Independence Day, because Citizens with Guns
Today is Independence Day, the day that America declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, and formed a new kind of government. Most governments in human history have been dictatorial, tyrannical, unilateral, top-down etc., and America is one of the few exceptions, maybe the only exception, to that rule. Today Britain is barely an afterthought, but we still view the federal government in Washington, DC, with the same skeptical eye we had for British Redcoats in 1776.
Since our founding, America has been and still is a nation of free citizens, with maximum individual liberties and with minimal government interference in our personal lives. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution as amended both make this power distribution arrangement clear. However, this unusual balance of power was achieved only through the application of military-grade force by the citizenry upon the oppressive government and its troops and civilian supporters that sought to crush the free citizens. That bloody fight for independence set the tone we live by today.
Mistrust of government is hard-wired into the American citizen.
Today, despite a wide array of evil forces (teacher’s unions, federal bureaucrats, a national media that is an activist arm of one political party, ‘woke’ corporations, and careerist politicians) attempting to once again crush the citizenry and deprive us of our freedoms and liberty, we are confident of our future.
Why? Because there is no way that a relative handful of rogue, despotic, lawless federal agents and their power-mad political bosses can survive while surrounded by hostile citizens.
Regardless of who you are, once a person has a house and a family, they have just as much to lose as anyone else. Just as these lawless federal agents are warping and breaking American law to illegally punish Americans who they consider their political opponents, these same agents themselves can also be held in detention without bail, without family visits, without access to legal representation, without medication. And just as rogue federal agents have showed up armed and physically aggressive on the doorsteps of harmless grannies and Roger Stone and hundreds of other innocent Americans, so too can hordes of had-enough-angry local citizens show up on the doorsteps and living room floors of these lawless federal agents. Two can play this game.
America was founded on an armed citizenry standing up to tyranny and abuse of power, and while the younger generations might be so badly educated and indoctrinated about this core aspect of American culture that they cannot do anything without first sucking their thumbs in some safe space, there are tens of millions of older Americans who recall our free days, and what sacrifices were needed to get those freedoms and keep them.
America’s Independence Day is not about relaxing on the river on your boat and drinking beer, oblivious to everything real happening around you. This day is mostly about reflecting on how We, The People are going to hold on to what is ours.
America and its government belongs to Us, not to any political party, not to people who figure out how to cheat and game the political system so they have endless ‘official’ power to do whatever they want, not to taxpayer-funded bureaucrats who have been unaccountable for fifty years despite their repeat failures in almost every field of administration. That is not what America ever was or is now about, despite the lawless outrages and assaults on America of the impostor Biden Administration, and too many patriots alive right now are willing to make every sacrifice needed to keep America free. Their passionate spirit will challenge and confront every rogue government and every rogue agent of that illegitimate government to preserve the freedoms we had up until January 21st this year.
Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! Enjoy your day of freedom now and be ready pass the ammunition (a line roughly borrowed from the battle of Bunker Hill).
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