd
How do we handle daily revolution and destruction?
If you are wondering what on earth is happening in America and around the free world, you are in good company. It seems that a violent insurrection against Western Civilization is under way. We went from having the best economy in decades to sudden Wuhan Flu authoritarian lockdowns, shutdowns, and police showdowns with Mom and her children playing in a park, all clearly designed to flatten Donald Trump and nothing else.
When the politically partisan Wuhan Flu thingy lost steam because Americans could see for themselves that the dire predictions meant nothing for people living outside of New York, New Jersey, and nursing homes nationwide, a new social rally was created: George Floyd.
George Floyd was murdered. Yes, he was high on dangerous drugs at the time of his death, and yes he had a long list of legal offenses. But…like Ahmaud Arbery earlier this year, Floyd did not deserve to die just because someone thought his life was worth less. Definitely worth protesting their deaths and the bad policing that gave carte blanc to their murderers (years ago I wrote on this blog about the bad policing culture that was developing then and which, years later, is definitely front and center now; blacks, whites, Asians, all skin colors suffer from this bad policing culture).
But how do we logically go from protesting a few bad police officers and the Fallujah mentality that is creating them, to now eliminating the police? To destroying statues that are important representations of our civilization’s historic struggles and achievements? To racist lectures on Fakebook about how all “white” people are by definition racist and privileged and other insane BS?
No the world has not gone mad, although all of these things are certainly crazy. What happened is that the Left has been at war with YOU, and me, and all other normal job-holding, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens who make up our neighbors, and we either didn’t know it, didn’t care about it, or decided to plain ignore it. The people who confuse me the most are the registered Democrats I know and socialize with. Is this violent sedition what they are really about? Like, when they come home from church on Sunday, do they sit down and plan out the coming week’s riots and looting with their kids? I don’t think so, but they mysteriously remain loyal to the Democrat Party brand.
Whether you like it or not, you are now living in an actual war zone. It covers most of America. And it isn’t just in the down towns; it can extend to your job, to your home, to your children. Nobody is spared any space to just live in peace. The war is coming right to you not just in looting and arson, but in demands that you literally kowtow to the Left, show your obeisance. Even impoverished rural whites who haven’t seen a day of “privilege” since their ancestors fled religious prosecution and famine in Europe 300 years ago are now said to be evil and racist and privileged, simply because of their skin color.
Talk about racist! That “white privilege” phrase is probably the most racist and politically privileged thing I have ever heard in my life.
So how do you and I live in this new state of constant warfare, this so-called cultural revolution?
Simple answer: Buy guns and enough ammunition for them to be able to defend yourself, your home, and to band together with your neighbors to offer a combined defense. Do not allow yourself to be picked off singly and individually. Prepare to defend yourself, your home, your neighborhood, your nation. Have a plan, be prepared to implement it. And vote, donate money, and volunteer for good political candidates, so that hopefully the revolution being forced upon us doesn’t become an all-out shooting war.
You are under attack and you had better get ready to repel it, or you will lose everything you have, including your freedom. Most especially your freedom. One word, one thought, one day in church at a time.
Lawless, violent insurrection. Is it time to outlaw the seditious Democrat Party?
Just like most of the state responses to the Wuhan Flu have had zero to do with public health, the lawless violence and wanton destruction happening across America have zero to do with the murder of George Floyd, and everything to do with people still upset with the results of the 2016 election.
Since November 2016, America’s Democrat Party apparatus – the national media, academia, the entertainment industry, Wall Street, public school educators and administrators, social media, a huge portion of taxpayer-paid professional government workers, and a great deal of corporate leaders – have maintained a hostile, angry, attack mode drum beat against President Donald Trump and everyone who supports him. They want that power that Donald Trump has.
No introspection about why or how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. No curiosity about how so many people who only a few years before had voted for leftist Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama, suddenly felt compelled to vote for the one person who promised to un-do all of what Obama had done. Nope, no wondering. Instead, America has been daily fed a constant barrage of lies, hate, racism against “white people,” and fascist censorship of people, ideas, and speech that do not comply with the leftist narrative being pushed by Big Media, the Democrat Party, et al.
One hoax after another has been attempted, each designed to fatally damage President Trump, and each failing. Rusty Nails, Russia collusion, Ukraine, totally fake ‘impeachment’, etc. Now it seems that when the latest hoax failed, and yes, the liberals’ phony and out-sized politicized responses to Wuhan Flu have amounted to yet another gigantic and destructive hoax, something else needed to be tried. And next up has been the violent riots, like all prior events aimed at hurting President Trump, no matter what the cost is to the nation.
Let’s face it, folks. This is the same Democrat Party that seceded from the Union in 1860. The same Democrat Party that founded the Confederate States of America, that created sanctuary states for slavery, that founded the Jim Crow Laws and the Ku Klux Klan. The same Democrat Party that blocked civil rights legislation and voting rights laws in the 1950s and 1960s. It is the same Democrat Party that has still literally enslaved most American blacks today, and that is attempting to enslave the rest of America through Big Government. Democrat states and municipalities that implemented illegal “sanctuary” cities and states were really declaring another secession from the rest of America, just like the Democrat Party of the 1860s.
You doubt this?
Just look at how the liberal governors around America have been ruling over the citizens over the past few months. Every constitutional freedom and protection of individual rights has been thrown out the window by liberal governors and mayors in their quest for absolute power. You want to go swimming? Jail for you! Oh, you want to go rioting, well, then have fun. That is how they approach America; pure and absolute lawless enslavement.
The Democrat Party is in full-out open war against America.
The Democrat Party has declared open war against America, against normal Americans, against the US Constitution, against religion, against individual freedoms, against individual choice, against everything that has defined America since our founding. It is painful and scary to write these words, but we are truly in a civil war right now. It is clear that the Democrat Party is playing for keeps, for complete and absolute control of our nation. We citizens are not helped by the weak and worthless GOP, a party whose culture of decadent opportunism means they automatically roll over and play dead at the sound of a firecracker. The GOP has no allegiance to the American people, nor any interest in helping us. Because there is no money to be made from that.
So it is up to We, The People, to say what must be said: The Democrat Party is a seditious organization seeking the overthrow of the American government from within, and we want the Democrat Party to be declared illegal. They have used illegal means, and so let them enjoy being officially illegal in every jurisdiction where The People have the desire to remain free.
Say it, do it. Declare your legal jurisdiction to no longer recognize the outlaw Democrat Party as a legitimate political party, but that it is an illegal seditious enemy. Nothing else will stop them, and save us. Even if it is just a statement, it carries some weight. Doing this lets our mortal enemies know that we will not be their next crop of slaves.
The real masks come off
Over the past month or so, a national debate about whether or not to wear face masks, and under what conditions, has dominated the media headlines. Masks are said to be needed in order to prevent or reduce the transmission of Wuhan Flu. A lot of that mask debate was shaped by the ongoing public argument about whether to go back to work or to stay at home; again, allegedly to stop or slow the spread of the Wuhan Flu; or at least to spare the hospitals from being overrun.
States run by liberals, like Washington, Oregon, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, are still largely shut down, regardless of their low Wuhan Flu deaths or hospitalization rates. Their economies are in shambles, probably by design. Their leaders emphasize even the smallest of risks, and the wearing of masks is symbolic of concurring with their grotesque risk assessment and their not-American approach to dealing with a disproven public threat. Liberals promote staying at home and wearing a mask in public as a symbol of deference to government fiat; really, a sort of face-worn sieg-heil salute to whoever the Dear Leader is in that state. Actual risks may vary by locale, but according to liberals every place is ground zero New York City.
Suddenly in a time of heavily engineered “social distancing” and compulsory mask wearing, with food shoppers everywhere carefully mincing about one another like planets on wobbly orbits, a very controlled American society indeed, an eruption of long engineered social chaos arrives. Fires, violence, looting, vandalism, insane barbaric destructive behavior, from coast to coast. Kaboom.
Flu masks off, vandal masks on. The real mask has just come off, because this is political theater to one political party. It is how they advance their political agenda. Their thinking is Trump could not be dislodged through a bunch of hoaxes, so now let’s try some serious street violence. Overwhelmingly, the graffiti, signs, and riotous behavior are anything but peaceful, with messages like “F–k Trump” etc leaving no doubt what this is really about.
If I were black, I would be upset about the murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. Heck, I am “white” and I am very upset about their murders. I don’t know any “white” people who are not upset about them. These men were murdered in cold blood, and we need to make America so that it doesn’t happen again.
Like any normal American who watches the snuff video of ironically named and now former police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling heavily on Floyd’s neck until he dies, I am also concerned about the so very obviously widespread problematic culture of policing that has evolved out of hiring young combat-hardened military veterans to Protect and to Serve. If you watch enough online videos, it seems that even normal encounters with police provide an abnormal result. Law-abiding people conducting themselves lawfully are videotaped being officially manhandled, or even shot to death in their own home as they confront non-uniformed, unannounced intruders in the dead of night. So many police encounters result in an innocent civilian being unlawfully detained, unlawfully restrained, unlawfully injured, and then unlawfully charged, that if these videos are any indication of a wider theme, a police culture problem really is heavily upon all of us. And apparently it is because ‘contempt of cop’ is such an affront to the folks in blue that some of them act like they are fighting against everyone else. Us vs. Them, red vs. blue, crips vs. bloods, cops n’ robbers, Officer Chauvin vs. George Floyd… and so on.
But if I were black, I would especially be most upset about the dozens of shootings and killings that occur hourly, daily, weekly in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, month in and month out, year after year. Cities run by white liberals for decades have the worst black poverty and violent crime. Young black men are killing each other by droves all the time, and yet…no rage. Not even upset. Not even headlines. No protests, no nothing. Silence.
So when the lid now comes off in these communities, allegedly because of George Floyd’s murder, and stores and churches are looted and destroyed, a normal person asks Why?
Why are law-abiding citizens told to stay inside, stay home, wear a mask, and God forbid if they go surfing or sun bathing or swimming or cutting hair, then they are arrested and shuffled straight off to jail, while truly masked vandals are ransacking American cities at will, with little police response?
The answer is uncomfortable. For decades, liberals have encouraged people, maybe even trained them, to act out their anger in violent ways. In many places violent vandals have been bused in, like St. Louis , Missouri, a few years ago. It is political theater to liberals. It is how their political goals that cannot be met through legitimate political channels are advanced. Nancy Pelosi used the Wuhan Flu to achieve political outcomes the American people would not otherwise grant her, except under extortion and coercion. Now how will these violent street mobs be used?
“No justice, no peace,” “By any means necessary,” “Question authority” are just a few of the confrontational battle cries that liberals have said through megaphones and loudspeakers over my lifetime. Whenever something happens that liberals don’t like or that they can exploit, out come the arsonist marchers and the destructive mobs. It is easier than working through the plodding checks-and-balances political process established in 1787.
A lawless political culture has resulted, and it is to this lawlessness that the police culture has responded in like kind. Like two planets orbiting in each other, locked in an unstable embrace.
It is said that liberalism is a mental disease, and while it is tough to argue with that, given the evidence of it right in front of us right now, it is also easy to point out that liberalism is a well considered political movement. It has lots of shaming and false outrage, as well as effective tactics and strategies, lots of lying, hypocrisy, official violence, and street mobs. Social distancing applies to law abiding middle income families, and not to the people who are destroying their businesses. Presently it seems that America’s youth have been indoctrinated to act like the young Chinese fifty years ago under Mao’s guidance, in the Cultural Revolution.
Out in America’s streets right now, the liberal mob is turning our nation upside down. The White House is literally under siege. Though obviously defective, lawless Liberalism has come to dominate almost all of America’s institutions and organizations – the media, academia, the schools, government bureaucracies, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists, etc. Liberalism is ascendant, while republican constitutionalism is in retreat.
The mask is off right now for all to see what liberalism is actually about. And despite its known problems, despite its ugly, scary face staring us normal people in the face, it is doing really, really well.
Liberalism is doing not too bad for a mental disease.