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Ivermectin vs. political, cultural establishment

Among the many political battles now being waged for control of America and the soul of Western Civilization, there is one quiet fight that is beginning to break out into the sunshine. And it is the outcome of this little fight that is beginning to pack a really big punch in the much larger battle between the political and cultural establishment and The People.

The fight, or dispute, or whatever you want to call it, has to do with the use of the long-used anti-parasite drug Ivermectin. It is a real example of politicized/political science vs. science science. Ivermectin has been used for a long time to treat both humans and animals that are infected with parasites. Ivermectin as a treatment for covid1984 in humans has been derided by the Democrat Party’s legacy media (NYT, CNNLOL, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR aka Demedia) as a “horse de-wormer,” and the Demedia has mocked people who have wanted to use it, or who have espoused its use, to treat covid1984.

This mocking of Ivermectin and its medical proponents, even long time medical researchers who are the leading experts in their medical field, is based only on a political narrative. That political narrative is that a) All Americans/ Canadians/ Australians/ Europeans/ Britons must receive an injection purported to be a vaccine against covid1984, but which we now know is not a vaccine at all, and b) any person’s hesitancy about receiving this unproven, unapproved, untested injection must result in social and professional blacklisting, firing from their job, home confinement, de-licensing, de-platforming from social media, etc.

This political narrative is not just being aggressively pushed by Demedia, but by political, corporate and social elites, who while only a tiny portion of the overall population are nonetheless fully in lockstep with just one political party, its political and social messages, and its anti-democracy centralizing statist goals.

So we have the popularized but false narrative that only the government and its non-vaccines can save us from covid1984, and anything else is a threat to that narrative. This makes Ivermectin a huge threat to the entire house of cards built by Dr. Mengele Fauci and all the other Big-Government-Control-Over-Little-Citizens advocates.

More and more reports are seeping out around the Demedia information blockade about Ivermectin being an immediate and conclusive treatment for covid1984. I myself know several people who contracted covid1984 in the past month, got sick from it, and who either had Ivermectin on hand as an ace up their sleeve, or who were able to order Ivermectin in time to treat their covid1984 symptoms. Using Ivermectin, all these friends of mine recovered very quickly from their covid1984 infection, and are now fully and naturally immunized against covid1984. They had it, and survived.

When people say that America or any other nation is suffering from a health emergency or crisis, they are lying. We are not in a health crisis, we are in a political crisis, whose beneficiaries are using the subject of public health and covid1984 to artificially advance their political goals, at the expense of democratic processes designed to place checks against government overreach.

When people say the covid1984 pandemic is a crisis of the unvaccinated lepers hurting the vaccinated, you have to laugh at them. Why? Because if someone took a vaccine, or two or three, heck it might end up being ten or twenty, then they should be fully protected against whatever the unvaccinated people are carrying. That is how a vaccine works. But we have the most coercive of vaccine advocates admitting openly that the vaccines don’t actually work to protect the recipients.

In other words, you must take your vaccine “because we told you to,” in the tyrannical words of Biden Regime spokesthing Jen Psaki. There are no real, demonstrable benefits from these so-called “vaccines,” other than probably blunting the effects of covid1984 on about 50% of vaccinated individuals. But the public health and societal costs of the vaccines are enormous!

So powerful is this political narrative, and so attractive is the potential to make $30,000 per ventilated patient, that even hospital administrators have taken on the role of God in this situation, condemning patients dying of covid1984 to almost certain death, because they won’t allow the last-ditch use of Ivermectin. As if a dying patient has anything left to lose! Well, apparently the hospitals prefer that you die and they not lose their profits, or demonstrate that a simple, cheap Ivermectin pill could have easily saved the patient without all of the other fu$$.

Even state medical boards are on board with the political narrative, to the point where they are aggressively de-licensing and firing medical doctors and researchers who have a second opinion about treating covid1984 that runs counter to the political narrative. Many medical doctors have been cowed into silence or acquiescence from these threats.

Political control of people, the destruction of democratic processes that protect individual liberties, in favor of granting a small group of government employees absolute control over formerly free citizens (you!), is behind covid1984. It trumps everything else. The false political narrative must be protected at all costs, even if thousands of innocent Americans die, because they are used as political pawns to advance Big Government control. The leftist politicos prefer that thousands of Americans die, rather than get good treatment.

But Ivermectin’s success in treating covid1984 is beginning to punch holes through the Demedia’s suffocating political narrative and the unconstitutional government overreach that has accompanied it. Ivermectin’s success is calling into question the entire propaganda narrative about vaccines and Big Government. On the one hand, the initially unproven and now dis-proven non-vaccine “vaccines” are clearly a strike-out, while on the other hand a very cheap and easily obtainable treatment (Ivermectin) works quickly.

Did the Demedia, its one political party, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Tech, and Wall Street just place huge profits from requiring fake vaccines over the actual benefit of Americans? Was covid1984 really about giving a political establishment full political control, and not about public health? It sure looks like it.

These people nearly wrecked America. They have nearly stolen our liberty, our freedom, and our right to choose so many aspects of our lives, in the name of “protecting” us. Don’t you wonder what the political and social fallout from this outrage is going to be?


p.s. if you are curious about whether or not Ivermectin works to defeat covid1984, you can see right here that the US Food and Drug Administration approved it back in July of this year. This highlights just how attractive the grotesque financial profits are from requiring false vaccines, as well as the political profits from unwarranted fearmongering and stealing freedom from We, The People.

Afghanistan debacle is no mistake

Stolen elections have consequences. The purpose served by stealing the November 2020 election was to follow through on Barack Hussein Obama’s boastful threat to “fundamentally change America,” whether or not Americans actually wanted that.

As the 2016 election showed, more Americans are awake now than have been in many decades. Americans knew that something foul was afoot, that both main political parties were up to no good, and electing a plainly and unapologetically pro-America Donald Trump was the citizens’ way of demonstrating that they disagreed with the downward direction America was headed.

So in 2020, it took herculean efforts to steal the election in order to reverse the opposing trend Americans were on. And I don’t think it is immoral as an observer to say that the Democrat Party’s multiple multiple-front assaults on the democratic process was pretty damned impressive. They left nothing to chance in singling out Democrat cities in swing states to have like 150% voter turnout, 95% of which was amazingly just for one candidate, Biden, and none for any down-ticket candidates.

They even managed to buy off, dumb down, and intimidate enough Republican Party career hacks to ensure that very little partisan resistance was mounted in response on Election Day evening or over the course of the following weeks and months. Even now in Pennsylvania, we have an overtly recalcitrant state senate leader, Jake Corman, who is openly doing everything he can to stop a forensic audit of the incredibly corrupt November 2020 election here. Ya gotta ask why.

Why is it that even now, with the Afghanistan retreat debacle, the southern border crisis debacle (millions of illegal aliens require no vaccine, no masks, no anything, but native citizens get thrown in jail and lose their jobs for the slightest resistance to the vaccine posse, go figure), the California governor recall debacle, the failing COVID response debacle, the massive January 6th rally official overreach response debacle, the blatant disregard for public opinion by elected officials everywhere, that little Republican opposition is mounted?

I believe it is because this failing and flailing and hyper aggressive unconstitutional government overreach is all by design. This is how you take down a country. This is how you cause a nation to collapse. This is how you allow a healthy nation to become unhealthy. This is how you really do fundamentally change a nation that is populated by people who do not want to change.

You force it down their throat and up their ass from every angle possible, using every tactic from shame to coercion to threats to media manipulation and indoctrination of the youth to turn against their parents, their elders, their own best interests.

America is under assault from within, and the Afghanistan debacle that pretty much everyone across the board agrees is being terribly and most publicly mishandled, is just the most public evidence of this assault. The disastrous retreat from Afghanistan is not a mistake, it is by design. It is done to hurt America financially ($85 BILLION in abandoned high tech war machinery is a lot even by Pentagon standards), to demoralize its citizenry, to hurt America strategically.

Those crazy hippies in the 1960s and 1970s who said all those silly things against America and against their own parents…they meant it all. They meant every word of that and much much more, too.

And now those same old hippies have the keys to America, and they are using those keys to open up America and utterly destroy it from within.

They do not believe in “power to the people,” because they actually hate the American people. They never did really value democracy, they just wanted to use and abuse the democratic process every way possible to gain leverage and power within that process, and then to control that process. Witness the effort underway to federalize America from a union of united and very different autonomous States and to put the Washington, DC, bureaucracy in charge of everything everywhere.

This is communist centralization, not the diffusion of power via myriad checks and balances America was founded on.

Again, no crystal ball here. No idea where this all goes. I constantly meet new people who are just awakening to this war against America from within America. I also see lots of Americans sleep walking, blissfully unaware and frankly, uncaring about the nation’s trajectory. WalMart has what they want, there is a football game on the TV, and they just don’t want to be bothered with all that self-rule business.

It’s just too hard, they think and so they want to delegate that sacred process to corrupt “professional politicians” like Jake Corman.

Good luck with that, Mister and Missus America! (Sarcasm)


Memorial Day – who and what are we remembering?

I struggled with today, Memorial Day. Every other Memorial Day of my life has been straight forward – we remember the fallen military service members who gave us the freedoms we HAD until January 20th of this year.

Now, America is witnessing a terrifying tyranny emanating from Washington DC, as the entire federal government apparatus is lining up to illegally attack patriots and conservatives from every direction. It is clear that the American government has been hijacked by the worst enemies of everyday Americans. The Biden Administration and their holdovers in government are the avowed enemies of freedom, liberty, the very Constitution that binds Americans together and has protected our rights since 1787. They are bad people. Definitely not Americans.

The FBI and the DOJ are staffed by individual people who are running rampant, crazed with unfettered power, trampling the Constitution underfoot, making a mockery of their own oaths of office. FBI agents concocting phony charges right and left, based on their personal political opinions. And military service people being drummed out of their careers, simply because they are pro-America.

These are dangerous times, and so in this context, Memorial Day today takes on a whole other meaning. At least to me. Like, if our citizens, elected officials, and taxpayer-funded public employees will not fight for audits of the 2020 election, to ensure the election was 100% kosher, then Memorial Day is actually a joke. We are in actuality remembering nothing and no one, but rather we are just going through the motions. We are sitting on our hands while the greatest nation in the world is literally stolen from us, right in front of us, and our noses are being rubbed in it.

What would our fallen service members have said about this situation? Would they have said “Yeah, no problem, we died in vain and that is OK. Go ahead and just give away the country to these evil people who want to subjugate you”…?

It is doubtful the fallen heroes would have said this, right?

So again, what is it we memorialized today? The failure of democracy because the citizens were too lazy or complacent? The failure of the military to actually stand behind their oaths of office, and to defend the nation from enemies foreign and domestic? The really shocking failure of our elected leaders to stand up for forensic audits of every state’s 2020 election results?

I am still struggling with this question. “Happy” Memorial Day, everyone.

How lovely. Our first ever un-President’s Day!

We Americans just had our first un-President’s Day. That is, the non-President’s Day President’s Day. Which is to say, the holiday about presidents Washington and Lincoln that is actually not really about them any more.

This is because some people have decided to destroy everything that makes America America, and to try to turn America into something else that bears no resemblance to the America founded by General George Washington, our first president and the one for whom President’s Day is really all about. The person these people have selected to represent them is corrupt political careerist Joe Biden, who represents absolutely zero of what George Washington stood for.

King George III remarked about George Washington that he was “the greatest man in history” for having refused the crown as America’s first monarch. George Washington was so devoted to democracy in general, and in particular to the republican form of democracy with all of its fractured power sources and inherent checks and balances, that he declined to assume the absolute power of a monarch.

Contrast our heavenly subject George Washington with the lying, thieving, senile, corrupt failure in the White House right now. Joe Biden and his corrupt family are pretty much owned by the China Communist Party, and both Biden and his Democrat Party enablers are on a mad dash to not only steal elections, but to consolidate power Power POWERRR! so that no one can ever again challenge them or stop them from coercing heretofore free Americans into doing things we would not normally choose to do.

And this is why the President’s Day of 2021 is actually the un-President’s Day. Because unlike past President’s Days, this year’s holiday is not about the finest human qualities as demonstrated by George Washington’s self-control and humility. Rather, it is now remarked by the exact opposite behavior: Deep personal financial corruption by the current occupant of the White House, deeply fraudulent elections nationally and in many states that enabled Biden and the Democrat Party to illegally seize power, and a lethargic inward-looking Republican Party that cannot move off its ass to save itself much less the America that it supposedly exists for and to serve.

And so rather than “celebrate” President’s Day yesterday, I toasted General George Washington, for simply being an incredible human being. May God grant America such brave, just, and good leadership again, and soon.

And for all the nitwits who complain that General George Washington owned slaves, where the hell is your outrage against the Democrat Party you vote for and cheer on as it wipes out 244 years of carefully crafted democracy in its bloodthirsty quest for absolute POWER? Today’s Democrat Party is the second largest slave owner in the world, the first being the Chinese Communist Party, in which the Democrat Party is enthralled and in awe.

Sorry. I forgot. If liberals did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all. “Rules for thee but not for me” is the new Democrat Party mantra.

US Supreme Court disgraces itself even further

In the past few weeks America’s social fabric has been deeply marred by a US Supreme Court unwilling to hear two critical lawsuits bearing directly upon the obviously fraudulent election results. One lawsuit was brought by Pennsylvanians, the other by Texans. Each suit on its face had incredibly compelling facts and merits, and yet the US Supreme Court declined to hear either of them, essentially saying that whatever bad election stuff happens in a state stays in that state (as if a state behaving illegally must be expected to go back and correct itself).

And then along comes a Kansas voting rights law, which protects the sanctity of “one-citizen-one-vote” in Kansas, and then the same exact US Supreme Court strikes it down just two days ago. So much for the Court’s prior statement that what states do with their individual elections laws is solely at the discretion of that state!

You would never know that this same Court was operating in this same universe, let alone in the same country at the same time period.  Because if its decisions about the Pennsylvania and Texas cases meant one set of principles were operating, the Court’s holding in the Kansas case means the exact opposite is now true. And there is no democratic institution anywhere on Earth worth its salt that can operate as arbitrarily and capriciously as our Court is right now, and expect to be taken seriously by the governed.

Arbitrary and capricious government decisions strike at the heart of democracy and representative government, and it sure looks like the US Supreme Court is trying to run a dagger through America’s very heart.

The Court is wildly swinging here, for everyone to see in broad daylight. Refusing to even discuss unimaginably evil fraudulent voting behavior on the one hand, and then making a decision that strips Kansas voters of their rights and their expectation that Kansas elections will be free and fair on the other hand….this is a Court that is quite clearly out of control. And a Court that is out of control is a Court that has impeached its own credibility and standing, and which will lose the support of the governed.

Dear US Supreme Court members: If you will not even hear our pleas for relief, then why should we listen to anything you say? You work for The People, not the other way around.

Why does the US Supreme Court exist? Was it not established in order to address the most pressing legal issues of the nation, to preserve the sanctity of the US Constitution, so as to avoid political bottlenecks that are otherwise always resolved through bloodshed? The entire purpose of democracy is to give all citizens equal standing in every way, and equal opportunities for making their voices heard. Citizens whose voices cannot or will not be heard become alienated from the body politic, and they must choose alternative routes for resolving their grievances.

Here the Court is making it abundantly clear to all Americans that at least five of its nine members can be just as volatile, just as unprincipled, just as un-serious, just as politicized and arbitrary, just as in-your-face unaccountable to We, The People, as either of the other two branches of government. Despite the past role of the Court to always serve as a serious and somber place to resolve our thorniest differences in the deepest contemplation. Which is so obviously lacking now.

Some people say the Court is behaving this way in order to shield itself against a Democrat Party super-majority that has promised to add more seats to the Court, or to dissolve it altogether. Others say that most justices cannot help but go native when they spend too much time in Washington, DC. Which is a kind way of saying the justices lose touch with the common citizen, and begin to view us all as mere serfs, with no rights.

I don’t know if anyone else was struck by Chief Justice John Roberts’ snitty little minority dissent in the California religious freedom case a few weeks ago, but his snotty and arrogant tone was shocking to read. This is a man who is completely out of touch with the American people and without a thought in his head for the US Constitution, upon which all of his decisions are supposed to rest. Obviously he has at least four other justices who share his arrogant feelings about us little people.

In just a few short weeks, the US Supreme Court has disgraced itself, made a mockery of the law, of our system of government, of the guiding processes that are supposed to be public and fair for all to see, of itself, and thereby impeached its own credibility, its believability, its wonder and respectability. A court has no army, and all it can do is rely upon its respectability and integrity to persuade Americans that its rulings are just and fair, and must therefore be followed. The Court of Chief Justice John Roberts gets an F-minus, and why on Earth should Americans give a fig for what this Court ever holds again?

This Court is an important public institution that has just bombed out and fatally failed America right in front of all of us. So help us God, may this failure not be fatal to the Republic.


SB 619 captures tug of war between big government and the citizenry

SB 619 is PA state senator Gene Yaw’s fix to a problem that should not even exist. And yet, this bill is being greeted by so-called environmental advocates as some sort of “attack” on environmental quality and environmental protection.

Senate Bill 619 is about one simple thing: Making Pennsylvania state government regulators spell out exactly what is, and what is not, an environmental spill that is so bad that it contaminates waterways and is a violation of our state “clean streams” law.

You would think that in late 2019, 243 years after the founding of America, all state governments would be run by responsible adults who are committed to the wellbeing of their fellow citizens first and foremost. A commitment like that would first and foremost be to the rule of law and the due process rights that undergird and frame everything that is American representative government. Simply put, the government cannot willy nilly decide for itself, based on ambiguous, general, opaque, undefined, arbitrary standards, what is an environmental contamination, and what is not an environmental contamination.

In representative government, We, The People are entitled to know our boundaries, where the borders are to our behavior, and where the government gets to step in and correct us. This understanding keeps us from making decisions in good faith that end up getting us entangled with government enforcers who hit us with fines and penalties for making an incorrect decision.

Presently, and unbelievably, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has no clearly defined standards for what qualifies as a reportable spill and contamination into a waterway. PA DEP’s entire standard is, get this, for real: “We will know it when we see it.”

Folks, I am not exaggerating, I am not making this up. This is how much infinite latitude the state government has now and wants to maintain. This means that literally every time something – a cup of coffee, a can of paint, a bucket of mine sludge, or any miniscule part thereof – falls from its original container into the environment, and into or next to a waterway, it must be reported to PA DEP. And PA DEP reserves the right to fine whoever is responsible, irrespective of whether or not that spill involved anything dangerous, toxic, or at such a small dilution that it is de minimus in its effect.

In practice, this means that PA DEP both chases its tail going after ridiculously unimportant “spills” that pose no threat to anything, which underserves the citizenry who underwrite PA DEP’s budget, and that the agency also holds a huge arbitrary hammer over the head of every single citizen, contractor, and industrial or commercial operator in or passing through the Commonwealth. While being arbitrary is bad enough, reports from the field – you know, the little people who actually work outside getting stuff done for the rest of us consumers – is that plenty of PA DEP staff use that arbitrary standard in capricious ways. These PA DEP staff are, simply put, empowered to be vindictive and petty little tyrants whenever they want to be.

To their shame, the opponents of SB 619 are acting as if the bill is some sort of assault on environmental quality, when it is not, not even close. The PA Fish & Boat Commission is actually on record opposing SB 619 because it allows for “interpretation” in the law. This is embarrassingly bad government to say things like this. Needless to say, the private sector opponents of SB 619 say even worse and less accurate things than the PFBC has written.

Can you imagine something so horrid as there being two sides to a story, some “interpretation” about what happened, and not having just one omnipotent government agency position, take it or take it, because you can’t leave it, because the government agency has 100% of the say in what happened, and you can’t figure it out until some government employee tells you? Is it really so terrible to rein in our government agencies and require them to live by defined standards like the rest of us have to live? Like our Federal and State Constitutions require? Like a whole bunch of other states already have?

SB 619 simply asks PA DEP to establish criteria and standards so that the citizenry and the industries they work in can know when they are following the law, and when they are not. It asks government employees to live by the rules everyone else must live by. It asks government to not engage in arbitrary and capricious behavior, which undermines everything our Republic and our Commonwealth are about. You know, that liberty and freedom stuff that seems so insignificant to the self-appointed guardians of environmental quality. One thing is clear: My fellow environmental professionals may care about the environment, but they do not care about democracy or good government.

This bill is not about environmental quality, it is about democracy, the role of government, good government, government transparency and accountability, and limits on government power. It represents the tug of war going on nationwide between people who want unfettered big government power, and those of us who want government to live within the Constitutional boundaries everyone else lives in.

SB 619 needs to be implemented now.

(c) 2006 Bonnie Jacobs

D-Day remembrance poses challenge for many people

Today is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, that incredible re-invasion of Nazi-occupied France from across the English Channel that was the beginning of the end of Adolf Hitler’s cruelly evil “Thousand Year Reich.”

So what do people commemorate this week? Well, the American 82nd Airborne guys put on a live re-enactment of the cliff scaling at Point du Hoc, for one thing. A lot of ships and boats have been traveling across the English Channel for one re-enactment or demonstration purpose or another, as well as planes and I think even some parachuting. The purpose of all this activity is to visually and viscerally remind today’s people of what yesterday’s people did for them, how they sacrificed for them, died for them, gave everything they had so that today’s people could enjoy their lives free of fear, oppression, and military threats.

Problem is, do today’s people really understand or even care about D-Day and the Allied fight against totalitarian German war-making?

Many of us “older” people ask this question because so many of the younger people seem to think human history began with the invention of the iPhone, and that all one needs to be a functioning human being is a smart phone, a cup of expensive coffee, and the latest sloppy looking beanie hat, and that all of life’s successes will naturally follow if you simply appear in public like this.

Amazing examples of clueless disregard for what this week’s D-Day anniversary celebrations are about include Sadiq Khan behaving like a rotten jerk towards the elected leader of the Free World, Donald Trump, who made a lovely visit to England and France this week. Khan is mayor of London, and by any objective measure (crime, poverty, taxes, services, dirt, rats, fires) his politically correct city administration has been a disaster.

Without America’s intervention in World War II, without our nation’s huge sacrifice of young men and taxpayer money, Khan would not have the freedom today to spew his petty, nasty things against President Trump and freedom. Khan was joined yesterday by about five thousand fellow jerks who showed up to protest against Trump, for a “free Palestine,” for communism and against capitalism, for big government control and against individual liberty…an alphabet soup of leftwing causes as evidenced by the signs they waved about while cheerfully beating up two old men whose views they objected to.

So if London today elects an anti-Western Sadiq Khan to be its representative on the international stage, and Khan is full of petty, childish insults for the US president during this week celebrating freedom and democracy gratis America, then what does this say about the citizenry of London? Have they also forgotten why D-Day happened? Have they forgotten the nonstop German bombing of London’s citizenry, the massive destruction of London, the deprivation?

Do they even care?

With an elected representative like Sadiq Khan, it seems they don’t care. They don’t care about history, or the risks of totalitarianism, how we all got to where we are today, or the daily effort we all must make in our jobs, in our homes, and our communities to keep our common civilization moving forward. And in fact, many of Khan’s supporters seem pleasantly ignorant of D-Day and actually intent on bringing down our common civilization. What they plan to replace it with is anyone’s guess.

A natural question for Khan’s supporters is “Will your England be as free and have as many opportunities for self-improvement as the former England?”

Judging by the cruel and violent behavior of Siobhan Prigent against one of the old men, just asking the question of these folks will get you punched in the face.

And it is against this unnatural backdrop of foolish citizens demanding everything be given to them and that they not be asked to give back, that we celebrate the 75th anniversary of an incredibly complex multi-national operation to challenge the military success of an incredible evil, the very totalitarianism that Mayor Sadiq Khan and his followers seem to have in mind for Britain once again.

And so we see that in truth today’s memorialization of D-Day is not in vain, or just for pure history buffs who like pomp and circumstance, but rather to remind us that the same evil forces are unleashed against Britain and Western Civilization once more.

But this time from inside.

Bodies of a totalitarian government’s political enemies piled high at Dachau. This is in Europe, not in some far-off place we Westerners can’t pronounce. This is what happens to normal people like you and me when totalitarians like Sadiq Khan get full control of government

SWORD beach – 6 Jun 1944. This image is taken from a Royal Air Force Mustang aircraft of II (Army Cooperation) Squadron. The Mustang aircraft were made in America and supplied to the British. You can see the chaos unfolding on the beach, as high tide carried some troop boats all the way up to the top of the beach, and subsequent fire support and re-supply boats were stranded way below.

9,000 bodies were etched into the sand at Normandy Beach several years ago, by volunteers who wanted to visually depict the high cost of the opening effort to stop totalitarianism.

Hundreds of dead American and British soldiers along the D-Day beaches in Normandy

An American serviceman helping cover the bodies of the dead. He was raised in a culture of self sacrifice and risk-taking. Do America and Britain still have the same culture that produced these awesome men on D-Day?

London mayor Sadiq Khan’s anti-freedom supporters beat an old guy because he does not agree with their totalitarian views. Democracy is about disagreeing without violence and resolving differences at the voting booth. Sadiq Khan encourages this violence and is therefore against democracy

Another British grandpa is beaten by a mob of London mayor Sadiq Khan supporters. Siobhan Prigent is the blonde

Siobhan Prigent accuses British grandpa of being a “fucking Nazi” because he disagreed with her Nazi-like beliefs and behavior. Look carefully at her hateful face, her evil eyes. This is the face of what D-Day soldiers faced on the shores of Normandy

British grandpa has had enough abuse for simply disagreeing with Siobhan Prigent. A second later he was hit in the face with a mystery liquid and Siobhan and her violent pals kicked him to the ground.

Independence & Liberty through Secure Borders

Would you willingly leave your house doors open and unlocked, day after day, night after night, and trust that the people looking to walk in would treat you right?

No, you would not leave your own home open and vulnerable to unauthorized entry, and neither will any country worthy of being a place you want to live. Too many bad people can exploit the open border that otherwise protects you. God knows what they can do once they gain entry.

Just 242 years ago today, America established its new borders, and eventually secured them through a young military filled with brave and patriotic volunteers.

Independence and liberty were established for all Americans through secure borders that kept enemies at bay from that time on, through many wars at home and then abroad, to keep our enemies from fighting us at home.

And lest you think the American Indians had no borders amongst themselves, you are wrong, and you know nothing about their history.

From their own beginning here, American Indians from coast to coast waged brutal war and axe murdered one another over their borders and boundaries, over control of those borders, and they cruelly punished people who crossed them unbidden.

Today America has one political party that has decided our borders should be open to anyone who can walk across them. These Americans and their illegal invader allies they’ve already let in believe the American house should be left unlocked so that more can come in. Anyone. Once they have a critical mass of illegal voters, that political party will convert them into an unbeatable voting force, and force their un-American, anti-Constitution views on all Americans.

This one political party is using democracy to achieve non-democratic ends, to establish complete political control and to end democracy in favor of a laundry list of politically correct policies. Their open borders end result is pure sedition and treason. Their goal is the complete overthrow of America as we were founded and as we have known it.

On this Independence Day, commit yourself to defending America as she was founded, with liberty for all. That means defending our borders, keeping them secure, and deciding who can enter and who cannot, for the good of all the nation, like all other nations do.

For those readers who read this blog because they are intrigued by what other people think, join the #walkaway movement. The Democrat Party of today is not the Democrat Party of your youth. It has become a force for evil, run by people who would destroy the best nation on earth. Everything good you take for granted now as the American lifestyle will be gone if today’s Democrat Party is successful.

On this July 4th, commit yourself to liberty and justice for all, and to secure American borders.

Happy Independence Day, America!


Today’s slavery

Yes, today’s slavery is the long-going slavery of Africa, where after a thousand years of continuous slaving, both Africans and Arabs still enslave weaker Africans and sell them or use them as slaves. The contraband diamond pits of west Africa are where many African slaves are sent nowadays, even as small children. Worked unceasingly with little food or shelter, people don’t last long in these roles.

This is occasionally reported in the press, mostly in the English media, which has a commendably long history of abolitionist fervor.

Yes, it is also the “white” slavery of Asia, Europe, and America, where every-day people down on their luck disappear from streets, bars, and hotels. Some are already prostitutes, largely separated from their families and friends, and thus already vulnerable to going missing. They are already easy pickings for disappearing and sale abroad. Plenty of white girls from stable middle-income homes are included; “runaways” who are never found.

Many are sold to Asian, Arab, and European oligarchs, who use these slaves for personal pleasure until they are done with their “fun,” and then they discard them like a broken toy. The discard is usually some sadistic and gruesome ending.

Plenty of Chinese and Latin American people are being shipped over into America as slaves, too, as are Russians and Ukrainians. They have specific destinations, usually factories, where they are promised eventual release for working long days. If you think they are eventually released, don’t kid yourself. Once a human being is enslaved, that’s it. Pretty much only escaping is the happy answer to the question of what next.

A very tiny amount of this is reported in any media, and why this is so, remains a mystery. After all, slavery is slavery is slavery. It is all bad. The Chinese human trafficking does seem to get more media attention, probably because Chinese are considered to be a “minority” in America, and therefore some sort of at-risk population. And we know how the US media like a good victim, real or imagined. It is difficult to understand how an Asian slave is more of a victim than a Caucasian slave from the corn fields of Iowa, but this is how multiculturalism warps people’s views. And no one has a more warped view than a person holding a degree in journalism.

And then there is the new slavery, and it is the worst of all because it is done under the guise of “kindness” or “fairness,” and it has the force of government coercion behind it.

We are talking here about big government socialism making a full-out assault on Western democracies, and an assault on the idea of the free individual, under the guise of fairness and equality, everyone being treated the same.

Of course, the fairness and equality of socialism and Marxism are forced on people, by a big government apparatus. You do not have a choice in the matter. And it is always sold as being done with the best of intentions, even when it turns into a disaster, as have all socialist and Marxist governments.

The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.

The stronger the government, the weaker the citizen.

Although by modern standards and definitions, citizens are supposed to control their governments, western civilization is now succumbing to a Marxist march that was begun a hundred years ago. But it really picked up steam in the 1970s, when colleges began stacking their decks with avowed Marxists who then indoctrinated the young people coming to them for education. Year after year, young people have gone to college to get an education, and instead have emerged with a seething hatred for everything blocking the Marxist takeover of America: Armed citizens, conservatives, Republicans, businesses, the Constitution.

What is now under way is the aggressive attempt to enslave Americans to a form of government completely alien to how America was founded. A tremendous clash is shaping up, not between Democrats and Republicans, but between about 25% of the population that loves freedom and individual liberty on the one side, and about 20% of the population that believes in forcing Marxism on everyone through big government programs and restrictions on the other hand.

The Democrat Party is, as it always was, the party of slavery. It is the Democrat Party that is the official voice and political force for Marxism through big government, and therefore it is the force of slavery in our day.

Sadly, the Republican Party is not the abolitionist party it was in the 1850s and 1950s. No, today the Republican Party has been largely co-opted by Marxism-lite, with most elected Republicans around America being “moderates” who neither stand up for the citizenry nor for America. These are big government Republicans who have made a business of government, turning government operations into a get-rich scheme. They simply delay the day that Marxist slavery arrives, they do not actively, aggressively oppose it. They are too busy trying to get rich off the citizenry.

And if we kind of follow this line of thinking to its logical conclusion, as the politics are likely to play out, then that makes Justice Neil Gorsuch about the most endangered human being on the planet. And that is because he alone is the deciding vote, for now, blocking the anti-Constitution Marxists on the US Supreme Court from implementing their judicial coup d’etat over America’s citizenry (their stated goal of overriding the Second Amendment and forcefully disarming Americans, through, what else, massive, invasive, personal government coercion, exactly what the Second Amendment was designed to prevent).

Frankly speaking, and yes, it saddens me to observe this, with all of the Democrat street violence aimed at conservatives over the past two years, and with all of Obama’s illegal government spying against his political opponents and attempts to frame them and put them in jail, and with this latest DC march to disarm innocent civilians who have done nothing but live by their Constitution, and with all of the media now siding with the big government Marxist slavers, it is surprising that America has not experienced a wave of political assassinations.

I hope and pray that Justice Gorsuch has adequate security.

Why I am a Political Activist

Over the years I have been asked why I am so involved in politics, particularly as an unpaid activist representing my own sense of justice and fairness (as opposed to them being determined or set by corporate or union interests).

More recently, like yesterday, the opening salvo of a campaign to find and elect a primary candidate against incumbent state senator Jake Corman has prompted some citizens to ask me why. And not always so nicely.

That’s OK, because it is rewarding to see any American give a damn about politics, even if their favored elected official is a self-serving creep like Corman.

Folks, it is real simple. I am an activist so that you can enjoy your liberty and freedom, because that is what I believe in. No one pays me to do this. Rather, I take money out of my pockets and spend it so you can make a more educated decision, even if you don’t think you want that information. And believe me, after decades of the Corman clan hoodwinking the good people of central Pennsylvania, a lot of work is needed.

While I am not a member of the Armed Services, I am a member of the American citizenry, where individual political activism is part and parcel of our cultural fabric.

For me, political activism is a love of liberty, inspired by the freedom and promise of America. I feel inspired when I think of these things, and I am willing to fight for them, for you. Even if you don’t agree with my specific views.

Think about it: Most of the people on this planet live under tyranny, with no freedom, no choice, no opportunity, no liberty to express themselves or seek redress for bad political choices. China alone has over a billion serfs. Russia has several hundred million disenfranchised citizens, who are daily watching what vestiges of democracy they had cobbled together crumble.

What we have in America is rare, but here in America we also have so much material wealth and tranquility that our success is now putting people to sleep. People take everything we have for granted, forgetting the incredible amount of work and sacrifice it took to build this nation up to where it is.

We cannot take America for granted. America is not on autopilot, though to a lot of people it sure looks that way. Too much is at stake to have this attitude.

The hard fact is, you simply cannot outsource or delegate your role as a free citizen. No one else cares as much about your freedom and liberty as you care, and no one else will advocate for you as much as you yourself can, or will.

Another way of saying it is that democracy is where you get the form of government you deserve or have earned.

If you the citizen do not stay involved in civics, politics, and voting, then we will all lose what we have. Corporate interests, union interests, corrupt political interests, control freaks will all happily take over running the country for you, dividing it up amongst themselves, and increasingly edge you out of the picture while using you for your tax money.

Examples include Obama’s trillion-dollar Porkulus bill that enriched his allied interest groups; or Solyndra, the fake solar energy company to which Obama gave nearly $500 million of taxpayer money, your money. And then there is the Clinton Foundation, whose principals used government access and influence to generate kickbacks construed as charitable donations. In the Bush II administration, US VP Cheney helped steer a $400 million no–bid contract to his former employer Halliburton to help clean up Iraq.

As an ongoing enterprise, America takes constant vigilance by its beneficiaries – you, the citizen.

In 1787, at the end of the First Constitutional Convention held at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin stepped out from behind the closed doors into the throng of citizens waiting outside.

There, on the same cobblestone streets so many of us are familiar with today, a Mrs. Powel asked him “Doctor Franklin, what was decided, shall we have a monarchy, or a republic?”

To which our good doctor Benjamin Franklin quickly responded “A republic, if you can keep it.”

And that is why I am an activist, because it takes constant citizen activism to keep our republic. It is what our great nation is built on.

Won’t you take my hand, or lend a hand, and help out?