Memorial Day – who and what are we remembering?
I struggled with today, Memorial Day. Every other Memorial Day of my life has been straight forward – we remember the fallen military service members who gave us the freedoms we HAD until January 20th of this year.
Now, America is witnessing a terrifying tyranny emanating from Washington DC, as the entire federal government apparatus is lining up to illegally attack patriots and conservatives from every direction. It is clear that the American government has been hijacked by the worst enemies of everyday Americans. The Biden Administration and their holdovers in government are the avowed enemies of freedom, liberty, the very Constitution that binds Americans together and has protected our rights since 1787. They are bad people. Definitely not Americans.
The FBI and the DOJ are staffed by individual people who are running rampant, crazed with unfettered power, trampling the Constitution underfoot, making a mockery of their own oaths of office. FBI agents concocting phony charges right and left, based on their personal political opinions. And military service people being drummed out of their careers, simply because they are pro-America.
These are dangerous times, and so in this context, Memorial Day today takes on a whole other meaning. At least to me. Like, if our citizens, elected officials, and taxpayer-funded public employees will not fight for audits of the 2020 election, to ensure the election was 100% kosher, then Memorial Day is actually a joke. We are in actuality remembering nothing and no one, but rather we are just going through the motions. We are sitting on our hands while the greatest nation in the world is literally stolen from us, right in front of us, and our noses are being rubbed in it.
What would our fallen service members have said about this situation? Would they have said “Yeah, no problem, we died in vain and that is OK. Go ahead and just give away the country to these evil people who want to subjugate you”…?
It is doubtful the fallen heroes would have said this, right?
So again, what is it we memorialized today? The failure of democracy because the citizens were too lazy or complacent? The failure of the military to actually stand behind their oaths of office, and to defend the nation from enemies foreign and domestic? The really shocking failure of our elected leaders to stand up for forensic audits of every state’s 2020 election results?
I am still struggling with this question. “Happy” Memorial Day, everyone.
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