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Censoring climate mockers

Guest post, courtesy of Tom Shepstone: 

“We have reached the end of the Olympic summer in Paris, comprising of the Olympics and the Paralympics. Though the U.S. finished at the top in the Olympics and in the top three at Paralympics, much of the world’s attention was on the Olympics’ obscene mockery of Christianity in its opening ceremony at Paris.

It also overshadowed some unprecedented events in the city. A few days prior to the games, French authorities fined the country’s second most popular news channel 20,000 euros for challenging the popular narrative about a purported climate crisis.

CNews, a round-the-clock news operation, was charged by the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (ARCOM) with a broadcast’s failing to adequately challenge views skeptical of the global warming scare.

“This is the first time in France and internationally that ARCOM or a regulatory authority has issued a financial sanction for a breach concerning an environmental subject,” said QuotaClimat, an organization that reportedly has complained in the past about the climate reporting of various media.

The case of CNews raises serious concerns about press freedom – a cornerstone of democratic societies — and the public’s access to diverse perspectives on environmental issues. While the regulator argued that the channel failed to provide sufficient context and counterarguments, critics contend that the decision sets a dangerous precedent, effectively requiring media outlets to adhere to a specific ideological position.

The role of journalism in a democracy is not to parrot official viewpoints or consensus opinions but rather to investigate, question and present different perspectives on important issues. By imposing restrictions on how climate issues can be reported, France undermines this crucial function of the media.

This crackdown on climate reporting exemplifies a broader trend of using authorities backed by official powers to curb the expression of views that challenge a government’s preferred narrative, a concerning development for anybody favoring an open society.

The practice has become far too common in academic research as well. Scientists who challenge the crisis narrative are subjected to witch hunts and termination from their professions.

Many climate scientists, influenced heavily by funding sources, are transforming their discipline into something that hardly qualifies as science. While their work has the appearance of scientific research and is conducted by those with scientific credentials, both its methodologies and findings are heavily shaped by the agendas of special interest groups, political figures and international governing bodies.

Researchers and their organizations, in too many cases, have become harvesters of grants rather than seekers of truth. Such scientists are supplicants of governments and wealthy foundations wanting particular findings and willing to pay for them.

Those who champion genuine scientific inquiry must speak out against deliberate efforts by climate alarmists to discredit sceptics, whose questions are manifestations of critical thinking. Inquiry into popular theories should be welcome, not treated as sedition.

From Galileo’s astronomical discoveries to more recent controversies in fields like genetics and nuclear energy, attempts to protect the popular view have often backfired. slowing scientific progress and technological advancement.

In the case of climate change, this is true too. Restrictive energy policies — justified on the basis of addressing a “climate crisis” — already have impeded economic growth and increased prices. Ideologues seek to reverse decades of advancement in clean-coal power generation, oil and gas development and other technologies.

Scientific understanding of Earth’s climate is not furthered by silencing dissent but through rigorous research, peer review and open debate. By allowing a diversity of voices in the media, including those that challenge the so-called “consensus,” opportunities for truth arise.

Isolated intrusions on press freedom are annoying. But actions like that of the French regulator for reporting on a climate story can be replicated by other governments and for other subjects – a certain eventuality without the intervention of honest citizens

For this is the proverbial slippery slope greased by powerful people’s lust for control or money or both. Left alone, only the most ruthless of the politically connected get to say where it ends. Even they can’t say for sure, but history tells us it ends badly.”

This commentary was first published at yourNews on September 10, 2024.

Vijay Jayaraj is a Research Associate at the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Virginia. He holds a master’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of East Anglia, U.K., and a postgraduate degree in energy management from Robert Gordon University, U.K.

#France #Climate #Jayaraj #CO2Coalition #FreeSpeech #Censorship

racist white liberals railroad Black candidate

Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is running for governor of North Carolina. That this high-energy, articulate, charismatic, passionate Black candidate scares the hell out of racist white liberal Democrats is evident. Mark Robinson is being Roy Moore’d.

Remember Judge Roy Moore? He was a judge in Alabama who ran for the US Senate a few years ago, and whose popularity attracted ridiculous lies from the Democrat Party mainstream media and its proxies. Ridiculous though the lies were, the good hearted and honest Republican and conservative Christian voters of Alabama gave just enough credence to them to undercut some of Judge Roy Moore’s support. Voters giving credence to ridiculous lies just barely cost him the election and saddled Alabama with a communist Democrat Party senator for several years.

Enough Republican and conservative Christian voters bought into the crazy lies about Judge Roy Moore that they had misgivings and did not vote for him. Thus did the leftist Democrat candidate, Doug Jones, barely eke out a win. In red blooded Alabama of all places.

It was shameful all the way around, because the crazy lies about Judge Roy Moore were so obviously crazy lies that anyone with half a brain should have said “Ah yes, the mainstream media, which is an arm of the Democrat Party, is attacking a Republican again” and then voted accordingly for Judge Roy Moore.

But conservatives are sometimes too open minded, too willing to be played by leftwing fake news, because they want to do what is right.

Doug Jones lasted just whatever was left of the uncompleted term he filled, like a year or two, and then Coach Tommy Tuberville whooped his anti-America butt and took that US Senate seat and gave it back to Americans. Alabamans had had enough Democrat Party communism in that short amount of time and sent Doug Jones packing. Although Judge Roy Moore went on to win his defamation lawsuit for the crazy lies he suffered, he was significantly damaged, and he unfortunately stepped out of politics.

So here North Carolina voters are now faced with an incompetent and arrogant governor, Roy Cooper, and Roy Cooper’s would-be replacement, Josh Stein, on the one hand, whose hands-off handling of the Hurricane Helene destruction has been an epic and highly documented failure, and on the other hand Lt. Gov Mark Robinson, whose energetic presence in American politics is a breath of fresh air and thus also a real threat to the Democrat Party stranglehold on American Blacks.

The Democrat Party and its propaganda ministry aka the Establishment Media like CNN, NPR, PBS, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC et al, have thus gone after Lt Mark Robinson with the only criticism they can throw at him: Crazy lies.

Lying is the only way the Democrat Party can win in the North Carolina governor election, and of course the proven liars at CNN / CNNLOL are enabling the lying. And even if this fake “scandal” (a few non-PC posts on a website from 14 years ago) stupid attack on Lt. Gov Mark Robinson were true, it would be so stupid, so ridiculous, so meaningless that no one with half a brain should spend any time thinking about it.

Dear North Carolina voters, please do not fall for the crazy lies against Lt. Mark Robinson.

Do not allow the bad guys to pull a Judge Roy Moore against Lt Mark Robinson.

Do not allow the highly damaging Democrat Party to undeservedly hold onto power in North Carolina. As you can see with your own eyes, Governor Roy Cooper and NC AG Josh Stein have failed the victims of Hurricane Helene because they don’t give a damn about you in your hour of greatest need (in one video above you can listen to Roy Cooper lie while flanked by huge liar and failure DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the left and huge failure crooked Joe “Bribem” Biden on the right).

Josh Stein is absolutely nowhere to be seen.

You North Carolinians can only do better than Roy Cooper and his cookie cutter substitute Josh Stein, you cannot possibly do worse than them. Roy Cooper and Josh Stein are such a disaster, such a failure, that people are asking if it is done on purpose because most of the victims are rural people who would not vote for leftist Josh Stein under any conditions, anyhow.

Stand up for truth, stand up against crazy lies, stand up for yourselves, vote for truth, vote for Lt. Mark Robinson to be North Carolina’s next governor.

Lt. Gov Mark Robinson, another victim of attempted White Liberal Democrat lynching


Wow, Columbus Day

Now that a long term study of Christopher Columbus’ DNA has revealed that he was a Sephardic Jew from Spain, and like hundreds of thousands of other Jews also likely a refugee of the 1492 Spanish Expulsion and then the Catholic Church’s Great Inquisition, we have to ask: Columbus Day, now what does it really mean?

By way of background, upon ending the imperialist Muslim “Moorish” occupation of Spain, in 1492 the newly victorious Catholic Spanish Queen Isabella (“Jezebel” in English, Eezavel in Hebrew, one of the most notoriously evil and violent queens of the Hebrew Scripture and Jewish history, and just so was that Spanish namesake queen) dictated that all Jewish citizens of Spain had to convert to Catholicism or get out. Like leave their homes, money, possessions, and just exit the jurisdiction with the clothes on their bodies.

The history of the Spanish Expulsion is well documented, and for our purposes here we will simply use it as the starting point for Christopher Columbus’ career. He, like almost all of the Spanish Jews, cast about for ways to get out of the coming inferno. Forced conversions were bad enough, with small children taken from their parents to be raised as Catholics in convents and monasteries. But the fallout of even the slightest suspicion that the poor Jewish person had not completely and absolutely accepted Catholicism was really bad.

In sum, tens of thousands of innocent Jews were tortured, robbed, and then burned alive by the Spanish government for the simple reason that they were suspected of having retained some loyalty or interest in their former religion, the religion of their ancestors for thousands of years, and their wealth could also be taken. Bad stuff, really evil stuff, very much the low point for the Catholic religion.

Talk about reparations! What would the descendants of the survivors be owed by Spain or the Vatican today?

[The wild excesses of the Catholic Church, such as the Great Inquisition, kick started the Reformation, resulting in the creation of Protestant Christianity, which “protested” the really bad behavior of the Church at that time, at every level, targeting not just Jews but anyone who dared question Church doctrine]

For several months I have been reading “Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean” by Edward Kritzler. This is not a long book, but it is nowhere as whimsical a read as its catchy title suggests, and so I have slogged from one mass auto de fe to another, each set in a different part of Europe or the Caribbean, or South America, or Mexico, or New Mexico…Everywhere the Jewish refugees from Spain and Portugal ran, they were then hunted to the death by the Spanish Inquisition.

To say that the persecuted Jews got tired of this shitty treatment is an understatement, and quite a few of them took to the high seas to attack the Spanish treasure ships bringing slaves, gold, silver, and gems from South America, as well as sugar, rum, spices, and slaves from the Caribbean to Spain. Quite of few of these Jewish pirates who were focused on revenge against Spain made great names for themselves.

One such pirate was named Sinan the Great Jew (see his picture below), who after losing everything his family had built up in Spain for 1,450 years, pledged his seafaring skills in the Mediterranean Sea to the Ottoman sultan. All Sinan wanted were ships and crews to get revenge on the Spanish, and in turn he gave all of his loot to the Ottoman Empire. Sinan lived a long life and never felt satisfied that he had made the Spanish truly pay for their crimes.

So in this 1490s mix of cruelty and ethnic refugees and revenge is Christopher Columbus, who has always been suspected of being a refugee Jew, simply for the timing of his trip and the fact that his ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) were overwhelmingly crewed by Jewish refugee sailors.

In recent decades, an attack on Christopher Columbus by the political Left has centered on his taking of slaves among the Caribbean Indian tribes, and the fact that he was “white” and somehow treading on someone else’s land. Leftists fail to explain that literally everyone in the entire world took and sold slaves back then, including the Caribbean Indians, including the Africans, including the Arabs, inculding the Turks, and that the entire history of humanity is one migration after another.

So the question is, will the fact that Columbus is now proven to have been a Jew, and himself a refugee from oppression and persecution, somehow change the perception of Columbus? Will his story now be told as no longer the oppressor, but the fleeing oppressed?

It is tough to say why Columbus’ religion and refugee status should have any real impact on how he is taught in history books today. Yes, the Italians who have been so proud of him will probably now disavow him.

A big irony is that Jews like Columbus and Sinan only existed because the Italian Romans fought, enslaved, persecuted, and ethnically cleansed the Jews from their homeland in Judea/Israel starting in the year 67 CE and ending around the year 135 CE. Massive quantities of Jewish slaves were brought into Italy, where they slowly and surely rebuilt themselves into Jewish religious communities and kept their religion and culture going.

Despite being ethnically cleansed from their homeland and enslaved by the Italians, the Jews regrouped and saved themselves by migrating to northern Italy, Spain, and France, reaching soaring heights in science and business, only to be expelled by greedy Spanish thieves who had a recent war to pay off. Spain remains the ass backwards sh*thole of Europe today.

Columbus still has a holiday named after him here in America. I wonder if Iran, Hamas and Hiz’b’alla, and the political Left will try to do in his name, now that he is a known Jew. Or will the Left stick up for him, because he was an oppressed refugee? Guess it is still complicated being Columbus.

Jews being burned alive in ovens, while a madman waves a crucifix about

Sinan the Great Jew, expelled from Spain for his religion, he became a lifelong pirate specializing in taking Spanish ships

Sinan and the famous Ottoman pirate Barbarossa fought together against the Spanish

Ah, a public burning of innocent, tortured Jews? The whole town turned out to watch. Lovely





I USED to be a Democrat

I used to be a registered Democrat, until 1992, the last time I voted for a Democrat for president, when Bill Clinton became president and immediately went to war against private gun ownership. Guns in civilian hands is a sign of a healthy nation, and when politicians want to disarm the civilians, it is a bad sign, that tyranny is awake and active. The Democrat Party hates private gun ownership and is constantly trying to end it. Kamala Harris is on record that she will come and take our guns, if she is elected. No way.

So I am not a big believer in political parties, because as the Pennsylvania GOP has shown over and over, it is really just about a small handful of wealthy elite people here making most of the decisions. This is not democratic, open, transparent, or good for representative government. Both political parties suck, it is just that one is much worse than the other.

That said, one thing that is really acutely toxic to democracy is a group like today’s Democrat Party. This is the political party of tyranny, of big government, of market intervention, of no gas stoves for you, indoctrinating little girls to cut their breasts off in school, and so on. Today’s Democrat Party is anti freedom, anti choice, anti child, anti education, anti family, anti religion, anti science, and anti America. It is so bad that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of all people had to leave it. So as bad as the PAGOP is, the Democrat Party is worse, and it must be resisted at all turns.

I have yet to have a meaningful conversation with ardent Democrats. They to a person turn off, tune out, walk away, get really angry and defiant. Not one has been able to have a calm conversation about politics, or to calmly explain what they stand for and why they stand for it. Way too many are waving around signs that have some nonsense about Trump and Project 2025. Trump had nothing to do with the Heritage Foundation’s ultra nerdy conservative wishlist Project 2025.

The #WalkAway movement is really valuable, and anyone feeling like they are uncomfortable with the Democrat Party can simply Walk Away from it like so many others are doing. I am not saying you have to become a registered Republican, although the more independent minded voters that register as Republicans, the greater the likelihood that The People can finally defeat the bad GOPe. If you become an Independent or No Political Party, you will suddenly find yourself…unburdened by what was.

You are a Zionist, so am I, the Irish especially

Whether you think you are a Zionist, or not, you absolutely surely are one if you love your country. And it turns out you are in good company, because literally everyone else around the world is also a Zionist, albeit in shades of grey that suit each person and nation. The Irish are especially Zionist, they who have been exhibiting intense nationalistic pride and fervor lately in defense of their homeland.

The Scots, on the other hand, are nowhere near being Zionist, as they have completely given up on their own nation and turned it over to people who violently hate them. How sad; pathetic, really. They of Highlander and Claymore fame have no self pride, no sense of their own fantastic history. The irony here is that the nation that once dominated Scotland so brutally, England, is right behind them, also swirling down the “diversity” toilet bowl and throwing national pride and defense of homeland over the side of the boat filled with foreign invaders who hate them.

What is Zionism, this strange sounding word? Why call nationalism Zionism? Good question!

Zion is the ancient Biblical word for Israel, and in its most essential form Zionism is just simple old nationalism for Zion, which is simply a national pride in and defense of one’s homeland. Here it is Zion (Israel, Jerusalem, the Holy Land), but you can have nationalist feelings like Russiaism, Francism, Chinism, Brazilism etc. All the same thing about different places.

Generally speaking, that is all Zionism is, and literally everyone around the planet has some degree of national pride in their own country, whether they are from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Russia, France, or especially Japan and China. Thus, it follows that everyone has their own form of Zionism, though they might call it something different than that exact word. It is really simple:

Zionism = nationalism = universally felt love of and pride in one’s own country. Everyone feels it, everyone is it, everyone is Zionist. Everyone, especially the Irish. Go Irish!

The fact that Israelis are also proud of their nation and devoted to its defense like everyone else around the world is devoted to their own country is no surprise or deviation from the international norm. Israeli nationalism is no different than anyone else’s nationalism, except that Israel’s nationalism, called Zionism since the 1850s, is recorded throughout the Bible and begins about 3,500 years ago. That is a pretty old claim on a piece of real estate! Especially when we think of the Franks claiming what ended up becoming France only a thousand years ago, at most.

Recently I saw a video of some goofball lout yelling at participants in a pro-Israel rally, “Zionism isn’t even a part of Judaism,” he said over and over.

Really? I don’t think he is right about this.

If anything, the historical and Biblically commanded devotion of Jews to living in and militarily controlling Zion AKA The Holy Land AKA Israel AKA Judea is one of the most fundamental tenets of Judaism. In the very beginning of the Bible, and repeated again and again throughout the Bible with different characters, God promises to Abraham that his Jewish descendants will inherit Israel. So strongly did Jews feel their Zionistic nationalism 1,960 years ago, that they ended up in a war (year 67 CE) with the world’s leading superpower, Rome. And then again, seventy years later (year 131 CE) the Jews rose up and duked it out with the Romans again. And then again in the 1940s with the British Empire, and now again with the Islamic Empire.

So yeah, Jews are super nationalistic and Zionism is fundamentally a part of Judaism. Always has been, always will be.

True, there are Jews who say they are not Zionists, but hey, there are chickensh*t traitors in every group, people looking for what they think is the easiest way out of whatever situation they find themselves in. Those Jews decrying Zionism and Israel are, no surprise, the least involved, least devoted, least Jewish Jews you can find anywhere. So for them, attacking the most visibly Jewish thing, Israel and Jewish nationalism, is their way of trying to disassociate from being Jewish. After all the hell that Jews go through for simply being Jewish, I can’t say I blame them for wanting to check out.

Interesting, then, that Christian America has SO MANY PLACES named Zion!

In the Bible, Zion was always the Promised Land, and to America’s European founders, America was the new Promised Land. And so they named thousands of places in America and across America after Biblical places, including Hebron, Zion, Jerusalem, etc.

America has a Zion National Park, and my area of central Pennsylvania has a ton of places named Zion (see some of the photos I took below).

The point is, when a person opposes Zionism they are opposing just one country’s nationalism. Now why would any person oppose just one country’s nationalism, and not everyone else’s? I mean, I don’t think I have met anyone who loved French nationalism who did not also grudgingly recognize German nationalism and pride. Lots of us Americans are nationalists for America, but we understand why others feel strongly about their own country. Right?

So why are only the Jews being singled out for attack and de-nationing among an entire planet filled with people and nations? Why is only Jewish nationalism such a terrible thing?

I think we all know why. Zionism is being singled out because the same evil envious loser people who always hate Jews have simply found another way to show that they hate Jews. And so Zionism is attacked by people who themselves have tremendous Zionism for their own country.

Oh, the irony of people claiming that Zionism is a “colonial settler ideology,” when Zionism is simply the 3,500-year-old unbroken Biblical and modern history of Jews living in their ancient homeland, Judea/Israel/Zion. Jews cannot possibly be strangers or colonists in their own homeland, and so it is richly ironic that it is the land-stealing Islamic imperialists and Arab and Turkish colonialists who oppose the Jews. Across the planet, jihadi imperialism has spread Islam (Two Billion People total) by force and violence far beyond the Arabian Peninsula, and yet these same colonists covet this tiny little sliver of land held by the smallest of peoples, the Jews (Ten Million People total).

The Han Chinese ethnic group numbers somewhere close to a billion people, in one of the largest nations on the planet, and yet they maintain a sincere fear of being replaced, and so the Han Chinese maintain one of the most aggressive, largest militaries on the planet, and they are in a constant state of imperial expansion.

If we have to render unto Caeser what is Caeser’s, and if the Han Chinese get to keep testing everyone else’s boundaries, and if political and jihadi Islam never stops trying to take over other people’s lands, can’t we just let the tiny Jews enjoy their tiny little Zion, their ancient Promised Land? Is that really too much to ask? I don’t think so. You yourself don’t want to give up your own Zion, either, wherever that happens to be.

Every human being is a Zionist for their own Zion, whether that Zion is actually in Zion or is in France or China or Russia, America, or Italy.

Zion PA, Centre County

Zions View PA, York County

Mount Zion in Zion, the original site of Zionism 3,500 years ago

The Jewish deed to Israel is 3,500 years old and says “Zion” on it. Blessings to all Zionists



Hurricane Helene says No Such Thing as White Privilege

“White privilege” may be the most racist thing you will hear anyone say or allege in your lifetime, probably from the most racist people on Planet Earth, white liberal Democrats, but that has not stopped this fake social construction from being pronounced and bandied about like it is actually real.

Well, Mother Nature herself has recently descended from the heavens above to demonstrate that in reality and in the natural world too, there is no such thing as “White privilege.”

In the form of Hurricane Helene last week, Mother Nature inflicted huge devastation and destruction upon eastern Tennessee and northern North Carolina and the regional demographic there. It is a group of people I have had a lot of life experience with and who I maintain intense admiration for, white rural working people.

That there are a lot of white liberal Democrats in Asheville folded into the mix of Hurricane Helene victims does not mitigate or reduce my sympathy or hope for everyone’s full recovery there. Everyone is equal before the law, everyone is created in the image of God, and we are all Americans who should be caring for one another, regardless of our political opinions or religious views.

So Hurricane Helene destroyed billions of dollars in built infrastructure, including homes, towns, villages, farms, rural roads and interstates and bridges and schools and hospitals, stranding hundreds of thousands of largely white rural American citizens without power, water, or food.

And so just to demonstrate that white people can be victims and actually have no racial privilege whatsoever, the federal government response to Hurricane Helene has been… almost silent. Like cavalier and ignoring the huge mess of human misery. Like on purpose.

Recall that to our elites, Appalachian whites are the deplorable, disposable, ignored, maligned, forgotten Americans who nonetheless mine the coal that gives us most of our electricity, serve as the roughnecks on oil and gas drilling platforms that run our vehicles, fill up the special forces and combat infantry positions in our most highly motivated and patriotic high-risk fighting forces, who log the forests that provide us with high grade lumber for our fancy kitchens and furniture, who work for the railroads, and who drive trucks across the interstates that bring Amazon Prime to your home super pronto.

In every one of these professions, these (white, rural) people are taking big risks that almost always exceed their expected financial return. Why? Because they are proud to work hard, and they love America more than they love themselves. And they are devoted to America because there is no other nation anywhere that will give them the same freedom and opportunity.

White rural working people are the people who disproportionately make America work and run and give you, dear reader, the comfortable lifestyle to which you have become all too accustomed. And now that these people need a lot of help to get through this natural catastrophe, it sure appears that they are being abandoned by the same federal government that is simultaneously giving away unlimited taxpayer dollars right and left to border-jumping illegal migrants and to the porous demi-government in Ukraine.

I am hearing mostly consistent reports of aid efforts from acquaintences, friends, and family in Asheville and eastern Tennessee (some of their own photos are below; one of my family members from there is now in a hotel in South Carolina). Last week a friend of mine from Harrisburg loaded up his work van with bottled water and food and drove seven hours to the literal end of the paved road in eastern Tennessee, where he followed signs to a Baptist church. There in the church parking lot he was met with tears of fear and appreciation, and many needy hands as entire families sought shelter there with their sole remaining belongings: Their clothing on their bodies. (Some of his own photos of this are below).

Radio personality Glenn Beck reported his unbelievably negative experience with a sole FEMA crew instructive example of No White Privilege To Be Found Here.

Plenty of political fallout has resulted from apparent Biden-Harris government failure, or even willful blocking of aid efforts. While checking his email at a FEMA post, a partisan leftist Democrat in my family there said this is all politically generated misinformation, but I don’t know if I can accept that. The damning reports and real-time online videos are overwhelming and seem irrefutable, while politically partisan mainstream media outlets appear locked into a defend-Kamala Harris-at-all-costs posture, instead of having their crews on the ground recording what the citizens journalists are capturing.

Tons of on-the-ground reports are pouring out of the region, showing a complete lack of federal interest in helping, and a complicated mix of local territorialism, miscommunication, petty power flexing, and even theft of supplies. And even when the Biden-Harris Administration does speak publicly, they are actually saying sorry, we have no money for your disaster relief.

Because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ALREADY GAVE AWAY all the unsustainable taxpayer money to illegals and the endless war in Ukraine.

Folks, not only was there never any such thing as White privilege, but when there was an opportunity to demonstrate that American Whites get treated at least equally with everyone else, both American citizen of color and illegal border jumper alike, the point is made by our current federal government that American White people come last, if they get any help at all.




Elon Musk’s short and sweet warning to us

“Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!

Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the “Democratic” Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!!

Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying “asylum seekers”, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election.

America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only “elections” will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.

The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be no escape.

Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.”

Gun owners prevail against lawless Harrisburg City

Gun owners have finally prevailed against the lawless and dishonest City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in a case that was first filed in January 2015, and now, over nine years later, has finally reached a conclusion favorable to logic, to the rule of law, and to fealty to the various federal and state constititional clauses enshrining firearms rights as “Shall not be infringed” and “Shall not be questioned.”

The case was originally brought by Kim Stolfer of Firearms Owners Against Crime, against Harrisburg City, as a result of Harrisburg City openly, brazenly, lawlessly disregarding superseding state law when the city passed and implemented a number of anti-gun ordinances.

In Pennsylvania, state law holds that no political subdivision can enact its own gun regulations, for the same reason that no one wants to go to jail for having an abortion that is legal in the township next door, but illegal in your own township, same state, and because no one wants to encounter different driver’s license requirements in East Succotash, PA, than those found in Wild West Philly, PA.  Such a fractured arrangement would be untenable, unsustainable, a legal catastrophe. The law must be unified across the state so that the citizens can live there normally.

And so many years ago, Pennsylvania enacted a pre-emption law that says only the state can pass firearms restrictions, not municipalities. Oh, for lawless leftists this kind of common sense law is a challenge, and of course Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg had to test the citizenry. And they have lost time and again, every time one of these places places an innocent gun owner in handcuffs. As a result, numerous large sum financial judgments have been generously granted to gun owners discriminated against by these lawless political subdivisions over the years.

Think about this: Democrat-run Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh not only wantonly waste taxpayer’s limited dollars by trying to defend the indefensible here in court, they then have to pay out huge awards to aggrieved victims. None of this has to happen, but the mindset of Democrats everywhere seems to be so hell-bent on lawlessness and abusing political opponents.

And we here in Harrisburg are about to begin that financial award phase of our lawsuit, now that it has been successfully decided just days ago, when Judge Andrew Dowling decided that Harrisburg City’s gun ordinances violated state law.

In addition to Kim Stolfer there is another hero here, Attorney Joshua Prince, who has climbed Mount Everest a hundred times over the past nine years in his hard work to keep the city accountable and the rule of law alive. I do not know what the payment arrangement betwen FOAC and Josh Prince is, but I am sure Josh is not getting much more than a few bucks an hour at the present. A financial award commensurate with appropriately smacking down the city’s lawlessness might and hopefully will reset the ledger in favor of Joshua Prince. Josh also maintains a stable of attorneys helping him.

Other people involved in this lawsuit are Kim Stolfer’s successor at FOAC-ILLEA, a dogged and articulate ex-cop named Jim Stoker, a plaintiff named Howard Bullock, who works in the City of Harrisburg, and yours truly, moi, Josh First, who lives in the City of Harrisburg. Part of my sometimes colorful testimony in court last month is highlighted below.

Josh Prince’s blog post today about this important holding is here. The actual court decision is here.

If you are a gun owner, or a freedom lover, or a good government believer, definitely donate some bucks to FOAC-ILLEA. They have earned your support!

Trump supporters, do these two things

If you are a Trump supporter, you need to do these two things, if you have not already done so:

  1. Donate some money to the Trump campaign here. It doesn’t matter if it is a one-time donation of ten dollars, every cent helps, every penny is important. Political donations may not be your most comfortable experience, and believe me, I understand your feeling on this. My average political donation is probably $25.00, simply because I work very hard to earn the money I have, and so many elected officials are just so disappointing. even the ones I support. But this year, in 2024, America is on the line. Do you want to save democracy from the leftist censors and totalitarians? Give everything you can afford to Trump’s campaign.
  2. Mail your absentee ballot request, get your absentee ballot, and vote with it. Mail it in and keep the receipt you get that it was received; you may need this. It is important to vote early this year, and avoid the BS that happened in 2020, where the corrupt vote counters hid behind blacked-out windows and added as many fake ballots as they needed to let Joe Biden claim victory.

Sunday Hunting

Two weeks ago I was hunting and fishing in Alaska. Moose, sheep, goat, and grizzly seasons all began on a Sunday, and my religious, Evangelical friend and I were right there opening morning, rifles in hand, ready. Now, Alaska may be the world’s most prominent destination for hunting and fishing, and hunting and fishing may be significant parts of the state’s economy, but don’t you think it says something that the hunting seasons for the most sought after species all began on Sunday?

No one blinked an eye, no one gnashed their teeth, no one howled at the sky about the supposed sacrilege, the horribleness of it all. People in Alaska either hunt on Sunday, or they choose not to hunt on Sunday, and they do not make a huge whiny federal case about it. They are adults about it.

Like Alaska, nearly every other state in the United States has Sunday hunting. Unlike here in Pennsylvania, where for some inexplicable reason a lot of annoying busybody people in politics believe it is their job to police how we grownups spend our Sundays. These people have made Sunday hunting, and only hunting, not sports or fishing or drinking at bars or whatever else, a very difficult thing to do in Pennsylvania. Unless you are from Schuylkill County, where everyone does it, law be damned, and no is ratting out anyone else about it.

On October 1st, next Tuesday, the PA House Game and Fisheries Committee is holding a hearing on a Sunday hunting bill that will allow the Pennsylvania Game Commission to set game seasons any day of the week, including Sundays, if that makes the most sense to our professional game managers. You are encouraged to contact the PA House Fish & Game Committee members and let them know what you want: You want hunting freedom like almost every other state in the USA, you want to make your own choices about how to spend your precious Sundays, you want to be able to hunt without having to take time off from your week day job. 

You can also join or financially support Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, a group I used to have a long founding association with, and which I am still indebted to for their hard work trying to establish freedom here in PA.

Pennsylvania should be able to join the 20th century, at least, on this issue. Pennsylvania is after all the Keystone State and the cradle of American democracy and FREEDOM.