DMZ Mexico here we come
Mexico has always had a lawless cowboy “Pancho Villa” kind of relationship with America. Historically, Mexican raiders would come across the border, whether that border was where it is now, or when Mexico owned what is now Texas and raided across into what is now Oklahoma, California, New Mexico, Arizona etc. Mexicans always preyed upon Americans, whether they were lone homesteaders or big cattle barons.
Anyone who has an interest in this rough border history can pretty well boil it down to the Alamo (a frontier fort that became a symbol of American resistance to Spain and Mexican imperialism, and then later a successful rallying cry in search of revenge for the Mexican massacre of wounded Americans there, “Remember the Alamo!“) and you can watch several good movies about that. Or you can read up on the Texas Rangers. No, not Chuck Norris type Texas Rangers, with nickel-plated Colt 45 1911s and fast cars, or the baseball team, but the very early and very real Texas Rangers. Guys like Frank Hamer. Guys tough as steel wearing true ten gallon hats, riding beautiful strong horses, with big Bowie knives strapped, lever action Winchester rifles across the pommel, and Colt Peacemaker revolvers on their hip, chasing Mexican cattle rustlers, banditos, and thieves back and forth the border in bloody mortal combat.
Books with amazing photos have been published, and I think some early silent movies were done on the Mexican-American border. It is a history that few Americans know about today, because our relationship with Mexico has been defined for a long time in terms of tourism, itself a very new human experience, and to lesser extent the importation of fresh fruits and vegetables long grown with human excrement in lieu of animal manure.
It is also a history now rife with all kinds of modern far-Left anti-America fabrications and nonsense, not the least of which is at, as well as many other anti-America websites that blatantly lie and whine about the legitimate American defense of its borders.
America’s relationship with Mexico only began to become something positive when Americans became tourists there. Acapulco, later the Yucatan Peninsula, became destinations for the then-new 1960s cruise ships. Then industrial investment came, car factories, John Deere tractor parts factories, some hand tools, all positive, although readers should know that Mexican law still forbids foreigners from owning land there.
Over time Americans became literally fat and happy, our own material success killing us, robbing us of our competitive spirit and even of our own will to live. Americans became oblivious to the myriad problems afflicting us, including cross-border drug exports from Mexico. The beautiful movie Act of Valor captured the old American attitude towards border security, before the Biden Administration and its bipartisan supporters opened the border wide for everyone and everything – human sex trafficking, including small children, fentanyl, marijuana, assorted pills, cocaine, forty million foreign invaders from around the planet, just walking in to America.
Suddenly Americans began to really suffer from all the open border problems, and notice the cause. Thousands of illegal alien drunk drivers killing entire American families, repeat offender homicidal maniacs raping and murdering beautiful young American girls, beautiful and promising young American boys and men accidentally ingesting poisonous drugs and dying. The list of maladies afflicting Americans from the Mexico export of bad stuff became too big, too bad, too serious to ignore any longer.
And so Americans voted for President Donald Trump to close the open border, stop the one-way flow of death, violence, and destruction from Mexico, and fix the problem once and for all. And so within thirty days of being sworn in, President Trump correctly declared the Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorists. This means their members who are here on American soil do not enjoy the protections of civil rights or basic criminal law. Rather, they are legally and correctly viewed as armed invaders who intend to do Americans harm, and so they can be shot like dogs, on sight. Beautiful.
Things are looking up, right? Well, not so fast.
In response to all this good course correction stuff, Mexico is right now in the speedy process of making it illegal to hold their citizens accountable for their illegal acts, in Mexico or in America. In other words, the Mexican government is working hard to protect the drug cartels and their human smuggling, drug smuggling, weapons smuggling, and violence smuggling. Presently a pile of drug cartel hit squads are actively murdering Americans and foreigners right here on American soil, usually over drug dealing and money laundering. The Mexican government wants this situation to continue.
Essentially America is going back to the ultra violent 1860s frontier relationship that we had with Mexico, except that it is now official Mexican government policy to unleash their marauders upon us. America is facing a Mexican guerilla war on our southern border, from Tijuana all the way to Florida’s coastline, enabled by the Mexican government.
I am not a military expert, or really a military anything. I could not command a platoon let alone a pineapple. However, I am a long and passionate consumer of human history, and I think history is instructive in instances such as what America now faces along our Mexican border. America must take decisive control of the most dire situation there right now, which is the lawless borderland that allows psychotic murderers easy access deep into our homeland.
Extending a hard American military presence across the Mexican border is hopefully not needed, but it is what is going to have to happen in some shape or form to give us the full control of our side that we need. It is fully 100% justified. It is time for a demilitarized zone on the Mexican side. Whether that DMZ is a half mile, a mile, or ten miles, it is what needs to happen to give America the protection we need from Mexico’s predatory behavior, both official and unofficial wink-wink nudge-nudge.
I want to say that I admire Mexicans. I think the legal Mexican immigrants to America are the new Americans. In my experience, they universally work very hard, value tight and strong families, they believe in God and His higher law. They are patriotic and proudly serve in America’s toughest combat units. Great people, great Americans. Welcome, please.
I spent time in Mexico as a kid, as a volunteer on a Green Cross ambulance among the pobrecitos in a very sad, very poor area. It is a story for another time, but I came to love regular Mexicans at that time, and I still feel very warmly towards those who want to become legal Americans and share in this incredible country with us. They are most welcome here.
It is the lawless banditos we are worried about here, with this borderland issue. And that includes the Mexican government.
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