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Wow, the Democrat Party really hates Jews!

Watching the screeching and yelling freak-out among the United States House of Representatives Democrat Party members yesterday, it was impossible not be reminded of the same sort of deliberately over-the-top theatrical denunciations by the German Nazi politicians in the 1930s.

Why were the Democrat Party members of Congress universally screeching and caterwauling and turning cartwheels for the cameras? Because Jew hater supremo congresswoman Ilhan Omar was ejected from the Foreign Relations Committee, because she is a cheerful and public Jew hater.

Never mind that Ilhan Omar spends 98% of her time in elected office attacking America, which gave her shelter and a new home out of war-torn Somalia. Never mind that Ilhan Omar is openly corrupt and lawbreaking (like marrying her brother to qualify for certain American benefits). She is also and very much devoted to ragging on Jews. All Jews, not just some subset of “The Jews.”

And true to form, Ilhan Omar’s fellow Democrat congresspeople rallied around her in their best melodramatics, wildly denouncing the Republican Party leaders for having the temerity to finally inflict some civilization onto the august body. The Democrat Party must believe that hating Jews is good business practice.

Do you know who cares most about this grotesque display of solidarity with one of America’s leading Jew haters? Well we can see it’s not Jeremy Raskin, or Jerry Nadler, or Debbie Schultz, or any other Jewish Democrat member of Congress. They stand in solidarity with Ilhan Omar. Christians care; that’s who cares about ending Ilhan Omar’s public displays of antisemitism on the soapbox of the Foreign Relations Committee. America-loving, patriotic Christians are the ones most disgusted by Ilhan Omar’s bigotry, not liberal Jews, which is to say probably 70% of American Jews. America’s liberal Jews are devoted to Ilhan Omar and her political party above and beyond their own survival.

And now beyond any doubt so is the entire Democrat Party, which has openly and officially thrown in totally with an openly America-hating, Jew-hating immigrant from Somalia.

Yet another Islamic attack on free speech

Yesterday’s murderous assault on French cartoonists in Paris is the logical conclusion of the idea that honest discussion about Islam is “islamophobia.”

When free speech in the name of freedom is unsuccessfully curtailed socially, murder follows, naturally. It’s that murderousness that critics of Islam are all about.

To fear Islam is natural. It’s a matter of self preservation.

The hypocrisy of whining about “islamophobia,” when the Koran is itself wall-to-wall hate speech about Christians and Jews, is what creates the expectation that murder and arson are the only remaining means of communication among followers of the Koran.

Civilized French citizens don’t carry guns, and apparently French police are pretty lousy, because all of them died on their backs or under desks. No real fight against the terrorists ensued during or after their attack.

Here in America, lots of citizens carry guns. They would probably put an end to an attack like that, before the police arrived.

Case in point: Gun control doesn’t work.

Case in point: Politically correct speech control doesn’t work.

Folks, it’s another wake up call that we are in the midst of a war. It’s pathetic that the Obama administration is against free speech (calling the anti Mohammed cartoons “poor judgment”) and against private gun ownership.

You’d almost think Obama would defend radical Muslims before he’d let Americans or French reporters defend themselves.

Why isn’t the Koran ‘hate speech’?

After a stroll down the international headlines this Sunday morning, one thing I took away is that Muslims really hate non-Muslims, and they are motivated by the explicitly hateful, violent, sexist, racist words of the Koran.

In the Koran, Christians and Jews are called “pigs,” “monkeys,” “donkeys,” and “cows,” and incitement to kill Christians and Jews is rife throughout this supposedly “holy” book.

You gotta ask yourself: What kind of a “holy” book calls for genocide against people of faith who are your next door neighbors and work colleagues?

To me, in my innately American mindset, a book that calls for the murder and enslavement of Jews and Christians is more Satanic than holy.

Think about how the Biblical prohibition against male homosexual sex is treated by the general media: Open disbelief! Open rejection! And excoriation for any American who says they believe in the injunction. But somehow the Koran’s calls for murder and rape are acceptable to the same people who cast aspersions on the Bible?

And you gotta ask yourself: What kind of government do we have, at the local, state, and national level, that allows the Koran’s cruel hatred to be broadcast?

Somehow, Americans have been brainwashed into being so open-minded that they now accept the viciousness of the Koran to stand on an equal basis with the Bible, and to be taught in our schools.  We may be reminded that the Bible, both the Hebrew Torah and the Christian Scripture, are the basis for Western Civilization and all that is good in America.  There’s no equivalence between the Bible and the Koran.

Americans are now so tolerant that they are tolerant of the grossest intolerance. That makes no sense, and is turning the whole principle of openness on its head. At some point, America has to stand for something, and standing against genocide is probably a pretty good place to begin.

Does this tolerance of intolerance make sense to you, logically? Why are we allowing the Koran’s open intolerance of everything that is America to infiltrate America and shape its culture?

Near my home is an Ahmadiya mosque, recently opened in an old Lutheran church. The cross still stands on top of the building, but the gradual conversion of the outward signs is taking place.

It’s not an alarming experience, however, as Ahmadiya Muslims are about as popular in Pakistan as are Jews and Christians, which is to say that their faith is officially outlawed, and their members are subject to murder, rape, and forced conversion (a la the Koran).

Ahmadiya Muslims are a different bunch. They have found the peaceful aspects of the Koran to inspire them, and they have largely written out the racist aspects. If Islam were so widely configured, then it would be a movement that fits into America.

However, as it stands today, the Koran is the worst of modern hate speech, advocating unimaginable cruelty, genocide, sexism, and bigotry. Why does the Koran receive preferential treatment?

Isn’t it time that our elected leaders stand up and demand that the Koran be treated the same as any other book?