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Acts of Valor vs. Acts of Phoniness: Dave McCormick’s huge fake on PA

Isn’t it intriguing that people who serve in military combat will do all kinds of unbelievably and beautifully brave things at the risk of their own life and limb (thank you all for your service to us back home), but when they are elected or appointed to office, they immediately become political cowards…unwilling to take even nominal risks to do the right thing.

This is not a question, it is an empirical fact. Very few military combat veterans who have been elected or appointed to federal office in America have conducted themselves even remotely as selflessly, fiercely, and as at real personal risk as when they were on the field of battle with firearm in hand and in mortal danger. And we don’t mean physical risk here, but risk to one’s position of official power. Even the toughest combat veterans are demonstrably over and over extremely reluctant to do anything to risk their high official station. No matter how badly America needs their former bravery brought to bear in Congress or in the federal bureaucracies.

Who knows why this is, but it is. Perhaps these wonderful human beings shine most when they know that everything is on the line, and when they later take office, they end up believing or realizing that nothing is actually on the line, except their cushy job and super-high-yield insider trading investment opportunities. And this realization turns them into either simpering weaklings or testily dodgy bullies, who will do absolutely any whore’s job to hold onto their elected or appointed job.

Just a few recent examples of this strange juxtaposition include former senator John Kerry (DC), deceased senator John McCain (RI), and current congressman Dan Crenshaw (RI). Surely there are at least a hundred other such elected or appointed military people, if only your author here spent the time to think or write much more about it.

The one modern exception to this rule that immediately comes to mind is President Theodore Roosevelt, whose adage to “speak softly and carry a big stick” was an excellent rule he both implemented and also nonetheless frequently flouted. Roosevelt flouted his own rule because he was utterly fearless, on the battlefield and off it. His fearlessness begat incredible effectiveness and measurable results, and it is what got his face on Mount Rushmore.

And we should give former Navy SEAL and Trump Administration DOI secretary Ryan Zinke some credit for his brief time at the helm of Interior, where he was daily beset by taxpayer-funded enemies of America and their partners in the mainstream media. But Zinke was in office too briefly to really measure.

Even fellow military combat veteran President Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) was never going to get his face on Mount Rushmore, but on the silver dollar instead, because while he was a true battlefield warrior, once elected to office he was halfway tough and halfway wuss. Anyone interested in what I mean here can easily and quickly research Eisenhower’s strange autoimmune disease-like combination of Cold War hawk and weak-ass dove.

The point being that politics seems to attract people who we innately admire for their battlefield service or even their heroics thereon, but who then greatly disappoint us once they enter politics. And current candidate for US Senate Dave McCormick is one such example.

McCormick’s campaign website says:

Dave was appointed to the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. While at West Point, Dave was a four-time letterman on the Army wrestling team and a co-captain his senior year.

Upon receiving his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant, Dave attended Airborne School and Ranger School, where he graduated with honors at one of the toughest schools in the Army. Dave was assigned to the Army’s All-American 82nd Airborne Division, where he was in the first wave of American troops sent into Iraq during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. His unit was tasked with clearing minefields and destroying enemy munitions, and he was awarded the Bronze Star.

As I am a former wrestler (grade school into college), I do value McCormick’s wrestling experience, because I know quite personally that this uniquely difficult and challenging sport builds good character and tough personal traits. And I naturally also value McCormick’s exceptional military training, and like many people, I also greatly appreciate his presence on the field of combat in Iraq.

So while it’s a damned huge shame that these laudable traits did not compute into a great political character for McCormick, it’s also no great surprise. Because RINO McCormick is following in well trod footsteps by many who have preceded him.

  • Dave McCormick is nowhere near the person he says he is, or who he is trying to portray himself as. (Neither are several of McCormick’s opponents, either: Dr. Oz was a flaming liberal until recently, when he decided to run for office as a Republican. Oz’s candidacy is 100% Hollywood Media hype and puffery, and his political persona/ policy positions is all totally made up utter bullshit. Jeff Bartos is an unabashed RINO who stands for nothing. Carla Sands is marginally better than Oz or Bartos, but still an establishment political hack who also ‘came home to roost’ in PA from out of state when she smelled a juicy opportunity to run for office…she represents just more of the same old political opportunism like Hillary Clinton did in New York, so no, no thanks, Carla).
  • McCormick is, or at least was until very recently, a resident of Connecticut, where he resides in a big fancy house surrounded by other megarich people in big fancy houses, far away from the blue collar stink of Pennsylvania voters, who he now suddenly needs if he is going to convert this juicy political opportunity into more self-improvement. And so suddenly, kapow!, McCormick is a tree farmer (I am a Tree Farmer myself) from central PA in down-home plaid flannel shirts and dungarees, so he can get that Everyman appeal moving in the right direction. I will say that it is true McCormick grew up trimming Christmas trees on his family’s Tree Farm in central PA, and I will also say that he long ago ditched that honest work and healthy way of thinking when he became a greedy, heartless, globalist.
  • McCormick made hundreds of millions of dollars from running hedge funds, which make money the opposite of earning it: They bet against American companies and jobs, and when American workers and investors do badly, hedge fund guys sit around smoking big fat cigars and congratulate themselves on making craploads of money off of our misery.
  • McCormick is a trustee of the Aspen Institute, which is a globalist anti-America make-the-ultra rich-even-richer Leftist think tank funded by the Gates Foundation (ultra Left), the Ford Foundation (ultra Left), and the Rockefeller Foundation (mostly ultra Left). Having myself served on many boards, I can tell everyone who cares that the Left does not allow anyone near their organizations who is not one of them.
  • McCormick served in the George Bush administration from 2005 to 2009 in several high level positions. And while in the bad old days of American politics this kind of resume impressed America First voters, we now see that the most anti-America, anti-Trump, anti-America First people were… George Bush and his administration! They did plenty of behind the scenes anti-America dirty work that America hater Obama could never do, and since 2016 George Bush has been one of President Trump’s fiercest policy critics, even now. So knowing what we now know about open borders globalist George Bush, McCormick’s roles in his administration are no longer an asset, they are a liability. Because America has already been betrayed by a thousand other globalist Bushies/ establishment Republicans/ RINOs just like Dave McCormick. NO MORE.

America as a constitutional republic is hanging by a thin thread, and if our nation is going to survive, we must elect strong leaders. We cannot afford any more RINOs like Jeff Bartos, Dr. Oz, or Dave McCormick, so-called “moderates” who fight for nothing, demand nothing, and stand for nothing except their own personal glory and finances.

Sorry this took so long to say, but it had to be said just right. It does neither me, you the reader, nor Dave McCormick any justice to just poke some holes in his totally rotten political establishment and mostly anti-America resume. There is a real person behind Dave McCormick’s name, and before that person grew up, left central PA, and became obsessed with greed and personal power, he probably was the kind of person we would have wanted as our next US senator from PA. But not any more, because Dave is no longer that person. He abandoned his roots when he joined the globalist ranks, and he does great disservice to his own personal achievements by slyly trying to pass himself off as just the local, humble working guy he once was.

The only person worth getting my vote or yours for US Senate is Kathy Barnette, a humble, honest, down to earth working person and US Army veteran.


Why Kathy Barnette has my support for US Senate

Kathy Barnette is an all-American lady, with personal roots all working people can relate to. Unlike her opponents (Dr. Oz, Dave McCormick, Carla Sands, Jeff Bartos), she is not false, or misleading. Her candor and earnestness are refreshing, because most politics today is a sea of garbage through which voters must carefully pick and swim.

Three of the four candidates opposing Kathy Barnette are from out of state (Carla Sands, Dave McCormick, and Dr. Oz), and they only recently discovered/ manufactured their Pennsylvania connection when they had an opportunity to run for senate. Each has a history of promoting far-Left policies (e.g. red flag laws that place law-abiding gun owners at risk of politically motivated SWAT teams kicking in their doors) that are exactly what America is dying from right now, so their sudden embracing of conservative policies that Republican Party primary voters want is waaaaayyyyy suspect.

Jeff Bartos is a proud, unabashed RINO (Republican In Name Only liberal) who changes his positions with the wind. He says he was pro-Trump when he was not pro-Trump. He says little about the blatantly stolen election of November 2020. Bartos only appeals to GOPe insiders who have zero contact with the Republican/America-First voting base.

Bartos would be a disaster as a US senator, probably following exactly in the footsteps of outgoing RINO Senator Patricia Toomey, whose 55% conservative/ 45% leftist voting record hardly represents what Americans want and need. Guys like Bartos and Toomey are overly sensitive to the Democrat Party’s Media-Big Tech industrial complex, whose anti-America partisanship knows no limits. And so Bartos would vote like former senator Arlen Specter used to vote and how Toomey has voted. I am positive Bartos will be no friend or ally to law abiding gun owners.

So away from the swampy quagmire of Bartos/McCormick/ Sands/Oz stands Kathy Barnette, a US Army veteran, working mom and wife. She is also black, which means she knows first-hand how destructive the liberal policies are that her opponents promote. And her policy positions reflect her down-to-earth life experiences.

I am proud to circulate ballot petitions for Kathy Barnette, to help her get onto the primary election ballot coming up for your vote in May.

I hope my fellow America-First voters will support Kathy Barnette for the US Senate.

PA’s ballot petitions are a Jurassic-era holdover from the days of political party collusion for control of the voters. Anyone should be able to run for office with minimal hurdles. But until we reach that pro-democracy point, I am proud to circulate petitions for outstanding candidates like Kathy Barnette

Kathy Barnette for US Senate. A pro-gun, pro-freedom candidate with beauty and brains

Steve Bannon: Good, bad, or ugly?

Steve Bannon has been a hero to so many of us in the conservative/ patriot/ constitutionalist movement. In 2016 he fought like hell to get President Trump a win that exposed what is really happening in America (federal bureaucrats, the bipartisan Uniparty, and globalist billionaires tearing America away from the citizens who own it), and even after he was booted from the White House for covering Trump’s back (and neither Trump nor anyone else but Bannon understood the game that was going on there until too late) he continued to be an advocate for America First and President Trump.

And for the past several years he has maintained a radio/TV show called Steve Bannon’s War Room that is like so many other political radio/TV shows. Every day, Bannon discusses the zeitgeist of political issues and personalities from his political perspective. Which is a perspective I share.

That’s the “good” Steve Bannon.

Then there is the “bad” and even possibly “ugly” Steve Bannon. And we are not talking about looks here, folks. I don’t comment on people’s looks, because that is irrelevant, immaterial, and often just shallow cheap shots. Rather, we are analyzing one of Bannon’s public activities and statements, and wondering WHISKY TANGO FOXTROT is going on in that War Room of his.

Below is a screen shot from Bannon’s War Room show as it appears on Rumble a week ago or so. As you can see from this screen shot, Bannon is actually lauding Pennsylvania GOPe careerist-political weasel-hack Jake Corman. This makes no sense, because it isn’t warranted because it’s not true.

Corman is a catastrophe for Pennsylvania, for the Republican Party, and for America in every single way. Corman’s many flaws are well known (directly associated with deep corruption, nepotism, RINOism, failing his constituents in favor of big money Democrat donations etc), and his opposition to a forensic audit of the stolen 2020 election is both public and subject to a behind the scenes battle. As leader of the PA senate, Corman stripped PA state senator Doug Mastriano of his senate staff. Because Mastriano has been working hard to fix the blatant election fraud that occurred here in Pennsylvania in 2020.

All of this and much much more (like Hey Jake, do you know what happened to Centre County DA Ray Gricar? Do you know what happened to his body? How did his mysterious disappearance help you? What criminality were you at risk of having Gricar expose?) makes Corman someone that a “good” Steve Bannon would naturally oppose.

Like, fiercely oppose, call out, expose, and challenge when Corman appears on his radio show and engages in totally obvious dodges and solipses. After all, we are all in the fight of America’s life right now. There is zero room for anyone like Jake Corman to be anywhere near politics or anything else that is important. Bannon is a political gate keeper and should be acting like one.

But instead, we get Steve Bannon actually heaping unearned and laughably incorrect plaudits on Corman on his show, and pitching him bizarre softball questions.

It is difficult to know if Bannon is just kind of playing along with Corman, so he can spring on him later, or if Bannon is bamboozled, or, in the worst and ugliest case, if thirty pieces of silver changed hands to buy Bannon’s fire. And it is this last possibility that strikes both fear into the hearts of constitutional warriors, and also deep resentment and anger. If Bannon has been bought by the enormous and enormously corrupt constellation of bad actors orbiting around their investment Jake Corman, then Bannon is not just “bad,” he is “ugly.”

So which is it, Steve Bannon? Are you good, bad, or ugly? If you are truly good, then you will side on the right side with the good people who are resisting the evil bipartisan takeover of America by the likes of Jake Corman and George Soros. You won’t post ridiculous headlines like this on your show. You will push back against bad people, phony people, dangerous people like Jake Corman.

Whose side are you on, Steve Bannon? Jake Corman’s side, or We, The People‘s side?

Steve Bannon actually wrote this laughably false headline.



PA governor & senate races ahead

If politics makes odd bedfellows, Pennsylvania politics is making an odd assortment of fellows, period. And the only one who isn’t odd is also not a fellow, she’s a she.

Off the bat we can discount present PA AG Josh Shapiro, who hungers for the PA governorship. Shapiro proved a year ago and even as recently as a week ago that he is a power-hungry Bolshevik, willing to use his office for personal political gain. To be fair, almost all Attorneys General use their office to make a bunch of show trials that launch them into their particular state’s governor race. Shapiro is a partisan hack who cares little (I won’t say he cares nothing) for The People.

The Democrat Party candidate for US Senate most interesting to anyone with a pulse is John Fetterman, an unapologetic communist with the physique of an iron worker. Fetterman has the weirdest charisma and should not be discounted just because he lies constantly about his wife being attacked, or about voter fraud not happening, or whatever else this kookus mongus communist thinks he needs to lie about. The sad thing about Fetterman is that he would be truly dangerous if he was simply honest, and spoke honestly. That he has a degree from Harvard means only that he was heavily indoctrinated with communist dogma, not that he is necessarily smart.

The Republican side has the most action, and in some ways some of the least interesting people to offer themselves to the body politic in a while.

Former congressman and Trump Administration appointee Lou Barletta is running for PA governor. Two years ago he ran the ultimate Low-T, low energy, slow-walk race against incumbent US Senator Bob Casey Junior. It was not even a contest, and it appeared that Barletta had simply signed up his blindingly white teeth to be on the ballot, and then had not done a single campaign event. Casey blew Barletta’s doors off in the general election.

I am not picking on the guy, and I am not opposed to Barletta. He seems a good person, and as the GOPe goes, he is fairly conservative. He does not come across as a conservative street fighter, opposed to John Fetterman who is an aggressive leftist street fighter, and the greatest fear Barletta inspires in Republican grass roots is that he will install Part II of the Tom Corbett Administration. Recall that the spectacularly failed Corbett Administration appeared to have a religious test/requirement for senior employees/appointees, and that it was chaotically run by a slew of unaccountable arrogant young puppies who seemed to relish detonating the GOP at every turn. Please, no no no no, let’s not do that again.

Barletta is doing the hard work of racking up endorsements, and he is speaking publicly. He appears to be the GOPe guy.

However, now Jake Corman has announced his bid for PA governor. Corman is the PA senate “leader,” the recipient of tons of Democrat Party supporter money, the ultimate GOPe insider hack, and is widely hated in his own district. His announcement appears to be a political last hurrah before he faces a primary challenger next spring. www.jakethesnake.us has a run-down on Corman’s voluminous failings and weaknesses. He is the spoiled child of Pennsylvania politics and probably believes he has a good chance at winning the primary, but he has never faced the angry Republican voter. I believe that given a choice, Republican grass roots voters will happily vote for Barletta rather than unhappily vote for Corman.

Candidate Charlie Gerow has been written about previously. Charlie is a swell guy who runs a conservative salon. He is a convener of various points of the GOP and the GOPe, a consultant and lobbyist. He is a conservative intellectual in the model of William F. Buckley, a thinker, a debater. Charlie loves politics and policy, so he runs for office. I can’t blame him, but I don’t see him engaging the electorate the way Barletta’s gleaming teeth can.

PA senator Doug Mastriano just announced an exploratory committee for governor, which I think is a mistake. Mastriano just started making good waves in the PA senate, and he is needed there. If Corman leaves the senate, Mastriano could rise and take on a leadership role. He could do it even if Corman does not leave the senate. How sweet that would be, to see the guy whose entire senate office was defunded by Corman because Mastriano sought to audit the 2020 stolen election (there was that Democrat $$ speaking for Corman) become a or the senate leader.

Montgomery County commissioner Joe Gale is said to be a candidate for governor, but I have neither seen hide nor hair of the guy, and a request to interview him submitted on his campaign web page was not acknowledged. It is tough to tell if he is for real; if he is, then he seems to offer a lot. He is an unapologetic pro-America conservative and not afraid to fight for us. But again, has anyone seen or heard from Gale?

On the Republican side of the looming John Fetterman street fight for our US Senate seat thankfully being vacated by Patricia Toomey, we have Jeff Bartos, Sean Parnell, and Kathy Barnette.

Jeff Bartos is non-committal to either the GOPe or to the Trump voters, stands for maybe something or maybe nothing, and he comes across as yet one more moderate Philly Jew in the mold of Arlen Specter, who absolutely no one misses. Bartos tried to make political hay out of Sean Parnell’s recent divorce, which involves cute little kids, which is just a bullshit weak-ass move by a desperate, drowning man from Philly. Go away, Bartos, and do not come back. You offer nothing to politics or voters anywhere. Zero. Spare us your drama and ego; please just leave.

Sean Parnell is a handsome, confident, all-American former combat Soldier who stands for everything Pennsylvanians and Americans support and want again from our government. He just went through a divorce, which happens, and in almost every divorce I have witnessed, the two parties pretty much despise each other by the end. OK, it happens, and none of this divorce thing has anything to do with Parnell’s qualifications to be a hard-hitting US senator. Which he probably will be. He is a solid choice for US Senate.

Giving Parnell the real run for the money is candidate Kathy Barnette. Also an Army veteran, Barnette is as pretty a woman as Parnell is handsome a guy, and she is even more articulate and charismatic than he. Her politics are  clearly and unapologetically A+ on the pro-America money. That she is black holds a huge potential upside, because white conservatives are wildly supportive of Black conservatives. If Barnette can get out enough to get known among the voters, then she has a very good chance of facing Fetterman in the general election next year, and I think she would crush him in debates and in a state-wide vote.

Citizen wave arrests aggressive elites

If yesterday’s amazing election results show anything, it is that Mister and Missus America have had enough and are fed up with aggressive cultural elites. It also shows that stolen elections have consequences, because when election thieves actually believe that their un-just, unconstitutional, coerced, forced, aggressive policies are justified by the fake “mandate” they never got through the election they never won, they get some come-uppance.

And this, despite their best efforts to steal yet more elections, as in Fairfax County, Virginia, being oh-so-sadly unable to show their election results on Election Day. The corrupt Democrat Party stronghold county did their level best to hide, manufacture, fake and lie and cheat and steal more votes to get candidate governor Terry Macauliffe over the finish line, but they failed.

Republican Youngkin won the Virginia governorship, and Republicans swept Virginia’s other offices from stem to stern. And again, this is despite the rampant vote stealing there that a corrupt judge OK’d at the last minute yesterday.

Republicans won in Democrat Party strongholds across the east coast yesterday, showing that regular old Americans are fed up, even Democrat Party members, with the wild communist policy overreach that has come to mark the Democrat Party today. This is the proverbial “citizen wave” that anyone with any connection to working people could see coming ten miles away, and which is still building up steam and coming even harder in 2022.

Here in Harrisburg outgoing mayor Eric Papenfuse attempted a write-in campaign to hold on to his office. Despite doing well as write-in efforts go, he nonetheless gathered about 33% of the vote, and Wanda Williams will move in to the mayor’s office. I give Eric credit for trying, as he cheerfully handed out literature at our polling place yesterday. But after eight years of indistinct presence in the mayor’s office, it is time to let someone else have a try at it. Hopefully Wanda will do better than Eric, and do better than her Democrat Party would want her to do.

Outgoing Harrisburg mayor Eric Papenfuse cheerfully running a write-in campaign for mayor on Election Day 2021.



Cultural Warlord Wanted for PA Senate Candidate

While sitting on the North Face cabin porch with some Democrat Party friends on the Lycoming-Tioga county border last Sunday, I was politely asked “the only political question” of our time together:

“What do you think of (D) Lt. Governor John Fetterman’s chances at winning the US Senate seat being vacated by Patricia Toomey?”

And I responded: “John Fetterman may be an anti-democracy, anti-America, totalitarian communist with the face of a worn out prize fighter, but he has an honest charisma that is going to be tough for most Republican Party candidates to beat.”

This is because most Republican Party candidates everywhere, and in Pennsylvania in particular, are well groomed, boring, milquetoast moderates who really stand for nothing except getting a public pension and invitations to all the right cocktail parties. If Fetterman has the looks of a Neanderthal’s old shoe, he still is identifiable as a manly man, and a refreshingly plain-spoken one at that. In a different age and place, Fetterman could easily have been a warlord with a sword across his knee and a coat of chain mail over his shoulders, his beetle brow scouring his subjects with fierce determination to win and to dominate.

Contrast this kind of mindset and distinctive personal presence with the usual GOP spawn that has bubbled up from the top of the donor class to become a candidate for anything: Timid sounding, almost effeminate, tepid, moderate and clean-cut appearing; ruffle no feathers, offend no one, instantly forgettable. And historically speaking, which kind of personal presence wins the hearts and minds of the people, the fierce warlord, or the milquetoast fairy?

Easy answer: Warlords win.

And the American electorate is not just hungry for strong leaders, we are starving for them, because we know America is up for grabs. Leftists know that strong Democrat personalities will make their Marxist revolution succeed, and conservatives know that strong Republican personalities will push back against the Marxists and make America’s Constitution prevail, thereby saving the Republic.

President Donald J. Trump won both the 2016 and 2020 elections because of his fierce and unwavering determination to put The People ahead of the political donor class and the Washington, DC Swamp. The only people who did not understand this then and who not only still do not understand it now, but who also oppose it now are the same old GOP donor class and Chamber of Compromise who try like hell to elect wimpy wusses they can easily control. To the GOPe and its elite benefactors, the Republican and conservative voter is now and always has been barely an afterthought. They don’t give a fig about our views or needs. The GOPe just needs our votes every two to four years to get their milquetoast Gumby candidates over the finish line, and then they immediately kick us and our values to the curb until the next election.

And so looking at the current lineup of declared and possible Republican Party candidates who might be the nominee to face Fetterman, what qualities do we see?

  • Feckless
  • Hopelessly moderate and standing for nothing
  • Money-oriented and ignoring basic values, culture, borders, language
  • Afraid of going to war and braving battle to save America

I won’t name names, but outside of Joe Gale, the list of Republicans running for PA governor is pretty much the same thing.

Who Pennsylvania needs to beat Fetterman is a GOP cultural warlord. A candidate who listens to and cares about the electorate, all of whom are values-driven, culture-driven, America-first-driven. Someone who is unafraid at all times, especially unafraid to firmly and honestly speak her or his mind and to do battle to the last dying gasp, for the sake of everything most Americans hold dearest.

I don’t know if I have seen such a person yet, but if you do, please let me know. I’d like to make a small political donation and volunteer my valuable time to help that person beat Fetterman.

Typical Republican candidate


Democrat candidate John Fetterman

“If you don’t vote for me, you’ll get a Democrat,” says the GOPe candidate du jour

The kind of candidate the America-First voters actually want

You say you want an audit of the PA 2020 election?

Lots of Pennsylvania voters are saying they want an audit of the obviously fraudulent 2020 election. A big petition is circulating, digitally. Groups of citizens in almost every county are personally demanding their elected officials get up off their butts and do the audit. Several go-getter PA state legislators traveled to Arizona and toured the election audit taking place there.

OK, so you, too, want an audit of Pennsylvania’s 2020 election? Well OK, here is what you must do to get it.

The biggest hurdle to a genuine audit of the PA 2020 election is the GOPe itself (GOPe means the establishment GOP, not conservatives, not patriots, but careerists who look out for their careers first and foremost, not for their constituents). In particular, Republican PA legislators Jake Corman, Kerry Benninghoff, Brian Cutler and Seth Grove are stonewalling an election audit. State senator Dave Argall may be on board with an audit, or he may not be. He’s all over the place, which is no surprise for such a crafty old political survivor.

So, dear reader, while I admire your enthusiasm and optimism for the possible audit process that is right in front of us, the best path to getting an audit is finding serious primary contenders for these above GOPe RINOs in the near future. Getting primary challengers has the effect of scaring the GOPe into action now while possibly removing them later.

Off and on for five years, I’ve been trying to get someone to primary Corman. It’s tough. Three years ago I bombarded the super voters in his district with absolutely brutal emails detailing Corman’s nepotism, laziness, lack of care for his constituents, insider dealings etc. Feedback from super voters there was overwhelmingly positive, but I was unable to recruit an actual primary challenger.

However, the effects of that email carpet bombing showed clearly when Corman was challenged in the general election that Fall by a liberal Jewish kid from out of town who openly disliked PSU and guns. Which is sacrilege in Centre County. Nonetheless, Corman hardly had a big win. There was just single digit separation between this so-called “Republican leader” and the liberal idiot flatlander. For someone so tough and important, Corman should have had a huge lead over the kid.

One can only imagine how that race would have gone with a serious contender. Even more so a serious primary challenger before we have to let some leftist fool take a Republican seat. Corman among all of these RINOs listed above is vulnerable. No one likes him. He has no allies, outside of a few PAGOP staffers and “leaders.” Getting a solid primary challenger to face Corman next spring could really help Corman find a way to do the 2020 election audit.

This is my considered response to those voters who say they want an audit. You are going to have to work on tangentially related things – personnel changes in the Pennsylvania legislature – to come back around to getting what you really want. This approach prevents us audit advocates from relying on others to do the audit, and particularly unreliable and disinterested others. It keeps the heat on those who can do the audit right now, while giving us the possibility of removing them from elected office entirely not too far from now.

So, if you live in one of these political districts (seats held by Corman – Centre County, Benninghoff – Centre County, Cutler – Lancaster County, Argall – Schuylkill County, and Seth Grove – York County), then start talking to good candidates who can effectively challenge one of these failed elected officials. Set up an election committee, get your candidate on the ballot, and then get them more votes in the primary election than the failed incumbent we need to remove from office. You might just get two birds with one stone.

Good luck!

Trump sends warning shot right into Pennsylvania GOP over 2020 election audit

Just yesterday worthless, useless, spineless GOPe hack state representative Seth Grove issued a defiant statement that Pennsylvania would not be holding any kind of election 2020 audit. He gave no reason. Representative Grove also ran into a friend of mine in the Capitol this week, tireless freedom activist Ron Boltz, and behaved arrogantly, and cocky, and defiant, and dismissive, and again gave no reason why an audit of the 2020 election could not be done, or should not be done. From Ron:

Was there [at the PA Capitol this week] with a constitutional attorney who came up from D.C., with the issue being getting an forensic audit in PA.  Of course you and I know they have no interest, and we won’t get one.  That doesn’t mean we don’t demand it anyway, and use the issue to beat these assholes over the head.  You know how this works…

By chance, we ran into Rep. Seth Grove in the cafeteria.  I told the attorney we should approach him, and we did.  Grove was visibly uncomfortable with the topic, but was his cocky, condescending self.  Said there’s no money for an audit.  We said we’d pay for it.  He said they wouldn’t accept private funds, and then said “the machines have been swept anyway”.
He then referred to the resolution where the bi-cameral/bi-partisan committee voted it down, as he said “on party lines”.  That’s only a half truth.  What really happened is only three of the four in leadership of the committee voted.  Republican representative Barrar decided it wasn’t even important enough to vote.  So the vote was 2 nays, 1 yay.  Two dems and one Republican, but the full committee didn’t vote on it.  Leadership voted to not take it up.
Does that sound like representation to you?  It doesn’t to me.  Three representatives decided for the entire state that the election wasn’t worth auditing.  THREE.  That’s it.”

Well, news of this malfeasance got back to Our Lord and Savior Donald J. Trump, who issued his own statement today:

JUNE 4, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:

Great patriots led by State Senator Doug Mastriano, Senator Cris Dush, and State Representative Rob Kauffman went to Maricopa County, Arizona, to learn the best practices for conducting a full Forensic Audit of the 2020 General Election.  Now the Pennsylvania Senate needs to act.  Senate President Jake Corman needs to fulfill his promise to his constituents to conduct a full Forensic Audit.  Senator Dave Argall, Chairman of the State Government Committee, has to authorize the subpoenas, if necessary. The people of Pennsylvania and America deserve to know the truth.  If the Pennsylvania Senate leadership doesn’t act, there is no way they will ever get re-elected!

Now this is big talk for anyone, even for Trump, because Trump and his advisors obviously have no idea just how backwards and dug-in the PA GOP is, just how snowed and easily fooled the PA GOP voters are, and how tenacious useless nepotist political hacks like Corman are. For example, despite his poor standing with the GOP voters, Argall has amazingly survived several attempts to dislodge him from his apparent lifetime seat in the PA Senate.

However, on the other hand, for five years I have been trying to find a primary challenger for the seat presently occupied by Corman, because he is very vulnerable, and maybe Trump’s words will help us get the right person. Corman is definitely weak. No one likes him. He has no friends. I am not exaggerating. Check out www.jakethesnake.us

In other words, we could see some real political change in Pennsylvania as a result of Trump bringing fire to the dark recesses of the GOPe electorate. Maybe. Even primarying-out one or two bunkered-in careerists like Corman or Grove would be a huge success, although to President Trump it might not seem like it. These names are all worth pursuing anyhow, for sure.

These corrupt Pennsylvania politicians mentioned above, and including people like PA reps Brian Cutler and Kerry Benninghoff, won’t conduct an audit of the corrupt and stolen 2020 election because they must have personally benefited from it in some way. Now the voters are beginning to see just how aggressively these audits are being fought, and how obvious the steal was, and how our votes are being bought and sold like a sack of potatoes so that political insiders like Jake Corman can get rich, and there is a justified rising tide of anger coming the way of elected officials who stand in the way of getting justice for the voters, for We, The People. Thank you, President Donald J. Trump.

Seth Grove’s ridiculous public statement about not having an election audit. Hey Seth, how do you know what went wrong with the 2020 election if you won’t audit it?


Memorial Day – who and what are we remembering?

I struggled with today, Memorial Day. Every other Memorial Day of my life has been straight forward – we remember the fallen military service members who gave us the freedoms we HAD until January 20th of this year.

Now, America is witnessing a terrifying tyranny emanating from Washington DC, as the entire federal government apparatus is lining up to illegally attack patriots and conservatives from every direction. It is clear that the American government has been hijacked by the worst enemies of everyday Americans. The Biden Administration and their holdovers in government are the avowed enemies of freedom, liberty, the very Constitution that binds Americans together and has protected our rights since 1787. They are bad people. Definitely not Americans.

The FBI and the DOJ are staffed by individual people who are running rampant, crazed with unfettered power, trampling the Constitution underfoot, making a mockery of their own oaths of office. FBI agents concocting phony charges right and left, based on their personal political opinions. And military service people being drummed out of their careers, simply because they are pro-America.

These are dangerous times, and so in this context, Memorial Day today takes on a whole other meaning. At least to me. Like, if our citizens, elected officials, and taxpayer-funded public employees will not fight for audits of the 2020 election, to ensure the election was 100% kosher, then Memorial Day is actually a joke. We are in actuality remembering nothing and no one, but rather we are just going through the motions. We are sitting on our hands while the greatest nation in the world is literally stolen from us, right in front of us, and our noses are being rubbed in it.

What would our fallen service members have said about this situation? Would they have said “Yeah, no problem, we died in vain and that is OK. Go ahead and just give away the country to these evil people who want to subjugate you”…?

It is doubtful the fallen heroes would have said this, right?

So again, what is it we memorialized today? The failure of democracy because the citizens were too lazy or complacent? The failure of the military to actually stand behind their oaths of office, and to defend the nation from enemies foreign and domestic? The really shocking failure of our elected leaders to stand up for forensic audits of every state’s 2020 election results?

I am still struggling with this question. “Happy” Memorial Day, everyone.

This election map says it all

If you are shocked at how easily the 2020 election was stolen from the legal voters of America, then take heart. Two can play that game, and IF the Republican Party will only gain its nerve and assert itself half as hard as the Democrat Party, the tables can be turned.

After 300 Democrat Party lawsuits nationwide right before the 2020 election in dozens of states attempting to overturn established election laws, and about a dozen broad daylight unilateral and illegal usurpation of election law jurisdiction and plain-as-day constitutional limits by secretaries of state in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and other states that allowed unsupervised absentee ballots, ballot harvesting, delayed voting until the “right number” of votes are found, and a bunch of other non-transparent “voting” techniques that are all designed to steal elections, it is time for conservatives to quit whining and get with that program.

If you are in a lacrosse or hockey match, and one team is just high-sticking and high elbows right and left and beating the crap out of your team, and scoring on your team as a result, and the referees are not calling the illegal hits, then play the game to the referees. Play to the standard the referees are playing at, not to self-imposed rules that make you “better people” than the other team.

There is no need to be a martyr and to lose the entire game or match because you would not lower yourself to play (cheat) like the other team did. Forget that, play to win! Do whatever it takes, whatever the other team is doing, to win. That is fair. What is unfair is what happened in November 2020, where one political party changed all the rules at the last second, spammed the voting system in a bunch of swing states, and stole the election in a mass of vote fraud, and is now trying to shut down investigations into the obvious fraud.

If the 2020 election was fraud-free and clear, why is one political party doing its utmost to stop transparency into the voting process? In Arizona, the entire Democrat political party is seething around the Maricopa County vote recount, trying to stop it through legal channels, and also to infiltrate it and cloud its legitimacy.

And so, if you look at the map below, you will see that America is almost entirely red. That is, America is almost entirely conservative, patriotic, Constitutional, committed to the rule-of-law etc. Even in supposedly “blue” states like Virginia, Oregon, Washington State, and New York, the number of red voting districts far outnumber the blue ones.

This means that if the red voting districts have the same 150% voter turnout that the blue voting districts had in the 2020 election, and that 97% of that 150% voter turnout goes to the Republican candidates, then the Republican Party should win handily just about everywhere. Even in states that supposedly have a Democrat Party voter edge. And especially in the swing states that so magically had Democrat Party-dominated cities vote at about 150% voter turnout in November 2020.

This would not be cheating, per se, it would simply be following the lead of the Democrat Party and doing just as they do. Everyone following the same rules of the game, the same referees.

And it means that when some federal investigators show up to view that 150% voter turnout, your county sheriff and dozens or hundreds of deputies not only physically stop the investigators from viewing the ballots, they arrest them for attempted vote tampering themselves. Holding a couple dozen communist anti-America federal employees without bail in East Succotash County Jail for a few months will probably send a strong message to communist-occupied Washington, DC, that our votes will not be stolen or rigged. The only unknown here is whether or not the Republican Party actually wants to win elections, or are they happy to be the powerless perpetual minority?

If every red voting district nationwide has the same 150% voter turnout that the Democrat Party claimed in many swing state cities, the Republican Party should do great in the 2022 election.