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Are you one of Biden’s infidel ‘white n!ggers’?

Last week Joe Biden declared conservative, Constitution-believing, religious, patriotic, law-abiding Caucasians to be “domestic terrorists,” and he strongly encouraged Americans to “report” their “radicalized” family, friends, and neighbors to law enforcement.

Just like the illegal ideological purge now happening in the US military, and just like the Communists did in 1940s Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary etc, the Biden Administration now seeks to criminalize otherwise law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans who simply believe differently than the totalitarian communists who stole and are now running the federal government.

Yesterday’s flag-waving American patriot is Joe Biden’s criminal today, an infidel ‘white n1gger’ whose destiny is to be rounded up by lawless law enforcement officers, perhaps re-educated, perhaps executed as an enemy of the state, perhaps lynched in the streets by Biden’s BLM and Antifa paramilitary agents, or perhaps simply jailed forever without any Habeas Corpus rights, as is already happening with way too many non-violent January 6th rally attendees rotting away in Washington DC solitary confinement cells.

Go ahead and doubt this. Go ahead and mock this. I say take a good look at who the Biden Administration is putting into leadership positions, how federal law enforcement agencies have developed a violent, lawless, big government control, anti-America culture, and what those federal employees mean for your everyday, average American citizen who right now thinks things are not really so bad.

Let’s set aside the overtly racist Austen Lloyd, Biden’s Secretary of Defense. Consider instead a person presently being voted on for confirmation to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in the US Senate, David Chipman.

Here is a photo of David Chipman, in 1993, proudly posing all pumped up with machine gun in hand at the smoldering ruins of the Branch Davidians’ compound in Waco, Texas. It’s like a hunting trophy picture. To Chipman’s right is the charred body of one of his victims, mouth agape in screaming agony from being burned alive in the FBI & ATF’s best effort to ‘protect’ the people there by murdering them in cold blood.

Recall that the Branch Davidians were an odd group of cultists living in a quasi compound in Waco Texas. Their leader, David Koresh, was like so many other self-proclaimed cult leaders: A pedophile, a womanizer, a violent abuser, a totalitarian. But for some reason or other, people are attracted to all kinds of cults – The Branch Davidians, the Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter –  and so Koresh caught the attention of law enforcement officials. He could have been easily detained by law enforcement agents on any one of his early morning jogs alone on local public roads, but the FBI and the ATF decided it would be much, much more exciting to surround the compound with tanks, helicopters, and heavily armed federal agents like Chipman, and then provoke a violent showdown. And so the violent showdown ensued, and the federal employees blasted, shot at, bombarded, and set fire to the buildings, thereby burning alive dozens of men, women, and 25 children.

Question one: Why wouldn’t an American shoot back at rogue government thugs violently and illegally attacking not just your wacko leader dude, David Koresh, but also everyone else around him, including his children? No, the FBI and the ATF had no good cause for what happened at Waco in 1993. They could have handled it other ways. I mean, do the local police blow up, set fire to, and bulldoze a bank just because bank robbers are holed up in it? (The correct answer is No, they don’t; they find peaceful or non-fatal means to de-escalate the situation, take the robbers into custody, and try them in court). Similar to 1993’s Ruby Ridge and Waco murders, the FBI is now violently rounding up American political dissidents and jailing them, charging them with the most ludicrous phony crimes imaginable, although their biggest crime is engaging in ‘thought crime’. That is, not being a sheep and not supporting the destruction of American freedoms by big government control.

Question Two: What kind of federal employee poses all pumped up with guns next to the charred human remains of one of his victims? How do other federal employees like FBI and ATF agents view American citizens? Are we trophy animals they enjoy hunting? The workforce culture at the FBI, ATF, DHS, and DOJ are all now completely at odds with the basic lifestyle of most law-abiding Americans. These alphabet agencies are now staffed by and run by people who are literally at war with Americans who value their freedoms.

Remember how our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq were court martialed for posing with captives and dead bodies on the battlefield? Well, apparently it’s ok for American civilian “law enforcement” personnel like Chipman to pose with the bodies of dead American citizens who have just been murdered by said federal employees for the crime of wanting to be left alone.

Former federal agent David Chipman is now a paid professional gun control activist, who believes American citizens should not own guns, regardless of what the Second Amendment or the US Supreme Court says. If Chipman becomes the head of the ATF, he could easily have a whole bunch more Waco-style events across America, as he hunts down his undesirables. Maybe he will even go home by home. After all, Biden made it clear last week that conservative Caucasians are now “domestic terrorists,” and no one thinks terrorists have rights, right?

People like Chipman will be bringing the illegal, unconstitutional violent fight to your home, your hunting club, your VFW. You could be the next iteration of that smoldering hunk of ruined human flesh Chipman is proudly posing with.

And why not? You have been designated by the President of the United States to be a disposable infidel, a ‘white n1gger’ unworthy of Constitutional rights or protections, and subject to a totalitarian government over-reach that has only just begun. And you thought America was too big to fail!

Is Chipman really, really intense? Or crazy? Should crazy people be put in charge of armed forces?

Agent David Chipman proudly posing with a ‘war trophy’, the charred corpse of one of his victims.

One of Agent Chipman’s victims, mouth agape in agony from being burned alive. Murdered by rogue federal employees.

The Mount Carmel kook compound on fire from ATF and FBI bombs

Memorial Day Part II

The most nagging thought this week, which dampened my excitement or sense of purpose or meaning for this year’s Memorial Day, is the realization that the Biden Administration is running hard and fast to build a new US military. This new military is in the process of excluding (firing existing and not hiring new) conservative Christian Caucasians, patriots, and Constitutionalists. The reason this new military is being created is not to defend America, but to occupy and subjugate America. It is a military designed to protect the coup d’etat in Washington DC, to cement into place the stolen election of 2020, to bring the force necessary to hold on to illegitimate power.

This is terrifying stuff.

So in terms of observing this week’s Memorial Day, I was tormented all week by the idea that so many Americans have died to preserve our freedom, which we American citizens are now pissing away because we are literally letting people steal it from us. We are sitting here watching America be stolen and lawlessly overrun, and what are we doing about it?

You think the 2022 or 2024 elections will be free and fair? Not if the Democrat Party and their collaborator Republicans get their way with the so-called “Fair Voting Act”, which is simply designed to let the Democrat Party continue to cheat and steal elections forever. This means America will be a one-party nation, a one-party state, which is what all totalitarian nations have. And when the last vestige of freedom-loving Americans finally do rise up in revolt, the Biden Administration will demand the citizens turn in all of their guns, or face martial law.

And then martial law will be imposed, and the new anti-America, anti-Constitution military will be in place to enforce it. Instead of American military personnel of old who have been willing to die to give us freedom here at home, we will have a new type of military personnel who is willing to make us die in order to enable the Democrat Communist Party to hold on to control and power over us.

So yeah, this week’s Memorial Day took on a whole new context and meaning for me. America is in huge trouble.

Memorial Day – who and what are we remembering?

I struggled with today, Memorial Day. Every other Memorial Day of my life has been straight forward – we remember the fallen military service members who gave us the freedoms we HAD until January 20th of this year.

Now, America is witnessing a terrifying tyranny emanating from Washington DC, as the entire federal government apparatus is lining up to illegally attack patriots and conservatives from every direction. It is clear that the American government has been hijacked by the worst enemies of everyday Americans. The Biden Administration and their holdovers in government are the avowed enemies of freedom, liberty, the very Constitution that binds Americans together and has protected our rights since 1787. They are bad people. Definitely not Americans.

The FBI and the DOJ are staffed by individual people who are running rampant, crazed with unfettered power, trampling the Constitution underfoot, making a mockery of their own oaths of office. FBI agents concocting phony charges right and left, based on their personal political opinions. And military service people being drummed out of their careers, simply because they are pro-America.

These are dangerous times, and so in this context, Memorial Day today takes on a whole other meaning. At least to me. Like, if our citizens, elected officials, and taxpayer-funded public employees will not fight for audits of the 2020 election, to ensure the election was 100% kosher, then Memorial Day is actually a joke. We are in actuality remembering nothing and no one, but rather we are just going through the motions. We are sitting on our hands while the greatest nation in the world is literally stolen from us, right in front of us, and our noses are being rubbed in it.

What would our fallen service members have said about this situation? Would they have said “Yeah, no problem, we died in vain and that is OK. Go ahead and just give away the country to these evil people who want to subjugate you”…?

It is doubtful the fallen heroes would have said this, right?

So again, what is it we memorialized today? The failure of democracy because the citizens were too lazy or complacent? The failure of the military to actually stand behind their oaths of office, and to defend the nation from enemies foreign and domestic? The really shocking failure of our elected leaders to stand up for forensic audits of every state’s 2020 election results?

I am still struggling with this question. “Happy” Memorial Day, everyone.

“Stop Asian Hate,” manufactured crisis du jour

America is being manipulated daily by a partisan media-entertainment complex intent on shaping our beliefs and values by shaping our perceptions. Shaping our perceptions is achieved both by shoving crap in our faces, and by censoring competing information out of our reach. So this week we are suddenly told, out of the clear blue, that it is time to #stopAsianhate. That is, Stop Asian Hate. As in, we must all gather together to stop Asians from being hated, not stop Asians from hating us.

Where this bit of racialist activism comes from is anyone’s guess. The few Asian people I know and asked about it rolled their eyes, or arched their eyebrows, and said “I have no idea where this comes from.”

Asians in America tend to be more affluent and materially successful, and more politically conservative. That correlation is likely to continue on, unless someone can get in between Asians and their perceived sense of belonging, acceptance, and integration. Most of the Asians I know are married to Caucasians, and they have very handsome and bright kids. To my knowledge, they feel fully integrated into American society. So someone with a political ax to grind is trying to alter this situation.

Or worse, this faux cause du jour is timed with the faux political confrontation with China. China owns the Biden family lock, stock, and two smoking barrels, and so perhaps the Chinese are trying to use our feewings to make us Americans feel badly about rejecting Chinese genocide and attempts to take over America.

In high school and college I dated two Asian women, one Chinese and one Korean. The parents of the Korean lady were openly racist towards everyone, especially “white” people, except for Jews, who they said were smart. Both of the women I dated have gone on to be wildly successful in their fields, making scads of cash and living very happy lives. With Caucasian husbands.

Yes, I know, I cannot draw on my own personal experiences to shape my reality. I must accept that there are larger trends happening outside of my own personal experience. But one thing I can tell you firmly and with great confidence is that this #stopAsianhate (again, it is probably not about Asians hating people) is a fake issue, not based on anything really substantive. Like so many other fake issues emanating from the Left side of America, this issue arises from some other goal or problem. If I were to guess, I would say it is the Left’s China problem.

The Left in America is loyal to China and they are disloyal to America. The Left hates America and is using America’s government to destroy America. Now that is a hate I could get into stopping right now.

Here is the manufactured political issue du jour propagandized by YouTube, a big piece of the partisan media-entertainment complex. On review, I think my YouTube interests are pretty neat.


Dear GOP, it’s not about the economy, stupid

If you want to determine a person’s mindset, ask them tough questions. If they dodge those questions, or avoid them altogether, it is a clear signal where their mind is, and is not.

And thus we find the GOPe (Republican Party establishment) folks talking very loudly about the economy. As if that matters when a free America is being burnt to the ground, economy and all, by the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party’s anarchic friends like BLM, the anti-Republican so-called Lincoln Project, RINOs, and Antifa.

America’s most defining characteristic, the rule of law/ equal protection under the law/ equal accountability under the law regardless of station in life, has been utterly blown to smithereens in the past three months by the Biden Administration in coordination with the Washington, DC, administrative state like the FBI, DOJ, BATFE, etc.

Totally innocent Americans across the nation are having their front doors kicked in at 4:00am by heavily armed SWAT teams of FBI agents on made-up charges, brandishing search and seizure warrants out of a Cracker Jack box. These so-called “law enforcement agents” then steal everything of value or of necessity to the family in their home, lock down their bank accounts, and whisk these innocent people away to solitary confinement in jails without access to attorneys or prompt judicial hearings. These people are law-abiding patriots who had the temerity to lawfully assemble and petition their government for one main grievance: The Democrat Party’s theft of the 2020 election, and well, then about the two stolen senate seats in Georgia.

In doing these ultra-violent, over-gunned, unnecessary arrests, the corrupt, un-American, totalitarian message the corrupt Biden Administration and their corrupt administrative state allies at the FBI are sending is Don’t mess with us. We will destroy you. And they mean it, because while none of these innocent political prisoners the FBI is taking away and locking up in darkness have been accused of financial crimes, their bank accounts are being frozen. Which renders the family unable to pay bills, pay their mortgage, pay an attorney to defend them.

And while rifling through these people’s personal things inside their homes, the FBI agents are also taking family computers and tablets used for their small businesses and managing health medications that have zero to do with someone protesting at the US Capitol (The People’s House) on January 6th. The FBI is simply acting in a punitive way, using its huge law enforcement powers to abuse and hurt people because of basic political differences.

I don’t know why it is so hard for the GOP/GOPe to say this, but this FBI & DOJ detonation of the rule of law is the issue in America today. Everything else pales in comparison. Nothing else matters if your own government is using its huge police powers (given to it by We, The People to protect We, The People) to round up innocent citizen We, The People political prisoners, deprive them of their liberties, deprive them of due process, steal their personal property and never return it, and destroy their lives out of a vindictive political difference. Which should never matter to an impartial law enforcement agency, which of course the FBI and DOJ have shown themselves to no longer be; these two rogue agencies are strictly a domestic terror arm of the Democratic Party, used to punish its political enemies.

So hello, earth calling to GOPe, please stop sending out emails about how Joe Biden’s crappy economy is going to cause inflation. Of course Biden’s economy is going to be a disaster. How else do you think the Democrat Party will put as many Americans on the government dole as possible, if not by depriving us of an honest day’s living? Dependency on government handouts is a cornerstone of all tyrannies, as is the dependence on government leniency in law enforcement areas. The Democrat Party and its Washington, DC, minions want us all groveling on our knees, begging for bread and to not be beaten again.

America as we knew it since 1787 ended on January 20th 2021, and now it is up to Americans to re-assert their ownership of the government apparatus that is quickly making a mockery of the most basic tenets of democratic self-rule. We would like some help from the Republican Party in this undertaking. The people who work at the FBI and DOJ are paid by us, the US taxpayers, and they are supposed to work for us, not against us; not as some hired gun meant to terrorize the countryside and bring the population to heel, to get into line and do as we are told by our masters in DC. The FBI’s blatantly unconstitutional behavior does require some political pushback, by someone.

Dear GOPe, it is not about the economy, stupids. Rather, our present situation is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the very core of being an American, all of which constitutional rights are under direct violent assault by the Biden administration and its taxpayer-paid henchmen at the FBI/DOJ/ US Postal Service/ BATFE etc. Could you Republicans please lend a hand, and help us citizens out of this un-American situation? Or are you guys all in such serious avoidance about the giant alligator that is not yet eating you, but which Sir Winston Churchill once warned will eventually get to you, too?

Months later the actual facts with this FBI-inspired violence remain unknown. Given that the Biden Administration is aggressively facilitating border crossing by criminals and child traffickers, why would the Biden FBI suddenly go after them inside America? This victim was probably a pro America patriot, defending himself against a lawless, politicized FBI assault.

President Trump’s one mistake is the biggest

President Donald Trump is a fantastic American. He was a fantastic president; probably the best America has had since Theodore Roosevelt.

All of the fake outrage criticism heaped on Trump has been shown in just five weeks of the Biden administration to have been utterly partisan manufactured horse shit. Like the “kids in cages” boo hoo nonsense that had Democrat Party adherents branding Trump a cruel and evil man. Now corrupt financial criminal Joe Biden is doing the exact same thing, a policy that was begun in Bush II and perfected in Obama’s administration due to a Ninth Circuit court decision, continued on in the Trump administration with great fake outrage and crocodile tears by his opponents, and now is continuing on in the Biden criminal gang administration, with the US Democrat Party Media looking the other way.

This is to say, criticism of Trump was 99.98% baseless horse shit fake outrage nonsense meant to poison the political environment.

So yes, Trump was fabulous, brilliant, hard working, devoted to America and its un-appreciated citizens who are quickly turning into slave labor for the Democrat Party’s illegal alien troops being trucked in to our nation in order to displace us and steal our stuff.  Yeah, Trump was the one sole person standing between America’s citizens and the howling gulf of civilizational destruction now opening at our feet wider every day.

But as great as he is, and as devoted to him as I am, it is important to say that President Trump keeps making one mistake over and over, and it is a fatal one.

He is hopelessly loyal to something that does not deserve his loyalty.

He keeps playing politics by rules designed to hamstring him and other law-abiding American voters and that the other political party will never follow; he remains loyal to a political system that is hopelessly dysfunctional because it is filled with corrupt frauds in both political parties; and he remains party to a Republican Party that is utterly useless, filled with spineless jellyfish gutless political pukes whose sole purpose for being in politics is to enrich themselves and their chums, not to carry a political philosophy of freedom and liberty to fruition, or to oppose the Marxists.

When Trump was elected, he entered the White House expecting to run government like it was a business. He mistakenly presumed that American citizens working in taxpayer-funded government positions would be loyal to the Constitution, its process, the rules and regulations, and therefore, they would follow the directives from their legal boss Chief Executive in the White House. Trump’s White House did not immediately, or ever for that matter, dig into the executive branch and legally remove the politically partisan people who ended up deciding the outcome of his 2020 election.

Basically, Trump put up with a daily dose of illegal insubordination from within the executive branch, and he played nicey nice with the criminals who openly did it for the US media cheering section.

He mistakenly believed that the same corrupt bipartisan political establishment that stole the 2020 election from We, The People, and from him, would eventually treat him fairly in lawsuits and investigations into open vote fraud from coast to coast.

And now President Trump is mistakenly remaining loyal to the useless spineless jellyfish bottom feeding scumbag Republican Party (don’t get me wrong, I am not somehow in favor of the Democrat Party; I just recognize that the GOP is only half as corrupt as the totally corrupt and anti-America Democrat Party) that sold him out in Washington, DC, and in state legislatures across America.

President Trump has the rare opportunity to truly transform American politics. He tried to do so inside Washington DC, and despite succeeding wildly for four years, he mostly failed in the end. Because his re-election was illegally blocked so that the thieves and criminals could re-assemble their cozy little lair they had carefully constructed over the past fifty years. And despotic edict by despotic edict, the Biden crime syndicate daily tears away the hard work Trump did for America.

So Trump could start a new political party, a pure party, a party devoted to America First principles and policies. At least 50 million Americans are ready for him to do so. And yet, instead of starting this new political party, Trump wants to continue working within the existing messed up system, within the same Goddamned disgusting corrupt Republican Party that is run by the disgusting likes of PA State Senator Jake Corman, the political hack of all political hacks in the history of American political hackery.

Is there any way for Donald Trump to win this insider fight with the GOP ultimate insiders? Well, in the company of many other hard working, devoted political activists, I myself have spent over a decade in open and direct personal political warfare with the PA GOP establishment. And while I have some modest gains to show for all my effort, the fact is, vile Jake Corman (www.jakethesnake.us) has been promoted to “leader” of the Pennsylvania state senate.

By the same PA GOP that tonight voted NOT to censure RINO closet Marxist US Senator Patrick Toomey, who used his elected position to undermine and damage America at every turn, and to attack and hurt President Trump at every turn.

This is just one example of a billion such examples of how the GOP is hopelessly beyond help and reformation.

I would have to say that Trump has a very long row to hoe here; a very long uphill slog through slime and muck to turn the GOP around. A new political party (Patriot Party, MAGA Party) would have immediately gutted the useless GOP and sent it to the dustbin of history, where it belongs, but Trump has said he will not do this.

What can we say? President Trump remains hopelessly loyal to America and everything he knows about it. God bless the man. And God Damn the political hacks in both parties who have brought our great nation to the edge of fatal failure.

The yaw in America’s orbit

Politically speaking, for a very long time, at least since 1865, America has had a pretty stable orbit. We circle a very dense, heavy, socially generous capitalistic economic core encased in a semi-plastic Constitution, and sometimes we swing out into the darkness of one far end of the solar system or another. But America has always returned back to the middle after those elliptical soirees, very often pulled back in by the power of the US Supreme Court. Because the US Supreme Court has always always always been the guardians of order and individual rights vs. a power-hungry government.

For all of its flaws and mistakes and legislating from the bench over the years, the US Supreme Court has always been kind of the center of America’s political system. A sort of brake sometimes, or a set of loose then taut reins other times, but always gently steering and operating with the deep respect of the governed. If the US Supreme Court said so, then it must have been concluded with the greatest of careful pondering, most Americans have always thought. However, with two decisions out of the Court this week, the Court’s central stabilizing arrangement is now at an open and notorious end.

The Court is yet one more government organ to now force-feed Americans their new role as subjects being ruled from the top down, no longer free citizens being governed by people we trust and approve of with the citizenry’s consent.

Our US Supreme Court is exerting great yaw upon the nation’s orbit. Which is to say the Court is not spinning or moving in a smooth track, and is therefore exerting destabilizing forces upon the body politic. Its latest decisions indicate a great deal of turmoil inside the Court and out. And the Court’s two recent decisions demonstrate that turmoil emanates from the Court purposefully engaging in overtly political acts, not based on wisdom and due process, but on purely short-term political desires.

The one decision is to dismiss the two main lawsuits from the stolen election of 2020, one from Pennsylvania and one from Texas. Back in December, the Court said that the US President or his assigns\ representatives did not have standing to make these cases before the Court. In other words, the sitting US President was not important enough to argue his case before the Court, which is a ridiculous position on its face. And now the Court has said the two cases are moot because the question has passed with the January 20th swearing in of corrupt fraud Joe Biden. In other words, The People can’t win either way with this Court. In no way was the Court going to hear these critically important cases, because the evidence of wrongdoing to steal the 2020 election is overwhelming. The Court wants to keep a lid on all that, Constitutional procedure and government credibility be damned.

The second decision is to grant New York politicians access to President Trump’s tax returns. This is something that has never happened before to any president or ex-president, and it is part of an ongoing public effort by the political establishment to utterly destroy President Donald Trump, both in and out of office, and his supporters. Like all of the other political decisions made in recent months, the precedent this decision sets can and will swing both ways. As I write this, some enterprising DA in East Succotash America is looking at ways to get Barack Hussein Obama’s tax returns, and Joe Biden’s, too, and to use them to pursue these two criminals to the ends of the earth.

Oh, the precedents that are being set!

One can picture in the mind’s eye the formerly off-stage narrator suddenly forcefully step forth onto the stage and address the audience directly for dramatic effect:

But the blade cuts both ways! But such is the single-minded hatred for anti-establishment Trump held by the political establishment that they are blinded by what self-destructive forces their decisions are setting in motion. America’s orbit yaws this way and that, piloted as it is by blind hatred and ambition…

No nation run on the concept of self-rule like America can withstand such open and notorious purposefully arbitrary and capricious decision making as we are witnessing from the US Supreme Court. Their decisions are disconnected from every law, custom, norm, and Constitutional principle that anchors American government to the nation’s people. Arbitrary and capricious decision making do not jibe with democratic self-rule; one must prevail over the other. One was created to stop the other. They are mutually exclusive, and yet the Court demands that we accept arbitrary and capricious as the new norm.

The US Supreme Court is willfully throwing its integrity and credibility overboard, and becoming yet another failed American institution seeking to simply rule the masses with brute force. 

Despite housing the supposed greatest American political historians, the Court seems to intentionally kick sand in the face of The People. Even as The People are gathering their pitchforks and torches, these blind political elites deliberately mis-steer a path of self-government that yaws this way and that, moving America off course by design, throwing it off of its Constitutional orbit, deviating from the straight and just trajectory America has been on for 244 years. As an object yaws in its orbit, it becomes destabilized and eventually thrown off course forever. In nautical and aeronautical terms, America is now beginning to spin out of control, going off its rocker, going off course.

These dramatic moments are the powerful stuff of dramatic plays, told to Western audiences for at least three thousand years to teach pointed lessons from past mistakes, for a reason. And so one must ask, Whose skull will Hamlet II hold in the eventually inevitable tragic play that will be done years hence to describe the obviously avoidable downfall of the first American republic?

[Yaw: To swerve off course momentarily or temporarily; to move unsteadily; weave;  to deviate temporarily from a straight course. If a ship or plane yaws too much, its deviations will become permanent and fatal to its enterprise]

How lovely. Our first ever un-President’s Day!

We Americans just had our first un-President’s Day. That is, the non-President’s Day President’s Day. Which is to say, the holiday about presidents Washington and Lincoln that is actually not really about them any more.

This is because some people have decided to destroy everything that makes America America, and to try to turn America into something else that bears no resemblance to the America founded by General George Washington, our first president and the one for whom President’s Day is really all about. The person these people have selected to represent them is corrupt political careerist Joe Biden, who represents absolutely zero of what George Washington stood for.

King George III remarked about George Washington that he was “the greatest man in history” for having refused the crown as America’s first monarch. George Washington was so devoted to democracy in general, and in particular to the republican form of democracy with all of its fractured power sources and inherent checks and balances, that he declined to assume the absolute power of a monarch.

Contrast our heavenly subject George Washington with the lying, thieving, senile, corrupt failure in the White House right now. Joe Biden and his corrupt family are pretty much owned by the China Communist Party, and both Biden and his Democrat Party enablers are on a mad dash to not only steal elections, but to consolidate power Power POWERRR! so that no one can ever again challenge them or stop them from coercing heretofore free Americans into doing things we would not normally choose to do.

And this is why the President’s Day of 2021 is actually the un-President’s Day. Because unlike past President’s Days, this year’s holiday is not about the finest human qualities as demonstrated by George Washington’s self-control and humility. Rather, it is now remarked by the exact opposite behavior: Deep personal financial corruption by the current occupant of the White House, deeply fraudulent elections nationally and in many states that enabled Biden and the Democrat Party to illegally seize power, and a lethargic inward-looking Republican Party that cannot move off its ass to save itself much less the America that it supposedly exists for and to serve.

And so rather than “celebrate” President’s Day yesterday, I toasted General George Washington, for simply being an incredible human being. May God grant America such brave, just, and good leadership again, and soon.

And for all the nitwits who complain that General George Washington owned slaves, where the hell is your outrage against the Democrat Party you vote for and cheer on as it wipes out 244 years of carefully crafted democracy in its bloodthirsty quest for absolute POWER? Today’s Democrat Party is the second largest slave owner in the world, the first being the Chinese Communist Party, in which the Democrat Party is enthralled and in awe.

Sorry. I forgot. If liberals did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all. “Rules for thee but not for me” is the new Democrat Party mantra.

“Make the US Military BLM”

When you are a small business guy like me, and you satisfy your political interests primarily by blogging about politics and culture, the past twelve years have provided endless opportunities for going from one “I can’t believe it” post to another.

Let’s face it, while most Americans were asleep and under the illusion that America is too big to fail, America is under increasingly direct assault from within. We have an entire political party devoted to destroying America, while calling everyone else standing in their way ‘traitors’ etc. This is evil, vile stuff.

So along the way lots and lots of people on both sides have been kind of squaring up across from each other, kind of sizing each other up and assessing the likelihood of the other guy’s chances in what seems a more and more inevitable violent clash between the Americans and the actual traitors worming holes through America from inside. Lots of times the Leftists would say they would have the military on their side, and the Patriots would laugh out loud. Because the US military has always been America’s bastion of patriotism and loyalty to the US Constitution. Those boys and gals would never take the side of people who were actually against America.

That was true, until now.

As of a week ago, the US Military is in a “stand down” order by the new and openly communist Secretary of Defense.

Claiming without any evidence that the US military is presently rife with “extremism” and “white supremacy,” Lloyd Austen has ordered an illegal, un-American, unconstitutional, and classically Marxist philosophical purge of the United States military.  Despite the US military serving as the largest ethnic and racial melting pot on Planet Earth, all bound together by a common set of values and American identity, Lloyd Austen is trying to eliminate the very people we want protecting us, so that he can turn the US military into a Black Lives Matter militia that will forcefully dominate the American civilians.

So to those Qanon people who were dreamily fantasizing about the US military conducting a corrective action against the fraudulent and illegal Biden administration, keep dreaming. The reality is a nightmare, where all true patriots who are loyal to America as founded, will be illegally and systematically eliminated from military service. Austen’s true goal is to make the US military into an officially armed Black Lives Matter.

God only knows how this immoral ethnic cleansing will be accomplished, but if the way openly racist, violent, Marxist BLM has conducted itself on college campuses and in police forces across America, it will be swift, totalitarian, authoritarian, and designed to absolutely crush any opposition to it. Due process will be non-existent, and plenty of fake examples will be made of the innocents gathered up in this net. The Democrat Party media will help spread the lies.

If there were ever a time for the US military leadership to rise up and strip these pretenders to the throne of their illegal gains, now would be it. But we also know that the deep character rot inside the US military is like every other institution now overthrown and co-opted by the Democrat Party, and so no corrective action will occur. At best a few generals and admirals will officially voice their opposition to Lloyd Austen’s genocidal plan, and they will be summarily retired. In their places will be elevated those human scum who dream of nothing but dominating other human beings by force. And so we now witness the true end of America happening right before our eyes.

There is likely no political solution to this. The spineless Republican Party has turned out to be yet another adjunct to the extremist anti-USA Democrat Party, and so the GOP mounts zero opposition. Perhaps some strong governors can try to stem the tide for a while. Maybe some states will secede from the Union, understandably so. But this is it. Once the US military is purged of its patriots, the true end of America as we knew her until a couple months ago is nigh.

The Marxist revolution will be complete.



Beijing Biden’s Blitzkrieg on America, Day 14

For a corrupt, pedophile, senile, failed political establishment guy who in 47 years of office holding achieved nothing and was remarked only for his plagiarism and lies, not-my-president “Beijing” Joe Biden sure has accomplished a lot AGAINST American citizens in just 14 days.

All kinds of ruling by fiat – executive orders – a hallmark of dictators everywhere. The contents of these orders are so overwhelmingly against the rights and interests of everyday American citizens that it takes your breath away. And if anyone wondered why this flurry of activity is just the beginning of the left’s total insider assault on America, they can look no farther than the father of Biden’s actions, German Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler conducted his takeover of Germany in almost exactly the same way Biden and his anti-America Left associates are doing it. Absolute Blitzkrieg, or “lightning attack” in German. It was designed then to shock and overwhelm the German political system, and later the military defenses of surrounding nations, so that Hitler’s Nazi Party could assume full and unchallenged control.

America’s political system has been a 245-year delicately woven arrangement of checks and balances that favor no one group or party holding all of the power. It has been set up as a shock absorber meant to take the bounces that democratic politics occasionally give to the body politic. What America’s system was not set up to do was to facilitate and insulate the complete and sudden illegal takeover of the entire political system by one group, and yet this is exactly what has happened.

Like Adolf Hitler and all of the Eastern European communists before and after him, Beijing Biden is moving ultra fast to solidify his iron grip over all aspects of American life. Bloggers and political activists are being hunted down across America right now by teams of rogue FBI agents, while the FBI HQ issues press releases attributing the resulting extrajudicial assassinations of these individuals to “child slave trafficking.” The mainstream media, which is now an official arm of Biden’s American Nazi Party, simply mouths the official narrative of these unconstitutional operations designed to shut down and silence free Americans. No one looks into the FBI’s low-credibility claims, because the enemies of Biden and the corrupt FBI are the enemies of the US media.

And like dictators all around the world, Biden’s ruling elites have suddenly surrounded themselves with armed guards and walls and fences in Washington DC, while simultaneously telling Americans that WE cannot have a wall around our nation, nor guns with which to defend ourselves. And Democrat Party officials like PA Lt Gov John Fetterman are telling us that challenging the 2020 election results is “not protected speech,” after four years of Democrat Party and establishment media lying every single day about Donald Trump being a Russian spy, and Ukraine hoax, and and and… This hypocrisy is the new standard for behavior from the Nazi Democrat Party.

Problem is, America voted for Donald Trump, not Beijing Biden, and while Biden has his foot on the gas pedal to accelerate his hostile takeover before real opposition can develop, tens of millions of patriotic, loyal Americans are waking up to the stark new very evil reality they face.

I have no crystal ball, and I can’t predict anything. There are a lot of ways Americans can resist the Democrat Party’s all-out assault on America, including retrenching at the state and local level. Most of this has yet to be explored, although some of it is beginning to take shape, like the creation of Second Amendment sanctuary cities, counties, and states. In effect, these places will become no-go zones for corrupt enforcers of the Biden Regime, like rogue FBI and ATF agents. One thing I can surely predict with 100% accuracy is that this gamble by the Democrat Party to establish itself as the full and complete rulers of America will eventually fail, badly.

You can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out, goes one quip. And so one way or another, the Democrat Party’s insider assault on America will eventually fail, but only after a great many innocent people suffer as a consequence. Just like in Germany, and Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, and…and…and… the list goes on in human history, where dictatorial over-reach results in the citizenry eventually rising up and taking back their own authority. But it is the very nature of tyrants and dictators to ignore history, and to think that THIS time, they will rule absolutely and without challenge.

Eventually lightning plays itself out, the storm passes, and the sunshine penetrates the darkness. It is as inevitable as the sun rising every morning.