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Is Canada now a political gulag for Biden?

Imagine you donated to some conservative causes, some conservative candidates. You have probably left some pro-America comments on-line, including some criticism of “president*” Biden or his administration.

Now imagine you take a summer trip up to Canada. You know, hang out at a remote lake with your friends, catch walleye, pike, bass, and maybe lake trout. Eat well, relax under the stars, and recharge your battery. You have done it off and on for twenty years and you are on a first-name basis with the lodge owner or outfitter who gets you tucked in after you cross the Canadian border.

Only now, something has changed, this week. This is not imagination, it is real. Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau just declared martial law, and his administration is already seizing the private bank accounts, pets, vehicles, passports, etc. of Canadian citizens. These people being victimized by their own formerly democratic government are not lawbreakers. They didn’t set fire to anything, they didn’t vandalize anything, they just protested peacefully or donated to lawful organizations that organize democratically to oppose Trudeau.

But now under Trudeau’s martial law, the rule of law is suspended. There are no objective standards with which law enforcement officers (who have been caught texting their enjoyment of brutalizing peaceful protestors in Ottawa) conduct themselves. Worse, the Trudeau government has a political enemies list of not just Canadians, but also Americans. And they are probably borrowing from the Biden gang’s enemy list, too.

So imagine you arrive in June at the Canadian border to set out on your annual fishing trip, and the next thing you know, you are being handcuffed and spirited away to some remote Canadian prison. You have not been charged with any crime, and because Canada is now under martial law, you have no due process rights. None. You ask to call your family to tell them where you are, and that is declined. Because you are either a political enemy of Biden or Trudeau, you are now completely screwed, because the Biden Administration is not going to weigh in to help out you, their citizen.

Nope, the Biden Administration is going to thank Trudeau for locking up their political enemies for them. And God only knows where you will be in a month or a year.

This is where we stand right now. By all indications, Canada is America’s new gulag, where political prisoners will be either sent or caught at the border and stored out of sight and out of reach. Zero civil liberties and zero human rights.

If I were an American who had exercised any of our constitutional rights here on American soil in the past two years, I would not step foot anywhere near the Canadian border. I would stay far away from Canada. Because it is probably a trap that will destroy your life. Treat Canada like a dangerous No-Go Zone (and the same can be said for Washington, DC, and many lawless leftist cities around America, where conservatives have zero civil rights or even human rights).

All around the world democracy is suddenly under assault, from within the democratic countries, not from without. New Zealand, Australia, Europe, Canada, and America are all being attacked by anti-democracy forces from within our own governments. Why this lawlessness is happening all at once is anyone’s guess. It certainly does appear to be coordinated, and all of these inside-job political hijackers are ruthless.

Unless you are an illegal alien from some other country…who might prove useful in displacing and oppressing the native people here in America, or Canada…

Freedom Convoys vs Lawless Power Grabbers

People do read this blog. Not many, but I am always impressed at the roughly four regular readers here. How some of the ideas and phrases posted here get immediately sucked up into the larger Internet discussion is a happy mystery.

For example, a month ago the old CW McCall pro-America and anti-authoritarian song “Convoy” was posted here, with a few edits to bring it up to date, and the next thing ya know, there are CONVOYS happening everywhere. I guess I was not alone in thinking about a death-defying cross-country convoy to challenge the lawlessness emanating from Washington, DC, and Ottawa, Canada.

If you want the latest on-the-ground news about the Canadian convoys, or Australian protests, then the only consistent place to get it is Rebel News. Rebel News is a bunch of old fashioned news reporters walking the streets and asking people questions, filming and documenting the actual interactions happening between the government agents and The People. If you think that dialing in CNNLOL or CBC or CBS will get you accurate information, you are mistaken, because they are the propagandists for the lawless government officials presently abusing their powers and doing everything possible to hold on to their power. And the harder the governments squeeze peaceful protestors, the more the protestors protest, and the more the establishment media and Big Tech try to hide and distort what is truly happening.

What do the peaceful citizen protestors have to lose? They have already lost their freedoms and their right to assemble and petition their government. Canadian Artur Pawlowski was just illegally dragged out of his home and jailed by Royal Canadian Mounted Police for planning to speak to peaceful protestors assembled nearby.

This is the stuff of 1940s India, 1940s Eastern Europe, 1970s Russia, 1980s Eastern Germany and Poland, and freakin’ 1770s America, The People vs. The Tyrants. Eventually, The People prevail, sometimes at great cost. But they do prevail over tyranny.

What is interesting is that as the various convoys picked up steam across Canada over the past few days, began to settle in at border crossings and cities’ downtowns, and began to inspire similar convoy discussions in America, and Australia, things began to happen in America and in Canada. Like different federal agencies in America and different states/ provinces in America and Canada began backing off the Covid-1984 health tyranny.

The lawless government officials responsible for the Covid-1984 health tyrannies recognize that not only have Americans and Canadians had enough of this bullshit, we also know that their vaccines and mask mandates and destructive societal lockdowns have done either nothing or next to nothing for public health. The People can see with our own eyes that probably 95% of the coercive health tyranny actions have had no affect on public health, and that it was all done for public control.

What is happening now is what happens every time authoritarians get ahead of themselves and overreach – The People take a stand and start defying the official lawlessness. It remains to be seen if some especially authoritarian officials, like Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and president* Joe Biden will try to call out the tanks and military against this peaceful civil disobedience. The lawless Biden Administration has spent the past year in overdrive acquiring, developing, and implementing mass surveillance tools, software, and personnel…. all to illegally monitor and control the American People. And in many cases, illegally kidnapping innocent Americans out of their homes and locking them up (even now) without charges. Political prisoners in the DC Gulag is a pretty big symbol that the Biden thugs really, really want absolute power over us. Maybe tanks are next.

These are the actions of power-mad, desperate authoritarians. Let us hope that enough officials recognize that their power grab failed, and that it is time to restore freedom. The trucker convoys are the beginning of the test of freedom vs lawless power grabbers, and the rubber is about to meet the road…

Ghandi would be protesting right now against the anti-democracy authoritarianism in Canada, Australia, and America, and he would be just as persona non grata to Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden as he was to the British Imperial Government

Summertime Relaxation vs. Biden Admin daily anti-America insurrection

It is presently the summer time, a time when we go to the beach, mountains, or the local forests to relax, take a break from work and life’s responsibilities, and to spend time with our families. National and state parks are huge destinations for tens of millions of Americans.

Summer vacations are a part and parcel of American and European culture, and they should be an easy time. A time of happiness, cookouts, cold beer, maybe cutting wintertime firewood for your cabin or camp site, hanging out, fishing, camping, exploring, visiting historical sites, etc. You get it, this is nothing new to Americans or Europeans. And for me, this is the heart of my summer time. I do everything listed above and then some, and it is on purpose that I have left this blog site unattended for weeks, while I try to rest my mind and body.


I say “try” because the decades of the Left’s anti-America planning and plotting are now debuting new attacks. Daily Americans are treated to new discoveries of election theft, the role of the US FBI and DOJ not in stopping crime, but actually in CREATING crimes so that they can then “solve” them and then create political leverage for the Left.

Two examples:

We now know that the FBI had a substantial undercover presence at the January 6th rally in DC. Dozens of undercover FBI agents and paid FBI ‘informants’ were infiltrated into the rally crowd, along with hundreds of other FBI-allied street activists, all of whom purposefully instigated fights with Capitol Police and engaged in acts of violence and vandalism. While it is a bit of a stretch to say the acts of 500-800 people at the US Capitol (the People’s House) were a false flag operation, it is absolutely, indisputably true that a great deal of the violence and destruction that occurred January 6th was either done by FBI agents and or their paid civilian helpers.

In other words, the FBI was a cause of the January 6th problems. The same FBI that is now kicking in doors with SWAT teams to violently take into custody grandmas, grandpas, and entire families who were ushered into the US Capitol building by the Capitol Police themselves.

In terms of the January 6th DC rally violence, the FBI was greatly involved in both creating the “problem,” and then in charge of “solving” the very problem they themselves created. All for obvious political purposes. This is corrupt.

Another example is the now horribly unfolding truth about the supposed plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer. What we are now learning is that of the half dozen or so defendants in that alleged plot, at least TWELVE were FBI agents or FBI paid informants. In some of the group meetings and vehicles involved in this now clearly fake “plot,” the undercover FBI agents and their paid informants were actually the great majority of the participants or outnumbered everyone else.

This raises the question and immediately resulting answer of whether or not the FBI actually created, staffed, and staged the entire Whitmer kidnap plot, once again for overt political purposes (supposedly fighting against supposed white supremacist militia people). In other words, by all appearances the FBI created the plot in order to “solve” the plot. Think hard about what this means about the nation’s primary “law enforcement” organization…it means the lawless FBI is completely corrupt and that it is a political arm of one political party.

Never mind that the Biden Administration also has the US military actually flying illegal aliens into America on US military planes, or that the administration is trying to create a 1984-like Ministry of Truth that is anything but truthful. Never mind that every day there is also some other new totally illegal, unlawful, un-American, lawless outrage committed by the Biden Administration against America and everyday taxpaying Americans. Within just eight months, the Biden Administration has turned the entire US government AGAINST America.

So while it is summertime, and I am trying to enjoy my summer break with my wife and kids and friends, I am also horrified by the official lawlessness emanating out of Washington, DC, and its satellite offices sprinkled around the many dis-united states. I need a break from this daily assault, and I also need time to digest the huge volume of daily lawlessness that marks the Biden Administration’s coup d’etat against the American Republic.

Next up… Washington DC Prison City vs. A Dozen Free States

Independence Day, because Citizens with Guns

Today is Independence Day, the day that America declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, and formed a new kind of government. Most governments in human history have been dictatorial, tyrannical, unilateral, top-down etc., and America is one of the few exceptions, maybe the only exception, to that rule. Today Britain is barely an afterthought, but we still view the federal government in Washington, DC, with the same skeptical eye we had for British Redcoats in 1776.

Since our founding, America has been and still is a nation of free citizens, with maximum individual liberties and with minimal government interference in our personal lives. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution as amended both make this power distribution arrangement clear. However, this unusual balance of power was achieved only through the application of military-grade force by the citizenry upon the oppressive government and its troops and civilian supporters that sought to crush the free citizens. That bloody fight for independence set the tone we live by today.

Mistrust of government is hard-wired into the American citizen.

Today, despite a wide array of evil forces (teacher’s unions, federal bureaucrats, a national media that is an activist arm of one political party, ‘woke’ corporations, and careerist politicians) attempting to once again crush the citizenry and deprive us of our freedoms and liberty, we are confident of our future.

Why? Because there is no way that a relative handful of rogue, despotic, lawless federal agents and their power-mad political bosses can survive while surrounded by hostile citizens.

Regardless of who you are, once a person has a house and a family, they have just as much to lose as anyone else. Just as these lawless federal agents are warping and breaking American law to illegally punish Americans who they consider their political opponents, these same agents themselves can also be held in detention without bail, without family visits, without access to legal representation, without medication. And just as rogue federal agents have showed up armed and physically aggressive on the doorsteps of harmless grannies and Roger Stone and hundreds of other innocent Americans, so too can hordes of had-enough-angry local citizens show up on the doorsteps and living room floors of these lawless federal agents. Two can play this game.

America was founded on an armed citizenry standing up to tyranny and abuse of power, and while the younger generations might be so badly educated and indoctrinated about this core aspect of American culture that they cannot do anything without first sucking their thumbs in some safe space, there are tens of millions of older Americans who recall our free days, and what sacrifices were needed to get those freedoms and keep them.

America’s Independence Day is not about relaxing on the river on your boat and drinking beer, oblivious to everything real happening around you. This day is mostly about reflecting on how We, The People are going to hold on to what is ours.

America and its government belongs to Us, not to any political party, not to people who figure out how to cheat and game the political system so they have endless ‘official’ power to do whatever they want, not to taxpayer-funded bureaucrats who have been unaccountable for fifty years despite their repeat failures in almost every field of administration. That is not what America ever was or is now about, despite the lawless outrages and assaults on America of the impostor Biden Administration, and too many patriots alive right now are willing to make every sacrifice needed to keep America free. Their passionate spirit will challenge and confront every rogue government and every rogue agent of that illegitimate government to preserve the freedoms we had up until January 21st this year.

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! Enjoy your day of freedom now and be ready pass the ammunition (a line roughly borrowed from the battle of Bunker Hill).

Official lawlessness about to become unimaginable

Once a political party is willing to risk everything by stealing a national presidential election, they are willing to do everything else necessary to cement that conquest into stone, so that they are never held accountable in the future.

And as we have seen in just one week, the now official merger between the national mainstream Big Media, Big Tech (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc), and the lawless Democrat Party is about one thing: Absolute control over every single American.

Worse yet, every institution is now assisting the official lawlessness: The various state bar associations are trying to eject and dis-bar attorneys who have stood up to the official lawlessness, state licensing organizations are trying to de-certify professionals who have had their own opinions that are different than the Democrat Party narrative. And so on. There is an all-out war being made on free speech, free thought, freedom of association by the Democrat Party and their allies.

And this assault on America is about to become unimaginable in the weeks after criminal Joe Biden is sworn into office on an oath he will immediately break.

One of the things that has really bothered me over the past five years is that I did not get to write more about the events, trips, sights and natural features I have experienced. Summer time is usually devoted to family trips to pretty places, national and state parks, etc., and there is so much cool stuff to write about. Some of the most-read posts on this blog have been about exactly those family trips and adventures. Our readers were probably other mothers and fathers looking into potential travel plans for their own families.

But instead of getting to write about the fun stuff, with pictures of our kids holding up their biggest bass or standing at the edge of some scenic vista, the whirlwind of forced culture war and endless Democrat Party lawlessness has demanded that anyone who gives a whit about democracy and Constitutional government stay on top of the sustained assault on our rights and way of life by responding to it.

In the coming week I will do my best to lay out a list of steps the average American can take to repulse the assault on a free America. It is nothing you will hear on talk radio, because all the radio hosts seem to have been immediately cowed since last week into recommending extra prayer, longer showers, brighter clothing, and more better coffee as the antidotes to the constitutional crisis America now faces. The best radio host, Rush Limbaugh, seems resigned to playing Josephus and simply documenting the downfall of American civilization.

We can each do better than that.

Remember, America belongs to us, We, The People. America is not about government, it is about free individual people, making their own choices, free of Big Government, and a government that is heavily restrained by the Constitution. What we had six months ago is worth fighting for, because the looming alternative is a nightmare no free American wants to live under. In the meantime, I will do my best to post essays about the fun stuff, the neat stuff, the natural history stuff that makes living so much fun and interesting.

Democrat Party steals White House – A-OK, Americans briefly occupy their own Capitol – ‘arrest everyone’

America is in the rubber-meets-the-road period of a full blown authoritarian Marxist revolution aiming to destroy our constitutional republic.

The Democrat Party uses blatant election fraud to steal the presidency right in front of our faces, and then two Georgia senate seats, and we are told by the mainstream media that we must shut up, sit down, and do what we are told. Then, a few hundred thousand patriots assemble peaceably in Washington, DC, to air their grievances. A handful briefly occupy the US Capitol, which is known as The People’s House, four of whom are executed in cold blood by the US Capitol Police, and suddenly the Democrat Party-run media are telling us that every single protestor there must be rounded up and jailed as well as anyone who supported them.

No mention of the four executed protestors, or even an acknowledgement that quite a few ANTIFA guys got into the Capitol and raised hell.

The hypocrisy of this situation is glaring, because we just experienced a solid year of violent BLM and ANTIFA riots that were driven by Democrat Party politicians and their media and tech arms, like MSNBC and FaceBook. Entire cities were destroyed or set back on their heels for decades to come, without any repercussions at all. None, zero.

This situation is exactly how the Communists took over Eastern Europe in the 1940s. They used the appearance of democracy to achieve power and non-democratic results, like locking up their innocent political opponents on fake charges.

Folks, we have a full on illegal takeover of America happening right in our faces. How many Americans are willing to live under the Democrat Party’s ruthless tyranny is a big question.

Another big question is what the hell is the purpose of the Republican Party, if most of its elected members are unwilling to mount any kind of resistance but are actually all too happy to help the Marxist takeover happen?

Vice President Mike Pence is a shameful example of this spineless attitude. Pence said on Wednesday that “the Constitution constrains me” from sending the contested Electoral College votes back to the several states for a re-certification, and so he certified the utterly false Electoral College votes that gave the presidency to a fraud, Joe Biden.

Hey, Pence, the US Constitution and the laws from it actually enabled you to do exactly what was needed. And did you not notice that your supposed political opponents, the Democrat Party officials, do not feel constrained by anything? Not laws, not rules, not decency, not a democratic spirit, and certainly not the US Constitution. Now that you gave them the power, the Democrat Party and their allies in Big Tech are blowing up the Constitution.

Guess this end result makes Mike Pence really committed to the Constitution…

If elected Republicans continue to play nicey-nice by the most restrictive interpretation of the rules and laws, while their opponents are falsely accusing and jailing good people without any regard to law at all, then there is no official opposition to the Democrat Party’s evil. And so there is no purpose to the Republican Party. A political party that cannot stand up to what has just transpired is not worth being called a political party.

Let’s face it, as so many people have said for decades, the GOP is truly a country club, a gentleman’s club, a social club, an investor’s club, a blue blazer and short hair and and khaki pants club, an elitist snob club; it sure as hell is not a political club or political party.

I have run against the GOPe three times (in a Republican congressional primary in 2009-2010, a Republican state senate primary in 2012, and another Republican state senate primary in 2015 that I bowed out of after severely injuring my left knee while hunting), and each time the Pennsylvania Republican officials and GOP money men fought harder against me than empty suit VP Mike Pence or Senator Mitch McConnell just fought against this Marxist takeover of America. In 2012 the Pennsylvania Republicans actually gerrymandered me out of my own State Senate District #15 at the last second, and it took the PA Supreme Court to throw that out and put me back in, a historic decision. Then the PAGOP ran two people against me, and their chosen candidate beat me with I think 43% of the vote, only to lose to the incumbent Democrat state senator that fall.

If the GOP has more fight against America-loving conservatives than it does against open Marxists seeking to overthrow the rule of law, then what the hell is the purpose of the GOP? Not much. Seems like America needs a Patriot Party to supplant the failed GOP. Yes, third parties always enable the Democrat Party, but so what? So does the GOP!

The GOP welcomes all the hypocrisy, sedition, treason, and lawlessness that the Democrat Party and its adjuncts in Big Tech and Big Media can daily assemble, just so long as the existing GOP elected officials maintain their jobs…

Folks, this is not the political arrangement planned by America’s founders in 1776 or in 1787. If Americans wish to hold on to their most basic freedoms, then they must organize right now and plan on mass direct action against the lawless theft of our government. Think of yourself as living in 1776, and act accordingly.

President Trump must stay in the White House until the election is resolved

Donald Trump won the 2020 election hands-down. If we take away the four massive illegal late-night ballot dumps in Democrat Party-run cities in key swing states, President Trump won the election with about 320 electoral votes.

Joe Biden did not win the election, except by counting millions of illegal fake ballots that the courts mostly refuse to adjudicate, because the various court members are themselves partisan activists trying to help Biden cross the finish line.

The 2020 election was stolen, or at least a major heist of the election has been attempted. That is crystal clear from the thousand-plus affidavits submitted in filed lawsuits, the photos and video footage, the sworn public testimony given by eye witnesses in Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, the audits of various Dominion voting machines in Georgia and Michigan, tons of overt statistical data like more votes being cast in many Democrat Party-run places than there are living humans there and 18 of the 19 bellwether counties going for Trump, Biden NOT having coat tails and NOT leading a “blue wave” to overwhelm Congress (the opposite happened, as Republicans picked up congressional seats), and Trump increasing his overall votes by at least ten million and no president before having gained so many new votes and still yet losing the election, and so on.

The evidence of vote fraud is plain as day for anyone who is interested in seeing it. I have not yet met a Democrat friend, and I hunt with a bunch of Democrat Party members, who gives a crap. They just don’t care. If the roles were reversed, they would care. And if President Trump decides to play by the same rules as the Democrat Party, why then these people will certainly care. But right now, they just don’t care about their political party’s cheating and lawlessness.

The problem America faces is a lawless Democrat Party that will break every law to “win,” and then demand that its enemies follow every law and then some more in order to force them out of power. And so it is time for President Trump to weigh out the situation we face, and make the ultimate executive decision: Trump must stay in office and refuse to leave.

President Trump can do this by implementing his 2018 executive order against foreign interference in our domestic elections, invoking the Insurrection Act, and using the US military to take over the voting process, as it is our most vital national security issue.

Would this throw a monkey wrench into the perceived order of things? Yes it would. And so what? On the one hand we have a fraudulently “elected” Joe Biden, who has no right to claim the presidency. On the other hand, we have a duly elected sitting president who is going to have to stay a little bit longer in order to ensure that the rule of law prevails, and not the election-by-media-acclamation that has occurred.

Constitutional crisis results? Yes, and so what? If Biden is sworn in, we have a constitutional crisis, too. Biden’s control of the federal government apparatus will mean the end of free and fair elections in America ever again. It will mean the quick and overt use of supreme government coercive force to disarm law-abiding citizens so that they may never again rise up and challenge the Democrat Party’s plans to absolutely control all of us, Constitution be damned.

Yes, if President Trump does this, and I sure hope he does, then there will be fighting in the streets of America. So what? If Biden does what he says he is going to do, we will have much worse fighting in the streets of America, as patriots become the ultimate resistance against liberal Democrat Party tyranny. Either way, violence is inevitable. With Trump in the Oval Office, the violence will be much more contained. With Trump out of office, the violence will be widespread as patriots, backed into a corner, fight back with all they have in their possession, because to lose is to lose America as a free nation.

Donald Trump is the resistance movement. He is the bulwark against lawlessness, treason and tyranny and foreign powers (China, Iran) who have secret treaties with Joe Biden. Like the pro-democracy Oliver Cromwell did in England four hundred years ago, President Donald Trump must become a sort of temporary Lord Protector of America, in order to keep America from dissolving into secession, lawlessness, big government coercion and slavery, and the end of our rule-of-law system.

After weighing out all of the options and possible outcomes, it is a reluctant conclusion that this is what must happen in this lawless election saga. Donald Trump must stay in office until every legal vote is counted.

Pursuing power vs. pursuing pleasure

If people are mystified by the US Supreme Court’s recent inability to address a textbook example of violated federal voting law in Pennsylvania, they need to understand how this has come to pass. Because that deadlocked Court is now just as corrupted as every other institution in America.

For sixty years at least, maybe eighty years, the Democrat Party has been waging a war to capture America. That political party has been focused on infiltrating every institution in America, capturing each one, and then bending it to its will and using it for further political gains. This has happened with the mainstream media, colleges, grade and high schools, Hollywood and the entertainment industry INCLUDING the National Football League and the National Basketball Association, the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, charitable foundations, Big Tech, federal government agencies, the Papacy and the Catholic Church, Mainline Protestant churches, etc ad nauseum.

All of these institutions have been captured by the Left and they all now represent a politically and culturally united front. In America, their leaders and staff members work hand in glove with the Democrat Party to promote and implement leftist policies, to attack all opposition, and to ensure that future generations of Americans will no longer share the cultural identity and traditional American values of their own parents and grandparents.

The US Supreme Court was just the last of the targeted institutions to fall. And that is what this week’s unbelievable decision represents. In the Kelly/Parnell case this week, the Court was presented with several clear violations of state law and constitutional requirements that ensure that a FEDERAL election is clean and fair. But the Court was unable to muster a 5-4 majority to correct the illegal and unethical last-minute shenanigans committed by the Wolf Administration and the PA supreme court. The US Supreme Court was unable to muster this bare majority because only four justices on the bench believe in an America that has existed since its founding in 1776. A fifth justice, Brett Kavanaugh, is an ethereal dreamer of intellectual musings. Like he did with the recent North Carolina voting law case, he punted, saying that what North Carolina does with its election laws is a state’s prerogative; despite the fact that we are dealing with a FEDERAL election.

Kavanaugh would have been a better professor than he is a justice. Kavanaugh represents the modern Republican Party at its core: A group of people devoted to theoretical living and what-me-worry laissez faire policies with no direction to them. They believe in hedonism, and that probably is what Justice Kavanaugh is, an intellectual hedonist. His dreamy thoughts lack anything concrete, so no one is offended by him. Let the party roll on…

The Republican Party and its ideological allies and affiliates have long worshiped and pursued money and pleasure at all costs.  This is why elected Republicans largely have no fight in them today, while President Donald Trump and his 80 million supporters are doing all of the heavy lifting in this election fight. Meanwhile the Democrat Party was busy gaining control of every institution so that elections will be meaningless and they will have sole dominion over all Americans. Under the color of law, of course, but also, as we have seen, with great official and unofficial coercive force, too. You will obey!

And that is how we got to where we are today.

And for those people who believe that the US Supreme Court will be able to muster five votes for any case related to fairly resolving this illegal election, like the Texas case now before the Court, you are dreaming. If this week’s Pennsylvania case didn’t wake up five Court members that their republic is in cardiac arrest on the gurney, then no other case will.

Dear Americans, we are going to have to find other solutions to solving the Democrat Party’s systemic evil and illegal lawless behavior.

Lawless, violent insurrection. Is it time to outlaw the seditious Democrat Party?

Just like most of the state responses to the Wuhan Flu have had zero to do with public health, the lawless violence and wanton destruction happening across America have zero to do with the murder of George Floyd, and everything to do with people still upset with the results of the 2016 election.

Since November 2016, America’s Democrat Party apparatus – the national media, academia, the entertainment industry, Wall Street, public school educators and administrators, social media, a huge portion of taxpayer-paid professional government workers, and a great deal of corporate leaders – have maintained a hostile, angry, attack mode drum beat against President Donald Trump and everyone who supports him. They want that power that Donald Trump has.

No introspection about why or how Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. No curiosity about how so many people who only a few years before had voted for leftist Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama, suddenly felt compelled to vote for the one person who promised to un-do all of what Obama had done. Nope, no wondering. Instead, America has been daily fed a constant barrage of lies, hate, racism against “white people,” and fascist censorship of people, ideas, and speech that do not comply with the leftist narrative being pushed by Big Media, the Democrat Party, et al.

One hoax after another has been attempted, each designed to fatally damage President Trump, and each failing. Rusty Nails, Russia collusion, Ukraine, totally fake ‘impeachment’, etc. Now it seems that when the latest hoax failed, and yes, the liberals’ phony and out-sized politicized responses to Wuhan Flu have amounted to yet another gigantic and destructive hoax, something else needed to be tried. And next up has been the violent riots, like all prior events aimed at hurting President Trump, no matter what the cost is to the nation.

Let’s face it, folks. This is the same Democrat Party that seceded from the Union in 1860. The same Democrat Party that founded the Confederate States of America, that created sanctuary states for slavery, that founded the Jim Crow Laws and the Ku Klux Klan. The same Democrat Party that blocked civil rights legislation and voting rights laws in the 1950s and 1960s. It is the same Democrat Party that has still literally enslaved most American blacks today, and that is attempting to enslave the rest of America through Big Government. Democrat states and municipalities that implemented illegal “sanctuary” cities and states were really declaring another secession from the rest of America, just like the Democrat Party of the 1860s.

You doubt this?

Just look at how the liberal governors around America have been ruling over the citizens over the past few months. Every constitutional freedom and protection of individual rights has been thrown out the window by liberal governors and mayors in their quest for absolute power. You want to go swimming? Jail for you! Oh, you want to go rioting, well, then have fun. That is how they approach America; pure and absolute lawless enslavement.

The Democrat Party is in full-out open war against America.

The Democrat Party has declared open war against America, against normal Americans, against the US Constitution, against religion, against individual freedoms, against individual choice, against everything that has defined America since our founding. It is painful and scary to write these words, but we are truly in a civil war right now. It is clear that the Democrat Party is playing for keeps, for complete and absolute control of our nation. We citizens are not helped by the weak and worthless GOP, a party whose culture of decadent opportunism means they automatically roll over and play dead at the sound of a firecracker. The GOP has no allegiance to the American people, nor any interest in helping us. Because there is no money to be made from that.

So it is up to We, The People, to say what must be said: The Democrat Party is a seditious organization seeking the overthrow of the American government from within, and we want the Democrat Party to be declared illegal. They have used illegal means, and so let them enjoy being officially illegal in every jurisdiction where The People have the desire to remain free.

Say it, do it. Declare your legal jurisdiction to no longer recognize the outlaw Democrat Party as a legitimate political party, but that it is an illegal seditious enemy. Nothing else will stop them, and save us. Even if it is just a statement, it carries some weight. Doing this lets our mortal enemies know that we will not be their next crop of slaves.


The real masks come off

Over the past month or so, a national debate about whether or not to wear face masks, and under what conditions, has dominated the media headlines. Masks are said to be needed in order to prevent or reduce the transmission of Wuhan Flu. A lot of that mask debate was shaped by the ongoing public argument about whether to go back to work or to stay at home; again, allegedly to stop or slow the spread of the Wuhan Flu; or at least to spare the hospitals from being overrun.

States run by liberals, like Washington, Oregon, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, are still largely shut down, regardless of their low Wuhan Flu deaths or hospitalization rates. Their economies are in shambles, probably by design. Their leaders emphasize even the smallest of risks, and the wearing of masks is symbolic of concurring with their grotesque risk assessment and their not-American approach to dealing with a disproven public threat. Liberals promote staying at home and wearing a mask in public as a symbol of deference to government fiat; really, a sort of face-worn sieg-heil salute to whoever the Dear Leader is in that state. Actual risks may vary by locale, but according to liberals every place is ground zero New York City.

Suddenly in a time of heavily engineered “social distancing” and compulsory mask wearing, with food shoppers everywhere carefully mincing about one another like planets on wobbly orbits, a very controlled American society indeed, an eruption of long engineered social chaos arrives. Fires, violence, looting, vandalism, insane barbaric destructive behavior, from coast to coast. Kaboom.

Flu masks off, vandal masks on. The real mask has just come off, because this is political theater to one political party. It is how they advance their political agenda. Their thinking is Trump could not be dislodged through a bunch of hoaxes, so now let’s try some serious street violence. Overwhelmingly, the graffiti, signs, and riotous behavior are anything but peaceful, with messages like “F–k Trump” etc leaving no doubt what this is really about.

If I were black, I would be upset about the murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. Heck, I am “white” and I am very upset about their murders. I don’t know any “white” people who are not upset about them. These men were murdered in cold blood, and we need to make America so that it doesn’t happen again.

Like any normal American who watches the snuff video of ironically named and now former police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling heavily on Floyd’s neck until he dies, I am also concerned about the so very obviously widespread problematic culture of policing that has evolved out of hiring young combat-hardened military veterans to Protect and to Serve. If you watch enough online videos, it seems that even normal encounters with police provide an abnormal result. Law-abiding people conducting themselves lawfully are videotaped being officially manhandled, or even shot to death in their own home as they confront non-uniformed, unannounced intruders in the dead of night. So many police encounters result in an innocent civilian being unlawfully detained, unlawfully restrained, unlawfully injured, and then unlawfully charged, that if these videos are any indication of a wider theme, a police culture problem really is heavily upon all of us. And apparently it is because ‘contempt of cop’ is such an affront to the folks in blue that some of them act like they are fighting against everyone else. Us vs. Them, red vs. blue, crips vs. bloods, cops n’ robbers, Officer Chauvin vs. George Floyd… and so on.

But if I were black, I would especially be most upset about the dozens of shootings and killings that occur hourly, daily, weekly in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, month in and month out, year after year. Cities run by white liberals for decades have the worst black poverty and violent crime. Young black men are killing each other by droves all the time, and yet…no rage. Not even upset. Not even headlines. No protests, no nothing. Silence.

So when the lid now comes off in these communities, allegedly because of George Floyd’s murder, and stores and churches are looted and destroyed, a normal person asks Why?

Why are law-abiding citizens told to stay inside, stay home, wear a mask, and God forbid if they go surfing or sun bathing or swimming or cutting hair, then they are arrested and shuffled straight off to jail, while truly masked vandals are ransacking American cities at will, with little police response?

The answer is uncomfortable. For decades, liberals have encouraged people, maybe even trained them, to act out their anger in violent ways. In many places violent vandals have been bused in, like St. Louis , Missouri, a few years ago. It is political theater to liberals. It is how their political goals that cannot be met through legitimate political channels are advanced. Nancy Pelosi used the Wuhan Flu to achieve political outcomes the American people would not otherwise grant her, except under extortion and coercion. Now how will these violent street mobs be used?

No justice, no peace,” “By any means necessary,” “Question authority” are just a few of the confrontational battle cries that liberals have said through megaphones and loudspeakers over my lifetime. Whenever something happens that liberals don’t like or that they can exploit, out come the arsonist marchers and the destructive mobs. It is easier than working through the plodding checks-and-balances political process established in 1787.

A lawless political culture has resulted, and it is to this lawlessness that the police culture has responded in like kind. Like two planets orbiting in each other, locked in an unstable embrace.

It is said that liberalism is a mental disease, and while it is tough to argue with that, given the evidence of it right in front of us right now, it is also easy to point out that liberalism is a well considered political movement. It has lots of shaming and false outrage, as well as effective tactics and strategies, lots of lying, hypocrisy, official violence, and street mobs. Social distancing applies to law abiding middle income families, and not to the people who are destroying their businesses. Presently it seems that America’s youth have been indoctrinated to act like the young Chinese fifty years ago under Mao’s guidance, in the Cultural Revolution.

Out in America’s streets right now, the liberal mob is turning our nation upside down. The White House is literally under siege. Though obviously defective, lawless Liberalism has come to dominate almost all of America’s institutions and organizations – the media, academia, the schools, government bureaucracies, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists, etc. Liberalism is ascendant, while republican constitutionalism is in retreat.

The mask is off right now for all to see what liberalism is actually about. And despite its known problems, despite its ugly, scary face staring us normal people in the face, it is doing really, really well.

Liberalism is doing not too bad for a mental disease.